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MORRIS, MBTA Personnel At Subject: Post: Distribution: approximately Transit Mention DAVID Order CHIEFS Police GALPER, at Standard

Date: 10:05 COMMENDATION, Roll Number: January DONALD Calls AM Distribution on2006 RUSSELL through Tuesday, 18, SERGEANT -2006 14January AND November LOPES, PAUL 24, SABIN 8, OFFICER 2006 2005, David Galper observed a ject running into the entrance of 399 Boylston Street with a cloud of red smoke en subhis body. The subject, later identified as Henry Jones, discarded a dye-pac in t veloping he lobby the building of and then proceeded to flee down Boylston Street towards Arlington S Mr. tation. Approximately Galper followed halfway the down suspect the block, while Mr. calling Galper 911advised on his two cellconstruction phone. worker s; Donald Russell and Paul Sabin, to stop the suspect as he had just robbed a bank. Th ey imme-joined the chase, following Jones into Arlington Station and then bringi diately ng up At this himBoylston to back time, Sergeant Street. Michael Lopes and Officer Jason Morris heard a Transit Po lice radioof two civilians fighting with a bank robbery suspect at Arlington Sta broadcast tion. They notified control that they were in the vicinity and were responding immediately to the Upon arrival, call. they observed the suspect struggling with the two civilians in an attempt away. Sergeant The to Lopes officers get established quickly command subdued of thethe suspect sceneand andplaced coordinated him inthe custody. efforts of r ing personnel from the Transit Police Department, Boston Police Department and t espondhe Bank Task Force. Through his efforts, crime scenes were quickly established a Robbery t the the point of arrest and at 399 Boylston Street. A positive ID was obtained bank, pect The of quick the andsusthe anddye-pac courageous and actions $1,966.00 ofof David the Galper, stolen money Donald were Russell recovered. and Paul Sabin vented a dangerous felon from escaping from the scene of a crime and enabled pol preice make The immediate to an apprehension response and and recover professional critical actions evidence. of Sergeant Lopes and Officer Mo enabled them to quickly subdue the suspect, preventing potential injury to civil rris ianthe in personnel area and preserving important physical evidence on the suspects person. Ad ally, the actions initiated once the arrest was completed were critical in prese ditionrving ous crime the scenes vari- and retrieving vital evidence. Their dedication to their law en responsibilities and the calm and deliberate manner in which they responded to t forcement his situation is a reflection of their dedication to the law enforcement profession and t heir daily to excellence. commitment

For the aforementioned reasons, David Galper, Donald Russell, Paul Sabin, Sergea chael nt Mi-Lopes and Officer Jason Morris are hereby awarded a Certificate of Commend a copy of which will be made a permanent part of Sergeant Lopes and Officer Morri ation, ss personnel files. The presentation will take place at 10:00 AM on January 27, 2006, at Police Headquarters.

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