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Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. is a fast growing organization.

Due to the increasing number of newly recruited staff, the Human Resource Manager, Mr. Muhammad Lutfi Latif feels a team-building weekend needs to be held. Below is the proposal to be submitted to the CEO of Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. Bearing in mind the 5C's of communication, complete the parts of this proposal. You are advised to include your own additional information wherever necessary. 1. Executive Summary
Record from our Human Resource and complaints from department managers proves that Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. has a problem with relationship among staffs. To enhance relationship among newly recruited staff and senior staffs, we need to organize a teambuilding weekend. The recommended changes will cost less than RM5000 and will enhance relationship among staff so that it can build a strong team along with increase in staffs performance.

2. Background
From our records for the last three months prove that some of newly recruited staffs are lack in participations with the senior staffs. Some of them were likely to work with staffs that they only know. In addition, there are some of departments managers complaints about this problem because when the task assigned to them as a team, they will more prefer to do it alone.

3. Problems
As a good organization, we recognize that newly recruited staffs are expecting a good relationship with the senior staff. We risk of losing a good staffs if Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. does not find the solution to create a good relationship among staffs. In todays fierce and aggressive business environment, working in teams is so crucial because resources are always limited and customer demands keeps increasing thus pushing organizations to perform way beyond their limits.

4. Objectives
The purpose of this proposal is to enhance the relationship among Funstasticzs staffs. This proposal will optimize cooperation among the newly recruited staff so that they know each other well and become the good team.

5. Plan of work
Problems with relationship among staffs can be eliminated if we organize a team-building weekend for our staffs to know each other. In this event, we will conduct some of team building activities and ice breakers that are energizing events which combine fun interaction with a higher level of problemsolving, innovation and strategic planning. These activities are designed to enhance individual and team growth through experiences that have a strong connection to teamwork, trust and communication. All programs are tailored to meet our goals. Our team building weekend will strengthen the cohesiveness of our company.

6. Budget
The proposal activity will cost Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. Following are the details of the expenses. Foods (breakfast,lunch & hi-tea)100@RM20 Venue (Gua Tempurung,Perak) Transportations (Bus) Total RM2000 RM1000 RM2000 RM5000

7. Conclusion
If the relationship between staffs is not improved, the future problems are likely to occur. We might face a problem with the performance because working in teams is so crucial because resources are always limited and customer demands keeps increasing thus pushing organizations to perform way beyond their limits. We recommended that RM5000 be allocated in this operating budget for the team-building weekend. This activity will enhance our company performance.

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