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Prepositions of place, direction and time - Exercise Explanation: Prepositions

Choose the correct prepositions.

I'm Peter and I live travel we went to our hotel Last summer I took a plane

Germany. Italy, because

summer I like to the weather and the people there. Munich to Rome. the airport a small restaurant the restaurant. Nobody the the small campfires

bus. We stopped

for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus could find the bus and the driver, so we waited restaurant park angry and went dancing

one hour. The driver was walking the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very him. But my holidays were great. We sat the early mornings.

1. of/ in/ at 2. in/ during/ at 3. after/ to/ towards 4. by/ from/ of 5. from/ over/ against 6. from/ on/ after 7. by/ with/ on 8. between/ up/ at 9. behing/ over/ below 10. outside/ down/ on 11. across/ through/ off 12. nears/ over/ round 13. at/ with/ over 14. over/ at/ round 15. for/ against/ till Write the correct prepositions into the gaps. Example: Look! The people are getting ___ the train. Answer: Look! The people are getting on the train.

1) She was born 2) They are waiting

2004. the bus. you.

3) Don't forget to bring some flowers 4) I haven't smoked 5) You can look up the word 6) She is allergic 7) I'm looking ages.

a dictionary.

insect stings. my keys. Have you found them? Madonna.

8) The song was written

9) He likes to travel

Spain in summer. the streets.

10) The police car chased the robbers

1) hang 2) listen 3) talk 4) go 5) arrive 6) look 7) sleep 8) lie 9) wait 10) hide At the airport/ behind the tree/ during the night/ on the beach/ on the phone/ out of the window/ out with friends/ outside the stadium/ to music/ to the swimming pool Put in the correct preposition. Example: He concentrates __ physics. Answer: He concentrates on physics.

1) My friend is good 2) She complains 3) They are afraid 4) She doesn't feel

playing volleyball. bullying. losing the match. working on the computer. going out at the weekend.

5) We are looking forward 6) Laura dreams 7) Andrew apologized 8) Do you agree 9) The girls insisted 10) Edward thinks

living on a small island. being late. staying in a foreign country? going out with Kerry. climbing trees this afternoon.

at, in or on? - Choose the correct prepostition from the dropdown menu and form correct time phases. Example: ____ midnight (at/in/on) Answer: at midnight

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) away

September 12 o'clock winter Easter Monday 4th July, 1776 Christmas Tuesday the weekend my birthday the end of the week by down into off on out over through under

1. They were party animals in college. They went came home before four o'clock in the morning. 2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please, go story. 3. Our neighbor's car alarm went all.

almost every night and rarely

. I really want to hear the end of your

several times last night, so I didn't sleep well at

4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go Let's just say it's going to cost the government a lot of money. 5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going couple of times before you try to take it. 6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go

the details.

your notes from class a

the post office on my way to work.

7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than a week? I couldn't believe everything they went incredible. 8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers, it finally went . . Their story was absolutely

9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make them go . .

10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go











1. While you are hiking in the forest, you need to look often lying on the trails. 2. If you don't know his phone number, you can look it 3. The police are going to look Hopefully, they will find the thief. 4. While he was looking 5. If you look

for rattlesnakes. They are

in the phone book.

the recent robberies in the neighborhood.

the papers, he noticed a couple of spelling mistakes.

the telescope, you can see the rings around Saturn. the children while we are at the business dinner. from the sun. Looking at the sun

6. Sandy is going to look

7. When there is an eclipse, you should look can sometimes damage your eyes. 8. I lost my keys. Can you help me look


9. The lost child stood there in the middle of the store looking parents. 10. She always looks arrogant.

trying to find his

on people who don't agree with her. I think she is very

back by down into on out over through together with Welcome to "Introduction to Computers and the Internet." This course is designed to help inexperienced computer users get their fear of technology and get with computers and it

"technically." We are going to teach you how to get get

the Internet. I am your instructor, Mr. Pfeffer, and these are my two

assistants, Mrs. Frank and Miss DePaul. Together, we are going to help you get these lessons. By the time you get of this class, you will have mastered the

concepts you need to successfully navigate the Web.

First, I would like everyone to get gotten

groups and choose a computer. Once you have to work. We will be

and chosen a place to sit, we will get

learning about different browsers and how they function. We will teach you how to interpret the layout of a web page and how to know where to click to move to other parts of the web site. At that point, we are going to take a short fifteen minute break.

After you all get

to class, we are going to discuss web-based content. We are

going to teach you how to find the content you want using sources such as Yahoo or Alta Vista. So, let's get started.

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