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Annotated Bibliography

What effects does social-networking have on a persons self-esteem?

Larissa Fogle Professor Malcolm Campbell English 1102 12 March 2013

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Annotated Bibliography Pappas, Stephanie. Facebook with care: Social networking site can hurt self-esteem. 7 February 2012. Foxnews. Web. 11 March 2013. This article talked about a lot of aspects of Facebook. For example, when someone gets a friend request the person gets a boost. Also, when someone reads a Facebook status that is extremely positive of someone else it can in return diminish the persons self-esteem because it can make the person question if their own life is good enough. In a study done the cut off for Facebook friends was around 354. After that amount people started to feel bad about themselves when they read status updates. It also talks about the different effects on males and females. This is a reliable source because it is FoxNews. It is one of the biggest news sources out there. Also, when I looked up Stephanie Pappas she has had multiple articles published on FoxNews. I will be using some of the information I read about. It was very helpful because it looked at different aspects that my other sources havent covered.

University of Georgia. "Facebook makes us feel good about ourselves, research finds." ScienceDaily, 26 Jun. 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. I found this document on Science Daily. There was no author listed, but ScienceDaily is a trusting site due to it having the latest science research, and the articles on the website reference a source where you can see the backup information. Also, I have witnessed multiple professors using ScienceDaily to tell us about recent news. The article is about what people do while on social-networking sites and how it transforms into self-esteem

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or narcissism. This gave me the idea of defining the differences between self-esteem and narcissism in my paper. To back up the argument, ScienceDaily references a study published online by Computers in Human Behavior. In the study, the researchers found that MySpace had more of an effect on narcissism and Facebook had more of an effect on self-esteem. In the document it also says that social-networking shouldnt be seen as an answer to building self-esteem. I will definitely be using multiple parts of this article because of the information gathered really helps me support/answer my main question. I believe this source will help me begin my paper and then transition to my research survey.

Valkenburg, Patti, Peter Jochen, and Alexander Schouten. Friend Networking Sites and Their Relationship to Adolescents'. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking. 5. 9. Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2006. Web. 10 March 2013 This article is about a research survey done on 881 kids ranging from 10-19 years of age that had an account on a Dutch social-networking site called CU2. The study showed that the sites had an indirect effect on their self-esteem and well-being. Although, the survey showed if a profile was given positive comments the self-esteem of that person went up, and if a profile was given negative comments the self-esteem of that person went down. This is a scholarly article because when I researched the authors, they all have had a lot of their work published; also, the volumes were all published. Each of the authors worked together to do multiple experiments covering a lot of psychological behavior within humans. It gives me where the survey began, what site it targeted, the initial hypothesis, outcomes, how many were surveyed, etc. The intended audience is for

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anyone who is interested in the topic, and it was written to give the results and the steps of the survey to the public. This article is very useful to my research because it is a survey done on multiple kids/teenagers. It tells me the initial thoughts of the researchers and the information they gathered. I will definitely be using this in my paper because I was looking for a good study done on self-esteem and social-networking sites.

Wilcox, Keith and Stephen, Andrew T., Are Close Friends the Enemy? Online Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and Self-Control. Journal of Consumer Research. 12 September 2012. Web. 14 March 2013. This research document covers five experiments done, and one of the experiments conducted was the effects of social-networking (mainly Facebook) on self-esteem. Like the other experiment source I am using it covers the hypothesis, conclusion, observations, but this adds a little more. Not only does it give me the major details, it also gives me the equations used to find the percentages. Along with describing the effects of self-esteem, it also talks about self-control on websites and how it can contribute to a persons selfesteem. Something that I found really interesting was that people now a day spend over 700 billion minutes on Facebook per month! This is a scholarly article because the two authors of this paper are assistant professors at the Business School of Columbia University, and it was edited by multiple of their colleagues. The research done was funded by The Katz Fellowship Fund at The University of Pittsburgh. As of right now, I plan on using some of the information I gathered. Even if I do not end up using a lot from this source, it taught me a lot of interesting facts.

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