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By Denali Kaun Faria

Chapter One: Minecraft Computer Version Minecraft is a game which has a lot of characters. Some of the characters are nice, some are evil. The job of the nice characters is to help you by trading things with you.

For example, if you give these characters wood, they will give you food or you can exchange gold for diamonds with them. The nice characters will help you survive in the game.

Moreover, you have to protect them from the zombies. When it becomes night, the zombies show up.

You can use torches to see better and you have to kill the zombies before they kill you.

The evil characters are skeletons, creepers, spiders, ender dragons, ender men, zombie pig men,magma cubes, magma cubes, and ghasts. Their goal is to kill you by taking away your ten hearts.

There are a lot of animals all over the game like sheep, pigs, cows, dogs, and cats. You can kill some of these to get food.

Chapter Two: How Win to First of all, you have to chop down a tree and get the wood that falls down and put it in your inventory. Tin hen make wooden planks and make a crafting table. To nish your house, chop down a lot of trees because you need a lot of wood.

Make a wooden pickaxe and a wooden sword. Then go outside your house, go nd a sheep and kill it with the sword and kill two more sheep until you get three wool shearlings from the sheep. When you are done, go into your house.

In your house, put three wooden planks in a row on your crafting table. Do the same with the three sheep shearlings. This will make a bed. Dont forget to put the bed inside your house.

You also need to make a door for your house in order to protect yourself from the mobs. To make a door, put two wooden planks in the opening. Continue to stack wooden planks in the opening until you reach the out of bounds. Then get your door. Put your door in the open space that you use to get out of your house.

Then go to sleep in your bed and wait for sunrise.

In the morning, get your wooden pick ax and go make a mine. Begin digging and be sure to make a staircase to go up and down. Try to nd coal. If you nd iron, do not get it until you make a stone pickaxe. The main thing is to try to nd diamonds, iron, ore, or limestone. These can be helpful for you.

When you nd coal, you can use it to make a torch. Go back home and make some torches. You need these to light up your house at night. Get the torches and put by right clicking it on the walls to light up your house. Finally, you will need to eat so go outside with your sword and go try to nd ducks, cows or pigs to kill for food.

Chapter Three: The Controls On the keyboard of your computer, you will use different keys to move yourself in Minecraft. T move forward press the w key and to move backward, press the s key. To move right and left press the d and the a keys. To jump, you can press the space bar.

The mouse is used to look around. The right click on your mouse is to break blocks. The left click is to place blocks at your crafting table or to open a door or a chest.

Or, instead of using the keyboard letters, you can change your controls to the arrow keys. You can use shift to crouch. Lastly, the escape key takes you to the main menu.

You can use the F5 key to view your body from different angles. The scroll on your mouse is used to change items. You can change items using all the number keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0.

The E key is to go to your inventory. This is all you need to know about Minecraft in order to play for now. In the case of an update things could change. There Mods which are like Apps that you add to the game.

Chapter 4 History Markus Notch Persson is the creator of minecraft. It was published for PC on 2009, and on 2012 it was available for Xbox 360. This game won 5 awards in 2011 in the conference of game Developers.

This year the game has been sold over 10 million copies for PC and 20 million copies for other devices. The creator was inspired by other games like Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Keeper and Inniminer.

Notch was working for a company when he create the game. He was so much into the game that he decide to do his own company about minecraft. His company is in charge of uploading and support all customers need.

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