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tr LexisNexis.'
LEXISNEXIS' CODEOF FEDERALREGULATIONS & Company, a member Copyright(c) 201l, by MatthewBender ofthe LexisNexis Group.All rightsreserved. rt** THIS SECTION I,2OI I TTI IS CURRENTTHROUCHT}IE SEPTEMBFR *.T JSSUE **' OF THE FEDERALREGISTER TITLE 30.. MINERAL RESOURCES DEAND ENFORCEMENT, CHAPTER|I.-BUREAUOF OCEANENERGYMANAGEMENT,REGTILATION, PARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR B -- OFFSHORE SUBCHAPTER SHELF IN TIIEOUTER CONTTNENTAL PART25O_ OILAND GASAND SULPHUROPERATIONS SUBPARTD- OIL AND GAS DRILLINGOPERATIONS CASING AND CEMENTING REQUREMENTS Go to the CFR Archive Directorv 30 cFR 254.421 by type of casingsring? requirements $ 25032t What arethe casingandcementing requirements for casingsbings and liners. The table in this sectionidentifiesspecificdesign,setting andcementing ofsubpart D, th casingsuingsin orderofnormal installationareas follows: drivc or stnrctural,conFor the purposes (including tiners).The District Managermay approveor pnescribe ductor, swface,intermediate, andproductioncasings whereappropriate. andcementing requirements othercasing Casingtype (a) Drive or Structural
Casing requirements Set by driving, jetting, or drilling to the minimum depth as approved or prescribed by the District Manager Design casing and select sefiing depths based on relevsnt engineering and geologic factors. These facton include the presenc or absenceof hydrocarbons, potential hazards, and warer deplhs Set casing immediately before drilling into formations known to contain oil or gas. If you encounteroil or gas or unexpected formation

(b) Conductor

g requirements Cementin Ifyou drilleda portion of thishole,you must to fill useenough cement backto the annularspace the mudline. to fill cement Useenough annular the calculated space backto tbe mudline. fill by Veri$ annular returns. observing cement Ifyou cannotobserve refums,use cement additionalcementto fill-back to the ensure mudline. For drilling on an artificialislandor wben usinga gloryhole,Yott

Exhibit No.
Worldwide Court lnc.




(c) Surface

Casingrequirements pressure beforethe plqrned casingpoint, you must setcasing immediately Design casingandselect settingdepthsbasedon relevantengineering and gcologrcfactors.These factorsinclude the presence or absence of po.tential hydrocarbons, hazards, andwater depths

requirements Cementing mustdiscuss thecement fill levelwith the Disrict Manager. fill cementto Useenough annular lhe calculated space to at least200 feet insidethe conductor casing. Whengeologicconditions suchasnear-surface fiacturesandfaulting exist,you mustuse ccmenttofill lhe enough calculated annularspace to &e mudline. to Useenoughcement coverand isolateall zones hydrocarbon-bearing andisolateabnormal pressurp intervalsfiom intervals nonnal pressurc in the well. As a minimum,you must cemeulthe annularspace 500 feet abovethe casing shoeand500 feet above eachzoneto be isolated. cementto Useenough all coveror isolate zones hydrocarbon-bearing abovethe shoe, As a minimum,you must cementlhe annularspace at least5fi) feet above the casingshoeand5fi) feetabovethe uppennost zone. hydrocarbon-bearing Same ascementing for specific requirements casingtypes.For examplc,a liner usedas casingmust intermediate to according be cemented tbe cem6nting for requirements casing. intermediate

(d) Intermediale

Design casingandsclcct settingdepthbasedon anticipatedor geologic encountered characteristics or wellboreconditions

(e) Production

Design casing and select setring deplh based on anticipated or encountcrcd geologic characieristics or wellborc conditions

(f) Linen

Ifyou usea liner as conductoror surface casing you must setthe top of the liner at least 20Oft abovethe previouscasingAiner shoe Ifyou usea liner asan intermediate string below a surfacestring or productioncasingbelow m intermediatestring. you must setthe top of theliner at leastl&) feet abovethe previous casingshoe.


30cFR 250.421

HISTORY: [68 FR 8402, 8426,Feb.20,2003] AUTHORITY: AUTHORITY NOTE APPLICABLETO ENTIREPART: 3a U.S.C. I75I; 3l U.S.C. 97AI;43 U.S.C. 1334. NOTES: NOTESAPPLICABLETO ENTIRETITLE: CROSSREFERENCES: Bmeauof Land ManagemenlDepartment with respectto mineral ofthe Interior, regulations lands:43 CFR"chapter ll, subchapter C. FederalEnergyRegulatoryCommission, Deportment of Energy: l8 CFR chapterI. ForeignTradeStatistics, Bureau of theCensus, Department of Commerce: 15CFRpart30. ForestServiceregulationsrelatingto mineraldcvelopments and mining in nationalforests:36 CFR part 251. Genera!ServicesAdministrationregulationsfor stockpilingof srarcgic and critical urderials: 4l CFR subtitlc C, sub' chapterC. Geological Survey:30 CFR chaptcr II. InterstateCommerceCommission: 49 CFR chaprer XBureauof Indian Affairs, Departrnent of the Interior, mining regulations: 25 CFR clupter I, subchaperI. EDITORIAL NOTE: Other regulationsissuedby the Deparrnentofthe Interior appear in titlc 25, chapten I andII; title 36, cbapter I; title 41, chapterI 14,title 43; andtitle 50, chapters I andIV. NOTESAPPLICABLE TO ENTIREPART: changes at 7] FR 46398, 46399,46400,Aug. 14, affectingPart 250 appear IPUBLISHER'SNOTE: Nomenclature 2006_l IPUBLISHER'SNOTE: For FederalRegistercitationsconcsrningPart250 Availability of an Initial RegulatoryFlexibility Analysis,see:75 FR 807I 7, Dec.23, 2010.1 601 words

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