Unit 4 AP Gov Vocab NEW

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Unit 4 AP Gov vocab Vesting clause-presidents constitutional authority to control the most executive functions.

Article 2 Section 1-The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. Executive agreement-a formal agreement between the U.S president and the leaders of other nations that does not require Senate approval Congressional-executive agreement-a formal agreement between the U.S president and the leaders of other nations that requires approval by both houses of congress Recess appointment-Presidential appointment made without Senate confirmation during Senate recess. Veto-ability for president to refuse to sign a bill into law, bill returned to congress needs 2/3s of both houses to override Pocket Veto-a veto exercised by the president after congress has adjourned; if the president takes no action for ten days, the bill does not become law and is not returned to congress for possible override. Take Care Clause-constitutional requirement(Article II, Section 3) that presidents take care that laws are faithfully executed, even if they disagree with the purpose of those laws. State of the Union Address-the presidents annual statement to Congress and the nation. ***War Powers Act-1973,also referred to as the War Powers Resolution, is a resolution of Congress that stated that the President can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if America is already under attack or serious threat. The War Powers Act requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing troops to military action and forbids troops from remaining for more than 60 days without a declaration of war. Executive privilege-power to keep executive communications confidential, especially if they relate to national security Executive Order-A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law. **Impoundment-presidential refusal to spend funds that congress authorized and appropriated. Outlawed in 1974 Line item veto-is a special form of veto that authorizes a chief executive to reject particular provisions of a bill enacted by a legislature without vetoing the entire billunconstitutional in 1998 Signing statementMandate-a presidents claim of broad public support Rally points- a rise in public approval of the president that follows a crisis as Americans rally round the flag and the chief executive ***************************************************************************************** Bureaucracy-a form of organization that operates through impersonal, uniform rules and procedures Department-usually the largest organization in government with the largest mission; also the highest rank in the federal hierarchy Independent agencyIndependent stand-alone agency- a government agency that operates outside a traditional government but under the presidents direct control.

Independent regulatory commission/agency-a government agency or commission regulatory power whose independence is protected by Congress Government corporation-a government agency that operates like a business corporation, created to secure greater freedom of action and flexibility for a particular program Senior Executive Service-established by Congress in 1978 as a flexible, mobile corps of senior career executives who work closely with presidential appointees to manage government Civil Service-federal employees who work for government through a competitive, not political selection process Entitlement program- programs such as unemployment insurance, disaster relief, or disability payments that provide benefits to all eligible citizens Oversight- legislative or executive review of a particular government program or organization that can be in response to a crisis of some kind or part of routine review. Rule-a precise statement of how a law is implemented Hatch Act-a federal statue barring federal employers from active participation in certain kinds of politics and protecting them from being fired on partisan grounds. Spoils System- a practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party Merit System-is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections. It is the opposite of the spoils system. Appointee- one who is given a position

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