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a message from dr. price invitation to salvation

Prosperity comes in many different forms. There is social prosperity If you

and mental prosperity, and there is professional prosperity, when God
blesses the work you are doing on your job. Once you marry, you can also
are not a
experience marital prosperity. There is parental prosperity in terms of rais- Christian
ing your children, and physical prosperity in terms of your health. No
Christian has a problem with any of these ways through which God can
prosper us. No minister, theologian, or church denomination will tell you would
that any of these areas of prosperity are bad, or of the devil. like to
When it comes to financial and
material prosperity, however, that is become one,
an entirely different ballgame. When pray the
“Prosperity you begin to talk about those two
forms of prosperity, you become a tar-
comes in get. All the worms come out of the
woodwork, and you might even have
many some people talk about you. But I
know the true reason these attacks
different come. Satan knows that if he can keep

forms.” Christians poor, he can hinder the

proclamation of the gospel. And he
Dear GOD in Heaven,

has done a good job of keeping Thank you for sending Your
Christians poor up to the present time. Son JESUS CHRIST to destroy
It costs money to proclaim the the power of Satan over my life. I
gospel. It costs money to build or rent a church building, to provide a pas- accept Jesus now as my personal
SAVIOR and LORD, and I
tor for a congregation, to equip a church sanctuary. Christians need an
choose to turn away from the sins
environment in which they can hear the Word, fellowship with one anoth- of my past to a renewed Life in
er, and grow in the knowledge of God. It costs money to send missionar- Jesus.
ies to a place where no one has ever gone before with the gospel.
Satan knows that if he can keep us poor, keep us barely making it, You said that if I would confess
keep us struggling to provide for our own individual households, then we with my mouth the LORD
will have limited resources to give to the Church. By our poverty, he can JESUS and believe in my heart
that You raised Him from the
prevent us from sending out those who need to carry the message of Jesus dead, that I would be saved. I
Christ to others. It’s a conspiracy! A person cannot give what believe JESUS died for my sins
he or she does not have, especially when the person does and that You raised Him from the
not know how to get it. dead for my benefit.
The bottom line is, no matter what medium a
person uses, spreading the gospel quickly boils down HEAVENLY FATHER, I
thank you for the gift of salvation
to dollars and cents. Therefore, if anyone ought to be
and for accepting me now as Your
sympathetic to the idea of material and financial pros- child.
perity, it ought to be Christians. We need to know
how to operate in God’s financial plan. As we prosper In JESUS’ name, Amen.
financially, God prospers in terms of our relationship to
Him. If we are poor, God is poor by our poverty.
If you have prayed this prayer,
please let us know by writing
to us at:
Crenshaw Christian Center
P.O.Box 90000
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Attn: Administration Office


Ever Increasing Faith Magazine

Winter 2008
Vol. IV, No. 1

Antracia Moorings

Publications Coordinator
Michelle McIntosh

Pastor Frederick K. Price Jr.
Dr. LaVerne Tolbert

Contributing Writers
Bishop I.V. Hilliard
Kerri Webb
Brian Williford
6 10 12
Art Design
Lorena Iñiguez

EIF Graphics Designer

Ardena Brooks

Harry Langdon
James Byndon

Charles Rideaux 14 16 20 24
Make Up
Adrian M. Evans
Israel to learn the role that
this nation plays in God’s
Editorial Offices The Purpose of Prosperity divine plan. Read one Islam, Christianity:
7901 South Vermont Avenue By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price young man’s account of how Muhammad, Meet Jesus
Los Angeles, CA 90044 By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
(323) 758-3777
the journey opened his eyes.
There is a purpose for pros-
E-mail: perity, and it is not for you to In this groundbreaking
squander by living the big 16 HEALTH & HEALING teaching, “Race, Religion &
life. In this excerpt from his Racism,” Dr. Price did a
www.faithdome.or g How I Overcame Cancer
new book, Dr. Price explains By Dr. Betty R. Price “comparative analysis” of
To order from or God’s divine design for Islam after noticing that a
to subscribe to this magazine: prosperity. In this excerpt from her number of Blacks were leav-
Call 1-800-927-3436 book, “Through the Fire & ing Christianity for Islam.
Read a few of the differ-
Ever Increasing Faith Magazine is published 12 YOU ARE HELPING TO Through the Water,” Dr.
Betty testifies how the Word ences between the two in
by Crenshaw Christian Center, a recognized MAKE IT HAPPEN
and faith helped her beat this article.
nonprofit corporation. 2008 Crenshaw Experiencing Israel
Christian Center. All rights reserved.
By Brian Williford
Reproduction in whole or part without writ-
ten permission is prohibited. Ever Increasing Last summer, a group of
Faith and the logo on the back page are reg- young people headed to
istered trademarks of Crenshaw Christian
Center, Inc. in the United States and other
countries where Ever Increasing Faith
Magazine circulates. Ever Increasing Faith
14 From The Headlines
24 The Bizness
Magazine has no subscription or newsstand 3 A Message from Dr. Price
price and is supported through contributions.
20 Parenting Matters 26 On the Air
All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible.
Printed in the United States of America.
5 On the Calendar Q&A: Straight Talk with
Contributors 22 Pastor’s Corner Drs. Fred & Betty Price
10 FICWFM Focus


on the itinerary

February 21, 24
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
Crenshaw Christian
March 4-7
Global Summit
Crenshaw Christian
March 30
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
Crenshaw Christian
April 20
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
Body of Christ
April 25
Dr. Betty R. Price
Annual Women’s Retreat
Center East Center—FaithDome Center East International Pacific Palms Resort
1 West 96th Street 7901 S. Vermont Avenue 1 West 96th Street Drs. Joseph Ripley Conf. Center
New York, NY 10025 Los Angeles, CA 90044 New York, NY 10025 Atlanta, GA One Industry Hills
(212) 749-9323 (323) 758-3777 (212) 749-9323 Parkway
April 24, 27 City of Industry, CA
February 22 March 27-28 April 17-18 Pastor Frederick K. Price, Jr. 91744
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Drs. Fred & Betty Price Dr. Frederick K.C. Price Crenshaw Christian
Faith Christian Center FICWFM Regional FICWFM Regional Center East
Rev. David M. Marquard Crenshaw Christian Body of Christ Christian 1 West 96th Street
95 Sagamore Road Center East Church New York, NY 10025
Seekonk, MA 02771 1 West 96th Street Drs. Joe & Marjanita (212) 749-9323
New York, NY 10025 Ripley
(212) 749-9323 Fayetteville, GA

New York
Los Angeles

Bishop Ira V. Hilliard but in September 2007 it was honored as Brian Williford gave
was called at the age one of the top 50 most influential churches in his life fully to Christ in
of nine to preach America. January 2006 and
God’s Word. He and hasn’t looked back
his wife Bridget are the Kerri Webb, the former since. At Crenshaw
co-founders of the Senior Writer for Ever Christian Center, he is
New Light Christian Increasing Faith a faithful Helps
Center Church (“One Magazine, has been a Ministry worker, volun-
Church, Multiple loca- member of Crenshaw teering for the Teen
tions”) in North and Christian Center for 28 Ministry and heading
South Houston; Beaumont and Austin, Texas years. A graduate of up the ministry God gave him, the Prozpect
and the most recently acquired East Houston the University of Street Team. He is currently a senior history
Campus (formerly Lakewood Church - California, Santa major at Loyola Marymount University and
Northeast Campus). Their passion to take Barbara, she is current- strives daily to be more like Christ and glorify
God’s Word to a hurting and lost generation ly the media spokeswoman for the Los God in all that he does.
has resulted in a current church membership of Angeles Sheriff’s Department, and is a mem-
over 28,000 and counting. New Light ber of the Public Relations Society of America
Christian Center Church is not only recog- and the National Association of Black
nized around the country as a Mega-Church, Journalists.


feature article

By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price


God is wealthy.
According to this, God wills that everyone come into the

He wants you to prosper.

knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ and receive Him so they can
be saved. In that way, the relationship God had with man before
the fall of Adam can be re-established.
We see again in Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus:

By following His simple

Then Jesus entered and passed through
Jericho. Now behold, there was a man
named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collec-

rules, you will prosper.

tor, and he was rich. And he sought to see
who Jesus was, but could not because of the
crowd, for he was of short stature. So he ran

But for what reason?

ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to
see Him, for He was going to pass that way.
And when Jesus came to the place, He
looked up and saw him, and said to him,

To what purpose?
“Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for
today I must stay at your house.” So he made
haste and came down, and received Him joy-
fully. But when they saw it, they all com-

plained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest
with a man who is a sinner.” Then Zacchaeus
stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I
here is a purpose for prosperity, and it is not
for you to squander by living the big life. give half of my goods to the poor; and if I
God’s purposes are explained in John have taken anything from anyone by false
6:38–40, where Jesus says: accusation, I restore fourfold.” And Jesus
said to him, “Today salvation has come to
For I have come down from this house, because he also is a son of
heaven, not to do My own will, but
Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to
the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of
the Father who sent Me, that of all He has seek and to save that which was lost.”
—LUKE 19:1–10
given Me I should lose nothing, but should
raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of There is the will of God in a nutshell: “to seek and save that
Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the which was lost” (v. 10).
Son and believes in Him may have everlasting And did you notice the different attitudes in Zacchaeus and
life; and I will raise him up on the last day. the rich young ruler we saw earlier? They were both rich. They


feature article

body of Christ and become His disciples, “Go into all the world
and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). He didn’t
say, “Build a church and wait for the world to come to you.” No,
They were wealthy because they were He said for us to go into the world. Jesus told Peter in Matthew
16:18, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock
sons of Abraham and had tithed and I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail

been obedient.
against it.” Notice that Jesus did not say that it was the church
that had “gates,” but rather Hades. It was clearly a reference to a
movement that was on offense, and that not even the “gates,” or
strongholds, of hell would prevail against us.
were wealthy because they were sons of Abraham and had tithed
and been obedient. But when faced with the Son of God, their
responses were 180 degrees opposite. The rich young ruler went
“Seek first the kingdom of God.”
away sad because he didn’t want to give away his possessions.
Look at Zacchaeus—he didn’t even wait for Jesus to say any-

—Matthew 6:33
thing, nor did he even ask about salvation! He said, “Look, Lord,
I give half my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything
from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold” (v. 8). Being
a tax collector, there were almost certainly some questionable sit-
uations that arose, and since Zacchaeus worked for the Romans
(as did Matthew), he likely resolved most of those disputes in Most Christians have the erroneous notion that the local
favor of the government. church is for getting people saved. No! The local church is for
Zacchaeus got the point, without even being told. The honor the purpose of shepherding the “sheep” and the “lambs” to grow
of having the Son of God grace his house for dinner—you can them up so they can seek the lost. Many Christians have made
imagine poor old Mrs. Zacchaeus was in a frenzy, cleaning and prosperity totally about themselves. They have better clothes,
getting out the good dishes!—so humbled him that his first newer cars, more electronic toys, and bigger houses. But that
thought was, “I need to help other people,” and his second prosperity exists for a reason: “to seek and to save that which was
thought was, “If I’ve wronged someone, I need to make it right.” lost” (Luke 19:10). Prosperity exists to “go into all the world and
His heart was in the right place. He rightly understood that if preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). When Jesus
things were going to get done in this world, it would be through said in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the kingdom of God,” He did-
the hands of man. n’t say “seek only” the kingdom. But if you seek God’s kingdom
When Jesus was ready to go back to heaven, He said to His first, your prosperity will always be directed toward the right
disciples, and ultimately to all of us who would come into the end. —EIF

“If I’ve wronged somenone, I need to

make it right” [Zacchaeus thought].
His heart was in the right place.


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Says Dr. Price, “In this book, I want to show you $17.95
God’s plan for prosperity, and how He intends for all
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dismiss this as ‘name it and claim it.’ It’s nothing of
the sort. It is the very blueprint for how any
Christian should conduct his or her life when it CD
comes to money. Prosperity is the result of doing The Purpose of
God’s Word.”
Prosperity Series
In this new book release Dr. Price presents a comprehen-
sive analysis of what the Bible says about wealth and money— PPD 1 (22-CD)
what God says—and how we, as Believers, fit into the picture.
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FICWFM focus

hat has amazed me over the years is that while some covenant relationship with the Lord I began to focus on learning how to
experience the real promises of kingdom prosperity release my faith for kingdom prosperity. How blessed my wife and I
there are countless others who don’t. Could it be that were to have a front row seat into the lives of Drs. Price. An old preach-
there are some insights; secrets that some have about er told me long ago that more is caught than is taught. From our study
the pursuit of this quality of life that others are unaware of the word of God and the observation of these two precious people of
of? I think so! faith we have learned many amazing lessons on this journey of faith that
With all the teaching that has been done on kingdom prosperity you have caused us to have a balanced pursuit of kingdom prosperity.
would think that more Believers would be experiencing it. Real king- I must admit there are some factors (secrets) about faith for king-
dom prosperity is not exclusively about money, but about wholeness and dom prosperity that many are not aware of that are critical for success. I
fulfillment in life. It cannot be disputed that say, “secrets” not to imply that God is attempting to withhold something
the Bible is filled with undeniable from us, but that there are scriptural truths many don’t value that can
references to God’s desire for determine the quality of your life in Christ. I am convinced that prosper-
the Believer’s life to be one of ity is the Believer’s responsibility; it is based on his decision to seek God’s
way of doing things (his princi-
ples) and implement them in

ecrets of the
his life. Believers must under-
stand that God wants us to
prosper so that we can be a

Prosperous Life
blessing to do the good work
of God in the earth.
Cultivating a consecrated
heart motive to be a blessing is
what keeps character in place
By Bishop I.V. Hlliard when success begins to mani-

enjoyment, fulfillment, prosperity and For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good
abundance. Without a doubt it is the will of God that we experience a works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
better quality of life in Christ than life was before we came into His Ephesians 2:10 (KJV)
covenant family.
Regardless of your present state in life it is still the will of God for
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou you to succeed. God is not a respecter of persons, what He does for one
shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do in principle He must do for another. When my wife and I first embraced
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way living by faith, our needs had needs. Every area of our lives was in bad
prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. shape, but through following a contemporary example and through faith
Joshua 1:8 (KJV) and patience we are experiencing real kingdom prosperity.

If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the
and their years in pleasures. Job 36:11(KJV) victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4

The thief cometh not, Today, I have everything I could ever dream of and God has pro-
but for to steal, and to kill, moted me to a place of influence and blessing. God has done exceeding,
and to destroy: I am come abundantly above all I could ever ask or think. I could not have asked for
that they might have life, and a “better life.” And the one thing that is so heartwarming about my good
that they might have it more success is the many avenues God has given me to share with others on
abundantly. John 10:10 (KJV) living the life He desires for them.

What an awesome witness I am excited to say that my book, Secrets for a Better Life, is my
of scripture which testifies that most recent opportunity to share with the Believer the success principles
our Heavenly Father’s passionate I learned from my years of studying the Word coupled with my commit-
desire is to give us a better life! ment to pursue God’s best. It reveals those things that are rarely taught
The Bible teaches that God’s will but are essential to really experiencing the better life. If you have been
regarding prosperity includes the struggling in your pursuit of better in life I know this book will help you.
whole man – Body, Soul and It addresses my personal strategy for developing successful action plans
Spirit. He desires for us to pros- for life’s most trying situations. And more importantly, I want those who
per in all things, financially, physi- have been written off or considered as the least likely to succeed to know
cally, emotionally, and spiritually. from my book that they can break through these barriers for a better life.
The will of God is not auto- —EIF
matic, but the promises of God Call 800-469-0458 to order your copy today and begin the journey
are received by faith. When I of discovering the “Secrets for a Better Life.”
understood this truth about our


you are helping to make it happen

n July of 2007, I was part of a three-week trip to Israel sponsored ugly history of Christianity in the minds of the Jews. From the
by Crenshaw Christian Center that totally affected the way I see Crusades, to the Spanish Inquisition, to the Holocaust, much of the
our place in the Body of Christ. The trip, geared towards destruction and death of Jews has been done in the name of Christ.
Christian college students all around the U.S. was formed to This has caused a fear of Christians among most Jews and has caused
educate the next generation about the conflicts going on in Israel them to feel that they are only accepted in their own home. But even in
and what God’s purpose is for that nation. their own home they are under constant threat. The Body of Christ is
We traveled to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Caesarea, held responsible in the eyes of the Lord to be protectors of Jews and
Philippi, Capernaum, En Gedi, Masada, Tel Aviv, Sderot, Galilee, the Israel. Not only are we indebted to them for all the suffering we have
Negev desert, the Dead Sea, the Golan Heights, and we even over- caused them, but we are also called to make sure that another holocaust
looked the Gaza strip. We were able to sit down with Knesset mem- does not occur.
bers, Messianic Jews, media personnel, Arab Christians, Israeli citizens, In Isaiah 62:6-7, God says, “I have set watchmen on your walls, O
the Hebrew University board and a host of other people. We had tours, Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make
heard lectures, hiked, and had periods of great fun. Some of the most mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He
memorable experiences were hiking up Masada at four o’clock in the establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” We are
morning and taking dips in the Sea of Galilee. called to be the watchmen on the walls who do not hold our peace. We
are those who make mention of the Lord. There are no other people on
earth who this could be referring to beside the Body of Christ. A new
holocaust is on the horizon and the Arab world leadership is out to

Experiencing destroy both Israel and the Jews. Iran is developing nuclear weapons as
we speak, and, in addition to constant intercession, we are the ones who
are supposed to be standing up politically and otherwise for Israel to
make sure no one is able to destroy God’s chosen people.
The Palestinian Authority has cleverly turned much of the world

ISRAEL against Israel in effort to make them appear as evil. They have used
ideals that the Western world holds dear against Israel. In the West we
revere such notions as democracy, freedom, and anti-racism. The
Palestinian leadership has constantly charged Israel with violating these
ideals when it comes to the treatment of the Palestinian people. They
By Brian Williford
claim that Zionist Jews “occupied” Palestine and that Palestinians are
now living in an apartheid state. The campaign has been so effective
that Israel now sees much of the Western media as being biased
The number one thing we have come to realize is how much the towards the Palestinian side, and Israel has now become “the bad guy.”
Jews are still a part of God’s plan and purpose. Many in the Western After being in Israel and witnessing what is going on there, we have
church believe that the Jews have missed their opportunity, and that found that it is actually the other way around. Palestinians militants
God has replaced them with the Christian Church. This is known in constantly bomb, terrorize, and misuse Israeli citizens. Their politicians
evangelical circles as “replacement theology.” Many believe that the Old actually serve in the Israeli Knesset, where they use every opportunity to
Testament prophecies are referring to the Christian Church as “Israel.” denounce Israel. Many Palestinians teach their children to be suicide
But we have come to the realization that there is still a “natural Israel” bombers and to hate and kill all Jews.
and a “spiritual Israel,” and the Old Testament prophecies are referring Though the Western world, by and large, has a culture that rests on
to “natural Israel.” ideals, the Eastern world looks to religion. While the Palestinians lead-
The trip to Israel, which included about 20 students ages 18-29, was ership is playing the “democracy card” to the Western world, they are
very timely and according to the divine purposes of God. One of the rea- playing the “Allah wills” card to their own people. The Arab world, with
sons that the Israel Experience was created was to educate young its great oil wealth, could and should be helping to solve the situation of
Christians on the reality of the conflicts going on in Israel and the part Palestinian refugees, but they find it more politically profitable to keep
the Body of Christ is to play. them as an open sore to appeal to the West, blaming Israel for their
Much of the suffering of the Jews has been at the hands of so-called plight.
Christians. Whether we like it or not, the fact that We owe a dept of gratitude to the Jews, as
we claim to be Christians links us with the whole Paul says in Romans 3:2, “…because to them were

Williford (far right) with Jeroll Rogers and Cornetta

Lane who also attended the trip.
On a camel in the Negev Desert.


committed the oracles of God.” It is easy for us to say the Jews missed ditions, but we do need to understand them. Since Christianity became
out and that we would have done differently in their place, but the Bible “mainstream faith” under the Roman emperor Constantine, it has lost its
says, “There is none righteous, no not one.” When God was searching way and has failed to acknowledge its roots. This is the reason why
the whole earth for one people who He could commit His oracles to, there is so much division and confusion in the Body of Christ. Imagine
He only found Abraham. He made a covenant that cannot be broken a bunch of branches scattered on the earth and trying to grow without
with Abraham concerning his descendants. The Jews sinned because their roots. This is impossible! The true quest of the Christian Church
they knew sin. When Jesus came in the flesh, no Gentile even knew should be to find out what the early church knew from the time of Jesus
what sin was because we had no law. Had we had the law, we would to the time of Constantine. We need to understand the Old Testament
have missed God too. In Romans 11:11 Paul writes, “…But through their and what certain traditions, symbols, and practices meant in those
fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.” times. We need to learn Hebrew and Greek and be able to understand
The point we are trying to make is that Israel became the scapegoat by the terminology that was used at that time as opposed to our Western
which the whole world would be saved. They became sinners so that interpretation of what certain terms or phrases mean.
we could know the Messiah. No one else in the world took on that chal- The House of Prayer (the Christian Church) must join forces with
lenge. Now it is our turn to return that favor. It is not our job to try to the House of Israel (believing Jews) in order to make the Body com-
convert them. In fact, that is one of the fears that they have of us. God plete. Thanks be to God that there are Messianic Jews all over the
will handle that part. Our job is to acknowledge that we serve the same world! They are being added to the Church daily and have been com-
God and that we have one common enemy. If Christians do not stand ing to the knowledge that Yeshua is their Mashiach. We have even been
for Israel, then who will? in contact with some of them in the Los Angeles area. Is it not amazing
One thing that the Western church has failed to acknowledge is how the Western church has failed to look to these Jews as a source of
that we have a Jewish joint-heir and the basis of our beliefs is an exten- information and interpretation? They have an understanding of the
sion of Judaism. We say we acknowledge that Jesus was a Jew, but to scriptures that we don’t have, and we must find out what they know in
fully acknowledge it we have to go back to the root. Judaism is the root! order for us to go to the next level. We learn something new from them
Being in Israel and studying Judaism and the early church, we have real- all the time. However, they need help. The whole Body must come
ized that the Western church has missed the mark in a big way. Why? together to help each part financially, spiritually, emotionally and in
The fact is that we are trying to interpret the Bible and its principles every other way. This is the true purpose of prosperity – that none suf-
from our thoroughly Western perspective. The early fer lack. This is a family and a brotherhood. What we
church leaders were Jews and they recognized the roots have in faith they make up for in understanding and inter-
of Christianity were Jewish. The apostles never stopped pretation the ancient oracles of God. But just imagine if
going to synagogue or practicing their Jewish traditions. the two houses came together. —EIF
The Body of Christ is not required to practice their tra-
A view of Caesarea, the town where Cornelius became the first Gentile
to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

(800) 391-6145

from the headlines


Pastor Allen Landry was a dedicat- When he wasn’t working at the school or
By Kerri Webb
ed disciple whose love for God was evi- other areas of CCC’s ministry, Allen was the
dent in all areas of his Christian life; both Chaplain for the Los Angeles Clippers bas-
public and private. In October 2007, the ketball team from 1990-2003.
CCC Assistant Pastor and former CCC Allen was a workhorse, dedicated to
East Pastor left this earth after a mighty the spread of the Gospel wherever he could.
fight with cancer. While it is still very He parlayed his interest and following of the
painful to accept that such a powerful fashion industry into being the advisor for
man, who exuded so much life and vital- the Christian Cosmetology Association.
ity, would be taken away from us so sud- He also dabbled in broadcast media by host-
denly, we know that the Word tells us to ing a call-in radio talk show entitled, “What
take comfort in knowing that Pastor Do the Scriptures Say?”
Landry is now present with the Father. Even though Fridays were his days off
THE MAN from his regular pastoral commitments at
Born on July 10, 1949 in Orange, CCC, Allen used that time to continue
Texas, Allen Joseph Landry, Jr. was the going about his Father’s business. When
only child born to Allen Joseph Landry, most of us would take that time to sleep in,
Sr. and Mildred V. Landry. While he Allen conducted a Friday morning business
received his formal education in Texas, men’s Bible study at Bel Air Presbyterian
Allen attended college in California, by Church for several years.
enrolling in both San Francisco and In 2003, Allen and Julie left the sunny,
Berkeley institutions. warm, and glamorous Los Angeles scene to
Before becoming a Christian, become the full-time, on-site pastor at
Allen was a self-proclaimed “wild child” Crenshaw Christian Center East in New
of the 1960s. In an earlier interview I York City. CCC East finds its home in a
had with him, he proudly admitted to gorgeous, historical, cathedral-like church
having beaded braids in his hair and building located smack in the heart of
dancing on Soul Train. Manhattan, directly across the street from
“Yeah, you probably wouldn’t have the famous Central Park. The move to New
recognized me as the man you know now,” York was quite an undertaking for the couple
Allen laughed as he recollected. “Yeah, I was way His smile was contagious. who were used to the mild weather and the laid-
out there. I had braids with gold beads, like the back atmosphere of the West Coast, but they were
old pictures you see of Rick James. [Laughing] I His charm was refreshing. determined to be faithful to the call on their lives.
was a super freak, but I could dance. I mean, I The growing CCC East congregation
could really move back then. I still can, what am I
His stylish good looks were absolutely loved their new pastor, as the Landry’s
talking about ‘back then’? I still can shake it. Ask were welcomed with opened arms. When CCC
intoxicating. purchased the historical church building in 2003,
On April 20, 1973, he met the love of his life And his teachings of God’s Word, Allen and Julie made the local news, once again
(second only to Jesus Christ), Julie Yvonne Torres. putting CCC in the headlines. As word spread
Allen became a happily love-struck husband to the most specifically, the blood covenant, about Allen’s teachings, the CCC East congrega-
very beautiful and supportive Julie when the strik- tion mushroomed from 600 to well over 1000 reg-
ingly attractive couple married on September 10, were life-changing—for him and all ular church members. Allen was making his mark
1977. Their marriage union produced a son, Aaron on the NYC scene. On Monday mornings he
Michael Landry on November 22, 1982, whom those who heard him preach. taught a business men’s Bible study, as CCC
they both proudly and lovingly raised in the love East’s First Lady, Julie was also active with the
and admonition of the Father. women of the church and local community.
1977 proved to be a pivotal year for Allen Breed Church with pastor Harold Andrews in New York native Yvette Gunn was a mem-
Landry. Before marrying Julie, Allen received Pasadena, California, where he greatly assisted ber of CCC East before venturing out to Los
Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior on April 17th, him in many areas of the church. Even though Angeles. Yvette credits a lot of her understanding
and later joined Crenshaw Christian Center that Allen proved to be a valuable asset to that church, of faith and God’s word to the teachings of Pastor
same year, becoming very active in many areas of the Lord led him and his family to re-join Landry as well as Dr. Price.
helps ministry. Toward the end of 1977 Allen Crenshaw Christian Center in March of 1984. “Pastor Landry made the kind of impact on
acknowledged the call to the ministry. In 1986, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price hired him my life that will last a lifetime. I apply the princi-
December of 1980 Allen left Crenshaw as an assistant pastor and in 1993 Allen was ples from his teachings every day,” Yvette says. “He
Christian Center to be an assistant pastor to New appointed the Dean of the School of Ministry. taught me how to generally handle everyday life


and Doubt”, Pastor Landry thoroughly and
precisely explains how the knowledge of blood
covenant applies to Christians today. He
explains why we are healed by Jesus’ stripes, OF LIFE
and why we plead the blood of Jesus. On October 15, 2007, Pastor Allen Landry’s life was
The two series are life-affirming and remembered and celebrated in a moving memorial tribute
powerful, and many say that it changes the held at CCC in Los Angeles. The FaithDome was festive-
way Christians see themselves. ly decorated with colorful balloons and portraits of the smil-
“I attended Pastor Landry’s classes on ing, handsome pastor.
the blood covenant,” says CCC member CCC’s Sanctuary Voices choir led the congregants in
Patrice Daniels. “When he taught that if God praise and worship, celebrating the fact that Pastor Landry
was triumphantly dwelling in the presence of the Father
and no longer in pain. Upbeat singing, dancing, laughing,
all attributes that describe Allen Landry’s life on earth, were
in full swing during the nearly 2-hour memorial service. A
moving retrospective video was accompanied by a live solo
performance from Stevie Wonder who sang a few of his
Pastor Allen Landry and wife Julie Landry famous hit songs.
Loving words were said by those invited by the
through God’s Word. We all loved him at Landry Family to speak at the service. They included pas-
CCC East. I know all of us are going to miss tors, family friends and former co-workers who worked
him very much. He was a wonderful man.” closely with Pastor Landry throughout the years who will
THE TEACHER remember Allen Landry as a man who enjoyed life to the
Just as Dr. Price’s ministry focus is on Pastor Landry with Pastor Al Harvey
faith, Allen Landry’s ministry focused on the “If you ever wanted to find someone to have a good
blood covenant that Christians have with the failed to keep his promise to mankind that He time with, it was Allen Landry,” remarked Pastor Tom
Father God. Pastor Landry’s exhaustive would self-destruct, wow, that convinced me.” Pickens. “I think that the Lord knew that we should not
research into the origin and meaning of the So powerful was his faith in the blood have met each other until we both were save, because if we
very misunderstood practice of blood covenant, Minister Alice Gier, who was at had, I think you guys can understand—we can relate to
covenants and how the Christian faith is built Pastor Landry’s bedside when he died, this—we would have raised some hell because we both…ha,
on this concept kept his Bible study sessions explained how the great man of God passed ha,…we both just liked to have a good time.”
packed with people who wanted to learn away mere seconds after taking communion. “You need to know that Allen was quite a dancer,”
more. Several pastors like CCC Senior “Pastor was waiting for that communion remembered Pastor Alfred Harvey. “We used to have a
Pastor Craig L. Hays often referred to Pastor because he was known as a man of covenant,” competition between the students and the teachers when
Landry’s teaching of blood covenant in his Minister Gier explained. “So it was a blessing. we were teaching in the School of Ministry and he came up
own ministry. When he had received that communion he with this idea that we were going to be a rendition of
“If you haven’t already, then you need to stepped and went on to glory.”—EIF Gladys Knight and the Pips. We did the Pips moves and we
get the copy of Allen Landry’s blood covenant practiced in my living room for I don’t know how long.
teaching,” Pastor Hays instructed attendees of Allen taught us all those moves and we were cool. I wish
his Bible study class one day. “Every Christian Pastor Landry on the golf course. you could have seen how cool we were.”
needs to know about their covenant rights that Pastor Craig Hays perhaps knew Allen Landry the
they have. If we all knew and understood our longest. For more than 30 years, the two were best buddies.
rights, then we wouldn’t settle for anything “How many of you remember him modeling? He was
less than God’s best. Pastor Landry gift is his the greatest model I saw in my life,” Pastor Hays pro-
thorough knowledge of the blood covenant claimed. “That boy could style. I was jealous. That boy
and trust me, when you hear what he tells you could walk on the stage and all the ladies would swoon and
about our covenant with the Father, then you Julie would turn around and say to them ‘suffer’. It was
will start changing the way you see yourself.” beautiful.”
Pastor Landry will continue to live on Dr. Price also spoke fondly of his friend and colleague,
through his ground-breaking series “The Pastor Allen Landry. He read several scriptures explaining
Blood Covenant: The Bridge to Faith.” In that death, for the Christian, is a time for celebration.
this series, he explores the origin of covenants “We’ll miss you Allen, but we know you are very much
and the historical, biblical, cultural and natural alive. In fact, you are more alive now than you have ever
significance of blood covenants. Using been since you have been on this planet,” said Dr. Price.
anthropology research and the Scriptures, “But we will miss him and it’s rightful that we do so. He
Pastor Landry describes why the Bible is was a friend, he was a comrade in arms, he was a father, he
referred to as a “bloody book.” He explains the was a husband – and we will miss him. But for those of us
spiritual and natural significance of who know the game plan, we know we will see him again.”
Communion, and why Christians find power Pastor Allen Landry is survived by his wife, Julie, his
in the “blood” of Jesus. son Aaron Michael Landry, his mother, Mildred V. Landry,
“Every Christian is in a blood covenant his aunt Barbara V. Landry, his uncle Dr. Clarence Avery,
with the Father, but what does that mean,” his first cousin Marie Annette Avery, his first cousin, Linda
Pastor Landry said. “If you think that a Thompson and a host of relatives and friends.
covenant is a contract promise, you are really While we don’t know for sure if he is wearing his gold-
missing out because you are only partially cor- beaded braids again, but we can be confident in assuming
rect.” that he’s leading the Soul Train line in heaven. We love and
In the follow-up series, “The Blood miss you Pastor Landry!
Covenant: Crossing the Gulf of Indecision


health & healing

How I
prayer time. That was why I was strong in faith. I knew cancer could
not stick to me because I remembered the promises God gives us in
His Word. I could go back to a verse like Deuteronomy 30:19 that says:
“… I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore
choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.”

Overcame I did not believe He would tell me this and then let me die. So I
stood on that Scripture and many others. There were so many pas-
sages that told me that God was with me. For example, 1 John 5:4 says:
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the vic-

Cancer tory that has overcome the world — our faith.”

You have to believe that God is with you, and don’t be discouraged
by what you see and feel. This is why it is so important to understand
how faith works. Many people will walk in faith a little while, then give
up because they figure, “Well, I believed God for this and I didn’t get it.”
By Dr. Betty R. Price
But when you think like that, your mind is on the wrong thing. Faith
is a way of life and we must develop our faith on the little issues of life,
When I was attacked with cancer, I so that we can handle the big issues.
was prepared for it, because I had Philippians 4:6 tells us: “Be anxious for nothing….”
I love that verse. When the Bible says to be anxious for nothing that
lived my life by faith daily. I did not means to not worry or be anxious to the point of distraction for any-
play with God. I lived my life the best “…but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
way I knew how; I would not deliber- let your requests be made known to God.”
And if you do that, Philippians 4:7 says: “and the peace of God,
ately do anything wrong. which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”
So if you cast your care on the Lord and trust Him to take care of
he news was a shock to my husband and my children because

the situation, you will have peace. That is when you know whether you
they knew the kind of lifestyle I led, but I said, “God is the have cast that care on the Lord – when you are not worried about any-
Healer, so I’ve got to believe Him.” The first verse that came thing. You have to train yourself to do this, especially if you have a ten-
to me was James 1:2-4: “My brethren, count it all joy when dency to worry. I came from a family of worriers, but I have trained
you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your myself not to worry.
faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” When you train yourself not to worry, and let the Lord handle your
God tells us to count whatever we are going cares, the benefits are great. When I went into the hospital, I did not
through as joy because it will produce patience and have any worries. I experienced the peace of God.
joy in us. God says to count it all joy – not if you You don’t need to fear because God is with you. Fear is an act of
fall into diverse trials, temptations and tests, but your will. You may feel afraid, but you have to make up in your mind
when you go through them. If we are armed that you will not be afraid. You have to think and say, “I will not be
with the Word of God, then the Word will afraid, for God is with me.”
come out of us when we are tempted, tried, or When I went into the hospital, before I had any tests, that confes-
tested, instead of the fear of whatever it is we sion is what kept my eyes on the end-result of my faith. I did not look at
are facing. what I was going through when I was hurting, when I was undergoing
During all of my time at home before I chemotherapy and radiation. All I looked at was the end of the attack
was attacked, I had certain Scriptures on my body—my healing.
that I memorized and used in my The Lord is so real, and He truly loves us. The first night I was in
d a i l y the hospital, He spoke to my spirit by the Holy Spirit, and said, “This
sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God
may be glorified thereby.” And that stayed in front of me throughout
the sickness, treatments, and therapy. No matter how bad it got, I
said, “God, You’re with me.”
God is not a liar. If you believe anything, believe what God
says in His Word about your situation, no matter how you
are feeling. He is stronger than anything you feel. He is
more real because He is in the spirit world, and the spirit
world is more real than this physical world. You need to
know that, because when you know it, you will not give
up on what God has said He has done for you. That is
the way faith works. —EIF
Dr. Betty Price’s complete testimony is available in her book enti-
tled, Through the Fire & Through the Water now offered in English
and Spanish. Call us at (800) 927-3436 for a listing of her products.


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word of faith

A lot of black Muslims applauded Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

when his television series on Race, Religion & Racism
began in November 1997 and ran for 76 weeks. They
agreed with his hard-hitting expose of racism in the
Church. Truth be known, many people were surprised by Dr. Price’s
Narrated2 Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, “Isn’t the wit-
ness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The woman said,
“Yes.” He [the Prophet] said, “This is because of the deficiency of a
woman’s mind.”

bold act. Few would have voted him The Minister Most Likely to By contrast, Dr. Price points out that the Bible has something
Hammer the Church. Dr. Price was one who had “made it.” He had quite different to say about women. He quotes Galatians 3:28:
an outstandingly successful ministry and worldwide television pro-
gram. He had built one of the largest sanctuaries in America – the There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
FaithDome in Los Angeles – and he had white friends in the higher there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.3
echelons of Christianity.
Those same Muslims drew back in horror when Dr. Price turned If nothing else, one can see that the Bible offers a more egalitari-
the spotlight on Islam. During the large portion of the series that dealt an view of the sexes than does the Koran and the Hadith. One of the
with the religion, several groups picketed in front of important contrasts between Islam and Christianity is on
Crenshaw Christian Center, the church that Dr. Price the status of wives. Here is a quote from the Koran,
founded in 1973. It was a nonviolent demonstration Sura 4:2-3:

by a diverse group of sects. The picketers felt that
their faith was being unfairly targeted. Giv e orphans t he propert y whi ch
In doing a “comparative analysis” of belongs to them. Do not exchange their
Islam, Dr. Price admitted that he was valuables for worthless things or cheat
prompted by a concern over the number
of Blacks who were leaving Christianity
for Islam. He told his television audi-
ence: “I believe, however, that if you
Christianity: th e m o f t h e i r p o s s es s i o n s ; f o r t h i s
would surely be a grievous sin. If you
fear that you cannot treat orphans

[orphan girls] with fairness, then you
leave Christianity to become a Muslim, may marry other women who seem
especially as a black person, you should good to you: two, three, or four of
have all the facts that pertain to you as a them.

Meet Jesus
black person.”
No problem there, one would think. The Hadith discusses the many
Most people would probably agree that it wives of Muhammad. In the Hadith,
is better to be informed when making a deci- Volume 1, Chapter 13, #268, Page 165, it
sion as important as whom to worship. But says:
while the revelations concerning Islam proved to
be most enlightening, they also put the religion in a By Dr. Betty R. Price Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said,
very unenviable light in contrast to Christianity. “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, dur-
Dr. Price gathered his facts over a three-year period ing the day and night and they were eleven in number.” I
before the series began. A fastidious researcher, he was meticulous in asked Anas, “Had the Prophet the strength for it?” Anas replied, “We
naming the books, the edition, the publication date, the exact pages used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men).”
he was quoting, and spelling each author’s name. He used two ver- And Said said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him
sions of the Koran – The Koran, translated with notes by N.J. about nine wives only (not eleven).
Dawood; and The Meaning of the Glorious Quran1, by Abdullah
Yusuf Ali. He also quoted the Hadith, which contains the oral tradi- Not only did Muhammad have many wives, but he started on
tions of the people who lived with, slept with and befriended the them early in their lives, as we see in the Hadith, Volume 5, Chapter
Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s founder. Dr. Price noted that he had 43, #234, Page 152:
“read and studied all 4,705 pages” of a version of the Hadith entitled
The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic- Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of
English). He also noted that some consider the Hadith as divinely six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-
inspired as the Koran itself. Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my
The following are a number of his comparisons of the two Islamic hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I
holy books and the Bible on a variety of subjects, including women, was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me,
wives and Muhammad’s skin color. A passage from Sura [row] 2:228 and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She
of the Koran on the status of women, reads: caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I
was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took
Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me
against them, although men have a status above women. God is into the house. There in the house, I saw some Ansari women who
mighty and wise. said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she
entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage).
Here’s a view of the same subject from the Hadith, Volume 3, Unexpectedly Allah’s Messenger came to me in the forenoon and my
Chapter 12, The Witness of Women and the Statement of Allah, mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine
#826: Page 502: years of age.


Monogamy is taught throughout the Bible, especially in the New
Testament, though it is clear in the Old Testament that many men Narrated Abdullah bin Malik Ibn Buhaina, “When the Prophet
had multiple wives. Let’s look at what the Bible says about multiple prayed prostrated, he used to separate his arms from his body so wide-
wives in the beginning, Genesis 2:24: ly that the whiteness of his armpits was visible.”

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined Finally, in the Hadith, Volume 1, Chapter 12, #367, Page 224:
to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Narrated Abdul-Aziz: Anas said, “When Allah’s Messenger
Monogamy is taught in 1 Corinthians 7:1-2, as well as in other bib- invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there (early in the morn-
lical passages: ing) when it was still dark. The Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode too
and I was riding behind Abu Talha. The Prophet passed through the
Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good land of the Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of the
for a man not to touch a woman. Prophet. He uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh
Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his of the Prophet.
own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
The question now becomes: Why would you leave one religion
One of the knocks on black Christians is that they serve a white because the founder is white to join another one where the founder is
Jesus in a religion founded by and for white people. But Dr. Price white?
points to evidence in the Hadith that the Prophet Muhammad, the
founder of Islam, was white. Several passages in the Hadith make this In these few areas alone, one can see a vast difference between
point. Hadith, Volume 1, Chapter 7, #63, Page 54: Islam and Christianity. One is founded on the freedoms that so many
in America have fought and died to possess, while the other is found-
Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the ed on rigidity, brutality and vengeance.
Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his
camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: “Who Portions of this article were excerpted from Dr. Price’s Jesus,
amongst you is Muhammad?” At that time the Prophet was sitting Christianity & Islam, the final volume of the Race, Religion &
amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, “This Racism trilogy.—EIF
white man reclining on his arm.” The man then addressed him, “O
1 Note: The different spellings of the Koran are common. The use of the letters Ko in the word Koran
Son of Abdul Muttalib.” are from the anglicized version, which is more popular in America.
2 Most entries in the Hadith begin with the word Narrated, referring to the one who is speaking.
3 New King James Version, copyright 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Inc. Publishers.
And in the Hadith, Volume 1, Chapter 27, #385(B), Page 234:

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parenting matters

For More

By La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D. Behold, children are for a child. Abused, rejected and neglected, they are truly the “least of
a heritage “Then the King will say to those on His right
hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the
from the Lord, kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
The fruit of the ‘for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was
thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and
womb is a reward. you took Me in:
(Psalm 127:3) “I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and
you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

oundless bundles of energy, activity, and excitement, “Then the righteous will answer Him saying,
children are a blessing to every family…and to every ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or
church. When we think of prosperity, we need only thirsty and give You drink?
look at the smiling faces of the children in our midst to ‘When did we see You a stranger and take You in,
realize that we are blessed indeed. or naked and clothe You?
Valuing our children and appreciating the gifts ‘Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and
God has given us by entrusting us with His little ones come to You?’
are tangible expressions of gratitude. We live in a prosperous nation, “And the King will answer and say to them,
and by learning how to apply the Word of God to our lives, we are for- ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one
tunate to be people of prosperity. Many would agree that there’s room of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
for more! (Matthew 25:40-45)
We’ve heard Dr. Price teach again and again that the purpose of
prosperity is to be open channels so that the needs of the Body are met As we prosper and examine additional ways to improve our com-
through our generosity. What better way to be that channel than to munities, we must consider the “strangers” who need the influence of a
share prosperity’s blessings with those who have been orphaned. transformational Gospel in their daily lives. This investment yields
According to the latest report from the United States Department heavenly rewards and is an expression of pure religion.
of Health and Human Services Administration for Children &
Families, there are 115, 407 children in the in the United States waiting Pure and undefiled religion before God and the
to be adopted. Until permanent placements are found, these children Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their
languish in the foster care system year after year.1 trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
A disproportionate number are African-American or mixed chil- (James 1:27)
dren.2 They landed in the system because of poverty and poverty-relat-
ed circumstances—poor education, unemployment, drugs and vio- In this passage, James makes a difference between what we say
lence—the primary reasons for the overrepresentation of black children and how we live. Pure religion does something! It’s faith in action!
in the system.3 Recognizing the suffering of others and a using the resources God pro-
vides to meet those needs is what the Bible calls “true” religion.
Unfortunately, there aren’t enough African American parents who
are willing to adopt these children. Our children are in the system, but THE PROCESS
those of us who have “made it” are not reaching back far enough to help It takes less than 14 months to complete the adoption process.
those who are less fortunate. Single adults as well as married couples are invited to become adoptive
parents. There are open adoptions where birth-mothers have sched-
When Black families are interested, especially if they want new-
uled, supervised visits with their children and semi-open adoptions
born infants, they are matched within a few months.4
where birth parents only exchange letters or photos through a non-fam-
Christian families are in even higher demand. Birth mothers often
ily administrator. 5 Or, there are closed adoptions with no birth-parent
ask agencies to place their babies in Christian homes. What an oppor-
contact with the child.
tunity to share God’s abundance by providing a room—and a home—


Adoptive families are not left to manage their newly-blended fami- DCFS and happily an interest form was submitted for each of the chil-
lies alone. There’s a wealth of assistance and an abundance of resources dren in attendance, including the older teenage girl. Not everyone has
available, from small-group parent meetings, to annual training ses- followed through, however—there are mountains and mountains of
sions and on-line discussion groups. States provide adoptive parents paperwork and 33 hours of classes!—but we are grateful for the ones
with monthly financial support until the child turns 18. who did. The process is somewhat different, although not necessarily
easier, when adoptions are completed through private agencies.
CHURCH AS PARTNER What happens to those children who are not adopted?
Churches partner with God to meet the needs in our community Unfortunately, statistics demonstrate that many who remain in the sys-
by presenting the Body of Christ with the opportunity to adopt. tem often end up as victims of negative influences and find themselves
Following Sunday morning service in April 2007, Crenshaw Christian on our city’s streets. Prisons are full of adults who were “orphaned” as
Center (Dr. Frederick K. C. Price, Pastor-Founder), hosted an children.
Adoption assisted by Child SHARE, a local Christian agency that
assists churches in developing adoption/foster care ministries, the DO YOU HAVE ROOM?
Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and the Prosperity is married to accountability. Are you prosperous
Children’s Bureau, a private adoption agency. enough to have an extra bed…an empty room? As you look around
More than 100 prospective parents attended to express their inter- your home or apartment, is there room for more?
est in adoption or foster care. It was beautiful to see the fruit of pros- Why not fill the space in your heart with the sound of laughter?
perity in action. There’s nothing like the feel of tiny, grateful arms tightly hugging your
Social workers brought 25 children who needed permanent place- neck telling you that you’re the best mom in the world!
ments, and a few of these children were in I know. My husband and I are adoptive parents. —EIF
their early teenage years. One girl sat by
herself and was hesitant to talk with any-
Dr. La Verne Tolbert is Director of Christian Education Ministries at
one. She later admitted that she had been Crenshaw Christian Center, where she oversees the ministries to children,
waiting for years for a family. Now, she felt teens, and young adults.
that no one wanted her because she was 1
too old. Oh that our hearts would break 2
3 Department of Health and Human Services Children’s Bureau,
with the things that break the heart of
Administration for Children and Families (December, 2003). Children of
God! Color in Child Welfare: Perspectives from the Child Welfare Community, p. ii.
Families who were interested in 4
adopting submitted “Interest Forms” to


pastor’s corner

Pastor Hays with Drs. Fred and Betty Price at the Recycling Black Dollars Dinner where he was honored
recently with the Frederick K.C. Price Spirit of Excellence Award.

Sitting under Dr. Price’s teaching for more than 30 years has
helped a great deal as well. Pastor Hays says he found out about
Crenshaw Christian Center after one of his sister-in-laws suggested
that he and his wife Patricia visit the church. They lived (and still do)
at 6th Avenue and Hardy which was right up the street from the for-
mer site of Crenshaw Christian Center.
“[My wife and I] had just gotten filled with the Spirit,” he recalls.
“We got filled with the Spirit in a Catholic church. The nuns were
seeing angels flying. But it wasn’t enough. So when my sister-in-law
told us about this church and we decided to visit since it was right up
the street.’ In February of 1977 we joined. It was instantly like, ‘this is
where you should be.’ Not so much for my wife but she kind of hung
out. She was still going to stay in the Catholic church. When she real-
ized I was serious she came. I joined on a Tuesday night Bible
P ASTOR L. C RAIG H AYS : study—one of Dr. Price’s Bible studies. He said, ‘oh you finally decid-
ed to join.’ I was a member of the church a number of years before I

A DEPENDABLE came to work.”

What sealed the deal for Hays was seeing Dr. Price actually liv-
ing what he preached.

HELPER IN “I had a call on my life as a young man, but I’d never seen men
really take the Word of God seriously,” Hays discloses. “I’m sure there
were many men who took the Word of God seriously, but I didn’t see

THE LORD them. Most of them I came in contact with were playing with the
Word. When I saw Dr. Price I saw in him something I had never seen
in other men of that caliber. I had seen it in the military and my work
By Antracia Moorings in the government—you’d occasionally come upon someone with
integrity. That was intriguing. Here is someone who was telling me
ith such a large and thriving ministry such as

that he lives this everyday. I wanted to see it for myself. I said, ‘I’m
Crenshaw Christian Center, Dr. Fred Price going to hang around and see if it’s true.’ If you hang around soon
needs capable men who can help bear the burden enough you’ll fall in.
of ministering to the people. Pastor L. Craig As a young man, this Chicago, IL native says he never discussed
Hays is one such man. For almost two decades, the call on his life, because there was no one to discuss it with since
he’s been working as administrative pastor at the the ministers he knew were not living upright lives. He ended up leav-
church. It’s his responsibility to make sure that all ing the South Side of Chicago for the Korean conflict in 1951 and
the assistant pastors get the functions done that they have to get never went back. At 19 years old, he ended up in California, a place
done. that he said was “better than sugar and sweet bread.” He was sta-
“They never had this role before I came,” said Hays. “Pastors are tioned at Andrews Air Force base as a jet mechanic. “We were like the
like anyone else, they need someone to give them some direction. Dr. Tuskegee Airmen because we were the first blacks they let work on
Price is the boss. My job is to carry out his wishes.” the airplanes.”
Prior to his current post, Hays worked for the Sheriff’s depart- Even with all that he’s accomplished, one thing that Hays is not
ment, the probation department and then in the municipal court. is arrogant. He is very well aware of his place in the Lord and says
Before joining the pastoral staff, Pastor Hays served on the faculty of that alone brings him the most contentment.
the CCC Ministry Training Institute (formerly called the CCC “The thing that the Lord impressed on my heart was this that I
School of Ministry). He also served as the Men’s Fellowship was to assist this man the rest of my life,” he points out. “I would never
President for 11 years, as ministerial advisor to the Church’s Alcohol have a church. So it wasn’t a problem with me. I didn’t have to run
and Drug Abuse program, and as an usher. He presently serves on around here looking for a church because my assignment was clear.
the Ministry’s Executive Board as the Vice President of the corpora- So I just followed it. I don’t have any illusions of grandeur where I
tion. think I’m going to have this big church. There are two types of pas-
“I had bosses who trained me and prepared me for this,” he says tors—assistants and the main pastor. They need people to assist them
of his current job. “My last position in the municipal court I designed because they can’t do all the work. There are two types of
space for judges. I worked for women. Women are hard assistant pastors: those who are assistants forever—me
to work for if you don’t know how they swing. I learned “You’ve got to and those in transition. You’ve got to have a clear vision
administratively what to do. I’ve had a lot of leadership
training. I worked for a court administrator who took me
have a clear on what God wants you to do. I never had any problem.
I knew what I was supposed to do. When I was ordained
under his wing and taught me everything an administra- vision on what in 1987, I was 54 years old (I’m 75 now.) The gifts and call-
tor is supposed to be. I was two levels under him. I guess God wants you ing of God are without repentance. A lot of people suffer
God was preparing me for this—the do’s and don’t of because they just don’t realize what they’re called to.”—EIF
to do.”


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the bizness

By Pastor Frederick K. Price, Jr.

know adults think that we, the youth of today, not the most important things in my life
have no vision, desire, or drive to achieve anything. because I have my priorities together.
But that is not at all true. It is just that we have to When the things of God are not as impor-
see Christ in someone our own age. We know it tant to you as the things of men, and
works for the adults, and we can accept it from the when you put more emphasis on the
adults, but it would help just a tad more if we saw things of men by showing more desire
God working in the lives of our peers. and affection on them, you tend to be
If we are going to see God working in our lives, we must ashamed of the gospel, and Paul told us
make a decision for God. We cannot straddle the fence. not to do that.
Some of us are ashamed to even know the gospel because it At a Creflo Dollar meeting when I was 17, I told my dad,
seems being a Christian is not cool, Christ is not cool, and “I accept my calling.” He told me, “Okay, you need to get into
church is not cool. But that is just not the way to go. Paul the Word and study the Word, memorize Scripture, pray in
writes in Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel the Spirit and pray in English, and spend time praising God.”
of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone I understood that, but still did not want to do it. I figured
who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” that when the time was right, everything would fall into
Paul felt an obligation to preach the gospel to every per- place.
son, and he was not ashamed to speak about it because he Somewhere between 19 1/2 and 20, I realized that
knew it had the power to bring people to salvation. That was Christianity was not about religion, or about coming to
also why he wrote in 2 Timothy 1:8, “Therefore do not be church on Sunday and Bible study once a week. Jesus came
ashamed of the testimony of our Lord….” We should not be to bring life so that we might have it more abundantly, so if
ashamed of the gospel, or of the testimony of the Lord, but you are not ashamed of the gospel, you should be living a
be willing to share it with every- righteous lifestyle. This is not just a Sunday thing; this is all
one. the time.
You may be ashamed I know some people may be ashamed because of what
of the gospel and not other people would say about their praying, praising the
even know it. We Lord or reading the Bible. But you can take your Bible out
have sports, movies, and read it without broadcasting what you are doing. People
and all kinds of may wonder what you are doing, and may come over to you,
stuff like that. I but that is an opportunity to minister to them.
love to watch All God has is us, and we have to be on point. We have
sports, but to know this Word because the Word of God faces violent
sports and opposition. A lot of people do not want to hear this, but
movies there are millions of people dying and going to hell because
a r e of a small number of people being ashamed of the gospel.
There is no reason to be ashamed. Sharing the gospel and
living a righteous life are actually the coolest things you can
do. And God needs us, especially at a young age.
Trust me; I was just where you are. I challenge you
to apply the Word to everything in your life, starting
now. Do not wait. The Christian lifestyle does not
start when you graduate from high school or college
or when you become 25 or 30 years old. It starts now.
Get into the Word and high school will be a breeze.
Apply the Word to your life, schoolwork, basketball,
to everything, and you will only go up in life. —EIF


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straight talk

Q&A with Drs. Fred and Betty Price

Dr. Price, I have been studying the duties of the husband and wife. You once made a statement
about community property, such as what belongs to the husband is also the wife’s, and what
belongs to her belongs to the husband.
That opened up a can of worms in my household. I have been telling my husband that the law
has changed to a certain degree now, that before marriage a couple can sign written contracts called
prenuptial agreements. They are legal and binding in some cases, but can be overruled if not drawn
up by a lawyer.
This evening, my husband said, “Did you hear what Fred said in church about community property?”
What do you think about these agreements?

It is things like this in people’s relationships Why do you want to have “his” and “her” stuff? I
that really cause trouble. had some things before I married Betty. If I want-
I understand that people do have legal docu- ed to keep them all to myself, I should not have
ments such as this drawn up nowadays, but as far married her. Everything you have belongs to your
as I am concerned, I think it is worldly, unspiritu- mate. Why would you want a legal document to
al, and dumb. I think such an agreement really sets say, “This is mine, and that is yours?”
the stage for the demise of the relationship. If you become one flesh, I think that principle
Whatever you had when you came into the rela- covers everything. Why would you be one in the
tionship also became the property of your husband flesh, but separate in your personal items?
or wife. It all belongs to “one.” If you want to keep Christians who do this are acting exactly like the
your country estate, your blue Mercedes Benz, world. That is what the world does: Come up
and all that furniture you had before you married, with such contracts because they do not expect the
what are you getting married for? Is it just so that marriage to work. So they want to have an out.
you do not have to get a prostitute? She is good Everything I have belongs to my wife. I believe
enough to marry and carry your name, but she is I have her and everything that goes with her. We
not good enough to have half ownership in your did not need any contract to divide our things.
estate or car? Our contract was “I do.”

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations mentioned above Do you have a question on your mind? Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine,
are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible. P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or e-mail

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