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<0-255> authentication bfd delay follow ip ipv6 mac-address mac-refresh name preempt priority redirect timers track use-bia version group number Authentication Enable HSRP BFD HSRP initialisation delay Name of HSRP group to follow Enable HSRP IPv4 and set the virtual IP address Enable HSRP IPv6 Virtual MAC address Refresh MAC cache on switch by periodically sending packet from virtual mac address Redundancy name string Overthrow lower priority Active routers Priority level Configure sending of ICMP Redirect messages with an HSRP virtual IP address as the gateway IP address Hello and hold timers Priority tracking HSRP uses interface's burned in address HSRP version v

R1(config-if)#standby R1(config-if)#v vrr R1(config-if)#vrrp % Incomplete command. R1(config-if)#vrrp ? <1-255> Group number R1(config-if)#vrrp gl R1(config-if)#glbp ? <0-1023> Group number R1(config-if)#glbp hs R1(config-if)#hsrp st R1(config-if)#standby 1 % Incomplete command.

R1(config-if)#standby 1 ? <0-255> group number authentication Authentication bfd Enable HSRP BFD delay HSRP initialisation delay follow Name of HSRP group to follow ip Enable HSRP IPv4 and set the virtual IP address ipv6 Enable HSRP IPv6 mac-address Virtual MAC address mac-refresh Refresh MAC cache on switch by periodically sending packet from virtual mac address name Redundancy name string preempt Overthrow lower priority Active routers priority Priority level redirect Configure sending of ICMP Redirect messages with an HSRP virtual IP address as the gateway IP address timers Hello and hold timers track Priority tracking use-bia HSRP uses interface's burned in address version HSRP version R1(config-if)#standby 1 ?

authentication follow ip ipv6 mac-address name preempt priority timers track

Authentication Name of HSRP group to follow Enable HSRP IPv4 and set the virtual IP address Enable HSRP IPv6 Virtual MAC address Redundancy name string Overthrow lower priority Active routers Priority level Hello and hold timers Priority tracking

R1(config-if)#standby 1 ip ? A.B.C.D Virtual IP address <cr> R1(config-if)#standby 1 ip ? secondary Make this IP address a secondary virtual IP address <cr> R1(config-if)#standby 1 ip R1(config-if)#standby 1 ip nstandby 1 ip ostandby 1 ip standby 1 ip R1(config-if)#st R1(config-if)#standby 6 R1(config-if)#standby 69 no standby 1 ip standby 1 ip ip ip 6ip 9ip ip 10.20 .30.254 R1(config-if)# *May 4 00:49:11.067: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Speak -> Standby R1(config-if)# *May 4 00:50:43.095: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby -> Listen R1(config-if)#end R1#sho *May 4 00:50:48.187: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#show st R1#show sta R1#show stan R1#show standby bri R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Listen R1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ..... Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) R1#ping .2 3.20.2 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: .!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms R1#ping standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. |

Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Listen unknown R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Listen R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Listen R1# *May 4 00:58:04.815: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Speak -> Standby R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Standby local R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Standby local R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Standby local R1# *May 4 01:00:25.963: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby -> Listen R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 100 Listen R1#

R1 con0 is now available

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R1> R1> R1> R1>en R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#inter R1(config)#interface fas R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 070 ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 070 /0 R1(config-if)#sta R1(config-if)#standby 69 pr R1(config-if)#standby 69 pri R1(config-if)#standby 69 priority ? <0-255> Priority value R1(config-if)#standby 69 priority 220 R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:14:17.959: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp Standby R1(config-if)#end R1#sh s *May 4 01:14:42.843: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console R1#sh sta R1#sh stan R1#sh standby br R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Fa0/0 69 220 Standby local

69 state Speak ->

by console

Virtual IP

R1#telnet 10.20.20. 30.100 Trying ... Open User Access Verification Password: SW1>en Password: SW1#en conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. SW1(config)#inter SW1(config)#interface r SW1(config)#interface range fas SW1(config)#interface range fastEthernet 0/3, fas SW1(config)#interface range fastEthernet 0/3, fastEthernet 0/20 - 22 SW1(config-if-range)#spa SW1(config-if-range)#spanning-tree sw SW1(config-if-range)#spanning-tree sw po SW1(config-if-range)#spanning-tree portf SW1(config-if-range)#spanning-tree portfast %Warning: portfast should only be enabled on ports connected to a single host. Connecting hubs, concentrators, switches, bridges, etc... to this interface when portfast is enabled, can cause temporary bridging loops. Use with CAUTION %Portfast will be configured in 4 interfaces due to the range command but will only have effect when the interfaces are in a non-trunking mode. SW1(config-if-range)#end SW1#wr Building configuration... [OK] SW1#exit [Connection to closed by foreign host] R1#en R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#int fa 0/0 R1(config-if)#shut *May 4 01:17:04.643: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby -> Active R1(config-if)#shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:17:19.155: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Active > Init R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:17:21.151: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to administratively down *May 4 01:17:22.151: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to down R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:18:33.927: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state t o up *May 4 01:18:34.927: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to up R1(config-if)#end R1#sh *May 4 01:18:49.963: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

R1#sh stan R1#sh standby bri R1#sh standby brief Interface Virtual IP Fa0/0 R1# *May 4 01:18:56.095: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby -> Active R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Active local unknown R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#int fa 0/0 R1(config-if)#shut R1(config-if)#no shut *May 4 01:19:41.547: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Active > Init R1(config-if)#no shut *May 4 01:19:43.543: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to administratively down *May 4 01:19:44.543: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to down R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:20:51.155: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state t o up R1(config-if)#no shutshut int fa 0/0end *May 4 01:20:54.211: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to up R1(config-if)#endno shutend int fa 0/0shut end R1#s *May 4 01:20:59.423: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#sho conf tsh standby brief conf t en telnet sta ndby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Speak unknown unknown R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Speak unknown unknown R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Speak unknown unknown R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Speak unknown unknown R1# *May 4 01:21:17.163: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby P indicates configured to preempt. | Grp Pri P State Active Standby 69 220 Standby unknown local

-> Active R1#sh standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Active local unknown R1#sh standby brief FastEthernet0/0 - Group 69 State is Active 12 state changes, last state change 00:00:30 Virtual IP address is Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 (v1 default) Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec Next hello sent in 1.600 secs Preemption disabled Active router is local Standby router is, priority 200 (expires in 10.352 sec) Priority 220 (configured 220) Group name is "hsrp-Fa0/0-69" (default) R1# R1# R1# R1# R1# R1#en R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#inter R1(config)#interface fas R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#sta R1(config-if)#standby 69 ? authentication Authentication follow Name of HSRP group to follow ip Enable HSRP IPv4 and set the virtual IP address ipv6 Enable HSRP IPv6 mac-address Virtual MAC address name Redundancy name string preempt Overthrow lower priority Active routers priority Priority level timers Hello and hold timers track Priority tracking R1(config-if)#standby 69 tim R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers ? <1-254> Hello interval in seconds msec Specify hello interval in milliseconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 ? <2-255> Hold time in seconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 % Incomplete command. R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 000 mse R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1000 mse ? % Unrecognized command R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1000 1 ? <2-255> Hold time in seconds

R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 3 ? <cr> R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 3 R1(config-if)#end R1#sh *May 4 01:33:37.147: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#sh stan R1#sh standby FastEthernet0/0 - Group 69 State is Active 12 state changes, last state change 00:12:23 Virtual IP address is Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 (v1 default) Hello time 1 sec, hold time 3 sec Next hello sent in 0.096 secs Preemption disabled Active router is local Standby router is, priority 200 (expires in 2.960 sec) Priority 220 (configured 220) Group name is "hsrp-Fa0/0-69" (default) R1#sh standby conf t en conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#endstandby 69 timers 1 3 interface fastEthernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/0end standby 69 tim ers 1 3 ? <1-254> Hello interval in seconds msec Specify hello interval in milliseconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 50 ms R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 50 ms R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 50 % Incomplete command. ms

R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 50 ? <1-255> Hold time in seconds msec Specify hold time in milliseconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 50 R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 M m R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 m ? <2-255> Hold time in seconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers 1 ms R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 100 ? <1-255> Hold time in seconds msec Specify hold time in milliseconds R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 100 2 m R1(config-if)#standby 69 timers msec 100 msec 200 R1(config-if)#end R1# *May 4 01:35:55.063: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#conf tsh standby conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#endstandby 69 timers msec 100 msec 20050 interface fastEther net 0/0 R1(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/0end standby 69 tim 1 ho M

ers msec 100 msec 200 1 2 R1(config-if)#end R1# *May 4 01:37:26.063: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#fas R1(config)#fas endstandby 69 timers 1 2interface fastEthernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#interface fastEthernet 0/0end standby 69 tim ers 1 2 tr R1(config-if)#standby 69 track fa =7 0/1 R1(config-if)#shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:37:58.015: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Active > Init R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:38:00.011: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to administratively down *May 4 01:38:01.011: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to down R1(config-if)#do show standy show standy ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. R1(config-if)#do show standy end R1#show st *May 4 01:38:22.895: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#show stan R1#show standby FastEthernet0/0 - Group 69 State is Init (interface down) 13 state changes, last state change 00:00:27 Virtual IP address is Active virtual MAC address is unknown Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 (v1 default) Hello time 1 sec, hold time 2 sec Preemption disabled Active router is unknown Standby router is unknown Priority 220 (configured 220) Track interface FastEthernet0/1 state Up decrement 10 Group name is "hsrp-Fa0/0-69" (default) R1#show standby conf t sh standby conf t sh standby brie P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Init unknown unknown R1#sh ip int bri Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Prot ocol FastEthernet0/0 YES manual administratively down down FastEthernet0/1 Serial0/0/0 Serial0/0/1 unassigned unassigned YES manual up up

YES unset administratively down down YES unset administratively down down

R1#sh ip int bristandby brie

Interface Virtual IP Fa0/0 R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#int fa 0/0 R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)#int fa *May 4 01:40:48.363: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state t o up *May 4 01:40:49.363: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to up R1(config-if)#int fa 0/1 R1(config-if)#shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:40:53.087: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Speak -> Standby *May 4 01:40:53.967: %TRACKING-5-STATE: 1 interface Fa0/1 line-protocol Up->Dow n R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:40:55.967: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to administratively down *May 4 01:40:56.967: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/1, changed state to down R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)#end R1#sh *May 4 01:41:04.127: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#sh stan R1#sh standby bri P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 210 Standby local R1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#inter R1(config)#interface fas R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0 R1(config-if)#sat R1(config-if)#sat t R1(config-if)#standby 69 t R1(config-if)#standby 69 tr R1(config-if)#standby 69 track ? <1-500> Tracked object number Async Async interface Auto-Template Auto-Template interface BVI Bridge-Group Virtual Interface CDMA-Ix CDMA Ix interface CTunnel CTunnel interface Dialer Dialer interface

P indicates configured to preempt. | Grp Pri P State Active Standby 69 220 Init unknown unknown

FastEthernet FastEthernet IEEE 802.3 Lex Lex interface LongReachEthernet Long-Reach Ethernet interface Loopback Loopback interface MFR Multilink Frame Relay bundle interface Multilink Multilink-group interface Port-channel Ethernet Channel of interfaces SSLVPN-VIF SSLVPN Virtual Interface Serial Serial Tunnel Tunnel interface Vif PGM Multicast Host interface Virtual-Dot11Radio Virtual dot11 interface Virtual-PPP Virtual PPP interface Virtual-TokenRing Virtual TokenRing vmi Virtual Multipoint Interface --More-R1(config-if)#standby 69 track fa R1(config-if)#standby 69 track fastEthernet 0/1 ? <1-255> Decrement value <cr> R1(config-if)#standby 69 track fastEthernet 0/1 30 R1(config-if)#end R1#show stan R1#show standby *May 4 01:42:54.719: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#show standby br R1#show standby brief P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 190 Standby local R1#show standby brief conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#inte fa = 0/1 R1(config-if)#no shut R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:43:26.727: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state t o up R1(config-if)# *May 4 01:43:26.727: %TRACKING-5-STATE: 1 interface Fa0/1 line-protocol Down->U p *May 4 01:43:27.727: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/1, changed state to up R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)# R1(config-if)#no end R1#conf tshow standby brief *May 4 01:45:41.667: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#show standby brief

P indicates configured to preempt. | Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP Fa0/0 69 220 Standby local R1#show standby brief FastEthernet0/0 - Group 69 State is Standby 14 state changes, last state change 00:05:00 Virtual IP address is Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac45 (v1 default) Hello time 1 sec, hold time 3 sec (cfgd 2 sec) Next hello sent in 0.064 secs Preemption disabled Active router is, priority 200 (expires in 2.720 sec) Standby router is local Priority 220 (configured 220) Track interface FastEthernet0/1 state Up decrement 30 Group name is "hsrp-Fa0/0-69" (default) R1#

R1 con0 is now available

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R1> R1> R1> R1> R1> R1>en R1# *May 4 01:57:38.543: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/0, changed state to down *May 4 01:57:38.543: %HSRP-5-STATECHANGE: FastEthernet0/0 Grp 69 state Standby -> Init R1# R1# R1# R1# R1#er R1#erase n st R1#erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [con firm] [OK] Erase of nvram: complete R1# *May 4 01:58:41.295: %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram R1# *May 4 01:58:47.479: %TRACKING-5-STATE: 1 interface Fa0/1 line-protocol Up->Dow n *May 4 01:58:47.607: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthern et0/1, changed state to down R1#

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