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Evaluation Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The main character of my movie is a teenage girl. Its obvious that shes as student at school because shes in a school uniform. The school uniform makes her look professional so although she doesnt look like a dancer, the audience can see that she takes it seriously and it foreshadows that she might want to become a professional dancer. The costume and locations would be relatable to my target audience. The opening is set in a school environment and as my target audience are teenagers, they will be students and be able to relate to her more as shes in a school. Most of the shot types are close ups of her feet or long shot so that the audience can see her body and her dancing. The audience is at eye level with the character so it shows that theyre at an equal level with her and the audience isnt superior to the character and vice versa. It shows that they are equal in society. The representation of teenagers, who are my target audience, varies of positive and negative representation depending on the stereotypes. Most of the views of teenagers come from how they are represented through the media. On one hand, teenagers have a negative representation and are associated with gangs and crimes. The news caused moral panic and it can be argued that the news targeted young gangs and young criminals to bring a bigger shock, when in reality, theres only a small minority of teenagers like that. Also TV programmes such as Skins represent teenagers as being party goers and rebels and shows them taking drugs, drinking and having sex. Because its a popular TV programme, older people may feel that thats how teenagers act. Also younger viewers will see this programme and decide to act like the characters of skins because they see that its cool and popular. This means that they conform to the negative view society already has on them. However there are positive representations of teenagers. Around summer time and results day, teenagers are recognised as doing well at school, passing GCSE and A-Levels. There are also shows that give awards to young people for helping and contributing to society so the media does show teenagers in a positive light. My film opening represents teenagers in a positive way. The main character is at school which shows that she values her education. Also because shes at school and dancing it shows that although shes a student, she is still able to do something that shes passionate about.

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