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Sir; This is in connection, with the local governmental management set up, in the municipality of Siocon, Zamboanga del, under the leadership of Mayor,CESAR SORIANO. This humble concern citizen, would like to request your highness to investigate the set up of said mayor. You know, generally, merchants and business men and local planters, were paying protection money to unscrupulous member of lawless men allegedly members of the rebels in the area. It appearing that there is no more legitimate government that exist in the area, considering that if mentioned group of people in the municipality, will not give, were ordered to stop their transactions and of their works in their respective endeavors/farmland by the said unscrupulous rebels. This experienced, has been long suffered by the people of Siocon, and because, if they will not obey the demand of this rebels, they could not pursue their respective endeavors, hence, though its so much against their will, but they could not do otherwise, is to obey, in order, for them to survive. In several occasion, wherein military post were installed in reported controlled area by the rebels, the mayor in the area, relieves the military post once they will go actively, against said group, thus, most of the controlled area of the rebels in the municipality, have no any presence of military outpost, and if there is, this will not be working against the rebels to protect the people, instead, its like a decoration in the area, hence, people who are affected, were force to give to the demand of the rebels. Based on the above situation, this concern citizen, opted to write you, with the hope that rebels who are collecting protection money from the helpless people, because, mayor ,in that municipality is believed to be the GOD FATHER of this rebels, can be check, the very reason, when demanding to this helpless people in Siocon, were doing it, in bold without reservation that they will be apprended by military authorities. In this connection, I would like to request that the investigation will be conducted in a clandestine, so, to get the real score of the matter, not like in the case where, the latter was audited, for his municipal receipts and disbursements, of his municipal, the auditor was entertained by the mayor so to get a favorable result on the audit, in spite of the fact, glaring anomalous has been proliferating in his administration for his personal interest. Hoping and looking forward for your immediate action as this is already so much where, it appearing in Siocon municipality, there is no legitimate government to protect the people from this rebel group. Thank you, CONCERN CITIZEN

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