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Kelsey Durward Lesson 13 SBI 3C April 27, 2012

Lesson 13: Key Question 13: 1) Using a blood substitute is a very good idea. Blood substitutes actually have many good things about them, where actual blood does not. Blood substitutes actually can be given to any blood type because it is manly made up of lipids, where blood can only be given to a specific blood type. Artificial blood has a number of attributes that give it greater quality than natural blood. First of all, it has a tremendously longer shelf life than natural blood. Artificial blood can be stored for approximately 3 years and can be kept at room temperature,whereas natural blood has a shelf life of 35 to 42 days and needs to be refrigerated, because of this fact artificial blood can be created in great quantities and used at need. Natural blood must be gathered, stored carefully, transported with precision, and transfused before expiration. Thousands of patients die a year because there is no way to transfuse natural blood on site, whereas artificial blood can be transformed into a paste and liquefied at thesite of an accident. Since it can be stored at room temperature without any damagewhatsoever, artificial blood is infinitely easier to work with than natural blood. Because itis so easy to store and transport, artificial blood can be placed at ready in an ambulanceand used at need. Manufactured blood also carries oxygen at a faster rate than natural blood usingthe raw power of hemoglobin-based cells. At the site of a trauma this fact is crucial.Artificial blood can carry twice the oxygen of natural blood and do it twice as fast. Natural blood transfusions take about 24 hours to reach full oxygen capacity transport,whereas artificial blood transfusions immediately reach this stage. Thats 24 hours sooner that a patient is receiving oxygen at a cellular level in the normal amount. This fact alonecan save the patient from a blood-loss related death. Artificial blood can be used for animals as well as humans. A pet bleeding to death may be saved by a manufactured blood transfusion where a human blood transfusion would cause autoimmune attack and kill the animal. Since mostveterinarians do not carry animal blood donations, artificial blood transfusions are veryhelpful. The FDA has actually approved a brand of artificial blood, Oxyglobin, for legaluse in veterinary clinics. As you can see, there are a lot of amazing reason why this method should be used. This method is 100% better than rushing to find the proper blood type for someone when they need blood right away. This method just makes a lot more sence to me since it could actually save peoples lives before blood could.

2a) The circulatory system (Cardiovascular System) also known as the blood-vascular consists of the heart, which is a muscular pump that provides the force necessary to circulate the blood to all the tissues in the body.The right and left coronary arteries, branches of the ascending aorta, supply blood to the walls if the myocardium, it then enters a system of cardiac (coronary) veins. Most of the cardiac veins drain into the coronary sinus, which opens into the right atrium. It is located behind and to the left of the breast bone. Its function is vital because, to survive the tissues need a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients, and metoblic waste products have to be removed., and a closed system of vessels called arteries, veins, and capillaries. As the name implies blood contained in the circulatory system is pumped by the heart around a closed circle, or circuit, of vessels as it passes again and again through the carious circularions of the body. The vital role of the cardiovascular system in maintaining homeostasis depending on the continuous and controlled movement of blood though the thousands of miles of capillaries that permeate every tissue and reach every cell in the body. It is in the microscopic capillaries that blood perfroms its ultimate trasnport function. Nutrients and other essential materials pass from capillary blood into fluids surrounding the cells as waste products are removed. Arteries are known to carry blood away from the heart while veins are known to return blood to the heart. 2b.

2c. i. Carry Oxygen or food to your lungs- Red blood cells ii. Finds germs- White blood cells iii. Eats foreign things in your body- White blood cells iv. Take carbon dioxide or waste away- Red blood cells v. Kill infections- White blood cells 2d. Brochure.


Kelsey Durward Lesson 14 SBI 3C August 11, 2012

Lesson 14: Key Question 14: 1. There are said to be many reasons why respirators should and should not be used. I believe depending on the situation one should be used, but there are cases that one is used when it shouldnt be. People in a coma that are using a respirator system are looking at very high hospital bills due to they are being kept alive by this system which then means more money for medication and food. Could cause bodily harm to individuals, and also terminally ill patients may be neglected when it comes to there pain. In my opinion people that are using respirator systems to be kept alive are probably going through hell. Patients are being feed through tubes which is going to cost the family and the health care system an outstanding amout of money, and the fact that they have to live there life in a bed and never move again is just wrong. In a case like this I believe they should not be put on anything because this is going to cause more pain and suffereing for the person and family, they should just be left alone and when their time comes then they will pass away on their own. The use of respirators on the terminally ill could cause bodily harm like brusing, lung problems, and diseases.This is because they are not able to fight off as many germs as a healthy person would be able to and they are also not active enough due to the fact they are ill which means there blood is not moving around as much as it should be. Keeping a person alive on a respirator system is just wrong. Another issue to do with this is that when you have someone on a respirator they cant tell you what amount of pain they are in, so when you think they are not in pain they could be going through a large

amout of pain and you would have NO CLUE. This is due to limited formal education on pain management, and a profound focus on diagnosis and treatment of underlying conditions rather than on patients suffering. All in all I believe there are more issues when it comes to this system than there should be. A system like this should ONLY be used on a person that needs help for a day or two not for the rest of their life or even years. Think of how you would feel to sit there and watch you child die in a hospital bed slowly and painfully since you would have no idea how much pain they really are in. I think its just selfish to use these to keep people alive. When its someones time to die unfortunitly its there time, you shouldnt be fighting death and keeping someone alive. I dont believe any person should be subjected to lying in a hospital bed possibly suffering and having their family and friends watch it. I believe assisted suicide by a doctor should be aloud if you are diagnosed with a dibilitating disease. I have had this conversation with my mother knowing that I may have to make this choice for her one day if she cant make the decision first. My mother does not want to be on any type of life support due to her disease. This is just my opinion. 2. The H1N1 virus is a new strain of the influenza virus, the H1N1 virus, was identified as causing influenza infections in people in North America. As the H1N1 Flu Virus spread around the world, the world health organization declared it a pandemic influenza virus. As it was a new strain of influenza and because humans had little to no natural immunity to this virus, it caused serious and widespread illness. The symptoms of H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and deaths have occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus. Infection with the H1N1 virus causes upper and lower respiratory tract inflammation and fever. In rare cases, ICU admission, incubation and mechanical ventilation is required. In H1N1, lung function often stops altogether for days or weeks, so the patient is completely dependent on ECMO perfusion. Lung function usually returns in 1-2 weeks, but may take a month or more. People can avoid H1N1 by washing their hands with soap and water frequently, particularly before eating. Hand sanitizers are also effective if soap and water are not available. Cover the nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Dispose of tissues promptly. Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth, unless hands are freshly washed, and wash hands after touching these surfaces. Avoid contact with individuals who have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, body aches, vomiting/diarrhea).

Kelsey Durward Lesson 15 SBI 3C August 11, 2012

Lesson 15: Key Question 15: 1. Constipation can impact the digestive track because the contents of the large intestines do not move along fast enough and waste materials stay in the large intestine so long that too much water is removed and the feces become hard. Peristalsis can slow or stop, sickness, immune problems and/or diverticulitis.

Kelsey Durward Lesson 16 SBI 3C August 11, 2012

Lesson 16: Key Question 16: 1. Pamphlet 2. In order for children and adults to become healthier in this century is much more complex then it needs to be. There are over a hundred take out places just between midland to Barrie, which is a BIG issue when it comes to obesity. The government needs to focus more on obesity than on video games and take-out. If the government were to say make video games that involved kids to be active and not sit on there butt all day that would be a huge step when it comes to obesity. There are many factors in play when it comes to obesity in people though, physical impairment, health, family, money, and time. Kids that have a physical impairment are going to have a lot of issues when it comes to exercise but there is no reason why they cant cut out the unhealthy food. People with bad health may have issues as well, but they can also take it easy when it comes to exercise and slowly work out more and more each week. Family would be a big factory when it comes to healthy eating and exercise because as a child you have to eat what you are given, generally children are very active but if they live with a family that doesnt go outside much then they are not going to get out much either. Money would be another big factory when it comes too healthy eating because in order for people to eat healthy they need the money to buy the food. Food that is very healthy is NOT cheap and never will be. Time is another big factory when it comes to a healthy life style because you need time to exercise and time to plan and cook a healthy meal for your family. Yes it is easier to stop and get take-out for you family, but if you think about the amount of money you spend in a year on take-out your better off to spend the money on healthy food. I believe that if people want to eat healthy and exercise they will, unfortunately there is NO way to make people. The only way everyone in the world is going to eat healthier is if you squash EVERY fast food place in the world, but thats never going to happen because the government doesnt care. All the government looks at is they are making money, they may make it look like they care about obesity but if they did there wouldnt be so many fast food places in the world.

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