Evaluation Introduction

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For my media coursework the task assigned to us involves creating a teaser trailer of a genre of our own choice. We decided to make a teaser trailer for a action/thriller film, however this eventually altered and turned into a horror/thriller due to its possession scene and the fact that there was little to no action that made it into the last/final edit of our teaser. Understanding that films use a combination of teasers, trailers, posters and other forms of advertisement to successfully release and create anticipation of a movie, we understood why we were asked to create a magazine cover and poster to accompany our teaser trailer. Furthermore knowing the process in which each of the three products come into place and is released helps make the main product successful. For example releasing a teaser to create media attention and a buzz around the upcoming movie will mean there is a gradual build-up of an audience. Secondly the release of the poster will hold relevant information, such as release date into cinemas & even casts names of famous/recognizable actors.




Thus when all three of these elements are used correctly, especially the promotion pack means the success of the film can be more likely than a film which has no promotion. This means the film will not be exposed to the public unlike ours, which will be. The success rate should be more likely and in our favor.


Since the definition and ideology of a teaser trailer is to tease the audience, it assumes that the audience will possibly and hopefully be intrigued to want to watch the film or even know more about it. This is where the poster and magazine cover come into action. Due to the media nowadays it is much more simple to interact and draw in audiences, especially through advertisement. People everywhere are exposed to advertisements everyday and possibly everywhere they go. Thus the film releasing a film poster and magazine feature/cover is like a constant reminder to the audience of the films existence. - The combination of seeing the teaser and seeing the poster elsewhere can help imprint the film/movie title and imagery into the public and more importantly the individual. This helps the film reach and have a prominent fixation on peoples minds and thoughts. On the other hand the magazine is a more detailed and can feature casts and directors to draw attention of film lovers who are fans already to become interested.

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