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PS: O 5 : Parper 1 + Parper 2 + Answers O


FOr GCE 0 LeVel




Answer a questions
ith the answer. lf working is needed for any question it must be shown ornission of essentia working` result in|oss of rnarks " approprlate. Ca cu ators shou d be used vvhere lfthe degree of accuraCy is not specified in the question,and ifthe answeris not exact,give the answerto three

gures,Give answers in degrees to one deCirna place.

cu ator

FOr ,use either your ca

va ue

or3,142,unless the question requires the answerin terr

s ofJr.

The number of marks is given in brackets[l atthe end of each question or part question.
The tota
Re evant

number of marks forthis paperis100.


ae are provided on page vI,

Answer a the questions

Jane is a subscriber of a mob e phone service The charges are given below

_Monthly nxed subscription fee $10

- Local


3cents per rninute


_Overseas ca

20cents per rninute charge above$10 12%of total ca charge

on local
7c/o of total bill

-Administrathe fee for total ca -Goods and services tax

In January2008Jane chalked up85 1inutes

(i) the total charge for local calls,

calls and1hour and20 1inutes

on overseas ca11s

1 1 3

(ii) the total charge for overseas calls, (iii)the total amount she has to pay in January

(b) (i) Ashley went on a trip to Thailand

she changed850Singapore do ars(S$)into Thai bahts(TIIB) The exchange rate was S$1=21.50THB.
Calculate the number of bahts received
( )

]During her stay in Tha and,she spent14500THB at a store

Calculate this amount in dollars

i)Ifthere was a storewide discount of15%at the ore,calculate how many bahts Ashley
would have to pay

Cv)Atthe end of the trip,Ashley had3500THB left She changed the rnoney back into do ars atthe rate of S$1=20.80THB in Tha


When she returned to Singapore,she discovered that the exchange rate vas S$1=19.50THB Calculate the loss she made by changing her rnoney in Thailand instead ofin Singapore. [3]

(a) Express as a ng1e fracuon in its( mplest for 1

-3 -2


(b) C;iven that y 2

-4,eXpress c in terlrls of y

(c) Factorise completely(3 5)2+30 169


(d)Ghen that

nnd the value of

Examination Set E

Number of packets sold




C 47



48 20

25 56

Cost p ce per packet($)

A a

se11s three different grades of coffee,A,B and C

The numbers of packets of coffee sold at different periods during a particular day and the cost prices
per packet are given in the table

(a) Write down a1natrix s such thatthe elements would give the numbers of packets of coffee sold during
that day


(b) The cost price of a packet of each grade of coffee is represented by a Fnatri

Find sC and explain\11`hat the elements in your ansl1 1`er represent


(c) The se ing price of a packet of each grade of coffee is set above its cost price by the fo11owing

_A _B -C

30% 40% 50%


The pront earned from the sale of each grade of coffee is represented by a rnatrix lP

(i) Find P.
Ci) It is given that T

sP and R=(1 1 1)

Find IRT and explain whatthe elementin your ans er represents

Examination Sct E


ABCD is a parallelogram whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at@ E is a point on AB such that AE=2EB DE intersec AC atF (a) If o is the point(0,0)on the coordinate plane,jD is the point(-4,5)and A is the point(-7, (i) express AD as a column vector,


cdcd e the value of|


(b) Given that OA=a and OB=b,express,as simply as possible,in terms of a and/or b,

(i) AC,
(ii) CD



oW that = 0+sb,
(d)Given that FA=
,sh w th


D,E and F e

on a straight ne


(eJ Show thattriangle AEF is sh lar to triangle CIDF



Calculate the value of



::: ;}{::|:::::: ; |: ::;;

Exa 1ination Set E

AO O (

PS: O 5 : Parper 1 + Parper 2 + Answers O



The diagram shows a rectangular neld P Rs,where Po 50m and oR=120m A man X walks from P to o at a constantspeed of 5m Atthe same time another man ywalks from R to g at a c nstant speed of1.5 (a) Write down,in teHms of ,the distance of

(i)X from0after seconds,

(ii)y from0after seConds
(b) Given that after r seconds the shortest distance between the twO men is d m,show that




Find the distance bet veen the twO1nen30seconds after they start walking



Exa 1ination Set E


Find the number of seconds both Inen have walked Find the distance ofX from o when yreaches g

`hen the t `o ofthen1are65n1apart




The diagran1shovvs t vo seCtors oft vo cirCles

The centres ofthe circles are O and the radii are2cm and6cn respectively
Both sectors subtend an angle of(.;)at o

Calculate the ratio ofthe area ofthe unshaded region to the area ofthe shaded region,

7 In the diagran1,oAB is a sector of a circle A@B
vith centre(9

0.8radians and@C=7.4cm
1 3 3

(D Given thatthe arc AB=4cm,calcu1ate the radius of the secto

( )

Calculate the area of the shaded region

(iii)Calculate the periIneter of the shaded region

Examination Set E

Answer the whole ofthis question on a sheet of graph pape
A school has adopted a new programIne to help overweight students sli


The table below sho vs the number of overweight students in the school after tiIne


) ( )

4 36 4

Number of overwoght studen

It is given that



=972(3 ).

(a) Find the value of s

(b)Find the number of students who were overweight before this new programme was adopted


(cJ U ng a hor ontal scale of2cm to represent1month and a verucal scale of2cm to represent50 students,draw the graph of against for1 5


Use your graph to nnd the value ofr vhen =250

(i) ]3y dra ving a tangent,nnd the gradient ofthe graph at the point vhere r
(ii) State brie y what this gradient represents




By dra ving another line on your graph,solve the equation324=(100

25 )3r


The roads sho vn in the diagram do not have any signposts Thejunctions are at A,B and C A motorist wishing to travel from S to eachjunction
He is twice as likely to go straight, vhen possible,as he is to turn

Where both left and right turns are possible,he is equa y likely to turn left or right

Some ofthe probabi ties are shown in the diagram

(a) Find the values of`,g,r and s (b) Expressing each answer as a fraction in its lowest teHns,calculate the probab (i) the motorist will reach r via B, (ii)the motorist will not reach
ity that


does not have a rnap with hin1,so he has to navigate by guessing at


Examination Set E

AO O (

PS: O 5 : Parper 1 + Parper 2 + Answers O


A ship sa s frO1rl Port A at0800on a bearing of040

towards Port B

It sails at an average speed of10km/h,reaching Port B at1024 From Port B, sa s to Port C,which is40km away.
After resting for half an hour at Port C,the ship sets sa

again to Port D,which is due north of Port B

ABC 100 and BCD=30

Show that AB=24km

Hence calculate

Examination Set E


(i) AC

(ii)the bearing of C from A to the nearest degree,

(iii)the shortest distance from B to(E

141 10

In the diagran the points A,B,C,and D lie on a circle with centre O TA and rB are tangents to the circle

ArB=7o and A =100m

(a) Given that AB=CB,calculate



ABD, Ci)
Cii) ACB,






Show that the radius of the circle is approxi1nately70m A helicopter` is hovering at a point vertically above O The angle of elevation ofthe helicopter from B is40 Calculate the height of the hehcopte



Examination Set E

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