Essay Structure: Main Idea 1: Topic Sentence

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Essay Structure

General sentence: What is the topic of the essay? Main idea 1 & Main Idea 2 & 3 Final sentence (Thesis statement) The purpose of this essay is to discuss the similarities and differences between A and B. Or The similarities and differences between A and B will be discussed in this essay.

Main idea 1: Topic Sentence

Supporting sentences 1: The rst similarity between A and B is... Supporting sentences 2: The next similarity between A and B is... Supporting sentences 3: The nal similarity between A and B is... Concluding sentence: In short ..... Therefore.... So ....

Transition sentence: However, there are also striking differences between A and B.

Main idea 2: Topic Sentence

Supporting sentences 1: The rst difference between A and B is... Supporting sentences 2: A further difference between A and B is... Supporting sentences 3: The last difference between A and B is... Concluding sentence: In short ..... Therefore.... So ....

Main idea 3: Topic Sentence

Supporting sentences 1: The rst difference between A and B is... Supporting sentences 2: A further difference between A and B is... Supporting sentences 3: The last difference between A and B is... Concluding sentence: In short ..... Therefore.... So ....

Williams, S. (2013) Intermediate Compare & Contrast Essay Plan Taylors IEN

Summary of main idea 1, 2 & 3: This essay has discussed the similarities and differences between A and B. Opinion: I believe that... I think it... In my opinion... Because... Recommendations - suggestions: There are both differences and similarities between A & B, however, B is ..... . Therefore, more people should ... because ...

Sample Essay.

Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur

As we all know, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are the best-known cities of Thailand and Malaysia. Both of them are the capital of two countries. They are both located in the southeast of Asia, therefore, their similarities and differences will be discussed in this essay. Firstly, Bangkok is as hot as Kuala Lumpur. Everybody knows that Thailand and Malaysia are near the equator which is one of the hottest area in the world, they belong to tropic monsoon climate and the mean temperature is 29. Secondly, food is similar in both places. I found that spicy and sour are very popular. For example, if you travel to Thailand or Malaysia now, you will be offered very sour and hot food, such as Nasi Lemak or Tom yam. In short, both counties share a hot climate and equally hot food. However, there are also striking difference between two cites. The first difference is religion. People from Thailand believe in Buddhism, and temples can be found everywhere there. But, Islam, which is the nation religion in Malaysia are completely different. For example, Islamic songs are played everyday in Malaysia to announce prayer time, whereas in Thailand they do not. So, religion is one difference between the two countries. Apart from religion, a further difference would be the transportation system. Bangkok is much bigger than Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, the transportation in Thailand is more developed than Kuala Lumpur. If you are in Bangkok, you can travel by many ways, sky train or causal ships. KL, however, by comparison is much smaller and there is less public transportation. The creates serious traffic problems each day. In short, the two cities have transportation systems, but BKs is slightly more developed. In conclusion, both cities are similar in that they are hot and have lots of good food. However, at the same time they have differences, such as religion and transportation. In my opinion, both cities have something to offer tourists and are equally unique. If you are thinking of traveling to either KL or BK, you should do some research into each country before you go. By doing this, you will be able to decide exactly what you want to do, see, eat and experience.

Williams, S. (2013) Intermediate Compare & Contrast Essay Plan Taylors IEN

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