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QUESTION 3 PARTS OF A PROPOSAL (20 marks) Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. is a fast growing organization.

Due to the increasing number of newly recruited staff, the Human Resource Manager, Mr. Muhammad Lutfi Latif feels a team-building weekend needs to be held. Below is the proposal to be submitted to the CEO of Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. Bearing in mind the 5C's of communication, complete the parts of this proposal. You are advised to include your own additional information wherever necessary.

1.0 Executive Summary Evidence from our surveys and observation on group task among newly recruited staff proves that Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. has a problem with lack of team cooperation and effective communication. In order to improve the team-building skills, we need to organize a seminar on enhancing team-building skills for the newly recruited staff. The recommended improvement will cost less than RM 20,000 and together will enhancing staffs team spirit and effective communication.

2.0 Background 2.1 Our observations or the last six months prove that we do, indeed, have a problem regarding on effective team cooperation among newly recruited staff. There tend to be some barriers among the staff of different ethnic backgrounds, staff of different ages and staff with different levels of experience.

Besides, the survey conducted last month showed that more than half of the 200 respondents agreed that the newly recruited staff facing problems in communicating among themselves and lack of team-building spirit. With the increasing of the number of newly recruited staff, public relation skills need to be polished in order to have a better workplace environment.

3. 0 Problems/Needs 3.1 Lack of effective workplace communication and the absence of team spirit would be a serious concern if we keep on blaming each other. As experienced personnel, we recognize that the company has facing these problems for quite a long time. We will face a decrease in companys performance in the future as well as risk of losing customers if Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. did not take any action in order to improve staffs team-building skills.

4.0 Objectives The purpose of this proposal is to improve team-building skills and enhance interpersonal communication techniques among new staff, so that the company will create a better workplace environment and achieve the companys vision. Above and beyond, it also significant in developing a good staff relationship as it might convey the feelings, ideas, opinions, and viewpoints of one party to the other party.

5.0 Plan of work As with any initiative, a little planning goes a long way to ensuring success. By creating an action plan for team building, we can ensure that their team building activities create a

lasting effect on team motivation, productivity and effectiveness. A well-designed action plan will ensure our team building efforts work and have a lasting impact on companys successful. As professional team building consultant will conduct the seminar, a team building action plan will help us prepare for team building events and will provide the needed support and follow-up to ensure the companys success.

6.0 Budget The budget and adjustment necessary to organize the team-building seminar will cost RM 16,500/=. The following budget details and expenses for this project: Program Instructors Handout materials and stationery Refreshment 4 @ RM 1,500 300 staff @ RM 20 300 staff @ RM 15 RM 6,000 RM 6,000 RM 4,500 RM 16,500

7.0 Conclusion If the staff of Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. tend to be the same and not improving their teambuilding skills, future problems are likely to occur such as miscommunication and misunderstanding among staff. Therefore, it will create inefficiency in companys operation and decrease in companys performance. We recommend that RM 16,500 be allocated in this project for conducting a seminar on enhancing team-building skills for newly recruited staff of Funstasticz Sdn. Bhd. Apart from that, the seminar is hopefully will enhancing staffs team spirit and effective communication.

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