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What is workplace diversity, and
why is it important?
o Demographic & cultural differences
among individuals
o Aptitude and ability differences
among individuals
o Cultural and Personal Norms and
o The Personal Values Questionnaire
Cultural Sources of
o Prejudice, Self-fulfill ing Prophecies
and Stereotyping
o Communicating and Dealing in a
Cross Cultural Environment
o Group Exercise: Can You
o Tips and Suggestions for Managers
~ Meirc Training & Consulting
Cultural Confli cts
o Sources of Cultural Conflict
o Cultural Norms Affecting
o Managing Conflicts of
Cultural Nature
o Case Study
o Tips & Suggestions for
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Rules for the Day ...
Confine discussion to the topic at hand
Own your views
Respect views of others
A void blame and attack
Examine biases
Honor confidentiality
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~ Meirc Training & Consulting
Different does not
mean right or wrong!
Different does not
mean less than!
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I Group Discussion
1. What is workforce diversity, and why is it
2. What are cultural differences among
individuals, and why are they important?
3. What does managing diversity and
individual differences involve, and why is it
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I Workforce Diversity
Workforce diversity refers to the similarities and
differences in individual characteristics such as
age, gender, ethnic heritage, physical abilities,
disabilities and race among the employees of
an organization.
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I Managing Diversity
Is the ability of an organization to:
o Recognize and manage these similarities
and differences;
o Understand how the social environment
affects employees' beliefs about work; and
o Have the communication skills (as an
organization) to develop confidence and
self-esteem in members of diverse work
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I Managing Diversity
Creating a setting where everyone feels
valued and accepted and while groups
retain their own characteristics, they will
shape and be shaped by organization.
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I Cultural Influences on Organization
Political/ Legal Setting >
Ethnic Background
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I Culture: DNA of Behavior
Culture is "a set of beliefs and values
about what is desirable and undesirable in a
community of people and a set of formal or
informal practices to support these values."
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I Attitudes: Root of Behavior
Attitudes: are strong beliefs
or feelings toward people,
things, and situations.
o Attitudes are more important to
employers than any other single
o Attitudes are acquired primarily
through experience.
o Attitudes are not visible.
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I Attitudes & Behaviors: The Relationship
Behaviors: are the visible manifestations of an
individual under natural (unsupervised)
They are the result of attitude;
Influencing behavior is short termed
o Forcing people to come on time through a punching-in
Influencing attitude is long-lasting
o Coaching people on the value and importance of time.
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to others
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to others
to others
Values, Standards, Judgment
.ltu de
Motives, Ethics, Beliefs.
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Cultural Values
I ~ Easy to
I! Influence
11 Short Term
Difficult to
I nfluence
Long T e ~ m
' ..................................................................... .
Personal Values
Di fficult to
Las tin
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-" I
Wor-k Habits and Practices I
Time and Time
Sense of Self &
Beliefs .and
and Language
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I The 2 Main Customers:
High vs. Low Context Cultures
o Establish social trust first
o Value personal relations
and goodwill
o Negotiations slow and
East, Middle East
Far east, South America
o Get down to business first
o Value expertise and
o Agreement by specific,
legalistic contract
o Negotiations as efficient as
North European
North American
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l1. Sense of Self & Space
The distance a person likes to keep between
him/herself and others;
o Physical: Personal space
o Psychological: Degree of formality
Greetings (Hand shake, bow, hug, kiss, nose rub)
Salutations (Good morning, Hi, Assalamu Alaykum)
Pronouns (You vs. Vous et Tu)
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Interpersonal Distance Zones for
Business Conversations
&.. "'0
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Latin America
North America +
Northern Europe
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I Suggestions for Managers
Say good morning and good-bye to each
employee every day;
Introduce new employees to their co-workers
Be careful of using first names, especially
with older co-workers;
Ask people what they prefer being called;
Guard against being overly familiar with co-
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l2. Communication and Language
Non-verbal elements
o Gestures, facial expressions, tone of
voice, and intonation patterns. For
Eye contact:
o "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
A sign of respect and obedience in some
A sign of disrespect and arrogance in others!
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Communication and Language
( Direct ) ( Indirect
N. America
Middle East
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Some Stories
A bank's customer service rep assists a limited-English-speaking
customer in filling out a form. In an attempt to put the customer at
ease, he smiles and speaks in a lighthearted manner. He is
shocked when the customer calls from home a few minutes later
to complain about being laughed at and treated disrespectfully.
An engineering manager asks why the Asian engineers who he
supervises smile so much.
A visiting professional from Germany being taken around on a
city tour by his American counterpart (an outgoing Texan) is quite
impressed. He notices that each time they enter a shop or see a
group of people, the Texan says, "Hi. How y'all doin' today?". At
the end of the day, the German says, "I am amazed at how many
friends you have!"
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I Suggestions for Managers
When there is a barrier, assume confusion;
Don't take the nod or 'Yes" to mean the individual
agrees or understands;
Guard against smiles and laughter;
A void smiling when
o giving instructions
o having serious discussions
Feedback, appraisals.
Be careful not to "think out loud"
o Employees may act on your "thoughts"!
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13. Dress and Appearance
"Don't judge a book by its cover!"
Clothing (color and style)
o A pin-striped suit or a pineapple barong tagalog? A bright
silk dress or a dark gabardine suit?
Hair dos and covers
o Afros, pony tails, Mohawks, gelled, straight combed?
o Gold, silver, rings, bracelets, pendants?
o Lack of hygiene or good hygiene but a special diet?
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I Some Stories
One client discounted a qualified candidate because
he was wearing an ear ring.
In many mainstream western cultures, hair for men
must be above the collar;
For Hindus, hair should never be cut and men
should cover theirs with a turban.
Muslim men are encouraged by religion to grow their
beards and women must cover their hair in front of
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I Suggestions for Managers
Before reacting to another's appearance, stop to
consider the meaning;
When making assessments about job applicants,
consider their cultural norms regarding dress;
Teach people the cultural rules required in your
organization regarding dress and grooming;
Remember: body scent is not necessarily a sign of
poor hygiene!
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14. Food and Eating Habits
Muslims are prohibited from consuming o r k ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . _
and alcohol; in France and Italy, those two ~ IIIIW___) .....

are parts of their staple and in some Asian
cultures, pork is replaced by a dog, a cat or
a horse!
Cultural norms influence food preferences;
o Chopsticks, fork & knife or by hand?
o Burping, belching, and picking the teeth
Unacceptable in west and a sign of respect for
some Asian cultures: It actually means, "My
compliments to the chef!"
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I Suggestions for Managers
When planning catered meals or snacks for meetings
and group gatherings, include a variety;
A void serving items that can be offensive to some
staff members;
When choosing restaurants for business, keep
individual dietary restrictions and preferences in mind;
Provide well-ventilated I outdoor eating areas for staff.
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[._ .
~ ~
"Time is money" versus 'Manana' and L ==!J
'lnshallah'- punctuality versus elasticity!
o In some cultures, time is used to accomplish
tasks; in other cultures to develop relationships.
o Schedules in some cultures depend on priorities
and in some on the "Will of God".
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I Suggestions for Managers
Recognize that differences in time consciousness
are cultural- they are not a sign of laziness;
Allow time in your schedule for the development of
Make it a point to spend some time each week with
each of your employees;
Explain the reasons for deadlines and schedules;
Explain the part promptness plays in performance
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I 6. Relationships
Next of kin in some cultures means the nuclear group
of parents and siblings; in other cultures, it is the clan.
Many western cultures believe in egalitarian
democracies (after a certain age); in the East and
Middle east, the hierarchy and pecking order
disappears only with death!
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Suggestions for Managers
Recognize that family responsibility and loyalty to kin will be a
prime value for many workers, equal to and sometimes
higher than work itself;
Allow employees to discuss important decisions with family
members before they give you a final answer;
Recognize the informal leadership older members may hold in
the work unit. Consult with them and seek their cooperation;
Show respect to older employees by addressing them first
and giving them formal authority when appropriate;
Recognize that as a boss, you are seen by some as the J'head
of the family" and as such, they may come and seek your
advice and counsel about problems in and out of work.
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I 7. Values and Norms
Individualism versus collectivism
o In goals and targets;
o I & Me versus We & US
Competition versus Cooperation and Equality
o In feedback and appraisals
Openness and transparency versus Pivacy
o Family and financial matters, personal
experiences, thoughts and feelings;
Off-the-cuff versus delayed response.
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Comparisons in Values & Norms
In the west, loyalty is to abstract principles such as truth and
justice; in the east it is to individuals and groups.
In the Middle East self and behavior are one; "/ am my
behavior and my behavior is me."
o Titles and performance are personal: Junior titles are
insulting and appraisals are criticism of people NOT
In the Far East criticism of performance leads to "Joss of face"
which results in dishonor:
o Respect must be preserved at all costs. It is redeemable
only by suicide!
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I Suggestions for Managers
Consider giving rewards and feedback to the
whole grouJ) rather than to individuals;
Structure tasks to require teamwork rather than
individual action;
Consider the face-losing potential of any actions
you are planning.
Seek out ways to achieve your objectives while
avoiding diminishing employees.
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I 8. Beliefs and Attitudes
Beliefs and attitudes are at the root of human
o What you believe in greatly influences how you
o Understanding some of these beliefs- especially
the powerful ones is essential in managing
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I Attitudes towards Religion
Religions are powerful influencers of beliefs and
attitude - in spite of the law!
o In the US, the "Constitution" mandates the separation of
church and state, yet most public holidays are Christian!
'Holy' days are different between Muslims (Jum'a),
Jews (Sabbath) and Christians (Sunday).
o Scheduling important work assignments on these days
may not be culturally sensitive.
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I Attitudes towards Women
Also a big cultural divider:
o In some groups, it is accepted that women work
outside the home, in others, it is a sign of male
o For some, being bossed by a woman is
unthinkable and for others being served by a man
is as well.
o In some cultures, secretarial, customer service
and nursing jobs are dominated by women. Why?
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I Attitudes towards Authority
In Asia and the Middle East, juniors (school,
work, family) don't question seniors- not so
in the West.
o Children don't talk back to parents;
o Housekeepers can only resiJond to their
employers with,
Yes Sir or Yes Madam!''
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I Suggestions for Managers
Find our what religious holidays staff
members celebrate - especially minorities.
o A void scheduling meetings, training programs or
important work-group activities on such days
whenever possible.
Help newcomers understand the reasons
behind shared decision making processes
and the need for suggestions and input from
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19. Mental Processes and Learning
Do you prefer Poker (West) or Chess (East)?
o Problem solving and analytical thinking differ with
cultural diversity.
Do you learn best by seeing, hearing or
o Don't assume that hands-on training is better than
classroom teaching!
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I The 3 Learning Modalities
Learn best by:
Reading textbooks,
instructions, handouts
Watching models,
demonstrations, films
Looking at maps,
charts, diagrams,
outlines, pictures,
color codes
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Learning Style
L ~ a r n best by:
Listening to lectures,
audiotapes, speakers
Talking, presenting,
teaching, reading
aloud, singing
Repeating oral
Discussing in small
groups, one-on-one
Learn best by:
Building, designing,
. modeling
Moving, hand signals,
Physical interaction,
counting on fingers,
Disassembling and
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I Suggestions for Managers
Make it visual
Show and tell
Take it easy
Keep it simple
Say it again
Assume confusion
Get help
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Empathize - put yourself
in their shoes
Smile - but don't laugh
Ask them for suggestions
Ask them about their
preferred learning style
Be flexible in your training
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l10. Work Habits and Practices
Some cultures revere work; others only do so if it is the "White
Collar'' type!
o The west loves to tinker with their hands, the East believes that
inputting your data into the computer is demeaning!
Work-related rewards are also culture-sensitive;
o A promotion to management might be considered a reward for
one culture and a punishment to another.
Initiative is also an interesting work practice;
o For some it is quintessential and its absence indicates laziness or
indifference; for others its presence is dangerous and it is often
referred to as audacity and brashness!
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Suggestions for Managers
Get to know your employees - as persons - and find out what
place work plays in their lives.
o Find out what gives them satisfaction on the job;
Be sensitive to employees' perception about the status of certain
kinds of work.
o Explain the reasons for each assignment and its importance overall;
Talk to employees to find out what is rewarding to them;
Understand that taking initiative and making independent
decisions may be difficult for some employees.
o Take time to coach them in that direction.
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Comparing Cultural Norms and Values
Aspects of Mainstream West Other Cultures
Sense of self and Informal Formal
Handshake Bows, hugs & kisses
Communication Explicit, direct communication Implicit, indirect communication
and language
Emphasis on content - meaning Emphasis on context- meaning found
found in words between the lines
Dress and "Dress for success" Dress seen as a sign of position, wealth
Wide range in accepted dress
and prestige
Religious rules
Food and eating Eating as a necessity- fast food Eating as a social experience
Religious rules
Time and time Linear and exact time consciousness Elastic and relative time consciousness
Value on promptness: time = money Time spent on enjoyment of relationships
Relationships, Focus on nuclear family Focus on extended family
family, friends
Responsibility for self Loyalty and responsibility to family
Value on youth, age seen as Age given status and respect
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Comparing Cultural Norms and Values
Aspects of Mainstream West Other Cultures
Values and norms Individual orientation Group orientation
Independence Conformity
Preference for direct confrontation of Preference for harmony
Beliefs and Egalitarian Hierarchical
Challenging of authority Respect for authority and social order
Individuals control their destiny Individuals accept their destiny
Gender quality Different roles for men and women
Mental processes Linear, logical, sequential Lateral, holistic, simultaneous
and learning style
Problem-solving focus Accepting of life's difficulties
Work habits and Emphasis on task Emphasis on relationships
Reward based on individual Rewards based on seniority,
achievement relationships,
Work has intrinsic value Work is a necessity of life
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l1 0 Ways to Learn about Other Cultures
1. Ask the employee:
o "What are the biggest differences between your
culture and mine?"
o "What does it mean in your culture when ... ?"
o "How do you ... in your culture?"
2. Ask colleagues from other cultures;
3. Tap community resources;
4. Read about different cultures;
o Even fiction will give you an insight.
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5. Observe without judgment;
6. Share in staff meetings what new discoveries
you have made about other cultures;
7. Conduct focus groups;
B. Use employee or customer survey
9. Experiment with new methods;
1 o. Spend time in other cultures.
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Cultural Sources of
No. We are I!J ~ ~
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I Ethnocentrism: A Cultural Fallacy
Ethnocentrism: the belietthat one's native
country, culture, language,and modes of behavior
are superior to all others.
o The 3rd world? Who is is 1st and who is 2nd?
o The Japanese concept of gaijin?
o Heathens?
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Stereotypes are beliefs about an
individual's traits and characteristics based
on beliefs about his or her group's traits and
o Often, these beliefs are inaccurate, outdated,
or based on prejudice;
o At times, these beliefs about the group's
characteristics are relatively accurate on average,
but ignore individual variations within the group
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I Prejudices
Prejudices are judgments about others
that reinforce beliefs (stereotypes) about
superiority and inferiority; they can lead to an
exaggerated assessment of the worth of one
group and a diminished assessment of the
worth of others.
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I Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Key Principles:
o We form certain expectations of people or events
o We communicate those expectations with various
o People tend to respond to these cues by adjusting
their behavior to match them.
o The result is that the original expectation becomes
This creates a circle of self-fulfilling
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I An Example
Supervisor expects
employee to be late
(due to stereotyping)
The original expectation
becomes true!
The supervisor thinks: til
was right all along!"
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Supervisor communicates
- - - this expectation (formally
or informally)
Employee adjusts
behavior to meet
supervisor's expectation
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I Helping Others Acculturate
1. Explain the reasons
2. Show employees the benefits
3. Suggest resources
4. Spend non-work time together
5. Talk about differences openly
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Cultural Conflicts
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I Conflict Myths
Conflict can always be avoided.
Conflict always occurs because of a
misunderstanding. ;
Conflict is always a sign of poor interpersonal
Conflict can always be resolved.
Conflict is always bad.
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I What is Conflict?
Conflicts are differences of ...
when at least one party believes, perceived
or real, that their right to satisfy their needs or
interests have been denied, and feels the need
to win at any expense.
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~ - - - """' ~ . ---
I Cultural Attitudes Towards Conflict
Is positiv.e
It speeds up reform
It creates energy
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High Context Cultures
Is a bad thing
It is not desirable
It is embarrassing
and demeaning
It must be avoided or
worked out quietly
(or in writing!)
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I Organizational Cultural Conflicts
To which extent should
organizational policies and
practices (the Carrefour Way) be
modified or abandoned to
accommodate the different styles
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and values of diverse
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2 Approaches
Lessens overt cultural conflict
~ I I
Culturally Insensitive

~ I
Rigid & Task oriented
~ I
Wins Loyalty & Commitment
Management Endangers Identity

Lessens organizational control
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I Conflict Management Styles
:: I
t=-::; =-=-
' 1:
C/) I

.._ ____ Cooperation----
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I Competing Style
Debating & arguing
Using rank or influence
Asserting opinions &
feelings aggressively
Standing ground
Stating position clearly
& firmly
Lack of feedback
Reduced learning
Surrounded by "Yes"
Increased ill will
I "Ifs my way ... or the highway!'
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I Collaborating Style
Finding creative

Can be time wasting
Gathering data
Can cause missed
Merging perspectives
Others may take advantage

Gaining commitment
Improving relationships
I "Lefs both get our ends meet." I
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I Compromising Style
Moving stalled
Offering temporary
Good when facing time
Protecting relationships
Lose focus on important
Emphasis on
Nobody gets what they
need of want
"If you give ... r II give!'
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I Avoiding Style
Prefer not to have
Like to buy time
Want to protect
Want to gather more
Lose more often than not
Others don't know what's
important for your
Increase problems
Reflects weakness
"I II think about it tomorrow!' I
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I Accommodating Style
Creating good will
Get taken advantage of
Keeping the peace
Not listened to
Limited influence
Putting others in debt
Seen as weak
"How may I be of service?''
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I Tips for Managers
Don't assume there's one conflict-handling
intention that is always best.
o Use competition when quick, decisive action is vital
o Use collaboration to find an integrative solution
o Use avoidance when an issue is trivial
o Use accommodation when you find you're wrong
o Use comEJromise when goals are important and
resources are scarce.
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Manage Your Emotions
o A void taking action when angry or frustrated.
Select a mutually acceptable time and place
to discuss a conflict
o Make sure the other person is ready to receive
you and your message.
Plan your message
o Identify your goal, and determine the outcome you
would like.
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Monitor nonverbal messages
o Speak calmly, use eye contact, maintain a natural
facial expressio11;.
A void personal attacks, name-calling,
emotional overstatement
o Keep the focus on the issue at hand.
Use self-talk to manage self feelings
o They affect the emotional response.
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I The Dilemma!
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Create Shared
Vision and
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I Pluralism
Mixed management men1bership
o Active steps to fully all people who differ
from the dominant group.
o Requires training and orie11tation programs that
increase awareness of cultural differences and
build skills for working
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I Full Structural Integration
Minority group members
o serving at all levels,
o performing all functions, and
o working in all work groups.
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I Informal Networks
Mentoring programs,
Special social events, and
support groups for minorities.
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I Absence of Prejudice &
Equal opportunity seminars,
In-house focus groups, and
Diversity (bias reduction) training.
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.... ..
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I Shared Goal Setting
When different groups participate fully in
determining organizational direction and
deciding how to meet its goals, they better
understand the organization and their places
in it.
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I Surveys & Feedback
Employee surveys;
Customer surveys;
360 feedback, and
Special training in conflict resolution.
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I Why Western Expatriates Fail on Foreign
~ Meirc Training & Consulting
Manager's spouse cannot adjust to new
physical or cultural surroundings;
Manager cannot adapt to new physical or
cultural surroundings;
Family problems;
Manager is emotionally immature;
Manager cannot cope with foreign duties,
Manager is not technically competent;
Manager Jacks proper motivation for
foreign assignment.
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I Why Global Managers Succeed on Foreign
~ Meirc Training & Consulting
Global Perspective: Focus on global business;
Cultural Responsiveness: Become familiar
with many cultures;
Appreciate Cultural Synergies: Learn
multicultural dynamics;
Cultural Adaptability: Live and work effectively
in different cultures;
Cross-Cultural Communication: Daily cross-
cultural interaction;
Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Multicultural
Acquire Broad Foreign Experience: Series of
foreign career assignments.
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