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Syria and its Neighbours

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Damascus =Syrias capital Aleppo =Syrias largest city.

President Assad Family Bashar al-Assads father ruled Syria for nearly 30 years and died in 2000. From 2000 to this date, Bashar Al Assad is the President of Syria. al-Assad family is Alawite, a small branch of Shia Muslims. But nearly 75% of Syrias population is Sunni Muslims. Bashar has filled key positions in his government with either his family members or the Alawite Minority Muslims. Combined with rampant corruption, inflation, unemployment, Syria was sitting on a volcano about to erupt.

Syrian Unrest

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In January 2011, revolution in Tunisia marked the start of the so-called Arab Spring. In March 2011, violence broke out in Daraa, Syria, after a group of children and teenagers were arrested for writing political graffiti. Dozens of people were killed when security forces cracked down on protesters. Demonstrators soon called for al-Assad to leave office, following in the footsteps of Egypts Hosni Mubarak and Tunisias Zine el Abidine Ben Ali. Al-Assad promised to make changes, and he lifted the countrys state-ofemergency law, which for 48 years gave the regime the power to detain anyone without charge and hold them indefinitely. But just four days after the emergency law was lifted in April 2011, the Syrian regime sent thousands of troops into Daraa for a wide-scale crackdown Since then, the violence has only increased, spreading throughout the country and becoming a full-fledged civil war between the regime and an armed resistance. More than 10,000 citizen had been killed by Assads Military crackdown.

Who supports Assad and why? Who Iran Hezbollah Russia Why they support Assad? Because ruled by Shia Because it is a Shia Militant group cum Political party based in Lebanon. Has a naval port and large diaspora. [we already discussed that in detail, earlier Click ME]

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Has massive investments in Syria, in energy sector [oil,gas etc.].

Assad has given major defense contracts to China. [missile Development etc] Chinese Government doesnt want Chinese protestors to replay the same events at home, demanding freedom of speech and democracy.

It doesnt want America to dominate over this region.

Who is against Assad and why? Who? Junta of Syria Saudi Arabia Bahrain Why against Assad? Common sense. because ruled by Sunnis. Same as above.


Syria has been actively supporting Hamas and Hezbollah while sharing a border with Israel. If America could somehow install a friendly regime (new President), then itd help it gain absolute hegemony (domination) over the Middle East and further isolate Iran.

Reaction of the world

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United States and many of its Western allies have imposed economic sanctions against Syria, condemning al-Assad and demanding that he leave power. But they have not persuaded the U.N. Security Council [UNSC] to do the same.

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China and Russia two of Syrias commercial partners have vetoed several proposed resolutions on Syria in the UNSC. OIC has suspended Syrias membership. Saudi and Bahrain are providing weapons to the Syrian rebels.

Kofi Annan peace plan for Syria Also known as six-point peace plan for Syria February 2012, Kofi Annan was appointed as the joint U.N.-Arab League special envoy to Syria to settle down the Syrian crisis. March 2012, he submitted 6-point peace plan to UN According to this plan, Assad would ceasefire and withdraw the troops and crackdown. Then Government and rebels would do talks, negotiation, allow more Sunnis in parliament. Foreign Reporters would be allowed to do news-coverage etc.etc.etc. but it didnt materialize because

Houla massacre

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it is a region in Syria, where 100+ civilians were killed in May 2012. Syrian government alleged that Al-Qaeda terrorist groups were responsible for the killings while Houla residents and opposition groups allege Syrian militarys hand behind the incident.

Why Kofi Annans Mission failed?

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After this Houla massacre, the Rebels started attacking Government establishments again, and thus providing convenient excuse to President Assad to continue mass-murdering innocent civilians, again. Kofi got frustrated and resigned from the envoy job after working for around 6 months. [From February to August 2012] and he gave following reasons why he couldnt solve Syrian crisis 1. Syrian governments intransigence [stubbornness] 2. the growing militancy of Syrian rebels [as long as they use violence, Assad gets convinient excuse to use military] 3. Divided Security Council [UNSC] that failed to forcefully back his effort. Since Kofi took on the job, Russia and China have twice used their veto power to block strong Western- and Arab-backed action against President Bashar Assads regime. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he accepted Kofis resignation with deep regret, adding that the hell search for successor to Kofi, who will stay on until Aug. 31. 2012

UN General Assembly

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Has 193 members. In August 2012, it passed the resolution that denounced Syrias crackdown on its people and demanded that the country lockdown its chemical and biological weapons. India abstained from this voting.

Indias problem

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India needs Saudi Arab for energy security and for keeping pressure on Pakistan over Kashmir and terror issues. At the same time, India cant ignore the strategic significance of Iran for its regional policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia. [recall the Chahbahar port article.] Overall, India has signaled its broad support for the Arab League and its positions on Syria. But India is reluctant to back any externally induced regime change in Syria

[Diplomacy] Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): suspension of Syria, Rohingyas, Jammu n Kashmir

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Why is it in News? Two main outcomes of OIC summit On Rohingyas On Syrian Unrest The pot calling the kettle black Why India is not a member of OIC? India and OIC: Problem area Jammu and Kashmir = Free country

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an international organization consisting of 57 member states. Established in 1969, to safeguard the interests and ensure the progress and wellbeing of Muslims.

Why is it in News?

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King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, called up an emergency summit of OIC in midAugust 2012, in the city of Mecca. This is only the fourth time in the history of OIC, that an emergency summit has been called.

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Why? Official reason: to address the urgent agenda of the deepening divisions within and between Muslim majority states. Unofficial reason: put pressure on Syrian Government to stop massacring the people.

Two main outcomes of OIC summit On Rohingyas

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OIC condemned the violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. OIC also released 14-point resolution to pressurise the Myanmarese government to stop the widespread discrimination and administrative hostility being faced by Rohingya Muslims.. King Abdulla ordered assistance of $50 million to the Rohingyas. Although Myanmar Government maintains that the violence in the Rakhine state has anything to do with race or religion, has avoided a political confrontation with the OIC and other leading Islamic nations.

On Syrian Unrest

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More than 10,000 protestors have been massacred so far, by President Bashar AlAssads troops. OIC has suspended Syrias membership on 15 th August 2012. This was done to send message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that OIC members will not accept the regime killing its people. Although Iran (an OIC member) rejected the proposal saying : suspension of Syrias membership does not really resolve the issue and is not in line with the OIC charter but majority of OIC members voted in favor of Syrias removal.

The pot calling the kettle black

While OIC calls for protecting the rights of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, the

OIC itself is having trouble securing the rights of Muslim minorities and even majorities within its own member states. For example: OIC member Saudi Arabia Ruled by Sunnis Minority populations problem

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Shias complain about the lack of access to government jobs and full religious freedoms. Shia majority has unhappy with them because of the misrule and underdevelopment.



Why India is not a member of OIC?

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India has second largest population of Muslims in the world [Indonesia is first], yet we are not a member of OIC, Why? In 1969, the first ever Islamic Summit Conference held Rabat [Capital of Morocco] At that time, Pakistan was the largest Muslim country in the world. And, Pakistani President Gen Yahya Khan had threatened to boycott the summit, if India was allowed membership. For OIC it would have been a diplomatic disaster and death knell to the organization, if the worlds then largest Muslim country walked out. So, King Hassan of Jordan, in his capacity as the chairman of Islamic Conference has decided to withdraw the invitation extended to Indians and bar the Indian delegation from entering Morocco. Thus, India couldnt get admitted to OIC. Sidenote: India is an Observer state in OIC, while China and USA are not even observer states.

India and OIC: Problem area

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Over the years, under Pakistani influence, OIC communiqu (a letter issued to press after the summit) used to equate Kashmir issue with Palestine, and refered to Jammu and Kashmir as an occupied territory. and Kashmiri separatists were also invited to attend the summits. But now it appears that Pakistans influence at the OIC is fading. In this latest OIC summit (Aug-2012), for the first time since 1995, Pakistan could not muster an invitation for All Party Hurriyat Conference. But problem is far from over.

Jammu and Kashmir = Free country In the Final Communique at OIC Summit 2012, the it was mentioned that The Summit affirms its solidarity and full support for Sudan, Somalia,

Afghanistan and Jammu and Kashmir, Iraq, Yemen, Ivory Coast, the Union of Comoros and the Republic of Turkish-Cyprus in addressing the challenges facing these countries. Indian Government officially opposed this statement and said This is erroneous and factually incorrect mention about an integral part of India

by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

[Diplomacy] Joseph Koni, Lords Resistance Army, Uganda Child Soldiers Guest Article by Varoon Bakshi.

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Lords Resistance Army Timeline Joseph Koni and his atrocities Kony 2012 Viral Campaign on Youtube

Lords Resistance Army The Lords Resistance Army is a rebel group led by leader Joseph Kony. The group originated in Northern Uganda as a movement to fight for the rights of the Acholi people. The group has been fighting the Ugandan army for years and has been driven out of Uganda and is now scattered across Congo, Central African Republic and Southern Sudan, where it conducts brutal attacks Spread of LRA activity = Uganda, Congo, South Sudan, CAR.


1980 Holy Spirit Movement - The Lords Resistance Army (LRA) came to life as the Holy Spirit Movement in the early 1980s by a woman called Alice Lakwena who claimed that the Holy Spirit had ordered her to overthrow the Ugandan govt because of the atrocities it commits against the Acholi people. The Acholis live in Northern Uganda. A large number of Acholi people flocked to Alice Lakwena, they had a lot of grudge

against the Ugandan govt, the Holy Spirit Movement gathered momentum however a battle fought between the movement and the Ugandan army resulted in its defeat and exile of Alice Lakwena from Uganda to Kenya.

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Thus in this time of turmoil for the movement, a man named Joseph Kony, claiming to be the cousin of Alice Lakwena took over as leader of the movement and renamed it as the Lords Resistance Army (LRA). 1987 LRA Insurgeny- The Lords Resistance Army started armed insurgency activity in 1987 2002 Operation Iron Fist- In 2002, the Ugandan government launched Operation Iron Fist (with cooperation with the Sudanese government, relations between both the countries had improved) against the LRA. This led the LRA to move into remote regions of northern Uganda 2005 ICC issues warrants against Kony and his 4 commanders- In 2005 the International Criminal Court issued warrants against 5LRA commanders, including Kony 2006 Indictment of Kony by ICC- In 2006 Joseph Kony was indicted by the International Criminal Court for various war crimes, like abductions, killings, rape etc. In 2006 a second truce is agreed by both the sides (LRA and Ugandan govt) mediated by the Southern Sudan. 2008 Juba Peace Talks and resumption of insurgency- Kony refuses to sign a permanent truce under the Juba Peace talk because the ICC warrants have not be withdrawn against him. Thus LRA resumes its violent activities. The LRA starts abducting children from not only Uganda but also South Sudan, Congo and the Central African Republic . Thus the militaries/militias of Uganda, South Sudan and Congo launch Operation Lightening Thunder against the LRA. 2011 Involvement of US forces- United States dispatched 100 military advisors to Central Africa

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Joseph Koni and his atrocities

The LRA under Konys command has been accused of abducting children and turning them into vicious child soldiers. Most of these children are abducted from various villages, those who do not cooperate with LRA has either killed or mutilated. The able bodied children are taken away and used as soldiers, weapons carriers, cooks, porters and even sex slaves. Numerous attempts have been launched to reach a peace agreement with the LRA, but Kony has thwarted such attempts, however the Ugandan Army claims that it has weakened the LRA significantly. However the LRA has spread its tentacles to Congo where the MONUSCO is under-staffed and has had problems to contain it. The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants against Joseph Kony and his men but he has not been arrested till now. Moreover 100 US Special Forces operatives are aiding and advising the armies of 4 African nations which are pursuing the LRA.

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Kony 2012 Viral Campaign on Youtube

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In March 2012, a 30 minute documentary called Kony 2012, based on Joseph Kony was released. The documentary was directed by film maker Jason Russell. Jason Russell made the documentary for the campaign group Invisible Children Inc. The documentary went viral in March 2012 and became popular amongst millions of people around the world. It was viewed on video sharing sites like You Tube, Vimeo. The documentary was the result of the effort of the charity and campaign group, Invisible Children. Invisible Children has been putting in enormous effort to get Kony arrested.

[Yearbook] Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) A guest article by Mr.Manikandan

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What is it? What are the activities undertaken? Resources- where from? Timeline Why is it news?

Universal Service Obligation Fund What is it?

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There is a Universal associated so obviously this must be one amongst the inclusive development strategies of the government. Here the idea is to provide universal access to telecom services , i.e., focus on providing telecom services to rural and remote areas at affordable and reasonable prices. A fund exclusively for meeting the above objectives, created under department of telecommunications, Ministry of communication and information technology.

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It is a non-lapsable fund i.e., unspent amount under target financial year does not lapse, accrues for next years spending. All credits to the fund require parliamentary approval and it has a statutory support under Indian Telegraph (amendment) act 2003.

What are the activities undertaken?

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Installation of village public telephones in every revenue village of 1991 census and additional revenue village of 2001 census. Provision of rural community telephones at next stage. Provision of household telephones in rural areas. Creation of Infrastructure for mobile services in remote, rural areas. Provision of broadband in villages in a phased manner. Induction of new technologies like national optic fibre network in rural areas. For all the above activities a service provider gets grants from the USOF like a subsidy. The service provider is usually chosen through a bidding process on least quoted subsidy support basis (minimum subsidy maximum service).

Resources- where from?

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Through a Universal service levy- at 5% of adjusted gross revenue of all telecom service providers. Exception- pure value added service providers like internet, voice mail, e-mail no need to contribute. Also some quantum of funds to come thru central govt. grants. Specialty in this scheme is that it also does some allocation under gender budgeting, for providing services to women, like broadband access to women SHGs.

Timeline 1910 1999 ITA(2003)amendment ITA(2004)amendment ITA(2006)amendment Why is it news? Theodre vail of AT&T (American multinational telecommunication corp) in a annual report makes passing reference to universal service Cabinet defines Universal service objectives in Telecom services Statutory support for USOF Rules for administration of the fund notified Mobile and broadband service providence included into its ambit

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First BSNL was selected as service provider in many areas unilaterally for provision of services and given grants. Govt. says private providers are not willing to establish infra in core affected areas so choice BSNL is inevitable, also private players will try to exploit this scheme for business ends, misusing govt subsidy. BSNL says it has already created infra in rural areas and now if you allow other private players it is a waste of Govt. money , so ask other players to use established facilities in rented basis. Second delay in implementation and provision of services by BSNL is under critic .

Third now a proposal to provide services in LWE(left wing) affected areas is on the table of finance ministry, a proposal to this effect already rejected during tenure Shri Pranab Mukherjee citing too much demand for funds and want of allowing private players as service providers to make it more competitive. The provision of connectivity in naxal, maoist affected areas a project designed by current FM P .Chidambaram for improving security is likely to get its allocation this time. Ultimately our wish let there be inclusion, improved connectivity and security.

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[Science] Bionic Eye Guest article by Sarath Chandra, For GS (Mains) Paper II

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BIONIC EYE Examples of Bionic Eye Implants

BIONIC EYE The implants are said to be capable of completely restoring sight to blind patients, but only if their blindness was caused by a faulty retina, as in macular degeneration (suffered by millions of elderly people), diabetic retinopathy or any other degenerative eye disease. latest developments in Bionic Eye Implants Argus II roughly four-hour procedure Costing around $115,000 Bio-Retina operation only takes about 30 minutes can be done under local anesthesia. cost of about $60,000

involves the installation of an antenna behind the affected eye that works in with a pair of camera-equipped glasses, which send signals to the antenna. The antenna is wired into the retina which creates display for the brain to interpret.

does not incorporate an external camera but instead utilizes a visionrestoration sensor that is actually placed inside the eye, on top of the retina.

[Science] Nirbhay, NAG, NAMICA, Helina, LAHAT, Tropex-2012, RISAT, SPOT-6, Project, Glass and Glivec Some more Important Science and Tech topics for General Studies.


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NAG NAMICA Helina LAHAT Tropex-2012 Shoor Veer National Large Solar Telescope (NLST) RISAT 1 ISROs 100 th mission Project Glass Glivec

Nirbhay sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay is Indias equivalent of Tomahawk, a long-range, sub-sonic cruise missile, developed by the U.S. developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) will travel at a sub-sonic speed (less than the speed of sound).

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fire and forget anti-tank missile. can destroy enemy tanks four km away

NAMICA Nag Missile Carrier It is a vehicle to carry and launch NAG missles.


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the helicopter-fired version of Nag. Helina =Helicopter + Nag

LAHAT Laser Homing Attack or Laser Homing Anti-Tank missile anti-tank missile, will be used in the upgraded Arjun battle tanks.

Tropex-2012 theatre-level readiness and operational exercise conducted by the Indian Navy To test new platforms, weapons sensors, communication systems and tactics in order to optimise the network combat power of the fleet. Do you recall JIMEX? If not go to

Shoor Veer Combat exercise in the Thar Desert in 2012 To test Armys operational readiness to undertake swift multiple thrusts across the border. Army and IAF tested new battle fighting concepts with real time pictures of the battle zone provided to a centralized command using fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles and attack helicopters

National Large Solar Telescope (NLST)

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worlds largest solar telescope set up by the Department of Science and Technology, in Ladakh. aims to study the suns microscopic structure

RISAT 1 RISAT 1 is Indias first radar imaging satellite It can scan the earth surface during both day and night under all weather condition. It will help in paddy monitoring and management of natural disaster like flood and cyclone.

ISROs 100th mission

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Using PSLV-C21 rocket, ISRO launched two foreign satellites SPOT 6: French satellite Proiteres: Japanese micro satellite From Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh

Project Glass

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a research and development program by Google. resembles a pair of normal eyeglasses where the lens is replaced by a heads-up display. Project Glass is a wearable computer that provides information not through a screen, but rather through your eyes. It gives you data about your surroundings without the need to whip out your smartphone and know what to search.

For example, if you go into a bookstore, Google Glass will be able to provide you with an indoor map of the place, and lead you to your desired book.


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blood cancer drug Novartis is fighting a patent case in India for this drug. Treatment of Glivec costs Rs.1,20,000 per month per patient. But Novartis maintains they give it free of cost to the needy patients.

Science] VitaVallis, Trap Crops, GRAIL, Nexus-7 and E-cigarettes (2 markers for GS Mains)

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GRAIL Trap Crop VitaVallis E-cigarettes Nexus-7

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Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is an American lunar science mission in Why? to study the gravity field and geological structure of the Moon and determine its interior structure.

Trap Crop

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A trap crop is a plant that attracts agricultural pests, usually insects, away from nearby main crops. For example, a few Mustard plants are grown near near strawberries to attract bugs and thus protecting the main crop (strawberries).

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Similarly, Marigold can be used asa a trap crop in potato farming. It results into more profits for the farmers, due to reduced insecticide use and pest attack.


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It is a nano-dressing for applying on wounds. Created by Russian scientists It helps clean up wounds of all known types of toxic bacteria. It does not get stuck to the wound and heals burns, cuts and any septic and infected wounds two to three times faster than traditional methods do. The dressing stops bleeding, ends inflammation, eliminates swellings and stimulates skin regeneration. It also helps kill pain and remove foul wound odour. it contains no antibiotics and is therefore effective against drug-resistant bacteria

E-cigarettes Electronic cigarettes are devices that deliver nicotine through a vapour, rather than smoke. There is no combustion involved but the nicotine in the device is still derived from tobacco. It used by smokers trying to quit the lethal habit of smoking can actually cause lung damage


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Tablet PC from google. Made in partnership with hardware maker Asus. Contains Jelly Bean version of Google's operating system (OS)

[Revision] The Hindu science & Tech (May-Aug 2012) for GS (Mains) 2 Markers Introduction

This article is for General Studies 2 or 5 markers in UPSC Mains Examination (and some for MCQs in CSAT, SSC, IBPS etc exams)

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Earlier I had provided the revision notes for The Hindu Science & Tech (upto April 2012). Click on following links if you havent seen them already: [Revision] Science-Tech Highlight from The Hindu 2011 A to F (Part I) [Revision] Science-Tech Highlight from The Hindu 2011 G to N (Part II) [Revision] Science-Tech Highlight from The Hindu 2011 OtoZ (Part III, The End)

Now moving on, here is the new list, made from The Hindu Science & Tech articles from 1st May to 31 st August 2012. (List is not exhastive, I might have missed some topics.)

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Dhiraj 101 Balwan Pyaj Coniophis Spin OLED Nano-crystalline cellulose (NCC) NASAs Cassini spacecraft CQD solar Cells Change Shenzhou-9 CO-4 grass Dark circles around eyes Dragon capsule Zero farming Pearlspot farming green rust Kasalath Telstar OraQuick Truvada Type Ia supernova How mosquitoes fly in rain Can curd and yoghurt be called as probiotics? lactose intolerance Isocyanic acid Jimmy Wales Kinesio tape Naper Bajra grass

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Chromosphere NuSTAR Probiotics Red tide Refrigerated onions Curiosity Science Express Solar storms tropical enteropathy. Nirmal Rajya Mt Tongariro Food Irradiation

Dhiraj 101 groundnut variety that does not need much water. (UPSC has nasty habit of asking some rice/wheat variety every now and then.)

Balwan Pyaj

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Onion variety has a longer shelf life as compared to other commercial varieties.

Coniophis A transitional snake an intermediate form between lizards and the highly evolved snakes seen today combining a snake-like body with a lizard-like head

Spin OLED Spin organic light-emitting diode (OLED) U.S. physicists have invented it. It is brighter, cheaper and more eco-friendly LED light than those currently widely used in electronic devices.

Nano-crystalline cellulose (NCC)

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anti-oxidant compound in the tree pulp flexible, durable, and also stronger than steel. help improve health and anti-aging products by neutralizing more of the harmful free-radicals found in the body

NASAs Cassini spacecraft

For studying Saturn and its moons.

CQD solar Cells

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colloidal quantum dot (CQD) Solar cells. Theyre Very cheap compared to regular solar cells.

Change Name of lunar probe launch of China. first in 2007 Change 2 in 2010 both named for the Chinese goddess of the moon.

Shenzhou-9 spacecraft became Chinas longest-ever space mission and was notable for including the nations first woman astronaut.

CO-4 grass

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variety of grass used to feed the milking animals in South India.

Dark circles around eyes Why do we develop dark circles around our eyes when we have had insufficient sleep? Skin under the eye lids is very thin and delicate. This makes it prone to show both dehydration and water-logging in an exaggerated fashion. Sleeping less also usually implies overwork and poor eating. This results in a generalised dehydration causing the thin under eye skin to go into a fine wrinkling pattern which gives the appearance of dark circles under the eye. On the other hand, it is common to have puffy eyes after a long bout of sleep. This can be explained by the fact that when we lie flat the excess fluid that normally pools in the lower limbs gets distributed all over the body.

Dragon capsule

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unmanned space capsule developed by a private U.S. space company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), Itll dock with the International Space Station. In future private companies will try take on the task of transporting humans and cargo to orbits around Earth.

Zero farming

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Zero farming method requires no ploughing, fertilizers or weeding. It dispels the myth that hybrid seeds, fertilizers, and pest-control techniques alone can guarantee good yield. Concept revolves around the theory that nature knows best and hence it is better to leave everything in her care.

Pearlspot farming

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fish farming in captivity requires minimum investment and harvesting is easy. Even small scale farmers

and women can grow the fishes in the backyard. green rust

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A rare kind of mineral could be used to scrape toxic metals and radioactive species from the environment,


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A rice variety origin in eastern States of India, Growing rice in soil poor in phosphorus possible with this variety.

Telstar was the first communications satellite, launched in 1962 2012 marks the half centuary of its launch.

OraQuick Oral kit for HIV Test It detects antibodies developed within 1-3 months after getting infected. It cannot pick up acute or recent infection. in a stigmatised disease like HIV, getting people to test is the hardest part. This is due to lack of privacy and loss of confidentiality and fear of visibility in public settings. So people desire private testing options. The over-the-counter OraQuick test is a historic milestone because it is a step towards destigmatisation of HIV and normalising an HIV diagnosis.


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oral pill to reduce HIV transmission

Type Ia supernova important stellar phenomena, used to measure the expansion of the universe.

How mosquitoes fly in rain mosquitos strong exoskeleton and low mass render it impervious to falling raindrops.

Can curd and yoghurt be called as probiotics?

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No. Curd and yoghurt cannot be called as true probiotics. According to the 2001 definition of probiotics by FAO/WHO, it is important that for any strain/product to be classified as a probiotic it must be or must contain live microorganisms (generally numbering one billion) which are resistant to gastric acid, bile and pancreatic juices and reach the target site (small intestine/large intestine) in numbers sufficient enough to elicit a beneficial effect. It should be scientifically validated through well controlled clinical trials. Curd is defined as a product obtained by souring boiled or pasteurized milk naturally, by harmless lactic acid bacteria or other bacterial cultures. It may contain a wide variety of bacteria, which are not defined qualitatively/quantitatively. The number and type of bacteria also vary from home to home.

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Yoghurt, on the other hand, is obtained by lactic acid fermentation of milk by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus, which are not true probiotics as per the definition. The role of buttermilk in treating diarrhoea has not been scientifically proven. But it is given during diarrhoea to rehydrate, and hence it imparts some benefit.

lactose intolerance

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In this disease patients cannot digest lactose since they lack the enzymes that are needed to break down lactose, the milk sugar. In fermented products like curd and buttermilk, most of the lactose is converted to lactic acid/acetic acid by the enzymes that are found in fermenting bacteria. Hence these products are easier to digest and used by those patients.

Isocyanic acid

Forest fires and emission of air pollutants, which include fumes from vehicles running on diesel and slow burning of coal and charcoal, release toxic isocyanic acid in the troposphere.

Jimmy Wales

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Wikipedia founder

Kinesio tape a strong elasticated tape, was developed more than 30 years ago by a Japanese chiropractor. Popular among atheltes. Kinesio tape can stretch and contract, inhibiting damaging movements but allowing the right kind. Runners can continue to train even when they have a problem.

Naper Bajra grass also called as NB CO-4 hybrid or Emperor grass. This grass can be grown in most soil types, can supply raw material to run one 10 MW biomass electric power mill, continuously, all through the year without break


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area of the suns low atmosphere constantly changing magnetic fields

NuSTAR NASAs Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array to see the highest energy X-rays in our universe, in future help in the hunt for black holes.


microorganisms that exhibit beneficial health effects for hosts when a sufficient amount of them are ingested.

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probiotics can shorten the duration of diarrhoea by half-a-day Probiotics are generally beneficial in treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disease.

Red tide

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a tiny aquatic organism in harmful algal blooms.When the algae are present in high concentrations, the water appears to be discolored or murky, varying in color from purple to almost pink. They deplete the dissolved oxygen from water and release toxin substances thus killing the marine and coastal species of fish, birds, marine mammals, and other organisms.

Refrigerated onions

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How does refrigerating onions prevent them from causing tears in our eyes when chopped? When you cut the onion, enzymes start mixing and produce a volatile sulphur compound that starts wafting towards your eyes. The gas that is emitted reacts with the water of your eyes and forms sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid thus produced causes burning sensation in your eyes and this in turn leads to the tear glands secreting more tears. Thus you end up with watery eyes every time you cut onions at home. When you chill an onion, either in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water, the enzymes in the onion slow down at a molecular level. This means that when you cut into a cold onion, the slow-moving enzymes and sulphur molecules have less momentum when they combine to make the irritating sulphurous molecules. They also move much more slowly as they escape the onion walls and often will not reach your eyes or nose. This simple tactic can greatly reduce or eliminate an onions ability to make you cry.


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NASAs program on Mars exploration Launched in 2011 test the soil samples to see if there are signs of life in the history of Mars. determine Mars geological conditions and changes, and if there are any microorganisms present on the planet. Curiosity will test the Mars soil only with its own equipment after it lands on the planet in August 2012 but future missions will bring samples back to Earth for more study, Curiosity will help pave the way for future manned Mars missions Curiosity also will take video images for the first time and send them back to Earth The rover also will be the first to use nuclear power will enable Curiosity to operate for at least a full Mars year (687 Earth days, or 1.9 Earth years).

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will travel almost 352 million miles (567 million km) to reach Mars

Science Express a train for promoting scientific temper began its fifth journey, this time to raise awareness about the countrys unique biodiversity The Science Express Biodiversity Special (SEBS)

Solar storms Solar storms occur when the sun hurls large clouds of electrically charged particles into space and these strike the earth. The solar cycle takes around 11 years to complete. can overload electricity networks causing breakdowns, cause satellites to fail, and endanger astronauts and people in aircraft A solar storm in mid-March 1989 did in fact disrupt power supplies to millions of Canadians for several hours and cut contact with around 1,600 satellites. Since then many electricity networks have improved their equipment, but preparations need to be made, not only for events similar to those in the past, but also for the extreme events that might arise only once in a thousand years. the cycle will rise in strength to a peak in 2013.

tropical enteropathy. This is a condition which affects the intestines (hence entero-) by killing or disabling the villi and microvilli covering the surface of the small intestine, and helping the absorption of the digested food into the blood and lymphatic systems. It also leads to inflammation and mal-absorption. The benefits of whatever the child eats are not being transferred and utilised in the system for growth and development. And the cause of tropical enteropathy is infection by the bacteria found in faeces. Children (and adults) living in conditions of poor sanitation are affected in great measure by such faecal bacterial infection leading to enteropathy.

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Nirmal Rajya

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Sikkim Is Indias the first Nirmal Rajya 100 per cent open defecation-free state. over 626 million Indians do not have access to toilets, Government has initiated the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) or Total Sanitation Campaign, which would attempt to banish open defecation within a decade.

Mt Tongariro

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Volcanic Mountain in New Zealand, recently eruptions were felt.

Food Irradiation useful process employed in preservation of food, control of sprouting of items such as potato and onion and control of food-borne diseases. Irradiation destroys or inactivates extending shelf life of certain foods. organisms that cause spoilage thereby

One of the reasons for the unpopularity of food irradiation is the mistaken notion

that irradiated food is radioactive.

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These radiations do not have sufficient energy to make food radioactive. No radioactivity is produced or released during the process.

[Science] Blue Moon : Meaning and Occurrence

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What is Blue Moon? Why Blue Moon? Why in news?

What is Blue Moon? Blue moon is the second full moon in appearing in the same month. By the way Blue Moon is just a term used to describe the second moon, otherwise, the date of a full moon, all by itself, doesn't affect the moon's color. So, second moon in the same month, will be pearly-gray, as usual and not of blue color.

Why Blue Moon?

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The Moon is not actually blue. However, greenish- and bluish-tinted Moons are sometimes observed just before sunrise or just after sunset when large quantities of dust or smoke particles are concentrated high in the atmosphere, filtering out the longer wavelengths of colours such as red and yellow. Smoke from forest fires and volcano eruption can cause blue moons.

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Why in news? Because In the month of August 2012, The first full moon was seen on 2 nd August and second full moon was seen on 30 th August 2012. Next Blue Moon will be sighted in 2015. On average, a blue moon occurs once every 33 months.

[Science] Mobile Tower Radiation and Steps taken by Government

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What is Mobile tower radiation Why is it in news? Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on EMF Radiation. Timeline ICNIRP guidelines What is SAR?

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How and why does Mobile Radiation affect humans? Animals and Mobile Radiation? Steps taken by Environment Ministry

What is Mobile tower radiation Mobile phone towers hold antennas and other communications equipment. They flood the area for miles around with powerful high frequency radio waves to support the use of cell phones. This radiation allegedly causes health problem. Im using the word allegedly because our Government said in parliament that mobile tower radiation doesnt cause health problems.

Why is it in news? Because an MP asked in parliament whether radiation emitted from base stations are hazardous?, the Government replied,

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From all evidence accumulated so far, no adverse short or long term health effects have been shown to occur from the RF signals produced by Mobile tower base stations. But (just to be safe) well bring down the exposure limit of radio frequency fields (mobile tower base station emissions) to one-tenth of the existing level from September 1, 2012.

Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on EMF Radiation. EMF=electromagnetic field. Government had setup this Committee in 2011 to study the hazards of Mobile radiation. The Committees findings

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most of the laboratory studies were unable to find a direct link between exposure to radio frequency radiation from mobile towers and health; scientific studies as yet have not been able to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship between radio frequency radiation and health. The effect of emission from cell phone towers is not known yet with certainty. However, as a precautionary measure, the IMC recommended reduction of mobile tower base station emissions to one-tenth of the present limit. It suggested stricter SAR limits (1.6 watt per kg) for mobile handsets. Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 should be amended so that only mobile handsets satisfying radiation standards (SAR) should be permitted for import / manufacture or sold in the country.

Timeline 2008 DoT has decided to adopt the International Commission on Non-Iodizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)* guidelines in the telcom sector. Government sets up Interministerial Committee on Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) radiation and its effects on health. Committee submits report.

2010 2011


DoT made rules to mandate to all mobile phone manufacturers to comply with the specific and absorption rate (SAR)*.

ICNIRP guidelines In short, they suggest that based on scientific research, if mobile radiation is below xyz level then there is no harm to humans or animals. So all the Governments across the world should make laws and rules to keep mobile radiation below xyz level. What is SAR?

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specific and absorption rate it is a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the human body while using a mobile phone) so that radiation does not affect human health. Presently, Indias SAR limit is 2 watt per kg The Inter-ministerial Committee wants SAR to be 1.6 watts per kg. and that all the mobile manufacturers gives specific information about SAR on their product packages. This new SAR limit would not affect the mobile manufacturer because almost all of them already adhere to the US standard. However, itd increase the production cost for cheap mobile phone manufacturers (Chinese type) because theyll have to use better quality material to comply to the new SAR limits.

By the way, if mobile radiation doesnt affect health then why is all the hue and cry by activists and PILs in Highcourts etc.? So, How and why does Mobile Radiation affect humans?

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Human body is itself is electromagnetic (very low around 10 hertz frequency). Each of our cell has its own electromagnetic field when we exposed to the cellular tower frequency which is very high our bodys EMF (electromagnetic field) disturbed and thus caused very serious types of damages to our cells, brains etc human body consists of 70% liquid. It is similar to that of cooking in the microwave oven where the water in the food content is heated first. Microwave absorption effect is much more significant by the body parts which contain more fluid (water, blood, etc.), like the brain which consists of about 90% water.

Animals and Mobile Radiation?

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You have ever seen a bee, sparrow, pigeon, or any bird flying and staying near the cell tower?. I think No. The reason is surface area of a bird which is larger than human body, so they absorb more radiation. Since fluid content is small due to less weight, it gets heated up very fast and also the magnetic field disturbs their navigational skills.

Steps taken by Environment Ministry The Ministry of Environment Telecommunications (DoT) : and Forest (MoEF) asked the Department of

Not to allow new mobile towers to be constructed within a one-kilometer radius of

the existing towers.

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New towers should not be permitted within a radius of one kilometer of the existing towers. Any new towers do not obstruct the flight path of birds, or increase the combined radiation of all towers in the area. Put in GIS mapping to help monitor the population of birds and bees or the welfare of animals in protected wildlife areas. Do not install any towers near zoos or any wildlife protected zones without consulting Forest Dept.

[Science] Bio disadvantages








For GS (Mains) Paper II.


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Green Manure

Examples of BioFertilizers: Pros and Cons

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Examples of Green Manure Pros and Cons of Green Manure? Advantages Disadvantage

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a substance which contains living microorganisms when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, it promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients (nitrogen, Phosphorous etc.) to the host plant.

Examples of BioFertilizers:

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Rhizobium, Azotobacter, blue green algae (BGA) Azospirillum

Pros and Cons Advantages Disadvantages

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It increases crop yield by 20-30%,

replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%, and stimulates plant growth.

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Their effects are is slower compared to chemical fertilizer. Difficulty to store: theyre sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. much lower nutrient density requires large amounts to get enough for most crops requires a different type of machine to apply than chemical fertilizers sometimes hard to locate/purchase in faraway rural areas

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It can also provide protection against drought and some soil-borne diseases. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers. They have lower manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.

environmentally friendly also helps to some extent cleanse the plant from precipitated chemical fertilizers.

Green Manure

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green manure is a type of cover crop grown primarily to add nutrients and organic matter to the soil. Typically, a green manure crop is grown for a specific period of time, and then ploughed under and incorporated into the soil while it is green or shortly after flowering. Government of India provides subsidy Subsidy on the purchased of seeds & cost on production of seeds for green manure plants.

Examples of Green Manure plants Leguminous plants Example Why are they used? Cowpeas, soybeans for their nitrogen fixing abilities Non-leguminous plants sudangrass, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat. for weed suppression and addition of biomass to the soil.

Pros and Cons of Green Manure? Advantages

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soil improvement and soil protection. provides forage for pollinating insects. Root systems of many green manure crops to efficiently penetrate compact soils thus increasing the aeration of the soil. The deep rooting properties of many green manure crops make them efficient at suppressing weeds They fix nitrogen in soil, thus Less chemical fertilizers are required. provide habitat for predatory beneficial insects, they kill and eat the pests / harmful insects thus less pesticides are required.


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Leguminous plants require good amount of irrigation. The time factor: you cannot plant the primary marketable crop during green manuring phase.

[Science] Genetically Modified Crops, Bt-Brinjal, Cartagena & Nagoya Protocol: Meaning, Issues A guest article by Manikandan Soundararajan

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What are DNA and Gene? What do we need here? What is the necessity for GM technology? Current issue: Recommendations of the committee: What is this GEAC: Procedure to accord approval: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)

What are DNA and Gene? Always a human gives birth to humans, and a baby is said to inherit his/her parents characters. This is made possible only because of the so called genes. Genes are the books where all your personal, family characters are coded passed on to you from your parents. DNA is a polymer of nucleic acid specifically deoxyribonucleic acid which is in turn is comprised of sugar component and nitrogenous base.there are 4 type of nitrogenous base that is adenine , guanine, cytosine and thiamine. It is the sequence of theses nitogenous bases that determine our genetic charecter. [courtsey- Ritesh's comment] DNA aids in protein synthesis. Their expression gives you characters.

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What do we need here? .

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