Logo Design Planner - Joseph McManus

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Wufoo Entry Manager

No1WebDesign.com - Logo Design Planner

Na me * Comp a ny Na me * Joseph McManus The Intel Group, LLC


1 . Do you ha ve a n old logo tha t youve no b e e n using? If so, why the cha nge ? 2 . Is the logo for the e ntire comp a ny or a sp e cific p rod uct or b ra nd ? 3 . Would you like a symb ol/ob j e ct incorp ora te d with your logo? 4 . Do you ha ve a ny sp e cific ima ge ry/b a ckground in mind for your logo? 5 . Do you ha ve a ny color p re fe re nce s or curre nt comp a ny colors we ne e d to ma tch? 6 . Do you ha ve a n e xisting we b site whe re this logo will b e use d ? (p le a se typ e UR L) 7 . Is the re a n e xa ct na me you would like to a p p e a r in your logo? 8 . Do you ha ve a ta g line ? If so, would you like it sta te d with your logo? 9 . Any owne rship ma rks ne e d e d for your logo? (a re giste re d ma rk , a tra d e ma rk ) 1 1 . Wha t ind ustry d oe s your comp a ny/p rod uct b e long to? 1 2 . Wha t is the ove ra ll mood of the comp a ny? Wha t style would you like to re p re se nt? 1 3 . Should the logo re fle ct the mood of the comp a ny or is it sta nd -a lone ? 1 4 . Wha t a re the d e mogra p hics of your p rima ry custome rs? 1 5 . Who is your ma in comp e tition? 1 6 a . P le a se includ e a ny e xa mp le s of e xisting logos you like entire company yes Something that is clean, sharp, and simple. This is a security consulting and investigation firm, so something that conveys intelligence gathering on a global size. black, blue, red, grey, white. Preferably those colors.


The Intel Group no no

Security consulting and Investigations Sharp and clean. Nothing too fancy. The overall mood is intelligence gathering, etc. not sure how to answer this, but would like logo to convey a professional look for an intelligence gathering firm. businesses, law firms, and regular people. Other investigation firms consulting_1.jpg 6.24 KB JPG



Wufoo Entry Manager

1 6 b . P le a se includ e a ny e xa mp le s of e xisting logos you like

consulting_2.jpg 4.68 KB JPG

1 6 c. P le a se includ e a ny e xa mp le s of e xisting logos you like 1 7 . Do you ha ve a ny note s/id e a s youd like to sha re ?

consulting_3.jpg 2.16 KB JPG Please dont have anything that looks like law enforcement (i.e. handcuffs, badges, guns, etc) or security guard type images. My firm is based on background investigations and gathering information, as well as security consulting and investigations. I want the first letters of each word to stand out. The logo will be on all of my business cards, stationary, etc. I want it to be basic and to the point, but at the same time looking modern and up with technology. I want the logo to be sharp and well defined.

16 Apr 2013
9:50:05 AM P UBL I C

Cr eated
IP Addr ess



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