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(Group ______)

The Forever Delicious products are increasingly becoming popular in the local market. Bearing in mind the 5Cs principles of effective communication, complete the f ollowing parts of the proposal to the General Manager, suggesting for the organization to sponsor a reality show on TV. You are advised to include your own additional information whenever necessary. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Television advertising has earned an excellent, consistent, successful track record of promoting products and services for over half a century. TV advertising has many advantages for local, regional, and nationwide businesses. With TV, we can pinpoint exactly the type of customer to you want to reach, by airing when and where your customer is watching. Lack of proper marketing can certainly be reflected in an organizations promotional efforts, which include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and events. Reality show can be an excellent way of getting noticed in front of an audience for so many reasons. A well-placed reality shows might center our product in front of a highly-captive audience. Furthermore, if the reality shows producer really likes our product, their interest transfers to the audience with considerable influence. In the customer's mind, reality show and TV advertising create awareness of our product, service, company, and most importantly, our brand. We recommend that RM 200,000 be allocated in this project for promotion activities which is through reality TV show. We believe this program will enhancing companys credibility and create a good image as a successful multinational company.

INTRODUCTION Background Advertising intends to promote the sales of a product or service and also to inform the masses about its features. It is an effective means of communicating the value of a product or service with people at large. Advertising utilizes different media to reach out to the masses. It uses different types of appeals to connect to consumers spread across the globe. The various types of advertising appeals use different ways to highlight product features and draw mass attention. Television advertising has earned an excellent, consistent, successful track record of promoting products and services for over half a century. TV advertising has many advantages for local, regional, and nationwide businesses. With TV, we can pinpoint exactly the type of customer to you want to reach, by airing when and where your customer is watching. TV advertising places a business in a class with the most successful businesses in the community.

Data Sources

The data used to create this proposal came from our interview with 200 staff from Sales Department of

Forever Delicious and together with questionnaire distribution.


Lack of proper marketing can certainly be reflected in an organizations promotional efforts, which include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and events. Today, we have the ability to choose from a broad range of communication channels to get information about our products to companys target audiences. However, we must choose wisely in order to ensure that resources are used effectively and that results are positive. Promotional efforts should be selected based on the specific audience being targeted and a thorough understanding of that audience and the communication tools most likely to reach them at a point in time when they
Solution (2 marks)

will be attentive to and interested in the message.


In our effort to boost up Forever Delicious sales, we propose for the organization to sponsor a reality show on television. Reality show can be an excellent way of getting noticed in front of an audience for so many reasons. A well-placed reality shows might center our product in front of a highly-captive audience. Furthermore, if the reality shows producer really likes our product, their interest transfers to the audience with considerable influence. In the customer's mind, reality show and TV advertising create awareness of our product, service, company, and most importantly, our brand. Studies on learning and memory reveal that repetition with both sound and visual input is the best way to ensure that a concept is remembered. TV advertising consistently offers both full motion images and stereo sound, on the biggest screen in the household. Therefore, we can help the company find the best networks and times to air your TV spot. Besides, advertising on TV tells our customers that our business is legitimate, substantial, and stable. It says we are proud of our business and want the world to know about it.

Objective The main objective of sales promotion through TV reality show is to bring about a change in the demand pattern of products and services. Basically, there are three specific objectives. First, it is meant to provide important marketing information to the potential buyers. The second objective is to convince and influence the potential buyers through persuasive measures. Thirdly, sales promotion is meant to act as a powerful tool of competition. Promotion through TV programme has traditionally been used to address specific, tactical objectives. In todays competitive market, we place an emphasis on integration of promotional activities with marketing objectives and strategies. Besides, we can prepare a Strategic Promotion Plan for your brands. We develop promotional strategies, concepts and tactics that are consistent with the brands marketing objectives. We believe that strategic promotions must add value to the brand, and deliver an integrated consumer message.

Assessment of cost

The allocated budget for this project is RM 200,000. We try our best to equip the program with excellent services. We will also allocate 20% of the allocation as for our service fee. The summary of the cost is as followed: Broadcasting Services Fee 5 Episodes @ RM 30,000 20% @ RM 150,000 RM 150,000 RM 30,000 RM 180,000


If the problem in Forever Delicious is not solved, future problems are likely to occur. We might face a decrease in the number of sales as well as customers willing to purchase our products. We recommend that RM 200,000 be allocated in this project for promotion activities which is through reality TV show. We believe this program will enhancing companys credi bility and create a good image as a successful multinational company.


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