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Market Research Assignment-1 Group Name- Momentum Topic- Gender Stereotyping and how to break it.

Question assigned- Are both men and women/boys and girls intellectually gifted? Are some subjects or fields the preserve for one sex, which the others cannot aspire to? Proposal for Chalegi Kya an all women auto and cab services.

Aim/Objective of the proposal:The objective of this proposal is to launch a transport services for the women and by the women in Pune. Background:We live in a country where we assign work like auto and cab driving strictly with men. Our country is one of the countries where women arent safe to travel in the local transport in many of the cities barring a few. Men are always stereotyped to be driving autos and women are always stereotyped to handle feminine jobs like cooking and cleaning. Women are also labeled as bad drivers by many! Our aim is to get rid if this stereotype and cab services which are run by women and are for the safety of women. All of us associate autos or cabs /taxis with bhaiyas. We either say autowalas or taxiwalas. Our question here is why? Why are men stereotyped to be driving public transport and why are women always stereotyped to be bad drivers or not the earning member of the family or may be even not fit enough to drive public transport vehicles like autos and cabs? Why is it that our society has segregated separate fields for men and women. Men can drive, women cant. Men can be out late, women cant. Men can work till late hours, women cant. And men can be autowalas and taxiwalas and women cant. To break this stereotype we have decided to come up with auto and cab services which are run by women and are for women who either work late, who are not comfortable with men auto/cab drivers, who want to party late and still reach home safe and sound. Who else can understand this feeling more than a woman herself?! Research problems:We have mainly identified three main stereotypes related to men and women and through this campaign we want to break it.

1. Employment generation- this is the biggest stereotype in our country that only men are the sole bread winners of the house. Through this campaign, we want to change this mentality and encourage women also to work and earn. 2. To break social norms- it is a fact that auto is always associated with wallas and not wallis. Through this campaign we want to change that perception. Hence the name chalegi kya? 3. For the women who want to go home late- there are women who feel unsafe when they have to go home late either from work, party, travel etc. it becomes unsafe for them to travel alone, late night in an auto or a cab. Also, the parents of such girls are worried because they dont want their daughters to travel alone late night. Hence, these services will be beneficial for such girls, women who want to reach home safely that too with a woman companion. 4. People believe that women are bad drivers and will not be too open with the concept of women driving autos and cabs. This too is a stereotype that men drive well and that women are more prone to accidents when driving. By this campaign, we want to break this stereotype and encourage more and more women to be a part of this organization. Also, In Cities like Pune and Mumbai, the Autodrivers loot the customer because it is night time. They simply take advantage of the helplessness of the customer. Outline methods:Name of the Organization Chalegi kya Brief of the organization- auto and cab services by women, of women and for women. Why the campaign- our campaign is basically to encourage the idea of women also driving autos and cabs unlike the idea of just men doing it. This campaign is to promote women drivers and for the women who are not always comfortable in hiring autos driven by men. Brief of the campaign: The central idea deals with Security and Comfort for women travelling at night. After hiring lady drivers we intend to make them well-equipped to handle all sorts of situations. They will know the protocol in extreme circumstances. The organizations website will carry a number that you will have to call in order to book the auto at the required destination. The customer will have to call 30 minutes prior but urgent calls will also be adjusted. Only a service charge of Rs. 14 will be taken apart from the usual meter charge.

Method of research1. Qualitative Research which would involve a lot of field work and interacting with the women who are a part of it. 2. Quantitative research which would include questionnaires and surveys and asking people what are their thoughts about these services.

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