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1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objectives of the study 1.3 Period of study 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Research Methodology

Department of Management Studies, Bhimtal

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Employers have a need to keep employees from leaving and going to work for other companies. This is true because of the great costs associated with hiring and retraining new employees. The best way to retain employees is by providing them with job satisfaction and opportunities for advancement in their careers. The saying, good help is hard to find, is even truer these days than ever before because the job market is becoming increasingly. Eskildesen and Nussler suggest that employers are fighting to get talented employees in order to maintain a prosperous business. Mark Parrott believes that, there is a straight line between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. He believes that todays employees pose a complete new set of challenges, especially when businesses are forced to confront one of the tightest labor markets in decades. Therefore, it is getting more difficult to retain employees, as the pool of talent is becoming more-and more tapped-out. Employees that are satisfied and happy in with their jobs are more dedicated to doing a good job and taking care of customers that sustain the operation. Job satisfaction is something that working people seek and a key element of employee retention. Every person will have his or her own definition of what it means to be satisfied with a job. Studies show that employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more productive, creative and be more likely to be retained by the company. Research has shown that there may be many environmental features that can be created and maintained to give employees job satisfaction. Pay and benefits, communication, motivation, justice and leisure time all seem to play a part as to whether employees are satisfied with their jobs, according to studies. The study conducted is about employee retention strategies followed by WhatTheHell? to keep its employees satisfied. The study tells about the various aspects of employee retention through a study of the employees working at WhatTheHell?

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1. To study the common reasons of employees voluntarily leaving or staying in organization. 2. To suggest the strategies for improving retention of employees. 3. To study efforts made by organization to retain employee. 4. To study the impact of induction & training programs on retention of employees.


The study has been conducted for 2 months starting from 25 June to 24 August 2012 including survey conducted at WhatTheHell?, Delhi.


The scope of this study is very vast since it not only includes a particular organization, but it is a source by which employers can learn how to intelligently retain their best employees. At all, this study contributes in the development of better interpersonal relationship which helps in fostering better working environment.

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Research Design: The exploratory research design is adopted for this project. Research Approach: Research worker contacted the respondents personally with well-prepared sequentially arranged questions. The questionnaire is prepared on the basis of objectives of the study. Sample Size: The study sample constitutes 25 respondents constituting in the research area which covered all the members of the company. Sample Area: WhatTheHell? Collection of Data: Most of the data collected is primary data through personal interview, where the researcher and the respondent operate face to face. Research Instrument: The researcher has used a structured questionnaire as a research instrument tool which consists of open ended questions, multiple choice and dichotomous questions in order to get data. All the questions in the questionnaire are organized in such a way that elicits all the relevant information that is needed for the study. Statistical Tools: The statistical tools used for analyzing the data collected are percentage method, bar diagrams. Analysis of Data: The data are collected through survey and books, reports, newspapers and internet etc. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to make interpretations.

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2.1 Industry profile 2.2 Company profile

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(Advertising Industry)
The Indian advertising industry is talking business today. It has evolved from being a small-scale business to a full-fledged industry. It has emerged as one of the major industries and tertiary sectors and has broadened its horizons be it the creative aspect, the capital employed or the number of personnel involved. Indian advertising industry in very little time has carved a niche for itself and placed itself on the global map. In the year 2011, the total pie of the Indian advertising industry stood at Rs 25,594 crore, recording a growth of 8 per cent. Though the figure was far below the earlier projection of 17 per cent as the Indian economy was faced with yet another churn, an inflation that touched 10 and weakening of the Rupee against the dollar but the creative minds that the Indian advertising industry incorporates have come up with some mind-boggling concepts and work that can be termed as masterpieces in the field of advertising. The growth projections for the advertising industry for 2012 remains a cautious 8-9 per cent, with a total share of Rs 28,013 crore. Now, for a breakdown of the share: television continued to dominate with a share of 44.8 per cent, followed closely by the print media with a share of 42.2 per cent. Advertising agencies in the country too have taken a leap. They have come a long way from being small and medium sized industries to becoming well-known brands in the business. Mudra, Ogilvy and Mathew (O&M), Mccann Ericsonn, Rediffussion, Leo Burnett are some of the top agencies of the country. Indian economy is on a boom and the market is on a continuous trail of expansion. With the market gaining grounds Indian advertising has every reason to celebrate. Businesses are looking up to advertising as a tool to cash in on lucrative business opportunities. Growth in business has led to a consecutive boom in the advertising industry as well. The Indian advertising today handles both national and international projects. This is primarily because of the reason that the industry offers a host of functions to its clients that include everything from start to finish that include client servicing, media planning, media buying, creative conceptualization, pre and post campaign analysis, market research, marketing, branding, and public relation services. Keeping in mind the current pace at which the Indian advertising industry is moving the industry is expected to witness a major boom in the times ahead. If the experts are to be believed then the industry in the coming times will form a major contribution to the GDP. With all this there is definitely no looking back for the Indian advertising industry that is all set to win accolades from the world over.

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Indian Advertising Industry Facts and Figures

The turnover of Indian ad industry is less than 1% of the national GDP of India. In contrast the share of US ad industry in national GDP of USA is 2.3%. This indicates a tremendous growth potential for the Indian advertisement and marketing industry. The Indian ad industry is still evolving, as far as the scale of operations and scope are concerned. The global ad industry turnover is close to USD 450 billion annually, while India contributes less than 1.5 % of that figure. However, Indian ad industry is one of the fastest growing all over the world, perhaps next only to China and Russia. The total pie of the Indian advertising industry stood at Rs 25,594 crore, recording a growth of 8 per cent. The growth projections for the advertising industry for 2012 remains a cautious 8-9 per cent, with a total share of Rs 28,013 crore. In 2009, the Indian ad industry had suffered a major setback, and had shrunk, primarily due to a drastic decrease in print advertising spending which suffered a massive cut of Rs 2,000 crores. The leading advertisement medium are print media and television, with an almost equal share totalling 87% of the total pie. While online and digital advertising spend is substantially less than 3% of the total ad industry turnover. Nevertheless, the spending on digital and online advertisements is increasing at a fast rate of 25%. In addition to print and television, the other popular advertisement and marketing media are radio, cable TV, direct mail and outdoor advertisements and publicity. The biggest ad spenders are FMCG companies such as Unilever, P&G, ITC and Pepsico and automotive companies such as Maruti and Hero Honda. These companies have huge ad budgets running into hundreds of crores of rupees, and therefore, wield tremendous bargaining power over their ad agencies. The biggest ad agencies in India are the subsidiaries and arms of their foreign principals, such as Ogilvy, JWT and Lowe. Very few indigenous ad agencies have managed to make a mark, and most of them have been acquired or merged by foreign ad agencies. The emerging advertisement and marketing media in India are mobile advertisements, internet direct calling (especially for financial services) and FM radio (for local businesses).

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2.2 WhatTheHell?
WhatTheHell? is an advertising agency and a creative wing of WIZMORE COMMUNICATIONS PVT. LTD. accredited by Doordarshan and All India Radio. Led by first generation Management professionals the company believes in setting high standards and insuring its attainment through hard work and dedication. The company specialises in creative work, planning/buying all sorts of media (Print, Digital, Television, Radio, and Outdoor). The company stresses on proper research and specific tools (TAM, IRS, etc.). Understanding the target group, budgets, product USP, possibilities of innovations in order to make the campaign a success, avoiding any kind of spill over Due to strong commitments, enthusiasm and expertise, WhatTheHell? has been able to get projects from some of the biggest names in the Industry. WhatTheHell? is not mere an advertising agency. Its more like an irreverent ideas farm. It is always eager to work with people who are looking to do brilliant things to their brands.

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3.1 Literature Review 3.2 Data analysis & Interpretation

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1. Research on The impact of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act on Participant Recruitment and Retention Deidre D. Wipke-Tevis (University of Missouri-Columbia) Melissa A. Pickett (University of Missouri-Columbia)

Recruiting and retaining an adequate sample is critical to the success of any research project involving humans. Recent reports indicate that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule has adversely affected research. Few resources are available to help researchers navigate the challenges to recruitment and retention after HIPAA privacy rule implementation. This article addresses obstacles to recruitment in prospective clinical research studies related to the HIPAA privacy rule, as well as HIPAAcompliant strategies to enhance recruitment and retention. Recruitment challenges discussed include evolving interpretations of the HIPAA regulations, inability to directly contact potential participants, complexity of HIPAA-required documents, increased costs of recruitment, and an expanding administrative burden. Among the strategies addressed are preparatory research reviews, using clinical collaborators and staff liaisons, pre-screening potential participants, minimizing participant burden during the consent process, enhancing participant follow-up, facilitating recruitment for future studies, and streamlining compliance training for staff.

2. Research on Making Decisions in the Dark: Disconnects Between Retention Research and Middle-Level Practice Donald E. Larsen Woodring College of Education, Western Washington University, Tariq T. Akmal Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, Washington State University

This study of grade-level advancement/retention policies and procedures in 10 school districts shows how retention policy and procedure are disconnected from retention research. Administrators and teachers experience ethical dilemmas when district policy and prescribed practice collide with realities that underlie student failure. However, acts of discretionary insubordination offer compromises. As the study demonstrates when policy and research align and when educators acknowledge that neither retention nor social promotion is acceptable, viable alternatives and intervention programs can be explored.

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3. Research on Effect of Paced and Unpaced Practice on Skill Application and Retention: How Much Is Enough? Provalis Research University of Montral

This study examined the relative benefits of mastery learning, overlearning, and fluencybuilding instructions for academic performance and long-term retention. College students enrolled in introductory quantitative methods classes (n = 168) were asked to practice every week with a computerized flash-card program until they attained various mastery criteria. The results confirmed that practicing until mastery improved individual exam scores, group success rates, and long-term retention. Moreover, over learning provided additional benefits, especially in long-term retention. However, fluency-building instructions did not further increase academic achievement or long-term retention. Despite the alleged detrimental effects of drill and practice on motivation, a positive relationship was found between amount of practice and attitudes toward the course, the subject matter, and practice activities.

4. Research on The Role of Elaboration in the Comprehension and Retention of Prose: A Critical Review. Lynne M. Reder Carnegie-Mellon University

A review is given of recent research done in the area of prose comprehension, broadly defined. Research in the areas of educational psychology, psychology, and artificial intelligence is represented, although no pretense is made that this review is complete. This review discusses work concerned with factors that affect amount of recall, with representations of text structures, and with use of world knowledge to aid comprehension. The need for more information processing models of comprehension is stressed and an argument is made for the importance of elaboration to comprehension and retention.

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Introduction to Retention
High performers are like frogs in a wheelbarrow- They can jump out at any time -Mc Kinsey & Company Study.
Genius begins and labor finishes is an old saying that would be profoundly significant if interpreted in the context of corporate and large employers. Concepts, visions and decisions do take shape within the four walls of corporate boardrooms. However, it is only the employees that implement and give tangibility to the corporates mission. In other words if it is the highest rung in the corporate hierarchy that has ideas, it is the employees rung that has the chisel to bring the vision to life. In the best of worlds, employees would love their jobs. Like their co-workers, work hard for their employers; get paid well for their work, ample chances of advancement and flexible schedules so they could attend to personal or family needs when necessary. And never leave. But then theres the real world. And in the real world, employees, do, leave, either because they want more money, hate the working conditions, hate their co-workers, want a change, or because their spouse gets a dream job in another state. Unlike inanimate products and systems that subject themselves to fine tuning without any reaction, employees would not subject themselves to any measure taken without reaction and analysis. Hence managing human resources, particularly retaining them, is an art that calls for special skills and strategies.

Employee Retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problems in employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no dearth of opportunities for a talented person. There are many organizations which are looking for such employees. If a person is not satisfied by the job hes doing, he may switch over to some other more suitable job. In todays environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their employees. The top organizations are on the top because they value their employees and they know how to keep them glued to the organization. Employees stay and leave organizations for some reasons. Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee.
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The picture states the latest statement that corporate believes in Love them or lose them

The reason may be personal or professional. These reasons should be understood by the employer and should be taken care of. The organizations are becoming aware of these reasons and adopting many strategies for employee retention. Employees today are different. They are not the ones who dont have good opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job, they switch over to the next job. It is the responsibility of the employer to retain their best employees. If they dont, they would be left with no good employees. A good employer should know how to attract and retain its employees. Retention involves five major things:






Employee retention would require a lot of efforts, energy, and resources but the results are worth it.
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Now that so much is being done by organizations to retain its employees, why is retention so important? Is it just to reduce the turnover costs? Well, the answer is a definite no. Its not only the cost incurred by a company that emphasizes the need of retaining employees but also the need to retain talented employees from getting poached. The process of employee retention will benefit an organization in the following ways: 1. The Cost of Turnover: The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of thousands of money to a company's expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover (including hiring costs, training costs and productivity loss), industry experts often quote 25% of the average employee salary as a conservative estimate. 2. Loss of Company Knowledge: When an employee leaves, he takes with him valuable knowledge about the company, customers, current projects and past history (sometimes to competitors). Often much time and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of a future return. When the employee leaves, the investment is not realized. 3. Interruption of Customer Service: Customers and clients do business with a company in part because of the people. Relationships are developed that encourage continued sponsorship of the business. When an employee leaves, the relationships that employee built for the company are severed, which could lead to potential customer loss. 4. Turnover leads to more turnovers: When an employee terminates, the effect is felt throughout the organization. Co-workers are often required to pick up the slack. The unspoken negativity often intensifies for the remaining staff. 5. Goodwill of the company: The goodwill of a company is maintained when the attrition rates are low. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to join the organization. 6. Regaining efficiency: If an employee resigns, then good amount of time is lost in hiring a new employee and then training him/her and this goes to the loss of the company directly which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this you cannot assure us of the same efficiency from the new employee.

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Employees do not leave an organization without any significant reason. There are certain circumstances that lead to their leaving the organization. The most common reasons can be: Job is not what the employee expected to be: Sometimes the job responsibilities dont come out to be same as expected by the candidates. Unexpected job responsibilities lead to job dissatisfaction. 1. Job and person mismatch: A candidate may be fit to do a certain type of job which matches his personality. If he is given a job which mismatches his personality, then he wont be able to perform it well and will try to find out reasons to leave the job. 2. No growth opportunities: No or less learning and growth opportunities in the current job will make candidates job and career stagnant. 3. Lack of appreciation: If the work is not appreciated by the supervisor, the employee feels de-motivated and loses interest in job. 4. Lack of trust and support in co-workers, seniors and management: Trust is the most important factor that is required for an individual to stay in the job. Nonsupportive co-workers, seniors and management can make office environment unfriendly and difficult to work in. 5. Stress from overwork and work life imbalance: Job stress can lead to work life imbalance which ultimately many times lead to employee leaving the organization. 6. Compensation: Better compensation packages being offered by other companies may attract employees towards themselves. 7. New job offer: An attractive job offer which an employee thinks is good for him with respect to job responsibility, compensation, growth and learning etc. can lead an employee to leave the organization.


The basic practices which should be kept in mind in the employee retention strategies are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hire the right people in the first place. Empower the employees: Give the employees the authority to get things done. Make employees realize that they are the most valuable asset of the organization. Have faith in them, trust them and respect them. Provide them information and knowledge. Keep providing them feedback on their performance. Recognize and appreciate their achievements. Keep their morale high. Create an environment where the employees want to work and have fun.
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Department of Management Studies, Bhimtal

These practices can be categorized in 3 levels: Low, medium and high level.

RETENTION DETERMINANTS It has been recognized by both employers and employees that some common areas affect employee retention. If certain organizational components are being provided, than other factors may affect retention. Surveys of employees consistently show that better compensation package and better career opportunity are the two most important determinates of retention. Finally, job design and fair and supportive employee relationship with others inside the organization contribute to retention. Following are the components that affect employee retention: -

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Career opportunities 1. Training Continuity. 2. Development & Mentoring. Career planning.

Rewards 1. Competitive pay & benefits. 2. Performance reward differentiation. 3. Recognition. 4. Special benefit & perks.

Organizational Components Values and Culture. Strategies & Opportunities. Well managed & resultsoriented. Job continuity & security.

Job design & work 1. Job responsibility & autonomy. 2. Work flexibility. 3. Working conditions. 4. Work/Life balancing.

Employee Relationship 1. Fair/nondiscriminatory treatment. 2. Supervisory/managemen t support. Co-Workers relations.

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These were the determinants of retention. An effective leadership assumed by the top management would be a very important feature that keeps the work force intact and loyal. In fact, the approach to the task of formulation of strategies for employee retention should be comprehensive and the honest intention of the employer to implement every stipulation in the package of appointment should be evident. However, there would, in each employing corporate, be a section of so-called good employees, whom it would be unwise to loose. Special strategies and special kind of efforts are required in the task of retaining them. Probably it would be the hardest task for the employer to retain them as persons and rivals would be making relentless bids to woo this section of employees. To counter these onslaughts from peers, special efforts are called for.


When asked about why employees leave, low salary comes out to be a common excuse. However, research has shown that people join companies, but leave because of what their managers do or dont do. It is seen that managers who respect and value employees competency, pay attention to their aspirations, assure challenging work, value the quality of work life and provided chances for learning have loyal and engaged employees. Therefore, managers and team leaders play an active and vital role in employee retention by creating a motivating team culture and improving the relationships with team members. This can be done in a following way: 1. Creating a Motivating Environment: Team leaders who create motivating environments are likely to keep their team members together for a longer period of time. Motivation does not necessarily have to come through fun events such as parties, celebrations, team outings etc. They can also come through serious events e.g. arranging a talk by the VP of Quality on career opportunities in the field of quality. Employees who look forward to these events and are likely to remain more engaged. 2. Standing up for the Team: Team leaders are closest to their team members. While they need to ensure smooth functioning of their teams by implementing management decisions, they also need to educate their managers about the realities on the ground. When agents see the team leader standing up for them, they will have one more reason to stay in the team. 3. Providing coaching: Everyone wants to be successful in his or her current job. However, not everyone knows how. Therefore, one of the key responsibilities will be providing coaching that is intended to improve the performance of employees. Managers often tend to escape this role by just coaching their employees. However, coaching is followed by monitoring performance and providing feedback on the same. 4. Delegation: Many team leaders and managers feel that they are the only people who can do a particular task or job. Therefore, they do not delegate their jobs as much as they should. Delegation is a great way to develop competencies.

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5. Extra Responsibility: Giving extra responsibility to employees is another way to get them engaged with the company. However, just giving the extra responsibility does not help. The manager must spend good time teaching the employees of how to manage responsibilities given to them so that they dont feel overburdened. 6. Focus on future career: Employees are always concerned about their future career. A manager should focus on showing employees his career ladder. If an employee sees that his current job offers a path towards their future career aspirations, then they are likely to stay longer in the company. Therefore, managers should play the role of career counselors as well.

WhatTheHell? Initiatives for Employee Retention

Most organizations have a range of programs to improve the engagement level of their employees. Initiatives taken by WhatTheHell? which start right from selection stage, are as follows: Choosing the right fit and giving a realistic job preview Strong induction and orientation programed Rigorous training and development, from technical to soft skills to leadership development programs. Regular feedback to all people. To maintain the quality of work-life and a balance between personal/professional lives, there are recreational activities within the company. An open and transparent culture to empower its people and develop entrepreneurs.

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3.2.1 Employees are familiar with their Duties and Responsibilities assigned by the company.

Introduction: This question is incorporated in the questionnaire for the purpose of identifying the duties and responsibilities of employees in WhatTheHell?.

Graph 3.2.1

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 92% of the respondents (51.8%strongly agreed, 40.4%agreed) have accepted that they know about their duties and responsibilities and 5% of respondents are not aware of their duties and responsibilities.

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3.2.2 Company provides proper Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability to employees.

Introduction: Every employee is assigned a job with Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. In this question it is to identify whether these activities are performing well or not.

Graph 3.2.2

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 81% of the respondents have accepted that they are assigned the job with authority responsibilities and accountability to perform well. Around 16% of the respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.3 Identified for new assignments organized by the company. Introduction: Employees are given new assignments based on their consultation and by training and in this question it is to identify whether the employees are identified for new jobs or not.

Graph 3.2.3

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 70% of respondents strongly have accepted that they are identified for new assignments especially after providing training to them. Around 23% of respondents have not accepted the statement

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3.2.4 Stress on employees converts into positive manner.

Introduction: Employees face some sort of stress while performing assignments and in this question it is to identify how stress is converted into a positive manner to complete the assignments.

Graph 3.2.4

Inference: From the above graph it is observed that 70% of respondents have accepted that they convert stress into positive manner and 20% of the respondents have not accepted the same.

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3.2.5 Job rotation leads to the individual improvement.

Introduction: Job rotation refers employee moving from one job to another job and in this it is to identify whether job rotation leads to the individual improvement and to organizational benefit or not.

Graph 3.2.5

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 66% of the respondents have accepted that their job is rotated and led to both individual improvements and organizational benefits around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.6. Superior identifies employees skills and potentials

Introduction: Skills and potentials are required to perform a job effectively. This question is to identify whether the superior identifies their skills are not and how the training is impacted.

Graph 3.2.6

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 70% of the respondents have accepted that the concerned in charge identifies their present skills and potentials in performing the job and training is imparted to them accordingly. Around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.7. Company provides new opportunities apart from regular assignments Introduction: New opportunities are identified based on the performance so training is required to improve the performance and this question is to identify whether the new opportunities are provided after training or not.

Graph 3.2.7

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 73% of the respondents have accepted that the concerned in charge identifies their present skills and potentials in performing the job and training is imparted to them accordingly. Around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.8 Superior guides to their subordinates as and when required. Introduction: Decision making is critical and essential to every employee and this question is to identify whether the employees are allowed to take decisions or not and superior provide guidance to them or not.

Graph 3.2.8

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 75% of the respondents have accepted that they are asked to take decisions in job and their superior guides them as and when required. Around 18% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.9 HOD addresses grievances Introduction: A grievance can be defined as any discontent or dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organization. This question is to know the grievance procedure existed in the organization.

Graph 3.2.9

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 65% of the respondents have accepted that their immediate in charge or HOD addresses their grievances and gives them feedback on the same. Around 21% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.10 Organization utilizes employee services effectively and efficiently. Introduction: This question is to identify whether the organization utilizes their services effectively and efficiently.

Graph 3.2.10

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 61% of the respondents have accepted that the organization utilizes their services effectively and efficiently. Around 29% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.11. Present job leads satisfaction to the employees. Introduction: Job satisfaction is required to perform a job efficiently without a job satisfaction the employee cannot perform a job efficiently. This question is to identify whether the employees are satisfied with their job or not.

Graph 3.2.11

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 79% of the respondents have accepted that they derive satisfaction in performing the job. Around 17% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.12. Seniors, colleagues and subordinates are very cooperative in the organization Introduction: Co-operation of the seniors, colleagues and subordinates is required to complete the assignments in time. This question is to identify whether they are co-operative or not.

Graph 3.2.12

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 81% of the respondents have accepted that their seniors, colleagues and subordinates are very cooperative and they work as a team. Around 17% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.13. Employees are recognized and rewarded suitably by the organization. Introduction: The employee recognition and rewarding plays an important role in motivating the employees. So, proper recognition should be given to the employees according to their performance. This question is to identify whether they are recognized or not.

Graph 3.2.13

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 58% of the respondents have accepted that they have been recognized and rewarded suitably by the organization for their performance as per the policy. Around 30% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.14. Organization provides compensation based on qualification, experience.

Introduction: Compensation refers to giving an additional pay to the employees if any loss occurs. This question is to identifying whether compensation commensurate with qualification.

Graph 3.2.14

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 80% of the respondents have accepted that they know that the compensation commensurate with the qualification, experience exposure and especially with their job performance during the period in delivering results in time. Around 18% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.15. Organization provides job security to the employees. Introduction: Job security and social belongingness is important to any organization. Job security refers to the protection of the job from different consequences. This question is to identify whether they feel job security or not.

Graph 3.2.15

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 83% of the respondents strongly have accepted that they feel a sense of job security and sense of social belongings in the organization. Around 13% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.16. Proud of working with WhatTheHell? Introduction: WhatTheHell? is one of the emerging advertising agency. This question is to identify how they feel working with WhatTheHell?. Graph 3.2.16

Inference From the above graph, it is observed that 83% of the respondents have accepted that they have feel proud of working with WhatTheHell?. Around 13% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.17 WhatTheHell? provides career opportunities Introduction: Career is essential to every employee. They more concentrate on their career growth. This question is to identify whether WhatTheHell? provides career opportunities and how many employees agree with this statement.

Graph 3.2.17

Inference From the above graph, it is observed that 71% of the respondents have accepted that the WhatTheHell? provides carrier opportunities to the employees. Around 22% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.18 Organization is concerned about the health of the employees

Introduction: Employee safety and health influence the productivity of the organization. Some welfare facilities should provide to the employees. This question is to identify whether the organization is concerned about the health of the employees or not.

Graph 3.2.18

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 74% of the respondents have accepted that the organization is concerned about the health of the employees and their dependents in providing good health awareness programmers like Pulse Polio heart checkups and eye checkups etc. at regular intervals. Around 21% of respondents have not accepted the statement.
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3.2.19. Organization extended transportation facilities to the township. Introduction: Transportation refers to getting the employees from one place to another .This question is to identify that whether the transportation facilities provided to township residents are at specified time or not. Graph 3.2.19

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 74% of the respondents have accepted that they feel that the transportation facilities are extended to the township residents in at specified timings by the organization and the transport cell is arranging need based vehicles to the employees. Around 19% of the respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.20. Organization provides accommodation facility to the employees based on availability of the quarter. Introduction: Accommodation refers to giving quarters and other facilities to employees. This question is to identify that whether the accommodation facilities provide to employees are based on the availability of quarters or not.

Graph 3.2.20

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 79% of the respondents have accepted that they accommodation facility is provided to the employees based on the availability of the quarter as per the policy. Around 14% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

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3.2.21. Employees are familiar and satisfied about the recreation activities facilitated by the organization.

Introduction: Employees require some recreation activities to feel free and to reduce stress from work. This question is to identify that whether the employees are satisfied with recreation facilities provided by the organization.

Graph 3.2.21

Inference: From the above graph it is observed that 70% of the respondents that are familiar and satisfied about the recreation activities like Gym, Tennis, Court shuttle course, library, TV room etc. in both the recreation club and O&S club by the organization. Around 16% of the respondents have not accepted the statements.

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4.1 Findings 4.2 Recommendations & Suggestions 4.3 Conclusion

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1. It is observed that the HR policies of WhatTheHell? are well formulated after having a proper job analysis and also are well communicated to the employees due to which the employees are aware of their duties and responsibilities and are satisfied with the jobs assigned to them. 2. The company has a good orientation and induction programme which helps the employees to reduce the stress level and improve performance. Also it helps in identifying their present skills and potential to provide them with new opportunities. 3. The company has a good working environment where the superiors are very cooperative and guide the employees whenever needed in taking decisions and addressing their grievances, company utilizes their services effectively. This has kept the employees satisfied with their jobs. 4. The employees are satisfied with the compensation commensuration with their qualification but some employees feels that the recognition and reward system of the company are not well established. 5. Most of the employees feel proud working with WhatTheHell? having provided them with career/growth opportunities and have a sense of job security. 6. The company has been making to satisfy the employees regarding facilities like health, transportation, recreation and accommodation. However, there are more than one fourth employees who are not much satisfied which can be alarming for the company to retain them.

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1. 30% of the respondents are not identified for new assignments so extend their assignments by providing proper training to the employees. 2. 30% of the respondents are dissatisfied due to lack of recognition and rewards. A positive recognition for work boosts the motivational level of employees. Recognition can be made explicit by providing awards like best employee of the month. 3. Provide opportunities for career personal growth through training and education, challenging assignments and more. 4. The company needs to improve its appraisal system for an effective recognition and reward system. 5. Identify the key performance areas of the individuals and conduct training programs to develop their skills and knowledge. 6. Immediate resolution of the grievance is necessary otherwise it will effects the productivity of the organization so immediate actions should be taken to resolve the grievance of the employees.

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As employees are the bases for company so retention of employees is a major focus for HR department. The management should identify the important factors that affect retention and should take necessary measures to improve these. Also, the management should take appropriate measure to identify the reasons of employee voluntarily leave. It is only the employees that implement and give tangibility to the corporates mission. In other words if it is the highest rung in the corporate hierarchy that has ideas, it is the employees rung that has the chisel to bring the vision to life. In the best of worlds, employees would love their jobs. Like their co-workers, work hard for their employers, get paid well for their work, have ample chances of advancement and flexible schedules so they could attend to personal or family needs when necessary. And never leave. But then theres the real world. And in the real world, employees, do, leave, either because they want more money, hate the working conditions, hate their co-workers, want a change, or because their spouse gets a dream job in another state. Unlike inanimate products and systems that subject themselves to fine tuning without any reaction, employees would not subject themselves to any measure taken without reaction and analysis. Hence managing human resources, particularly retaining them, is an art that calls for special skills and strategies. From the above analysis it can be drawn that the retention policies are very crucial for any organization. Any improper implementation of the policies can result in hindrances among the employees which can reduce their productivity level. This can leave the organization with less productive employees which is not a good situation for the company. So, it is very important for the company to formulate a good retention policy based upon proper job analysis in order to maintain a high level of employee satisfaction.

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Questionnaire, employee feedback and personal interaction.

BOOKS 1) Gupta Shashi K. & Joshi Rosy, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth Revised & Enlarged Edition, 2007. (Page 20.9-20.14) 2) KOTHARI C.R., Research methodology, New Age Publishing House, Second Edition. 3) Survey to Research, Pearson Publication 4) William Trochim, Research Methodology

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