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QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CONSUMERS 1. Name of the consumer:______________________________ 2. Age Group: a) 13-18 b) 19-25 c) 26-35 d) 36-50 e) 51-above 3. Your occupation?

a) Business b) Salaried c) Retired d) Housewife e) Other, Please specify______________________________ 4. a) Below 10000 b) 10000 15000 c) 15000 20000 d) 20000 25000 e) 25000 & above 5. What is your Annual Income?

Which community do you belong? a) Hindu b) Muslim c) Sikhs d) Christian e) Others, Please specify_____________________________

6. a) One b) 2 members c) 3 members d) more then 3 members 7. Locality in which you live? a) Prime Locality b) Middleclass Locality 8. Is there a mall nearby? a) Yes b) No

Earning members in the family?

9. Which shop do you visit frequently? For daily needs. a) Grocery stores b) malls c) retails d) supermarkets 10. Do you prefer malls over Grocery stores? If yes, then answer the following questions. 11. a) Infrastructure b) Facilities c) Discounts and Offers d) Every thing available at one place 12. What is the real purpose

What is it that attracts you to malls?

of visiting a mall? a) Shopping b) Casual Visit (Time Pass) c) For Variety 13. Which goods do you prefer buying from malls? a) Clothes b) Vegetables and fruits c) Groceries 14. How often do you shop for vegetables? a) daily b) weekly How often do you shop for groceries? a) Daily b) Weekly c) monthly 16. a) cash b) credit c) both Mode of purchase?



On what basis do you purchase your goods? a) quality b) quantity c) brands d) offers

18. Is there any change in the amount of money spent on shopping from malls? a) Yes b) No 19. Have you felt any post purchase (before purchase) sadness on purchasing from malls? a) Yes b) No 20. Do you feel that malls are getting overcrowde d? a) If Yes, then why? _______________________________ b) No

21. Do you feel that dual working couples are a major factor to increase the crowd in malls? a) If Yes, then why? _______________________________ b) No 22. What are the things you feel your nearby groceries stores is not able to provide? a) Infrastructure

b) Facilities c) Discounts and Offers d) Every thing available at one place e) Others, please specify_____________________________ 23. What are the things you feel your favourate mall should have? a) Infrastructure b) Facilities c) Discounts and Offers d) Every thing available at one place e) Others, please specify_____________________________ According to you what strategy the small shopkeepers have to adopt to attract the customers.


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