Mrs. Esbenshade April 26, 2013: Bible: de La Señora

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Mrs. Esbenshade senorae.wikispaces.

Bible: We finished our time in Asia and traveled to Africa to visit Kenya. We had a wonderful presentation about Kenya with lots of things for us to touch and even a treat to eat. In our morning devotions we started a new book that focuses on different people of the Bible. Bible Memory: Matthew 6:9-13 Due: May 3 (extended) Math: * Comparing Fractions * Names for Fractional Parts * Unit 9 Test Language Arts: Phonics: cl, cr, fl, fr Language concept: retelling, problems and solutions Themes: Our unit theme continues to be working together. Last weeks story was about Csar Chvez and his work in organizing farm laborers for better working conditions. This week we read about animals working together to climb a far-away mountain. We will finish up Unit 4 next week with one last story of working together. De la Seora:

April 26, 2013

Next week is a short week. Monday there is no school and Friday is a half day. Due to this, we will NOT have any spelling words this week. I have attached what would have been the words along with the new sight words so you can at least see what we are covering this week. Our year is quickly drawing to a close. This is the time to encourage your child to finish strong. Im continually amazed at their progress and how much they have grown. I also continue to me thankful for all your help and support at home to make this year so successful! Upcoming Events: No school Early Dismissal Field trip to Ten Thousand Villages and MRC Field day No School Last day of school!,

April 29 May 3 May 10 May 16 May 27 May 31

REMINDERS: * The book list for Cherry Crest Adventure Farm is due on Tuesday. Please hand that in to receive a free ticket. * The last Scholastic order is due on Friday, May 3.

Spelling words come from the letter and syllable combinations we are studying for the week. This coming week will be combining a vowel first with a consonant second.

al (ahl) as (ahs)

el (el) es (es)

il (eel) is (ees)

ol (ol) os (ohs)

ul (ool) us (oos)

Spelling Words (FOR YOUR INFORMATION!): algo (ahl go) NOUN: something este (ehs- tay) ADJ: this, east oscuro (oh-scoor-oh) ADJ: dark rbol (ahr-bowl) NOUN: tree usted (oos-ted) NOUN: formal you Sight Words: contest (kon-tays-toh) VERB: (he, she) answered vio (beeoh) VERB: (he, she) saw cielo (see/ay-loh) NOUN: sky, heaven comerse (ko-mare-say) VERB: to eat up rase (eh-rah-say) VERB: once upon a time gran (grahn) ADJ: great Unit 4 Theme: Working Together Week 5 Theme: Animal teams

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