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How can you connect LOGO! with a PC? Entry ID:21961313 Date:2005-08-31 LOGO! Soft Comfort -- Configuring and programming communication -- Setting up and using interfaces How can you connect LOGO! with a PC? Instructions: When connecting a LOGO! logic module with a PC/PG, there are often problems which can be avoided by proceeding as follows. 1. Connect the LOGO! to a serial interface of your PC using the PC cable (order no. 6ED1 0571AA00-0BA0). If the connection is to be made via the USB, you must use a USB-RS232 converter in addition to the PC cable. More information on this is available in Entry ID 11611048. If errors occur with the converter or its driver, please refer to the manufacturer concerned. 2. Put your LOGO! into an operating mode that permits data transfer. LOGO!Basic up to order no. ...-0BA2: Switch LOGO! into transfer mode by starting up with the PC cable plugged in, i.e. connect to power. But you can also get into transfer mode without removing the power supply. For example, put the LOGO! in RUN into the STOP state by simultaneously pressing the keys , and OK and let yourself be prompted to the transfer mode by the user prompt display and the keys of the operator panel, as shown in the following figure:

Fig. 1 Details are available in the associated manual for the version of LOGO! concerned in Entry ID 18185594. LOGO!Basic up to order no. ...-0BA3: Switch LOGO! to transfer mode by pressing the ESC button for a LOGO! in RUN and let yourself be prompted by the user prompt display and the keys of the operator panel, as shown in Fig. 1. Details on menu control are available in the associated manual for the version of LOGO! concerned in Entry ID 18185594. LOGO!Basic up to order no. ...-0BA4: Data transfer is possible if the LOGO! is in STOP and is not in a menu dialog. You can tell this from the following display (main menu):

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Fig. 2 You get to this menu, for example, by pressing the ESC button for a LOGO! in RUN and let yourself be prompted by the user prompt display and the keys of the operator panel to the STOP state. Details on menu control are available in the associated manual for the version of LOGO! concerned in Entry ID 18185594. If data transfer is then initiated on the PC in LOGO! Soft Comfort, the LOGO! automatically goes into transfer mode indicated by the display shown in the following figure.

Fig. 3 LOGO!Pure up to order no. ...-0BA3: Switch LOGO! into transfer mode by starting up with the PC cable plugged in, i.e. connect to power. After startup without the PC cable plugged in the LOGO! automatically goes into RUN mode as long as it has a valid program. LOGO!Pure up to order no. ...-0BA4: If a PC cable is plugged in, LOGO!Soft Comfort can initiate data transfer between the LOGO! and the PC. If the logic module is in RUN, LOGO!Soft Comfort asks you whether you want to switch to STOP. After startup without the PC cable plugged in the LOGO! automatically goes into RUN mode as long as it has a valid program. 3. Make sure that your program doesn't have any open outputs. Each output (digital or analog) must be terminated in LOGO!Soft Comfort with a corresponding "terminal" (Qx, AQx).

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Fig. 4 Not following the above rules leads to the error message displayed below in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 The reason for the error is displayed in the info window of LOGO!Soft Comfort. 4. Make sure that the COM interface selected is not being used by another application. If it is, you get the following error message:

Fig. 6 In the info window of LOGO!Soft Comfort you are informed of the non-availability of the interface. Close the other application. 5. Make sure that the COM interface you have set in LOGO!Soft Comfort is the one you have connected to the logic module using the PC cable. If you have set the wrong interface, you get the following error message:

Fig. 7 In the info window of LOGO!Soft Comfort you are informed of the incorrect interface. The COM

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interface is set in LOGO!Soft Comfort under "Tools -> Options... -> Interface". There you can also determine the interface automatically. But for this it is imperative that the LOGO! is in transfer mode (see Point 2 above), otherwise you get the following error message:

Fig. 8 In extremely rare cases it might happen that under "Tools Options... Interface" no COM interface is displayed for selection even though COM interfaces are available on the PC. 6. Make sure that all the block types (functions) used in LOGO!Soft Comfort are supported by the firmware of the logic module used. If not, you get the following error message:

Fig. 9 Under "Tools -> Select Hardware...", in the "Select Hardware" field all those LOGO! types or versions that do not support the programmed functions or parameterizations are grayed out and therefore cannot be used for the present application case. Modify the software or use an appropriate logic module. In the "Resources" field of the "Select Hardware..." window, in the top part you get a display of the discrepancies between programming/parameterization and the logic module selected if you select a grayed out module.

Fig. 4

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Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Entry ID:21961313 Date:2005-08-31

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