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Managing the Learning Environment Describe the context/situation: Each time I pick up the student for math intervention,

he negatively reacts. He pouts the entire way there and then takes about 3 minutes to actually start working. Once he starts working and succeeding, I give praise and tell him how proud I am. If I switch gears to a new task, or he has been working on a task for longer than 4 minutes, he begins to react negatively again. Operational Definition: I am targeting to decrease the amount of times Student C refuses to work which includes the following: any phrase directly saying or relating to I dont want to do this!, slamming fists on the desk, putting his head down, crying or changing the topic of discussion after I have provided a direct prompt relating to the task involving math. Baseline Data: Student C refused to work at an average of 15.5 times for the duration of time that we worked together. This is almost 1 time per minute. However, when the data was collected, I noticed many refusals strung together in a row.
Date 7-Feb 8-Feb Average Duration of Time Observed 15 minutes 18 minutes 16.5 minutes # of Refusals to Work 13 18 15.5

* Proposed intervention: -desired outcomes or expectations: I would like the student to decrease the amount of times he refuses to work in our session from an average of 15.5 times to less than 3 times. -Antecedent strategies: Each time we sit down for math I will go over my expectations and say: Student C, I have

seen how hard you can work when we practice math together, so if you work really hard this session, and dont complain or refuse to work, then at the end, you can choose to play on the iPad, play with the WikiSticks, or draw on the whiteboard for 3 minutes. You have 3 strikes, so if you reach the 3rd strike, you wont be able to play with any of those things. Remember, the more you practice, the better you are at math! Dont worry if you need help from me, I will help you. Just dont give up or refuse to work! Are you ready? -consequence strategies: The student will be operating on a 3 strike system. I will have it clearly written on the white board. I will have three empty boxes for strikes and show him. At the bottom, I will write 3 strikes=no iPad, white board or WikiSticks. Each time he refuses to work or negatively responds to a prompt, I will place a check in the box. data collection: I plan to collect data each time we work together. Each time we work together, the three strikes will be the initial collection of data, and then if it exceeds the desired 3 times, I will record on a separate sheet.

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