Books Published in Goa 1979

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May, 1980 (Vaisaka 12, 1902J SERIES III "'0. 5
Home Department
No. HD2562/71 (T&A)/Vol. IT
Whereas a certain proposal to amend the Reciprocal .Agree-
ment, dated 1st January, 1976, arrived at between the Govern
ment of Maharashtra and the Government of Goa, Daman
and Diu (which is reproduced in the Schedule hereto appended
and hereinafter called the said proposal) was published as
required by sub-section (3A) of Section 63 of the Motor Ve-
hicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV of 1939), in the Official
Gazette, Series III, No. 44, dated 5th -February, 1980 (herein-
after referred to as the said 'Gazette), uhder the Notification
No. HD2562/71(T&A), dated 121980 (hereinafter called "
the said Notification) inviting representations from those
sons who have a righ.t the said subo-section (3A) to
make such representations, till thirty days from the date of
publication of the Notification in the Official Gazette;
And whereas the said Gazette was made available to the
public on 5th February, 1980;
And whereas no representations have been received from
the public on the said proposal, by the Government;
Now, therefore, the following Reciprocal Agreement of the
nature referred to in the proviso to sub-section (3) of sec:",
tion 63 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (Central Act IV of
1939), arrived at between the Government of Maharashtra and
the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu is hereby published
.as required by (3B) of section 63 of the said
.. Supplementary Reciprocal Transport Agreement between
. the State of Maharashtrro and the Government of Goa.
Daman and Diu.
Whereas, a Reciprocal Agreement between the 0.0-
vernment of Maharashtra and the Government of Goa,
Daman and Diu was entered into on the 1st day of
January, 1976 (hereinafter called the "said Agreement)"
and the Government agreed to implement the same with
effect from the 1st day of January, 1976;
And whereas, under the said Agreement (annexed as
Schedule hereto) in Clause "General" it has been inter-
alia stipulated that there shall be single point motor'
vehicles taxation in respect of certain categories of goods
vehicles and that there shall be no exemption
payment of goods tax in respect of vehicles covered by
any class of permits in either State;
And whereas, it has now been mutually agreed to pro-
vide that with effect on and from the 1st day of April,
1980, all goods vehicles registered in the Union Territory
of Goa, Daman and Diu entering the State of Maharash8
tra on substantive or tempo,rary permits shall be liable
to pay in the State of Maharashtra, the fUrther tax on
motor vehicles (in lieu of goods tax) leviable under sec-
tion 3(lB) of the Bombay Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1958;
and for that purpose to amend the said Agreement with
-effect on and from the 1st day of April, 1980;
Now, therefore, it is proposed to amend the said Agreement
on and with effect from the 1st day of April, - 1980 as follows

In the said Agreement, in the clause appearing under
the heading "General
(1) In sub-clause (2), for the word "All" occurring at
the beginning the words "Save as provided in sub-clause
(2A), aU
shall be substituted; and
(ii) after sub-clause (2), the following new sub-clause
shall be inserted, namely :-
.. (2A) With effect on and from the 1st day of April
1980, all goods vehicles registered in the Union territory
of Goa, Daman and Diu and entering the state of
Maharashtra on substantive or temporary permits shall
be liable to pay the further tax on motor vehicles (in
lieu of goods. tax) leviable under section 3 (lB) of the
Bombay Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1958''..
Home Department (Transport and AccommodationJ
No. HD.2562/71/T&A)
Reciprocal Transport Agreement between the
of Maharashtra and the Government of the Union Territory
of Goa, Daman and Diu
This Agreement made this first day of. January, one
thousand nine hundred and between the President
of India on the one part and the Governor of Maharashtra.
of the other part.
Whereas with a view to expediting the economic
lopment of the country by encouraging long distance and
travel and transport of goods by road a proposal
to enter into a fresh agreement for facilitating
travel and transport of goods by road in place of the. previous
agreement notified on the 8th May, 1972 the duration of
which has expired, was accepted by the Government of Goa,
Daman and Diu and the Government of Maharashtra,
And whereas pursuant to and as required by sub-sec-
tion (3A) of section 63 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939
(IV of 1939), the said proposal was published by the
ment of Maharashtra under Government Notification Home
Department No. MTA 2075/3/XXXITR, dated the 20th
November, 1975, at pages 527 to 533 of Part of Maha-
rashtra Government Gazette Extraordinary dated the 20th
November, 1975 and by the Government of Goa, Daman and
Diu under Government Notification Home Department (Trans-
port and Accomodation) No. HD2562/71(T&A), dated the
26th November, 1975, in Official Gazette, Extraordinary
Series In, No. 34, dated the 26th November, 1975, together
with a notice for submitting representations in connection
And whereas pursuant thereto certain representations were
received by the Government of Maharashtra, which were
duly considered by the_ said Government and as a result
thereof the Government of Maharashtra desired to make
certain clanficatory modifications in the said proposal as
originally accepted by the said two Governments as
And whereas the said proposed modifications were con-
sidered 'at: a joint meeting of the representatives of the
GOvernment' of Goa, Daman and Diu and the Government
of Maharashtra held on the 31st day of December. 1975,
where at an agreement as hereinafter appearing, was
at regarding the said original proposal and the modlfications
therein proposed by the Government of Maharashtra as
T. Stage Oarriages.- (a) Inter-State routes for stage
carriages shall mean the routes connecting the main nearest
traffic points on either side of the border, 'penetration by
passenger transport of either State into,the other State being
restricted upto the aforesaid traffic point unless otherwise
mutually agreed upon in any particular case or cases.
(b) Permits on inter-state routes for operation of stage
carriages as agreed upon shall be countersigned by-the reCi-
procating states as shown in Appendix-I.
(c) The fares and freight charged by the operators of
either state In the reciprocating state will not be less than
those charged by operators of the reciprocating State for
similar services in that State.
. (d) Any extension of a portion of an inter-State route
lying exclusively in one state may be made by the Transport
Authority of that state in respect of services run by the
operators of that State without consultations with the Trans-
port Authority of the other State.
(e) The operators of either State operating on inter-State
routes shall not halt to pick up or set down passengers within
any two points on the inter-State route lying_ -in the reci-
procating State except as mentioned in Appendix. I
specified routes.
(f) Schedules and timings of stage carriages to be plied
on inter-State routes shall be fixed by the Transport Autho-
rities of the two States by mutual consultation.
(g) No temporary permits shall be issued or countersigned
by the Transport Authorities of the reciprocating State for
the operation of stage carriages on the routes speCified in
Appendix-I except that temporary permits shall be issued
and countersigned upto a maximum of sixteen (16) return
trips per day (l) during April, May, June and October every
year (2) during festivals viz., Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Old
Goa Festival for a period of fifteen (15) days for each
festival and (3) during the festival of Christmas, New Year
for a total period of twenty (20) days to be operated by the
nominees of Maharashtra and Goa in the proportion of ten
to six (10:6). The number of temporary permits so issued and
countersigned may be increased upto twenty (20) by mutual
consultation between the Transport Authorities of the two
" States _ subject to, however, that the distribution of such
additional trips between the nominees of the two States shall
be in such manner as the Transport Authorities of the two
States may decide.
(h) ,The operators of eithertState operating on inter-State
routes on temporary permits shall not halt to pick-up or set
down passengers any where in the area of the reciprocating
State except at the terminus specified in the temporary
II. Oontract carriages (taxi cabs). - contract carriage
permits (taxi cabs) of the operators of either of the State
shall be countersigned up to a limit of ten vehicles for any
area of either State subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The Contract carriage vehicles (taxi cabs) shall be
hired by a single party and shall be used for the return
journey by the same party terminating In the area of the
home State.
(b) The contract carriage vehicle (taxi cabs) shall not
have a seating capacity exceeding 6 persons including
the driver.
(c) Temporary permits may be issued upto a limit of
five taxi cabs per month by the Transport Authorities of
_ each of the two States without countersignatu're for a
single return trip by a single party on dates and on a
route specified in the permit.
m. Public carriers. - (A) COlUltersigned permits. - (a)
The quota of public carrier's permits of each State to
countersigned by the other in accordance with proviso to
section 63 (3) of the Motor Vehicles Act, shall be 500.
(b) The countersignatures shall be granted for plying the-
vehicles on all National and State Highways with a deviatio:p."
upto 30 kilometres except on prohibited routes.
(c) The vehicles shall not pick up any goods in the coun-
tersigning State for setting down the same at any place
enroute in that state and thus indulge in intra-State
(B) Temporary permits. - There shall be no limit to the-
number .of temporary permits. Temporary" permits may be
granted for a period not exceeding 30 days at a time by
the Transport Authority of the home State without the con-
currence of the Transport Authority of the reciprocating
State. These permits may be granted for plying the vehicles
on all National and State Highways with a deviation upt<>.
30 kilometres in the reciprocating State except on the prohi-
bited routes of that State. For this purpose, both the
States will exchange lists of prohibited routes in each State
from time to time.
(b) In the case of temporary permits issued by the com--
petent authority in either State for a period not exceeding
30 days, irrespective pf whether that period falls in one
calendar month or two consecutive calendar months, the
taxes due shall be charged for one month only by the
Government of Maharashtra and for 30 days only by the,
Goa Administration.
(c) Temporary permits shall be granted by the home State
Transport Authority subject to payment of taxes due to
the reciprocating State. The permit issuing officers of the
home State shall issue temporary permits only on receipt of
demand drafts -drawn in favour of the Secretary, State
Transport Authority, Goa, or the Transport Commissioner,
Bombay, as the case may be, for the amount of tax payable
to the other State.
(d) The Transport Authority of the home State shall send_
a statement of temporary permits issued, with demand drafts
towards the tax. paid to the State Transport Authority of-
the other State, once a month for necessary verificatioD __
Particulars of- demand drafts shall also be noted in the-
"temporary permits to which they relate.
IV. Private cam_era. - The quota of private carriers per-
mits of each State to be countersigned by the other shall
be 50. The State Transport Authority shall satisfy. itself
about the bona fides of the bUsiness of the applicants in the-
other State, before recommending their applications for grant
of cOlUltersignature for the area of routes applied for.
General. - (1) Where a provision has been made in this
agreement for the grant of countersignature on permits of
the operators of the reCiprocating States, the State Govern-
ment shall arrange with the Transport Authorities concerned
for the grant of such countersignature to such operators;
as may be nominated by the reciprocating State and no"
other operators.
(2) All vehicles plying on regular or temporary permits
duly countersigned by the Transport Authority of the reci-
procating State shall be exempted from the payment of taxes-
"leviable" under the Motor Vehicles Tax Act concerned in
the reciprocating State. For the removal of any doubt it is
hereby made clear that vehicles plying on temporary permits
without such contersignature shall not be exempted from
the payment of the motor vehicles tax. in the reciprocating
State. Any motor vehicles tax leviable in the reCiprocating-
State shall be pa1d by the operator in advance of the issue
of the permit valid for that State.
(3) Vehicles plying on special contract carriage permits
iSSUed under section 63(6} of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939'
shall be exempted from payment of motor vehicles tax. in
the reCiprocating State.
(4) The reciprocating State shall accord recognition to the-
tax tokens, conductors licences, public service authorisations,"
certificates of registration and fitness etc. of the other State.
(5) Any clause in this agreement may be amended or a
new one added to it at any stage, after mutual agreement.
The agreement shall also be subject to annual reviews.
(6) This agreement shall remain in force until it is rescin--
ded by mutual consent on three months notice on either side.
(7) Every permit granted as per agreement should incor--
porate the following conditions:"-
"The permit is issued strictly in terms of inter-State
agreement between the Government of Goa Administration
and the Government of Maharashtra. If the permit holder"
or his agent or his driver uses the'vehicle In a manner not
2ND MAY, 1980 (VAISAKA 12, 1902) 37
authorised by the permit such use will be deemed to be
without any valid permit and the Transport Authority
which detects such an use is free to take such action
against the user or the permit holder as is possible under
the law, in addition to such action as his home Transport
Authority can take".
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Governor of Maharashtra
hath caused the Deputy Secretary to the Government of
Maharashtra to hereto set his hand and affix his official seal
for and on his behalf and the President of India hath caused
the Chief Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and
Diu to hereto set his hand and affix his official seal for and
on his behalf the day and year first hereinabove written.
Part lA'
Trips to be operated by nominees of
No. of Maharashtra
Sr. No. Name of the route
1 2
1. Sawantwadi-Panaji via Dodamarg
2. Sawantwadi-Valpoi-Hivrem** via Doda-
marg, Asnora, Dhavem
3. Vasco-da-Gama:-Sawantwadi via Margao,
Ponda, Sanguelim ...
4. Panaji-Tilari via Dodamarg .,.
5. Sawantwadi-Nageshim via Dodamarg, Ma-
pusa, Panaji, Mangeshi, Ponda. Kavalem,
Ramnathim ... . ..
6. Sawantwadi-Morgim via Pernem, Patradevi
7. Margao-Sal via Dodamarg ...
8. Banda-Netarde-Mahakhajan via Hali
No. of

to. be
be counter-
This figure indicates the maximum 'number. the minimum return .trips being 12.
@ This figure indicates the maximum number, the minimum return trips being 6 .
No. of
.. The operation on the extended portion beyond Dhave is subject to motorability,. of road.
The operation on the ex.tended portion "Netarde-Mahakhajan is subject to motorability of road.
+ This figure Indicates the maximum number, the minimum being 1.
No. of
to be
be counter-
No. of
No. of
to be
be counter-
7 8
6 6
3 3
2 2
1 1
1 1
Note. - Picking up and setting down of passengers on the above routes is allowed at any place enroute.
Part 'B'
Trips to be operated by nominees of
No. of Maharashtra
Sr. No. Name of the route
1 2
. ,
1. Bombay-Panaji via Mahad, Chiplun, Ra-
japur, Sawantwadi, Mapusa
2." Bombay-Margao via
japur, Sawantwadi,
"lim, Ponda
Mahad, Chip-iun, Ra-
Dodamarg, Sangue-
3. Panaji-Poona via Dodamarg, Sawantwadi,
Kankawali, Kolhapur, Satara
No. of

to be
No. of
be counter-
4 5
5 3@
(3 lux.)
(2 ord.)
(1 lux.)
(1 ord.)
2 1
Note: - This figure indicates the ma:x:.imum number, the minimum return trips being 4.
@ This figure indicates the maximum number. "the return trips being'2.
No. of
to be
be counter-
(2 lux.)
No. of
No. of
to be
be counter-
7 8
2 2
(1 lux.)
(1 ord.)
2 2
(1 lux.)
1 1
In the case of the above 'routes the noinuiees of either states are allowed to set down the passengers in the area
of States only at the following stages:-
(a) Stages for Goa operators on journey towards Bombay only: and Margao-Bombay routes Ka-
nakaViali" Chiplun, Mahad. .
Panaji-Poona route on journey towards Poona: - Kankawali, Kolhapur, Satara.
journey towards Panaji:- (b) Stages for Maharashtra Operators oil Bombay, ,Panaji and Panajl-Po6ria "route on
Mapusa, BeUm.
'The Maharashtra Operators are allowed to pick. up passengers on the above" routes on
Mapusa only.
Part 'c'
Sr. No. Name of the route
1 2
1; Bornbay-Sadashivgad via Mahad. Chiplun,
Rajapur, Sawantwadi, Dodamarg, San-
quelim. Ponda, Kavale, Margao, Polem
2. Bombay-Margao via Mahad, Chiplun, Raja-
pur, Sawantwadi, Mapusa, Panaji, Ponda
No. of
No. at
to be
be counter-
Trips to be operated by nominees of
No. of
No. of
to be
be counter-
No, of
No. of
to be
be counter-
Note. - On the above routes the Maharashtra nominees are allowed to pick up or set down passengers at the fol-
lowing stages: -
(a) Bombay-Sadashivgad route - Sanquelim, Ponda, Kavale, Margao, canacona, Polem.
(b) Bombay-Margao routes-Mapusa, Panaji, Ponda.
Part 'D'
Triys to be operated by nominees ot
Sr. No. Name of the route
1 2
1. Bombay-Panaji via Mahad, Chiplun, Ra-
japur, Sawantwadi, Mapusa
No. of
No. of
to be
be counter-

No.ot permits
return to be
trips granted/to
be counter-
5 6
1 1
No. ot
No. ot permits
return to be
trips granted/to
be counter-
7 8
1 1
Note. - This stage carriage air-conditioned coach is to be operated direct subject to the condition that no passenger
to be picked up or set down anywhere enroute, and also subject to the condition that no replacement of air-condi-
tioned coach by a non-air conditioned coach Will be allowed Wlder any circumstances, even temporarily
The tigures indicate the maximum number ot return _ trips.
By order and in the name of the of Goa. Daman and Diu.
G. M. Sardessai, Under, Secretary (Home) ..
1st January, 1976.
Signed, Sealed and Delive-
red by Shri R. C.
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of Maharashtra,
Home Department for and
on behalf of the Governor
of Maharashtra in the pre-
sence of-
(1) Shri N. Y. Bhapkar,
(2) Shri V. V. Sovanl.
(R. C. Iy",)
Deputy Secretary, Home
Deptt. Govt. of Maharashtra.
(N. Y. Bhapkar)
Under Secretary, Home
Deptt., Govt. of Maharashtra
(V. V. 8ooani)
Superintendent, Home
Signed, Sealed and Delive-
red by Shri T. Kipgen, Chief
Secretary to the Government
of Goa, Daman and Diu for
and on behalf of the Presi-
dent of India in the presence
of Shri Xantarama Counto,
Director of TranSport, G0-
vernment of Goa, Daman
and Diu, Panaji and Shri Gu-
runath M. Sardessai, Under
Secretary (Home), Govt.
of Goa, Daman and Diu
By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.
8. M. Naik, Under Secretary
Panaji, 28rd April, 1980.
(T. Kipgen)
Chief Secretary to the Govt.
of Goa, Daman and Diu
(Xantaram Counto)
Director of Transport.
Government of Goa.
Daman and Diu, Panaji
(G. M. 8ardessai)
Under Secretary (Home)
Goverrunent of Goa,
Daman and Diu, Panaji
( \
2ND MAY, 1980 (VAISAKA 12, 1902)
Works, fducation and Tourism Department
Public Works Department
Office of the Executive Engineer National Highways South,
Fatorda . Goa
Short Tender Notice No. 103/1/80-PWD-NHSG-ADM/1
The Executive Engineer, National Highways South Goa, P.W.D. Fatorda Margao-Goa. invites on behalf of the President
of India, Sealed Percentage Rate Tt:mders from approved and eligible Contractors of C.P.W.D. and those of appropriate
list of Union Territories/State PWD/M,E.S./Railways, upto 3.30 p. m. on 5-5-80 for the following works separately:-
Sr. No. Description
1. Transportation of Steel Rounds from Sanvordem Rail-
way Station to New Borim Bridge site at 'Borim for
Works Division XV during the period 1/5/80 to 30/4/81.
2. Transportation of Bitumen barrels from Margao Rail-
way Station to Quepem for Wor.ks Division XV during
the period from 1/5/80 to 30/4/81. .......................... .
3. Transportation of Steel rounds from Agacaim to Chan-
dor-Goa ............................................................... .
Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on the
same day, in the presence of the tenderers or their authorised
representative, who may choose .to be present.
Earnest money shown against these works should be de-
posited in the State Bank of India, Margao, or any scheduled
Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed
it with the tender. Conditions of contract and tender forms
can be had from the above mentioned Office upto 3.30 p. m.
on 3-5-80 on all working days on payment of cost of tender
(Non-refundable) for each item of work mentioned above in
cash. If required by post an amount of Rs. 5/- will be charged
CentJ'41 library, Panaji-Goa
Catalogue showing books and periodicals received in the
State Central Library, Panaji, from 1st January to 31st
December, 1979, in lieu of the provision contained in Goa,
Daman and Diu, Press and Registration of Books A c ~ 1867,
amended upto 1st March, 1961.
Explanation. - Author, title, .subject of the book, place of
publi.cation, publisher, year of publication, number of pages,
size, price of the book, name of the printer, place of printing
and language of the book. Dash in the entry shows the infor-
mation required is not found.
1. BHAT (Sumant) . ~ n panam (Play) Panaji, Laxmi-
bai Hari Bhat, 1979, 60 p., 18 em., Rs. 4-00, Nilima
Mudranalaya, Belgaum (Konkani).
2. DANAYAT (Jayamala N.) - Kavaso (Short stories)
Margao, Ajya Prakashan, 1978, 100 p., 18 cm.,
Rs. 8-00, Deka Printers, Margao (Konkani).
3. D'CUNHA (Cyril) - Soccer and Goa (Sports) Panaji,
Directorate of Sports and Cultural Affairs, Govt. of
Goa, Daman and Diu, 1978, 76 p., 21 cm., -, Govt.
ptg. Press, Panaji (English).
4. Dr. Krishna Martoba Sanzgiri; amrut-mahotsav
gourav grant (Biography) Margao, Amrut Mahotsav-
-Samiti, 1979, 173 p., 22 cm., Rs. 15-00, Mahalasa
Mudranalaya, Sawantwadi (Marathi and English).
NING & STATISTICS - Fact book on manpower
for Goa, Daman and Diu, Part I (Statistics) Panaji,
Department of 'Planning and Statistics, 1979, 211 p.,
25 cm., -, Govt. Printing Press, Panaji (English).
6. KADAM (Shrirang Shankar) - Satarivarache kamhi
Gomantakiya (Biographies). Margao, Jayvant Prak-
ashan, 1979, 81 p., 18 cm., Rs. 7-00, Mahalasa Mud-
ranalaya, Sawantwadi (Marathi).
7. KELEKAR (Ravindra) - Sangati (Philosophy) Mar ..
dol, Jaag Prakashan, 1977, 116 p., 18 em., Rs. 10-00,
Anand Mudranalaya, Poona (Konkani).

Estimated Cost Earnest Money Cost of
Time limit
Re. Rs,
9,306-00 233-00 10/- 365 days
4,740-00 119-00 10/- 365 days
1,602-00 41-00 10/- 60 days
The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax.
Clearance Certificate at the time of buying tender.
The tender. of the Contractors who do not deposit Earnest
Money in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected.
Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning
any reason whatsoever is reserved, with the authority com-
petent to accept the tender.
Margao, 22nd April, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, K. G.
8. KHANDEP ARKAR (Ganadish) - Pruthvi firte ahe
.. ' (Fiction) Panaji, Manoj Prakashan, 1978, 80 p.,
18 em., Rs. 8-00, Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum
9. KUNKOLIENKAR (Ramarao G. S.) - Kavitecho
vhamvato zaro (Poetry) -, Sunita R. Kunkolienkar,
1979, 22 p., 18 cm., Rs. 1-95, Sudin Printing Press,
Mangeshi (Konkani).
10. MAHAMBRO (Ana) - Gomyachi asmitaya (History
and CultUre) Mardol, Jaag Prakashan, 1978, 118 p.,
18 cm., Rs. 8-00, Anand Mudranalaya, Poona, (Kon-
11. PAl (Suresh Ramachandra) -Konkani bhasechem
vyakran, paylo bhag, (Grammar) Curchorem, Dipa
Prakashan, 1979, 126 p., 22 cm., Rs. 10-00, Bandekar
printers, Curchorem (Konkani).
12. PAUL (Francis Xavier) -The good shepherd (Phi-
losophy) Colvale, Author, 1979, 17 p., 18 cm., Rs. 2-00,
Xaverian Press, Pilar (English).
13. PAUL (Francis Xavier) - Philosophy of truth and
peace (Philosophy) Colvale, Author, 263 p., 18 cm.,
as. 200-00, Xaverian Press, Pilar (English).
14. PEREIRA (AntoniO) - Vadoll ani varem (Fiction)
Baga, Author, 1979, 340 p., 18 cm., Rs. 5-00, Xaverian
Press. Pilar (Konkani).
15. PRABHUGAOKAR (R. V.) -The murder (Fiction)
Panaji, Arati Prakashan., -, 76 p., 20 cm., Rs. 5-00,
Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum (.Marathi).
16. SANTANA (Orlando Ribeiro de) - Pastoral musings
(Religion) Goa,. Author, 1979, 55 p., 18 em., -, Xa,...
verian Press, Pilar (English).
17. SARDESSAl (Anantrao) - Govern amuchern sundor
sundor! (Poetry) Mardol, Anant Prakashan, 1979,
28 p., 18 cm., Rs. 2-50, Timblo Printers, Margao
18. SARDESSAl (Monohar) - Pisolim (Poetry) Priol,
Jaag Prakashan, 1978, 122 p., 18 cm., Rs. 10-00 Tim-
blo Printers, (Margao (Konkani).
19. S:aET Rama) - Pakhlo (Fiction) Betim,
Shabdul Pnikashan, 1978, 98 p., 18 em., Rs. 6.00,
Renuka Printing Press, Belgaum
20. SINGBAL (Dinnath R.) - Geetamrut (Poetry)
Ponda, Author, 1979, 69 p., 18 em., Rs. 1-25, Timblo
Printers, Margao (Marathi).
21. SONTAKE (Nagesh) - Ran-vat (Poetry) Panaji,
Abhinav Abhyas MandaI, 1978. 68 p., 18 em., Rs. 5-00,
Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum (Marathi).
22. VELINGKAR (Abhyakumar S. Shenoi) - Mankulim
kaunam (Poetry) Veling, Shenoi Prakashan, 1979,
30 p., 17 em., Rs. 3-00, Casa Udaya Printing Press,
Panaji (Konkani).
23. VELUSKAR (Ramesh Bhagwant) -Morpakham
(Poetry) Panaji, Sobit Sahitya, 1979, 68 p., 21 em.,
Rs. 10-00, Timblo Printing House, Margao (Konkani).
Explanat-ion. - Title, place of publication, publisher, size,
price, name of the printer, place of printing, language, perio-,
dicity and editor. Dash in the entry- shows the information
required is not found.
1. BHARATMITRA. Rivona, N. B. Nayak, 23 cm., -,
Newton PrintLng Press, Margao (Marathi).
Monthly ed. by N. B. N
Panaji, Instituto Menezes Braganca, 24 cm., -,
grafia Rangel, Bastora (English & Portuguese).
Quarterly ed. by Nicolau Pereira.
THE CLINICIAN. Panjim, David Lopes Menezes,
25 cm., Rs. 24-00 (ann. subs.), Tipografia Prafulla,
Panjim (English).
Monthly ed. by David Lopes
4. COLLOQUIM. Panaji, Goa Institute for Historical
and CultUral Research, 25 em., Rs. 12-50, Xaverian
Press Training School, Pilar (English & Portuguese).
HaIfyearly ed. by P. P. Shirodkar.
5. DOR MOINEACHI ROTTI. Old Goa, Moreno de
Souza, 20 cm., Rs. 6.0-0, (ann. subs.), Xaverian Press,
Pilar (Konkani).
Monthly ed. by Moreno de Souza.
BULLETIN. Panaji, Goa Cancer Society, 26 cm.,
Re. 1-00, Tipografia Sadananda, Panjim (English).
Monthly ed. by Sharad G. Vaidya.
MONTHLY BPLLETIN. Panaji, Goa Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, 28 cm., -, Telex Art &
Press, Panjim. (English).
Monthly ed. by Mohan Mahatme.
8. GOA TODAY. Panaji, Goa Publications, 28 cm.,
Rs. 1-50, Printwell Press, Panaji (English).
Monthly ed. by Lambert Mascarenhas.
9. GOA A TOURIST PARADISE. Taleigao, Luis Fur
tado, 21 cm., Rs. 5-00, Pushparaj Printing Press,
TaIeigao (English).
-, ed. by Luis Furtado.
10. GOENCHOMOG. Margao, Gurunath S. Kelekar,
29 em., 40 P., Sanjivani, Margao (Konkani).
Triweekly ed. by Gurunath S. Kelekar.
11. GOMANT KALIKA. Vasco da Gama, Suriyakant
Lotlikar, 27 cm., Re. 1-00, Timblo Printers, Margao
Monthly ed. by Suriyakant Lotlikar.
12. GOMANTAK. Panaji, Gomantak Pvt. Ltd., 58 cm.,
35 P., Gomantak Pvt. Ltd., Panaji (Maratlli).
Daily ed. by Waman Radakrishnan.
13. GOMANTAKACHI ASMITA. Panaji, Gomantak Ma-
rathi Bha..sha Parishad, 27 cm., 50 P., Pushraj Print-
ing Press, Taleigao (Marathi).
MCtIlthly ed. by .Bhaskar. Bhandare.
14. HARP A GOESA. Panjim, Centro de Cultura Latina
de Goa, 25 cm., -, Tipografia Sadananda, Panjim
Annual ed. by Renato de Sa.
15. KONKANI, Margao, Konkani Bhasha Mandal, 25 em.,
-, Gomant Printing Press, Margao (Konkani).
Monthly ed. by Udaia Bhembre.
16. KULAGAR. Margao, Novo Gornantak Prakashan, 28
em., Rs. 1.50, Timblo Printers, Margao (Konkani).
Monthly ed. by Chandrakant Keni.
17. LOKBHARAT. Panaji, Ramesh Kolwalkar, 27 em., 25
P., Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum (Marathi).
Fortnightly ed. by N araina Desai.
18. MAIPHAL. Panaji, Manoj Prakashan, 29 cm., 50 P.,
Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum (Marathi).
Fortnightly ed. by Ganadish Khandeparkar.
19. NAVE PARVA. Panaji, Dept. of Information, Govt.
of Goa, Daman, Diu, 29 em., 25 P., Govt. Printing
Press, Panaji (English, Marathi & Ronkani).
Monthly ed. by Goa, Daman & Diu. Department of
20. THE NA VHIND TIMES. Panaji Navhind Papers &
Publications, 58 em., 30 P., Navhind Times Press,
Panaji (English).
Daily ed. by K. S. K. Menon.
21. NAVPRABHA. Panaji, Navhind Papers & Publica-
tions, 58 cm., 25 P., Vilas Vaikuntrao Sardesai, .Panaji
Daily ed. by Laxmidas Borkar.
22. 0 HERALDO. Panaji, Ac. C. Fernandes, 52 em., 25
P., 0 Heraldo Press, Panjim (Portuguese & Konkani).
Daily ed. by Benicio Nunes.
23. PRADEEP. Panjim, Jenardana Shinkre, 28 em., 20
P. Pradeep press, Pan jim (Marathi).
Weekly ed. by Jenardana Shinkre.
24. RASHTRAMAT. Margao, Nav Gomant Prakashan,
58 cm., 25 P., Nav Gomant Prakashan, Margao
Daily ed. by Chandrakant Kent
25. RENOVACAO. Panaji, Archdiocese of Goa, 25 cm.,
Re. 1.00, Tipografia Sadananda, Panaji (English).
Fortnightly ed. by L. V. Coutinho.
26. RESSURGE GOA. Camorlim, Telo Mascarenhas, 40
cm., 25 P., Tipografia Prafulla, Panjim. (Portuguese).
Monthly ed. by Telo Mascarenhas.
27. SHABDUL. Betim, Shabdul Prakasilan, 29 em., 50
P., Sagar Sahitya Mudranalaya, Panjim (Konkani).
Monthly ed. by Tukaram Shet.
28. SNEHANKIT. Margao, Vividha Bharati Prakashan,
28 em., 50 P., Ravi Mudranalaya, Belgaum (Marathi).
Monthly ed. by Ratnakant Pavaskar.
29. SPORTSNIK. Chicalim, Menezes Publication, 27 cm.,
Rs. 2.00, Timblo Printers, Margao (English).
Fortnightly ed. by Olav Menezes.
30. VANGUARDA. Mapusa, Bonifacio Dias, 38 cm., 20
P., Economic Printing Press, Mapusa (Konkani and
Weekly ed. by Bonifacio Dias.
31. VAVRADDEANCHO IXTT. Pilar, Society of st.
Francis Xavier, 41 cm., 35 P., Xaverian Press
ning School, Pilar (Konkani).
Weekly ed. by Joseph Lactancio Almeida.
32. VIDYA. Margao, Shrimati Parvatibai Chowgule
lege of Arts .and Science, 26 cm., -, Timblo Printers,
Margao (English, FrenCh, Portuguese, Marathi and
Annual ed. by C. S. N agarcenkar.
33. VOCATIONAL BULLETIN. Panaji, Dept. of Labour
and Employment, Govt. of Goa, Daman and Diu, 36
em., -, Cyclostyled (English).
Monthly ed. by Vocational Guidance Unit.
34. WEST COAST TIMES. Margao, Timblo Publications,
58 cm., 30 P., Timblo Printers, Margao (English).
Daily ed. by M. G. Bailur.
Panaji, 19th April, 1980.
, ,
2ND MAY, 1980 (VA/SAKA 12, 1902) 41

Forest and Agriculture Department
Office of the Dy. Conservator of Forests
Tender Notice
Sealed tenders are hereby invited by the Deputy Conser-
vator of Forests, South Goa Division, Margao on behalf of
the President of India for the contract for
removal of cut timber, poles and firewood etc. from the
areas shown in the schedule below on the following con-
Timber in rn3 Poles in nos.
S,. 2nd
Range Round N arne of the plot 2nd -wood Remarks
N"o. 1st class 3,d 1st 2nd 3,d
class in rns
species class class class class
1 2 3

5 5
1. Canacona poin- Bodquesodo 0.563 1.990
guinim C. No. 17A/
2. -do.....:.... Gaun- Horta Baixa 5.162
don- C. No. 9/79-80
3. -do- Shi- EddaC. No. 65.491
shevaI 17B/79-80
4. Sanguem Bhatt Bhati Sidha i..498 73.512
C. No. 17 79-80
5. -do- Bhatl Bhati Sidha 87.536
C. No. 17 79-80
Sub-Coupe II
6. -do- Bhati Vagped C. No. 3.338
Sub-Coupe I
7. -do- Bhati Vagped C. No. 10.449
The description of the material and its cubical contents
though believed to be correct is only meant as a guide which
is open to the tenderers to veruy by personal inspection or
otherwise and no guarantee is given that the description is
absolutely accurate as regards to the quantity. quality or in
any other respect. No error, mis-statement or omission in the
particulars of such description shall annul the contract tenR
dered for or giving the tenderer a right to any abatement,
compensation or any other consideration
Tenders should be sent for each lot of timber and
firewood in the prescribed form only. which will
be obtained from the undersigned office and in the
Range Forest Office upto 9-5-1980 before 12 noon as pe:r
this office clock on payment of fee of Rs. 10/ (Rupees ten
only) per form which is not refundable. Tenders sent otherwise
than the prescribed printe4 fonn will not be considered.
Combined offers for more than one lot will be rejected,
however, the tenderers are at liberty to put more than
one offer in the same envelope. Tender fonns are not
transferable and they are valid for the tender sale
for which they are issued. All tenders are opened at the
office of the undersigned at Margao immediately after
3 p. m. on 9-5-1980 and read out in the presence of such of
the tenderers as may be present. The envelopes containing
tenders should be addressed to the ny. Conservator of Forests,
South Goa Division Margao and the earnest money must
be deposited in the name of the concerned ny. Conservator
of Forests.
Each tender shall be accompanied by a receipted
treasury challan of the amount at the rate indicated in the fol-
lowing table, as earnest money. In lieu of the receipted challan,
a demand draft or deposit at call for the amount issued in
favour of the Dy. Conservator of Forests, South Goa
Division, Margao or local Nationalised Banks or National
Saving Certificates/Government Promissory Notes or National
Saving Certificates or National Plan Loan Bonds duly endorsed
in favour of the Dy. Conservator of Forests, Margao by
designation will be accepted.
From Rs. 1,000 to 20,000 ................ ..
From Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 ................ ..
From Rs. 30,000 to 50,000 ................ ..
Rs. 1,000/-
Rs. 2,000/-
Rs. 3,000/-
7 8 9 10 11 12
260.104 175.268 1296.049
137.531 72.446 807.614
42.484 38.948 468.787
91.232 43.680 12 946.736
27.752 37.209 47 1222.366
6.795 3.300 580.275
}4.956 4.624 11 2 775.905
From Rs: 50,000 to 75,000 .............. .
From Rs. 75,000 to 1,00,000 .............. .
From Rs. 1,00,000 to 1,50,000 .............. .
From Rs. 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 .............. .
Above Rs. 2,00,000 .............. .
Material is
cut, stacked
and lying on
the spot:
Rs. 5,000/-
Rs. 7,000/-
Rs. 10,000/-
Rs. 15,000/-
Rs. 20,000/-
The successful bidder will have to pay 25% of the bid value
of the lot plus sales tax at the statutory rates in force
full purchase money as well as amount necessary to make up
10% or full sale price in addition to the earnest money
deposit, as security deposit for proper fulfilment of the
contract and also execute agreement within a week from
the date of communication of the acceptance of the bid, fail-
ing which his earnest money deposit will be forfeited to the
Government and the forest produce concerned will be re-
-sold at the risk and expense of the original purchaser who
shall be liable to make good the Government any losses
arising out of such re-sale but shall not be entitled to the
profit of any portion thereof resulting to Government by
such re-sale. The loss sustained shall be recoverable from
the defaulter together with the interest due 9% per annum
an the balance purchase money from the date it becomes
due, up to the date of its recovery which he has failed to
pay as arrears of the land revenue. In calculating the 10s8
sustained the amount forfeited shall not be taken into
account. The remaining 3/4 sale price shall, be paid before
30th .June 1980 or before .the removal of the material which-
ever is earlier.
All material purchased and paid for must be removed
from the site within a period upto 31-12-1980 from the date
of comIllunication of acceptance sale. No extension beyond
that date will be granted except under very exceptional
circumstances o:p. payment of extension fees as prescribed.
The Dy. Conservator of Forests, South Goa Division
Margao reserves the right to reject any tender without
asSigning any reason whatsoever.
Tenderers are welcomed to see agreement conditions
relating to the sale in the office of the Dy. Conservator
of Forests, Margao any working day during office hours.
Margao, 16th April, 1980.-The ny. Conservator of Forests.
South Goa Division, P. V. Sawant.
local Administration & Welfare Department
Office of the Mamlatdar of Sanguem
. Auction Notice
No. MAM/LND/ILG/CFP/ Auc/80/140
It is notified for the general information of the public
that the below mentioned forest produce which has been
felled and lying in the Government land "Tolicodil-Mola"
situated at Kormonem-Kirlapale. Sanguem Taluka, will be
II disposed off by public auction on 6th May. 1980 at 11.00 a. m.
in the premises of this office. as it is and where it is.
Description of Volume in M3 Value of forest
the material produce
Initial bid
Firewood 250M' Rs. 7500/- Rs. 7500/-
The successful bidder has to deposit the full amount of
the bid price as accepted on the date of auction. No com-
plaint will be entertained once the bid price is accepted and
paid by the party. The material should be cleared from the
site (Govt. land) within a period of fifteen days from the
date or auction.
Sanguem, 18th April, 1980. - The Mamlatdar, P. M.
law Department (Establishment)
No. 9/1/79/LD/Estt.
Whereas Mr. Ramdas Ananta Naique, Odlem Bath.
Taleigao, House No. 526, TIhas-Goa, has applied for the
change of his name "RamdAs Ananta Naique" to "Ramdas
Anant Khandeparkar".
Whereas formalities prescribed for the purpose in Nos. 1
to 3 of Art. 178 of the Codigo do Registo Civil have been
complied with and notice of change of name from "Ram.d:as
Ananta Naique" to "Ramdas Anant KhandeparJmr" as per
Government's N<? Objection has been published.
Now, therefore, the request made by the said Mr. Ramdas
Ananta Naique is granted and he is hereby authorised to
publish this order in the Official Gazette and apply for
endorsement in the respective registration as per No. 4 of
the said Art. 178 of the "Codigo do Registo Civil".
By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa,
Daman and Diu.
Panaji, 24th April, If:!80. -M. K. Mishra, Law Secretary.
V. No. 541/1980
No. 9/1/80/LD/Estt.
Whereas Smt. Eufregina de Souza, C/o Etelvina D'Souza,
Salvador do Mundo, Paitona, Bardez-Goa, has applied for the
change of her name "Eu:fregina de Souza" to "Luiza Eufre-
glna de Souza".
"Whereas formalities prescribed for the purpose in Nos. 1 to
3 of Art. 178 of the Codigo do Registo Civil have been com-
plied with imd notice of change of name from "Eufregina de
Souza" to "Luiza Ellfregina de Souza" as per Government's
No Objection has been published.
Now, therefore, the request by' the said Smt. Ellfre-
gina de Souza is granted and she is hereby authorised to
publish this order in the Official Gazette and apply for endor-
sement,' in- the respe<:::tive registration as per No.- 4- of the said
Art. 178 of the "Codigo do Registo,Civil".
By order and in the name of the' Administrator of Goa,
Daman and Diu.
Panaji, 22nd Aprii, 1980._ - M. K. lIfishra .. Law
V. No. 59&/1980
In the Court of Civil Judge. Senior Division
at Mapus.. Bardez, Goa
Spl. Civil Suit No. 5/1978
Milan Sagun Aroskar alias Milan Radha-
krishna Gadekar, resident of Duler,
Shri Radhakrishna Vassudeva Gadekar,
Commercial Employee, residing of Bom-
bay. .;<
- Plaintiff.
- Defendant.
It is hereby made public that in the above mentioned
suit a Judgment and decree has been passed on 4th day of Ja-
nuary, 1980, granting divorce between Milan _Sagun. Aroskar
alias Milan Radhakrishna Gadekar, resident of Duler, Mapusa
and Shri Radhakrishna Vassudeva Gadelmr resident of Bom-
bay, and marriage between them solemnized on 26th May,
1971, at Ravalnath Temple, Mulgao, Bicholim Taluka Goa
as per Hindu Religious Rites stands dissolved on account
of ground No. 5 of article 4 of the Law of Divorce Decree
dated 3-11-1910, on account of complete abandonment of
conjugal domicile by the -plaintiff for a of more than
3 years.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 27th
day of March, 1980. .
R. K. Batta Civil' Judge, Sr. Div., Mapusa.
V. No. 506/1980

Administration Office of the Comunidades of Salcete
2 In accordance with and for the purpose
in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is
hereby a.nnounced that Shri Dr. Ramacrisna Gonoxama Sinai
Ramanim, resident of Fatorda, Margao has applied for grant
on "aforamento" basis an area of 600 square metres of the
plot of land known as "Dugloi", Situated at Raia and belonging
to the Comunidade of Raia, for construction of a house. It is
bounded on the east by the land of the said Comunidade,
beyond which the Primary School is situated, on the west
by the land of the said Comunidade beyond which a rtvulet of
rainy waters is situated, on the north by the reserved land
meant for widening of road between the land in question and
the road which from Raia leads to Nuvem and on the south
by _ the land of the said Comunidade. - File No. 61/1975w
If any person has objection against the proposed lease, he
should submit his objections, in writing, to the Administrator
of ComunIdades of Salcete, at Margao, within 30 days counted
from the date of second publication of this notice in the
Margao, 7th April, 1980. - The Secretary. Siurama Sinai
V. No. 428/198<\
3 In accordance with the terms .and for the purpose
established in art. 330 of Comunidades Code still in force,
it is hereby announced that Smt. Dumiana Fernandes, wife
of Cipriano Manuel Fernandes, resident of Novembata of
Sarzora, has applied on permanent lease the plot of land
"SOrecho-dongor", situated in the ward Novembata and belon-
ging to Sarzora Comunidade in the area of 2.250 square
metres, for cultivation of coconut trees, -jack .fruit trees and
other fruit bearing trees, being the plot bounded on the east
by the plot applied 'on lease by Joaquina Fernandes from
Sarzora and remaining portion of the same plot, on the
west also remaining portion of the same plot -occupied by
Issac Fernandes from Sarzora, on the north . by - the plot
of the applicant and on the south, also remaining portion
the same plot. File No. 62/1979:
Xf -a.ny person has any objecti_oIl against this proposed
. lease they'-should'submit their objectIons, in writing, to' the
Adiniriistrator Of-Comunidades; within' 30'days counted from
2ND . MAY, 198{J (V A18AKA 12, 19{J2)
the date of second publication of this notice in the Official

Margao, 10th April, 1980. - The Secretary, 8iurama 8in";'
V. No. 527/1980
4 It is hereby announced that on 27th lIra.y of the year
1980, at 11 a. m., auction will be held at the door of this office
building of the plot of land "4.0 Lan!;O of Ambeagale", situated
at Macasana .and belonging to Macasana ComWlidade in the
area of 600 square metres for construction of house on upset
price of yearly lease rent of Rs. 120/-, applied by Shri Jose
Manoel Santana CoeUlo, from Curtorim, being the plot boun"
ded on the east, west, north by the remaining portion of the
same plot and on the south by the plot leased out to Angelina
Azavedo of Macasana. File no. 64/1977.
It is further announced that the contesting bidder will have
to prove by a certificate issued by the concern.ed escnvao of
Comunidade that he/she does not possess in that Comwrldade
any plot of land on permanent lease for construction of house
in terms of para 2 of art. 326 of Comunidades Code.
Margao, 28th April, 1980. - The Secretary,8iurama 81nal
Seen - Elu Miranda, Administrator of Comunidades.
V. No. 597/1980

Administration Office of Comunidades of Bardez
5 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose
estabUshed in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in
torce, it is hereby announced that Awadhoot Parasharam
Shenoy, resident of Panaji, has applied on lease for
truction of residential house, the uncultivated, rocky and
unused plot of land named ffLote No. 223" situated at Por-
vorlm and belonging to the Serula Comunidade, covering
an area of 600 sq. metres. It is' bounded on the east by
the plot No. 11 granted to Vassudev D. Joshi, on the west
by the reserved road of 6 metres width after which lies
the property of Claudio Tome Rodrigues. on the north by
the reserved road of 6 metres width, and on the south by
the plot No. 2 granted to Prabacar D. P. Moyo. - File
No. 80/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed
lease, he should submit his objection in writing to the
Administrator of Comunidades - of Bardez. within 30 days
from the date of second publication .of this notice, in the
Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 7th April, 1980. - The acting Secretary, Nel30n
Xa-vier TTindade.
V. No. 311/1980
6 In accordance with the tenns and for the purpose.
established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in
force, it is hereby annoWlced that Ramacanta C.
resident of Panaji, has applied on lease for construction of
residential house, the hilly. uncultivated and unused plot
of land named f'Vodachem-Gallum", plot No. 73, of the
sub-diviSion, situated at Alto de Britona and belonging t.o
the Serula Comunidade, covering an area of 600 square
metres. It is bounded on the east by the plot No. 77, on the
west by the proposed road of 10 metres of width, on the
north by plot No. 74 and on the south by plot No. 72. - File
No. 83/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease.
he should submit his objection in writing to the Adminis-
trator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the
date of second publication of this notice, in the Official
Mapusa, 14th April, 1980. -The acting Secretary, Nel:ion
Xavier Trindade.
V. No. 353/1980
7 Iri accordance with the terms and for the purpose
blished in article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force,
It is _hereby that Satayawati Shantaram Kanolkar.
resident of Sirc;aim, has applied on lease for construction of
residential house, the unCUltivated and unused plot of land
named "Toleachi Muddi", lot No. 72 and-- plot No. 15 of the
sub-division, situated at Sirc; arid belonging t.o the Sir-
gaim Comunidade, covering an area of. 600 sq. rots. It is
bounded on the east by the plot No. 14, on the north by the
plot No.8, and on the west and south by the proposed roads
of 8 metres width.-File No. 44/1980.
If any person has any o.bjection against the proposed lease,
he should submit his objection in writing to the Administrator
of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of
second publication of this notice, in the Official
Mapusa, 17th April, 1980. - The acting Secretary, Nel8<wI.
Xavier TTindade.
V. No. 420/1980
8 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose
established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in
force, it is hereby announced that SUbas Damodar Arsenkar,
resident of Ansabat, Mapusa, has applied on lease for cons--
truction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused
plot of land comprised in "Lote No.5", situated at Canca
and belonging to the Canca Comunidade, covering an area of
600 sq. metres. - It is bounded on the east by the property
of SimAD Fernandes, on the west by the road which from
Canca leads to Verla, on. the north by the land granted to
Ananda Ganpata Pangam, of Mapusa and on the south by
the plot measured to Uttoma Xencora Morascar. - File
No. 97/1980. .
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease,
he should submit his objection in writing to the Adminis-
trator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the
date of second publication of this notice, in the Official
Mapusa, 18th April, 1980. The acting Secretary, Ne18cm
Xavier Trindade.
V. No.' 421/1980
9 In accordance with the _ tenns and for the purpose
established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in
force, it is hereby announced that Vinayak Soiro Gaocar,
resident of Badem, has applied on lease for construction
of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of
land named 'Ultimo Muddy of Badem', comprised in lot
No. 154, plot No. 9 of SUb-division, situated at Badem and
belonging to the Assagao Comunidade. covering an area
of 266 sq. metres. It is bounded on the east by the plot
No. 10 and reserved road, on the west by the Comunidade
land, on the north by the Comunidade land and plot No. 10,
and on the south by the reserved road. - File No. 70/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed
lease. he should submit his objection in writing to the
Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez. within 30 days
from the date of second publication of this notice, in the
Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 8th April, 1980. - The acting Secretary, Ne180n
Xavier Trindade.
V. No. 422/1980
10 In accordance with the tenns and for the purpose
established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades" in
force, it is hereby announced that Uttoma Chudu Fata.r-
pecar, resident of Badem, has applied on lease for cons-
truction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused
plot of land named 'Ultimo Muddy of Badem', comprised
in lot No. 154, plot No. 5 of sub-division, situated at Badem
and belonging to the Assagao Comunidade. covering an
area of 300 sq. metres. It is bounded on the east by the
reserved road, on the west by the plot No.4, on the north
by the plot- -applied on lease by Budu S. Banaulicar. and
on the south by the road on higher level. - File No. 73/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed
lease, he should submit his objection, in writing to the
Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days
from the date of second publication of this notice, in the
Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 8th April, 1980: - The acting Secretary, NeUi<m
-Xavier Trindade.
V. No. 423/1980
11 In' accordance with the terms and for the purpose
established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in
fOrce, it is hereby aIUloWlced that Quexova Saunlo Fotto,
resident of Badem, has applied on lease for construction of
resdiential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land
named HUltimo Muddy of Badem", comprised in lot No. 154,
pJot No. 13 of subd1vision, situated at Eadem and belonging
to the Assagao Comunidade, covering an area of 266 square
metres.. It is botmded on the east by Comunidade land and
rererved road, on the west by Comunidade land and plot
No. 12, on the north by Comunidade land, and on the south
by the reserve<! road. - File No. 75/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed leasE\
he should submit l> objection in wirting to the Administrator
of OomWlidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of
second publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 11th April: 1980. -The acting Secretary, NeUi<m
Xavier Trindade.
V. N (). 424/1980
12 In accordance with the tenns and for the purpose
bUshed in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is
hereby announced that Sundari Ramchandra Gaocar, resi:..
dent of Badem, has applied on lease for construction of
residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land
named "IDtimo Muddy of Badem", comprised in lot No. 154',
plot No. 4 of sub.-division, situated at Badem and belonging
to the Assagao Comunidade, coveIing an area of 300 square
metres. It is bounded on the east by the plot No.5, on the
west by the plot No.3. on the north by the plot applied on
lease by Budu Sadassiva Banaulicar, and on the south by the
road on higher level. - File N(). 71/1980.
If any person has any objection against the proposed lease,
he should submit his objection in writing to the Administrator
of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of
second publication of this notice. in the Official Gazette.
Mapusa, 9th April, 1980. - The acting Secretary, NeUiGn
Xavier Trindade.
V. N(). 425/1980
13 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta-
blished in article 330, of the Code of COmunidades. in force,
it is -hereby announced that Chandrakant Saulo Fotto, resident
of Badem, has applied on lease for construction of residential
house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named
"Ultimo Muddy of Badem", comprised in lot No. 154, situated
at Badem and belonging to the Assagao COmunidade, coveIing
an area of 500 square metres. It is bounded on the east and
north by the reserved road, on the west by the Comunidade
land, and on the south by the Comunidade land applied on
lease by Budu S. Banaulicar.-File No. 74/1980.
If any person has any objection against the .proposed lease,
he should submit his objection in writing to the Administrator
of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date
of second publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette,.
Mapusa, lOth April, 1980. - The acting Secretary, Nelson
Xavier Trindade.
V. No. 491/1980
.sERIES lllNo. 5
.uCorT}unicJades .
14 The above said Comunidade is convened to meet at
its Meeting -Hall, at 10 a. m., on 4th Sunday of May 1980,
to give opinion on file No. 30 of 1972, applied by Shri Eatio-
quiano Henriques, from Vasco, for grant of a plot for cons-
,truction of house in lote No. 202.
. Mormugao, 18th April, 1980. The_ Registrar in ch'arge,
Bharatchanilra Vitol Gauncar.
V. No, 446/1980
15 The above said Comunidade is convened to meet at
its Meeting Hall, at 10 a. m. on 4th Sunday of May 198q,
to give opinion on file No. 5/1958, applied by late Cosme
Conceicao Cabral, frq-m N agoa, now by his widow Smt. Maria
Nina Rita Noronha e Oabral. .
Monnugao, 18th April, 1980. - The Registrar in
Bharatchandra Vitol Gauncar.
V. No. 447/1980
16 The above said Comunidade is convened to meet at
ita Meeting HaJ!, at 10 a. m., on 3rd Sunday of May 1980,
to give opinion on the request for grant of a plot on afora-
mento for construction of a house, by Shri Babiji Kashinath
Naik. File No. 72/1979.
ChicaJim, 15th April, 1980. - The Registrar in charge,
Bhar.atchandra Vitol Gauncar.
V. No. 448/1980
17 The above said Comunidade is convened to meet at
its meeting on 3rd Sunday of May 1980, at 10 a. m., to
give opinion on request of Shli J-u1ious CeSar Xavier, Asst.
Collector of Customs, for grant of 18. plot on aforamento.-
File N(). 64/1979.
Chicalim, 18th April, 1980. - The Registrar in charge,
Bharatchatndra Vit'ol Gauncar.
V. No. H9/jl980
18 The above mentioned Comunidade is convened to
meet at. its Meeting Hall, at 10 a. m. on 3rd Sunday after
the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, to
give its opinion on the file No. 131/1979, in which Datarama
GaneS Sirodcar, resident of Anjuna has applied oli lease
for construction of residential house the uncultivated 3.nd
unused plot of land named "Outro Kantio", lote no. 459,
plot no. 30, situated at Soranto, of Anjuna and belonging
to this Comunidade covering an area of 600m3. It is bounded
on the east by talhao nO'. 31, on the west by talhao 29,
and on the north and south by the roads reserved by the
Anjuna, 20th April, 1980. - The Secretary, Vitoba Siooi

Private Advertisement
19 J aiprakash Govind Prabhu Dessai from Siroti of 001&
Canacona Taluka, announces that he wishes to collect from
the Coffer of Comunidades of Cola the amount of Rs. 180.44
regarding the "votona", "vartana", and "sobrs" of the year
1973 to 1978, which amount is standing in the name of his
late father Govind GUiri Prabhu Dessai who was from Cola.
If any person has any objection may do so before the com-
petent authorities within the prescribed time
V. No. 470/1980
(Imprensa Naclonal - Goa)
PRICE - Rs. 1-05 Po.

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