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Curriculum & Instruction, School of Education, College of William & Mary Daily Lesson Plan Template for Classical

& Modern Languages Teacher: Victoria Evans Subject: Spanish Date:11-28-2012 VA SOLs: SI.1 , SI.5 Goals: include on lesson plan 1. Communications 2. Culture 3. Connections 4. Comparisons 5. Communities Communicative Modes: include below 1.1 Interpersonal 1.2 Interpretive 1.3 Presentational

Class/level: Period: Block 2 Spanish I Mastery Objectives for the Unit:

SI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in Spanish. 2. Express likes and dislikes, requests, descriptions, and directions. 3. Ask questions and provide responses about self and other familiar topics, such as family members, personal belongings, school and leisure activities, time, and weather. SI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. 2. Describe basic information about such topics as self, family members and others, events, interests, school, recreational activities, and personal belongings with emphasis on control of the present tense.

Daily lesson objectives By the end of the lesson, students will understand how to write gustar based on the number of items by making having at least 70% accuracy on the items on the handout as informally assessed by the teacher . By the end of the lesson, students will understand how to ask questions of one another using the correct form of gustar by correctly writing two sentences correctly using gustar on the back of their worksheet checked by the teacher .

Materials: Pen/Pencil, PowerPoint, Handouts, Context: It is a review activity of gustar that was introduced two days prior to the class. This activity is trying to give the students more practice in using the verb gustar in conversation, not just for written assignments. Right before this lesson, the teacher did a brief review of how to use gustar, so I didnt have to activate their background knowledge beforehand. Intervention: Teacher Attention at Five Minute Intervals Intervention Objectives: 1. By the end of the lesson, the student will get out of his seat less than two times as observed by the teacher keeping a running record during the lesson. 2.By the end of the lesson, the student will distract students sitting near him less than two times as observed by the teacher keeping a running record during the lesson. 3. By the end of the lesson, the student will yell out in class less than two times as observed by the teacher keeping a running record during the lesson. Purpose: I am using this intervention because I noticed that J would often get up and leave the classroom during a lesson and while doing so he would
Developed in collaboration with W & M Foreign Language Education and WJCC World Languages

distract other students on the way back to his seat or even at his seat, but I didnt want it to seem like I was criticizing him too much so I thought that by using this intervention I could correct/praise his behavior, but he wouldnt notice it too much and become defensive as a result. Homework: N/A, assigned by CT

Warm-up: Not applicable Time: 1-2 min


Materials: Handout

Goals/Modes For students to be aware of the lesson of the day, and how it relates to their learning of Spanish in general Interpretative

Teachers Introduction of Lesson and relevance to students Modeling: As the teacher goes over the directions of the activity the teacher demonstrates how the students are supposed to complete the activity in writing and verbally.

Don e? Yes

10 min

Students complete activity as they follow the PowerPoint slides and fill out the Handout in complete sentences. Teacher changes slides and walks around classroom to monitor progress and help students.

PowerPoint and Handout


2-3 min

2-3 min

Have Students independently practice PowerPoint and Handout changing two statements that they have already written into questions on the back of the sheet. Modeling: The teacher presents an example on the PowerPoint how to change the statement to a question based on what is written on the board and what the teacher says. Modeling/ Guided Practice: Teacher models PowerPoint and Handout how to question another using the verb gustar in the t form by calling on three students to answer the first three questions based on the item on the PowerPoint.

Communication / Interpretative


Communication / Interpersonal


5-8 min

Independent Practice: The teacher calls on PowerPoint and Handout one student and that student picks another student to question. Students then ask and answer each other using the verb gustar based on the item on the PowerPoint following the teachers model. Closure/ Wrap-Up: Ask if they have any questions, homework assigned by CT

Communication -Interpersonal


Developed in collaboration with W & M Foreign Language Education and WJCC World Languages

Click here to enter text. Differentiated Instruction / Adaptations Process: While writing the lesson plan, I considered the different learning styles of the students by appealing to both the visual and auditory learners; I used the PowerPoint to appeal to visual learners with the pictures and by having the item written on the slide, but I also appealed to the auditory learners by saying what it was. I continued this with the directions as well as they were both written on their activity sheet as well as explained verbally. There was also differentiation in regards to grouping; the students started out working independently, but later they worked together in pairs as part of whole group activity, as the students had to call on each other, but they did not know who would be called on to answer the students question. The activity was tiered in that the students had practiced writing out their statements and questions before they said them in class. Content: The items that were included in the PowerPoint were based on the students interests such as The Avengers film, the Harry Potter books, Pizza Hut, and McDonalds to keep them engaged in the lesson. Students could choose who they questioned and what they questioned them about. The content accounted for students with varied abilities; in order for them to write down the sentence, some strictly followed the examples strictly on the worksheet, while others were slightly more complex. For those students who need strict order about their assignments and how they complete them I made sure that the pictures were numbered and corresponded to the lines on their worksheet to avoid confusion. Product: Even though I informally assessed their mastery of the content by walking around the classroom to see how they were completing the assignment, I didnt solely rely on how they wrote out their sentences, I allowed them to verbally express what they know by asking and answering the questions since some students prefer speaking over writing.

Ongoing Informal Assessments: Continued practice of gustar for different assignments Informal assessment of knowledge of new and prior vocabulary

Formal Assessments: Formative assessment due in 2 days

Assessment/Evaluation of the Lesson: How: Running Record kept by teacher Explanation: While I was giving the lesson, I would walk around and monitor the progress of the students to see if they understood the comment, so when I would give the intervention, it would not seem so obvious to J, or other students in the class. If he left the class, had an outburst, or was distracting to the students, when I finished going around the class, I would make a tally mark under which category his misbehavior fit in. As far as the lesson objectives, I did an informal assessment each time I posted a new item on the PowerPoint I would go around to see who understood the material. What went well (Student Learning Plan)For the most part, J was engaged during the lesson and wasnt too distracting to the rest of the class. As I was giving the lesson, I recorded his behavior in three categories: outbursts, distracting other students, and getting out of his seat. He had 2 outbursts about what was on the screen, and he was distracting students on 3 separate occasions which I would go by and correct using the fixed time teacher attention strategy. However, he did not get up at all during
Developed in collaboration with W & M Foreign Language Education and WJCC World Languages

the lesson which was a major issue before in previous lessons. What didnt go well and What would you do differently (Student Learning Plan) J did seem to respond to the intervention by not getting up during the lesson which I was impressed by; however, he still distracted other students and had 2 outbursts. When I would use the intervention, he would become defensive. Next time, I would probably use the intervention to praise the student and deal with the distractions immediately as they occur. Also, I would try to find a way to engage all of the students at the same time. Remarks on student engagement and student learning I tried to engage the students with the activity by including interesting examples and having them talk with their classmates instead of having the activity completely teacher-centered with me just questioning the students.

Lesson planning guiding questions to ask yourself before writing a lesson plan: 1. What will students know and be able to do at the end of class that they cannot do at the beginning? 2. What do the students need from me to be able to show they know and can do it? 3. How am I going to organize /present /manage the lesson? 4. How will students practice what they need to know and do? 5. How will I know that they got it? (assessment)

Developed in collaboration with W & M Foreign Language Education and WJCC World Languages

Nombre_______________________________ Fecha_________________________________ Las Instrucciones: You will see a numbered picture on a slide, and you will write whether or not you like what is pictured on the slide using the verb gustar in complete sentences. Ejemplo: la clase de ciencia => Me gusta la clase de ciencia. No me gusta la clase de ciencia. Cuidado! You have to change the form of gustar if the object is singular or plural. Despus, you will ask a classmate if they like what is on the picture as we go over the answers. Ejemplo: Te gusta la clase de ciencia? 1._________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________________________________________ 8.___________________________________________________________________________________ 9.___________________________________________________________________________________ 10.__________________________________________________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________________________________________________

Developed in collaboration with W & M Foreign Language Education and WJCC World Languages

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