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It is a well know fact that the best tendering and contract writing is of limited value if the contract is not carefully administered from award to completion. World-class organizations view the application of best practices in contract administration as being essential skill sets needed by all employees involved in the contract management process. The participant will be guided through the many steps of contract administration from the time the award is made through to the final acceptance, payment, and the contract close out so that the total objectives of entering into the contract are achieved. This program is designed to present contract administration as more than just a job or activity but as an important profession essential to the organizations ability to meet its goals. Seminar Objectives: Upon completion of this seminar, participants will know:
How To Provide Better Outcomes From

Effective Contract Administration Objectives Of Contract Administration The Most Critical Elements Skill Sets Key Players In Contract Administration Typical Inputs To Contract Administration Maintaining Schedules & Dealing with Changes

Small Group Exercise: What are the areas in which a contract administrator should have knowledge? Sets the stage for the program and emphasizes that with the ever-increasing quantity of outsourcing by organizations, Contract Administration is emerging as a critical competency for professionals and managers in most functional activities. Analysis of the Contract
Starting The Contract File Understanding the Statement of Work

Expediting Techniques Contract Changes Example Changes Clause Requesting Cost Breakdowns Types of Cost that Make up Price Evaluating Price Changes

Individual Exercise: Determine the fairness of a price change for additional services quoted by a supplier. Presents solutions to two of the major issues in contract administration which are on time delivery and controlling the impact of changes. Issues In Contract Performance

and Establishing Major Deliverables

Post Award Conference Typical Contract Measurements

Force Majeure Liquidated Damages Clause Types Of Contract Termination Breach Of Contract

Contracts Important Elements Of Contract Administration Contract Monitoring Techniques How To Get Fair Treatment In Contract Changes Contract Termination Issues How To Prepare For Claims And Disputes Review Acceptance And Contract Close Out Issues The Inputs And Outputs In Contract Administration

Small Group Exercise: Develop A List Of Measurements For Supplier Contract Performance. Focuses on the issues of understanding what the contract covers and the challenges that will be faced in its proper administration. Typical Outputs of Contract Administration

Group Discussion: The group will discuss actual experiences in contract termination when the cause was not the fault of the seller but for the convenience of the buyer. Explores the reality that contracts to do always end in the way that the parties contemplated in the beginning. Acceptance and Close Out

Organizational Outcomes: The organization will benefit by:

Better Outcomes From Contracts For All Greater Strategic Focus Of Those

Outsourced Activities

Supplier Relationship Management Cost Control Forecasting Performance Monitoring Progress Risk Analysis Responses To Risk

Final Acceptance Claims And Disputes Close Out Procedures Post Contract Review Meeting

Involved In Contracting Administration Higher Productivity Of Contract Administration Personnel Reduced Total Cost Of Ownership Resulting From Better Contract Management Improved Contractor Performance Personal Outcomes: Attendees will gain by participation in this program as a result of:
Increased Skill Sets In Contract

Group Discussion: The group will present examples of newly defined risk after the contract was awarded and discuss the potential responses to that risk. Reviews the typical outputs of good contract administration and establishes additional responsibilities for those having contract management responsibilities.

Small Group Exercise: What should be covered in the inspection and acceptance sections of the contract? Will discuss many aspects of the final phases of the contract to insure that the reasons for entering into the contract were in fact accomplished. This Course is Conducted By: Robi Bendorf

Other Trainings:

Who Should Attend: Contract Administrators, Project Coordinators, Contracts Officers and Managers, Engineering Project Managers, Construction Managers, Tenders Managers, Buyers, Procurement/ Purchasing Managers, Project Managers, Maintenance Mangers and Systems Managers and all others in organizations whose leadership want world-class skills sets in those involved in contract management activities. The program is a great way to develop those new to the function, prepare for a major project, or useful as a refresher for veterans

Strategic Negotiations in Purchasing & Procurement Supplier Relations & Performance Management 7 Step Strategic Sourcing Procurement Strategy Development & Management IT Contract Development

Administration A Greater Sense Of Professionalism Increased Confidence In Dealing With Contract Issues Greater Ability To Lead Contracts To Successful Conclusions Increased Recognition By The Organization Due To Improved Performance

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 1

This course will provide tools and techniques to enable participants to determine the need to negotiate, pursue a tactical or a strategic approach to the negotiation and how to separate the key negotiation drivers of the individual parties. Further learn how to examine the importance of the negotiation strategy and how it is fully integrated into the corporate procurement strategy. Attend & Discover:

The Evolution of Negotiation within the Procurement Environment
Strategy Preparation and Determination Implications for the Buyer and Seller Negotiation Research

Positions vs Interests
Creating the right environment and

The Ideal Negotiation

relationships Venues Timescales Types of relationships Research

Preparation and Planning Key Phases Key Issues Key behavioural aspects Tactics and Ploys

Management of the Negotiating Environment

Plan in multi-disciplinary teams Create the right negotiation strategy Understand key tactics and ploys Understand the impact of legislation on the outcome Select the right type of supplier relationships - recognise their applicability and the best means of measurement. Identify key behavioural aspects within the negotiation Know what makes a skilled negotiator Integrate negotiation into the total purchasing cycle Apply the key tasks for the preparation and planning needed for successful negotiation Manage the key phases of negotiation

The Negotiation
Structure Conflict Management Persuasion Techniques

Personal behaviour and attitudes Meeting the needs of the other party Satisfying the other parties interests Maintaining flexibility

Exercise: A Business problem is identified against which a profile of the people vs organisational and positions vs interests are identified and through negotiation a solution achieved.

Review and Analysis

Control Agreement Implementation

Personal Negotiation Profiling

Characteristics of a skilled Negotiator Individual Improvement Programmes What are they? How are they created? How can they be used? What will they tell me?

A full day negotiation Exercise testing the skills and profiles of the participants We want the supplier to say yes The third business problem will incorporate all the key factors of the programme. Evaluating and re-assessing the Individual Improvement Programmes and setting targets for the future.

Who Should Attend: Leaders, Managers, and Professionals in Purchasing, Procurement, and Supply Management , Materials, Contracts, Projects, Maintenance, Operations, and Financial Managers and, All other Managers and Professionals interested in lowering total cost and increasing productivity and profit contributions from better procurement operations.

Skills Assessment Profiling

Analysis and Creation of Individual

negotiation profiles Style Power Attitude Flexible v positional

Handling the Negotiation Scenario

A Business scenario to provide base

Robs interactive approach & in -depth explanations and examples added immense value. He added new dimensions to the Contract Management, Contracts Creation & relationship with strategic information and application. Contracts Manager BT APPLIED TECHNOLOGY

This Course is Conducted By: Rob Thompson

data to form part of the individual Improvement programme and re-affirm the appropriateness of the profile created People vs Organisations Understanding the impact of different personal and cultural styles

National characteristics Drivers and Restrainers Style profiles Behaviours and customs

Develop the right information base

Understand the Business methods Understand the social and political

Understand the Financial and legal

modus operandi
Understand the Infrastructure and

logistical systems

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 2

Professionalism in the field of quality, procurement, materials planning and supply chain management has grown extensively. There are new roles that require a thorough understanding of functional interrelationship, if you are to succeed. This course identifies the elements needed to provide a business with best materials and/or service. Understand how to bring together the concepts of Total Cost, Lean/ Six Sigma, Certification Process of Suppliers, and the new relationships necessary to ensure success. The instruction will show how to establish clear, mutually acceptable goals with your suppliers. With the knowledge and practical methodology learned in this course, you will have the ability to boost your suppliers performance. What you will learn 1. Todays Environment


Addressing change and measurement Concepts affecting performance LEAN/SIX SIGMA, PREVENTIVE MANAGEMENT 4. Interfaces having impact on customer / supplier performance

2. Functional Leadership

Directing the supply base and its development Understanding the interface with materials management Employing tools Problem Solving, Paretos Law, Quick Change, Audits Establishing the pro-active relationship with suppliers

Finance - price determination, cost analysis, Total Cost vs PPV Transportation - Relating needs to inbound, selecting and evaluating carriers, who handles claims and why. Supply Chain Management - Ship to point of use, to stock

5. Suppliers

What is in it for them? How many suppliers is enough? Employing a team approach vs. just using Purchasing people

6. IMPLEMENT How to Implement

3. Where to Begin?

How to develop a collaborative partnership and obtain peak performance. What the methodology is in creating an environment that engenders a productive exchange of ideas and focus on company objectives. How to relate Total Cost to Purchase Price Variance What is the basis of supplier selection quantitative vs qualitative? How to relate other functional activities, such as Transportation, Systems, Operations, and Maintenance What are the techniques of systems contracting, paperless purchasing, vendor managed inventories, supplier certification, etc.... and how to employ them with measurable results

Understanding the principles of Business Process Management, and how to employ it. Addressing the Supplier certification process Supplier selection and development expanded

Who will be involved and why? How long will it take? What are the major tasks? What happens next?

Before: I feel that we are in a right track concerning sourcing but I was wrong. After: Now, I feel that there must be a change in our organization towards sourcing. We greatly need the Strategic Sourcing. Good job Mike!

More confident of my previous knowledge as I found myself in full acceptance of the course

Manager, Materials Management Emirates Telecommunications Company, Abu Dhabi UAE

Procurement Manager - Emirates Telecommunications Company, Abu Dhabi UAE

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This facilitative workshop is designed to enhance the Purchasing Management & Strategies of each participant to successful project management principles. It will be particularly beneficial to purchasing, procurement, acquisition, materials, or logistics, project managers, directors and personnel who are responsible for tactical and strategic purchasing activity.

This Course is Conducted By: Michael G ozzo

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 3

The development and implementation of carefully crafted strategies for the acquisition of all goods, equipment, materials, and services has become a critical issue in all organizations wishing to reduce operating cost while improving quality & productivity. This program explores 7 key areas considered critical to the future success of Procurement Organizations and moves todays supply management activities from its typical tactical focus to the strategic focus needed to successfully implement the processes and methods needed to reach world-class performance now and maintain it in the future. What you will learn At this powerful 7 Step Strategic Sourcing seminar, you will learn how to: 7 Areas Critical To Future Procurement Success 4 Stages To World Class Supply Management Many Increased Skill Sets In Supply Management Category Models And Their Strategies 3 Categories For Organizing The Spend Profile 10 Questions For Internal And External Surveys To Enhance Purchasing Performance Steps In Improving Internal And External Collaboration How To Develop A Purchasing Coding System How To Get More Time To Work On Strategic Issues The Important Sections To Include In A Strategic Sourcing Plan Whats in it for the organization?

Developing Category Strategies

4 Stages To World Class Supply Management 7 Areas Critical to Future Procurement Success Change And Becoming More Strategic Developing The Spend Profile Creating Time To Be Strategic Material/Services Purchasing Code Development Segmentation/Category Management Models Reviews the elements essential to becoming more strategic and adding real value to the organization. Developing and Managing Suppliers

Collaborating Internally and Externally

Supplier Relationship Management Maturity Model Being an A Customer Transforming the Supplier Relationship Developing Trust How Do Suppliers Evaluate Us As A Customer Internal Customer Surveys To Improve Purchasing Performance Increased Supplier Involvement

Bidder Qualification And Selection Objectives of Supplier Performance Measurement Supplier Performance Measurement Key Points Reducing the Supplier Base Strategic Alliances Stages of Alliance Development

Identifies many best practices that contribute to improving both buyer and supplier performance. Attracting and Retaining Supply Management Talent

Recognizes that an organization can perform no better than its suppliers and that todays very volatile world economies might require relationships very different to those used in the past Designing and Operating Multiple Supply Networks

Supply Management Competencies Key to Success in Supply Management Departments New Job Descriptions For Purchasing Training Programs Categories for Personal Development Competency Profiling

Greater strategic focus of those involved in supply management resulting in an improved bottom line Higher productivity of personnel involved in supply management activities Reduced total cost of ownership for purchased materials, equipment, and services Improved productivity of the entire organization by better on time delivery of high quality goods and services Improved supplier performance and relations Increased customer satisfaction. Supply Management Materials, Contracts, Projects, Maintenance, Operations, and Financial Managers and, All other Managers and Professionals interested in lowering total cost and increasing productivity and profit contributions from better supply management operations.

Supply Management and Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Mapping Trends Leading to Greater Supply Chain Risk Supplier Risk Management Total Cost of Ownership Reducing Waste in the Supply Chain

Focuses on the fact that Supply Management skill sets are a predictor of the suppliers responsiveness to the buying organizations requirements and are positively related to a firms financial performance. Managing and enabling the Future Supply Management Organization

Focuses on the understanding that the best way to increase profit is reducing the Total Cost of Ownership for every member of the entire supply chain. Leveraging Technology Enablers

Reengineering The Processes SRM and Integration Supply Chain Integration Framework E-tool Advantages Keys to Successful Integration of e-Tools Exception Management

Purchasing Impact On The Bottom Line Supply Management Mission and Vision Centralization vs Decentralization Savings Reporting Procedure How does Executive Management Measure Procurement Performance Strategic Sourcing Plans

Brings to conclusion many of the important issues covered in previous steps and adds some practical implementation approaches to show Procurements contributions to the organization

Recognizes that world-class organizations no longer talk about whether or not they should improve their processes, but how fast can they improve them. WHO SHOULD ATTEND:
Managers and Professionals in Purchasing , Procurement, and Supply Management , Materials, Contracts, Projects, Maintenance, Operations, and Financial Managers and, All other Managers and Professionals interested in lowering total cost and increasing productivity and profit contributions from better supply management operations.

This Course is Conducted By: Michael G ozzo

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 4

The development and management of carefully crafted strategies for the acquisition of all goods, equipment, and services has become a critical issue in all organizations wishing to reduce operating cost while improving quality and productivity. This program explores key concepts forming the basis of strategic procurement and moves todays supply management organization from its typical tactical focus to the strategic focus needed to successfully implement the processes and methods needed to reach world-class performance. Attend & Learn: Leading and Managing

Skilled leaders and managers are essential if procurement is to bring to the organization the vast benefits of Worldclass supply management.

Methods Of Price Analysis Competitive Bidding Historical Analysis Cost Estimating Relationships

Price Indexes & PPI Supply Managers must have a clear understanding of how the changes in prices they are paying compare to the movement of prices in the market place.

Management and Leadership--What is

the difference? What helps or Interferes with Becoming a True Leader Developing Leadership Competencies Setting the Direction for World Class Procurement Establishing the importance of the function and the need for it to emerge as a core competency of the organization are critical steps in strategy development.

Using Price Indexes Developing Company Purchase Price

Index Cost Analysis This session will focus on typical methods of cost analysis and look at the elements of cost that make up the price.

How to develop leadership competencies 4 Stages to World Class Supply

Management Best practices in supply management

Leadership is about Results Getting To

3 Categories for organizing the Spend

Profile Greater abilities in leading continuous improvement programs How Minding the Gap Results in a Procurement Strategic Plan 8 Step process of Using Economic Price Adjustment Clauses to deal with economic uncertainties 10 Questions for Internal and External surveys to enhance purchasing performance How to develop a Purchasing Coding System 6 Steps in the development of a Composite Purchase Price Index How to get more time to work on strategic issues Understand methods of Price and Cost Analysis 30 Categories that should be included in a Purchased Materials/Services Strategic Plan Outline Learn how to transfer risk through different contract types Gain insights into important contract management processes How to develop a formal Savings Reporting Procedure

World Class Change And Becoming More Strategic Purchasing Impact On The Bottom Line Defining Supply Management Supply Management Skill Sets Job Descriptions for Strategic Procurement Procurement Professions Ethical Standards Defining The Supply Management Mission And Vision Determining and Managing the Gap Developing the Procurement Organizations Strategic Plan Internal Surveys To Improve Purchasing Performance

Methods Of Cost Analysis Major Elements Of Cost What should determine the Suppliers

What And How Important Are Supplier

Overheads Info

Requesting and Evaluating Supplier Cost Developing Should Costs

focuses on methods of determining what the price should be. How Contracts Are Formed The contract is at the heart of every business transactions so issues related to contract formation must be handled expertly.

Becoming More Strategic with Value Added Techniques Purchasing personnel must move from the tactical focus of most procurement operations to a much more strategic focus that brings continuous improvement to the organization.

The Reasons for Using Contracts Basic Principles in Contract Formation

Selecting the Right Contract Type Good outcomes must have good beginnings and this is particularly true in the activity of contract management.

Developing The Spend Profile Creating Time To Be Strategic The ABC ( Pareto) Analysis Material/Services Purchasing Code Development Examples of Formalities for Contract Formation Price Analysis Price analysis is the most common form of price justification and performed properly can generally give the organization confidence that a reasonable price was obtained.

Types of Statement of Work Risk Analysis Contract Types RFQ and Contract Check Lists Methods Of Payment

Who Should Attend:

Leaders, Managers, and Professionals in Purchasing, Procurement, and Supply Management. Materials, Contracts, Projects, Maintenance, Operations, and Financial Managers and, All other Managers and Professionals interested in lowering total cost and increasing productivity and profit contributions from better procurement operations.

This Course is Conducted By: Robi Bendorf


Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 5


How to Contract in Volatile Markets When supply market conditions are extremely volatile, contractors must include price contingencies that represent their worst nightmares for price escalation of significant cost drivers. This is not good for either the buying or selling side. Supplier Performance Measurement to Stimulate Continuous Improvement It is universal that an organization cannot perform better than its contractors and suppliers. Making Sure We Obtained Lowest Cost High performing procurement departments can proudly point to the fact that the best practices being applied are resulting in the lower Total Cost of Ownership for their organization.

Exploring the Use of Economic Price

Supplier/Procurement Categories How Do Suppliers Evaluate Us As A

Adjustment ( EPA) Clauses in Fixed Price Contracts

Managing the Contract Performance It is a well know fact that the best tendering and contract writing is of limited value if the contract is not carefully administered from award to completion.

Customer Bidder Qualification And Selection Best Practices Supplier Performance Measurement Total Cost of Ownership Different products, brands, markets, customers, and suppliers, make tremendously different demands on an organizations resources. Best procurement practices take into account these demands in Total Cost of Ownership concepts.

Cost Reduction Initiatives Cost Reductions and Cost Avoidance

Can and Should We Have Both?

Savings Reporting KPIs for Procurement Developing The Purchase Price Index For
Your Organization

Supply Chain Management

Strategic Sourcing Plans An often cited strategy in supply management is the development of formal short and long range Strategic Sourcing Plans for major spending segments.

The Criticality of Good Contract


Post Award Conference/Kick-Off Meeting How Contracts May End When Contractors Fail to Do What Was

Defining Total Costs Of Ownership Total Costs Of Ownership Models

Process Improvement World-class organization are not asking if they need to improve their process but only how fast can they improve them.

Developing Strategic Sourcing Plans A Strategic Sourcing Plan Template

Force Majeure/Delays

Supplier Relationship Management

( SRM) Maturity Model Activities

Process Mapping To Eliminate Low Value

The Course is superb! I got many ideas to enhance our contract management practice.
Procurement Executive, Institut Jantung Negara

Reengineering Processes

This training has opened up new perspective on looking at procurement from a strategic point of view to benefit an organizations bottom line directly.
Procurement Executive Siemens Malaysia Sdn Bhd

I gained a great deal of understanding that is practical and not simply from books. I would be very interested in any of Robis programmes.
Sub Contracts Manager, Leighton Offshore

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 6

Once the commercial transaction is negotiated and signed, most contracting teams in the IT/Outsourcing sector are pulled from the process at the same time that the parties are escalating their focus on the transaction. Both parties are incented to maximize their financial yield on the transaction and minimize their risk, yet some do not treat Contract Management as a key to their overall success. This interactive session that includes 9 exercises related to the IT sector, will help you discover:

Overcoming the challenges in contract implementation Applying Customer Relationship Management principles in contracting

Developing a implementation project

What is Customer Relationship


plan Keeping the roles and responsibilities clearly understood How to overcome resistance points and barriers in the implementation Exercise 1 Maintaining separation between a System Design and Sytem Maintenance contract Addressing the differences in contract administration and management

Understanding the benefits of a well

managed customer relationship Relationship Management

Keys to success in Customer

Exercise 6 Managing a software maintenance services agreement Utilizing Alternative Dispute Resolution options

How to dedicate the necessary tools,

techniques and talent to managing commercial relationships? What is the difference between Contract Administration, Contract Management and Relationship Management in the IT/Outsourcing sector? What is needed for you to succeed at all three levels? How to drive greater value and innovation into subsequent contracting cyles with your commercial partners? Learn cost effective contract administration and management techniques Identify opportunities to reformulate your commercial IT contracting Strategies Develop specific and realistic commercial relationship performance metrics Achieve excellence in your commercial relationships Identify opportunities to automate your contract management processes through software and other tools Resolve contractual disputes without destroying the relationship Realize the full value and risk reductions that you have negotiated

What is contract administration? What is contract management? Keeping focused on the rights and
responsibilities throughout the fulfillment phase

What is arbitration? What is mediation? Exploring negotiation options before

taking the litigation path Exercise 7 Resolving a dispute over a Cloud computing services agreement Managing key contracts in the IT/Outsourcing sector

Exercise 2 Performing contract administration and management on an outsourcing services contract Selecting Contract Management Software that is a best fit to purpose

Hardware equipment sales agreements Hardware and software maintenance


What is your electronic contracting


What are the options in the

marketplace? strategy?

Software licensing agreements Telecom and cloud services agreements Outsourcing services agreements
Exercise 8 Critiquing a series of contract lanaguage provisions - what can be managed? Managing contract close-out

Which options are the best fit for your

Exercise 3 Defining the software functionality needed for a portfolio of IT/Outsourcing commercial contracts Managing the contract change order process

Why do contracts terminate? Understanding the rights and Closing out the contract communication and change management considerations

What is a change order and why does it

responsibilities that survive termination

This Course is Conducted By: Jim Bergman Who Should Attend:

Purchasing, sourcing and supply

happen? Understanding the relationship dynamics behind a change order Documenting the change order and preventing excessive changes Exercise 4 Addressing the change order process with a telecom services agreement Embracing Supplier Relationship Management tenets in contracting What is Supplier Relationship Management? Understanding the benefits of a well managed supplier relationship Keys to success in Supplier Relationship Management Exercise 5 Managing a hardware maintenance services agreement

Exercise 9 Managing the software license contract into perpetuity

management professionals
Sales contracting professionals Contract lawyers and attorneys Contract management professionals Contract managers and administrators End-users who impact, or are impacted by,

One of the best courses Ive been to and a great help to my work" Practical, Easy to Understand and Extremely Useful. What more can I ask. Really happy that I signed up for this course. Full marks! Jim is one of the best instructors for contracts and procurement around! I like to thank Jim for this great course

the contracting process

Finance professionals involved in contracting Contract negotiators Operational managers Commercial relationship managers

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 7

Trainers Profile
Robi Bendorf CPM, CSPM, MCIPS has more than 35 years of diversified, has over 30 years of diversified industrial purchasing and sales experience involving both domestic and international activities for a broad range of manufacturing and service businesses. His vast practical experience combined with an excellent theoretical understanding, strategic focus, and ability to quickly implement concepts makes him a much sought after international authority in procurement. HERE ARE A FEW HIGHLIGHTS OF HIS ILLUSTRIOUS CAREER: Westinghouse Distribution and Control Business Unit: $14 million in cost reductions by developing procurement strategies for key commodities that took advantage of multi-plant volumes and resources Increased value from 17 to 30% of materials controlled by central purchasing by managing commodity specialists in implementation of strategies Westinghouse Trading Company: Doubled sales income by promoting benefits of overseas procurement to Westinghouse corporate and division level executives Achieved cost savings opportunities of over $3 million by on-site analysis of products and components purchased or made in house. Tripled supplier base by determining potential sourcing countries and locating new suppliers Westinghouse Commercial & Industrial Air Conditioning Division: Improved productivity of department by 76% with excellence guidelines Increased cost reduction by 200% with cost reduction strategies Medical Instrument Manufacturing Division of Fortune Top 100 Corporation with Annual Sales $700 million: Achieved 20 to 35% savings from overseas suppliers by developing formal Global Sourcing Process and implementing actions Non-Profit Health Insurance Association Annual Sales: Over $2 Billion: Accomplished $1.5 million in savings in less than 6 months by re-organizing spend profile Large non-profit Professional Society Annual Revenues $70 million:
Michael has over 30 years experience in Supply Chain, Demand Flow Technology, Just-In-Time, Total Quality Control, Inventory Control and Production/Operations Management. His experience as a practitioner concluded after completing seven years as Director of Operations at a division of Allied-Signal. He subsequently became a consultant and guided manufacturers and computer OEMs (Apple) in the planning and interface with their suppliers. He has traveled and worked extensively in Canada, England, Hong Kong, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Indonesia, etc. Michael has been selected to Who's Who in American Manufacturing and is one of the best in his field as can be seen from his Certifications, Memberships, Publications, Clients and Testimonials outlined below: Certifications & Memberships Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) & Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) by the Association for Operations Management (APICS), Member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Member of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM formerly NAPM), Member of Society for Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Member of International Service Quality Association (ISQA). Books Published: Michael is a successful and established author of many books. He is the co-author of "Made In America - The Total Business Concept", "Just-In-Time Purchasing", "Supplier Certification", "Behind Bars: Bar Coding Principles and Applications", and his latest "People EmpowermentSuccess Through Involvement".

8.00am 8.30am 9.45am 10.00am 11.15am 11.30am 12.45pm 1.45pm Registration & Morning Coffee Training Starts 1st Coffee Break Training Resumes 2nd Coffee Break Training Resumes Lunch Training Resumes
CONTACT US if you would like to have an IN-HOUSE TRAINING

3.00pm Training To Register, pleaseEnd seeof the last page

Purchasing & Procurement Center +603 7665 2035 +603 7665 2038 8

Trainers Profile
Jim Bergman VP - IACCM With extensive contracting and negotiation experience in IT, outsourcing and various other types of commercial contracting, Jim serves as Vice President for Asia Pacific and Middle East for IACCM a global association focused on the effective development, creation and implementation of leading contracting practices. Prior to joining IACCM, Jim was a contracts attorney for a Fortune 500 petrochemical corporation, Amoco Corporation, and was responsible for legal and negotiations support to the IT procurement staff. He supported multiple locations globally, where he addressed strategic sourcing, IT/outsourcing and legal issues concerning services valued at more than $1 billion annually. Jims experience encompasses developing, drafting, negotiating and managing IT, Telecom and outsourcing contracts for a wide array of projects with multiple clients. He has extensive background in the negotiation of outsourcing of hardware acquisition, hardware maintenance, software development and maintenance, system integration, ERP, telecommunication equipment, services and networks and various other outsourcing projects. Across his wide array of experiences, he has been extensively involved in establishing many customer-provider relationships founded on IT contracting and outsourcing best practices. He has also led in developing and delivering both public and internal training programs related to IT/outsourcing. As a strategic management consultant, Jim has assisted numerous clients through all phases and steps of contracting, negotiation, outsourcing, overall sourcing and bidding processes, and contract management processes, demonstrating savings well in excess of $100 million. Jim has also served as a workshop instructor in many topics regarding sourcing, contracting, law and negotiations. His audiences and clients have included attorneys, plus financial, operational and contracting professionals from multinational corporations and the public sector, including BP, Delphi Automotive, DuPont, FedEx, General Motors, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Lam Research, Makro, Maxis, Merck, Monsanto, Petronas, Shell, the State of California, the State of Florida, the State of Texas, Sun Life of Canada, Warburg Dillon Read/Union Bank of Switzerland, WalMart, Wellpoint, and the Workers Comp Board of British Columbia. Jim holds a Law Degree, an MBA, a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree. In addition, he is licensed to practice law in Illinois, Texas and Oklahoma, as well as various US federal courts. Rob Thompson is an outstanding procurement & contracts professionals with 30 years international experience in strategic & operational procurement and contracts. He has a natural passion for training procurement & contracts people seen in the facts that he has delivered over 1,000 specialist training programs with CIPS and over 400 other training programs with other organisations worldwide. His specialist areas include purchasing and contract management, the development and implementation of major business strategic initiatives, negotiation, contract law and market and supplier development across a broad spectrum of business organisations and commodity areas including oil & gas, facilities management, construction, financial services, manufacturing, food processing and IT. Hes an expert at developing and organising the interface with internal and external suppliers, customers, and sub-contractors. Rob has the ability to merge theory with practice and make lively and interactive sessions. Rob has a unique style of training, he has the ability to combine theory with practical application to create workable solutions for the organisation. Sarah Sediqa Strategic Business Development, LKPP Indonesia Rob is not just a procurement & contracts consultant and trainer, but also as a practitioner where he has many achievements on cost savings, contract utilisation, supplier base reduction and commodity negotiations & development. As a Regional Director of Purchasing Rob achieved:

Over $15 Million in Savings; 15% reduction in supplier base; Increased contract utilisation by 15%; and Increased purchasing efficiency by 18%.

As a Regional Purchasing Manager earlier in his career Rob achieved a 5% savings when developing and negotiating contracts for 5 new commodity areas. Heres what others say about Rob. We wish we had many more like Rob he has inspired us to develop procurement to a higher level of credability within our organisation. Samir Taghiyev Contracts Engineering Specialist, BP Azerbaijan Rob has a great enthusiasm for procurement and his style and personality is infectious. Raul Aliyev Contracts Engineering Specialist, Ras Gas Rob has generated a greater interest in procurement across the collective organisations we work with than any other procurement trainer. Valerie Roberts Legal Adviser Public Procurement , IDLO


One of the best courses Ive been to and a great help to my work Practical, Easy to Understand and Extremely Useful. What more can I ask. Really happy that I signed up for this course. Full marks! Jim is one of the best instructors for contracts and procurement around! I like to thank Jim for this great course

CONTACT US if you would like to have an IN-HOUSE TRAINING
Purchasing & Procurement Center +603 7665 2035 +603 7665 2038 9


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Select the trainings to attend (Please tick / check box) Supplier Relations & Performance Management 24 - 28 February 2013, Dubai UAE 7 Step Strategic Sourcing 3 - 7 March 2013, Dubai UAE Procurement Strategy Development & Management 31 March - 4 April 2013, Dubai UAE IT Contract Development 5 - 7 May 2013, Dubai UAE Strategic Negotiation in Purchasing & Procurement 9 - 13 June 2013, Dubai UAE Contract Management & Administration: From Start to Finish 23 - 27 June 2013, Dubai UAE

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PAYMENT OPTIONS: Please tick your method of payment PAYMENT POLICY: Payment is required within 5 days upon receipt of the invoice.

CREDIT CARD (Please fill below) __Visa __MC ______ others
Name on the Card: _________________________________________________ Credit Card No: ____________________________________________________ Card Verification Code: ______________________________________________ (Last 3 digit numbers below the magnetic bar at the back of the Card) Expiry Date: __________________ Signature: __________________________ I would like to pay thru credit card as per details filled above. My organization will pay for my attendance. Use my Credit card to guarantee my attendance. If I fail to attend the event with less than 3 weeks notice before event date, I authorize Kavaq to charge my credit card for the entire event fee. NOTE: Please send a copy (front & back) of your credit card as well.
Confirmation details Joining details confirming your participation will be sent, once a registration has been received. After receiving payment, a receipt will be issued. Cancellations/Substitutions Substitutions are welcome at any time. Please notify us at least 2 working days prior to the event. All cancellations will carry a 10% cancellation fee, once a registration form is received. All cancellations must be in writing by fax or email at least 3 weeks before the event date. Cancellations with less than 3 weeks working days prior to the event date carry a 1 00% liability. However, course materials will still be couriered to you.

Bank Name: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK MALAYSIA BERHAD Bank Address: Lot 10, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bank Account Name:



Bank Account No: Swift Code:

All payments must be received prior to the event date.

NOTE: The investment fee does not include any taxes (withholding or otherwise). In case of any taxes applicable the client has to ensure that the taxes are paid on top of the investment fee paid for the course. Compliance with the local tax laws is the responsibility of the client.

Purchasing & Procurement Center

+603 7665 2035

+603 7665 2038 10

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