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Field Experience Reflection

This semester, I was placed at Brookdale Elementary for field experience. I was assigned to Mr. Hodges 4th grade class. I learned a lot during field experience that has helped me to grow professionally. As a result of this field experience I was taught to be more disciplined, learn how to plan for class instruction, the importance of classroom management, and my passion for teaching also grew. Field experience taught me lot of discipline. On Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays I had to get up and be at my school by 9 am. When I got to school it was during the ELA portion of the class. Being that these are my free days I found it very difficult at first to get up and get to my school on time. I gradually got better and better at it, and soon I was getting up as ease every morning and making it to my classroom on time. As the days past, I became more and more interested in ELA. My collaborating teacher was a master at getting the students to be involved and interested during this time period. Mr. Hodges taught and showed me many ELA strategies to help me teach my future students. Field experience also taught me how to plan for class instruction. I learned that my biggest issue with teaching is planning. From watching Mr. Hodges take time to plan out every ELA lesson and also make sure that the standard for the ELA lesson being taught was accurately covered I learned a major amount. He always opened his ELA lesson with a mini class discussion. Whether the lesson

was on subject verb agreement or writing opinion pieces, the students were always involved. From the discussion Mr. Hodges was always able to gain a better idea off the previous knowledge students had about what was going to be taught. My mentor teacher also incorporated technology in every lesson. This is imperative in todays classroom because students are now more technologically savvy, so this will make learning more interesting and engaging for students. One of the first lessons I learned was the importance of classroom management. When I first began my field experience in Mr. Hodges class I instantly noticed how he operates her class in a student based atmosphere. The students were free to stand and move about the class. During instruction and work time I noticed some students standing. I soon learned that he allows this behavior as long as the students are on task. If a child gets off task or interferes with another student learning, the student is then called down by the teacher. While I dont agree with this classroom management system for me as a future educator, it works for Mr. Hodges class. This was surprising to me especially during his ELA instruction My passion for teaching was deepened through my field experience. Being able to come into the classroom to teach and help the students learn excited me. Seeing there happy waves and bright smiles as they greeted me every time I entered the door made my day. Knowing that soon this will be me working with

my very own students in my very own classroom motivated me each day. I truly enjoyed my field experience.

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