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Tr anscontinental

Tr ansylvania

Tr ansf ormation

Tr ansoce anic

Tr ansition

32 Numbe r 1 Spring 2013 Volume

Inside this Issue:

President The Wilds Brevard, North Carolina

by Ken Collier

The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. is an independent, nondenominational, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization created for the purpose of operating Christian camps and conference centers. We are fundamental in our beliefs, Bible-centered in our philosophy, and evangelistic in our outreach. The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. presently operates a Christian camp and conference center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina that is open year-round. The camp has a carefully selected and trained staff and averages over 20,000 campers per year. In 2009 The Wilds of New England began ministry at our campsite in Deering, New Hampshire. In this peaceful, rural setting we experienced good growth in attendance at our summer camps as well as in our limited fall schedule programs. We anticipate a continuing steady growth and expansion of the ministry at this New England location. In addition to providing a God-honoring music publication service as an integral part of our ministry, The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. has also established the CampsAbroad program to assist others in the formation and operation of Christian camp ministries around the world. The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. publishes The Wilds NewsLetter. Change of address information and comments should be sent to: The Wilds Christian Association, Inc PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 Phone: (864) 268-4760 Fax: (864) 292-0743 E-mail: Visit our website at or visit The Wilds Online Store at Editor: Ken Collier Graphic Designer: Craig Stouffer Publications Coordinator: Vickie Ebner Spring 2013 Volume 32 Number 1 2013 The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. All rights reserved. The Wilds and CampsAbroad are registered trademarks of The Wilds ChristianAssociation, Inc. North Carolina Campsite: The Wilds 1000 Wilds Ridge Road Brevard, NC 28712-7273 Phone: (828) 884-7811 Fax: (828) 862-4813 New England Campsite: The Wilds of New England 1181 Deering Center Road Deering, NH 03244-6529 Phone/Fax: (603) 529-0001

use on other words that might make a difference. Inside this edition we want to explore the trans words that we hope you will find informational, encouraging, and especially prayer-worthy!

This NewsLetter theme is not even a word itself, but is a prefix we


This is what The Wilds and its ministries were born fora spiritual change from the old nature to live in the new! Its not just the campers whom God sees fit to totally remodel spiritually, but its as much or more the staff members and supporters who change for Gods glory. Inside we want to tell you how God is graciously doing this!

(across the continent) Inside youll read a report and see a few photos of the movements of The Wilds Ministry Team, our brand new group of staff members traveling to encourage and serve local churches and Christian schools all across the country!


(across the oceans) Through the ministry of CampsAbroad, God is allowing missionaries and nationals to grasp the potential of how to use the immensely valuable tool of camping among their own people transoceanic! Inside this issue Matt Collier, Director of CampsAbroad, will report on an aspect of how we seek to transfer training to nationals and missionaries for use in their own camps.

(across the woods) Were not talking spookiness. Were talking about the county you are in when you visit The Wilds in North CarolinaTransylvania County! The county name comes from two words: trans, of course, meaning across and Sylvan meaning "woods." Transylvania is a place of rare beauty and we want to tell about it. How could a place not be beautiful when it has Gods creation and beauty wall-to-wallfrom one end to the other! Transylvania countywell-named!


(a change in place, state or stage)


(a change into someone or something completely different)

God has made it such that everyone and everything but Himself changes. We all transition from place to place and stage to stage continually. Thats not bad since that is Gods plan. The question is how to transition in the future to preserve the best of what The Wilds is and has been through the years. Inside are some of our thoughts and actions towards God-pleasing goals. Thank you for allowing us to transmit a few thoughts your way.

2 newsletter spring 2013

Summer 2013 Teen Scripture Memory Passages

(North Carolina and New England will memorize the same passages.)
Daniel 1:8-9 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs. Daniel 2:20-23 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His: And He changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him. I thank Thee, and praise Thee, O Thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of Thee: for Thou hast now made known unto us the kings matter. Daniel 3:16-18, 28 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of Thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Who hath sent His angel, and delivered His servants that trusted in Him, and have changed the kings word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

God honors those who resolve to obey Him

Gods wisdom is greater than all others

Daniel 4:34-35 And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored Him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation: and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest thou? Daniel 6:3-4, 10 Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. Daniel 6:26-27 I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for He is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end. He delivereth and rescueth, and He worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, Who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

God alone deserves glory

God is worthy of our faithfulness

God has power to deliver those who obey Him

God has power over all things



settled in 1861 about the time that the states of the north and south began their not-so-civil war. The area is commonly referred to by its nickname The Land of Waterfalls since it is home to over 250 waterfalls, many of which dont require one to be an avid hiker to enjoy. If the by Gary Williams 4 waterfalls on the campsite arent Business Director The Wilds Brevard, North Carolina enough for you, there are others open to the public that are bonified mustSo youve been to The Wilds, eh? sees. Looking Glass Falls is one of these. It is located in Well, the fact that you are reading this article in our the Pisgah Forest, which is north of town and can be NewsLetter at least makes it very likely that you have viewed right from the highway. Rather than heading visited The Wilds North Carolina campsite at one time toward town on your way home, if you leave the camp or another. What I would like to do is let you know that via Rt. 64 and head west, you will turn your steering there is much more to TRANSylvania County than wheel back and forth as quickly as the road dictates (and The Wilds. Maybe the next time you come to camp, you your passengers stomachs will allow) for about 10 miles, need to add a few days to your visit and enjoy other and hang a left on Rt. 281. Drive until you see the signs attractions the Brevard area offers. After all, tourism is for Whitewater Falls, a national recreation area and home the leading industry of our county. At the time of this to the highest waterfalls east of the Mississippi at a total


writing, the county has 29,334 residents. Its already bigger than you thought, isnt it? My wife, Wendy, and I are transplanted Yankees (she, of Michigan and I, of Ohio), and we love to call this area home. Our car just naturally takes a turn onto unfamiliar roads so our family has explored a great deal of the county. Im sure that our kids, Alyssa and Austin, can tell you lots of stories about how dad got lost on some of these side trips, but I assure you that I always (kind of) knew where I was going (men have this universal ability). While we consider The Wilds the crown jewel of this area (sure, were biased), the name, Tran (across)-sylvania (woods) pretty well describes the landscapeheavily forested and, because of that, home to around 20 youth camps! The highest point in the county is Chestnut Knob at a towering 6,025 feet above sea level. This area was

cascading fall of 411 feet! Be sure to pick-up lunch before you visit these sites as these areas are all picnic-friendly. Sure, there are many other waterfalls in the area (ask Dan Brooks as his list and access is legendary), but these two are our family favoritesvery accessible and of the more signature and stunning variety. If you have had enough of waterfalls and would like to get wet, try legendary Sliding Rock. It too (same as Looking Glass Falls) is located in Pisgah National Forest on the Davidson River, and is, according to USA Today, one of the best swimming holes in America. Sliding down that long, unbroken, super-slippery rock will take your breath away and give you the memory of a lifetimeand possibly a heart attack and hypothermia. Tubing down that same Davidson River may be the slower and safer way to enjoy the same beautiful valley.

4 newsletter spring 2013

Tubing rental businesses abound near the river. On your way up there, dont forget Dollys Ice Cream stand located at the entrance to the forest. Dollys even has an ice cream sundae named after each of the countys youth camps including The Wilds! A new tourist favorite is Gorges State Park. The park has been very recently developed with a new $4 million visitor center dedicated this past spring. The park lies in the Jocassee Gorges area, and in a recent special edition of National Geographic, this basin area was recognized as (and I quote) one of 50 of the worlds last great placesdestinations of a lifetime. While The Wilds shares its longest property boundary with the park, the black bears, wild boar, raccoons, wild turkey and other forms of wildlife dont bother with boundary lineswe share the boundary and the wildlife. Because of the unique area of tropical climate in this same gorges region, some species of flowers and plants are only found in this area of the world, making it another must see area for tens of thousands of visitors annually.

rainbow trout). So, you like to catch the fish yourself? Miles of wild and stocked trout streams criss-cross the county and guide services are available. Pisgah National Forests Cradle of Forestry introduces visitors to the history of logging and gives kid-friendly opportunities for hands-on nature learning experiences. The Visitors Center has an extensive collection of preserved wildlife native to this area. One of those native four-legged attractions to Brevard is a large population of white squirrels. Brevard is 1 of only 7 cities in the United States to have white squirrels, not to be confused with the albino squirrel. Their appearance is completely unique, and it can be fun and quite easy to locate them around town! Of course, every other store, realty company, and radio station is named for them as well. If you havent had enough of the outdoors at camp, kayaking and horseback riding are fun ways to experience the beautiful mountains, lakes, and rivers of Transylvania County. Tent or trailer camping can also be

Brevard may be a small town, but it boasts world class attractions. The Brevard Music Center operates for 7 weeks during the summer. The camp draws prodigies from around the world, and the director is the renowned Keith Lockhart, conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra. Daily and evening concerts draw large audiences. Mountain biking in the Brevard area beckons riders from around the country. Professional cycling events are hosted, and the area was recently featured in Bike Magazine. The Brevard College cycling team has captured the national collegiate cycling championship 2 of the last 3 years. For hiking or biking, the 10,400 acres of the Dupont State Forest are without equal. Access to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Trails are nearby as well. If you are on the Parkway, stop for lunch or dinner at the Pisgah Inn. The view is breath-taking and the food is as good as it gets (we recommend the

an incredible way to see things from a new perspective. It has proven to be a great getaway for our family to spend time together making memories. Would you like to visit Americas largest home and a true national treasure? Stop next door in Buncombe County and visit The Biltmore House and Gardens. The house covers 4 acres, has 250 rooms, 43 bathrooms, 65 fireplaces, 3 kitchens, and 175,000 square feet of living space! OK, I agree this was a whirlwind tour, and we barely touched the surface of the things to do in the area. We still hope your visit around here starts or ends with a spiritually refreshing visit to The Wilds. You just might want to consider extending your stay or, as Dr. Hay says, Take your time going, but hurry back!


and The Wilds Ministry Team loaded up to head out across the States. After many months of planning, we were excited to get on the road. Bigballs? Check. Sound equipment for a gym or large ball field? Check. A portion of the General Store? Check. We even managed to bring a bit of luggage (appreciated by the ladies in the group). With all this packed tightly in our 15 passenger van, we were set to go well beyond the concept of a typical ministry team.

August 30th came before we knew it,

new friends about camp with our display of informational brochures and resources from the General Store. The first several weekends of the fall were busy with the Harvest Rallies in Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia. We even got surprised by an early season snow storm in West Virginia! In between rallies, we generally visited 2 churches each Sunday, a church on Wednesday, and 3 or 4 schools during the week. We were privileged to host a Day of Camp at several of the schools. We ran the students through an active, high energy day just as it might happen at The Wilds. We really grew to love the Day of Camp conceptbusy, but very rewarding! As the fall continued, we were able to work with a host church on the weekends and conduct a Day of Camp for that particular youth group as well as any sister churches teens in the area. We spent Saturdays with the teens hoping to impact their lives through teaching from Gods Word, playing crazy games, and, of course, eating pizza. Watching The Wilds camp philosophy at work was amazing! We observed teens who came shy and reserved, but once we rolled out the 4 Bigball and began playing games, wed see the light come on in their eyes and the barriers begin to break down. It is unbelievable the instant camaraderie you can have with someone by hitting a Bigball over a net together! We took our cue from the robins and headed to the deep South for the winter. The sheer number of people that the 6 of us have been able to meet in over 150 different church ministries throughout this year is mind boggling, and we can definitely say that we hope to see them at camp this summer and maybe even next fall when we begin our travels over again.

The Wilds Ministry Team Transcontinental

In September we headed through Kentucky trying out our first Day of Camp and then up to Indiana for our first Harvest Rally (full day of games, skits, activities, and preaching for teens) with Brent and Mandy Olsen. We worked hard setting up the giant tents, volleyball nets, and inflatables the day before. Some of us even figured out the difference between hay and straw, crucial information when headed to the barn for a bale or twoor maybe twenty! Saturday Harvest Rallies were always a blessing. Our team was able to be a part of the services by providing special music and occasionally leading the singing. The camps and colleges tent had a steady stream of visitors, enabling us to greet old friends and inform

The Wilds Brevard, North Carolina

by Shawn Alexander

by Matt Collier

Director CampsAbroad Brevard, North Carolina

6 newsletter spring 2013

director. He has the option of staffing the camps with local believers, but he also may choose to lead the camp personally for a long period of time. This can be a great stabilizing blessing to the local churches. In recent years though, weve seen an uptick in the number of nationals contacting us directly about establishing their own camps. We love to help local leaders reach their own people! Because of cultural differences, transfer of ownership in these scenarios can be more laborious, but the results are incredibly rewarding. In either case, our goal is the same: we want them to own that camp! Not in the sense of having the title to a piece of property, but rather that churches and staff would say with conviction, This is our camp! Thats why we do our best to phase CampsAbroad out of the picture in two or three years. We want them to make their own decisions and develop their own way of doing things.

the web-based service to buy and sell stuff like ladders, chairs, electronics, and even a bunk bed, but never anything as significant as a Toyota Camry! I have to admit that I was rather tentative about it at first, especially since North Carolina tends to be picky about things like title transfers and notary signatures. And there is always the sobering combination of dealing directly with total strangers and money. But it still seemed like our best option. So I took a deep breath and listed the car. It sold in less than 24 hours. The only hitch was being forced to cut off the license plate because the screws had rusted solid (thank you, Transylvania County Rainforest). We even made some new friends in the process!

I recently sold a car. On Craigslist. Oh, Ive used

I only wish transferring the ownership of a camp was that easy: sign here, notarize there, mangle license plate, and exchange payment for keys and title. But its not. In fact, it can get really messy. And it takes years, not days. Crosscultural church planters have wrestled with this issue for centuries: what is the most effective way to nationalize a church? How do I keep the local people from forming an unhealthy reliance on foreign funds and foreign leadership? How do I know when the national leaders are ready to take over? These are questions that deserve serious consideration because the answers will have far-reaching impact. CampsAbroad faces challenges mirroring those of a church planter, but with a few significant differences. Most importantly, a camp is not a churchit is a service organization to churches. After establishing a church or group of churches, a foreign missionary will sometimes look to camping as an effective way to continue encouraging and equipping those churches without directly leading the church. This is similar to a missionary teaching in a Bible college, strengthening the church while not directly leading it. We try to give the missionary everything he will need to succeed as a camp

Transferring Ownership
Director CampsAbroad Brevard, North Carolina

by Matt Collier

As I think back over the camps we have assisted in the past, there have been many successful transfers. The baton has been passed, and the camp is flourishing under steady, local leadership to this day. Only God deserves the credit for those. But I also can think of some baton dropsa looming danger in any transition. Assigning blame is not important; learning from those experiences is important, because the more we learn from the past, the more effective we will become in transferring ownership in the future. The CampsAbroad staff stands in need of your prayers for both our current and future camp partnerships. Unlike transferring ownership of a car, there are no set rules about transferring a campevery situation differs dramatically. But one thing doesnt change: without Gods help, all our efforts will be in vain!


by Ken Collier
President The Wilds Brevard, North Carolina

The entire team, as the nature of team sports is, had to be prepared to transition from offense to defense and back again in what seemed like a split secondwhich was still too slow for the coach. Transition in sports must take place immediately and effectively or the team is in trouble. In the work of the ministry, transition may not happen suddenly or immediately, but it must happen purposefully and prayerfully for a ministry to remain effective. When transitions are made at The Wilds, as in any other ministry, the glory of God must be the foremost consideration. A few years ago, by strong encouragement of our Board of Directors, we began work on plans to solidify our ministry with a plan for the orderly transition of generational leadership at The Wilds. Our goals were three-fold:

My high school coach was a stickler for transition basketball on the court.

to prepare and elevate a middle and younger generation to leadership to continue to honor and bless an older generation who have given so much in sacrifice to this ministry to give a new generation the opportunity and responsibility to reach their own generation in much the same way as we have been given the opportunity to impact our generation

Notable transitions are happening at TheWilds!

After much prayer, patience, thoughtful discussion, and healthy portions of the grace of God and hard work, transitions are taking place. We desire that many people, old and young, will be freely used of God through this transition and that the ministry of The Wilds will even surpass the way it has already been used of God in the future. We feel like we are family, and although transition is hard, present and very near-future transitions at TheWilds include the following:

8 newsletter spring 2013

multiplied thousands of campers, but also a large staff, they hardly know what a full nights sleep is like. We have looked to them for common sense, wisdom, and a word of comfort from Gods Word in times of great need and great trial. They have sacrificed so much for the ministry of Christ at The Wilds. They will be greatly missed. Cherie Meals who has been on The Wilds full-time staff with her husband, Tim, since 1999 will assume management of the Health Service Department.

Beginning this summer, David & Jennifer Willis (Accounting Manager & Cool Beans Coffee Shoppe Manager) will begin full-time deputation for a new ministry in Spain. This is quite the transition for them and their 4 children, all of whom were born and reared here at The Wilds. We will greatly miss this faithful family, but are delighted to be a part of Gods Great Commission by rejoicing with and supporting them in their calling! Trevor Allen will be taking David Willis place in the financial office at the NC campsite. (See Staff News on page 14 for more details about Trevor Allen and his family.)

After a wonderful ministry at The Wilds that spanned 37 years, Dave and Karen Cleary will be leaving The Wilds sometime after finishing their course this summer. Dave, who has been at camp working with vehicle maintenance and, frankly, everything else under the sun, and Karen who has been the cornerstone of the Health Service Department are Mr. and Mrs. Faithful-Available. Because of their involvement with the health and well-being of not only

Beginning in June of this year, after 30-plus years, Cal Mair will no longer be in the kitchen (Galley) at The Wilds! What? This is a transition of epic proportions around here! Several generations of campers have known only Cals leadership in the Food Service Managers position. In the transition, Cal moves right across the parking lot, succeeding Jennifer Willis as manager of the ever-popular Cool Beans Coffee Shoppe! Cal moves from one service apron to another, and were delighted that he, along with his wife, Flo, will continue to be very active in the ministry of The Wilds, (though maybe not as active at 3:30-4:00 a.m., which was the norm for over 30 years!) Cal will also, in time, begin an exciting new staff alumni ministrycommunicating with former staff members who desire to connect once again to this ministry. So, who will be the mastermind in the Galley from whence all of that delicious food is produced? We are privileged to have Matt Tracy taking on that three-crisis-a-day responsibility of Food Service Manager. Happiness at camp starts in the kitchen and Dining Hall, and God has blessed us to have a capable man like Matt to step in for Cal. Matt was both a camper and staff member at The Wilds of the Rockies before


coming east to help us at The Wilds in North Carolina. Matt has been serving in the kitchen for 12 years and has served as the Head Cook for the last 5 years. He and his wife, Heather, former camper, counselor, Office Manager, and present administrative assistant to the president, are always in the middle of anything active at campalways willing and faithful to help. Both Matt and Heather bring with them a great love for people and for Gods ministry! The Tracys have 3 wonderful children and another on the way!

date was originally planned to be September 2nd of this year, but the actual transfer may be delayed to a future date as utmost attention will be given to the needs of the family. On September 2nd, Joe Fant will assume the title of Interim Program Director in anticipation of Matts position change from Program Director to Director. Joe & Becky Fant (and daughter Karis) arrived to add their gifts to program and music in the fall of 2012. Both are long-time campers and summer staff members at The Wilds. Joe is a pastors son from a family of former and present staff members, and Becky was born and reared at The Wilds, being the daughter of Tom and Regina Farrell who were staff members here for 17 years. They bring not only giftedness but also a refreshing, delightful spirit. Joe served as the youth pastor at Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, prior to coming to the program staff at The Wilds.

and yet another very impacting transition!

"Thank You" to all of the hundreds and hundreds

Matt Herbster will become the third Director in the 44-year history of The Wilds ministry. It is both a pleasure and an honor to pass the baton to one who has been instrumental in the ongoing ministry of The Wilds for years. Matt was a loyal camper and summer staff member, a program staff member for 16 years including the Program Director in North Carolina for the past 8 years, succeeding Rand Hummel in that position. Rand, of course, has been used of the Lord as current Director of The Wilds of New England. Matt is a man of strong conviction and great compassion for campers at The Wilds. He delights to interact and disciple summer staff members. Matt is an excellent preacher, musician, and vocalist and serves the Lord using those gifts with great impact here at camp. Most you know that in May 2012, Julie, Matts wife of 18 years, was diagnosed with cancer. As ordained by her loving, heavenly Father, Julie went to be with Christ on March 25th of this year. As excited as we are about the transition that will place Matt in this significant position, we do not want anything to take away from his concentration on settling the children into a very new and different routine. The transition

of campers, friends, and staff members who made Matt and Julies burden your burden. Great numbers of friends from far and near have given their prayer support for Julie, Matt, and their 5 delightful children (ranging in age from 7 to 14 years). We appreciate your continued prayer for the family. Pray for Matt as he shoulders his family responsibilities which, as you can imagine, are extensive. We are asking for the Lords wisdom in determining right timing as to his being the next Director of The Wilds. He will assume the position as focused on eternity as a man can get. At whatever point Matt takes the helm, I will have the privilege of continuing to be the President of The Wilds Christian Association, Inc., which maintains the accountability for the ministries of The Wilds in North Carolina, The Wilds of New England, and the international outreach of The Wilds, CampsAbroad. With the possibility of having only the sole position as President, there are so many good things I delight to tackle. It is amazing to serve with all of the staff members and friends who surround The Wilds with love and concern. I frequently tell people at the close of a camp, Being at The Wilds is really not fair. Not only do I work with the most wonderful people in the world, but the most wonderful people in the world come here as campers. What a grand privilegeeven when transition brings changes! Please pray that God will be glorified and faithful servants will be honored. To God be the Glory.

10 newsletter spring 2013

by Rand Hummel
Director The Wilds of New England Deering, New Hampshire

The concept of transformation is not hard to understand. It has been

used by the fantasy world to transform geeky guys into Superheroes. Optimus Prime is a prime example of a Transformer, who, as a brave, compassionate leader of the Autobots, transforms himself from a mighty robot to a tractor trailer truck. The science world illustrates transformation with the change of a measly maggot to a magnificent monarch butterfly through a process called metamorphosis (which by the way, is taken from the Greek word metamorph used to translate the word "transformed" in Romans 12). Nearly 45 years ago God used Dr. Ken Hay and his pioneer staff to transform 1,000 acres of North Carolina wilderness into what we now know as The Wilds Christian Camp. Five years ago God orchestrated another transformation of a 225-year-old New England farm into what is now called TheWilds of New England. Both campsites are beautiful examples of the spirit of excellence that honors God. But even their transformations pale in comparison with the transforming work God has done in the lives of literally tens of thousands of campers over the years. Since the inception of The Wilds, our primary goal has been to encourage both the staff and the campers to change to Christlikeness. Knowing the depravity and selfishness of our own hearts, we will readily admit that any Christlike characteristic evident in our lives is a direct result of Gods enabling grace and His transforming power. What has God used in your life to change or transform you?

If you want to prove that Gods will is good and acceptable and perfect, dont be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. As Gods Spirit controls your life, you are being transformed into Christs likeness with ever-increasing glory. If you refuse to faint or quit amidst lifes struggles, God will see that your inward man (what you really are) is changed and renewed day after day. As you put off the old ungodly self, and God renews your mind through His Word, He works in you to create a new, holy, righteous man. As you study Gods Word, you will see your mind renewed in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Gods purpose for you is that you are conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. God knows how to transform our lives. (Romans12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18, 4:16; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:10; Romans 8:29-30) Many teens desire to grow in Christlikeness. Most parents and grandparents long to see their children and grandchildren grow and mature to be more like Christ. What better way than to spend a week of camp at The Wilds or The Wilds of New England this summer? When you come to camp, I cannot promise that you will become a Superhero, bring peace to the world as the leader of the Autobots, or change in your appearance from a maggot to a Monarch in one weeks time, but I can promise that, as you saturate your heart with the Word of God and accept Gods enabling grace, you can be transformed to become more like Jesus Christ.

Thats what God wants.



Transition In theKitchen

expectancy cooking up good food for at least a quarter of a million campers. Early last year, our Food Service Director, Cal Mair, let us know that all 3 doublestacked ovens, 2 of which were over 20 years old, were wearing out and would need to be replaced. After diligent research of various models and options followed by competitive bidding, we discovered the cost to replace the 3 ovens averaged $29,000 each. Cal also recommended that we plan to purchase a generator for the kitchen so that food service would not be totally interrupted for our campers during our periodic power outages. The estimated cost for a good-sized generator was at least $15,000. With an estimated cost to meet the need totaling $102,000, and with just two fundraising banquets planned for the fall (in Greenville, South Carolina), we decided to focus on raising the funds for 2 of the 3 double-stacked combi ovens (planning to nurse the other one along as best we could). We also entertained thoughts of making do with a much smaller generator. God had other plans. At our banquets Ken Collier gave a brief ministry report and then introduced Cal to present the need. Cal shared his salvation testimony of how he came to know the Lord while stationed in Japan, serving as a cook in the US Navy and finding Gods will for his life at The Wildsliterally!

Vice President The Wilds Taylors, South Carolina

by Dick Reid

a part of it. No, this transition did not involve people, but rather some old, very used but well-maintained equipment. The 2 double-stacked ovens and 1 double-stacked combi oven (combination convection oven and steamer) in The Wilds kitchen have been retired from service. They served beyond their life

One major transition has recently taken place at The Wilds, and many of you were

12 newsletter spring 2013

Coming Soon
June 20 13
Matt & Christy Taylor
Many times in Scripture, God says, I will be your God and you will be My people. That is incredible truth from our Creator Who desires a personal relationship with each of us! Created to bring glory to God, man has become separated from God through sin. So God sent His Son, Jesus, the holy, spotless Lamb of God to bear the punishment for our sin and restore our broken relationship with God through faith in Christs finished work. This recording confidently affirms that He alone is God and He deserves to reign supreme in our hearts. Even as He calls us to be His people, we cry out for Him to rule in our hearts and Be Our God forever!

prod master: sales order: acct mgr: artist: bus. rel.: contact: ofa date:

This is how God worked at the banquet:

We received a challenge matching gift of $40,000

Donations at the two banquets totaled $55,000

Many times in Scripture God says, I will be your God and you will be My people. That is incredible truth from our Creator Who desires a personal relationship with each of us! Created to bring glory to God, man has become separated from God through sin. So God sent His Son, Jesus, the holy, spotless Lamb of God to bear the punishment for our sin and restore our broken relationship with God through faith in Christs finished work. Be Our God is a recording that confidently affirms He alone is God, and He deserves to reign supreme in our hearts. Even as He calls us to be His people, we cry out for Him to rule in our hearts and Be Our God forever! TWS1353..............................................$1395

A large (bigger than we even dreamed for), barely used generator was donated An individual called at year-end and asked to donate the remaining $7,000 needed

We were hopeful for 2 double-stacked ovens and a small generator. God, through His people, provided a single and 2 double-stacked combi ovens, a large generator, and the needed funds to install them. Our staffand especially the kitchen staffis very encouraged. These dependable replacements will allow us to maintain the quantity and quality of our food in order to fill the stomachs of our campers and reach their hearts for Christ. I TRUST that this blessing for The Wilds kitchen (equipment) transition has also encouraged you.

Lion-like leaders are not extinct, but they are on the endangered species list. The importance of character, integrity, and spiritual courage cannot be overestimated. How did Daniel do it? From age 15 to age 85 he refused to be blended into the world in which he was forced to live. His life was threatened by proud Nebuchadnezzar, mocked by wicked Belshazzar, and sentenced to death in a lions den by King Darius. Through all of this he never lost his integrity. Daniel was a man who lived with lionlike character, and we can do the same. DanielLiving with Lion-Like Character by Rand Hummel is a 6-week Bible Study for teens. TWB121................................................$695



Weddings: Careers:

Jennifer Fortney (04,05) and Joey Hoelscher (05), 7/14/12. Amberley Cox (07) and Ben Lamphere (06,07,08,09,10), 7/14/12. Anna Niarchos (10) and Matt Reid (05,07,08-10), 7/14/12. Karis Lundvall (12) and Noah Smith (06,07,08,09,10,11,12), 8/25/12. Kate Babcock (07,08-09,10) and Jeremy Sipes, 9/2/12. Emily Cheadle (07,08,09) and Cameron Pollock, 12/15/12. Alisha Shaffer (01,02,03) and Steven Holmes, 12/29/12.

David and Amy [Branigan] Basinger (99,00,02,03), Darcey Quinn, 2/12/12. Jeremy (05,06) and Joy [Waldschmidt] Tyler (06,07,09), Avery Tyler, 5/28/12. Ben (96,00,01) and Wendy [Branigan] Russell (96,97,99,00, 01-05), Cade Benjamin, 11/17/12. Chris (99,00,01,03,04,05,06-'11) and Laura [Weathers] Lynch (03,04,05,08-11), Patrick William, 11/26/12.

Jamie (99) and Amber [Ray] Lundquist (00-02) live in Mio, Michigan, where Jamie is the assistant pastor at Mio Baptist Church. They have 2 sons and a daughter. Kevin and Debbie [Smith] Maness (76) live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Kevin is a Captain of a fire department and Debbie is a substitute teacher at Wesleyan Christian Academy. Tim (00,01,02) and Allyson [Fulmer] Nelson (00,01,02) live in Kansas City, Missouri, where Tim is the administrator at Tri-City Christian School. They have 3 daughters.

Former Staff,

help keep us updated on your career moves, marriage, and children! Send announcements to:


Joel and Megan [McAdams] Albright (99-05), Brenden Joel, 6/24/10 and Annie Reagan, 10/15/12.

The Wilds, Where Are They Now? PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 or e-mail

Staff News:

Trevor and Jamie Allen joined our staff in March. Trevor supervises the accounting department and supports the accounting needs for all of our offices. Trevor has served on our summer staff in New England and Jamie has served on our summer staff in both North Carolina and New England. They welcomed Brooklyn Annabelle to their family on February 19, 2013. She weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Matt and Kelly Collier are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Levi Joseph. He was born December 17, 2012, weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. Levi is welcomed home by big brothers, Gabe and Jeriah.

Nathanael Gorsline, son of Doug and Sonja Gorsline, married Krista Henager on October 20, 2012. Nathanael has served 5 summers and Krista has served 3 summers on our North Carolina summer staff. They are currently living in Taylors, South Carolina, where Nathanael is working for Burket Contractors, Inc., a lawn service company, and Krista is employed by Hope Reach as a Lead Therapist for children with autism. Meghan Leach joined the North Carolina office staff on May 14, 2012, as the program secretary. She has now transitioned to the role of office manager in North Carolina. Originally from Des Moines, Iowa, Meghan has bachelor and masters degrees from Bob Jones University

in Music Education and is working on a masters in Biblical Counseling. Amy Ledbetter joined the Greenville office staff on January 15, 2013. She will be handling summer registrations. Amy was part of our seasonal staff for 2 years and our summer staff for 2 summers in North Carolina. Amy graduated from Bob Jones University with a degree in Womens Ministries. Matt and Christy Taylor are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Ian Matthew. He was born December 14, 2012, weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces, and was 23 inches long. Ian is welcomed home by big brothers, Braden and Bryce.

14 newsletter spring 2013

Needs Corner

Given by: Wayne Amspacher

Items received:

Blood pressure Monitor with AC Adapter 9 Music Stands 4 Hand Pruners 4 Shovels Jack Stand Tire Changer Pressure Washer Wand Extension 2 Cordless Drills GFIC Line Cord Pallet Jack Hydraulic Lift Table Cart Electric Staple Gun

Given by: The Class of 1955 La Grange High School, La Grange, NC Mr. & Mrs. Holton Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Wynn Odom Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner


Memorial gifts received as of March 20, 2013

Given by: Ismael Gullon Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hall

Given by: Janice Kelly-Reid Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donovan



Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. John Byers

Commercial Food Processor - $500 OneTouch Glucometer Test Strips (50) - $50 Rescue Backboard and Headblocks -$250 Safety Traffic Vests(3) - $30 each Headlamps (4) - $30 each Radio Chest Harnesses(3) - $35 each Monochrome Network Laser Printer - $1,000


Given by: An Anonymous Donor



Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lpez Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matthews Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout

Given by: Margaret Betsill Tutton


Given by: Rev. & Mrs. Alan Blackwood Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Allen Brunson Mr. & Mrs. William Buchanan


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Keels Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner


Items received: Needs:
3 Mats for Building Generator Framing Gun Finishing Gun 2-100 Air Hoses Laminator Pickaxe Mattresses (40) - $125 each Violin or Viola Pickups (3) - $150 each Playground Balls (40) - $5 each Program Referee Shirts (14) - $12 each Funtime Costume Shirts (16) - $12 each Basketballs (4) - $20 each

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donovan



Given by: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams Given by: Rev. & Mrs. William Willis Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner


Given by: Lou Ann Newsom


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. John Burtner Mr. & Mrs. Tom Butts The Riley Cowan Family Patricia Csizmadia Dr. & Mrs. Ron DeGarmo Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Don Gorsline Mr. & Mrs. Don Hershberger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAdams New Hope Baptist Church, Mauldin, SC Dr. & Mrs. Edward Panosian The Wilmer Vollnogle Family

Given by: An Anonymous Donor

I want to help
Enclosed is a gift toward the cost of the indicated need.

Honor a loved one or friend with a Living Memorial gift to The Wilds.

In Memory Of:

Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss________________________________________________________________________ Please send card to: Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State__________ Zip_________________ Given by: Rev./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Miss________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State__________ Zip_________________ Phone__________________________________________________________________________________ The Wilds Living Memorials PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009

Rev./Dr. Mr./Mrs./Miss______________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City________________________ State _____ Zip__________

Mail to:

The Wilds PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 newsletter 15

S p r i n g 2 013


PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009

Address Service Requested

People respond to emergencies in several different ways. Some get flustered to the point of worthlessness. Some are cool, collected and confident while others just melt into a puddle of water. Regardless of the way you handle physical emergencies, God wants you to handle spiritual emergencies with a cool, collected confidence even when life seems recklessly out of control. The difference is that the confidence is in Gods character and not our abilities. To help us trust Him, God wrote us a book filled with information about His character. Ken and Mardi Collier have selected 23 of His attributes from His book with several key verses about each of these attributes. When unavoidable crisis comes, this Emergency Pack can quickly bring our hearts and minds back to assured confidence in our God. So if you or someone you know is struggling with difficulty or crisis, the Emergency Pack can be the perfect connection back to trusting God. For more information or to place an order, visit our website at or call (864) 268-4760.

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