Amelia Boynton Robinson, Civil Rights Heroine, To Speak at Riverside Church, NYC, NY

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Good News You Can Use
Vol. 13 No. 17 April 25 - May 1, 2013 FREE
The Harlem News Group, Inc. Connecting Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn and The South Bronx

Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas Host Launch of McDonalds New Egg White Delight McMuffin in NY page 11

Loreal USA Supports Mentoring Through NY Coalition of One Hundred Black Women
page 14
Amelia Boynton Robinson

page 9
The Boys & Girls Choir of Harlem Alumni Ensemble at Riverside Theater - Apr 27
page 10

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Good News You Can Use! Civil Rights activist Amelia Boynton Robinson will speak at Riverside Church on May 11th, advocating non-violence among youth. At 102 years young, it is great to see that she continues to promote the values learned from Dr. Martin Luther King. (see page 9) McDonalds launched a new Egg White Delight McMuffin. It is good to see them address the much needed issue of obesity in our community. We also had the opportunity to meet Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas at the McDonalds store in Times Square, earlier this week. (see page 11) Readers of the Harlem News we want to hear from you. We welcome your suggestions, critique and a pat on the back doesnt hurt either. Write us at P O Box 1775, NY NY 10027.
Harlem News Group April 25, 2013

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Creating a Special Needs Trust

By Anthony Battle

f something were to happen to you today, who would be there to protect the needs of your loved ones - especially those with special needs? Think of all your current and possible future special needs-related expenses, such as housing, employment assistance and other costs. And, while it may be tough to meet these obligations now, imagine the implications after you're gone. A Special Needs Trust can help ensure they will have the resources necessary to live complete and fulfilling lives. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid1 are two sources of government benefits available to eligible individuals. SSI provides monthly cash benefits used for food, shelter and clothing. However, the government puts a major condition on the receipt of these benefits. If an individual with a disability receives funding for any of the aforementioned purposes from an alternate source, the government cuts back support. A Special Needs Trust may offer an affordable way to help meet the ongoing needs of a person with a disability - or to provide a substantial gift - without affecting eligibility for government funding. More importantly, if something happens to you, a Special Needs Trust may help provide financial security for your loved one's continued care. A Special Needs Trust is specifically designed to provide funds to supplement the basic necessities (food, shelter and clothing), and may help pay for additional items such as

medical therapy or procedures not covered by SSI or Medicaid, such as cable, computer, education, recreation, travel and transportation. The funding vehicle you select for your Special Needs Trust can have a dramatic impact on the amount of resources available for your loved one. There are a wide variety of options available to fund a Special Needs Trust. You may want to consider the benefits of a permanent whole life or universal life policy. Both provide death benefit protection2 and allow tax-deferred cash value accumulation - and can be tailored to suit your specific needs and budget. If you provide care for a person with special needs or wish to create a substantial gift, a Special Needs Trust can be of tremendous help. It's one of the few estate-planning strategies that may not affect your loved one's eligibility for Federal assistance. And, when funded by life insurance, a Special Needs Trust may provide an affordable solution over the years. It's an opportunity to help ensure the care you give now will last a lifetime. This educational third-party article is being provided as a courtesy by Anthony Battle, Agent, New York Life Insurance Company. To learn more about the information or topics discussed, please contact Anthony Battle at (646) 227-8297, www.anthonybattle.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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Rangel Works to Rebuild Americas Schools

ongressman Charles B. Rangel introduced H.R. 1629 - Rebuilding America's Schools Act (RAS), which would increase aid for school construction and renovation across the country. "Almost half of America's public school buildings were built to educate the baby boomers and are in dire need of repair. The longer we wait to fix our aging schools, the more it will cost our taxpayers to modernize them," said Rangel, who introduced the same bill in 2011. A State of our Schools Report from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) estimates that schools are currently facing $271 billion in deferred maintenance just to bring the buildings up to working order - approximately $5,450 per student. Additionally, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave America's schools a "D" on its 2013 Infrastructure Report Card. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York City Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott's recent announcement that New York City is opening 78 new K-12 schools makes Rangel's bill even more important. More than fifty of the new schools are being financed with funds allocated in the legislation, providing modernized schools for over 20,000 stu-

dents in the next ten years. "When schools begin to deteriorate, so does student achievement," said Rangel. "Students learn better in upgraded facilities equipped with technology and resources that help maximize student performance." This Act will make permanent the Qualified School Construction Bond (QSCB) and Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) programs, which are two established, cost effective tax credit bond programs that provide federal financing for the construction, renovation, and repair of America's public schools. The QSCB program was established in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; the QZAB program was first authorized in 1997. The QZAB program was extended to 2013, when Rangel's bill was included in the passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. These federal bonds will help finance $400 million in nationwide school modernization projects in 2013, including more than $24 million in New York state alone. President Barack Obama's FY-13 Budget prioritizes this type of infrastructure investment as critical to maintaining American competitiveness in the global economy.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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The State of Equality and Justice in America: Time to Get Smart on Crime
By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.

he United States has five percent of the world's people but twenty-five percent of the world's prisoners. For the sake of our families and future we must do better. Our nation leads the world in the incarceration of our own citizens, both on a per capita basis and in terms of total prison population. The problem stems from the decades-old "tough on crime" policies from the Nixon/Reagan era. We are stuck in a failed "tough on crime" mind state that is characterized by converting low-level drug addicts into hardened criminals by repeatedly locking them up when they should be sent to rehab for drug treatment. More than 500,000 of the 2.3 million people behind bars in the U.S. are incarcerated for nothing more than a nonviolent drug offense. And over 40% of them are people of color. Although rates of drug use and selling are comparable across racial and ethnic lines, blacks and Latinos are far more likely to be criminalized for drug law violations than whites. One in nine black children has an incarcerated parent, compared to one in 28 Latino children and one in 57 white children. This failed approach to criminal justice has both a direct and indirect impact on our children. Immediately, many children are faced with foster care as their parent is locked away for a non-violent drug offense. In our report, "Misplaced Priorities: Over Incarcerate, Under Educate", we found that situations like this lead to achievement gaps as early as grade school in communities that have high incarceration rates. The report also shows that mass incarceration siphons funds from our schools, leading to skyrocketing public education costs for students hoping to attend college. There is no question that violent criminals must be locked up. Unfortunately, the "tough on crime" strategy of the last four decades has become a dangerous dis-

traction for law enforcement, diverting attention and resources away from violent offenders and onto non-violent acts that require counseling, not incarceration. The fact is that so called "tough on crime" policies have failed our nation and its families. It is time to move to "smart on crime" policies that reduce sentences for drug offenses - most notably mandatory minimum sentences - and focus on rehabilitation and prevention rather than punishment. Encouragingly, this kind of reform is being sought on the state, local and national levels. In the United States Senate, Chairman of Judiciary Committee, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have introduced the "Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013". The bill would allow federal judges to bypass federal mandatory minimum sentences when the sentence does not fit the crime. It is encouraging to see a bipartisan effort on criminal justice reform, based on the notion that mass incarceration is draining state budgets and national prison capacities. Meanwhile, President Obama released his budget proposal this week and called for the largest increase in drug treatment and prevention funding in at least a decade. This is a promising sign that key players in the White House are looking at drug addiction as a public health issue, instead of an issue of crime and punishment. Progress is also being made in statehouses, where rising prison costs are straining state budgets. In Georgia, South Carolina and Texas, the NAACP and progressive groups have teamed up Republican legislatures to reduce mandatory minimum sentences and increase options for parole. In Texas, the NAACP worked with Tea Party leaders and a coalition of activists to pass 12 "smart on crime" reforms that resulted in Texas scheduling its first prison closure in state history.

Support for criminal justice reform is not just limited to civil rights activists. This month, the NAACP, hip-hop pioneer Russell Simmons, Dr. Boyce Watkins and coalition of over 175 artists, actors, athletes, elected officials and advocates brought national attention to this issue by presenting an open letter to President Obama, urging him to double down on his efforts to move to a criminal justice model based on prevention and rehabilitation. With signers like Will Smith, Scarlet Johansen and Richard Branson, the letter has expanded the movement to bring and end to the failed ""tough on crime" policies. If we allow the current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his life. The time has come for all of us to do all that we can. The future of our families, states, and nation demand it. If we are going to find our way back to first in education and job creation, we must first decide to stop leading the world in incarceration.




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Published Weekly
Vol. 13, No. 16 April 25, 2013



Pat Stevenson, Publisher /Editor

P.O. Box #1775, NY NY 10027

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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By Rev. Charles Butler, HCCI


have recently made an interesting discovery of identifying certain key characteristics that are generally displayed by those individuals who are able to successfully purchase property after completing Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. (HCCI) Home Buyer Education Workshop. These home buyers seem to share some common traits that I would like to share with my readers over the next weeks. I am not saying that everyone who has successfully purchased a home has demonstrated these personality traits. However, but this is definitely an idea that seems worthy of further exploration, especially for individuals who are now pondering the possibility of purchasing a home. They all started by (1) establishing a solid plan for purchasing their home. That old adage is true; "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. You must outline your plan for saving money. You must become extremely guarded in spending your money. Your money now has a definite purpose and that is to purchase your home. The peo-

ple who have not been successful in buying a home usually fail right here and can never get any further through the home buying process. This is not the only problem facing first time home buyers but it is one of the greatest obstacles they will have to overcome. Lenders now want to see where the money coming from for down payment and closing cost. Where are the 3-6 months of financial reserves after you close on the home? In order to increase your savings you must first develop a spending plan. This spending plan is the biggest challenge in becoming a first time homeowner because you must still handle your monthly household expenses and obligations. They had a set a time table Based on your plan establish a time frame of when you will be ready to buy. This projected purchase date is a target that will help you stay focused on your goal of homeownership. You must maintain a steady aim. And we all know that living in New York City can be quite expensive so it is imperative that you create some strategies to assist you in cutting expenses just to increase your

savings. We shall discuss this in greater detail at another time, but for now start thinking about ways to reduce your expenses. Everyone knows the prices in New York City are astronomical. Even now in what is considered to be a soft market home prices for the majority of Harlem residents are simply out of reach. No question this is a huge problem because there is very little housing stock

that is affordable for low and moderate income families who desire to keep their connection to Harlem. To overcome these challenges the successful buyers had to keep faith in God and believe that the impossible was still possible. If you are interested in attending tan HCCI workshop contact Rev. Charles Butler at (212) 281 4887 ext. 231or email at

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013



Apr 27 12noon National Action Network, New York City Chapter, POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE. Join NANPAC Monthly Meetingsat THE HOUSE OF JUSTICE, 106 WEST 145TH STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM. Child Abuse Prevention Month. Every Fourth SATURDAY, The purpose of the upcoming meeting: PLANNING OF THE UPCOMING SOCIAL SECURITY For More Information Call Us at (212)690-3070 Apr 27 7:00pm Kathty Jordan-Sharpton Scholarship Fund, 3rd Annual Spring Dance, 60's , 70's, 80's Dress To Impress. The House of Justice, 106 West 145th Street (Between Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. and Malcolm X Boulevards. In the Village of Harlem Donation: $20.00 Apr 30, 10:30am-2pm. One on One "Speed Counseling, FREE April 30, 2013 SBA-AARP Entrepreneurial Development Day. Panels, Workshops, One-on-one "Speed Counseling", Literature. Being held at 290 Broadway, 30th Floor. New York, New York RSVP to: of the Sexes Resolves Itself" and Elias Holtz, graphic artist and queer activist, Apr 24, 12noon-l:30 am will speak. Being Held at BROWN BAG, JAZZ and Freedom Hall, 113 W. 128th JESUS at Rendall Memorial St., Harlem. (between MalPresbyterian Church on colm X Blvd. & 7th Ave., Wednesdays from l2 Noon Subways #2 or 3 to 125th to 1 PM., (59-6l W l37th St. St.). The festivities kick off bet. Lenox and Fifth with a "Beyond the BorAvenues). April 24th ders" buffet ($10) at KENNY WILLIAMS and 6:00pm, followed by the Friends, BOSILLA LEWIS, program at 7:00pm ($3.00 Vocalist. door, $2.00 for strikers and May lst, ANNETTE ST. JOHN students). For work and Trio. May 8th, LARRY exchanges or childcare, JOHNSON QUARTET. Free please call in advance: will offering. Phone 212- 212-222-0633 or email 926-2945 Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist May 4, 7:00pm Party. May Day Festivities. A public celebration of this inter- May 12 4:00pm national workingclass The Abyssinian Jazz Vesholiday will be held in New pers presents The Aaron York City honoring the life Diehl Trio with featured and ideas of "Clara Fraser: vocalist, Ms. Cecile The Original Socialist Femi- McLorin Salvant performing nist." The daughter of Russ- "A Special Mother's Day ian immigrants, Fraser Concert" - "The Bespoke founded the first revolu- Man's Narrative" Being tionary socialist feminist held at The Abyssinian party in the world and Baptist Church, 138 West taught a generation of 138th Street (Lenox-Adam young radicals and femi- Clayton Powell Blvd), 212nists how to stand together 862-7474 x 225 $20 general to fight discrimination and admission $10 seniors, stuexploitation. Dr. Susan dents Williams, co-writer with Fraser of "Where the Battle
National Dance Week Season April 2013

April 25th. Thursday Library Tour of Dancers' Services at Lincoln Center Library of the Performing Arts. 40 Lincoln Plaza. 6pm. call NDW delegatecassandra.wimbs@ cal.Berkeley.edy to confirm space 6pm April 26th Friday. Free Salsa Class instruction at Harlem Children's Zone. 7pm. Ongoing Thurs., Fri. & Sat.35 East 125th Street. 212-360-325-5255. (Salsa/Soul Party TBA) April 27th. Saturday. Family Fit Class at Dance Theatre of Harlem. 2pm. $1.OO. 466 West 152nd St. 212-6902800. ongoing every Sat. April 28th. Sunday. Uptown Dance Academy. Screenings of "Free to Dance" Black Dance Documentary. And Also "Nadia in America" (Egyptian Dance). 3pm. 167 121st Street Bet. 3rd & Lex. aves. 212987-5030 April 30th Tuesday. Lindy Hop instruction by Kennedy Center at 34 West 134th st Street. 7pm $7.00 212-926-2660. ongoing May 3rd. Friday. Senior Classes in Tap(10am) and Line(1pm)dances, at Kennedy Center 34 West 134th Street. B.williams@chscc. 212-2964861. ongoing. Loretta Abbott conducts Swing Exercise Swing dance class for Seniors at Canon 2, 111st Street at Lenox. every other Friday.

1838 2nd Avenue (@ East 95th Street 212-423-1826 55 West 116th Street (Bet. 5th & Lenox) 212-876-8800
Harlem News Group April 25, 2013



4/30/2013 4/30/2013

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(l--r)Amelia Boynton Robinson at 2012 Democratic Convention. Amelia wounded at the civil rights march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, 3/7/1965.

melia Boynton Robinson, a civil rights heroine, is coming to New York. She will speak at an event dedicated to nonviolence among youth, on Saturday, May 11th, from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm at Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive, in Harlem. Also appearing will be Bernard Lafayette-- of the Atlanta, Georgia-based, Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violent Social Change-- who in 1963 traveled at the age of 22 to Selma, Alabama, to work on securing the right to vote, and former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Amelia's idea is that there can be a boycott of violence by students and others, just as there was a boycott by African Americans of bus service in Montgomery, Alabama as part of the struggle for the right to vote. This poses an interesting contribution to the discussion of violence among youth after a series of recent prominent violent incidents. The Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture is organizing this event so Amelia Boynton Robinson, from her unique position in history, can speak on non-violence, education and history, and how to intervene among youth. Amelia is 102 years old and can uniquely tell the story of America in which she and her determined collaborators caused a rededication to the ideas of the American Constitution. She began registering people to vote by the time she was 11 years old, with her mother in Georgia in 192192 years ago. That was in an American South, where this was extremely controversial in the time of segregation. Amelia is still focused on jus-

tice, and she has a mission to find young people, one by one, who will do what she did - devote themselves to the great challenge of economic justice for all, achieved through nonviolent direct action. Amelia ran for U.S. Congress in 1964, and was injured in the famous civil rights march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge. For more information on Amelia, please see Amelia has written an autobiography entitled "Bridge Across Jordan," as well as the play "Through the Years"-a dramatization of the birth of the African-American spiritual, told through the life of a slave struggling toward freedom. Mrs. Robinson conceived the play as a means of uplifting the dignity and courage of those with whom she worked as a Department of Agriculture Extension agent in rural Alabama in the 1930's, and it raised money to support the building of a community center for blacks in then-racially segregated Selma. This May is the 50th year anniversary of the May 3-9th Birmingham Alabama Children's March an important event in the successful struggle that culminated in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. May 13th will be the 50th year anniversary of Amelia's husband, Sam Boynton's death - Sam Boynton was a critical part of the Civil Rights fight, and died while fighting for this cause. Tickets for this event are $11, with special discounts available to groups of students, parents and teachers. Please call 917-214-1264, or send an e-mail to

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group



The Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem Alumni Emsemble Presents: A Legacy of Song - 2nd Annual Spring Concert at Riverside Theaer - Apr 27

omprised of veteran members of The Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem, The Alumni Ensemble continues the legacy of high-quality vocal and artistic performances dedicated to providing its audience with a oneof-a-kind entertainment experience. In keeping with this legacy, The ensemble will be performing excerpts from Mozart's "Coronation Mass" on to popular Moses Hogan spirituals "Didn't my Lord Deliver Daniel" and "I want Jesus to Walk with Me." This show is sure to be packed with soaring vocals and exciting choreography, making for a wonderful way to spend a spring evening. Members of The Alumni Ensemble were trained throughout their youth and teen years in both technical and professional performance excellence with the world-renowned Boys Choir of Harlem, Inc. As adults, they continue the tradition of excellence as ambassadors of world-class musical talent and epitomizing the impact of music to uplift and inspire today's youth. An elite mix of 10 to 20 male and female vocalists, The Alumni Ensemble is unlike any

other ensemble or choir performing today - offering spectacular performances ranging from many genres of music including Classical, Jazz, R&B and Gospel - customizable to any type of performance event. The future of The Alumni Ensemble is focused on continuing the rich tradition of The Boys and Girls Choir of Harlem - encouraging high standards for music education and training with positive impact on the local Harlem and worldwide community.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group



Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas Host Launch of McDonalds New Egg White Delight McMuffin in New York
arlier this week, U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Gabrielle Douglas was part of an exclusive launch event in Manhattan to introduce McDonald's wholesome new Egg White Delight McMuffin. The Egg White Delight McMuffin is prepared with freshly grilled 100 percent egg whites, extra lean Canadian bacon and white cheddar served on a new muffin made with eight grams of whole grain. In addition, McDonald's will be offering freshly grilled egg whites and white cheddar on any existing egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches and platters, providing customers a new way to enjoy their breakfast favorites. The introduction of Egg White Delight McMuffin supports McDonald's "Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices," announced in 2011. The new muffin delivers 8 grams of whole grain and the Canadian bacon delivers quality protein, helping customers incorporate foods from some of the USDA's MyPlate recommended food groups. At 250 calories, the Egg White Delight McMuffin is McDonald's newest wholesome breakfast choice under 300 calories in addition to Egg McMuffin, Fruit & Maple Oatmeal and Fruit N' Yogurt Parfait. "Since introducing the Egg McMuffin more than 40 years ago, we continue to strive to meet our customers' evolving needs and taste. With our new freshly grilled Egg White Delight McMuffin, we

offer our customers just that - a new breakfast choice that's sure to satisfy their appetite and taste buds," said Anthony Scari, president of the New York Tri-State Area Owners and Operators Association. McDonald's hosted an exclusive invitation-only event with Gabrielle Douglas in New York City for media and top influencers who will be among the first to try the new menu item. The event will include a cooking demonstration as well as an informational presentation by McDonald's Chef Jessica Foust, RD and third party registered dietitian Sharon Richter. Freshly grilled egg whites are also available for substitution on McDonald's breakfast platters. For nutrition and ingredient information and additional details about egg whites on breakfast sandwiches and platters, as well as McDonald's full line of national menu choices, visit McDonald's is one of the world's best-known brands and is a global leader in food service. There are more than 600 McDonald's restaurants, owned by over 100 franchisees, located throughout the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut TriState. Visit or follow us on Twitter @McDNYTriState for information about other McDonald's area programs.
Photos by: Seitu Oronde

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group



Stepping Into Spring

By William Gillespie, M.D.

etting older doesn't mean you should slow down or stop exercising. By staying active, you can help prevent disease, maintain physical strength and improve your mental agility. Just be sure that you consult your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. If exercise hasn't been part of your daily routine, you can start out slowly by going for regular walks with friends. Walking at a brisk pace is ideal for most people, regardless of age, because it is easier on your bones and joints than jogging and other high-impact activities. Take your dog for daily walks - an exercise that not only helps you to combat obesity, but your canine, too! According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, nearly half of all canines are overweight or obese. Walking also strengthens your heart, reducing your risk for stroke, heart attack and coronary artery disease. In addition, it helps burn calories, which allows you to maintain a healthy weight. What is a healthy weight? From a medical point of view, it's a proper weight for your body that minimizes your risk for disease. It's not about being thin necessarily. There are many good guides to judge body mass index, activity and waist size - all good indicators of healthy weight. Of course, moderate exercise can both help attain a healthy weight and maintain it. To prevent bone loss and build muscle, you may want to consider lifting light weights. Weightlifting can also prove to be an excellent activity for muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Although you may not be lifting at your maximum capacity, lifting lighter weights may be an overall safer training method when done properly.

Gardening activities also help to build muscle and burn calories. By digging dirt, pulling weeds and hauling bags of mulch, you can burn around 300 calories, depending on your body weight, for every hour spent planting your favorite flowers and vegetables. As in all activities you partake in, be mindful of your physical limits, including health issues such as arthritis when gardening. Choose tools and activities that you can handle. Stretching exercises are also a vital component in any exercise routine. Not only does stretching increase your flexibility, which can promote ease of movement and reduce risk of injury, it can also improve posture and bone mineral density, which can prevent developing osteoporosis a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture. Consider using the warm-up period before more intense activities to do your stretching exercises. Don't underestimate the importance of balance. Exercises like standing on one foot or walking on a curb help prevent falls - the leading cause of injury death for adults 65 years of age or older. Remember to always have a strong support nearby that you can grasp if you lose your balance when performing these exercises. Most importantly, find exercises you like, and stick to a routine. You'll feel stronger and more energetic. If the outdoor life is not for you, try an exercise class for seniors. You can meet new people and maintain an independent, healthy you. William Gillespie, M.D., is Chief Medical Officer of EmblemHealth. EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care in Harlem provides wellness information, health care solutions and support to EmblemHealth members and to the people of Harlem.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group




Harlem News Group April 25, 2013

Harlem News Group



Loreal USA Supports Mentoring Through NY Coalition of One Hundred Black Women

'Oral USA hosted 14 high school and 32 college students at its Fifth Avenue headquarters during Spring Break as part of its support for the New York Coalition of One Hundred Black Women's annual Role Model Program. This initiative allows young women to learn practical workplace skills and to shadow professional women in their chosen careers for one week during spring semester break. "L'Oral USA values programs that empower women and girls. In 1999, our initial grant enabled the New York Coalition of One Hundred Black Women to expand its Role Model program beyond the borough of Manhattan, into Brooklyn and Queens, to students of Medgar Evers College and Queens College. Since that time, the program has further expanded to include York College, LaGuardia Community College, and others, and now also includes high school girls," said Antoinette Hamilton, L'Oral USA's Assistant Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion. "Today, through our multi-year partnership, we are proud to have contributed more than $300,000 to the Role Model Program including more than $15,000 in scholarships awarded annually to program participants," Ms. Hamilton noted. "The Role Model Program is the Coalition's signature program, which has been very successful since its inception in 1979. Our partnership with L'Oral USA has served to strengthen and expand this program and is an excellent example of the synergy created by the collaboration of a major corporation and a non-profit volunteer organization," said Avalyn Simon, President of the New York Coalition of One Hundred Black Women. The college students were selected from City College of New York (CCNY), LaGuardia Community College, Medgar Evers College, Queens College, York College--and new to the

Role Model Program this year--John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The high school students attended the Women's Academy of Excellence in the Bronx or are members of the Xinos Group of the National Sorority of Phi Beta Kappa in Queens. The students participate in an intensive series of workshops with professionals who expose them to the realities of the workplace. During the week, the college students spend two full days with mentors while the high school students attend cultural presentations, which this year included viewings of the New York Historical Society's exhibit Martin Luther King The Dream Continues: Photographs and "UMOJA - No Men Allowed" - a documentary screened at the Producers Club. The Role Model program has notable successes with former mentees 'paying it forward.' Linda Chesney, the program's York College coordinator, was herself a Role Model student from City College in 1992. She is currently the Director of Career Services at York College. Twenty-three years ago, New York architect Zevilla Jackson Preston responded to a recruitment drive for the program at City College. Preston was selected to participate by faculty contact and Role Model Program coordination at the college, Joyce Connelly-Simmons. Ms. Preston is now a Registered Architect and Founder and Principal of her Harlem-based firm, J-P Design, Inc. which she opened in 1993. Looking back on her more than twenty years of entrepreneurship, Preston found the Role Model experience to be life-changing. About her participation in the Program Preston says, "It was a transformative experience. The exposure, love and support that I received from the Coalition's members and Ms. Joyce Connelly-Simmons in particular, is what propelled me forward in my professional life."

This year Ms. Preston was a mentor and role model to CCNY student Shanay Cook who became interested in architecture after a trip to Costa Rica some years ago. The 2013 program began with the "Dining Etiquette" workshop facilitated by L'Oral's Director of Food Services and Event Planning Alessandra Kiprovski. Continuing throughout the week, L'Oral USA hosted workshops and presentations on "Dressing Your Way to Success" facilitated by Danielle Gray of the Style & Beauty Doctor; "Money Management" facilitated by Coalition member and financial advisor, Monica Noel; "Have A Beautiful Day" a skincare & hair care and make-up presentation featuring L'Oral USA brands Matrix, Maybelline and Garnier, and for the third year in a row, a member of the L'Oral Corporate Talent Recruitment team presented the workshop, "The World of Work at L'Oreal USA." Additional workshops included: "Keeping It Real The Politics of Work and Life" and "Social Networking." The week of workshops and job shadowing culminated with a closing ceremony, program

review and scholarship presentation including a keynote address from City University of New York Senior Vice Chancellor and Secretary of the Board of Trustees Jay Hershenson who noted that students today have different challenges because their competition is no longer from the neighborhood or surrounding areas, but from around the world. He encouraged the students to work on developing three important keys to success, the ability to communicate well, the skills to identify and seek out information and opportunities, and the motivation to be persistent. The scholarship winners were, first place, Nacilia McCarthy of York College; second place, Carlene Bobb of John Jay College, and third place, Stephany Ramales of LaGuardia Community College. The Role Model Program is co-chaired by Cheryl Green-Foster, First Vice President, Corporate Sponsorship and Strategic Planning and Janice L. Tyson. Committee members are Elizabeth Carde, Cheryl Goggins, Barbara Kairson, PhD., Sharon Long and Yvonne Sterling.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013

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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group Getting Into College: Check Your Mindset



By Luvon Roberson

very year when April arrives, high school seniors face another arrival: Letters saying they've been accepted to their dream college or they've been rejected or waitlisted by colleges they've applied to for admission. April can therefore be a time of much anxiety and disappointment as well as relief and even celebration. For high school juniors, this month can be filled with college tours, prepping for college-admissions tests, hunkering down so your grades shine, or finding academic summer programs to build skills. In the midst of all the ups & downs that April can bring, I think this month can also be a good time to check your college mindset. Whether you're a high school senior or a junior, sophomore, or freshman, I believe it is how you think about college that ultimately guides your journey to college. Keep in mind, too, that college graduates on average earn much more than non-graduates. Have you taken time this month to think about your college mindset? Let's start with this quiz: True or False: 1. _______ If no one in your family has gone to college, you can't go either. 2. _______ Only rich people can afford to go to college. 3. _______ Anything that is taught in college, you can learn on the job. 4. _______ If you don't know what you want to study, you shouldn't go to college.

5. _______ If your grades aren't very good, you can't get into college. 6. _______ You don't need to go to college to get a good job. 7. _______ If you don't know how to apply to college, you can't go. You'll find the answers at American Student Assistant ( or you can contact me at Guide2CollegeResources@ . Once you've taken time to consider your responses to the quiz, it's now time for you to take a good look at you - who you are, what your interests are, what you think about yourself. Consider the following questions (also from : 1. What are your favorite extracurricular activities that take place in school or are connected to school? 2. What are your favorite hobbies or things to do in your free time? 3. What are your favorite subjects in school? (This does not necessarily mean the subjects in which you get the best grades.) Why do you like these subjects? 4. What subjects do you get the best grades in? Why do you think you do well in these subjects? 5. How do you like to learn or study? Do you like to work alone or with friends? Do you like to learn independently or with the help of a teacher?

6. What kind of careers seem most interesting to you? Why? 7. What person or what kind of people do you most admire? Why? 8. What do your friends like most about you? 9. What would you consider your best qualities? Set aside an hour to write your responses to these questions. Then, file in your AFS or Accordion File System (see, "Getting Into College" July 2012, Harlem News archives at www.harlemnewsgroup. com/News Papers/July12/7.5.12/hng7052012.pdf). Every week, take 15 - 20 minutes to update your responses. This process is key to your developing the college mindset. By checking in on how you see yourself, you are also checking in on how you think about college and how you see your journey to college. As your college guide, I always stress that you can learn how to develop the college mindset. In addition to quizzes and self-evaluations like those above, I also believe that learning new - even surprising -- information can help you develop the college mindset. A recent Brookings study finds that most high-achieving students from lowincomes don't apply to the more-selective colleges. Instead, they apply to less-selective colleges or public universities, and don't tend

to graduate from the less-selective colleges/universities. Moreover, the students may incur high debt. On the other hand, when high-achieving students from low-incomes do apply to the more-selective colleges, the study finds they tend to graduate from those colleges. What do these finding have to do with developing the college mindset? While I will share my thoughts about the findings at another time in this column, I also would like you to share any thoughts you might have. Email me at You'll find the study at PEA/Spring%202013/2013a_hoxby.pdf. In addition, "Good News about Low-Income Students," a commentary by one of the study authors, may interest you. As you face the highs & lows that April may bring, checking in on your college mindset is one of the most important activities you need to focus on now, and indeed throughout your college journey. As my college experience - and the results of the Brookings study - show, low-income students who develop the college mindset are expanding their view of themselves and what they can accomplish and expanding their view of the range of colleges at which they can succeed. Think about how you think about college!

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group

By Eric Jerome Dickey


Review by Terri Schlichenmeyer, Harlem News contributor

ou'll try anything once. You're daring when it comes to a new restaurant, new clubs, new fashion, pretty much anything. Something different for your plate? Bring it on. An activity you've never done before? You head the line. New technology? They call you First-Adopter. Being open to new adventures keeps life fresh and exciting. And, as you'll see in the new novel "Decadence" by Eric Jerome Dickey, embracing new experiences can also fulfill fantasies. Nia Simone Bijou was feeling restless. It had been six weeks since she last saw her lover, Prada, and though their weekend together left her sated, it wasn't for long. She had hoped that her friendship with the soldier, Bret, would turn into a repeat of their one-night stand, but friendship was all he seemed interested in. And so, filled with desire, Nia Simone applied for membership to Decadence, a very exclusive and private swinger's club four hours away from her Smyrna townhouse.

Decadence fees were astonishing, the medical process was thorough, and the interview was long and deeply personal, but Nia Simone had nothing to hide. She was used to being naked in front of others and she wasn't afraid to describe her fantasies. She wanted new experiences, club rules were simple, and very little was off-limits. On her first visit, she turned from Watcher to Doer. Decadence was a lover's playground and she wished she could bring Prada with her, though she knew he'd never share her. And since monogamy was boring, sharing was what Nia Simone really desired. But while Decadence was everything she needed it to be, it wasn't as anonymous as she'd hoped. Years before, when Nia Simone was in college, her heart was broken by her first love, a man who cheated on her with her pupil. It was still a fist to her gut when she thought about him - so seeing him in the club, watching him please that woman, brought white-hot anger to Nia Simone, and a need for sexual revenge.

Looking for a different Shade of Gray? You might find it here, so bring your oven mitts. Yes, indeed, "Decadence" is hot with a capital "H." It fairly blisters with explicitness - but it's also relentless. Author Eric Jerome Dickey starts the action literally on the fourth word of this novel and he barely lets up until the end of the book. Alas, that relentlessness sometimes made me lose interest, which is when I started noticing a handful of words that are overused to the point of silliness, and a main character that speaks in tedious, faux-poetic metaphors. To the good, though, there's a thin plot in this book - which is better than some I've read in Dickey's erotica collection. But really, let's be honest: the plot isn't why you'd want this book in the first place. In case you didn't catch on, this book is for adults only and shouldn't even be kept in the same room with kids. If you've got that covered, then go ahead and give "Decadence" a try.

"Decadence" by Eric Jerome Dickey c.2013, Dutton $25.95 / $28.50 Canada 368 pages

community leaders gather learn the art and science of networking, entrepreneurship and wealth creation. George was orphaned at 3 and spent 14 years in foster homes. He beat the odds, when in 1996, he graduated from the prestigious Dartmouth College Minority Business Executive Program. In 1999, he was awarded the Honorary Doctorate Degree of Humane Letters from Jarvis Christian College. Dr. George C. Fraser is the author of four critically acclaimed books, including: Success Runs In Our Race; Complete Guide to Effective Networking in the African American Community and Race For Success and The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks In America . (www.Fraser ) BookExpo America is the largest book INDUSTRY TRADE SHOW in the nation. For ten years Amber Communications Group, Inc.'s Book Display Showcase has maintained a significant presence at BEA, the Nation's largest Book Fair. BEA has 20,000+ Industry Professionals in attendance, including: Distributors, Wholesalers, Bookstores, Librarians, International Licensees, Major Publishers, Agents & Media Personnel. Your titles may generate interest from an unlimited number of Publishing Industry Professionals who are specifically interested in titles written by, for, and about African Americans. Your Book Submissions will be Listed In a Special Section of the ACGI 2013 NEW Book Display Journal with your Book Title and contact information (including: Name, Company, Address, Phone, Email, Website) and handed out to thousands of BEA attendees. In addition, your Book Title and Contact Information will be Listed for 1 Year on WWW.AFRICANAMERICANPAVILION.COM (Beginning the day you register). PUBLISHERS! AUTHORS! SELF-PUBLISHERS! Showcase Your Title(s) With Amber Books (The 2013 NAACP Image Award Winner for Literature). At Amber Communications Group, Inc's African American Pavilion Booth at BookExpo America (BEA), Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York CityMay 30 - June 1, 2013. For more information, visit Can't Attend? Don't Miss Out!!! ACGI will showcase your Book(s), CDs & DVDs

Tony & Yvonne Rose

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


eet and Greet with George C. Fraser on Friday, May 31st from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM at Amber Communications Group, Inc. African American Pavilion Booth # 746 at BookExpo America. Jacob Javits Center, New York City. Dr. Fraser will be booksigning his new children's book: Who Would Have Thunk It; The First Adventures of The Fraser Foster Kids. George C. Fraser is Chairman and CEO of FraserNet, Inc. a company he founded twenty-five years ago, when God unveiled His real purpose for him. Dr. Fraser is the founder of the national annual PowerNetworking Conference, where thousands of African American professionals, business owners, and

Harlem News Group



William A. Rogers

Movement of the Eight Gates

was introduced to the movement of the Eight Gates by Grand Master Abdul Musawwir, who has been my Tai Chi instructor for many years. The movement of Tai Chi is circular and each of the circular movements of the Eight Gates represents the foundation of the movement system of Tai Chi; the eight movements are ward-off, roll-back, press, push, pull-down, split, elbow and shoulder-strike. The amazing thing about Tai Chi is that it helps you to develop your internal straight also known as Ki or Chi. Tai Chi is one of the unique exercise practices that allow a 90 year old to move with the same energy as a 40 year old. Learning the Eight Gate system will not only improve one's health but it is a wonderful self-defense option

that does not rely on muscle, the power comes from the body's internal energy. There is a reason why so many elderly people practice Tai Chi and Qi gong in the early mornings in China town. The main reason is longevity. The practice of Tai Chi and Qi gong has been proven to improve health and the overall quality of one's life. It is for this reason that the first event on the April 27th opening of the 1st annual Harlem Holistic Wellness Day is the Harlem World Tai Chi/Qigong celebration. The free event was introduced to Harlem by Dr. Robert Woodbine and I six years ago. It is always on the last Saturday in April to coincide with tens of thousands of people in over 70 countries who take part in Tai

Chi, Qigong and other energy movenent exercises during World Tai Chi/Qigong Day . This year on Saturday April 27th Tai Chi masters from the tri-state area such as Grand Master Abdul Musawwir, and Grand Master Roosevelt Gainey will teach and give demonstrations in St. Nicholas Park Plaza located at 135th street and St. Nicholas Avenue. This will be an excellent time to explore the option of taking up Tai Chi with some of the best instructors on the East coast. The full schedule of the week long activities during the Harlem Holistic Wellness celebration is in this paper. The focus of the week is to provide those who are interested in holistic wellness options such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Ki Energy training and treatments, herbs and

remedies the opportunity to meet the practitioners, businesses and organizations who can help them decide the best wellness option to take. The week will end on May 4 at the 2nd annual Harlem Holistic Wellness Expo at the City College of New York from 10:00am to 4:00pm. This free event will host over thirty wellness practitioners and businesses. For more information on the expo call 212 650-7312, for information on the Harlem World Tai Chi Day celebration call 866 327-2254. To learn more about Harlem Holistic Wellness Week call 646 329-6727 or send an email to I invite you to pull out the Harlem Holistic Wellness Expo calendar on page 26 in this paper and attend a few of the events. I hope to see you there.

April, 30, 2013


Harlem News Group




By Bro. Bill, Host of 3G Experience, WHCR-90.3 FM Gospel Radio

abernacle of Deliverance is sponsoring an "Appreciation Service" for yours truly, on Sunday, April 28th, at 4:30pm. Come and celebrate with the choirs, quartets and churches from across the city on this great day. I'll expect to see all of you there. The host is Rev. Joseph T. Bright, Jr. T. West and the West Wind Singers will give a preview of their Sunday performance of the 3G Experience - Thursday morning April 25th at 8:00am. They will perform live in studio during the program. Listen and watch at T. West and the West Wind Singers have just completed a Broadway engagement as well as a world wide tour! Carmel Baptist Church will present a Woman's Day Summit and luncheon on Saturday, April 27th at 1:00 pm. The theme is "I tried to go the distance, but they keep moving the line." The preacher will be Elder S. Taylor from Wallace Temple. On Sunday April 28th, at 3:30 pm there will be an afternoon service at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 136 West 129th Street. The afternoon preacher will be Pastor Charlotte Worsley from Joy Church Deeper Life Christian Fellowship Ministries. The Tabernacle of Deliverance

celebrated the birthday of their Pastor last Sunday. The well attended, festive occasion was a tribute to a great man of God. Happy Birthday to Rev. Joseph T. Bright, Jr. On Saturday, April 27th, the Leslie E. Wainwright Voices of Victory will celebrate their 19th Anniversary at 3:30pm. The celebration will be at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 2226 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Blvd., in Harlem. Bro. Bruce Shine is the President and Rev. Calvin G. Sampson is the Pastor. St. Paul Baptist Church will present a "Pre-Mother and Daughter's Day Brunch. The theme of the event is "Women Living a Life of Spiritual Excellence". St. Paul's Senior Usher Board will present its Annual Gospel Concert on Sunday, April 28th at 3:00pm. Dea. Bill McEachern is the featured artist. The St. Paul's Choir and Band will also perform. This presentation will be a ministry of Traditional and Contemporary Gospel Music The Central Park Five Documentary was broadcast last Tuesday on PBS at 9:00pm. It is a program that needs to be seen by everyone. Those of you who have teen age young men need to see this shocking presentation. We need to prepare our children to prevent this type of tragedy

from repeating itself. New Springfield Missionary Baptist Church and Mt. Carmel Baptist Church will present a concert featuring the ABBA choir, Macedonia Travelers and the Timothy Wright Memorial Choir on April 27th at 3:30pm. The concert will be at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church at 1376 Prospect Avenue. Rev. Anthony Lowe is the Pastor of Mt. Carmel. On Sunday, April 28th, Rev. Dennis Williams will be the guest preacher at the 98th Anniversary of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Rev. Carl Holley is the Pastor of Mt. Moriah. The celebration will be at 26 West 127th Street. Church wide Bible Study Class is on every Wednesday at Shiloh Baptist Church, 2226 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Blvd. The course is entitled "Prayer Changes Things". The class is free and open to all members, family, friends and people of the community. "Come expecting to receive what you need." Join the 3G Experience every Thursday morning on radio station WHCR-FM, 90.3 FM or You can find us on You Tube with archival video of the program. There is also a link via for your iphone or ipad Now you'll never be away from the music

and the discussions that have made the 3G Experience a part of so many of your lives. Listen to WHCR and watch us as we live stream, listen to us as we grow. Support us as we continue to grow and be a part of that goal. You can also go to You Tube and look up "Streaming University" and see the 3G Experience on video. Of bourse you can see all of the WHCR programs on You Tube. Operation Prison Gap is now offering busses from Far Rockaway, Queens and Sutphin Blvd. /Archer Avenue to the state prisons operated by the New York State Department of Corrections. Busses will leave Friday and Saturday nights from the above locations at 10:00pm. Call for reservations. You must have reservations! Call Mr. Bill at 374573-6060 to reserve a seat. Call 917-903-3232 for reservations and information about Security Guard Training. Again thank you for being so kind to us during our continued recovery period from the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group



Sailing the Mediterranean

By Pat, NY Elite Travel

nthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey, was obsessed with the notion, originally put forth by Charles Darwin, that man had in fact arisen in Africa. In 1932 it appeared that Dr. Leakey had found fossil evidence to support this claim in East Africa. Although the oldest bones known to man were discovered in Africa, the Mediterranean is created as being the Dawn of Civilization. The Mediterranean countries are those that surround the Mediterranean Sea. EUROPE: Europe is considered culturally rich great Nightlife, breathtaking artwork, delitable cuisine and warm free spirit people "Spain "France "Monaco "Malta "Italy "Slovania "Croatia "Bosnia-Herzegovina "Montenegro "Albania "Greece "Turkey

ASIA: Asia is the largest continent on Earth. Asia is a spiritual place - infused with the gods of past and present: the ancient spirits of the land and the family, the teachings of Buddhism, the deities of Christianity and Hinduism and the rules of Islam. "Syria "Cyprus "Lebanon "Israel AFRICA: Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent. This is where it all began according to Dr. Louis Leakey "Egypt "Lybia "Tunisia "Algeria "Morocco The Norwegian Cruise Line There's no better way to experience the history, the landmarks and the culture of Europe than with the freedom and flexibility of our exclusive Freestyle Cruising. Unpack once and wake up to a new city every day all across Europe and around the Mediter-

ranean. Explore the sights, sounds and flavors of the Baltic, on your own schedule. "THE SPIRIT" HISTORY Courtesy of Wikipedia The vessel was constructed by Meyer Werft in Germany. Named SuperStar Leo in 1998, the vessel was the first of Star Cruises' Leo-class. She was then homeported in Singapore in 1998 and operated 2-5 Night Cruises to Malaysia and Thailand. one year later, SuperStar Virgo arrived Singapore.She was then based in Hong Kong in September 10, 1999 and offered 1-5 Night Cruises to China,Hainan,Vietnam and South China Sea Cruises. In 2003, SuperStar Leo was transferred to Australia due to SARS in Asia and she returned back to Hong Kong afterwards. In 2004, Norwegian Cruise Line was planning to launch Pride of America. However, just prior to completion, the vessel partially sank when a storm hit the Lloyd

Werft shipyards. To meet the already booked cruises for Pride of America, SuperStar Leo was transferred to the NCL fleet, and after only two weeks of refits, emerged as Norwegian Spirit. PORTS of CALL: Departs From Barcelona, Spain visiting Toulon, France >> Livorno (Florence & Pisa), Italy >> Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy >> Naples, Italy >> Mykonos, Greece >> Istanbul, Turkey >> Izmir, Turkey >> Piraeus (Athens), Greece >> Venice, Italy

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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013

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Harlem News Group April 25, 2013



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Harlem News Group Learn Useful Techniques at Free Health & Fitness Day Apr 27
nowledge is power, even in healthcare. That's why the NY area alumni of Duke University are volunteering to hold a free Health & Fitness Day in Central Harlem on April 27th, 2013. In addition to basic healthcare screenings that include dental checkups, eye tests, and mammograms, the health fair will also offer workshops to show participants how to better speak to their doctors. Additionally, there will be non-strenuous exercises for all adults and kids alike. "This is the third year that the local Duke alumni have put on this event," says Eddie Britt, Director of the weekend program for children at the Dunlevy Milbank Center in Harlem. "Our kids love it, because we involve them in a range of activities from dance and yoga to lacrosse and basketball. Plus we include other workshops such as tasty and healthy eating." Dunlevy Milbank also invites parents and other members of the community to participate in seminars such

as healthy cooking on a budget, ease into exercising, preventative medicine, and talking to your doctor about sensitive issues. Adds Eddie, "We've received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from the adults in our community, because they were able to absorb a lot of valuable information in this informal setting. Plus they were able to easily interact with the health fair participants, asking questions in both group settings and private one-onone sessions." This Community Health & Fitness Day is unlike others because it is more than screenings: These medical professionals and workshop leaders talk to the community participants and engage them. If you would like to participate in this Central Harlem event, join Duke alumni at Dunlevy Milbank at 14-32 West 118th Street on April 27, 2013 from 10:00am - 3:00pm. For more information, contact Jack Boyd at

Calendar of Events
Saturday April 27th World Tai Chi & Qigong Celebration 10:00am to 2:00pm Saint Nicolas Park, 135th Street & St. Nicolas Ave., 866 327-2254 Monday April 29th Harlem Yoga Open House Day Bikram Yoga East Harlem, 4 East 116th 2nd Floor, 212 369-1830 Urban Yoga Foundation, 239 West 139th Street, 917 710-5437 Tuesday April 30th Harlem Smooth Movers Soul Line Dance Classes for Seniors, A Phillip Randolph Senior Citizen Center, 108 West 146th Street. Admission Free, must be 60+, 212 283 7904 (beginners) New Breed Life Arts Tai Chi, 233 West 135th Street, 212 926-9001, 1pm - 2pm Wednesday May 1st Introduction to Ki Energy Treatment & Training 6:00pm to 7:30pm Harlem Ki Energy Wellness Center, 13 West 122nd Street, RSVP at 917 806-1801 New Breed Tai Chi 212 926-9001 1pm -2pm Husaam Ryo Aikido, Harlem Holistic Center, 115 West 128th Street, bet Lenox & 7th Ave. 212 283-8853 Thursday May 2nd Harlem Smooth Movers Soul Line senior dance class (advance) 212 283-7904 must be 60+ The Business of Wellness Workshop, 6pm to 7:30pm, Harlem Ki Energy Wellness Center 13 West 122nd Street RSVP at 646 329-6727. Tai Chi/Qi gong with, Master Abdul Musawwir, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, 144 West 121st Street. Garden Floor, 917 646-1825 Saturday May 4th 2nd Annual Holistic Wellness Expo The City College of New York, Shepard Hall, 138th Street & Convent Avenue, 10:00am to 4:00pm Special Film Presentation: Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days 1:00pm to 3:00PM in Shepard Hall. For further information call 646 329-6727 or email

HERBS ARE NATURES MEDICINE: Healing Our Emotions with Herbs and Chakra Balancing
By Zakiyyah
hird in our series of the 7 Chakras is THE SOLAR PLEXUS, located there, just below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach, a center of Will and Power. Associated with the fire element, it's color is yellow/gold and its energy focuses on intellect, ambition, personal identity and power. The 3rd SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is also the center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development, the place of ego, passions, impulses, anger, stamina and strength. When out of balance one may lack confidence, be timid, confused, have issues with self image and worry about what others think, with fear of rejection and feel that others are controlling your life. These imbalances might manifest as digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion and food allergies. When balanced, you might may feel cheerful, outgoing, have a good sense of self-respect and in control of the emotion of anger, mental focus, be expressive and enjoy taking on new challenges with a strong sense of personal power and feel in control of your destiny. The body parts governed by this Chakra include the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals, digestive system and muscles, resulting in ulcers, diabetes, and/or hypoglycemia when the chakra is out of balance.

Postures that Balance Chakra: Heat building poses like Sun Salutation and Warrior Pose, backbends like Bow, twists like Half Twist, and abdominal strengtheners like Boat Pose. For more complete information on this weeks subject, please visit the website section CHAKRA ENERGY CENTERS. . . . MAKE NATURE'S MEDICINE YOUR OWN This information is shared to help you balance your natural healing energies and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or cure for disease, nor as a substitute for medical supervision. Inquire about our herbal workshops and classes. Our monthly Natural Healing Marketplace every 3rd Saturday has resumed. Call, check the website or email me to request updates or more information on class locations and costs. NOTE: Our website IS NOW UP AND RUNNING as we continue to restore previous content. Thank you for your patience. Sacred Healing 7 Herb Center carries a full line of herbal products, gemstone jewelry, chakra crystals and other healing accessories, and offers Private Consultations. Contact info: 347407-4312, eMail: theherbalist1750@; website:

Harlem News Group April 25, 2013


Harlem News Group April 25, 2013

Harlem News Group


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