('Gild Ed - 'Gɪldɪd) : Gilded

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gilded['gilded || 'gldd] adj.

covered with a thin layer of gold


gilded: a. zar nigaar sapphire[sapphire || 'sfa(r)] n. hard precious stone, variety of corundum (usually deep blue in color) ruby[ruby || 'rub] adj. ruby-colored, having a deep red color x n. red variety of corundum, variety of gemstone with a bright red coloring hilt[hlt] n. tool sword handle, handle of a dagger; handle of a weapon or

lest[lest] conj. for fear that, against the possibility that; that (used after words expressing fear or danger) mutter[mutter || 'mt(r)] v. utter soft inarticulate speech, mumble; grumble, complain quietly and incessantly

x n. inarticulate soft speech, mumbling, grumbling

scarlet[scarlet || 'skrlt /'sk-] adj. having a bright red coloring x n. bright red color; bright red clothing or fabric

cloak[klk] n. loose sleeveless outer garment that fastens at the neck and hangs down the back; mask, disguise x v. cover, conceal

pinafore[pinafore || 'pnfr /-f] n. apron, smock worn over clothing to protect it from becoming soiled reed[rd] n. any of several varieties of tall marsh grass; thin piece of wood or plastic placed on the mouthpiece of reed instruments (the air flow causes it to vibrate and create sound) moth[m /m] n. type of nocturnal flying insect similar to a butterfly

slender[slender || 'slend(r)]


long and thin; slim; meager, scant

ripples n. consequences, series of repercussions x ripple[ripple || 'rpl] n. x v. form small waves; cause to form into small waves small wave, small undulation; small wave-like formation

courtship[courtship || 'ktp] n. time of courting; act of courting, wooing twitter[twitter || 'twt(r)] v. rapidly utter chirping noises; giggle; chatter; tremble in excitement or agitation coquette[coquette || k'ket] n. flirt, woman who endeavors to gain the attention of men flirting n. flirtation, coquetry, affectionate and playful conduct meant to arouse sexual interest; brief romance x flirt[flrt /flt]

v. tease affectionately, make amorous advances without serious intent; trifle with; move suddenly or jerkily; fling curtsy[curtsy || 'kts] v. bow by bending the knees and lowering the body (done by women) x n. feminine version of a bow made by bending the knees and lowering the body trifling['trifling || 'trafl] adj. insignificant, unimportant, worthless, trivial x trifle[trifle || 'trafl] v. amuse oneself, toy, play, waste time, idle, make sport of put up offer; propose a candidate for election alight[alight || 'lat] v. get off (bus, horse, etc.); land; encounter, come upon by chance





drenched adj. soaked, wet, saturated x drench[drent] v. wet, soak, saturate; administer medication to an animal (Veterinary Medicine) lofty[lofty || 'lft /'lf-] adj. very high or tall; elevated; noble, dignified; haughty, arrogant, conceited coarse[ks] adj. crude, vulgar; abrasive, rough prick[prk] v. stab with a sharp object; perforate, pierce

seamstress[seamstress || 'semstrs] n. woman who sews as an occupation

embroider[embroider || m'brd] v. decorate with ornamental needlework

satin[satin || 'stn] n. type of fabric with a shiny finish and a soft texture

lotus[lotus || 'lts]

n. lotos, any of a number of flowering water plants; flower which was believed to induce a state of blissful forgetfulness when eaten (Classical Mythology) linen[linen || 'lnn] adj. made of flax, made of linen x n. garments and other things made of linen; sheets; tablecloth and napkins x n. cloth made from flax flax[flks] n. plant with blue flowers; fiber from the flax plant that is made into linen thread jade[ded] v. x n. green mineral used in jewelry and ornamentation; green color resembling jade; mean-spirited or worthless horse; eviltempered woman, woman with a bad reputation miller[miller || 'ml(r)] n. mill operator, mill owner; any of several types of moths wear out, make tired, exhaust

x Miller[miller || 'ml(r)] n. family name rude[rud] adj. crude, discourteous, impolite; primitive, simple, unsophisticated; harsh, severe agility[agility || 'dlt] n. ease of movement; liveliness sculpture['sculpture || 'sklpt] v. form a three-dimensional work of art using any of several techniques (such as welding, modeling, carving, etc.) balcony[balcony || 'blkn] n. porch, elevated platform projecting from the side of a building and surrounded by a railing mast['mst /mst] n. long pole above the hull of a ship which supports the rigging and sails (Nautical); flagpole; tall post which supports radio or television cables lantern[lantern || 'lnt(r)n] n. case with transparent sides in which a light is contained; light and its casing; light chamber of a lighthouse; open or windowed structure build on a roof to let in light or air ghetto[ghetto || 'get]

n. highly populated area of a city inhabited mainly by people of the same ethnic or minority group; formerly a section within a city in which Jews were forced to live (especially during World War II) toss[ts /ts] v. throw, fling, pitch; roll, rock feverishly adv. in a feverish manner; excitedly, in an agitated manner thimble[thimble || 'mbl] n. small metal cap worn on the finger to push the needle in sewing fan[fn] v. ventilate; move or impel air; blow upon; stir into action as if by fanning (i.e. fire, emotions); spread like a fan; spread out slumber[slumber || 'slmb(r)] v. be in a state of sleep, fall asleep; be inattentive, be inactive; lie dormant or latent ornithology[ornithology || rn'ld /n'-] n. branch of zoology dealing with the study and research of birds quote[kwt] v. cite, repeat the words of another person; offer as evidence to support a claim; state a price, offer a price; enclose in quotation marks (punctuation marks; " )

prospect[prospect || 'prspekt /'prspekt] n. chance, probability of advancement or success; hope, promise; view, vista, scene; outlook, perspective; potential customer (Economics) monument[monument || 'mnjmnt /'m-] n. something that serves to commemorate (statue, building, etc.), memorial; statue; tombstone chirrup[chirrup || 'trp] v. make a chirping sound, make birdlike sounds, twitter

distinguished[distinguished || d'stgwt] adj. respected, honored; famous, well-known x distinguish[distinguish || d'stgw] v. mark as different; see as different; discern, recognize commission[commission || k'mn] n. percentage of profits earned by a salesperson; document that grants certain powers; authorization x v. contract, order; confer rank or authority, empower, authorize cataract[cataract || 'ktrkt]

n. cascade, waterfall, downpour; clouding of the lens of the eye (Medical) bulrush[bulrush || 'blr] n. papyrus (type of plant)

granite[granite || 'grnt] n. hard course-grained rock Memnon in Greek mythology, son of Tithonus (son of Laomedon, legendary king of Troy) and Eos (Dawn) and king of the Ethiopians. He was a post-Homeric hero, who, after the death of the Trojan warrior Hector, went to assist his uncle Priam, the last king of Troy, against the Greeks. He performed prodigies of valour but was slain by the Greek hero... Learn more at Britannica.com Beryl[beryl || 'berl] n. female first name; pale green or light blue precious stone garret[garret || 'grt] n. section of a house situated under the roof, attic; (British slang) head tumbler[tumbler || 'tmbl(r)] n. drinking glass without a stem or handle; acrobat; part of a lock which releases the bolt to move; gear-moving part of a transmission, cog for transmitting power from a rotating shaft (Machines); species of dog that resembles a small greyhound violet[violet || 'valt]

n. purple color; any of a number of herbaceous plants that usually have irregular purple flowers (but occasionally have white, blue, or yellow flowers) chest[test] n. box; front part of the body from the neck to the waist; storage

haul[hl] v. drag, tug, pull; transport, carry; transport goods; arrive, reach a destination (after much effort); change direction (Nautical)

coo[ku] v. make soft cooing sounds (like the call of a dove or pigeon); talk amorously swoop[swup] v. sweep down from the sky (of a bird, etc.); attack suddenly and speedily; snatch, grab ibis[ibis || 'abs] n. long-legged wading bird which lives in warm and tropical regions amber[amber || 'mb] n. fossilized pine tree resin; yellowish brown color beads

n. necklace of beads; string of beads used in prayer (esp. by Roman Catholics) x bead[bid] n. small object with a hole in the center (threaded on string to make necklaces, etc.); round drop, globular shape x v. adorn or cover with beads; form into beads, collect in droplets ebony['ebony || 'ebn] n. x adj. black, dark, resembling ebony (type of hard black wood) x Ebony['ebony || 'ebn] n. monthly American magazine that covers issues of interest to the African-American community pygmy[pygmy || 'pgm] n. unusually small person, dwarf; anything that is unusually small for its kind archway['archway || 'twez] hard black wood


entrance or passageway under an arch

listlessly adv. indifferently, languidly, without interest, apathetically, without energy icicle[icicle || 'askl] n. hanging tapered mass of ice formed by the freezing of successive water droplets fur[fr /f] n. hair of an animal; clothing made with fur; something which resembles fur (i.e. mineral deposits inside a kettle); filmy coating on the tongue x v. dress in fur; upholster in fur; cover in fur

crumbs interj. exclamation of surprise or astonishment x crumb[krm] n. x v. break into crumbs, crumble; remove crumbs; coat with crumbs bit, particle, morsel; soft inner part of bread

snap[snp] v. break with a sharp noise; make a cracking sound; make a sharp sound by moving a fingertip across the thumb; open or close with a snapping sound; grab, snatch; bite; speak in an irritated manner; move abruptly; take a photograph proclamation[proclamation || prkl'men /pr-] n. announcement, declaration; official public statement; manifest, statement foundry[foundry || 'fandr] n. place where metal is cast; process of casting metals; objects created by casting belated[belated || b'letd] adj. delayed, late, overdue x belate v. make too late ornate[ornate || r'net /'n-] adj. having excess decoration; showy, flamboyant; flowery or elaborate in literary style surpass[surpass || sr'ps /s'ps] v. exceed, be greater than; do better than, excel; go beyond, transcend fairy tale

story involving fantastic forces and beings (fairies, witches, etc.); imaginary or incredible story created to mislead others nonimitative Adjective 1. not marked by or given to imitation (antonym) imitative hypocrisy[hypocrisy || h'pkrs /-'pk-] n. insincerity, duplicity, falseness, state of being two-faced exploitation[exploitation || ekspl'ten] n. selfish use, imposition, utilization, taking advantage

privilege[privilege || 'prvld] n. special individual right not enjoyed by others; benefit, right, advantage; prerogative, benefits given only to people of a particular group; immunity from legal prosecution x v. grant special rights, give special advantages or benefits; provide immunity from legal prosecution; exempt, release from a particular obligation ugly[ugly || 'gl] adj. not good looking, homely, unsightly; objectionable, unpleasant; morally offensive; unkind, mean, disagreeable; threatening, ominous

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