Liquor Privatization Poll Toplines

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Pennsylvania Liquor Store Privatization Poll Results

Conducted: April 9-10, 2013 Sample Size: 500 Likely Voters Margin of Error: +/-4.38% Results: Q: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose the privatization of government services? Strongly Support Somewhat Support Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Not Sure Total 19% 21% 16% 22% 22% 100%

Q: Which of the following do you believe should be the top priority for elected officials in Harrisburg: Fix transportation infrastructure, Privatize state liquor stores, Provide funding for education, or Boost the state economy? Fix transportation Privatize liquor stores Fund education Boost state economy Total 12% 9% 38% 41% 100%

Q: How important of a priority should the privatization of state liquor stores be for elected officials in Harrisburg? Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not important at all Total 17% 23% 29% 31% 100%

Q: Do you support or oppose Governor Corbetts plan to privatize state liquor stores? Strongly Support Somewhat Support Somewhat Oppose Strongly Oppose Not Sure Total Total Support Total Oppose Not Sure Total 22% 19% 15% 32% 12% 100% 41% 47% 12% 100%

Q: Would you be more or less likely to support the Corbett privatization plan if you knew that the expansion of liquor sales would make alcohol more accessible to teenagers? More likely Less likely Not sure Total 14% 43% 43% 100%

Q: Would you be more or less likely to support the Corbett plan to privatize state liquor stores if you knew that it will lead to thousands of job losses? Much More Likely Somewhat More Likely Somewhat Less Likely Much Less Likely Not sure Total Total More Likely Total Less Likely Not sure Total 16% 14% 23% 30% 17% 100% 30% 53% 17% 100%

Q: Would you be more or less likely to support the Corbett privatization plan if you knew that the state would lose $110 million each year in profits from the state liquor stores? Much More Likely Somewhat More Likely Somewhat Less Likely Much Less Likely Not sure Total Total More Likely Total Less Likely Not sure Total 20% 15% 18% 32% 15% 100% 35% 50% 15% 100%

Q: In Washington State, where they recently privatized liquor sales, prices went up dramatically for consumers. Knowing prices could go up in Pennsylvania, would you be more or less likely to support Governor Corbetts privatization plan? More likely Less likely Not sure Total 24% 53% 23% 100%

Demographics: Region Northern Tier Philadelphia / Southeast Pittsburgh / South West Scranton / Lehigh Valley South Central Total

14% 30% 21% 13% 22% 100%

Gender Female Male Total

52% 48% 100%

Age 18 to 35 36 to 50 51 to 65 66 and older Total

10% 23% 39% 29% 100%

Party Self-identification Republican 39% Democrat 51% Any other party 10% Total 100%

Ideology Very Conservative Somewhat Conservative Moderate Liberal Not sure Total

19% 27% 35% 15% 4% 100%

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