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English units Grade 12A

12A.1 12A.2 12A.3 12A.4 Culture Money Leadership Work 287 295 305 315 12A.5 12A.6 12A.7 12A.8 Applying for a job Art Advertising Identity 325 333 341 353 12A.9 12A.10 Trade Medicine 363 373

English scheme of work: Grade 12A units

Unit 1 Culture 12 hours Unit 2 Money 10 hours Unit 3 Leadership 11 hours Unit 4 Work 10 hours Unit 5 Applying for a job 10 hours Recounting events in the past; recognising and using features of discourse cohesion; exploring the point of view from which a narrative is told; writing an information text; exploring characterisation Wishful thinking in the present using if only; expressing past regrets; following a business-type meeting; identifying typical language and organisational features of minutes; writing minutes; writing a persuasive argument Expressing obligation and lack of obligation; giving an opinion, agreeing and disagreeing; following a business-type meeting, summarising a group discussion; conducting research on the Internet; making a presentation; writing a persuasive text Identifying cohesive devices; expressing dissatisfaction with the present using if only/I wish + past tense and hopes for future change using if only/I wish + would/could; making a presentation Making suggestions; responding to a job description; preparing a curriculum vitae; writing a cover letter; exploring paralinguistic features; conducting an interview; chairing a meeting; writing minutes Unit 6 Art 12 hours Unit 7 Advertising 11 hours Unit 8 Identity 11 hours Unit 9 Trade 13 hours Unit 10 Medicine 12 hours

110 teaching hours

Paralinguistic features; speculating about the present and past; conducting research; presentation skills; punctuation; critiquing films, use of past tenses to recount past events and experiences; planning and writing a narrative; Identifying and critically understanding emotive and persuasive language; investigating euphemism and connotation; understanding and responding to persuasive arguments; making a presentation; reading and composing persuasive texts Describing people; understanding and responding to a discussion; conducting a survey, analysing and presenting the results; exploring characterisation in literature; conducting research and making a presentation; acknowledging sources Narrative tenses; cohesive devices (sequencing and reference); using dictionaries; following a lecture and taking notes; comparing linguistic and organisational features of discussion and persuasive essays; writing an email; writing a discussion essay Taking notes from listening and writing a summary; word roots and affixes; giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing; conducting research; making a presentation to convince or persuade; writing a persuasive text

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