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April 19, 2013

Sent Via US Mail

Kelly Aviles
Law Offices of Kelly Aviles
1502 Foothill Blvd., Suite 103-140
La Verne, CA 91750
Dear Ms. Aviles:
Enclosed are copies of all records responsive to your client Los Cerritos Community
Newspaper Group's requests dated January 22 and 23, 2013.
Claire Bartels
Chief Deputy Controller
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Three y ...
I I /\
\ ,. I ! f I '
Fwd: Three years is enough
Wendy Greuel <> Fri . Jan 18, 2013 at 2.35 PM
To: Shannon Murphy John Shallman W"'llr">, Rose Kapolczynski
<>, Dai.e Jacobson
Cc: Dean Schramm <>
I sent you an earlier email about common cause ei.ent at city hall tomorrow and this being the annii.ersary of
citizens united - anything we should be prepared for stay quiet, go on the offensii.e??
Sent from my 1Pad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Cassandra McKee, Fair Share" <aclton@fairshnrealltance org>
Date: January 18. 2013 12:14.04 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@lacity org
Subject: Three years is enough
Reply-To: "Cassandra McKee, Fair Share" <act1onQ_f;11rsharcall1anc0 c
Dear Wendy,
We can stop corporations and the wealthy
from buying our democracy.
This Monday marks the third annh.ersary of the
disastrous Citizen's United decision. when the
Supreme Court decided that corporations are
people and that they and the wealthy can spend
as much as they want on electtons That's JUSI
\\1f \\w
,_.,,,:.-. ...t:. ... . ......... . t -. . .. .
....../-' //......__,.#;'/, f''h..._ : ..... - ,._..: ...... ... ' . , - /
All across the country, we the people are
standing up to mark this unhappy
anniversary by uniting in a massive call t o
action to get big money out of politics.

._:- ---,- -- .... _ - --- .
. --.: :!..:__--= ...-: ..:.::-::-_:_-=- .. ... :::-... :: .:. . ... ..
. - - - - - - .,-... -- - .
...- ' ... -
Get big money
out of politi cs .
Will you send an em<1il to your member of Congress. calling for a constitutional
arncnclrnent to ovcrt11rn Citizens United?
As we saw in this last election. big corporations and wealthy interests flooded the with
attack ads and spent millions of dollars to elect candidates who will look out for their interests,
not ours. They can spend unlimited amounts of money, like when Sheldon Adelson. the casino
mogul. spent $52.2 million to support his chosen candidates including Mitt Romney.
Our democracy should give each of us a voice - and government should look out for
a II of us. But 1t doesn't work that way when corporations and few super wealthy people can
use unlimited campaign spending to rig the system in their fa\Qr and against the average \Qter ... 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Three y.
All across the country. the grassroots movement for reform 1s getting bigger Last fall , Fair
Share joined with other c1t1zen groups in Colorado to qualify and pass Amendment 65. which
instructs Colorado's congressional delegation to support a const1tut1onal amendment There are
now 11 states that have passed resolutions demanding an end to unlimited corporate money in
politics. along with hundreds of cities. towns and counti es.
This drumbeat of support is critical. A constitutional amendment needs a two-thirds majonty to
pass Congress. That's why this anni'.Ersary is so important , as groups across the country unite
in a strong 1.0ice calling for reform
As we near the anniversary of til e Ci ti zens Uni lccf c1ccis1on. we have a chance to cl og
Con9ress i nboxes anc1 i am up tllc1r phone l 1nc.s. and show tll cm tllat we the people
want 1>19 money out of politics. Can you sencl yom email ri9ht now?
Cassandra McKee
Deputy Director
Fair Share
to see a list of all the actions taken across the country. and 1f your city or town has taken
action. v.s11 this page
. -. e-...;
- ~ ~
lo :1ns11t)SC11l>1 rl ck here .com/ma11/u/O/'ui = . . 2/2
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd:
I I\
I '
Wendy Greuel <wendy> Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 2:38 PM
To John Shallman >. Da\.e Jacobsonmti>. Rose Kapolczynsk1
<>. Danloeterrnan <>
Sent from my IPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Daniel Tarica < J,m1el lanca@lacily 01g>
To: Wendy Greuel <We11tly org>, Claire Bartels <C'l me 8 1 tels@lacrly org>.
Shannon Murphy <sn;.rnnon mt 1r pliy(glac11y org> , Marisol Espinoza <Ma11:>of E sprnoa1@lac11y org>
Subject: Fwd:
1. Garcetti/Reyes - Alarcon - Reso to support federal comprehens1\.e
imm1grat1on reform that creates a pathway towards citizenship for
law-abiding. tax paying immigrant workers and their fam1l1es. reduces
immigration backlogs, offers opportunity for immigrant students to pursue a
college education; promotes c1iAI integration and implements enforcement
measures in a humane manner
2 Krekonan/Buscaino-Englander - Koretz - City Atty CLA and LAPD report
on the feasibll1ty, effect1-.eness and benefits of an ordinance to prohibit
the possession of h1gh-capac1ty ammunition magazines within the City of LA
-:J 20130116141946803.pdf
803K .. 1/ 1
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: 3: 30 p.m .
I /\
~ ( t ll'>
Re: 3:30 p.m. Isadore Hall canceled (again)
John Sha 11 man 1 iillll!!l!lllltii-
To: Wendy Greuel <>
I'm trying to set up a lunch to hang out and really see where he's at.
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lacily org> wrote
> FYI - this is the 3rd time.
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message.
> From. Elaine De Leon <elaine deleon@lac1ty .org>
> Date: August 10, 2012 2: 19 23 PM PDT
> To: Wendy Greuel <Wendy Greuel@lac1ty org>, txt att net .
> Mackenzie Menia 4, ?Sb???PTP @ ' C >
> Cc: Claire Bartels <Claire Bart els@lac1ty org>. Y-.ette Rojas
> <Y\tle Ro1as@lac1ty org>
> Subject: 3:30 p.m. Isadore Hall canceled (again)
> I recei\ed a \Qice mail that his fl ight from Sacramento is delayed and they
> don't know what time he'll make it into town.
https://mai l'u1 = ...
Fri , Aug 10, 2012 at 3:49 PM
1/ 1
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES Cal
l I\
- , I
Fwd: CES Calls on LA Mayoral Candidates to Address Renter & Housing Issues
Wendy Greuel <wendy> Tue, Jan 22, 2013 al 9 29 AM
To: Claire Bartels , Shannon Murphy Dan Loeterman
f12? '??'SF?? ., I ... . Rose Kapolczynsk1 <rose@rosekconsul ttng com>. John Shallman
flhPhilli 0 " d'
Sent from my 1Pad
Begin forwarded message.
From: Controller 1
o <>r gr.::!t al f!llilc:ty org>
Date: January 22. 2013 8 53 1 a AM PST
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy grcuel@lac1ty org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <c a re bar1els@lac1ty org>
Subject: Fwd: CES Calls on LA Mayora l Candi dates to Address Renter & Housi ng Issues
- -- Forwarded message--
From Larry Gross, Coalition for Economic Survival <contactces@earthlink net>
Date Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10 11 AM
Subject. CES Cal ls on LA Mayoral Candidates to Address Renter & Housing Issues
To conlroller greuel@lac IV org
Having trouble viewing this email? t 1 L " ' '
\l;_ . 1 I CI\ I I,
;- 'CE :.-
Coalitio11 for EconoITlic Survival
https://mail u/ O/?u1= .. 1/ 7
, .. E ;::o :v::;.rn i c:
S urVt v0I
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES cal. ..
Rent Acthtists Hit Greuel and
L.A. Mayoral Rivals Dinged for
Favoring Developers, Fueling
Affordable-Housing Loss
by Patrick Range McDonald 17, 2013
Larry Gross has fought for tenants' nghts 1n Los Angeles for near1y 40 years, earning a
reputation as the go- to guy for views on how lo protect rent ers, whose incomes have
dropped even as L.A. rents have increased sharply But when developers set up a
mayoral candidates' forum to address L.A. 's affordable-housing troubles, Gross wasn't
asked to weigh in.
"I don't think any tenants' group was Invited to be a part of It," he says.
Act1v1sts hoped the forum, sponsored by developers,
would provide a chance to examne the track records
of candidates Wendy Greuel, Enc Garcetti and Jan
Perry. As Gross not es, between 2001 and 2007, when ( '
all three were 1n positions to influence the outcome, '
nearly 14,000 rent-stabilized units were wiped out due -
to condo conversions and derroht1ons. Thousands of "'' -
others vanished when developers' "covenants" - 1'-V ....
agreements to offer low rents - expired.
Such forums "never t alk about tenants' rights," Gross says. 'They'll talk about cnrre and
education and other things, but the majority of this city are renters. It shows a
complete disrespect of renters."
The packed Los Angeles Mayoral
Ensure Tenants' Righ ts. Pr event Displacem enl Preserve Affordabl e Housing Candidates Forum on Affordable
Housing, on Jan. 11, took on the
flavor of a children's school
presentation, wit h Greuel,
Garcettl and Perry giving canned
answers to questions
submtted to them 1n advance -
and each answer followed by
"I will end homelessness as
mayor," Garcett1 declared - an achievement no U.S. urban mayor has even approached.
Greuel promised to assure that "we don't have anyone homeless in the street."
Some housing activists are questioning the track records of the three politicians, who
they say cozied up to landlords and developers. Greuel, Garcett1 and Perry have eagerly
publicized "affordable housing" proJects they backed, even as many proJects fell short of
replacing affordable units quietly lost to c1ty-subs1d1zed gentrification and luxury
developments they embraced.
https ://mail .google .com/ma1l/u/O/?U1 = 2/7
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES Cal .
Garcetti was the powerful president of the Los Angeles City Council for six years, until
2012. ''The City Council over the past several years has completely ignored tenants,"
says Becky Dennison, co-director of the Los Angeles Community Action Network, an
anti-poverty group, "and are pushing forward the landlords'
Greuel has been clty controller since 2009 and was on the
City Council for seven years before that. In 2007, then- -
Controller Laura Chick issued a scathing report warning that
the L.A. Housing Department was not tracking net losses of
affordable housing uni ts In any meaningful manner. Chick
warned that City Hall was 1n the dark about the somet1rnes-
devastat1ng outcomes of city practices. "Once again, for the
umpteenth tlrne," Chick wrote, "we find a city department
without the essential infonnat ion systems and databases."
Greuel, who has been controller for more than three years,
has not conducted a follow-up to Chick's audit .
. ~ City of
~ J . o s Angeles
Sorre act1v1sts are unlrroressed - and question how Greuel and Garcett1 would act as
mayor (Perry 1s far behind Greuel and Garcett1 in rundra1s1ng, and experts say she faces
an uphill battle March 5 to win a runoff spot for the May 21 election.)
Barbara Schultz, directing attorney of the housing unit at the Legal Aid Foundation of
L.A., points to the fact that a 2009 housing study
from Lhe L.A. Economic Roundtable was
disregarded by the City Council.
The Roundtable recomrended that landlords
register their rental rates with the housing
department as a way to combat Illegal rent hikes.
It also suggested an end to L.A. 's annual, minimum
3 percent rent increase, 1n favor of rent hikes
based solely on the Consu!TI2r Pnce Index, wh1c h
often would be below 3 percent. Housing activists
pushed hard for the idea, which fell on deaf ears.
Garcett1 was City Council president.
''None of those recomrnendations have been implemented," Schultz says, "and they
would really improve the lives of renters."
According to raw crty data compiled by Gross' Coalition for Economic Survival , when
Greuel represented City Council District 2 In the San Fernando Valley, her distnct lost
1,534 affordable housing units from 2003 to 2007. From 2005 through 2006, the height
of L.A 's housing bubble - when Greuel lent her influential backing to a frenzy of
developrrent - l, 137 rent-stab1hzed units were demolished or turned into condos In
District 2.
None of that carre up at Friday's "affordable housing" forum, organized by a steenng
commttee of developers who are part of Housing for a
Stronger Los Angeles. Yet Gross, who devoted much of
his work to helping tenants in District 2, rerrennbers the
nid- 2000s as a tirne of desperation.
"Our phones li t up in terms of people trying to deal with
condo conversions," he says
'There's nothing about 'preservation' of affordable housing," Schultz says of the forum.
The questions tossed to Greuel, Garcetti and Perry focused on constructing new,
"affordable" units; that involves giving public subsidies and/or zoning concessions to>u1 = 3/7
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES cal
developers but does not protect the city's existing
affordable housmg stock. 'You could never build your
way out of an affordable housing crisis," Schultz
Yet when tenants' nghts groups asked the forum's
sponsors if Greuel, Garcettl and Perry could be asked
about preserving low- cost rentals, the reply was no.
Robin Hughes . _
Q -
Housing for a _ J :io
Stronger Los
Angeles, denied
that her steenng corrmttee tried to protect the
three candidates from tough questions about their
roles in affordable-housing preseNation. Hughes
said her comnttee wanted co focus solely on how
candidates would get more rroney to build housing
(Hughes 1s exec utlve director at Adobe
Corrmun1t1es, a nonprofit affordable housing developer. All members of the corrmittee
that planned the forum are developers.)
Schultz, Dennison and Gross say L.A. politicians have long been loath to touch tenants'
rights Issues. The City Council has shown "no political will to rrove forward" on a
comprehensive plan to preserve rent-stabilized units, Dennison says. Such preservation,
which typically aims to discourage the ktnd of explosi on in tear-downs, conversions and
big rent hikes seen 1n Los Angeles, Is "a much rrore controversial issue at City Hall."
Garcett1 tells L.A. Weekly that he could do little about tt as City Council president - it
was up to Mayor Antonio Villara1gosa to create the political will. Garcett1 notes that he
authored a 2008 rroratorium against tenant evictions during foreclosure, and helped get
subs1d1es to build affordable housing units for gay seniors,
fanilies and others.
But Garcett1 has been, along with Perry and Greuel, the rrost ., .; ..
avid City Council champion for "redevelopment," the urban-
renewal philosophy that between 2000 and 2010 helped drive i: :
thousands of working-class people out of Hollywood and East
I t
Hollywood 1n City Council District 13, which Garcett1 ,, :
' ,,,
represents. As reported by the Weekly in ''Hollywood's Urban , r
Cleansing," the area suffered a net population loss of 12,878
mostly Latino residents and saw skyrocketing rents while E L E CT I 0 N S
Garcetti acted as D1stnct 13's unofficial, powerful, land-use
Rushmore Cervantes, the No. 2 executive at the LA. Housing Department, insists that
his agency has gotten better at shanng cnt1cal data about what is unfolding. But in
fact, the department still has no method, ftve years after Laura Chick's warning, to
easily ascertain L.A. 's loss of rent-stab11tzed apartments.
When the Weekly late last year asked the department's
poltcy and planning director, Claudla Monterrosa, how
many net units were lost or gained in Hollywood's rent-
stablliLed housing, she was unable to produce the data
t hough given 17 days.
Greuel, asked if she fallowed up on Chick's 2007 audit showing City Hall's failure to track
affordable rental losses, said via email that she's "looked at various aspects of how the
city monitors its housing stock and whether 1t s efficiently providing affordable housing
for Los Angeles." . 4/7
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES Col...
Paul Hatfield, an accountant and contributor to the blog
C1ty\Va1chlA cr)fT'I, who has strongly cntic1zed Greuel's
tenure as controller, says Greuel 1s more concerned
about promoting herself than about following up on
Chick's warning. Greuel "want s to make a narre for
herself," he charges, "rather than do the best thing for
the City."
As for Greuel's tirre representing Council District 2, when
the area lost 1,534 rent-stab1ilzed unit s, Greuel
responds, "I was a charrpion for affordable housing and
changing city laws to prevent unjust ev1ct1ons. And l
sure that tenants who were evicted received JUSt

Show you support for the work of CES by making a
Donation Now'
The economic JUSt1ce victories that CES has won over
the years such as rent control, creallng lhe city of West
Hollywood and w1nn1ng nurrerous laws to combat slum
housing, secure tenants' nghts and preserve affordable
housing has only been possible with the generous
financial support from people like you. As CES begins its
40th Anniversary year, help make 2013 another year of
victories by donating now.
Find Out Your About Your Rent ers' Rights
CES' Tenants' Rights Clinic
---------- Tenants are welcorre to corre to CES' Tenants' Rights Clinic
'1 p.m.
Conductad ha lhe Coaumwity
7377 Saora Monica Blvd.
41. La Brullle,)
a t lianel 11n ..
held every Wednesday evening at 7 pm and Saturday
rroming at 10 am in the Senior Center located In the
Comn.mity Building in Plurrrrer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Bl,
West Hollywood (Just west of La Brea, between Vista St .
and Fuller St. at Martel Ave. ).
Tenants are assisted on a one-to-one basis by one of our
experienced and knowledgeable volunteer attorneys and
counselors. No appointrrent needed. First corre, first serve.
---------- Find Out More Details Here
https://mall .google .com/mall/u/0/7u1= 5/7
Cir:y of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CES (al .
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Coaliti on for Economic Survival (CES)
514 Shatto Place, Suite 270
Los Angeles, Cal1forn1a 90020
Ph: (213) 252-4411
City of Los Angeles Mail Fwd. CES cal .
Em:iil contact@earthhnk net
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Coalition for Economic Survival Sl 'l Shatto Place, Sutte 270 Los Angeles CA 90020
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Consfanr Conract'
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: John M ...
Fwd: John Mack apologizes
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5: 12 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <>
Sent from my !Pad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Elaine De Leon <elaine>
Date: August 8, 2012 5:11:47 PM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greucl@lac1ty org>
Cc: Ywtte Rojas <y\>
Subject: Re : John Mack apologizes
not without sacrificing call time. the lunch they ga\e was actually the last week of august but I
persisted on any meal opening ...
ok if we find something but conflicts with caJI time?
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4 54 PM, Wendy Greuel <> wrote:
Any chance to do a sooner?
Sent from my IPad
On Aug 8, 2012, at 4:50 PM. Elaine De Leon <elaine.deleon@lacity org> wrote:
> he now has a bad cold. Rescheduled tomorrow's lunch to a breakfast on Aug 22nd .. 1/1
City of Los Angeles Mall - Re: John Mac ...
- ~
~ l f\
"' .c,111.,
. 1
Re: John Mack apologizes
Rose Kapolczynskl <>
To: Weooy Greuel <>
Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5: 13 PM
Definitely worth gi<Jng up a bit of can time.
On Aug 8. 2012. at 5: 12 PM, Wendy Greuel wrote:
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: El aine De Leon <ela1ne.deleon@lac1ty org>
Date; August 8, 20125: 11:47 PM PDT
To; Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Y\ette Rojas <y..ette>
Subject: Re: John Mack apologizes
not without sacrificing call time. the lunch they ga\e was actually the last week of august but I
persisted on any meal opening ....
ok if we find something but conflicts with call time?
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:54 PM. Wendy Greuel <wendy .greuel@lacil y org> wrote:
Any chance to do a sooner?
Sent from my iPad
On Aug 8, 2012, at 4:50 PM, Elaine De Leon <cla1ne deleon@laci ty org> wrote:
> he now has a bad cold. Rescheduled tomorrow's lunch to a breakfast on Aug. 22nd = ... 1/1
City of Los Angeles Mail Fwd: 3:30 p ....
Fwd: 3:30 p.m. Isadore Hall canceled (again)
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org>
To: John Shallman <jshn b I' @@ 2 3
Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:33 PM
FYI this ls the 3rd time.
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Elaine De Leon <elaine deleon@laci ry org>
Date: August 10, 2012 2: 19:23 PM PDT
To: Wendi Greuel <Wendy.Greuel@l> t. atl. nel , Mackenzie Menla
< I i >: J>
- a
Cc: aaire Bartels <>, Y\ette Rojas <Ywtte. Rajas@laci>
Subject: 3:30 p.m. Isadore Hall canceled (again)
I receiwd a ~ I c e mail that his fl ight tom Sacramento is delayed and they don\ know what time
he11 make it into town. u/O/?ul"' ..
. Lf\
' -.. C,1 I I !:>
. .,
Oty or Los Angeles Mail - Re: Just a re ...
Re: Just a reminder to make a 3:30 p.m. Call to Governor Jennifer Grandholm
Rose Ka polczynskl <>
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Shannon Murphy --
Mon. Sep 17, 2012 at 3:31 PM
She hosts a talk show on OJrrent TV - small audience but actlw progressiws. Maybe you could be on as a
Rose Kapolczynski Consulting
969 Colorado Boulevard. Suite 103
Los Angeles, CA 90041
323-254-5788 fax
twitter .com/RoseKapol
,;. LA
L .... t, llt't
' 1
Fwd: Updated PFR
Qty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Update ...
Wendy Greuel <>
To: John Shallman ----
Thu. Sep 27. 2012 at 7:41 AM
. Rose Kapolczynski <>. Da..e Jacobson
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message.
From: Claire Bartels <cla1re. bartcls@laclry org>
Date: September27, 2012 6: 10:32 AM POT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacat>
Subject Fwd: Updated PFR
I ftnally managed to send the re..Csed copy to Shannon ( only) and am now forwarding to you!
Wacky technology thing is all I've figured! Either that or we will all haw 40 copies suddenly go
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Claire Bartels <claire bartels@laclty org>
Dte: September 27, 20126.06: 11 PDT
To: Shannon Murphy <>
Subject: Re: Updated PFR
September 27. 2012
Honorable Antonio R. Villaralgosa. Mayor
Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council
Today. I am submitting my Pre!imlnaJY Financial Report b the City of Los Angeles
for the fiscal year 2011-12. which p r ~ detailed inbmation regarding the fiscal
year-end closing results for the Reserve Fund along with the status of the General
Fund andthe city's bonded indebtedness. My report shows that the City still has a
lengthy road to long-term fiscal recO\ety. Slmilar to prior years'
Preliminary Financial Reports. this report includes recommended Mayor and Council
actions specifically concerning the Resen.e Fund and prior-year encumbrances.
At the end of fiscal year 2011-12 (June 30, 2012). the Reser.e Fund cash
balance was$242 3 million and the General Fund receipts totaled $4.39 billion. This
Reser.e Fund cash balaas a percentage of actual General Fund receipts, was equal ... 1/4
Qty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Update ...
to 5.52 percent. HO'O'e\er, this does not reflect departmental adjustments that
Impacted the to1al amount in the ResetW Fund.
After applying Reser.e Fund adjustments that wete ini1iated in the pri0< year and
those included In the fiscal year 2012-13 adopted budge! , the Reser.e Fund cash
balance decreased to $224.9 million (July 1, 2012). The largest contributing factor in
the adjustment was due to re-appropriations of funds. which totaled $39.5 million. As
a result of these re-appropriaUons. the adj us led Reserve Fund cash balance as a
percentage of the fiscal year 2012-13 anticipated General Fund receipts of $4.55
billion, Is equal to 4. 94 percent.
Once these adjustments are taken into account, the adj usted Reser.e nd cash
balance is $6.9 million more than originally anticipated in the 2012-13 a opted
budget, but $2 6 million less than the 5 percent ($227.5 million) prese1i by the
City' s Resen.e Fund Policy. As I ha1,e repeatedly emphasized in recent ears , the
City must continue efforts to maintain and grow the Resene Fund to at I ast 5
I would like to highlight that the City's current practices. the adjust Resen.e
Fund cash balance could have been higher If, eit her, re-appropriations
more unused prior-year encumbrances were disencumbered. As of Aug
after urging all departments to disencumber any unused funds. General
prior-year encumbrances still totaled $113. 7 million. This practice needs to
change. My Office continues to work with the CAO and labor represents hes to
reV.ew pnor-year encumbrances and we are WO<king towards the develo ent of a
prior-year encumbrance Policy to make more funds available to increase re'liefslons at
year end.
In the interim, departments need to make eo..ery effort to expend funds in the most
transparent manner and regularty re"1ew encumbrances for current year se. As a
reminder, departments should also comply with my Office's past
audit recommendation to ensure that fUnds not be encumbered wit hout 'f.'id City
obligations or work orders corresponding to a given app<opriation's bud fiscal year.
Further, departments should adhere to a Council app<O\ed instruction in ast year's
preliminary financial report for departments to disencumber unwarranted terns lo
increase reversions possible.
Soon the Council will be faced with finding revenue to a-.oid layoffs during thls fiscal
year. In addition, the most recent Budget Outlook anticipates a budget p of $215.9
million in fiscal year It should be noted that next year's budget gap already
assumes new ongoing General Fund rewnues of approximately $37 milli n from the
Special Parking Revenue Fund and Property Tax-CRA Increment monies Further. the
budget gap is subject to change if unanUclpated revenue shortfalls or pot ntial new
contingency expenditures occur. Steps should be taken immediately t rds
addressing these p<oblems. including a full impl ementation of Performan e Based
Budgeting which I put forth last year lo increase transparency and accou tabillty of
departments for dollar spent .
In pre\lious reports, I have warned that the continued policy of reducing or eliminating
ol.EJrtime cash payments by increasing banked hour limits would likely re ult in larger
banked hour balances across fiscal years if not property managed. In Jul 2009, for
example, the banked o..ertime hours for sworn personnel totaled an esti ated payout
value of $48.0 million. As of the first pay penod of the current fiscal year. he banked
o\eltime hours for sworn personnel totaled 2.2 million hours with an esti ated
payout value of $103.1 million. Therefore Ci ty managers must minimize nked
compensated absences by year-end, rather than deferring an ewn larger labilily to be
paid out in future years.
https:/ / mall/u/O/ ?ui = ..
Oty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Update ...
It shOuld also be noted that, although the City recently initiated steps to rds
pension reform, the budgetary impact of that decision will be far greater n the future
than IL can possibly affect today's financial status. Therefore, the city wi I haw to find
additional measures to address the continuing structural deficit going fo rd.
Please note that the attached report also as the starting point fo the
preparation of the City's fiscal year 2011- 12 financial statements, which 11 be
included in the 2011-12 Comprehens1w Annual Financial Report (CAFR along with
other required supplementary Information. Preparation of the
CAFR will require participation from all City departments, and appropriat resources
are cntlcal for its timely completion. The CAFR wlll be prepared In com ity with
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for go\oemmental units and audited
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a 1irm of Ii ensed
certified public accountants. The CAFR is a critical componenl of the ty's debt
issuance process.
My staff and I express our appreciation to all City departments and offlc
their assistance and cooperation In the preparation of the attached repo
and for a successful year-end closing accomplished despite exceeding! difficult
times which may continue 10 pro\oe challenging for the foreseeable future
Sent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad
On Sep 26. 2012, at 22:41, Shannon Murphy <shanno11.murphy@lac1ty. rg> wrote:
Sounds good
Shannon Murphy
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 26. 2012. at 10:25 PM, Oaire Bartels
<> wrote:
Tlming issue for tomorrow. If Elaine handles a1 8:30, II
should be ready at 10am.
Sent from Claire's iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Matias Farfan
Date: September 26, 2012, 5:26:32 PM
To: Claire Bartels
Oty of Los Angeles Mall Fwd: Update ...
<c1a1re banels\g]lac1ty .org>
Subject: Re: Updated PFR
Looks great to mel I j ust ha1.e minor take it
or lea\e It suggestions on the attached.
Please note that staff will need a eouple of
hours after receipt of the signed letter to
assemble the final report for distribution to
Mayor, Council, City Clerk and others.
I don't know if this will affect the ti me of the
press release.
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:59 PM. Claire
Bartels <claim> wrote:
Claire Bartels
Chief Deputy Controller
Office of Controller Wendy Gmuef
2131978- 7200
200 N. Main Street, Suite 300
Los Angeles CA 90012
httr :llw.w1.lac1ty.orQ1ctrl
<Preliminary Financial Report 2012 MF.pdr>
<Preliminary Financial Report 2012 MF.doc>
https; //ma ii. google. <:om/mail/u/ O/ ?uf =- ..
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Message ...
.. =

I - (,ti C '>
. '
Re: Message from Sheldon Kadish
Rose Kapolczynski <> Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:24 PM
To: Wendy Greuel <Wendy.Greue/@l>
Cc: Shannon Murphy , Christopher Guerrero <christopher>
She us to dinner alter stomping on our dreams? I don1 think so
On Nov 1. 2012. a1 4:48 PM, Wenrfot Greuel wrote:
Sent fTom my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Elaine De Leon <>
Cate: No\ember 1, 2012 4.46:22 PM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel <Wendy Greuel@l acrty org>, ti IH:!l
Cc: Rojas <Y-.elte>, Claire Bartels <Clai re Bartels@!>
Subject: Message from Sheldon Kadish
Agi Kessler would like to know it you are stopping by on election night. We will be here pretty late.
We're ser\ing dinner but dont know what time. cell
https:/ / mail/ u/O/?ul=-...
1/ 1
Oty of Los Angeles Mall Fwd! Saturda ..
.. =I
t' ; LI\
"'" - <,t I c -.
. . )
Fwd: Saturday campaign kickoff to save public pensions & public services
Wendy Greuel <> Thu. Nov 15, 2012 at 1 :56 PM
To: Yw tle Rojas <yvette.rojas@lacity. Ofg>, Elaine De Leon < , Shannon Murphy
Rose Kapolczynski <>
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Julie Butcher <Julie BL1tcher@se1u721 .org>
Dale: Nmembef' 15. 2012 12:02:48 PM PST
To: Julie Butcher <Julie Bul cher@se1u121 .org>
Subject: Saturday campaign to save public pensions & public rvices
SATURDAY 11117@ JOA11',f
Rally witlr LA City Worken t o Save Retirement i11 LA
Campaign Kick-OfT and Rally
Stop l heAuack on LA C.:ity Worl.er5!
Secure lor A II!
Saturday, Nov. 17
Stans @ 10
SF.JU Loco.I r-1
1545 Wil<1hire Blvd
Los Angeles. CA 90017
ex Union AYC)
The l % are at it again. Muii- miloonain: Richard Riordan and b ionaire
fiiends are leading the attack against working people. They arc spt: ncr g millions
to place a nicastuc on the May 20 I 3 ballot that would slash LA city ' rkers
Mircitt nt benelas ond replace lhcm \.\ith ri<i ky. costly 40 I (k} plans.
City workers don1 Social Se<:urity. Their n:t ircnx: n1 bencli1s are 311 lhcy hav . Riordan' s
schc1n: v.."Ould hurt han:I working 1ra-; h collcclors. lihrdri.tns. fireligh1crs, cus. lod ns. nurses
and other public "'orkers who keep LA running. Wall St. and lhc 1% should pa for their
economic crisi5. not families who played no role in it.
Join SEIU 72 J, the Co:.alition of LA City Unions and allied organr tions as
https:/ / mail/u/Ol'ui = .. . 1/2
Qty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Saturda ...
we kick off the campaign fo prevent RionJan from qualifying is
retirement-busting ballot initiative. Wcu rally, BBQ and ll11.:n h. the streets to
urge people not to sign Riordan's petition. He needs to gather 255,0 0 signatmes
from voters in the City of LA by Dec. 7.
Help stop the attack on working people. We can save relire1rcnt in LA.
Other things you can do to stop Rionlan:
Volunteerto j oin a Rapid lenm. Call ourhnlline ac IS771 l-l'H1.'l to ign up.
Cunlact us when yuu see Riordan's paid signature gaLherers.
Don 1 sign his pct ii ion and tell everyone you know not to sign.
a pe1i1ion to withdraw the ofpcopl..: who huve already signed Riordans
For mcH"t! info. c;ill l)<'i\ T! I - 1%X.
I henrthe trash guys arc tn1rbecuing!
See you chere!
Julie Butcher
SEIU 721
http://\ww seiu721 org
Twitter.comlsciu721;: ...
" ....
: Lil.
P' i - (, l 1 ( ...
\- . .,
Re: Obama
Oty of Los Angeles Mall - Re: Obama
Rose <>
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Shannon Murphy <>, yvette
I realize it was still an option. We should hold the trai.el days and inauguration
Sent from the road
Rose Kapolczynskl
323-254-5700 ofc
On Novao, 2012. at 8:08 PM. Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> wrote:
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 30, 2012, at 7:21 PM. Shannon Murphy <> wrote:
See below ... No. correct?
Shannon Murphy
310 849 4687 - cell
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Rick Orlov <>
Data: Nowmber 30, 2012, 5:31 :00 PM PST
To: "Shannon" <Shannon.murphy@lacity org>
Subject: Obama
Is Wendy going back for inauguration?
Rick Orlov
Los Angeles Daily News
nck. or1mo@daily news .com ...
Sat , Dec 1, 2012 at 6: 35 AM
Claire Bartels
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Obama
- -- -- -- ---
Re: Obama
Wendy Greuel <'tr'> Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 7:46 AM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <>
Cc: Shannon Murphy <>, ywtte rojas Claire Bartels
8 t a' t I j(>
I wlll take all of your ad\Ace on this one - my gut is no
Wencty Greuel
Sent from my !Phone
On Dec 1, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Rose Kapolczynski <> wrot
I realize It was still an option. We should hold the tra\el days and inaugu ation day un1il a
decision is made.
Sent from the road
Rose Kapolczynski
323-254-5700 ore
On No-130, 2012, at 8:08 PM. Wendy Greuel <> wrote:
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov30, 2012, at 7:21 PM, Shannon Murphy <> te:
See below ... No, correct?
Shannon Murphy
Sent tom my iPhone
Begin message:
From: Rick Or1ov <>
Date: No\ember 30, 2012, 5:31 :00 PM PST
To: "Shannon." <Shannon.>
Subject: Obama
tittps:// ...
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Obama
Is Wendy going back for inauguration?
Rick Or1ov
Los Angeles Daily News
:' = ...
, It
,. . l /\
't" ' <.I IC '
City of Los Angeles Mail Fwd: c.elebra ...
Fwd: Celebrate 201 J's First Weekend At Franklin Canyon! Satu day
Jan. 5 - Sunday,
Wendy Greuel <>
To: Rojas , Dan Loetermarlllll Srua
Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 2 51 PM
, Rose Kapolczynskl <>
Sent from my IPad
Begin bwarded message.
From: Mountains Recreation & Conserwt1on Authority <ro01r sm1th.@oirca c a go11>
Date: January 3, 2013 1:51 :09 PM PST
To: wendy.greuel@lacity. org
Subject: Celebrate 2013' First Weekend - At Franklin Ca nyon! Saturday, Jan. S - unday, Jan. 6
Reply-To: robm.srruth@mrca ca gov
Having troubll! viewing this emall' l"I ck her e

.. Ji J , .., I' H .' \
), ,,\ <.. [,'"'
' I -"- .V \, ....... ,, " ...
1/ 2
Oty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Celebra ...
310-858-7272 x l 31
!Join OU- Madln'Oj Listi[
Forw;>rd email
This ert11I Wd5 sent ro '"'(' 11rlv ..ir1u1-h:. lr1fdy nr!'l by roben. SIT'iU1@1T11:a
Update PraflJeJErreiAd<Jress Jno;ri'lnt rerrovdl Wllh Pr111acy
Mountains Reoeatlon & Conservatcn Aut horty Frankii canyon Park 2500 Fnlnkiri C,any0n rt.le Bevef\' His CA I
https:/ / mall/ u/O/?ui = ...
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: 20 CAL.
~ I I\
\ ,.. - C, I I I'
Fwd: 20 CALLS IN 20 DAYS
Wendy Greuel <> Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3.00 PM
To: Shannon Murphy 8 I ii I&! ii I I&! #ii)@ >, Rose Kapolczynskl <>, John Shallman
. Da-..e Jacobson--- ----.
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Women Against Gun Violence" <wagv@wagvorg>
Date: January 18, 2013 2 40:45 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty org
Subject 20 CALLS IN 20 DAYS
r rt 1
\VO\ I ~
:\G -\ I \ST
Cl \
\ IC) LE \ C J
{ ' I
Starting Monday, January 21
(Martin Luther King Day)
Saturday, February 9
Call , Email or Fax your Legislators
EVERY DAY for 20 days!
Let them know vou support President Obama's
https://matl mail/u/ 0/?ui = .. 1/2
Ctty of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: UTLA le ...
,.. l I\
\.- -. I I l '
Fwd: UTLA letter
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11 :40 PM
To: John Shallman
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message
From: Shannon Murphy <shannon murphy@lac1ty org>
Date: January 17, 2013 8. 10:58 PM PST
To: Marisol Espinoza <marisol espinoza@lac1t y org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <>, Wendy Greuel <wendy .greuel@laci ty org>, Daniel
Tarica <daniel tarica@lacity org>
Subject: Re: UTLA letter
Ok by me but run by Shallman and
Shannon Murphy
- cell
Sent from mylPhone
On Jan 16, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Marisol Espinoza
<mansol esp1noza@lac1ly org> wrote:
Updated with edits from CB and OT. Shannon, Is this OK with you?
January 15, 2013
Dr. Tom Oliver, Board Chairman
Ivy Academia Entrepreneurial Charter School O/?u1= . 1/6
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: UTLA le .. .
21250 Califa Suite 102
Woodland Hills. CA 91367
Dear Dr. Oli'.er and board members.
As someone who has worked with your school the past se-.eral
years, I know the important role that you play both in the community
and in so many of our students' I am wnting to express my
support for Ull.A's efforts for the right to collecti-.e bargaining
within the Ivy Academia Entrepreneurial Charter School because it will
allow your teachers to in-.est further in the success of your students
and our City
With the implementation of collecti-.e bargaining, Ivy Academia's
success has the potential to be a model for all institutions of
learning as you continue to produce future Los Angeles leaders and
contributors to our City. Teachers and staff reap the benefits of
cooperation, and with the implementation of collecti-.e bargaining. the
students recei\.e the highest quality of education possible by placing
them in an e n ~ r o n m e n t that promotes fairness of instruction
Los Angeles is a City of innovation and creati\11 ty, and t support
https://ma1l ... 2/6
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: UTLA le ...
UTIA's continuing efforts to represent top-tier educators within our
LA City Controller
Marisol Espinoza
Deputy Controller, Community Affairs
Office of City Controller Wendy Greuel .. 3/6
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: UTLA le.
200 N. Main Street #300
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel : 213 978 7200
Fax 213 978 7211
On Wed, Jan 16. 2013 at 10.53 AM. Marisol Espinoza
<marisol.espinoza@laclly org> wrote;
Let me know if this is ok
January 15, 2013
Or Tom Oli\.er. Board Chairman
Ivy Academia Entrepreneurial Charter School
21250 Califa Suite 102
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Dear Dr. Oli\r and board members,
As someone who has worked with your school o\r the past se\ral
years, I
https ://mail'ui = 4/6
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: VTLA le ...
Know me important rote that you ptay ootn 1n the commun11y ana in so
of our students' One of the valuable lessons that I ha1.e learned as
an elected official is the value of collecti1.e bargaining, and the positive
impact that it has on a work en1.1ronment. translating to better
outcomes for
students. I am writing to express my support for Un.A's efforts for the
right to collecti1.e bargaining within the l\lj' Academia Entrepreneurial
Charter School because it will allow your teachers to in1.est further tn
success of your students and our City.
With the implementation of collect11.e bargaining, l\IY Academia's
success has
the potential to be a model for all institutions of learning as you
to produce future Los Angeles leaders and contributors to our City.
Teachers and staff reap the benefits of cooperation, and with the
implementation of colleclt1.e bargaining, the students rece11.e the highest
quality of education possible by placing them 1n an en1.1ronment that
promotes fairness of instruction.
Los Angeles is a City of innovation and creati\ity, and I support Un.A's
continuing efforts to represent top-tier educators within our schools
Sincerely. mad/ u/ O/?u1 = ...
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: UTLA le ..
LA City Controller
Marisol Espinoza
Deputy Controller. Community Affairs
Office of City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 N. Main Street #300
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel : 213.978 7200
Fax. 213 978 7211
<UTl.A Letter of Support.docx>
https:/ / .com/mail/u/O/?ur= ... 6/6
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Los Ang ..
i : l fl
\.- ' , c,1 I ,
Fwd: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidates Forum - Register Now
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Thu, Jan 3 2013 at 12 09 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>. Dan Loeterman &li ' 8!)111-i.-1111QJ>, Shannon Murphy
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: SCANPH Communications <escanph@scanph org>
Date: January 3, 2013 11 50 36 AM PST
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty org
Subject: Los Angel es Mayora l Candidates Forum - Regi ster Now
Reply-To: noreply@scanph org
Havi ng trouble viewing this emafl? Click her e
Friday, January 11, 2013
5:00 to 5:30 p.m., Registration
5:30 to 7 p.m., Forum
Conference Center at Cathedral Plaza
555 West Temple Street
I nc: Annalee: rA onn1? f r n ~ n \ = ... 1/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Los Ang ...
.._....., ..... ' ,.
Join residents, friends and colleagues concerned about access to affordable
housing for a panel discussion with the leading candidates to become the next
Los Angeles mayor.
Raphael Bostic of the USC Sol Pnce School of Public Polley will moderate the
forum. wh1ch 1s free and open to the publtc. Reservations are limited and
accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We urge you to RSVP as early
as possible to hold your seat. Register by Wednesday, January 9, 2013.
Register here.
Problems registering? Use this link http //www SUl"&ymonkey com/ s!l.Amayoral:orum
SCANPH would like to urge organizations to become endorsers and
sponsors for this important event. Click here.
Enc Garcetu
Co.ir1c , ?rt..., it:n:
Wenoy Greuel
C.;, Co rr ct a
Jan Perry
r,cunr-1lk r1 :"r;'
Raphael Bostic
Forl1r1 Mo:k ra:o
l SC SrA Sc/100/
oi P1itJ/1c Pol1cv
The high cost of housing ov;;rcrowd1ng lack of affordable units and continuing
homelessness tne quality of life 111 ou1 city and our ab11iry to gene:rate
employment and hvehhoods for all r2s1dents Affordable 11ousing provides the
foundation from which healthy and susta1ndble commu111t1es are built with
access to Jobs transit schools shopping and recreational fac1hties But
reductions 1n federal resources. the eltminat1on of redevelopment agencies
and budget constraints at both local and state government put affordable
housing fundi ng at an all-ti me low. and vulnerable to further reducti on.
Our next mayor has the opportunity to address these challenges. and advance
efforts to make Los Angeles a community of opportunity (click here to read
the Housing for A Stronger Los Angeles Coalition Platform) Please JOln
us to hear the candidates share their proposals for tackling the affordable
housing and community development needs of our city
How will housing policies and programs be addressed in the new
mayoral administration?
- LI- . : 11 a.L..- _ : ... . ----- , .... _, - ----- L...- - =-- --"-!--- -- - - : l-L- 1- . 2/3
Oty of Los Angeles Mail Fwd: Los Ang
nuw Wiil lllt:: l.llY t::tl:::.Utt:: llldl d UI dlt:: dVdlldUlt::
along newly developed transportation corridors?
How will the next mayor address the impact of foreclosures on families
and neighborhoods?
We look forward to seeing you!
C: nlo<HJ 'llP. 11 l1a111 l fl ; f, S; o' ,, l u: ,\: fl 11 ,, 1 here
nci ,; i;l tl HI ('11< iclfl .' , 1 I rl ' r1 1 ' 11 tJt ::In" ' 1 here
If I II j
d 1 I / t: 1 . i'\ n jt 1, I 1 i '11 I f I h/ ,1/1,f f11/ 1 r
Get nv.Jl\ud
Fol1ow SCANf'H on
facebook twitter I our website
Forward email
This erreil was sent to wendy by
Instant rermval with SafeUnsubscribe'.. Privacy Policy
SoCal Assoc Non-Profit Housing 501 Shatto Place Suite 403 Los Angeles 1 CA 90020
https :// com/ma 11/u/O/?ui = ..
Constant Contact
I fl
- 11 111..,
City of Los Angeles Mall - Re: Los Ange ..
Re: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidates Forum - Register Now
Dan Loeterman <dan@wendygreuel .org>
To. Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Rose Kapolczynskl <>, Shannon Murphy
Thanks already coordinating w/ Jamarah who is helping with turnout on this.
On Jan 3. 2013, al 12 09 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy org> wrote
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: SCANPH Communications <escanph@scanph org>
Date: January 3, 2013 11 50:36 AM PST
To: wendy geuel@lac11y org
Subject Los Angeles Mayoral Candidates Forum - Register Now
Reply-To: noreply@scanpt1 org
Having trouble viewing this emai l? Click ht.!rc
Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12 22 PM
Friday, January 11, 2013
5:00 to 5:30 p.m , Registration
5:30 to 7 pm . Forum
Conference Center at Cathedral Plaza
555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012 (map)
City of Los Angeles Mall - Re: Los Ange ...
Joi n residents, friends and colleagues concerned about access to affordable
housing for a panel discussion with the leading candidates to become the next
Los Angeles mayor.
Raphael Bostic of the USC Sol Pnce School of Public Policy wil l moderate the
forum. wh ch is free and open to !1112 pu\Jllc. ReservaUons are limited and
accepted on a first-come, first-served basi s. We urge you to RSVP as early
as possible to hold your seat. Register by Wednesday, January 9, 2013.
Register here.
Problems registering? Use this link http /lwww!LAmayoralforum
SCANPH would like to urge organizations to become endorsers and
sponsors for this important event. Click here.
Eric Garcett1
Co1111r. ll Dres1dcri1
Wendy Greuel
':ity Con I rcil l ~ ,
Jan Perry
Cci , nc lfnpmber
Raphael Bosti c
r onim r.Aoneri;l[ Or
l.JSC S:il P11ce Sc
1' P111 ti c Pr,f1cy
The high cost of housing, overcrowding. lack of affordable units and continui ng
homelessness affect ll1e quali ty of ltfe 1r Ol.r city and our abi lity to generate
employment and li velihoods for all residents Affordable housi ng provides the
founda- 1on froin which healthy and susta mwle con1muni t1es a1e buil t, with
access 10 1obs l1ans11. sct1001s shopp ng a11d recrec.t1on&I fac1hl 1es But
reducuons 1n fcoc.ral resou.-ces. the el1m111at1on of redevelopment agencies
and budget consira1nts at both local and state governrnem pu1 affordable
t1ous1ng fundi ng at an all-time low and vL1lnerable to furtl1er redL1ct1on.
Our next mayor has the opportunity lo address these challe11ges. and advance
efforts to make Los Angeles a community of opportunity. (click here to read
the Housing for A Stronger Los Angeles Coalition Platform) Please join
us to hear the candidates share their proposals for tackling lr1e affordable
housing and community development needs of our city
How will housing policies and programs be addressed in the new
mayoral administration?
How will the city ensure that a range of housing options are available
along newly developed transportation corridors?
Howw1ll the next mayor address the impact of foreclosures on families
and neighborhoods?
We look forward to seeing you! ..
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: VIGIL T ...
I /\
(;! I <'.
Wendy Greuel <> Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 2:00 PM
To: John Shallman >, Rose Kapolczynskl <>, Shannon Murphy
< ............... ..
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Women Against Gun Violence" <wagv@wagv org>
Date: December 15, 2012 1:07:22 PM PST
To: wendy .greuel@lac1ty org
1 I I j \,, '1 i ' l .o. ,, .
Dear Activists!
\'\ rO\l F: \J

V I() I ( :
_l_,,, ...
Worren Against Gun Violence, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and the
Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles wil l be holding a vigil thi s
evening, Saturday, December 15, at 5 pm outside the Federal Building in
Please join us to make your voices heard, to rrourn those lost in Connecticut, and to
rTOurn the 34 lives lost each and every day to gun violence in the United Statesl
For rTOre information contact: Margot Bennett at 310-621-4705
8300 Venice Blvd . :/304 I I os Angeles, CA 90034 US
T11 , ... , , .. " ' " "' !, wendy. T , ''" .. , Lh ' /'lll' r 111 i. , , 11 ;J '"'' 11 ,, t.., r.1
1 I t.,; If .. \ I I
l!JC)I ". l "l . L I I I I
manage . 1. 1 1 1 1 ! opt out 1 1 Tr11cRe 111ove
Sign up 1 .. .. r ,, 1 ii r ... 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: VIGIL T ...
Ema1INow ic.:"",.' t.l , I 1nrn.1'u1 = .. 2/2
t ~ LI\
\;:.- - G(LC ~
~ .
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: VIGIL TO .
Rose Ka pol czynski <>
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Sat , Dec 15. 2012 at 2:10 PM
Cc John Shallman m>, Shannon Murphy 111111iliim>
We should send a staffer with a statement and see 1f they will let them read 1t.
Rose Kapolczynski Consulting
969 Colorado Blvd., Suite 103
Los Angeles, CA 90041
twiner com/RoseKapol
facebook com/RoseKConsu' ttng
On Dec 15, 2012. at 2 00 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ly org> wrote
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Women Against Gun Violence" <wagv@wagv org>
Date: December 15 2012 1 0722 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@lacrty org
I ,
https://mail'ui= ...
h"" ...,,, I I ii t ' :C1 .. , 't I ' lt
\ ro \ 1 E \
:\C .. \l'\ S'T
Cl ' /\
\ ' f()f.E1\CE
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: VIGIL TO ...
Dear Activists!
Worren Against Gun Violence, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and the
Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles will be holding a vigil this
evening, Saturday, December 15, at 5 pm outside the Federal Building in
Please join us to rrake your voices heard, to rroum those lost in Connecticut, and to
rrourn the 34 lives lost each and every day to gun violence in the United States!
For rrore inforrration contact: Margot Bennett at 310-621- 1705
11. ' wendy. greuel@lacily. org J ,, r ( 11 , , , .,._
' '
ol 1 'i.., I ' : r I I
manage 11 I I 1r 11 1
t 11 1: ir ' Sign up 1 E "" 1 11 ,. , 1 !
Em<"lllNow . .,. 'PU v I 1r no.; .. 2/2
I I\
. -... ( tf I 0.,
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Invitati ...
Fwd: Invitation to Chamber of Commerce sponsored candidate forum
Wendy Greuel <> Thu. Dec 13, 2012 at 4:55 PM
To: Shannon Murphy ' : Q g pp>, Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsul>
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: <susan@susanshelleyforcongress com>
Date: December 13, 2012, 4:13:39 PM PST
To: Wendy Greuel@lacity org
Cc: "Diana Williams" <>, ''Sean McCarthy" @ ; !" ' qj>
Subject: Invitati on to Chamber of Commerce sponsored candidate forum
Hi, Ms. Greuel,
On behalf of the Governrrent Affairs ConYTittee of the Woodland Hills-Tarzana
Charrber of Corrrrerce, I would like to invite you to participate in a forum for
candidates in the 2013 race for Mayor of the City of Los Angeles.
The forum will be sponsored by the Woodland Hills-Tarzana Chamber of Com-rerce,
the largest Charrber in the San Fernando Valley with over 700 business rrerrbers,
with the involverrent of the Canoga Park-West Hills Charrber of Com-rerce, the
Woodland Hills-Warner Center Neighborhood Council, the Reseda Neighborhood
Council, the Tarzana Neighborhood Council, and the Canoga Park-West Hills
Neighborhood Council.
The forum will be held at the Westfield Prorrenade mall in the retail space f o ~ r 1 y
occupied by Dick's Sporting Goods. The space can accommodate hundreds of people.
You may rerrember that the Woodland Hills-Tarzana Charrber of Com-rerce held a
30th Congressional District forum there last January, which drew a standing-room-
only crowd and a substantial turnout of local television and print reporters. As a
candidate in that race and as a participant in that forum, I saw first-hand that voters
in the West San Fernando Valley are active, involved and interested in hearing from
the candidates in person.
The format will be a modified town hall, in which questions submtted by Charrber
rrerrbers and the general public will be posed to candidates by a moderator.
We would like to hold this forum in the evening sorretirre between January 26 and
February 10, and we would like to accommodate your schedule to the fullest extent
possible. If you would let us know what dates are best for you, or conversely, what
dates you are not available, we will make every effort to hold the forum on a day that
you can be there.'ui = . . 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Invitati...
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Susan Shelley
Merrber, Govemrrent Affairs Cormittee
Woodland Hills-Tarzana Charrber of Cornnerce
818 (cell)
Diana Williams
CEO and Executive Director
Woodland Hifls-Tarzana Charrber of Comnerce
Diana@woodlandhtllscc .net
Sean McCarthy
Chair, Governrrent Affairs Corrnittee
Woodland Hills-Tarzana Charrber of Comnerce ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Join my ..
Fwd: Join my network on Linkedln
Wendy Greue l <wendy> Thu, Dec 13. 2012 at 1o s1 AM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>
Anyone we know?
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Stephanie Castellanos "1a Linkedln <member@linkedin com>
Date: December 12, 20127.45 10 PM PST
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org>
Subject: Join my network on Li nkedln
Reply-To: Stephanie Castellanos
Linkedlii] "
Stephanie Castellanos wants to connect with you on Linked In.
2 shared connections
Stephanie Castellanos
Field Organizer at Organizing for View
America, Barack Obama Campaign Profile
You are recerv1ng lnv1tat10n en-alls. Unsubscrrbe
This email was intended for Wendy Greuel /Oly controller at City of Los Angeles} Learn w t)y we included this 2012
Linkedln Coroorat1011 2029 Sherlin C1 Mountain View CA 9<l043 USA
https://mall = ...
1/ 1
I f\
' C. 11 l..,
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Sell the .. .
Fwd: Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lacity org> Thu. Dec 6, 2012 at 11 :13 PM
To: John Shallman >, Rose Kapolczynski <>
Wendy Greuel
Sentrrom my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Jack <>
Date: December 6, 2012. 10:45:27 PM PST
To: <Wendy Greuel@lac1ty org>
Subject: Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
.lack I lumphrc\ illc
07 Dec 2012
LA WATCHDOG - The Vine Street Tower, a star crossed development in
the heart of Eric Garcetti' s Hollywood, has been stinking up the
neighborhood since October of 2006 when the now dell.met Community
Redevelopment Agency (the ''CRA") overpaid for the vacant lot at 160 I
Notih Vine rrom Lhc polilicaHy attuned Ullman family lcH $5.45 million, a
34%, $1.4 million premium to the appraised value of $4.07 million.
Thjs $57 million development of a LEED cc1tified, eight-story building with a
multilevel underground garage for 200 cars was designed to have I 08,000
sq uarc feet of Class !\ o fficc space Lo serve the entc11ain111cnt ind us try.
At the same time, the KnO\\-l t-/\lls from the C RA and City Hall \Vere
crowing about the 500 pcm1anc11t jobs that \vould be created, the 350
construction jobs and the related project labor agreement, and the
https:/ / mail/u/ O/ ?u1 = ... 1/ 2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Sell the .. .
trans formative effect this s ignature development one block south 0 r the
historic intersection 0r I lollvwood and Vine \\'Otild hmc on all of Hollvwood.
Howe,er, aflcr six years, this 18,200 sq unrc loot lot is still nothing but a
parking lot.
Even Molly's Hamburgers is histo1;. as the CR/\ approved an exorbitant
SI. I million settlement with the Molly's O\\ncrs, bringing the total purchase
price for this patch 0 r asrhall Lo over $6.5 million. a 61 o/c, premium l o the
appraised value.
This premium docs not include the value of the Ullmans' right to operate the
underground garage in the new building or the profits they have derived by
managing the existing parking lot over the last six) cars.
Despite this lack or progress, on November 29, the Go\crning Board of
CRNLA, the s uccessor to the CRA, approved a 90 day extension of the
Development and Disposition Agreement 'vVith the current developer,
Workers Realty Trust II , LP, a Chicago based closed end real estate
investment rund.
But Workers Realt) docs not appear to have the necessary qualilications
hllp :/1,, ~ '\. c ity\\'atc h 111/lcad-s Lo ric'\-h id d cn1-t I (>-f-s L'll-thc-c css poo 1-o n-
\'1ne-rn> \\1'u1= . .
L ; I /\
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Sell the C ..
Re: Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
John Sha I Iman
To Wendy Greuel <wendy .greuel@lacity org>
Cc: Rose Kapol czynski <>
Eric has taken lots of money from the Ullman Family
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 11 :13 PM, Wendy Greuel <> wrote:
>Wendy Greuel
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message
> From: "Jack <>
> Date: December 6, 2012, 10:4527 PM PST
> To: <Wendy Greuel@lac1ty org>
> Subject Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
> Sell the Cesspool on Vine NOW
> Jack
> 07 Dec 2012
> LA WA TCHOOG - The Vi ne Street Tower, a star crossed de\elopment in the heart
> of Eric Garcetti' s Hollywood. has been stinking up the neighborhood si nce
> October of 2006 when the now defunct Community Redei.elopment Agency (the
> "CRA ") o\erpa1d for the vacant lot at 1601 North Vine from the politically
>attuned Ullman family for $5.45 million. a 34%, $1.4 million premium to the
> appraised value of $4.07 million.
> This $57 million de\elopment of a LEED certified, eight-story building with
> a multile\el underground garage for 200 cars was designed to hai.e 108,000
> square feet of Class A office space to seri.e the entertainment industry.
> At the same time, the Know-It-Alls from the CRA and Ci ty Hall were crowing
> about the 500 permanent j obs that would be created, the 350 construction
> jobs and the related project labor agreement , and the transformatii.e effect
> this signature dei.elopment one block south of the hist one intersection of
> Hollywood and Vine would hai.e on all of Hollywood.
> 0/'ui = ...
Fn, Dec 7, 2012 at 12:01 AM
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Sell the C..
>, after six years, this 18, 200 square foot lot is still nothing but a
> parking lot
> E-.en Molly' s Hamburgers is history, as the CRA appro-.ed an exorbitant $1 .1
> million settlement with the Molly's owners, bnnging the total purchase
> pnce for this patch of asphalt to $6.5 million. a 61% premium to the
> appraised value.
> This premium does not include the value of the Ullmans' right to operate the
> underground garage in the new bu1ld1ng or the profits they ha-.e den-.ed by
> managing the existing parking lot the last six years.
> Despite this lack of progress, on No-.ember 29, the Go-.eming Board of
> CRAii.A, the successor to the CRA, appro-.ed a 90 day extension of the
> Oe-.elopment and Disposition Agreement with the current de-.eloper, Workers
> Realty Trust II. LP. a Chicago based closed end real estate m-.estment fund.
> But Workers Realty does not appear to ha-.e the necessary qualtfications
> .... .. ..... .. ..
> http //www c1tywatchla com/l eads tones-hidden/4164-sell-1he-cesspool-on-1..1ne-now
> f/ u/O/?ui = ..
-.. { i I I I.,
Fwd: Re:
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Re:
Wendy Greuel <> Thu. Dec 6, 2012 at 8:32 PM
To Rose Kapolczynski <>
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message.
Date: December 6, 2012, 814:02 PM PST
To: "Wendy Greuel@lacity org" <Wendy.Greuel@lac1Ly org>
Subject: Fwd: Re:
Hi Wen,
Here is the resume for the Obama campaigner I called you about
Hope all is well!
Lo\ ya!
Sent from my 1Phone
Begin forwarded message.
From: Molly Wyant<
Date: December 6, 2012, 12:52:27 PM PST
To: Phyllis Stewart Pires <pspires@stanford edu>
Cc: Leslie Spanier <>
Subject: Re:
Hello Phyllis,
It's great to \1rlually meet you. As my mother mentioned, I ha\ recently returned from
campaigning for President Obama. The work was so rewarding and exciting and I'd
lo\ to get back into it. Most of my co-workers were lamenting the fact that the next
election cycle won't get started for more than a year, so I feel really fortunate that we
ha\ this exciting race coming up here in LA. l\e attached my resume, and I really
appreciate your offer to send it on to Wendy Greuel.
Thank you,
hrtps:// mail/u/O/?ui= ..
1/ 2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Re:
Molly Wyant
Id? 2 I
-:J Molly Wyant Resume Dec 2012.pdf
30K = .
l I\
~ ( . . , ! I c"
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Mayoral. .
Fwd: Mayoral Forum on Neighborhood Safety: Thursday, Dec. 13th
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 3:13 PM
To: Shannon Murphy
M rs I 2 I ?' Rose Kapolczynski <>' Daw Jacobson
<dm 2
iassts 2 @ I ? I John Shallman ( I II 85 ., m>' Alyssa Hendrie
<- I d. fih ., ? . Dan Loetermar d I I I s@ rsi' PSS. Chnstopher Guerrero
<chris topher@wendygreuel org>
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: VPC of Greater LA <1nfo@'1pcgla org>
Da te: December 5, 2012 1:57:43 PM PST
To: <wendy greuel@lactt; org>
Subject: Mayoral Forum on Nei ghbor hood Safety: Thursday, Dec. 13th
Reply-To: VPC of Greater LA <1nfo@"PCgla org>
Vi ew email rn your browser
Pl ease j o in Alh- am:cnwnt Pro.1cct 111 co njunc ti on wi th The Cali fo rnia Ent10,,111cnl ,
Thc C;i lifo rnia Wellness Foundation, Crent cr L.r\ . Chamber of Commerce, L. A. Police
P rolccll\'C League, Li berty Hill FoundaUou, The Rior<lm1 fouodnUon, USC J esse M.
Unruh I nstitut c of Politics
Mayoral Forum
.................. ,
/_.., '-...:
l \
{ RSVP )
\ today /
' ./
... ..., , , . . ~
Thursday, Dece111ber 13, 2012
https: //mail .googl mail/ u/O/?ul = ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Mayoral
The California Endowment
1 ooo ]';orth Alameda Street,
Lo<, A ngl'll's, CA 90012
Confirmed Candidates to dote
City Controller v\Tcndy Greuel
Kcvi n ,James
CiLyCouncih,oman .Jan Perry
/'11111 Ii . / 1w/111f1
\l11dl'1'.1tor \\'a1 rt'tl (>Im). K('K\\'
l'ilar Ma1rau, l.11 Clpini111
.Jim Newton, LosAngclcsTimc!.
Frank Stoltu. KPCC
Dr. !'nm ad. Los Angdcs W;:i\'l'
Niroll' The Korra
:\llcl i.1 Sky pt' l'nnt>lisl)
\\'illiford, Our \\'rtkly
( l.Lll' .il :'-1'-dia Skv pt l'a
A lli;1 n cc for a B1t t er <.'nm m 11 nit\
Brol hcrh1x1d Crusa<k
Cal1lornia Nation.ii Clr)!.a111i';1tio11 for WrntH'n
Chtldnn'!- Instil 1111' Com mu Build
Comm11111ty C11al1ti11n l Campaign
1 c:irl-.111 l;.,.,;; ...
(;rccn Dot Public Srhoob I Inner City
Federation of Los /\ngelC's
J .;\. Voi<'c I 1\ n Ch am brr of Com nant
f..o<; Con1111is..;ion on I luman Rclatwns
Los .'\nJ;t' lc:-. Llrhi1n l.tag11t
i\llx1c.1n 1\nH'ri<'illl 1gal lkknst: and Ed11rali1111 F11nd
!';it Brrn,n l11-.11111lr I Pl'ilnChtt \1ol1n11 corn/rnail/u/0/?ui= ..
:-\alt Rm1tL'"l11Sdwol National l'arlntr-.hip
Sou I h \\C's! Vol l'r rat 100 !-.duration Prnjct l
Tohcrman Ncighhorhood CC'ntl'r
,frssc J\I. LTn ru h In -.t 11 tt t t' nf l'ol 1
Lln1nr!'il\ (lfS011th1rn Cdiforniil
\'allty In dust r,- rn L'I n 1\:.<.,1x iati11n
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd Mayoral ..
\ ICl ll'llt'L' ITC\ \'l"lll1ll1l11,111111111111 ltll'<llC'I l .. 1\,
Wal Io., L:1L11rn
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Google ..
L I\
-.. (.I IC..,
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 8:06 PM
To John Shallman Shannon Murphy tslil ' : .. . 1 Rose Kapolczynski
Not sure I like this one - Rick seems confused a bit or maybe it 1s just Carrick.
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googl ealerts-noreply@google com>
Date: December 3, 2012, 7:43:42 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@laclly org
Subject Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Early sul\ey shows Enc Garcetti, then Wendy Greuel as front ...
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
... during the election last month places Counci lman Eric Garcett1 and Controller Wendy Greuel as
the front-runners in an election considered wide open.
lip: Use a minus sign (-) in front of terms in your query that you want to exclude. Learn more.
Delete this alert.
Create another alert.
Manage your alerts.
https://mail .google com/mail/u/0/?ui= ...
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: My name!
l I\
(,! ' ( ...
Fwd: My name!
Wendy Greuel <> Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:53 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>. Christopher Guerrero <>,
Marisol Espinoza llillillilli
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Gisselle Ace\edo"
Date: No\ember 29, 2012 152:09 PM PST
To: <Wendy Greuel@lac1ty org>
Subj ect: My name!
My dear dear Wendy:
I am so so so honored to be able to support you. Trust me, I plan to gi\ you lots more money and
when and if you are ready do all I can to make sure you are in! I ha\ no doubt at all you are going
to win. Your values, your bnlliance, your belief in this community is what is needed. Now I need
one quick fa\Qr. Please use my name anywhere and e\erywhere. But do take the Franco name
off! I ha\ not been a Franco for o\er 10 years! I adore you. Use me more.
Your friend.
https://mall = ... 1/ 1
City of Los Angeles Mail Re: My name!
~ !:-
,. LI\
\- .'. ~ (,f I ( ,
Re: My name!
Rose Ka polczy nski <>
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:00 PM
Cc: Christopher Guerrero <>, Marisol Espinoza -_.,_., . ml!!!8tl!Sllll 'ii?illli?llli$1j> '
She was in the database twice, once with Franco, once without. The old record got pulled when we pri nted the
list. We'll send her a note apologizing.
Rose Kapolczynski Consulting
969 Colorado Blvd., Suite 103
Los Angeles, CA 90041
twi lter com/RoseKapol
facebook com/RoseKConsulting
On Nov 29, 2012, at 1 :53 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org> wrote
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Gisselle Ace-..edo" lllMiliiiillliil
Date: No-..ember 29, 2012 1:5209 PM PST
To: <Wendy.Greuel@lac1ly org>
Subj ect: My namel
My dear dear Wendy:
I am so so so honored to be able to support you. Trust me, I plan to gi-..e you lots more money and
when and if you are ready do all I can to make sure you are in! I ha-..e no doubt at all you are goi ng
to win Your values, your brilliance, your belief in this community is what is needed. Now I need
one quick fa\,()r. Please use my name anywhere and e\.rywhere. But do lake the Franco name
off! I ha-..e not been a Franco for 10 years! I adore you. Use me more.
https ://mail := .. 1/ 2
City of Los Angeles Mail Re: My name
Your fnend
https ://mail 2/2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Today i ..
l /\
- f,I I c'
Fwd: Today is Small Business Saturday I Tax Tips Web Chat I How to Price Your Products
and Services
Wendy Greuel <> Sat. Nov24, 2012 at 11:51 AM
To: Shannon Murphy Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>. Dan Loeterman
Can we text that today 1s Small Business Saturday? t meant to suggest 1t earlier in the week. Thx.
Sent from my 1Pad
Begin forwarded message
From: Small Business Administration <news@updates.sba gov>
Date: Noi.ember 24, 2012 7:20:43 AM CST
To: welldy greuet@l
Subject Today i s Small Business Sat urday I Tax Tips Web Chat I How to Price Your Products and Services
Reply-To: Small Business Administration <news@updat es sba gov>
Ha\Ang trouble -.aewing this email? View it as a Web page.
Today is Small Business Saturday!
Support Your Community By Shopping Small
Happy Small Business Saturday! Last year, more than 100 million
Americans shopped at independently-owned small businesses Find out how
you can get 1m.olved by shopping small on Saturday, No1.ember 24, 2012.
>Read more
Small Business Tax Tips Web Chat
Are you looking for tax sa"1ngs strategies for your small business? Join SBA
and the American Institute of CPAs for practical information on your tax bill
and details about tax pro"1sions that may affect your business
Wednesday, Noi.ember 28 2012
1pm, ET
> Submit your questions
https://mail mall/ u/ O/?ui = ...
Join the
D1 C11t"' 111<1
!t' Ir Jth l l'rtl ; M.:t
1l l U U1f"
,,. "ll ,, tmh.: in!I
.. nr f'\J'tl u
Connect with us on
social medin for
small business news
and resources
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Today i.
> t->an1c1pate h\.
How to Price Your Small Business' Products and
The goal of business 1s to make a profit, but many small businesses face
challenges because they don' t know how to pnce their products or ser.Aces
If you're a startup or are re\Asiting your pncing strategy, here are some
suggestions to help you get the price right.
> Read more
How to Market Your Products at Holiday Craft s Fairs
and Flea Mar kets
The holiday shopping season is here, and customers are poised to spend
more than $586 billion on gifts this year-a 4.1 percent increase last
year. But not all of that action is taking place on Black Fnday or Cyber
Monday, or at the local mall. For smart small businesses whose products
ha-.e wide appeal. holiday arts and crafts fairs and local flea markets or other
outdoor shopping ewnts are great ways to gamer additional sales this time
of year. To gel started, follow these steps from guest blogger Rieva
>Read more
Are You Prepared For
a Disaster?
SUh _ Pl r i- Sf:R\11 FS
VI Cliff
Manage Your
Unsubscribe I Help
Counseling and
11 A RN
Online Government
Contracting Training
Oty of Los Angeles Mail Fwd: Today i...
All SBA programs and seMces are provided on a nond1scnmmatory basis l Reasonaole accommodations vw// be made if
requested at least tv.o v.eeks in advance
Tn1sema1 was!lenl to wendy geuel@laotv o; by Small Bu11nessAdm1msra11on 409 Jrd SI. SW VVasn1n111on DC 20416 gOVDEL/VERY
1'ui == . 3/ 3

. ., I 11 I'-
. l
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Betty Pl
Fwd: Betty Pleasant & More From Dr. Anthony Samad: No Measure J
("Measure Jackin' Us")
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Sun, Oct 21 , 2012 at 2:57 PM
To: Shannon Murphy p @! ld.dlii , Rose Kapolczynski <>, daniel tarica
Gd?Si?!t?SDif? ,.. , Claire Bartels Mansol Espinoza Iii ..
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Damien Goodmon
Date: October 21, 2012 1:32:58 PM PDT
To: Antonio Villaraigosa <mayor@lac1ty org>
Cc: Brenda Anderson <>, Curren Price
<senator gov>, Herb Wesson <counc11member.wesson@lac1ly org>, Holly
Mitchell <assembly member m1tchell@assembly ca gov>, Stei.e Bradford
<sle\e bradford@asm ca gov>, Mark Ridley-Thomas <>, Mike
<assemblymember.da"1s@assembly ca. gov>, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org>, Jan
Perry <councilmember perry@lac1ty org>. Bernard Parks <councilmember. parks@lac1ty org>
Subject: Betty Pleasant & More From Dr. Anthony Samad: No Measure J ("Measure Jacki n'
Repl y-To:
Below is more from Betty Pleasant and Anthony Samad about Measure J: a $90 billion sales tax
increase for transportation that pro"1des not a penny for the Crenshaw Line - not a penny to fund the
Leimert Park Vill age station - not a penny to fund the Park Mesa Heights tunnel - not a penny to
fund any transportation project in South LA.
This is Mayor Villaraigosa's message to his constituents. Now it is ti me for all of LA County to
tell the Mayor and MTA:
Betty Pleasant in Thursday's The Wai.e
UNITED STATE - Communities across Los Angeles County came together at a news
conference Tuesday to announce their united fight to defeat Measure J on the Nov. 6 election
ballot. The newly formed Coalil1on to Defeat Measure J includes the Bus Riders Union. the
Crenshaw Subway Coalition, the No 710 Action Committee. the Bei.erly Hills Unified School
District, Union de Vecinos of Boyle Heights. Congress of Racial Equality and La Basta of
East Los Angeles. In their own words, these groups all agree that "Measure J is a
shameless bid for a blank check by the Los Angeles County MTA, a public agency
completely out of touch with public needs." Measure J seeks to Increase sales taxes to
https://mall. ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Betty Pl...
complete transportation projects in some parts of Los Angeles County - but not the
Crenshaw Line!! The \Oters apprm.ed a 30-year increase in sales taxes for that purpose in
2008, and now MTA wants more money just four years later'?! Naw, as my grandfather use
to say, "that dog won't h u n t . ~ This coalition is right.
No Measure J: Ti me to Stop Ballot Exploitation
LA Progressii.e (http-//www laprogressive com/no-measure-J-for-la)
By Anthony Samad
October 19, 2012
For the past year, the Los Angeles black community has been trying to negotiate a suitable and
acceptable plan to mitigate traffic and business d1srupt1on around the construction of the
Crenshaw/LAX rail line that will be coming down Crenshaw 81\d.
Like every other community that has been impacted (or will be impacted) by permanent
transportation infrastructure, the Crenshaw community should be heard, listened to and cooperated
with on something that will effect their ltves, the li\s of their children and their children's children.
Light rail infrastructure will be around for 100 years. Once it's done, it's done. It will be around
longer than the politicians and experts that planned it, constructed 1t and cut the ribbon. Once
that's done, it's the people's li\es that will be disrupted and disgusted o\er the impediments and
incon\niences caused by undesirable, and unwanted. transportation design. Crenshaw's elected
officials are listening. Crenshaw's Mayor is not. He hasn't heard us, and he ain't hearing us.
But I BET he'll hear this. His ballot irntiati\ to pay for his darling "Subway to the sea" dream gets a
NO from us.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa pitched the federal government with this lofty plan of building 30 years
worth of transportation infrastructure. He floated a bond measure, Measure R. in 2008, that would
raise approximately $35 billion dollars o\er 30 years with a half cent sales tax earmarked for
transportation projects . The black community o\erwhelming supported Measure R, in hopes of
getting its long awaited Crenshaw Rail line built , a line first proposed 26 years ago in 1986
Some analysts said the black community \Ole was the tipping point for Measure R in Southern
California's highly anti-taxation en-.1ronment. Howe\er, when the ballot measure passed. all parts of
the county came with dream projects and demands for the money grab.
The reward lo the black community was to finish the contro\ersial Expo Line and put a bus line
down Crenshaw. If it wasn't for the effort of Los Angeles County Super\1sor Mark Ridley-Thomas.
demanding the rail line stay on the table, the black community would ha\ seen essentially nothing
for their \Ole to tax themsel\es. Instead, the reward has been a rail line. but a rail line with a design
the community doesn't support , and a "take it or lea\ 1t" attitude from the Mayor.
A Mayor. we ha\ to keep reminding (kicking) oursel\es, that our community put in office. A Mayor
hell bent on trying to complete 12 transportation projects in ten years. He pitched President Obama
to sign the America Fast Forward bill this past summer which would offer up $105 billion dollars in
loans for stalled and unfunded turnkey transportation projects. Still , no lo\ for the Crenshaw/LAX
$545 million was set aside for the Leimert Park stop that Villaraigosa made conditional to the
design if the money was found. Still no effort to take a highly d1srupti\ rail line thru the middle of a
commerce stari.ed Hyde Park business district - essentially assunng its demise.
With this facing a disgusted community, Villaraigosa has the audacity to float another half cent tax
bond to complete current projects - not including the Crenshaw/LAX proiect Let me get this
straight - you want the black community to tax itself, until the year 2069, for transportation projects
https://mail mail/u/0/?ui= ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Betty Pl. .
that neither impact nor 1mpro-.e our community?
Well, that's straight-up JACKING. Robin Hood in re-.erse. Take from the poor and gi-.e to the rich.
Who are the rich In Los Angeles? Say it with me now."The Westside."
Like e'llery other community that has been impacted (or will be impacted) by permanent
transportation infrastructure. the Crenshaw community should be heard, hstened to and cooperated
with on somethi ng that will effect their the lives of their children and their children's children.
Villaraigosa's Measure J, which the community is now calling. "Measure Jackin' Us," essentially is
a tax to help Villaraigosa fulfill "his dream" of a subway to the sea - which runs from downtown to
Santa Monica. and runs underground when the community said so.
So, again - it's all about him. The Southside and Eastside of Los Angeles will just ha-.e to pay
without sufficient return on their ln-.estment. Why should these communities always be expected to
negotiate away their dignity - or ha-.e some suit negotiate it away for them?
The Space Shuttle journey down Crenshaw was pretty - but not pretty enough for our community to
lose four hundred trees. Yeah, they'll replace them two to one. but what do we breath for 20 years
in the meantime? What replaces the oxygen during the time it takes for trees to be planted and
become full grown? Oh. nobody thought that through, huh? Other communit ies did. That's why the
Shuttle went down Crenshaw 81\d.
You can only put so much on one community before they ha-.e to draw a line in the sand. The
Crenshaw Community did that with Villaraigosa months ago. He danced all o\.er it and smiled. Now
he's trying to tax us for 65 years and still smlllng. Well , smile at this ...
NO ON Measure J. Tell your friends. family, people you don't like. Vote Obama. Jackie Lacey and
NO on Measure J. Shout from the mountain tops, and the street comers. Hold up signs, and ha-.e a
candle ..;git. There's something for e-.erybody to do on this one. But it's time.
Let's stop the jacking that's about to occur in South L.A. If MTA can't find money for a Leimert Park
stop and a tunnel at 48th, we can't find a l.Qte on Measure J. st just got real. ..
Vote No on Measure J. mail/u/O/ ?ui = .
3/ 3
t .. . LA
y. Jr. ~ Grr t<;
. i
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Google ..
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <> Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 3:18 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <>. John Shallman ti1111liW Daw Jacobson
f&i i I a @IS Shannon Murphy----ir-
Bill is calling me on a regular basis - just want to know if there is any hold up on email so we can get it out this week.
Also, when do you think we should announce miscikowski?
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googlealens-noreply@google corn>
Date: October 14, 2012 2.42:09 PM PDT
To: wendy greuel@lac11y org
Subject: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
8111 Rosendahl endorsed Wendy Greuel for Mayor
- Venice-Mar ...
West LA Councilman Bill Rosendahl Chooses Greuel for Mayor!
\.r11ce patch com/ /btll rosendahl-cnllorsed-wendy -greucl -fo
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
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1/ 1
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Film Ta ..
t I f\
\.- I ~ ( 11 t '
Fwd: Film Tax Credits
Wendy Greuel <> Sat , Sep 15, 2012 at 8'34 AM
To: Oa\. Jacobson .. ~ . John Shallman .. slllll!8!!11a .. ii ' 9i>' . Rose Kapolczynski
< rose@rosekcons ulting. com>
Some more stories
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mike Romey < I i i ~
Date: September 15, 2012 757:36 AM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel@l ac1ty org, Wendy Greuel <info@wendygreuel com>
Subject: Fi l m Tax Credits
Hi Wendy,
I recently saw your article urge the extension of the film tax credits. I was hoping you might be
able to take some time to talk to me in detail about this.
I work for a -.;sual effects company called Zoi c Studios as the head of our pipeline and advanced
technology department in LA and and hai.e a lot of i nsight. As the head of our pipeline I
build tools to help manage our production, but I also build tools to manage timecards, actuals,
financial , projections and R&D tax credits
In many ways I understand the ramification of the tax credit as it pertains to production
and post production and ha\. built our databases and tools in ways to maximize their impact. As
the controller of Los Angles these issues ha\. an incredible impact on our city, state and country.
Much of our company and work is being moved outside of Los Angeles and our family is in a
difficult position contemplating the future of our industry in California as well as the US I am
hoping you can take the time to talk with me about these subject matters
Michael Romey
WP 2 I
Sherman Oaks. CA 9141 1
(C) .. --.
https://mai mall/ u/ O/?ul=. 1/ 1
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Film Su ...
( :
I I\
. u f (..,
Fwd: Film Support
Wendy Greuel <> Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 12:38 PM
To: John Shallman . @II!"". Da-.e Jacobson<&!& i.)36533S:i@ ., a
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <controller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: September 13, 201212: 18:44 PM POT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lacil y org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <cla1re bartels@lac11y org>, Marisol Espinoza <Manso! Espinoza@iac1ty org>,
Daniel Tarica <Daniel Tanca@lacity org>. Shannon Murphy <shannon murphy@lac1ty org>
Subject: Fwd: Film Support
--Forwarded message --
From: Dan Murphy <dm4fx@antelecom net>
Date: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 12: 13 PM
Subject Film Support
To: controller greuel@lac1ty org
Dear Ms. Greuel,
I am writing to thank you for your support of extending the California film incenti-.e program: I as a
filmworker and resident of the state feel this is \ery important. Myself and thousands li ke me are
really being hurt but runaway film production. I know this must also hai.e a huge effect on Los
Angeles and the entire state as well. I am still i.ery concerned that the program is too little
and maybe too fate.
The fact that the program is capped at proj ects with no larger than a $75 Mil budget the program
makes it worthless in regards to attracti ng the big budget films that really generate the big money.
These are the films that hire a lot of wor1<ers for many months (up to a year at times) and spend
millions buying supplies and all the other things needed to complete these projects. Big budget
films are still lea"1ng the state and being made in places like Louisiana, North Carolina and
Massachusetts where the incenti-.e encourage them. That said . . I would just like to say that more
needs to be done to bring these projects back. Really a form of price matching incenti-.e would be
desired ... we need to aggressi-.ely compete. I would hope that L.A. would lobby for such a program
and perhaps e\en haw a city program? Also considenng wa1"1ng permit I ser"1ce fees and larger
projects that bring big money to town.
What worries me most is I feel we are getting close to a tipping poi nt where the business my
come back. Why?? It was the California workers that created and were the best at making films. At
first.. . California workers were brought along on many incenti-.e fi l ms because other states se-.erely
lacked that talent to do the JOb We were in essence training them. Now .. -.ery few of us get to go, mail/u/O/'ui= ... 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Film Su ..
because we are "non-rebateable". They don1 need us as much because now their locals ha\.e
learned the craft to a le\.el where they can get by e\.en though it m ~ y be slower or not of the same
quality. lrre\.ersible damage is being done.
I o n ~ know what else I can say. Please try to help us
Dan Murphy ..
City of Los Angeles Marl - Fwd: If City ..
' LI\
\.- G! I l ..,
' .,
Fwd: If City Council and Sacramento Fail to Act, thousands of us (including
ME) are screwed ....
Wendy Greuel <> Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 10:28 AM
To: Dave Jacobson <ii John Shallman
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message
From: Jonathan Jerald .... _
Date: September 13, 2012 10: 17.35 AM PDT
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty org
Subject: If City Council and Sacramento Fail to Act, thousands of us (i ncluding ME) are
screwed ....
Los Angeles losing the core of its TV production to other states
By Richard Verrier,Los Angeles Times (MCl)
Published August 17th, 2012 2:35 pm
LOS ANGELES - The five broadcast tele\1sion networks will be rolling out 23 new one-hour
dramas for the upcoming season. That would normally be good business for Hollywood's hometown
industry - with bookings for soundstages and plenty of work for the costumers. camera operators
and caterers needed to put a show on the air
But not this year. Just two of the 23 new fall and midseason shows will be shot in Los Angeles
County, as cost-conscious producers seek tax-friendly production havens in New York, North
Carolina, Georgia and other states.
The exodus has been going on for years, especially rn feature film production. But dramas
such as "CSI," "Criminal Minds" and "Desperate Housewives" have long been anchors of Los
Angeles' entertai nment economy, helping to offset the decade-long slide in One 22-
episode-a-year network series has a budget of $60 million and generates 840 direct and indirect
j obs, according to the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.
That economic bang is beginning to fizzle. Fewer than 10 percent of new network dramas this
season are based in Los Angeles, down from 50 percent in 2010 and nearly 80 percent in 2005.
"The loss of hourlong dramas is very significant. " said Ke.,,;n Ktowden, director of the California
Center at the Milken Institute. noting that a typical drama shoots for eight to nine months,
compared with just six to eight weeks for a film. "This is the heart of tele'.1sion production. If this
continues, you're going to see a direct impact on the employment base of Los Angeles."
Though L.A. still hosts the bulk of new half-hour comedies and real ity shows, dramas are more
prized because they use bigger crews and have bigger budgets. That transl ates to more spending
in the local economy. ma1l/u/ O/?ui = . 1/ 3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: If City .
Repercussions from the downturn are being fell across the local film and 1V industry. putting the
squeeze on prop houses and other busmesses that rely on production and creating growing
hardship for the grips. location managers and other crew members who are finding it harder to get
work in the entertainment capital of the world.
Da\1d Henke is one of them. For most of his career, the 52-year-old location manager rarely went
more than a month without a job. The Sylmar resident earned more than $100,000 a year working
on such 1V shows as "Nip/Tuck" and "Deadliest Warrior."
But Henke hasn' t worked in more than a year. squeakmg by on unemployment checks and what's
left of his retirement sa\1ngs.
"Ei.erything has gone out of town," he said.
Like many in Hollywood. Henke has family members who are also m the business, and they' re
hurting too.
His wife, Carol, who runs a film location business, was forced to close her office after receipts
dropped from $300,000 in 2010 to $40,000 last year. And Henke' s brother-in-law, Cliff Rogers, a
longtime unit production supesor and producer, has been jobless for a year.
Rogers, 60, who began his career working for the late 1V producer Aaron Spelling, moi.ed to
Georgia last year to work on the drama "Necessary Roughness" but lost his job when new
producers came in and hired a different crew. When he returned to Los Angeles, he found there was
no work.
"The bank foreclosed on my house in April , I declared bankruptcy a year ago, (and) I'm li"1ng in my
mother-in-law's house," said Rogers, who has been joined by his two grown sons, one of them an
assistant director who is also out of work. "Ei.ery time I call one of my friends, they say: 'Not right
now, Cliff. We'll keep you in mind.'"
Bill Myer lost his home too, and now shares an apartment in Van Nuys with six colleagues who are
in similar straits The 52-year-old makeup artist used to earn $150.000 a year working on mo\1es
like "Cast Away" and 1V series including "Baywatch."
"I'm about ready to go hit the highway. stick out my thumb and moi.e to Louisiana just so I can go
back to work," he said. "It's like Hollywood has run away from home "
Myer and others hai.e gotten help from the Actors Fund, a nonprofit group that pro\1des assistance
to "distressed entertainment industry workers. Last year, the fund awarded $1 million in emergency
aid for such things as buying groceries and paying rent - about triple the amount in 2007. said
Keith McNutt, director of the Western region for the fund
"We're seeing a lot of people who just aren' t making it anymore. " he said
Although precise figures are not available, some of Hollywood' s below-the-line unions say at least
30 percent of their members are unemployed.
'The impact has been drastic on our members," said Ed Brown, business agent for Local 44 of the
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, which represents prop makers, set decorators
and special-effects workers. "The loss of one-hour dramas has caused a major spike in
unemployment because they crew so many people. "
IA TSE and other entertainment unions hai.e been lobbying lawmakers in Sacramento to extend
California' s film tax credit program, which is set to expire next year But the program has struggled
to compete with more generous in other states. New York offers four times as much in'ui= .. 2/3
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: If City ..
tax credits as California and recently tripled the credit for post-production work
New York had a record year for TV production last year and 1s on track to repeat in 2012. More than
half a dozen new fall and midseason network dramas are expected to shoot in New York this
season, including the CWs "The Carrie Diaries," CBS' "Elementary" and ABC's "666 Park AIA:!nue."
At least selA:!n new broadcast dramas will be shooting in Canada. including ABC's "Zero Hour," in
Montreal. and "Hannibal" and "Beauty and the Beast." both in Toronto. which also hosts the new
drama "The L.A. Complex," about a group of actors trying to make it .in Hollywood. Other new
dramas are being filmed in North Carolina, Georgia, Hawaii , Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and
To be sure, creatil. reasons also factor in the decision-making. It made sense to shoot "Dallas" in
Texas because the story is based there. But tax credits offered by Texas were also important, said
Michael Robin, an execut1\ producer on the senes. who is also a producer on the new cable cnme
drama "Longmire," which is set in Wyoming but filmed in New Mexico. partly to take advantage of
tax credits.
"The cost of producing these shows goes up elA:!ry year, but the bottom line doesn't," said Robin.
who is also producing the new cable drama "Major Crimes" locally. "The tax credits help close the
"The reality is, as long as Sacramento continues to balk at hav;ng real incentilA:!s, we're going to
continue to lose the most lucratil. forms of television and film production," said Paul Audley,
president of Filml.A. Inc , the nonprofit group that handles permits for the city and county. 'We're
losing tens of thousands of jobs to New York."
EIA:!n before the latest TV downturn, the local JObs cl imate was bleak, partly because of studio
cutbacks caused by the recession but also because of the long-term effects of production flight A
report by the Milken Institute estimated that California lost more than 36,000 film industry jobs and
$2.4 billion in wages between 1997 and 2008, which it attributed mainly to the effects of so-called
runaway production.
Some local craftspeople are making contingency plans.
Elion Olson, an assistant director on "The Defenders" and "Criminal Minds," has worked
sporadically since Chnstmas. When he and his wife ran out of money to buy groceries, they molA:!d
to Alabama temporarily to Iii. wi th her parents
The 41-year-old North Hollywood resident recently returned to L.A. to work part time on an ABC
show. But he isn't banking on a long-term career in the business.
He recently began taking courses to become a scuba diving instructor.
2' 3 81 d 716d
ladad$'.>ace com;1t111c; m /.rs D1;;11cl Ccnle; 1 '1 : 1 1 1 ~
https://ma1l. = . 3/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: A BIG T. ..
Fwd: A BIG THANKS - Greuel and IATSE Partner to Urge Extension of California' s
Film Tax Credits
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lac1ty org> Thu. Sep 13, 2012 at 10 15 AM
To: Da-.e Jacobson < 1 @ 2 l John Shallman <JJllll tll!l tzlll@IMSlil
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <controller greuel@
ac1ty org>
Date : September 13, 2012 8 16 32 AM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ly org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <claire bartels@lac1t y org>. Marisol Espinoza <Marr sol Esp1noza@lac1ty org>, Daniel
Tanca <Daniel Tanca@lac1ty org>, Shannon Murphy <shannon murphy@lac1ty org>
Subj ect: Fwd: A BIG THANKS - Greuel and IATSE Partner to Urge Extension of California ' s Film
Tax Credits
--- Forwarded message ---
From. Lori Moi lov ...... .
Date Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:14 PM
Subject A BIG THANKS - Greuel and IATSE Partner to Urge Extension of Cahfom1a' s Film Tax Credits
To controller greuel@laclly org
Hi Wendy,
I just wanted to thank you for being acti-.e in this As you know it has been really hard with runaway
productions I just got off the phone yesterday with a head execut1-.e at Legendary Pictures and 11 is crazy
how so many films are staying out of CA the only work if you are lucky in lhe industry is reality or some
episodic Iv. I personally seen so many fnend relocate to Atlanta and other incenti-.e states where they are
gi"1ng more bang for the buck. We need to make better in the state or we will lose our shows in
the state let alone the country I ha-.e been telling Janice Hahn that as well and can't wait to catch up with
her on the 23rd this month. We stil l need to do a power ladies spa day when we all ha...e time which I don't
see any time soon. but we will make time I am working on a TBS pilot right now then heading off on a BET
project. I ha...e been really busy. My goal 1s to keep Hollywood .. HOLLYWOOD if I can do anything in my
power or you need someone to talk for lhe industry I can help you get whom you need. I was talking
to the EP of my current show and she was like you are nght Lon. It is funny how Arnold was our go-.enor
and didn't really help the industry Our business is one of the largest exports not only for our state. but the
country we need to make sure we do e\rything we can to enhance the industry and create more work in
our state. This has a huge effect on our economics. The more spend in our stale with film and tv the more
spend and economic growth we will see I really appreciate your efforts. I would lo-.e to do lunch at some
point not sure if you are available next week I will be wrapping my show at TBS maybe we can meet at the
WB Commissary and iust chat plus catch up Otherwise, I will be off to Atlanta for a bit and Woodland
Hills. If you need any help campaign wise in making a 'v\deo or dealing with new medra let me know I ha-.e
the crew who can get it done and we can shoot it in LA LA 1s the only place m the world that has the best
production houses and production crew. I would like to keep it that way !!!! 1/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: A BIG T ..
On another note I would really 1oi.e to see more charge stations tor l:::lectnc Cars and because 1t
1s hard to trai.el when there are limited charge stations the infrastructure is not there. Maybe instead the
goi.ernment installs these stations and this could be a re-..enue stream for the go-..emment lo 1mpro-..e roads
eel. Thal 1s just an idea. I ha-..e a meeting with the head of Plug in America this week and would really lo-..e
to get your thoughts on the electric infrastructure.
Look forward hearing from you and catching up soon!
Lori Mo1lov
Production Accountant
"Norm Macdonald is Trending"
o 310 264 3977 x)1788
--- Forwarded message ---
From. Controller Wendy Greuel <controller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: Wed, Sep 12. 2012 at 444 PM
Subject. Greuel and IA TSE Partner to Urge Extension of California's Film Tax Credits
September 12. 2012
LOS ANGELES - As Los Angeles and the State of California continue to struggle through the
recovery from the Great Recession. Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel and IATSE Local
80 President Thom D a ~ s urged the. Go-..emor to support Assembly Bill 2026 and Senate Bill 1197
to extend the Cahfom1a Film Commission' s requirement to allocate tax credits through and
including the 2016-17 fiscal year. A recent study by the LAEDC concluded that dunng the first two
years of the film tax credit program. the credit generated more than $3 8 billion in economic output,
supports 20.000 1obs in Califom1a, and will return $200 million to state and local go-..emments.
"The production industry 1s an integral part of our local and state economy." said Greuel. "I applaud
Assemblymember Fuentes for his leadership in authoring and shepherding AB2026 through the
legislature. By extending these credits, productions can be planned further in adVc1nce, knowing
that credits will be available for the entire run of a production
As acti-..e supporters of a robust entertainment industry in California, Greuel and D a ~ s ha-..e and will
continue to ad\.OCate for 1ools that the State can use to keep filming here 1n California. The
implementation of the California Film and Tele"1s1on Tax Credit Program in the 2009 budget plan
has led to a re"1val in film production in-..estment in California. Film LA , the permitting agency for
Los Angeles, reports that in 2010, feature film production posted a 28 1 percent fourth quarter gain
and a gain of 8 1 percent.
"Tho ~ l : : a l o nf r'::altfnm1::a noorlc ::ac m 11r l-. :::acc:1cl::anrc ::.c nnccinlo II'\ nrnu1 lhc <>l'nnnm\/ ::.nri rro::.lo
https://mail ... 2/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: A BIG T ..
t i - _,_, __ , --lll- fft l- ,, ..... ~ ..... _..,.t it ._. .... , , __ ...,.Jt .... f-tt-- -<J ~ - .... --- - ::1- lt V _...,_,._, ,,, -W """ ---
jobs," said DalJIS uwe need to use pro..en programs that ha..e demonstrated value in keeping
production here In California "
A member of the California Film Commission for a decade. Greuel has worked on a wide-
range of entertainment industry issues the years. and has helped secure $100 m1ll1on of
filming i annually beginning fiscal year 2009-10. She' s also successfully worked to reform
Los Angeles' business policy, to modernize the city' s archaic tax system and to keep the film
industry based 1n the City of Los Angeles
IATSE Is the largest union representing workers in the entertainment Industry Their members work
in all forms of theater. motion picture and teleV1s1on production. trade shows and exhib1t1ons.
teleV1sion broadcasting, and concerts, as well as the equipment and construction shops that
support all these areas of the entertainment Industry. They represent ..;rtually all the behind the
scenes workers in crafts ranging from motion picture animator to theater usher lA TSE has a
' membership of 113.000 workers.
A copy of Controller Greuel and OaV1s' s letter to the Go-.emor is here.
This message v-as sent to 1mo11ov1<1'gm; by:
Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 North Spring Street, Room 300
Los Angeles. CA 900 12
213 G78 7200 (p)
213-978-711 l (f)
Sene! 1111s MC'c;sagc to a I rll''O
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: America ...
~ <.11 ( ...
Fwd: American Progress Reception Tonight: Confirming Logistics
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 1:03 PM
To: Alyssa Hendrie <a'; I @Jg I bbl , Rose Kapolczynski <>
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Peggy Knudson" <pknudson@arnericanprogress org>
Date: September 4. 2012 3.0342 PM EDT
To: wendy. greuel@lac1ty org
Subj ect: American Progress Reception Toni ght Confirming Logistics
Reply-To: "Peggy Knudson" <pknudson@amencanprogress org>
Dear Wendy,
We look forward to seeing you at the American Progress reception hosted by Crandall and Erskine
Bowles at their residence from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p m. tonight.
The first bus will lea-..e from the Blake Hotel (555 South McDowell St. , Charlotte, NC 28204) at 5:45
p.m. There will be a bus and se-..eral vans circulat ing to and from the reception throughout the
e-..ening. You are also welcome to hail a cab; there will be se-..eral at the Blake Hotel.
We will ha-..e a few extra umbrellas handy , but feel free to bring your own.
Refreshments and light appetizers will be sen.ed.
Warm regards,
Peggy .com/ma11/u/O/?u1 = ...
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Recent ..
I I\
\.- ,(.fll'i
Fwd: Recent article
Wendy Greuel <> Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 825 PM
To: Shannon Murphy< ' t:;@79 SS' ) Rose Kapolczynski <>, Claire Bartels
@ t ' > ' I?, John Shallman f ' )7"7
@?' ?1! Vi' ? Da\ Jacobson
'iitmn r isr o s
FYI - we will need to be prepared on some of these issues for the hollywood forum on the 19th of september -
who is taking the lead on getting ready on this one?
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
Date: September2. 201212:12: 17 PM PDT
To: wendy greuel@laclly org
Subj ect : Recent article
Hello Wendy,
lncase you ha-.en't seen the article in the latest LA Weekly Magazine wntten by Jill Stewart
then you should read it.
Its about the proposed highrise building on Hollywood & Gower.
Without getting into specifics you should know that Garcetti was one that appro\ed it.
Its on page 13 of the August 31 issue.
Jules = ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Greuel ..
Fwd: Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation and Parks on
Shuttered Cam pg rounds
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacily org> Tue. Sep 4, 2012 at 9:55 AM
To: Chnstopher Guerrero <christopher@wendygreuel org>, Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulling com>
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <controller>
Date: September 4. 2012 12:5427 PM EDT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel @l>
Cc: Claire Bartels <cla1re bartels@lac1ty erg>, Marisol Espinoza <Mansel Espinoza@lac11y erg>, Daniel Tarica
<Daniel Tarica@lac1ty org>
Subject: Fwd: Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation and Parks on Shuttered
Cam pg rounds
--Forwarded message --
From Marty And Esther <-liilliiiill
Date: Tue, Sep 4, 2012 al 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation and Parks on Shuttered
To: Controller Wendy Greuel <controlle1 greuel@lac1ty org>
Wendy it's Marty and Esther Feldman
we are very close to Rickey and Robbi
after I spoke to Rickey he asked us 1f
we wanted to help in your campaign
we immediately said yes Bob Hertzberg
used all our furniture in his campaign
I spoke to Christopher and he said our
desks were to b1g Then after not heanng
from him I called a few days ago and
he said we would get together after the
DNC meeting So we know and ha1e seen
what you have accomplished in every
position you ha1e gotten imolved with
Hope to hear from you when you get back
Best regards Marty & Esther Feldman
Sent from Marty's 1Phone
On Aug 29. 2012, at 3:23 PM, "Controller Wendy Greuel" <conlroller greuel@lacrty org> wrote
..__. ___ ''--11 ---.... .... - - - ' - " ' ~ : 1 1 .. rn/..,,,,_
1/ 3
City of Los Angel es Mail - Fwd: Greuel ..
August 29, 2012
Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation
and Parks on Shuttered Campgrounds
Citizen Tip to Controller's Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline Prompts Investigation
LOS ANGELES - As the City struggles to find funds to prolAde safe and welcoming parks and
recreation facilities. City Controller Wendy Greuel found that the Department of Recreation and
Parks has spent more than $2 million In publ ic dollars to operate three campgrounds which have
been closed to the public for over ten years. These findings are a result of a waste, fraud and
abuse invesl1gation. following a complaint receil.ed through the Controller's Fraud, Waste and
Abuse hothne
"At a time when the City's budget situation has limited the ser\Aces that the Department of
Recreation and Parks pro111 des, I urge City leaders lo decide 1f maintaining these shuttered, unused
campgrounds are a pnonty." said City Controller Greuel. "Without a plan In place. wasting more
than S2 million on campgrounds that no resident can use 1s unacceptable
The Controller's investigation re-..ealed that.
While Camps Valcrest and Radford haw been closed to the public for 20 and 13 years.
respectively. the City has paid $2 million for caretakers to h-..e at the camps
The City has paid near1y $100.000 for water to be trucked up lo Camp Valcrest.
The Wlldlands Conservancy offered to pay $616.000 to co\ef repairs at Camp Valcresl; however,
the Department failed to meet the contingency demands, so two years later the Conservancy
wtthdrew their offer.
The Department mamlains that it cannot open and operate the parks until all repairs needed are
completed. Though there is a plan to reopen Camp Radford, there is currently no t1meline to do so
due to lack of Identified funding
Greuel also found that the Department paid more than $217.000 for the purchase and installation of
a mobile home at Decker Canyon Camp The Department never obtained the proper permits for
installallon and realized after the purchase lhat the road to the camp was unable to accommodate
the mobile home for installation. Instead of d1scontinu1ng monthly lease payments dunng the 3-
year term based on the failure to obtain permits. the Department had to store and ulhmately
demolish the mobile home after 10 years because 11 had deteriorated so badly
"This is another example of a depar1ment that did not keep a close watch O\er each and every
expenditure. The City cannot afford lo continue on with a 'business as usual' attitude and must ask
the difficult questions to allocate the City's resources most effecllvely," said Greuel
Controll er Greuel has conducted more than 60 audits and uncovered more than $130 million thal
lhe City has lost to wasteful spending, fraudulent aclllAty. and abuse of city resources the last
three years
For more information, log on to the Website of Los Angeles Controller Wendy Greuel
http //controller.lac 1y org.
To report Waste. Fraud or Abuse, please contact the Controller's hothne at 866-428- 151 4.
A copy of Controller Greuel' s letter to the Department of Recreation and Parks 1s attaclied
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Greuel ...
This message wa s ~ c n t lo ml t: lv <'" ' ' Md 1-:i m by .
Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel
20 0 Nortt1 Spring St ree t , Room 300
Los Angel es, CA 900 I 2
213 976 7200 (p)
213 9711 72 11 ( f }
https: //mail mail/ u/O/ ?ui = ...
3/ 3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Greuel Fl...
f- l I\
':'- ; - 011 C'
Re: Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation and Parks on
Shuttered Campgrounds
Rose Kapolczynski <>
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy>
Tue, Sep 4, 2012 al 11 :09 AM
Cc: Christopher Guerrero <>
This is probably because I asked Christopher to put a desk in the office for me.
Sent ffom the road
Rose Kapolczynsk1
323-254-5700 ofc
J'S SP???? r ell
On Sep 4, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Wendy Greuel <wenoy greuel@lac1ly org> wrote
Wendy Greuel
Sent ffom my iPhone
Begin forwarded message
From: Controller Greuel <controller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: September 4, 2012 12.54.27 PM EDT
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Claire Bartels <clal re bartels@lac11y org>. Marisol Espinoza <Marisol Esp1noza@lac1ty org>. Daniel Tarica
<Dani el Tarica@lac11y org>
Subject: Fwd: Greuel Fi nds More Than $2 Mi llion Wasted by Department of Recreati on and Parks on Shuttered
Ca mpgrounds
--Forwarded message --
From: Marty And Esther
Date. Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Re Greuel Finds More Than $2 M111lon Wasted by Department of Recreallon and Parks on Shuttered
To Controller Wendy Greuel <conlroller greuel@lac1ty org>
Wendy It's Marty and Esther Feldman
we are i,.ery close to Rickey and Robbi
after I spoke to Rickey he asked us If
we wanted to help in your campaign
we 1mmed1ately said yes Bob Hertzberg
used all our furniture in his campaign
I spoke to Christopher and he said our
desks were to btg. Then after not hearing
from him I called a few days ago and
he said we would get together after the
DNC meeting. So we know and ha\e seen
what you ha\e accomplished in e\ery
position you ha\e gotten lm.ol-.ed with
Hope to hear from you when you get back
Best reQards Martv & Esther Feldman .. 1/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Greuel Fi .
- .
Sent from Marty's iPhone
On Aug 29, 2012, at 3'. 23 PM, "Controller Wendy Greuel" <controller greuel@lac1ty. org> wrote
August 29, 2012
Greuel Finds More Than $2 Million Wasted by Department of Recreation
and Parks on Shuttered Campgrounds
Cirizen Tip to Controller's Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline Prompts Investigation
LOS ANGELES - As the City struggles to find funds to pro"1de safe and welcoming parks and
recreatmn facilities, City Controller Wendy Greuel found that the Department of Recreation and
Parks has spent more than $2 million in public dollars to operate three campgrounds which haw
been closed lo the public for owr ten years. These findings are a result of a waste, fraud and
abuse inwstlgatlon, following a complaint rece1\ed through the Controller's Fraud, Waste and
Abuse hotline
"At a time when the City's budget situation has hm1ted the sel\1ces that the Department of
Recreation and Parks pro"1des, I urge City leaders to decide 1f maintaining these shuttered, unused
campgrounds are a pnority: said City Controller Greuel "Without a plan in place, wasting more
than $2 million on campgrounds that no resident can use Is unacceptable.
The Controller's 1nwsligat1on rewaled that:
While Camps Valcrest and Radford ha1.e been closed to the public for 20 and 13 years,
respecliwly, the City has paid $2 million for caretakers to liw at the camps
The City has paid nearly $100,000 for water to be trucked up to Camp Valcrest.
The Wi ldlands Conservancy offered to pay $616.000 to repairs at Camp Valcrest. howewr,
the Department failed to meet the contingency demands, so two years later the Conservancy
withdrew their offer
The Department maintains that it cannot open and operate the parks until all repairs needed are
completed Though there is a plan to reopen Camp Radford, there is currently no t1meline to do so
due to lack of identified funding
Greuel also found that the Department paid more than $217,000 for the purchase and installation of
a mobile home at Decker Canyon Camp. The Department newr obtained the proper permits f0<
installation and realized after the purchase that the road to the camp was unable to accommodate
the mobile home for installation Instead of discontinuing monthly lease payments dunng the 3-
year term based on the failure to obtain permits, the Department had to store and ultimately
demolish the mobile home after 10 years because 1t had detenorated so badly.
"This 1s another example of a department that did not keep a close watch each and ewry
expenditure. The City cannot afford to continue on with a ' business as usual' attitude and must ask
the difficult questions lo allocate the City's resources most effectiwly," said Greuel.
Controller Greuel has conducted more than 60 audits and uncowred more than $130 million that .. 2/3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re Greuel Fi..
the City has lost to wastel\JI spending. traudulent ac111.11y, ano abuse ot city resources the last
three years
For more information, log on 10 the Website of Los Angeles Controller Wendy Greuel :
hllp //controller lac11y 019
To report Waste. Fraud or Abuse, please contact the Controllers hotline at 866-428-1514.
A copy of Controller Greuel 's letter to the Department of Recreation and Parks is atlached
This mcc;sagc se"t 10 "'' " l::ir:. ;i 1 rr.,, by:
Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 North Spring Street, Room 300
Los An9cl1?s, CA 900 1
)1 > '1711 7100 (p)
llj"H" 7211 (f) = ...
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Newsfla ...
I J\
\- ' .... c:.1 re"
Fwd: Newsflash: EV Charging Station Reports and EV Everywhere participation
J3636331 I@
We should re\1ew this - I think we are not prepared for EV's and should push to get the city to be a leader
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message
From: Luskin Center for Innovation <tlara@pubhcaffa1rs ucl a edu>
Date: August 17, 2012 9 15:54 AM PDT
To: wendy greuel@lacity org
Subject Newsflash: EV Charging Station Reports and EV Everywhere participation
Reply-To: llara@publ1caffa1rs.ucla edu
Having trouble viewing this email? Click hc1e
''llpgr,1d i11 g o ur C' l1 t Int v1 '1i l"il' c hdl'!.!lflg 111 f l':1slr11clure i\ )'l'l 11rnt lwr nppnr 111111 l\' In
( l1 \.'1
IV \ l ( f' 1 l.1 1-. ' 1' ;- .t\\,1) 1111111
11il l , d1t1 Jl, d1pt111l11 i. \ ',.incl \\', IStl' ,!lld I t)
mtWL' ml () the f,1, 1 I. 'h tn\\',lf'tl" ,1 1lP.1111 r . 111,111r l111un.'' - \\ 1\'11r \ 'il l,1r:ll!.!ll',1
,, .--,
Accessible and affordable chflrging options will facilitale the switch to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs).
Making such charging available to those withouL single-family homes is pnrt1cularly complex. The
Luskin Center for Innovation is exploring solutions to this challenge. We are pleased to
debut two reports which anal yze the financial vlabll 1 ty of mu! tl-un1 tdwelli ng and publicly-acces1 hie
charging stations in the Los Angeles region.
Increasing Electric Vehicle Charging Access in Multi-Unit Dwellings
https://mail'ui= ...
This report identifies barriers, evaluates
existing policies, and recommends policy
options to address the challenges facing
chargi ng in multi-unit dweUings in the
City of Los Angeles. Many
recommendations are transferable to
any organization trying to create multi-
unit-dweHlng-ori ented charging
programs. Read more here.
1/ 3
Ctty of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Newsfla ...
...... l I\' t .... , , t" \11

1 lcctric VPhi cl1
Ch ir:,:ing Arn-. ... 1n
rv1u lti Unit D1.vellr nt:" in
Lu' Angelf' s
This report was written by UCLA Luskin
graduate students Jud ith Balmin, Greg
Bonett, and Mega n Kirkeby, and led by
Professor j.R. DeShazo.
----------------Studies show that most PEV charging
Frn.inci;d Viabi lity Of
Cl 0ctric Vehicl e'
Charging Stati ons
currently takes place in the home. In
order for PEVs to gai n widest consumer
adoption, it is critical fo r an
infrastr ucture of electric vehicle supply
equipment (EVSE) to exist outside the
home. This repor t analyzes the financial
viability of non-residential PEV charging
stations in the Los Angeles metro area.
Read more here.
This repor t was written by UCLA
Anderso n School of Management
graduate students Daniel Chang, Daniel
Erstad, Ellen Lin, Alicia Falken Rice, Chia
Tzun Goh, An-An (Angel) Tsao, and led
by Assistant Professor Jason Snyder.
Luskin Center Experts Advise the Development of "EV Everywhere,"
the U.S. Department of Energy's Grand Challenge in Plug-In Electric
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Newsfla ...
j R. DeShazo, Luskin Center Director. and Breu Williams. EV and Alternative
Fuels Program Director. participated in an invite-only workshop to help the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) devel op Its "EV Everywhere" Grand
The stakeholder input provided will help DOE In its quest to enable U.S.
companies to be amongst the urst in the world to produce PEVs that are as
affordable and convenient for the average American family as today's gasoline-
powered vehicles -and to do so within the next 10 years.
Oavid Sancl,1low,
Assistant Secretary of Policy and lnter m1tional Affairs,
U.S. Department or Energy
~ J o t n o u r
~ Mailing List Like us on F.Jcebook Cl
Forward t his email
ThLS errall was sent to wendy by 1
Update Proflte/ Errail Address Instant rerroval with SafeUnsubscribe"' Privacy Policy.
Constant Contact
l Luskin Center for Innovation I 3323 Luskin School of Pubric Affairs I Los Angeles I CA I 90095-1656 == .
City of Los Angeles Marl - Fwd: Call, Wr .
f . l I\
\.- . - (,I I<.._
Fwd: Call , Write, Email , Fax Your Legislator!
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org>
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11 :39 AM
p , Da\. Jacobson
To. Rose Kapolczynsk1 <>, Shannon Murphy
tllllilllllil-->. John Shallmail illililm
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Women Against Gun Violence" <wagv@wagv org>
Date: August 14, 2012 11 38.24 AM PDT
To: wendy greuel@laclly org
Subject Call , Write, Email, Fax Your Legislator!
If ' , , I v I' : . ()II j . HI
Hell o WAGV Act ivis ts!
VOl fl l
, ' 11 I ~ "
There is a lot going on in the California Legislature and your effons are needed to keep California safe!
SB 136'1 (Hepurt Los t a111I Stolen (;un.;) will require e\ el) person whose fircann is lost or stolen to notify
local law enforcement within 48 hours of the time the person knows or reasonably should know that the
fireann has been lost or stolen. Law En forcen'X!nl's early awareness of evel) los t and s tolen gun will
enhance their ability to recover those guns and reduce gun 'iolence and gun tmflicking!
fhe California Assembly should be voting on this bill kiter this wceJ... Earlier in the year. at our Annual
Brunch. 1mny or you signed pos tcards in suppon of this imponant legislation. \ i lll' "'" l!llC'UllrtlJ.:I! J'Oll f(J
t 1111. wrifl!, e11111il, 11r ji1x y1111r St aft /.e;:i,\loton und <!xprt!.\ .\ y1111r '"Jlporf jor S/J 1366.
SR 2.JQ (Asi. aul1 Wea pun:- ) will clarify existing law to conform to the original intent of California's assaull
\\eapons ban. a ban thal ic; currently being deliberately circumvented and undem1ined by gun
manufacturers .
Today 111 California. despite our alrmst ::!5-year old assault weapons ban. mrnufacturers are selling weapons
similar to the type used in /\ urora. Colorado in d ircct 'iolatinn of both the letter and spirit of our state law.
This attempt to erode our public safety is not new. Since the passage of the assau lt weapons ban. gun
1ranu focturers have wor!..ed 10 find a myriad of wa) s to circul1l\ ent the "is he-; of Californians . ==. . 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: call, Wr ..
, tlt3 llttflw .avu u v .. HI\.. ;su11 uK&11u10\..Ut\.o.t.> no''"' tvuu o ua) LV ""''f-'1\ ..11i 011 111\..Vll.lJ..)\\,.tl\..) 111 vu \..UU\.IU
regulations . The gun ind us ti) is undennining our safct) selling weapons fitted \\ith bullet buuons - a
tool .. used to re1rovc the arrmunition 1mgazine. The) interpret this slight alteration as 1ro"-ing the firearm
.. California cOn1)1iant ... But make no mis take - these \\Capons remain assault \\Upons and still hold
ammunition magazi nes that can be s"itched out in seconds and fire an es timated SO - 60 rounds per
minute. They have no use for hunt ing or personal protection and represent a tremendous threat to our
public safety.
In response to the gun manufacturers blatant disregard for the will of Californians. State Senator Leland Yee
has in troduced Sena le 13ill 2.t9. co-authored by Senate President Pro Tern Steinberg. Senator De Leon,
Assembly Member Feuer and Assembly Member Portantino Senate Bill 249 will. if passed, clarify existing
lav. to conform to the orig.inn! intent of the assault weapons ban and will affirn1 that bullet button-equipped
fireanns are illegal ass au It weapons. This bill also will con firn1 that the California Dcpartrrc nt of Justice has
the authorit) to update and bring in to compliance existing regulations concerning asi.ault weapons. It
<:riticul 1h11t ro11 cull, ll'rite. email. or f11x y1111r \1111<' l .t;.:i\ /111111, 11 11d ,r1111r "'flfl"rtfor Sil ]4
) 1111 n111fi11rlyo11r ( 11/ij11mi11 \ ftomha 1111d tllL' 1111111hu 111wl/111 ltttp: "l IJ-:.: Ui1J1
1111111f'1 I'll re Ii
l lir: !1 1,. .. , 1
/'or 11111re i11jor111utio11 '"' thi1> le;:i.\lutiun ti\ well 11.1 (lt/ia
1cmihh ;:1111 lc;:i\/u/io11. l'i1it our uch\il l! 111 w11gr.11r;:
8800 Vcn1rc Blvrl. I Angelec;, CA 90031 LIS
wendy I t "! t 1 .. ce.,1111r1 ,, , mr. pl-' :-.C'
,,11 ,
I ti l 11 , 1l. I,, I If ( ,
manage 1 p 11 frc nr-' opt out , 1111 TrueRl.'movc"'
Em.11I Now . ,. I ti-
httni; nnonlP .
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: City ca ..
; ; LI\
\-- _,,,,,.,
I 1
Fwd: City Campaign Finance Laws: Input Needed
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org> Mon. Aug 6, 2012 at 9:50 PM
To: John Shallm Ltd gg; ll2 IHI 17 . Rose Kapolczynski <>. Claire Bartels
91b S' O J > .Dal. Jacobson . Shannon Murphylflllilla
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message.
From: "Ethics Policy" <ethics policy@lac1ty org>
Date: August 6, 2012 5:06:52 PM PDT
To: "Wendy Greuel" <wendy greuel@lacity org>
Subject: City Campaign Finance Laws: Input Needed
las angeles
:d'.:.:_: ..
: - - ~ f ~
''\ ...
Campaign Finance Laws What Do You Think?
The Ethics Commission is conducting a comprehensi-.e re1.1ew of the City's campaign finance
laws. At its next meeting on August 9, 2012. the Commission will consider ordinance language
to implement approl.d recommendations to improl. the City's campaign finance laws. The
proposal also includes sel.ra1 new recommendations regarding fundra1sing and contributions,
the matching funds program. and disclosure and disclaimers.
The draft ordinance language. along with the rest of the meeting agenda can be found on-line at
the Ethics Commission's website As always. we welcome your input on changes to the City's
campaign finance laws. We encourage you to get imoll.d by sending your thoughts.
comments, and suggestions \Aa email to the Commission at ethics policy@laclly org.
The Commission meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall Room 1060. Agendas are generally
posted on the Ethics Commission's website the Friday before the meeting.
T hts message was sent to wenoy greuel@laetty orq by
Los Angeles Eth I c:s Comm1ss on
200 N Spring Streel
httns: //ma1f ..
Sent Us., g
1...11y na11, L"Hn r1oor
Los Angeles. CA 90017
(213) 978-1960
Un subscribe:
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: City ca ..
If you would l1kt to be removed from this list, please click here.
1ttps://mall = ...
, .,. 11 1 1 1 ~ ..... r, 11
City of Los Angeles Mail - Water bottles
~ l I\
\- ...... C..1 I ( '
Water bottles
Wendy Greuel <> Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:08 PM
To: Shannon Murphylilllll!!l"1i. Rose Kapolczynski <>, Claire Bartels
< I ff I I { I I &I >
Just re"1ewed your emails and looked at the bottles. Just want to
make sure we are not cnticized for plastic water bottles (i. e Torie
\IS Betsy and the baby bottles) Any concerns there?
Sent from my iPad
httos: I /mail .
t LI\
r -..{,f IC o.,
. ,
Re: Water bottles
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Water bo ..
Wendy Greuel <> Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7: 15 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>
Cc: Shannon Murph , Claire
I belie-.e she was criticized for them be because they were plastic?
Not sure it is a big deal , but want to make sure we are aware.
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:10 PM. Rose Kapolczynskt <rose@rosekconsull tng com> wrote:
>They are SPA free.
>On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:08 PM. Wendy Greuel wrote:
> Just re\Aewed your emails and looked at the bottles. Just want to
> make sure we are not cnt1cized for plastic water bottles (i.e. Torie
> vs Betsy and the baby bottles). Any concerns there?
> Sent from my iPad
> = ..
1/ 1
Oty of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Water bo ...
"' =
t l /\
"c" ~ <,I I I '.
. ,
Re: Water bottles
Rose Kapolczynski <>
To Wendy Greuel <>
Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7: 10 PM
Cc: Shannon Murphy Claire Bartels
They are BPA free.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 7.08 PM, Wendy Greuel wrote:
Just re'-1ewed your emails and looked at the bottles Just want to
make sure we are not criticized for plastic water bottles (i.e. Torie
vs Betsy and the baby bottles). Any concerns there?
Sent from my iPad
1ttps://mail ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Water bo ..
..,, C. I I I 'l
Re: Water bottles
Wendy Greuel <> Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7: 15 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <>
Cc. Shannon Murphy g t __ I @ \ Claire Bartels 'lt'lllli(illlf li@m' llls'lllnt">
My apologies - I sent this from the wrong email - pis respond to my
personal email
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsull1ng com> wrote:
> They are BPA free.
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 708 PM, Wendy Greuel wrote:
> Just re..;ewed your emails and looked at the bottles. Just want to
> make sure we are not criticized for plastic water bottles (i.e. Tori e
> \IS Betsy and the baby bottles). Any concerns there?
> Sent from my iPad
https://ma 11 = ...
Ctty of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Discuss10 ..
I' LI\
\.-- .... ,. , . '
Re: Discussion on Nuclear Safety & Community Service Picnic
Rose Ka polczynski <rose@rosekconsulttng com>
To: Wendy Greuel <Wendy>
Sat. Jul 7, 2012 at 4 07 PM
Cc Chnstopher Guerrero <>. Shannon MurphYW11t>. Claire Bartelllllllla
This raises another nuclear issue
Haw you taken a position on the San Onofre nuclear plant? It has been closed for months because of safety issues Many enwos are calling
for 11 to be permanently closed or for greater safety measures before the license 1s renewed Boxer has been In a ask-tough-questions mode as
chair of the Enwonment committee
This would be a legitimate issue for the mayor of LA to weigh 1n on. since any accident there would of course affect LA. But it is the rare issue that
does not tiaw a city budget implication
On the campaign side 1t could sel you apart and rally progressiw and en111ronmental act11.1 sts
On Jul 7, 2012. at 12 28 PM Wendy Greuel wrote
I assume you get this?
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message
From: Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley <hstaomin@dpsfvc()('\'l>
Date: July 7, 2012 8:25.56 AM PDT
To: wendy greuel@taclly org
Subject: Discussion on Nuclear Safety & Communi ty Service Picnic
DPSFV News for Wendy Greuel
Valley Democrats United
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 7:00pm
Van Nuys State Building Auditorium, 6150 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys CA
There are serious problems in this country with nuclear power safety. Learn about the risks we face
Would you believe.
we have 23 "Mark r' nuclear reactors in this country with the same flawed design at Fukushima?
government scientists warned 40 years ago that these reactors are seriously flawed?
the only fix in all that time to prevent an accidental release of radiation 1s (mi nd bogglingly) to
'""'"ria fnr ::in i ntantinn::i l rola::ic:o nf r::irii::itinn? = ...
City of Los Angeles Mall - Re: D1scuss10 ...
f""'l-1- f-1 -It ... ""''
Richard M. Mathews will talk about these and other problems with nuclear power safety. Should we
have a dire concern about radiation from Fukushima? From Santa Susana Field Laboratory? Can
it happen here again? What can we do with nuclear waste? 'MY::J will be liable for an accident?
How will we handle evacuations?
You will want to attend this meeting and learn about these crucial problems that can affect you so
much. Richard starts from a foundation of sound science, and makes a complex topic easy to
understand. Facts do matter, and from from a pos1llon of truth and honesty we will be able to
develop strong policy.
Richard was a physics major at Caltech and is now a computer system architect. He is a member of
VDU and Vice President of the North Valley Democratic Club. Richard serves on the County
Central Committee and on the state party's Executive Board and Legislation Committee. Richard's
work got the Cali fornia Democratic Party for the first time to have a platform item on nuclear power
safety It calls for fiXJng or decommissioning these unsafe Marl< I reactors
Our bi-annual club elections for board members and officers will be held al this meeting before the
presentation begins so please be on time!
Valley Grassroots Picnic
Saturday, July 21, 2012 - 11 :OOam
North Hollywood Park, Magnolia and Tujunga, Valley Village, CA
It's Valley Grassroots' famous and wonderful picnic.
Spend a day with good people. good food and good work. We will be making safe sex packets for
PLANNED PARENOOD and collecting toiletries for the homeless.
Free for members and $15 for non-members (which happens to be the cost of membership)
Cilek to RSVP: http //dpsfv cornlnode/794#
Become a VGFD member and get In for free at https //secure aclblue comtpage/vgfddues2012
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Google .
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lacity org> Sun, May 27. 2012 at 5:45 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <>, Shannon Murphy :
What do u think?
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google corn>
Date: May 27, 2012 4:35:42 PM PDT
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty org
Subject: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Jim Newton Wendy Greuel's and the LA mayor's race latimescom
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
It's 1.ery early in the L.A. mayor's race, but City Controller Wendy G re ue I has the hot hand right
www lat1mes com/ /la-oe-newton-wendy-greuel-20120528 0, ...
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Google Al..
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Re: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Rose Ka polczynski <>
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@lacity org>
Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:08 PM
Cc: Shannon Murphy j?b? p ' ; O I
Terrific! It is a gift at this poi nt in the race to haw a piece lfke this describing you as ha\Ang momentum and playing
the hot hand
Obviously good work on your part threading the needle at the forum.
It also us some cl ues on thi ngs we can work on - the ''-.-\sion thing" and what he as the other candidates'
On May 27. 2012, at 5:45 PM, Wendy Greuel wrote.
What do u think?
Wendy Greuel
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google com>
Date: May 27, 2012 435:42 PM PDT
To: wendy .greuel@lac1t y org
Subject Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Jim Newton Wendy Greuel's and the L A mayor's race latrmescom
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
It's ...ery early in the LA. mayor's race, but Ci ty Controller Wendy Greuel has the hot hand right
www lalrmes com/ .lla-oe-newt on-wendy-greuel-20120528 0, ...
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City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Google ..
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <> Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:59 PM
To. John Shallman l . 2 !@ 3
Sent from my i Pad
Begin forwarded message
From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@googie com>
Date: March 9, 2012 10:23:41 PM PST
To: wendy greue1@lac1ty org
Subject Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Poht1cs lights a fire under LA Fire Department
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
He also criticized another opponent. City Controller Wendy Greuel. for failing to scrutinize the
impact of the cuts Relying on Fire Department reports ...
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City of Los Angeles Mai l - Fwd: Google ...
t .. LI\
'c . ._(,I I< C.,
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <>
To: Da"4d Dent <da\4d@wendygreuel org>. Da-.e Jacobson S SY
Wed, Dec 21 , 2011 at 6:23 PM
- John Shallman
J ii 1 ., -- , Dean Schramm <>. lllfiilllil!j
Not bad for us
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google com>
Date: December 21 . 2011 4:59.40 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty og
Subject: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Enc Garcetti Wrote Measure H - Now He's Workrng Its Loophol es
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
He is setting a frenzied pace. though Controller Wendy Greuel and Austin Beutner, the former
deputy mayor, are in hot pursuit. "It's ob"1ously an insider ...
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Google Al. ..
- Geres
Re: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
John Shallman <bssb II Tl 1>
To Wendy Greuel <wendy>
Wed, Dec 21 , 2011at6.34 PM
ec Da....;d Dent <>' Da-.e Jacobsor-. 1 - - - l l @ M @ ~ ... I Dean Schramm
<dean@theschrammgroup com>, ' " -<4 &t"l @LIJ!llllll
On Wed, Dec 21 , 2011 at 6.23 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org> wrote
Not bad for us
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message
From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google com>
Date: December 21 , 2011 4' 59:40 PM PST
To: wendy greuel@lacity erg
Subject: Google Al ert - Wendy Greuel
Enc Garcett1 Wrote Measure H - Now He's Working Its Loopholes
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
He is setting a frenzied pace, though Controller Wendy Greuel and Austin Beutner, the fonner
deputy mayor, are in hot pursuit. "It's ob"1ously an insider ...
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CITY C..
Wendy Greuel <> Fri, May 20, 2011 at 9:51 AM
To: John Shallman
Sent rrommy iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <controller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: May 20, 2011 9' 24:55 AM PDT
To: Claire Bartels <cla1re bartels@lac1ty org>
Cc: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org>. Daniel Tarica <Daniel Tanca@lacity org>, Marisol
Espinoza <Mansol. Espinoza@l ac1ty org>
--Forwarded message --
From Barragan, Armando R. -ND <Armando R Barragan@abc com>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2011 at 5:29 PM
To: Controller Greuel <controller.greuel@lac1ty org>
The mayor's office has sent us a statement re "gold card desk 'See below Is there a
response to this statement from Gruel's office?
Please advise.
Armando Barragan
Assignment Editor. ABC7
Hi there,
https: // ?ul = ..
1/ 4
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: CITY C. ..
For your information, some facts.
This customer ser.1ce feature (the so-called "gold card desk") has
been in place for at least 15 years. The Controller should know this
because as a Councilmember she \Qted "yes" to award a fi\.e-year
contract to LAOOTs current \.endor, Affiliated Computer Ser.1ces,
State and Local Solutions (ACS) (Council File 03-2245, February 24,
2006). This included the Gold Card Desk ser.1ce.
In fact. while ser.1ng on the Council, her office used this ser.1ce to
assist constituents. For example, in an e-mail from her then-Council
office staff dated June 26, 2006, then-Councilmember Greuel requested
assistance from the Gold Card Desk for a constituent who was ha"1ng
difficulty resoll.1ng a citation issues with LAOOT.
As recently as No\.ember 6. 2006 when then-Counc1lmember Greuel ser-.ed
on the City Council. the department pro1.1ded her with a report that
specifically identifies the "Gold Card Sel"v1ces" ("Parking Citation
Collection Task Force Progress Report", Appendix B, p.8; Council File
03-2245-51). It specifically describes the "Gold Card Sennces" as
follows: "' Manage the outreach program for high-le1.el city officials,
high profile complaints, and public record requests"
As chair of the City Council's Transportation Committee
then-Councilmember Greuel was briefed on all aspects of the
department's operations and was fully aware of the Gold Card desk. For
example, i n 2007 and 2008. LADOT staff briefed the Mayor' s and City
Council field offices about the parking citation process as well as
the adjudication process so that they pro"1ded better ser.1ce to our
As another example, on March 26, 2007, then-Councilmember Greuel was
adl.1sed in writing by LADOT that Council offices would be recel"1ng
briefings about parking citation Issues. On March 25. 2008, LAOOT
briefed then-Councilmember Greuel's field staff about parking c1tat1on
issues in her field office In the PowerPoint presentation prol.1ded
to your Council office staff, the Gold Card Desk was specifically
identified and discussed.
Please let me know If you ha1.e further questions
From: mansol espinoza@laci ty org [mailto mansol esp1noza@lac1ty org] On Behalf Of Controller
Greuel ma1l/u/ O/?u1 == . .
Crty of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Last Cal.
, =
\.- . : - C,f I I ..
Fwd: Last Call:Will a Business Builder be our next Mayor?
Wendy Greuel <wendy>
To: Shannon Murphy & 2 p I j@
Mon. Nov 14, 2011 at 9.54 AM
C , Jacobson lldliitil& ... lli .. 5.., >, John Shallman
.. : : ;; @ gj' r g:i >
Sent from my l Phone
Begin forwarded message.
From: Mary Leshe <mleshe@labusinesscounc1I org>
Date: 14, 2011 9.08 15 AM PST
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@taclly org>
Subject: FW: Last Call :Wi ll a Business Buil der be our next Mayor?
From: Cal ifornia CEO Forum <>
Reply-To: "" <mail@cal ceoforum com>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov201110:02:34 -0800
To: Microsoft Office User <>
Subj ect: Last Cal l :Will a Business Builder be our next Mayor?
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: last Cal ..
Californi a CEO Forum Presents:
Our No..ember 16th breakfast speaker will be Austin Beutner. former First Deputy Mayor of the
City of Los Angeles and a candidate to succeed Anthony Villaraigosa as Mayor of the City
Mr. Beutner brings a remarkable background. m both business and publlc service, to his quest
for what would be his first elected pos1t1on.
He spent the last year and a half working as deputy to Mayor Vlllaraigosa. at $1 per year, stri...,ng
to make the City more effi cient, business-friendly and responsive to its residents. He also
ran the Department of Water & Power for six months.
He 1s credited with helping to persuade Google to open a major facility in Venice. getting the
Gensler architectural firm to mo-.e its 250-person office from Santa Monica to downtown Los
Angeles; lunng Chinese electric car maker BYD to the Cily, and easing the way for reconstruction
of the Wilshi re Grand Hotel He also helped obtain a 3-year tax holi day for firms that mo-.e to
the city
His candidacy 1s endorsed by former Mayor Ri chard Ri ordan, who was the person who
persuaded Mr. Beutner to lea..e an extraordinarily successful career in the private sector to ser-.e
in City Hall.
At 29, he became the youngest person to be named a partner at Blackstone. one of the world's
leading pnvale equity firms. He went on to co-found the m-.estment banking firm Evercore
Partners with former Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Allman.
After the fall of the So...,et Union. at the request of the U S State Department he led a team that
helped Russia transition to a market economy
Facing a crowded field, he says he is running for Mayor because "We need to change the culture
of City Hall from one that says 'no' to new ideas to one that says 'yes' - one that will tum those
ideas into realilles "
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
7:30am-8am Buffet breakfast
Sam - 9am Program
$65 registration includes breakfast
To register, go lo www calceoforum com and cl ick the register button
John Thrasher Managing Director.
Management Resources Group
Ange l es Capital Group, LLC
Morgan Stanl ey Smi th Barney
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
Management Resources Group
Alexa nder Auerbach & Co., Inc. .. 2/8
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: The Un ...
t' LI\
'c <ii I C '.
Fwd: The Unpolitician
Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@laclty org> Fri . May 6, 2011 at 3 40 PM
To: John Shallman om>, Da\.1d Thrasher lilMI Sarah Seo
<>, Michelle Mara'v1ch Dean Schramm
Sentwommy iPhone
Begin forwarded message.
From: Controll er Greuel <controller gre1..el@lac1ty org>
Date: May 6. 2011 318:32 PM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lactly org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <claire bartels@lac1ty org>. Mari sol Espinoza <Manso! Espinoza@lac1ty org>
Subject: Fwd: FW: The Unpoliticia n
--Forwarded message --
From Ll oyd Grei f <gre1f@gre1fco com>
Date. Fri , May 6, 2011 at 2 57 PM
Subject FW The Unpolit1c1an
To "controller greuel@lac1ty org" <controller greue@lac1ty org>
Hi, Wendy
I thought you might find the email bel ow- which I JUSI interest
Lloyd Gre1fl President & CEO I Greif
633 West Fifth Street. 65th Floor I Los Angeles. CA 90071
213 346 9255 direct I 213 3L1 6 9260 fax
gre1f@gre1fco com I www gre1fco com
https:/ / mail ma il/ u/ O/?ui = ...
1/ 4
City of Los Angeles Maif - Fwd: The Un ..
From: Austin Beutner [ma1ltoaust1n@austinforla org]
Sent: Fnday, May 06, 2011 2.50 PM
Subject: The Unpolit1cian
Fnends -
. '.
Thank you all for your 1ncred1ble support As soon as we announced I was exploring running for
mayor of our great city. the phone calls, ematls. letters and (yes I) e1.en faxes started pouring m l am
humbled by the response -your support has con'.inced me more than that 1t 1s time for us to
build a new Los Angeles
You ha1.e heard the big news - l was pn'-ileged to recei1.e the endorsement of my fnend - and our
former Mayor - Richard Riordan.
Mayor Riordan was a champion of JOb creation, which Los Angeles 1s in dtre need of now
1'1.e included below Mayor Riordan' s op-ed published last week. in the Daily News, explaining why he
endorsed me
You can also read it here
The campaign 1s just two weeks old - and the election 22 months away - but we're ready and raring
to go The one thing you can do to help 1s to spread the word At this point 1'1.e got the lowest name
recognition in the race I'm not a natural poltt1c1an, l don t ha1.e a career in LA City politics to bank
on I need your help to tal k to people, tell them who f am, a little bit about what I' ve done
and what I want to bring to this city. ..
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: The Un ..
Mayor Riordan's op-ed will help - and so Wlll lhe current issue of Los Angeles Magazine. This month
Los Angeles magazine put out a profile of my work for the Mayor while at City Hall It's a well-timed
profile for the campaign - grab a copy while it's still on the newsstand and take a look You II find 1t
on page 60, its titled "The Unpolitician'' You can use Mayor Riordan' s op-ed and the LA
Magazine profile to spread the word about my work and my candi dacy for Mayor.
Send me any thoughts you ha\ about the profile - aust1n@austmforla org - Im eager hear what
you're thinking
Thank you for e\erylhing you are doing - and going to do - for our campaign Together we II make
this city great again
Austin Beutner
P S We're building out our website - but for now you can tell people to "1Sit
http //www AustmForLA org to stgn up to get updates like this tram the campaign.
11 " 11 - 1 1 - -, gro1l@9rcHco com
. . ' . 1 1 ,. 1--1 1 1 ~ -t 11 uJ1! t ....
rrianago . 1 : , oI out . ' Ir I ~ f.!1 nor,. L
" , " 1 ' ,, Srgn up Iii I
t I
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. LI\
... (,ff (..,
Fwd: Mayor's race
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Mayor's ...
Wendy Greuel <>
To: John Shallman
Tue. Apr 19, 2011at10.12 PM
, Claire Bartels mslilfllli@illli--I
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <conl roller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: April 19, 2011 10:27.26 AM PDT
To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ly org>
Cc: Claire Bartels <claire bartels@l>
Subject: Fwd: Mayor's race
---Forwarded message ---
From <DAVID FLEMING@lw com>
Date Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10 22 AM
Subject: Mayor's race
To controller greuel@laci ty .org
HI Wendy. After a good bit of soul searching I ha-.e decided to join Dick Riordan in endorsing
Austin Beutner for mayor. I wanted you to know this before it is announced tomorrow.
Austi n and I ha-.e worked together O\.er the past 15 months on se-.eral projects. I think he is
extremely qualified for the job - though his winning the race is a long shot at this Juncture.
You and I ha-.e been friends for many years and I greatly admire you. I think you ha-.e an excellent
shot at being Mayor - and certainly getting into the run off two years from now. I will send you
money and tell people who ask me about you how much I think you're great leader. But ha\ing
worked so much with Austin the past year is the main reason I fell I must support him at this
Best wishes.
David W. Fl eming
355 South Grand A-.enue
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560
https ://mail mail/ u/ O/?u1 = ... 1/ 2
Direct Dial: 1 213 891 7902
Fax: +1.213.891.8763
Email: david. fleming@lw com
City of Los Angeles Mall Fwd: Mayor' s ..
.................................................................... ............ ...... . ........... . .... ...
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& Watkins LLP
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Re: Mayor's race
City of Los Angeles Mail - Re: Mayor's r ...
JohnShallmanP iidil@! 5
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:55 PM
Cc: Claire Bartels I a I I
11!!9 3 $
That's disappointing; How long ha\.e you known him?
On Tue. Apr 19, 2011at10:12 PM, Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lac1ty org> wrote.
>Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Controller Greuel <cont roll er greuel@lac1ty:org>
> Date: April 19, 2011 10:27:26 AM PDT
>To: Wendy Greuel <wendy greuel@lacny org>
> Cc: Claire Bartels <cla1re bartels@lacity org>
> Subject: F'Nd: Mayor's race
> Forwarded message - --
> From: <DAVID FLEMING@lw com>
> Date: Tue. Apr 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM
> Subject: Mayor's race
> To: controller.greuel@lac1ty org
> Hi Wendy. After a good bit of soul searching I ha\.e decided to joi n Dick
> Riordan in endorsing Austin Beutner for mayor: I wanted you to know this
> before it Is announced tomorrow:
> Austin and I ha\.e worked together O\.er the past 15 months on se\.eral
> projects. I think he is extremely qualified for the job - though his
> winning the race is a long shot at this juncture.
> You and I ha\.e been friends for many years and I greatly admire you.
> think you ha\.e an excellent shot at being Mayor - and certainly getting into
> the run off two years from now. I will send you money and tell people who
> ask me about you how much I think you're great leader. But hai.1ng worked so
> much with Austin O\.er the past year is the main reason I fell I must support
> him at this time:
> Best wishes:
> Da\.e
> Dai.1d W. Fleming
> LA THAM & WATKINS LLP mail/u/0/?ui= ..
1/ 2
> 355 South Grand A\enue
> Los Angeles. CA 90071 -1560
> Direct Dial: +1 213 891 7902
> Fax. + 1 213 891 8763
> Email: d a ~ d
> http //www lw com
City of Los Angeles Mall - Re: Mayor's r ..
> ..... ............... _. .................. _,. ..... . .................................... .-. . ...... ......... . ....... ...... ... ....
> To comply with IRS regulations. we ad"1se you that any discussion of Federal
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> contact the sender and delete all copies.
> Latham & Watkins LLP
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t l f\
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. ,
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: L.A. Co ...
Fwd: L.A. Councilwoman Jan Perry jumps into the 2013 mayor's race
We ndy Greuel <wendy greuef@facity org> Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:02 PM
To. Dean Schramm <>, Torn Berman dSMSPc,-i1>, John Shallrnan
<;Ll!ii :am 11:: i&i : gg: ::s::. a >
--Forwarded message --
From: Dani el Tari ca <daniel 1anca@lac1ty org>
Date. Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1 :SO PM
Subject: L.A. Councilwoman Jan Perry jumps into the 2013 race
To Wendy Greuel <Wendy Greuel@lac1ly org>, Claire Bartels <Claire Banels@lac1ty org>, Marisol Espinoza
<Marisol Espinoza@lac1ty org>, Elaine De Leon <Elaine Deleon@lac11y org>, Y\lte Rojas
L.A Councilwoman Jan Perry jumps into the 2013
mayor' s race
March i6,2011I 11:14 am (18) (7) ComnH'nl!-.
City Councihvoman Jan Perry has filed paperwork to begin her run for muyor, joining City Controller
Wendy Greuel, San Fernando Valley businessman Y J Draiman and talk-radio host Kevin James in the
process of raising money fo r a 2013 bid to succeed Mayor Antonio Villarnigosa.
Perry, who represents downtown and part of South Los Angeles, began her career at City Hall in 1990,
working for former City Council members Michael Woo and Rita Walters. She was hired by Mayor
Richard Riordan to coordinate the city's outreach for the 2000 census before she was elected to the
council in 2001.
"I have the experience, the focus and the ability lo take the city in the direction that it needs to go and
realize its full potential ," said Perry, adding that she would focus on impro,ing Los Angeles'
transportation system and bringing in new revenue to the city, '"'hich is facing a $404 -million budget gap.
"We need to hit that point we can continue to provide basic sef\iccs in a realistic manner and have
a budget that is balanced so that we can build a city for the future," she said.
During her three terms on the City Council, Perry has presided O\'er a major expansion of development in
the do\.\ntown areas of her district, but she said she counts some of the projects in South Los Angeles - -
including two new grocery stores, a wetlands parks at Slauson and Compton avenues, and a neighborhood
city hall with a rooftop garden at 43rd Street and Central Avenue -- as the most important projects built
during her tenure.
"These projects downtown are tremendous and wonderful, and they employ a lot of people," said Perry,
who is 55. But she said the reaction of constituents in South Los Angeles to projects such as the two
wetlands parks in her district has been the most rewarding: "They never imagined this '"'as possible right
https://ma1l .. 1/2
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: L.A. Co ...
in their O\m frontyard. There's nothing bctler for a public servant than lo help somebody create a whole
new belief in what's possible."
Several prominent Los Angeles figures are also considering a run for mayor including: First Deputy
Mayor Austin Beutner, developer Rick Caruso, City Council President Eric Garcetti, state Sen. Alex
Padilla and Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Y aroslav ksy .
. Jcnnc:- i-. Lhc late.., I en r ~ In ti 1t' fivld. He announced his run for mayor Wednesday on the steps of City
Hall. James, who said Wednesday that he had already secured fundraising commitments of S250,ooo,
became a broadcaster in 2003 after practicing law a nd sen i ng as a prosecutor for the U.S. attorney's
office in the early i 99os.
Daniel Tarica. M P.P
Deputy Controller, Government Affairs
Office of City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 N Main Street , Room 300
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213 978. 7200
213 978 7211 - Fax
https://mall!= ...
- .' LI\
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Google .
Fwd: Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Wendy Greuel <> Tue, Mar 15, 2011at12:23 PM
To: John ShallmallliTom BermanMlllla''Golombek, Ben"
al a , , a ., ?
Sentrrommy iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <googlea1erts-noreply@google com>
Date: March 15, 2011 12:21:55 PM PDT
To: wendy greuel@lac1ty org
Subject Google Alert - Wendy Greuel
Talk radio host Ke"1n James to announce run for mayor
1 new result for Wendy Greuel
Other potential mayoral contenders include LA City Council members Jan Peny and Eric Garcetti,
City Controller Wendy Greuel, First Deputy Mayor Austin ...
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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Don't C ..
~ l I\
~ -... (, 1 I<'>
Fwd: Don't Call It a Mayoral Speech
Wendy Greuel <> Fri, Mar 11, 201 1 at 2:39 PM
To: John Shallman 111111t"'
Sent rrom my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Daniel Tarica <daniel lanca@lac1ty org>
Date: March 11, 2011 1.29.06 PM PST
To: Wendy Greuel <Wendy Greuel@lac1ty org> , Claire Bartels <Claire Bartels@lac1ty org>,
Marisol Espinoza <Marisol Esp1noza@lacity org>
Subject: Don' t Call It a Mayoral Speech
From Downtown News. WG 1s having lunch with Jon Regard1c on Tuesday
Don't Call It a Mayoral Speech
Austin Bcutner Details the Past and Looks Toward the Future
by Jon Regardle, Executive Editor
~ ' 1 1 1 '>i r,J T1111 c; r, i- (:\to.P 1 ' ~ 1..!11111 '::) 1
DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - It looked like a mayor 's race stump speech: Austin Beutner,
in a sharp gray suit and striped tie, stood at a podium this afternoon In front of dozens of
board members from the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. The crowd, many of
them Influential titans of local industry, were exactly the people capable of wr iting $1,000
campaign donation checks to a pro-business candidate.
It sounded like a mayor's race stump speech : Beutner gave a bnef bio, discussing hls
upbringing and his time In Russia at the behest of President Bill Clinton, mentioning
meeting a then-vice mayor of St . Petersburg named Vladimir Putin. He segued Into how he
opened the venture capita l firm Evercore ("We had a little bit of good fortune") and after
breaklhg his neck i n a biking accident, reassessed his priorities and joined the city, where
he works for Antonio V1llaraigosa as first deputy mayor.
Then It sounded even more like a mayor's race stump speech: Beutner detailed a
(legitimately impressive) list of achievements during his first 15 months, from cutting costs
at the Department of Water & Power to launching oermittjng reform programs for
restaurants and large developments to helping get community college students trained for
car repair jobs. He described plans for the future (the proposed South Park football
stadium "has the potential to be transformative") and cited troubling issues such as low
high school graduation levels and a 13% unemployment rate In the city that Is actually
higher because it does not include those no longer looking for work. He even got In some
digs at the City Council, sayrng that although six members were JUSt re-elected, they
spend too much time on topics such as privatizing parking garages, and he has yet to hear
one member of the panel broach a plan for dealing with L.A.'s impending $400 rnilllon
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Don't C. .
Despite all this, it wasn't a mayoral stump speech. At least not officially. At least not yet.
So is Beutner running for mayor?
"I'm seriously considering It," he told the Chamber crowd, before uttering another line
often heard from mayoral candidates. "We are at a crossroads in Los Angeles."
Beutner said he expects to make a decision on entering the race within a month or so.
When asked a bout his criticism of the council ma post-meeting address with reporters, he
again brought up the looming deficit of the coming fiscal year, saying there needs to be
solutions that get to the full $400 million.
One option that should not be on the table, he said, is bankruptcy.
"I don't think that's a solution," he said, referencing experience on the topic from
Evercore's bankruptcy consulting unit. He noted that it's not a pretty picture.
"It's not an overdraft of your checking account," he added, citing the harmful
repercussions It would have on efforts to recruit business to Los Angeles. "The city would
never be the same."
Contact Jon Regardfe at regard1cLci'downt
Daniel Tanca. M.P P
Deputy Controller, Gm.emment Affairs
Office of City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 N Main Street. Room 300
Los Angeles. CA 90012
213.978 7200
213 978. 7211 - Fax
h t t n ~ I /m;:iil .aooole.corn/mail/u/O/?ui= ...
I fl.
~ ( , f f ( ' - ,
City of Los Angeles Mall - Fwd: Beutner ...
Fwd: Beutner criticizes L.A. council for not moving quickly to erase $404-
million budget deficit [Updated]
Wendy Greuel <> Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 7:30 AM
To: John Shallman
Sent from my 1Phone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Daniel Tarica <daniel.tanca@lac1ty .org>
Date: March 10, 2011 10:42:27 PM PST
To: Wendy Greuel
Subject Re: Beutner criticizes L.A. council for not movi ng quickl y to erase $404-million
budget defi cit [Updated]
LA times blog.
From: Wendy Greuel <wendy.greuel@l ac1ty. org>
To: Q:iniel Tarica <>
Sent: Thu Mar 10 22:13:08 2011
Subject : Re: E3eutner criticizes LA. council for not moving quickly to erase $404-million budget
deficit [Upjated]
Where was this posted ?
Sent from my 1Phone
On Mar 10, 201 1, at 5:02 PM, Daniel Tarica <dan1el tanca@lac1ty org> wrote:
Beutner criticizes L.A. council for not
moving quickly to erase $404-million
budget deficit [Updated]
March 10, 2011 I 3:07 pm
Using some of his harshest words yet
a lop aide to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio
Villaraigosa accused the City Council oflacking a strategy for eliminating a
$4 04-million shortfall.
Firs t Deputy Mayor Austin Bcutner, who is weighing a possible run for mayor in
1/ 3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Beutner ..
2013, told an audience at the Los Angeles Arca Chamber of Commerce that
private businesses would not allow themselves to have such a large shortfall
and no solution so soon before a decision is needed.
"We've just reelected half the City Council, and I've not heard one of them
propose a solution to a S4 oo million problem that's 60 days away," he said.
Voters on Tuesday reelected council members Paul Krckorian, Tom LaBonge,
Tony Cardenas, Herb Wesson and Jose Huizar. Ballots remained lo be counted
in the race imohing Councilman Bernard C. Parks, who earned just slightly
more than 50% on election night, according to unofficial results.
[Updated a t 3:45 p.m.: Parks, who heads the council's Budget and Finance
Committee, disagreed ,,;th Beutner's assessment, saying he talked during much
of his reelection campaign about the need to reduce the size of the city
workforce. The council already took 4 ,ooo positions out of the general fund
budget - which pays for basic services - by adopting layoffs, transfers and an
early retirement program, he said.
The council also sought to rein in ret:U-ement costs by putting on Tuesday's
ballot a measure to trim pensions of newly hired police officers and firefighters.
Beutner should have done the same during his eight months running the
Department of Water and Power, Parks said.
"We were hopcf ul as interim general manager of \\later and Power that he
would have taken a role in cutting down the substantial ... [D\<\
PJ pensions, but
that didn't occur," he added. ]
If he runs for mayor, Beutncr could face two council membcrs--Jan Perry and
Eric Garcetti - as well as a former council member, City Controller Wendy
Bcutner, a former in\'cStment banker whom Villaraigosa appointed to help
attract businesses to the city, has repeatedly promised to make a decision on
his candidacy by the end of the month. But his comments, both in his speech
and in questions afterward, already sounded like well-honed campaign rhetoric.
The Pacific Palisades resident repeatedly described Los Angeles as being at a
crossroads, ' ~ t h i3% unemployment ancl only half of its high school students
graduating-a statistic he described as a "damning indictment" of tl1e school
Bcutner suggested that the council shoulc.I hme gotten out of the business of
operating city parking garagcs--something he snid the prin1lc sector could do
better. The council rejected such a move last month.
And he waded into the debate over dramatically rising retirement costs, saying
- - - - - --- 1--a1 1n1; ... _
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Beutner
that the city should make good on its commitments to its existing \vorkforce.
"We made promises. People arc owed their pensions," he suicl .
Beutner's most pointed comments focused on the budget gap, which must be
decided in the next three months. Although Villaraigosa v.i ll propose his budget
in April, a plan fo r making cuts is expected from City
Administrative Officer Miguel Santana before then.
As it tackles that short fa ll , the city should create a "new puradigm" \>vi th its
labor unions hy working collubornthcly ''ilh them, Bcutncr said. "They've got
ideas. Thcy\c got ways to close that gap, he said.
Darnel Tanca, M.P P.
Deputy Controller Go\mment Affairs
Office of City Controller Wendy Greuel
200 N. Main Street. Room 300
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213.978 7200
213 978 721 1 - Fax
' LA
~ < , I IC o.,
. l
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: LA Tim ...
Fwd: LA Times -California lost $3 billion in film crew wages from 2004 to 2011,
report says 09-18-12
Wendy Greuel <> Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 5:05 PM
To: Rose Kapolczynski <rose@rosekconsulting com>, Shannon Murphy ill>. John
Shallman , Oa1.e Jacobsor-.lllllfll
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Controller Greuel <controller greuel@lac1ty org>
Date: September 18, 2012 7 59:44 PM EDT
To: Wendy Greuel <>
Cc: Cl aire Bartels <claire bartels@lacity org>, Mansol Espinoza <Marisol Esp1noza@lacity org>
Subject: Fwd: LA Times -Cal ifornia lost $3 billi on in film crew wages from 2004 to 2011 ,
report says 09-18-12
--Forwarded message --
From. Cruz, Joseph@CFC <Joseph Cruz.@fllm ca gov>
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 4:50 PM
Subject: LA llmes -California lost $3 billion in film crew wages from 2004 to 2011 , report says 09-
Dear California Film Commission Boi!rd Members
Please see the article of interes t from the L.A. Times below. The article highlights California's job l osses
due total'. incentives 1n other regions. The article also notes that the California t ax credit has had some
effect in slowing job losses.
http://www.I a ti mes .com/entertain ment/envef ope/cotown/la-et-ct-onl oca tion-20120918,0,2 792 813 .s tory
California lost $3 billion in film crew wages from 200-t to 2011, report
By Richard Verrier
September 18, 20 12, I :59 p.m.
California lost $3 biJJ ion in wages from 2004 to 2011 because of fihn and 1V production
flocking to other states and COWllrics. a new study concludes.
Burbank-based Entertaimncnt Partners. the industry"s largest pa)TOll service company. which
, __ -., ' '" ,.., .. : _
1/ 3
City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: LA Trm ..
specializes in advising companies on how they can tak.e advantage or lilm tax credits aroWld the
world, says its own research has foWld that California lost 90.000 jobs and saw its share of
overall production wages in the U.S. decline I 0% during the period as lihn producers took their
business elsewhere.
About half the lost wages went to New York, Louisiana. New Mexico. North Carolina and
orher U.S. states that ofter film tax credits and rebates -- states that added 45.000 production
jobs during the same period. The otht!r half of the lost $3 hiJlion went to Canada. Britain and
other foreign countries. according to the report.
l11e research also fow1d that Calilomia s share of total production wages in the U.S. feU from
68% in 2004 to 59% in 20 I I. Dwing the same period. the shore of rroduction wages accrued
by all the other states rose from 32% to about 41 %.
While there have been several other studies doctunenting the toll of so-called rllllaway
production. this is the first in-depth of its kind from a private payroll service company.
The employee-owned company handles pn)TOll services for about 250.000 employees on film
crews. including I 40.000 in CaWornia. making. it one of the state s largest private employers.
The company advi5ed more than 2.000 production companies last year.
The findings were based on Entenainmem Panncrs O\\TI detailed payroll which track
where productions and crews arc working. The data were extrapolated for the industry as a
whole. based on the company's market share. said Markham Goldstein. CEO for
Entertainment Partners. The data include wages paid to both above-the-line and below-the-line
talent that worked on productions and do not include wages paid to companies that provide
support services, such as visual efiects and fih11 equipment.
.. When we're talking to our clients and consuking \\'ith them. they arc making decisions not to
shoot in California because oflhc inccnti\'CS oflcn:d elsewhere ... Goldstein said ... Peoples
decision making today is very dillCrent than it was s1.:vcn or eight years ago ...
l11e findings were recently shared \Vith representatives of the Motion Picture Assn. of America,
the state's finance department and the oflice of Gov. ktTY Brown. who is weighing whether to
approve bills that \Vould ex1end funding for California's fihT1 program t\'vO 1nore years. The state
sets aside $I 00 million annually to qualified productions under a program that is due to expire
ne>..t year.
Goldstein noted that his companys research also shows Ll1e California tax credit has had sorne
ellect in slowing the job losses and migration oflilm work since it took effect in 2009 and that
California would see an increase in employment if the credit was expanded.
If California does not extend the credit. there will be more lost productions to other states and
jurisdictions: he said.
The resuhs come amid ongoing debate in Sacramento and else\\ here about whether fihn
production subsidies arc wonh the investment in public dollars. The nonpartisan legislative
analyst's office produced a rcpon dcd1ring the proposed credit a net loser
and showing that clainis orjob growth arc overhlo\\11.
The Motion Picture Assn. of America. industry groups and labor Wlions have argued that tax
City of Los Angeles Mail - f\vd: LA Tim .
credits should not be judged by shon-te1111 revenues alone. and that Lhc state program is
necessary to keep California competitive with at least -l-0 other states that offer incentives.
Vans Stevenson, senior vice president lor state legislative aOairs for the Motion Picture Assn. of
America. said Entcrtaumicnt Partners findings w1<krscorcd the need fc)r preserving California s
film incentive .
.. Entertainment Partners' data shows definitively that the production Lax incentives have helped
stem the llow of jobs and wages out of California. and that the incentives are vital to California's
competitiveness: he said.
Amy Lemisch
7080 Hollywood Blvd Suite 900 Hollywood CA 90028
3238602960 X111
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