The New Constitution

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The New Constitution blight[blat]n. disease, plague, scourge; affliction, destruction v.

destroy, ruin; cause to wither and die (of a plant) fare[fer /fe] n. cost for traveling (on a bus, train, etc.); one who pays to travel in such a vehicle; meals, provisions; something offered or supplied v. manage in doing something, get along; journey, go, travel (Archaic); happen; eat and drink well interest[interest || 'ntrst] v. arouse curiosity; cause to become involved in, cause to become concerned with n. involvement in something, curiosity about something; concern, affair; percentage on a loan which is paid over time (Finance); share, stake, claim; benefit frankly || 'frkl] adv. honestly, openly, sincerely, straightforwardly frankly: adv. saaf go'i sey litigation| lt'gen] n. (Law) act of legally disputing, process of contesting in a court of GHaer muSHtaaq/na talab/naafir law; lawsuit averse[averse || 'v:s] adj. opposed, unwilling; loath averse: a.

caress| k'res] v. stroke lovingly, kiss softly, embrace n. affectionate touch, kiss caress: v.t. laaD karna/puch kaarna/pyaar karna/ moustache| m'st /-st:] n. hair which grows on a man's upper lip; similar hair growth on an animal (also mustache) reinsn. controlling power, governing power rein[ren] n. long thin strap on an animal's harness; means of control, restraint v. control, restrain; control an animal by pulling on the reins vendor| 'vend(r)] n. salesman; supplier, equipment salesman (for example in the field of computers, etc.); automatic machine for selling goods audience| ':djns] n. group of people gathered to see or hear (performance, concert, etc.); viewers; interview whip[hwp /w-]v. strike with a whip, lash, flog; cause to become frothy, beat (of egg whites, cream, etc.); snatch; move suddenly, jerk; defeat; bind n. switch, rod; lash of a whip; object resembling a whip; one who keeps the order in a legislative body; call to vote; instrument for whipping eggs; dish made of whipped egg whites; quality of flexibility (Sports) possibility| ps'blt /p-]n. probability, feasibility, chance, likelihood infest| n'fest] v. overrun in large numbers, swarm in or about in a troublesome manner; invade, harass tuck[tk] v. put into a small or narrow place, thrust into, push in the ends of, insert; draw up in folds, pleat communist| 'kmjnst /'kmjnst] n. supporter of communism; member of the Communist Party adj. of or pertaining to communists or communism, explosive | k'splsv] n. chemical compound that when ignited produces a strong blast of energy, substance used to create an explosion adj. loaded with combustible material, liable to blow up treason 'tr:zn] n. betrayal; the offense of trying to overthrow one's government or harm its leader federation[federation || fed'ren] n. act of joining together; league, covenant; political unity formed by a number of separate states disaster[disaster || d'z:st] n. catastrophe, misfortune, calamity toady[toady || 'td]v. flatter in the hope of gaining favor, fawn upon n. flatterer, sycophant, parasite open up be opened; open; open fire; pick up speed opened up revealed oneself, disclosed everything confusion[con'fusion || -u:n] n. disorder; bewilderment; embarrassment brass[br:s] n. category of musical instruments; type of metal alloy which consists of zinc and copper gilt[glt] adj. golden; gilded, coated with a thin layer of gold n. gold leaf, gold plate, thin layer of gold gild[gld] v. cover with a thin layer of gold; make golden; decorate, embellish, give the appearance of beauty to (especially in order to deceive) paraphernalia [paraphernalia || prfr'nel /-f'n-]n. equipment, tools; miscellaneous objects witness[witness || 'wtns] v. look on, see, observe; testify, vouch for, corroborate; be an eye-witness; note, notice n. testifier; onlooker, bystander; eye-witness; testimony plume[plu:m] n. feather, group of feathers; large body of vapor or fluid that expands upwards and/or outward (i.e. a plume of smoke rising from a fire) v. decorate with feathers; clean one's feathers, preen (about birds); cover with feathers imperiously adv. overbearingly, domineeringly; urgently imperiously: adv. GHuroor sey/saffaaki sey imperious[imperious || m'prs /-'pr-] adj. overbearing, domineering; urgent, absolutely necessary shabby[shabby || 'b] adj. ragged, worn; run-down, dilapidated; mean, base, despicable wares n. goods, merchandise ware[wer /we] n. items made of the same material or for the same purpose (e.g. silverware, metalware, software); pottery, earthenware v. store; be aware whatsoever pron. whatever whatsoever: pron. profusely[pr'fju:sl] adv. generously, in the manner of giving freely; wastefully, extravagantly; abundantly, plentifully profusely: adv. wafrat sey garland[garland || 'grlnd /'g:l-]v. make a wreath of leaves or flowers; crown with a garland; decorate with wreaths scuffle[scuffle || 'skfl] v. quarrel, engage in a minor fight n. quarrel, minor fight, altercation dazzle[dazzle || 'dzl] v. blind with bright light; amaze, impress, fascinate n. sparkle; something which dazzles estimation[estimation || est'men] n. assessment, judgment, opinion work out work hard; complete; calculate, figure out; develop; exercise, exert oneself physically dispensation[dispensation || dspen'sen] n. distribution, apportionment, bestowal; permission, exception refuse[refuse || r'fju:z] v. decline, deny, reject n. garbage, trash, waste perch[prt /p:-]v. sit on a rod; sit on a branch; alight, land (Slang); seat, sit; position, make

stand n. branch; position, standing; safe place; type of spiny fish found in European and North American waters leisurely['leisurely || 'l:rl /'le-]adj. unhurried, done in a relaxed and deliberate manner adv. in an unhurried manner, without haste, in a deliberate manner undisguised adj. not disguised, without a disguise, overt, unconcealed demise[demise || d'maz] n. decease, death; passing, coming to an end v. die; come to an end; bequeath, will; transfer an estate (Law) impertinent[im'pertinent | m'prtnnt /-'p:t-] adj. impudent, insolent; irrelevant, not pertinent; incongruous, inappropriate impertinent:n. bey Haya/bey lagaam pointblank adv. from short range (about a gunshot); directly, bluntly, plainly adj. fired at close range; direct; straightforward, plain mute[mju:t] adj. silent, not making a sound; having no sound, noiseless; unable to speak; unspoken, not expressed in words; not pronounced (as of a letter in a word) v. make quieter, reduce the loudness of; make less bright, reduce the intensity of n. one who cannot speak, person who does not utter any noise, dumb; device which temporarily silences the sound on a telephone or television fury[fury || 'fjr /'fjr-] n. anger, wrath; wildness, madness; violence pidgin[pidgin || 'pdn] n. language made from a mixture of words and grammar from different languages; jargon swine[swan] n. pig, hog, any of a number of omnivorous animals that have a flat disk-like snout and cloven hooves and are raised or hunted for meat; mean and contemptible person clenching n. grasping, holding tightly barrel[barrel || 'brl] v. move at high speed (Slang) n. drum, cask; tube of a gun; round container stance[stns /st:ns] n. physical position or bearing while standing; opinion insolence[insolence || 'nslns] n. contemptuousness; rudeness; arrogance swagger[swagger || 'swg(r)] v. strut, walk or move in an arrogant manner; behave in an arrogant and conceited manner, boast, brag n. insolent manner, arrogant way of walking; proud and arrogant behavior ward off prevent, drive away ward off:v.t. bachaana/dafa^ karna/door rakhna/rokna assailant[as'sailant || -lnt] n. attacker, assaulter, aggressor rage[red] n. anger, fury; instance of violent weather (of the wind, waves, etc.); desire, passion v. be furiously angry, behave furiously, be irate cockiness [cockiness || 'kkns] n. arrogance, conceit, vainness; jauntiness cockiness: n. gustaaKHi(f.)/KHud beeni(f.) defiance[defiance || d'fans] n. resistance, disobedience, opposition foam[fm] v. froth, produce or form a light frothy mass of bubbles; cause to foam candour (Brit.) [candour || 'knd] n. honesty, openness, sincerity (also candor) candour:n. dl/bey riyaa'i/eKHlaas/muKHlisi/ subtle[subtle || 'stl] adj. delicate; faint, elusive; implied; shrewd, astute; sly, cunning sarcasm[sarcasm || 'srkzm /'s:k] n. satire, irony, use of caustic or scornful remarks prosperous['prosperous || 'prsprs /'pr-] adj. successful; thriving, flourishing masterpiece['mst(r)ps /'ms-] n. highly skilled work; extraordinary work of art; work worthy of a master craftsman; person's best piece of work subservience[sub'servience || sb'srvns /-'s:v-] n. quality of being subservient, servility, obsequiousness, extreme submissiveness promulgation[promulgation || prml'gen /pr-] n. proclamation, official declaration; act of publicizing widely; public distribution befool[befool || b'fu:l] v. trick, deceive aspiration[aspiration || sp'ren] n. longing, ambition, goal, dream imperialist[im'perialist || m'prlst /-'pr-] n. one who supports imperialism (expansion of national territory through the establishment of colonies); one who supports an imperial form of government highhandedness n. aggressiveness, bossiness highhandedness: n. dhos/jabr o istebdaad/KHud pasadi

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