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Spring 2007

Introduction This is the first of what will hopefully be a series of at least quarterly newsletters, aimed at keeping faculty and staff in the Department of Internal Medicine aware of events of importance in and around the department. Awards Dr Arthur J. Labovitz, Director of the Division of Cardiology, has been awarded the Hugh McCulloch Award for distinguished contribution of lasting and continuing nature to the mission of the American Heart Association. Teaching Awards: ACP Clerkship Award Jared Jones received the award which is given to one medical student from each Missouri medical school for outstanding performance in the year 3 internal medicine clerkship. The award consists of a $400 stipend to enable the student to attend the fall meeting of the Missouri ACP Chapter at the Lake of the Ozarks. Jared is currently spending a year working on an MBA degree and will rejoin us for year 4 in the 2007-2008 academic year. Awards for Outstanding Student Teaching Each year the year 3 medical students nominate outstanding teachers from among the residents and faculty they work with during the internal medicine clerkship. Recognized for their outstanding leadership, teaching, and role model during the 2006-2007 academic year were resident Dr. Hasan A. Al-Janabi and faculty member Dr. Ramzi R. Hajjar. Goronwy O. Broun, M.D., Student Award Sunil K. Reddy and Erin C. Frank received $250 each for outstanding achievement in clinical internal medicine. ACP Coy D. Fitch Book Award Brandon P. Combs was

recognized for outstanding achievement in internal medicine and commitment to a career in general internal medicine. Junior Faculty Career Development Award: Dr. Medhat M. Osman (Nuclear Medicine) and Dr. Mark Richards (Cardiology) were recipients of this award in the amount of $2,500 each. The goal of this award is to enhance a career competency that is consistent with the Mission of the Department of Internal Medicine. The following research grants were awarded in the first quarter of 2007: yDaniel F. Hoft, M.D., Ph.D., Immunobiology, $379,001 from NIH/NIAID for Role of gamma/delta T cells in Vaccine Induced Immunity. yMichael J. Haas, Ph.D., Endocrinology, $9,752 from Lifeline Technologies for Formulated Phytosterois Inhibit Steriod 5Alpha Reductase and Lower Serum DHT. ySuzanne M. Mahon, R.N., D.N.Sc., Hematology/Oncology, $22,828 from The Susan G. Komen Foundation for Educating Women About Hereditary Risk for Breast Cancer. yCharlene M. Prather M.D./Gaa Richardson, M.D., Gastroenterology & Hepatology, $4,000 from the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation for F. Daniel Duffy Small Grant Program. yMarcia L. Sokol-Anderson, M.D., Infectious Diseases, $44,000 from the City of St. Louis for New Hope Comprehensive Care Clinic. 1


Spring 2007

yHans Joachim Reimers, M.D., Ph.D., Hematology/Oncology, $39,000 from The Childrens Mercy Hospital for Region VII Hemophilia Program Clinic. Promotions Effective July 1, 2007, the faculty listed below will be advanced in rank: Dr. Ganesh Kudva promotion to Non-Tenure-Track Associate Professor; Ms. Frances K. Newman promotion to Non-Tenure-Track Associate Research Professor; Dr. Medhat M. Osman promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Dr. Marie D. Philipneri promotion to Non-Tenure-Track Associate Professor; Dr. Michael I. Rauchman promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Dr. John M. Richart promotion to Non-TenureTrack Associate Professor and Dr. Mark A. Schnitzler will be granted tenure. Notices Dean Monteleone recently announced her intention to retire as Dean of the School of Medicine. She indicated to chairmen of departments in the School of Medicine that she would be willing to stay on until a replacement for her is found, but that it was her hope to be able to retire in the fall of 2007. Residency Match The Department of Internal Medicine had an outstanding year in the residency match this year, under the new leadership of Dr M. Louay Omran. All 24 positions in the categorical program and all 8 positions in the preliminary program were filled with medical graduates of the highest caliber including 8 from Saint Louis

University, 9 from other US Medical Schools and 15 from high quality schools abroad. The Internal Medicine-Pediatrics program also did well under the leadership of Dr Marilyn A. Maxwell, and filled all four of its positions. The categorical program interviewed 238 candidates for their 24 positions. A total of 357 candidates were interviewed by 33 faculty members for all residency positions. We thank those faculty members who made the time to interview residency candidates; in particular, Dr. Mark S. Dykewicz who interviewed 54 candidates, Dr. Eliot J. Katz who interviewed 38 candidates and Dr. Ganesh Kudva who interviewed 24 candidates. Dr Frank L. Bleyer was recently officially appointed as one of the four associate program directors in the Internal Medicine Residency program, the others being Dr. Thomas J. Olsen, Dr Marilyn A. Maxwell and Dr Julie K. Gammack. These four faculty members devote enormous efforts to the successful running of our programs. Dates of Note Residency graduation celebration is June 9, 2007, 6-10 pm, Busch Center Ballroom. This celebration is open to all faculty, residents and subspeciality residents (fellows) who are completing their training this year. Contact Ms. Charlotte Robinson at 577-8762 for more information. Orientation for new residents: GME PGY-I Housestaff Orientation is the week of June 18 and PGY-II Housestaff Orientation is July 2 2


Spring 2007

(1day). The Department of Internal Medicine Houststaff Orientation is June 25-27, 2007. The Department of Internal Medicine Annual Faculty Meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2007 during the Grand Rounds time slot. The annual residents and faculty photograph will be taken immediately following the faculty meeting. Leadership Searches The search continues to find a new chairman for the Department of Internal Medicine. The search committee is headed jointly by Drs. Robert W. Wilmott and Robert G. Johnson. Of the many applicants they have screened, four so far have been selected to interview and all four have completed at least one visit. One of these four candidates so far has completed a second visit to Saint Louis University. The search continues for the Director of the Division of Hematology/Oncology. Dr Paul J. Petruska has indicated his intention to step down as division director when a suitable replacement has been identified. This search is being led by Drs Adrian M. Di Bisceglie and Mark A. Varvares (Director of the Cancer Center). Applicants are currently being sought for the positions of Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the St. Louis VA Medical Center. These are important leadership positions within the VA with important consequences for its academic affiliates, Saint Louis University and Washington University.

Referral Guide Saint Louis University Hospital is participating in HealthGrades. Faculty are asked to review and correct their listing on this directory, which is available online to the general public at It is important that each faculty have their photograph taken so it can be used for this type of referral guide. If you have not had your photograph taken, please contact Mr. Tony Stubblefield at 977-8683 to arrange to have this done. Conflicts of Interest Declaration All faculty at Saint Louis University School of Medicine who are applying for or currently engaged in externally sponsored research are required to annually complete a conflict of interest declaration. This form, together with information on the Universitys Conflict of Interest Policy, is available at http://www. ConflictofInterestForm.doc. This form must be completed and returned to the Office of the Chairman no later than April 9th this year. It will be reviewed by the Chairman and then forwarded to the Dean for further review. The ultimate level of review is by the University Conflict of Interest Committee, chaired by Dr Kathleen M. Farrell (Chair, Department of Communication). Internal Medicine is represented on this committee by Dr. Donald J. Kennedy. Reimbursement for Medical Student Teaching The Department of Internal Medicine was allocated $515,647 this yea r for medical


Spring 2007

student teaching. This is based on the number of relative units (RUs) of teaching done by faculty in the Department of Internal Medicine which is tracked Dr. Stuart J. Slavin, Associate Dean of Curricular Affairs. Funds are distributed according to teaching activities completed in the previous financial year. The value of each RU is $11 for the current financial year. For FY08 it will be increased to $13 per RU. For FY08, these funds will be allocated to those faculty members who do the teaching in the first, second and fourth years of medical school training. A large proportion of the 20,000 RUs allocated for the third year Internal Medicine clerkship will be allocated to Drs. H. Douglas Walden and Nora L. Porter for their leadership of this clerkship the remainder will be distributed evenly among all M.D. faculty members in the Department of Internal Medicine. For each of these faculty members, a portion of their compensation equal to the amount of the RUs they have earned, is paid out of an account held in the Deans office. These funds offset the need for faculty members to generate clinical revenues and are included in their charters. New Research Building The new research building is hurrying towards an on-time completion in August of this year. Construction is likely to be completed in June and the next 2 months will be used to get all the buildings high tech systems functioning fully. At present the plan is to move research labs into the new building in stages, from the top floor down. Faculty in the Department of Internal Medicine will occupy 15 double module labs in this building, occupying most of the 8th floor, most of the 2nd floor and a few other labs in between. As researchers move into

the new research building, they will vacate their current space on the 10th and 11th floor of the hospital building. Some of our researchers will move into renovated space in the medical school vacated by researchers from the Department of Biochemistry moving into the new building. SLUCare West Task Force The Department of Internal Medicine has organized a task force to consider our strategies and options related to the upcoming close of Highway 40. Members include: Drs. Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Arthur J. Labovitz, Kevin J. Martin, John E. Morley and Mr. John W. Seay. The group has been meeting since the fall and has explored collaborative options at St. Johns, St. Lukes, Des Peres and St. Anthonys hospitals. They will announce their recommendations soon. Information for Next Newsletter If you have any news, grants, notices, achievements that you would like to be included in the next newsletter or if you think I missed something important, please let Camille J. Goff know at .

Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, M.D., FACP, Editor Professor of Internal Medicine Acting Chairman 4

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