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CAN YOU SEE JESUS Luke24 We have went from the entry into Jerusalem, the cleansing of the

temple, to His authority questioned, the plot to kill Jesus, the Passover meal, Jesus mock trial, the death by crucifixion, the burial and now the resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Now as we talked about in the sunrise service there were a lot of theories about the resurrection of Jesus but there is no doubt it happened and we have witnesses to that fact. This morning I want to look at those who encountered the reality of the risen Savior. 1. Easter Turned Devastation into Celebration The Women Luke 24:1-11 these women come to the tomb to finished the work of the burial. Instead they became the first to share the good news of His resurrection. Vs.5 says they come into contact 2 men in shining garments and ask them the question Why seek ye the living among the dead? It is not ever day that sorrow going to the tomb turns to celebration when leaving the tomb. The angels reminded the women what Jesus said in vs.7 Vs.8-9 says they remembered and went and found the 11 and to all the rest (First soul winners for Christ) Vs.11 says these words seem to them as idle tales, they believed them not. They did believe later but for now it had begun in the hearts of these women, devastation has turned into celebration. 2. Easter Turned deep disappointment into Living Hope Luke 24:12, 34 The 2nd encounter involved Simon Peter Vs.12 Peter went away wondering in himself Peter was still hurting over his denial. vs. 34 we see the confirmation what Peter had seen and this glimpse of hope probably gave Peter hope, hope of restoring, for his denial of the Savior.

3. Easter turned Confusion into Conviction Luke 24:13-35 Next we see encounter of 2 disciples on the road of Emmaus one was Cleopas and the other name was not mentioned. We know they were going in the wrong direction all the excitement was happening in Jerusalem and the were walking to Emmaus about 7 miles from Jerusalem. Vs.24:15 We learn they were discussing even arguing about the events that were happening in Jerusalem. Then Jesus joins them but His identity is keep from them at this time. Jesus ask them about there argument, they could not believe that this man was so out of touch he did not even know what was going on. Vs. 19-24 Read Jesus started to turn there confusion into clarity, Jesus walked with them on the road to Emmaus explaining God redemptive purpose. And when they arrived at there destination they insisted that the traveler stay with them for a while. When they set down to eat and Jesus broke the bread and blessed it there eyes where open, they knew who He was. As quickly as there confusion diapered so did Jesus from there presents. Vs.32 it says did our hearts not burn within us. Conviction set in. 4. Easter Turned Unbelief into Unshakable Commitment Luke 24:36-47 The next encounter took place as the 11 disciples and those gathered with them that listened the Emmaus road disciples tell there story. Jesus appears to them shows them His hands and feet but it says in Vs.41 they could not believe because of there joy. The knew what they were seeing but did not understand what it meant. Jesus fixed them a meal of fish and explained what was going on vs. 45 it says He opened there understanding that they might understand the scriptures. Read 46-47

Jesus complete mission would become there message, Jesus would tell them of there mission, they were to now take the Good News to all nations and to all people. There commitment began to grow and they went along each of the disciples commitment grew strong and each of them worked for the Lord till he called them home. Each of these encounters shows a transformation in the lives that were touched and there commitment turned the world upside down. The resurrection of Christ has set on fire the disciples, each went on to there own mission as Jesus prepared them. They believed in the risen Savior and they believed in the changing power of Christ. They knew the difference it made in there lives and they knew the difference it could make in others lives and the world. They found the meaning of life in there encounter with the one who gives life. Easter can turn belief into an unshakable commitment. 5. Easter Turned Devoted Disciples into Powerful Witnesses Luke 24:48-49 The last encounter you will have to look closely in the scripture to find the final group and it is a diverse group made up of many different people. Some are full of potential but far from performing. Some are battled scared and road weary for they have been faithful to follow in Christ footsteps. Some are confused, some are distracted and some are undecided about there own personal commitment. These are the people that dare to follow Jesus, those who Jesus loves and goes out of His way to find. If you look in Lukes account closely you can see them. If you look closely you can see yourself standing behind the disciples looking and listening to our Lord Jesus through His Word we hear Him Read vs. 48-49 We have been called not to be spectators but participants; can you find your face in the crowd of devoted disciples now gathering around Jesus?

Are you the disciple you need to be for the one who was crucified and resurrected for you! Do you know Jesus as you Lord and Savior he died and resurrected for each of us not because He had to but because He wanted to. How about it today you can set there and not make a move for Jesus or you can bust this meeting wide open and show your love for the one who gave His all for each of you. Bro. Chris Rippy New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Clifty, Ky

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