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Rieger Chief Scientist STI Technologies, Inc. 1800 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road Rochester, NY 14623 Abstract: The vibrations and dynamic properties of a conveyor belt and drive system have been investigated. Natural frequencies and modes of the drive-conveyor system were determined from tests on a mining conveyor and its geared drive. This data was used to prepare several computer models which were used to study the transient response properties of the drive and the conveyor during startup. Results of these studies are presented, and the usefulness of the simple models is evaluated. An estimate of the size of the transient dynamic magnifier occurring at each start of the conveyor was obtained. Keywords: Conveyor Eigenvectors Eigenvalues Geardrive Transient Torsional Notation: A A, B a [D] E E F f(t) G g I I [I] Ip [K] k kij L M m mij N R S s(x) T cross-sectional area integration constants {gE/w}1/2 dynamical matrix modulus of elasticity line voltage force function of time shear modulus of elasticity gravitational acceleration inertia of component current inertia matrix polar second moment of area stiffness matrix spring stiffness individual stiffness within [K] length of belt mass of component {w/a} individual mass within [M] rotational speed rev/min radius of pulley s(x) f(t), time varying displacement displacement torque

t U u(x) w x a, b p q z w

time u(x) f(t), time varying displacement {A cos mx + B sin mx} specific weight, lbf/in3 length coordinate Rayleigh damping coefficients 3.14159265 angular displacement

+ , Rayleigh damping value 2 2

circular frequency, rad/sec

Introduction: In a recent paper Rieger [1] examined the interaction between a conveyor and its drive system, and studied the dynamic stresses experienced by the drive gear teeth during start-up and operation. A schematic of the drive and conveyor involved is shown in Figure 1. It was found that the pitting damage experienced by the gear teeth of this drive system was not due to the few peak transient start-up load cycles, but was more likely due to some aspect of tooth loading experienced during gear operation. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the dynamic properties of the conveyor system in greater detail, and in particular to show that although the drive and conveyor are mechanically coupled, these components actually function as de-coupled systems during operation. This is due to the chosen layout of the system, and to the separation of the natural modes on the frequency scale. Recognition of this decoupling effect allows simplifications to be made in the modeling of the system. This in turn simplifies the calculation of natural frequencies of the drive and of the conveyor. The response of the conveyor belt to start-up and shutdown transients from the drive was also studied, and the results are compared with results obtained in Ref. [1]. It was found that if the modes of the two subsystems can be represented with sufficient accuracy by simplified models, then the transient response properties of both components can also be obtained more simply.

Figure 1. Layout of Drive Showing Positions of Strain Gages and Accelerometers. Ref. [1]

Details of Conveyor Drive System: The conveyor drive system is shown in Figure 1. The drive consists of two 650 Hp wound rotor induction motors, one at each end of the geared drive system. These motors drive the gearboxes and the main conveyor pulley, and hence the conveyor. Both gearboxes contained opposed double reduction helical gears. The motor drive shaft operates at 960 rpm and the 63 inch diameter conveyor drive pulley rotates at 30 rpm. The conveyor belt is 42 inches wide by 4800 feet in length. It delivers coal from a seam 1400 feet beneath the surface of the earth. Up to 600 tons of coal per hour are carried on the conveyor when it is fully loaded. The vertical rise from the lower end of the conveyor to the drive pulley is 1400 feet. The conveyor belt is 1.25 inches thick. It is made from neoprene synthetic rubber reinforced with 12 woven steel cables of diameter 0.375 inch. The weight density of the neoprene is 0.10 lb/in3, and the density of the coal is taken as 75 lb/ft3 on the upper surface of the conveyor. At 600 tons per hour the average depth of the coal across the 36 inch active width of the conveyor is 6.0 inches. The conveyor dynamic properties of interest in the present case are those in the axial, i.e., lengthwise direction of the upper (coal-carrying) surface of the conveyor. The upper section of the conveyor belt is in a state of tension during operation, due to the flow of drive power. The lower portion of the conveyor belt is assumed to exert no effect on the conveyor dynamics due to its slackness. The actual conveyor has a take-up mechanism to absorb start-up and shut-down transients at its lower end, and a recoil mechanism to absorb shock loads from the continuous addition of coal lumps to the belt. The effect of factors such as (a) the relative flexibility of the belt in the axial direction, (b) the distributed mass of the belt and coal, (c) the inertia of the take-up pulleys, and (d) the flexibility of the recoil mechanism were considered the present calculations, and the extent to which they appear to influence the dynamic properties of the conveyor was investigated. Conveyor Modes and Natural Frequencies: Results for the modes and natural frequencies of the geared drive and conveyor system have been studied and presented in [1]. These results have been verified against test data from the system, running with and without coal. The model used for calculation of the complete system is shown in Figure 2. The calculated results for natural frequencies of the system are listed in Table I, and compared with test results. Mode shapes for the conveyor are shown in Figure 3 and for the geared drive in Figure 4. Several simplified models of the conveyor alone were developed and tested against available data, in order to study the oscillations of the conveyor belt during operation. The theory for these models is given in the Appendix. Equation 14 can be used to obtain natural frequencies for each of these models. This simplified theory allowed a number of aspects of the conveyor system to be studied in greater detail. Six simplified models of the conveyor system were considered for calculation purposes. These models were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete multi inertia model of the conveyor plus drive system. From Ref. [1]. Shown in Figure 2. For reference purposes. Conveyor belt alone with coal, and without end pulleys. Distributed system. Shown in Figure 5(a). Conveyor belt, drive pulleys, with coal. Distributed system with end inertias and mass. Shown in Figure 5(b). Conveyor belt, geared system inertia at drive end, idler pulley, inertia and mass, with coal. Shown in Figure 5(c) with M3 = 0. Conveyor belt, small end inertias, with tensioning mass and stiffness, with coal. Shown in Figure 5(c.)


Conveyor belt plus drive system inertia. Idler end pulley and tensioning mass, with coal. Distributed belt system plus 3 discrete d.o.f. Shown in Figure 5(c).

Figure 2. Lumped Inertia Model of Conveyor and Drive System. Ref. [1]

Figure 3. Conveyor Axial Modes. Ref. [1]

Figure 4. Drive System Modes. Ref. [1] Table I. Measured Test Frequencies and Correlation with Calculated Frequencies, Hz. Ref. [1] Source T1 T1 RVA T2 T2 RVA VA1, VA3, T1 VA1, RVA T1 VA1 VA1, RVA VA1, RVA Legend: RVA 150.0 216.2 216.2 230.0 230.0 260.3 260.3 T 1, T 2 VA1, VA3 HSS LSS 365.0 Torsional Strain Gages 1, 2 Armature Current Meter Accelerometers 1, 3 High Speed Shaft Low Speed Shaft 50.0 Belt Loaded 2.0 6.3 28.75 30.0 Belt Unloaded 2.2 7.5 16.5 28.75 33.0 35.0 50.0 56.25 112.0 85.81 107.45 149.5 149.5 Calculated 2.153 5.902 28.99 29.02 Comments Mode 6 Mode 11 HSS 1/rev Mode 12 Mode 13 HSS 2/rev Line Freq. L.S. Tooth Pass Mode 14 Mode 17 Mode 18 Mode 19 3 x Line Freq. Mode 20 Mode 21 H.S. Beam n.f. Mode 22 Mode 23 H.S. Tooth Pass

These results show that apart from some rigid-body contributions the first four modes of the conveyor belt lie below 2.0 Hz, and are separated from the torsional modes of the geared drive which all lie above 2.0 Hz. This observation was used to simplify the system model into a conveyor-pulley system (for the lower modes), and into a geared drive system (for the higher modes). The distributed and discrete-mass models shown in Figures 5a and 5b were used to make natural frequency calculations for the conveyor system. Model (a) consists of the belt alone modeled as a distributed system, with added mass from coal load along its upper surface. Using Equation 18 the eigenvalue equation becomes sin ml = 0. Model (b) contains the two drive pulleys at either end of the belt and the distributed belt itself plus coal. Eigenvalues may be found from Equation 18. Two end conditions were studied; (a) free-free ends with the pulleys free to rotate torsionally, and (b) clamped-free ends with the drive pulley restrained from angular movement. The natural frequencies for this case are given in Table II.

Figure 5. Simplified Models of Conveyor Table II. Natural Frequencies from Conveyor Models Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Complete System Distributed Belt Belt & Small Identical End Inertias Drive System Inertia, Belt, Small Pulley Belt, Small Pulley Inertias Tensioning Mass Drive Inertia, Belt Tensioning Mass Figure 2 5(a) 5(b) 5(c) 5(c) 5(c) f1 0.428 0.494 0.439 0.351 0.309 (0.192) (0.240) 0.309 f2 0.909 0.988 0.881 0.764 0.767 0.726 f3 1.398 1.482 1.329 1.209 1.251 1.241

Model (b) consists of the conveyor belt alone, but including an allowance for the idler pulleys, with and without coal. Frequency results are listed in Table II. Model (c) consists of Model (b) plus the tensioning mass and spring. This model also allowed translational movement as well as angular movement of the lower belt pulley, and included the effect of the tensioning mass spring system. This is the four d.o.f. model for which the matrix frequency equation is derived in the Appendix. Natural frequency results for this model are listed in Table II.

From the correlation between the results from these models and the data obtained in Ref. [1] for the complete system, it is evident that the lower four modes of the conveyor can be modeled with acceptable accuracy for frequency calculations by treating the conveyor as a separate component, i.e., without including the geared drive system. The accuracy of this simple model decreases for the higher modes where effects from the geared drive begin to enter the conveyor modes. The simple belt plus pulley inertia model gives acceptable frequency results for design calculations using the formula obtained in the Appendix, Equation 18. Inclusion of the tensioning mass and the effect of pulley mass translation does not appear to improve the accuracy of the frequency results or mode shapes. The value of such additions to the computer model is difficult to assess without having available test data on the belt frequencies for comparison purposes.

Figure 6(a). Start-up Sequence Current I1 and Torque T1 vs. Time Belt Loaded.

Figure 6(b). Simulation of Start-up Torque at Motors Transient Response Analysis of Drive and Conveyor: Transient response properties of the geared-conveyor system were studied using the measured curves for start-up current given in Figure 6(a), and by calibrating these curves for use as start-up torques applied to both the motor armatures. Representation of these curves by the straight line curve segments shown in Figure 6(b) was used. Response torque values throughout the system were obtained from the computer model plus the start-up torque transients. Examples of these transient torque responses at the drive pulley are shown in Figure 7. The transmitted shaft torque on both sides of the drive pulley, and the sum of these

torques are shown. The details in these curves agree closely with the input data and with measured strain gage data from tests on the conveyor drive (not shown). The initial start-up transient effect is seen to decay in accordance with the level of damping chosen for the computer model (z = 0.08). The applied torque decrease with time is in accordance with the simulated input torque curve, and the torque step increases in the input curve are apparent. These include the transient decay oscillations from the lowest drive system mode at 2.2 Hz. The significance of impulsively applied loads on the drive is evident from Figure 7. An input torque transient of 66,000 + 52,000 = 118,000 has an oscillatory peak value of 166,000 at the conveyor, representing a maximum torque magnifier of 1.406.

Figure 7. Drive Torques Acting on Conveyor Drive Pulley The variation in dynamic drive force in the conveyor belt is shown in Figure 8. In accordance with the lowest mode of the conveyor at 0.428 Hz, an initial period is needed to apply drive torque to belt, which accounts for the relatively long build-up of belt force. Transient oscillations then occur at the lowest belt frequency of 0.428 Hz, as expected. The force values shown are negative because of the form of the oscillations (negative wave at drive end). Discussion: Comparing the calculated results for natural frequencies with the measured results from strain gages and accelerometers indicates that the general computer model of the drive system was adequate, because the frequency correlation obtained between calculate and test data for the drive system was consistently close throughout the range of frequencies observed. Experimental correlation for the belt modes could not be obtained because no frequencies corresponding to the calculated belt modes were observed in the data from the test: see Table I. Such data was not sought at the time because the emphasis of the study was on the nature of the gear tooth loads. However, the computed belt results appear to be valid because (a) they are in accordance with classical results, e.g., the wave equation results from Model 1, and (b) they agree well with verified theoretical results, i.e., Equation 18 from Ref. [2]. This result is considered to validate the belt modes with sufficient accuracy for the present study.

Figure 8. Dynamic Force in Belt at Main Pulleys For validation of torques, belt forces, and vibration amplitudes it was necessary to consider the nature of the inputs used for the drive torque, and for the damping values. Test data obtained for steady values of the armature currents I1 and I2 was used to determine the applied motor torque. Current data was converted to power by multiplying these current values by the line voltage E. The product EI = Watts, Watts/746 = H.P., and H.P. = TN/63025. This gives the torque T where N is in rpm. This torque allowed the transient magnifiers for the currents and torques to be determined from the current curves under start-up conditions. Simulated start-up torque curves developed and calibrated by this procedure were applied to the computer model. Computed results from these calibrated models gave data on the transient loads developed in the system under a variety of conditions; start-up, shut-down, with coal, without coal, and gave dynamic magnifiers corresponding to the same transient conditions. As a result it can be said that as long as the system remains linear, it appears that the transient loads observed will never reach the theoretical maximum value of 2.0 associated with a simple sustained step transient. This is because the motors were designed to impose transient loads having a decaying exponential form. The size of the dynamic magnifiers found were typically between 1.3 and 1.5 for both the drive system and conveyor. A theoretical damping value of z = 0.08 gave the best correlation with the observed test data for transient decay. In the calculations this damping was expressed as a Rayleigh quotient with values of a = 0.054 and b = 0.089. Conclusions: 1. 2. Th dynamic properties of a conveyor system have been obtained from test data and have been simulated by several calculation methods. For the symmetrical two motor drive system involved, the lower conveyor modes are sensibly decoupled from the higher modes of the drive. This is due to the relative mass-elastic properties of the two systems, although modal de-coupling is also facilitated by the symmetry of the drive system layout about the conveyor. The simple conveyor modes were found to occur at frequencies between 0.4 Hz and 2.0 Hz. Modes involving the geared drive system were found above 2.0 Hz. The first four natural frequencies and mode shapes of the conveyor were predicted with good accuracy using simple models. Higher modes of the conveyor drive system show an increase in the amount of coupling which occurs with the geared drive system. Torque transient response of the system showed good correlation between results measured experimentally and calculated transient results.

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

The transient response of the conveyor appeared to involve only the lowest axial mode of the conveyor at 0.428 Hz. Test data shows that while the transient response gives rise to the highest conveyor (and gear) loads, the transient conditions die out quickly, leaving only steady drive load effects under operating conditions. A range of torque magnifiers between 1.3 and 1.5 were obtained from the results.

References: 1. 2. Rieger, N. F., Experiments and Calculations on the Torsional Dynamic Properties of Coal Conveyor Drive, Proceedings, IFToMM 6th International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Sydney, Australia, September 30-October 3, 2002. Timoshenko, S. P., Vibration Problems in Engineering, D.Van Nostrand & Company, Inc., Publishers, Princeton, NJ, Third Edition, Art 50, p.p. 318-320, 1955.

Appendix. Modes and Natural Frequencies: The modal properties of the conveyor model shown in Figure 5(c) may be determined as follows. Assuming for dynamical purposes that the main features of the conveyor are the massive elastic belt (with or without coal) the two end pulley inertias, and the shock load absorber shown, the following equations of motion may be written for harmonic motions of the system: Belt

wA 2 u (x, t) 2 u (x, t) = EA g t 2 x 2
I1 21 t2 2 2 t2 2S2 t2 2S3 t2 = F1R1 + T


Drive Pulley Intertia


Tail Pulley Intertia


= - F2 R 2


Belt Tension Spring Mass

M2 M3

= - F2 + F3 = - F3 = - k(S3 - S2 )



and writing

U (x, t) = u (x) f (t) = u (x) cos wt

Sn (x, t) = s(x) f(t) = s n cos t, n = 2,3

(6) (7) (8) (9)

where and

u (x) = A cos mx + B sin mx gE m = , and a2 = a w

For the boundary conditions we write:

u (x) x =1 x u (x) F2 = EA x=2 x u1 = R11 u 2 = s2 + 2R 2 F1 = EA

(10) (11) (12) (13)

Substituting and reducing leads to the following 44 matrix equation in the unknown displacements {u1, u2, s2, s3}T as a function of the harmonic excitation vector {T, 0, 0, 0}T:

{T} = [[K] - 2 [I]] {u} = [D]{u},


(14) (15)

{T} = {T, 0, 0, 0}T

HcosmL - H [k] = - H 0
2 I1/R1 0 [I] = 0 0

-H HcosmL HcosmL 0

-H HcosmL HcosmL + k -k

0 0 -k k


0 I 2 /R 2 2 0 0

0 0 M2 0

0 0 M3 0


The determinant of [D] in Equation 14 contains eigenvalues corresponding to the natural frequencies of the modes of vibration of the conveyor system in Figure 5(c). If the tensioning mass is effectively detuned from the system, i.e., either extremely massive or negligible compared to the conveyor inertia, the remaining system may be considered either by making the spring displacement s3 = 0, or without the spring, i.e., S2 = S3 = 0. Both cases reduce the size of the determinant. For the case S2 = S3 = 0 the resulting 2x2 determinant may be further reduced to the frequency equation:

EAm ( tan mL = 4

2 R1

I2 R2 2

) 2

I1I 2

2 2 R1 R2

- (EAm)2

This transcendental equation is readily solved numerically for given values of the parameters. It can be further reduced to that given in Ref. [2] on page 320, by setting R1 = R2 and GIp = EA. This has the effect of making the two systems identical. Equation 18 was used in this study to verify the computer results shown in Table II. Equation 18 further reduces to the well-known eigenvalue expression sin mL = 0 when I1 and I2 are set to zero, corresponding to the case for a uniform belt with free ends.

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