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Annotated Bibliography

Why do people create false identities on social networking sites?

David Beam Mr. Campbell English 1102 3/7/13

Mehdizadeh, Soraya. "Self-Presentation 2.0: Narcissism and Self-Esteem on Facebook." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13.4 (2010). Atkin's Library. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <>. This journal focusses on the topic of self-presentation and ones self-esteem on Facebook. There is a point of narcissism, which is a persons need to feel self -importance. A narcissist will use meaningless relations to gain popularity and to seem successful, which is what some people to on Facebook. There are many people on Facebook that change who they are to the world to seem bigger and more important. The author says that social relations is employed to regulate narcissistic esteem. Research by Buffardi and Campbell have proven that social networking sights have increased the levels of narcissism. It is easy for a person to post self-boasting statuses and perfect pictures when they can be doctored to anyones liking online. This could be a very good explanation as to why some go to the extent of creating false identities online. It gives them a boost of self-esteem and they end up feeling better for themselves. This journal is credible and is supported with facts and statistics, followed up with research and studies. The audience for this would be anyone doing research or that is interested in the topic of online narcissism. The author shows little to no side on the side of an argument. It is all factual definitions and studies. I find this journal somewhat useful because it explains why some people hide their true selves online. Ugly and Lurking. Sports Illustrated 118.3 (2013): 55. MAS Complete. Web. 24 Feb. 2013 In 2010 there was a documentary of a guy named Nev Schulman. He met a girl on Facebook, and judged who she was from her post an d pictures. He thought it was too good to be true, which is what it was. The young girl ended up being a middle-aged woman named Angela. Nev was Catfished. This has happened so often it is now a TV series. The reason for the catfish title is that the womans husband was a fisherman and was talking to Nev and told him about shipping cod from Alaska to China. They fish would arrive weak and tasteless, so they would add catfish to the tanks to keep them agile. The man said, "There are those people who are catfish in life, and they keep you on your toes, they keep you guessing. They keep you thinking. They keep you fresh. And I thank God for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin." The show didnt spark much interest until the most recent and famous of these catfishing events involving Notre Dame Linebacker Manti Teos hoax with his online love Lennay Kekua. If you watch the show it seems like only regular average people get pulled in to these scams, but it has happened to A-list celebrities, such as Robert De Niro and Billy Joel, by a woman who they thought was named Miranda. They were catfished before the term was thought of. This source is reliable as it is an article from the UNCC library. It gives a good overview of what catfish is about and what it involves. It is from Sports Illustrated and is intended for any person to read. It is the main definition for what my paper will be on and its focus. The author shows no bias, he/ she is stating a point and providing information. This source is useful to my research and project because it gives some background. This source will appear in my project as some background information and help set up for where I am going with it. This topic helped me understand what the title of Catfish means .

Comment [S1]: Do?

Comment [S2]: Site

Comment [S3]: I cant remember what he said about length or if there was any specifications but I would look into that because this one seems shorter than the ones we looked over in class. I cant remember if it was double spaced or not either.

Comment [S4]: This is a solid source. Very good summary, evaluation and usefulness.

Vidican, Sergiu . "Police Officers Go Undercover Online." Metrolic - World News!. 15 Apr. 2011. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. <>. With all of todays resources it is becoming harder to track down criminals, so many officers have turn to technology. They watch YouTube videos, follow tweets, and keeps an eye on Facebook statuses. Some officers create fake profiles on social networking sites and try to get close to the criminals online and find out more information about them. These officers go into depth with the information for these profiles they create all the way down to favorite TV show, quotes, and etc. Since some criminals rely on technology, such as creating fake names and phone numbers, it is best for the police force to interact as well. It has helped many officers to track and arrest wanted criminals, gang members, and more. On these social sites some people get careless and post pictures and statuses stated that they are doing
Comment [S5]: Maybe you could mention what type your source is, like the examples in class on Monday.

something rather illegal. Instead of these criminals going to brag to their friends they just post on Facebook and tell it to the world, now the police have their needed evidence. As the auth or of this article puts it, Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity . The main reason I like this article is that the author shows a way that fake profiles can be used for the greater good. Not all fake profiles are for evil and out there to hurt others. This is a credible source I feel because it is a news article and isnt saying how the author feels or what he believes. It is just straight facts and statements. This article is definitely useful for my final project because it shows another side to what the general idea of a fake profile is about. Wellborn, Paul. "Undercover Teachers Beware: How That Fake Prole on Facebook Could La nd You in the Pokey." 63 (2011). Web. 11 Mar. 2013. <>. Some could view this as an invasion of privacy because students are away from school during their actions, but it isnt viewed that way by some teachers. In this article there is the point of how some teachers create fake profiles the keep an eye on their students. They watch for academic integrity violations and violations against the schools code. They also watch for outright criminal acts. All it takes is a students false sense of security to friend a what they felt to be a peer, but is actually their Facebook stalking professor. This journal is credible and is filled with many facts and studies. It is going to be useful to me as it relates to the police officer article for finding criminals. It is a positive way to use false identities and it is used to supply undeniable evidence for violations and in crimes.

Comment [S6]: I would leave your personal beliefs out of the credibility and just say This source is credible because..

Comment [S7]: Awkward way to start off.

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