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[00:29:31] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.

3x {FFFFFF}Started
[00:29:34] Connecting to
[00:29:35] Connected. Joining the game...
[00:29:35] Welcome to Gang War Deathmatch!
[00:29:35] If you have questions feel free to ask around or type /help.
[00:29:35] For more information or to join our community, visit www.gangwar-dm.c
[00:29:35] Please follow all server rules. You see them by typing /rules, or on
the website.
[00:29:35] Welcome back, this account is registered.
[00:29:35] Please login with /login now or disconnect.
[00:29:35] You have 30 seconds to login or be kicked.
[00:29:35] Server Message of the Day:
[00:29:35] Welcome to GWDM to save your stats use /register, remember to check r
ules by typing /rules!
[00:29:35] Shady (33) joined the server.
[00:29:36] Connected to {B9C9BF}.: Gang War Deathmatch :.
[00:29:39] <[the]blink> (7) ohai Shady
[00:29:41] You have successfully logged into your account.
[00:29:42] <Shady> (33) hi
[00:29:47] TiuDoPosto (34) joined the server. (IP:
[00:29:47] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (11) xitaert
[00:29:49] <zeggai.blood> (16) t
[00:29:50] Moderator(s): {FFFFFF}Shady{FFFF8E}
[00:29:50] Admin(s): {FFFFFF}GwE_Racks{FFFF8E}, {FFFFFF}[The]Hellz{FFFF8E}
[00:29:50] Senior Admin(s): {FFFFFF}[the]blink{FFFF8E}
[00:29:59] <zeggai.blood> (16) tba3ni
[00:30:09] [eVo]Kojo (8) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:30:09] **[GWA]SpawN. (14) healed for $1000.
[00:30:14] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:30:49] <zeggai.blood> (16) hmaaaar
[00:30:49] [eVo]Lalypop (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:30:49] TzKs (12) left the server. (IP:
[00:30:49] Report from [The]BugaChu (9): 17 toggling hack
[00:30:49] [The]Pedra (12) joined the server. (IP:
[00:30:55] Team chat reading enabled.
[00:30:57] Personal message reading enabled.
[00:30:57] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) i wish spartan would bring back the triads
[00:30:59] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): eh
[00:31:01] <zeggai.blood> (16) yeah run bitches
[00:31:03] Shady (33) is looking into the report by [The]BugaChu (9).
[00:31:04] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) and remove something pointless like vagos
[00:31:06] HitlerSwag2013 (17) was banned by admin [the]blink (7) for: ammo hack
[00:31:06] HitlerSwag2013 (17) left the server. (IP:
[00:31:07] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): for once maniac did something wis
[00:31:09] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi tof
[00:31:09] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Do you have a reason to call me a who
[00:31:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) or aztecas
[00:31:10] <ZaxGee> (15) Oh feck..
[00:31:13] DominatoPT (32) left the server. (IP:
[00:31:14] kingtyllor (21) left the server. (IP:
[00:31:15] Eddie_Fonseca (30) left the server. (IP:
[00:31:23] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): maniac just hates him
[00:31:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): sup
[00:31:27] [eVo]Thief (17) joined the server. (IP:
[00:31:29] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Stop fucking argument if you have ran
out of arguments.

[00:31:29] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): hai

[00:31:36] [eVo]Kojo (8) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:31:36] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[00:31:37] **[eVo]Kojo (8) healed for $1000.
[00:31:55] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): inb4 evo spases us all
to death
[00:31:55] [The]Pedra (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:31:55] Player message from [GWA]SpawN. (14): milk spawncamping at grove
[00:31:55] Player message from [GWA]SpawN. (14): mild*
[00:31:55] **[the]blink (7) admin messaged [GWA]SpawN. (14): ID?
[00:31:57] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (17): wait
[00:31:59] <zeggai.blood> (16) good job
[00:32:00] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 ^
[00:32:05] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 1 ^
[00:32:06] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): kojo
[00:32:08] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): come home
[00:32:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he spams wtf
[00:32:10] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): lets own the
[00:32:10] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Lol
[00:32:14] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Did ya see that
[00:32:14] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): take arm
[00:32:15] **[GWA]SpawN. (14) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[00:32:17] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): evo
[00:32:18] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): lol
[00:32:18] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (20) vc br?
[00:32:20] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): Yeah
[00:32:21] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (17): no money lol
[00:32:22] [eVo]Lalypop (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:32:23] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah rsa
[00:32:24] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): i see
[00:32:25] [eVo]Kojo (8) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:32:39] <LimpaN> (13) Sorry, no.
[00:32:39] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): = sin
[00:32:39] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): lol
[00:32:39] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): how much you go on old
acc *
[00:32:39] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): Z0w pretty much invited anyone who
shoots a spas
[00:32:39] <[eVo]Kojo> (8) KOJOCANNON
[00:32:40] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:32:40] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): and whores it
[00:32:46] PM from [eVo]Thief (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 297 k i think
[00:32:49] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (12): hellp pedra
[00:32:52] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Shame you cant use free skins
[00:32:57] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): go on it and tell shady
or blink to transfer
[00:32:57] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): cant use the cartels
[00:32:59] [The]Hellz (10) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:33:00] gonzalo (23) left the server. (IP:
[00:33:00] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): lalypop, Kojo, thief
[00:33:03] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (17): until spartan give you
[00:33:05] <[eVo]Thief> (17) blink
[00:33:06] PM from [The]Pedra (12) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): where? lol
[00:33:07] <[the]blink> (7) ?
[00:33:15] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi nab9aw chwi
[00:33:19] <zeggai.blood> (16) n9atlo
[00:33:21] **[eVo]Lalypop (1) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[00:33:21] <[eVo]Thief> (17) can u transfer my money to this account ?
[00:33:21] allan (21) joined the server. (IP:

[00:33:24] Warning(opcode 0x36A): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x6E3D9F

[00:33:24] Warning(opcode 0x36A): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x6E3D9F
[00:33:24] Warning(opcode 0x36A): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x6E3D9F
[00:33:26] <[the]blink> (7) You want stats too?
[00:33:29] <Shady> (33) opcodes?
[00:33:31] <zeggai.blood> (16) ana dakchi
[00:33:31] <[eVo]Thief> (17) yes
[00:33:33] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) yep
[00:33:36] <[the]blink> (7) Talk to Ed
[00:33:36] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): So snoop.
[00:33:36] [R.I.P]Danangi... (5) left the server. (IP:
[00:33:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) 3andi kayban wa3r$
[00:33:53] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): What factions you've Rped in.
[00:33:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) o nta
[00:33:53] GS_boutata (18) has been kicked by the server for constant teamkillin
[00:33:53] GS_boutata (18) left the server. (IP:
[00:33:53] <[the]blink> (7) or Spartan
[00:33:53] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) "money" blink
[00:33:53] <[eVo]Thief> (17) but now i want only money
[00:33:53] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) opcodes near
[00:33:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) wa rsaaaa
[00:33:53] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) not whole stats
[00:33:53] Player message from [GWA]SpawN. (14): groe
[00:33:53] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:33:53] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): DBE, you are pathetic.
[00:33:53] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:33:53] [The]BugaChu (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:33:53] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): Everything .
[00:33:54] <[the]blink> (7) he wants stats and money
[00:33:54] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:33:57] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:34:00] <[the]blink> (7) Ed said if they want both talk to him
[00:34:03] <[eVo]Thief> (17) not now
[00:34:04] [eVo]Lalypop (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:34:09] <[eVo]Kojo> (8) I want only money
[00:34:09] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): So you still continue insulting m
e ?
[00:34:10] <[eVo]Kojo> (8) Can we do that?
[00:34:11] <[eVo]Thief> (17) only for money
[00:34:16] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) "can you transfer my money"
[00:34:17] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): Even though you said that I shoul
d drop the conversation?
[00:34:18] <[the]blink> (7) I can only transfer money
[00:34:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): <<<<<<< ** AIR SUPPORT COMI
NG: GROVE ** >>>>>>>>>>>
[00:34:20] [The]BugaChu (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:34:21] <[the]blink> (7) but if he wants both
[00:34:22] <[eVo]Kojo> (8) Please do that
[00:34:23] <zeggai.blood> (16) tiu
[00:34:24] <[the]blink> (7) Ed said to just ask him
[00:34:24] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): You're immature :P
[00:34:26] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): It's not a insult. It was a fact.
[00:34:28] allan (21) left the server. (IP:
[00:34:30] [eVo]Thief (17) left the server. (IP:
[00:34:31] PM from [eVo]Kojo (8) to [the]blink (7): Can you please transfer my m
oney from Kojo to this?
[00:34:32] <[the]blink> (7) If you're going to ask for stats too I won't do it
[00:34:37] [R.I.P]Danangi... (5) joined the server. (IP:
[00:34:40] PM from [the]blink (7) to [eVo]Kojo (8): you only want money, no stat

s correct?
[00:34:40] <Shady> (33) lol
[00:34:41] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Now tell me.
[00:34:43] <GwE_Racks> (2) k
[00:34:45] PM from [eVo]Kojo (8) to [the]blink (7): Yes, only the money please.
[00:34:49] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): Got no reason to.
[00:34:50] <[the]blink> (7) That's what Ed said
[00:34:51] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): Peace..
[00:34:53] Thief (18) joined the server. (IP:
[00:34:54] [The]BugaChu (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:34:55] GS_boutata (21) joined the server. (IP:
[00:34:57] <[The]Hellz> (10) lol
[00:34:59] PM from [the]blink (7) to [eVo]Kojo (8): go to the old account
[00:34:59] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Fuck you.
[00:35:00] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): Gotta help my mother with somethi
[00:35:03] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 20 spawnkilling
[00:35:04] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): Yeah, fuck you too :P
[00:35:06] Shady (33) is looking into the report by [GWA]SpawN. (14).
[00:35:07] GwE_Racks (2) is looking into the report by [GWA]SpawN. (14).
[00:35:08] That player is not spawned.
[00:35:08] PM from [eVo]Kojo (8) to [the]blink (7): moment
[00:35:14] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Would be funny if all this was a trol
[00:35:15] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): BTW, continue your fake racism ag
ainst people.
[00:35:17] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I won't peace with a CAPS locking dud
e who calls me a whore.
[00:35:19] <Thief> (18) transfer my money only plz
[00:35:20] Player message from [GWA]SpawN. (14): they just got killed, nvm
[00:35:24] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi ndiro taswira
[00:35:25] <[the]blink> (7) Thief you want stats too
[00:35:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): does anyone notice RGT d
osent take report when other admin is on?
[00:35:30] PM from ZaxGee (15) to Zerbiw (29): Captain America!
[00:35:32] <Thief> (18) no
[00:35:32] <[the]blink> (7) Ed said don't transfer money if they want stats too
[00:35:34] Moderator(s): {FFFFFF}Shady{FFFF8E}
[00:35:34] Admin(s): {FFFFFF}GwE_Racks{FFFF8E}, {FFFFFF}[The]Hellz{FFFF8E}
[00:35:34] Senior Admin(s): {FFFFFF}[the]blink{FFFF8E}
[00:35:39] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): is he even admin anymore?
[00:35:59] gonzalo (17) joined the server. (IP:
[00:35:59] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): Lol
[00:35:59] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): a lot of the moderators
don't take reports at all
[00:35:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): <<<<<<< ** AIR SUPPORT COMI
NG: GROVE ** >>>>>>>>>>>
[00:35:59] <Thief> (18) blink.. i don't want to stats
[00:35:59] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Haha, you too. DBE. Atleast stand for
what you say.
[00:35:59] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): I didn't ask you to neither
[00:35:59] <[the]blink> (7) At all?
[00:35:59] [Vanilloid.uNk] (23) joined the server. (IP:
[00:36:01] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): I do, I completely hate Swedish i
mmigrants, but I wont hurt anyone.
[00:36:05] <Thief> (18) you can't transfer my money now ?
[00:36:05] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) Sup yall.
[00:36:05] **Biker Team Chat: DeathByEye (19): You happy? I stood for my words.
[00:36:08] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I'll put both of your dicks in my mou
th if you don't shut up.

[00:36:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) sup

[00:36:09] <zeggai.blood> (16) ok ana dart tof
[00:36:10] <[eVo]Kojo> (8) Hello.
[00:36:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i think i always take them.
[00:36:12] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah
[00:36:12] <[the]blink> (7) Are you going to ask for stats later?
[00:36:17] <Thief> (18) yes
[00:36:18] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): xD
[00:36:22] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) -_________________[00:36:22] <[the]blink> (7) exactly
[00:36:22] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) Hey Binik sup
[00:36:24] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) Blink*
[00:36:26] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I'm cool, but my connection with DBE
is over.
[00:36:33] <[the]blink> (7) Ed said don't transfer money if they want stats he c
an take care of it both
[00:36:33] <police> (25) gogogo
[00:36:33] Dark_M4ster (30) joined the server. (IP:
[00:36:36] medico[ls00 (32) joined the server. (IP:
[00:36:36] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 11 spawnkilling
[00:36:43] Shady (33) is looking into the report by [GWA]SpawN. (14).
[00:36:44] Corey_Thugz (35) joined the server. (IP:
[00:36:47] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I can understand I mean he can annoy
people easily.
[00:36:51] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): all he does is copy and
paste so it's easier
[00:36:52] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (8): lol we're chasing 1, 1 is chasing
[00:36:52] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): ZAx i wanna fucken kill someone
[00:36:53] <Thief> (18) okay
[00:36:55] qK.Kuinn (24) left the server. (IP:
[00:36:55] <[the]blink> (7) all he does is copy and paste so it's easier
[00:36:56] Liam_Lawson (24) joined the server. (IP:
[00:36:57] [Vanilloid.uNk] (23) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:36:57] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): And Limp can annoy DBE easily, its si
[00:36:58] Dark_M4ster (30) left the server. (IP:
[00:37:08] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): ok ok, lets suck some dicks Snoop
[00:37:09] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:37:14] <[eVo]Lalypop> (1) u r lagging
[00:37:17] Thief (18) left the server. (IP:
[00:37:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Farrukh and RGT were to
o busy going at it to take reports
[00:37:20] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I hate lag shooting tho
[00:37:21] RaCuMim214 (6) left the server. (IP:
[00:37:24] <Shady> (33) stop spawncamping groves
[00:37:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): whos RGT
[00:37:28] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi ndabzo
[00:37:29] qK.Santoz (6) joined the server. (IP:
[00:37:30] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Arzen and me always tak
e all the reports
[00:37:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Dex
[00:37:33] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Fire!
[00:37:38] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 9 car F abuse
[00:37:38] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): oh
[00:37:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): he never takes reports
[00:37:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): RGT[nWo[t]
[00:37:43] DeathByEye (19) left the server. (IP:
[00:37:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): since he became a mod

[00:37:46] Shady (33) is looking into the report by [eVo]z0wb0zu (31).

[00:37:47] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:37:54] **[the]blink (7) admin messaged [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): no such thing as "
f abuse"
[00:37:55] <GS_boutata> (21) l9it tomobila dial patch
[00:37:55] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Mother..
[00:37:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it is
[00:37:57] qK.Santoz (6) left the server. (IP:
[00:37:59] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): *
[00:38:02] **[Vanilloid.uNk] (23) healed for $1000.
[00:38:03] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) there is
[00:38:03] <zeggai.blood> (16) fin
[00:38:05] [eVo]Thief (6) joined the server. (IP:
[00:38:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): niko kicked for that...
[00:38:14] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I'm killing the spawn killers ^_^
[00:38:16] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): when you mislead players to
get into bike
[00:38:16] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): dafuq is f abuse
[00:38:18] Looking for some assistance? Try /help or /commands!
[00:38:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): The rules don't have F
abuse to my knowledge
[00:38:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): that
[00:38:21] <[eVo]Lalypop> (1) cya
[00:38:23] [eVo]Lalypop (1) left the server. (IP:
[00:38:26] <felipedoroch> (3) LUIS ATENDEE
[00:38:26] Player message from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): pressing f to go on animation
to other player so you can abuse it to run away
[00:38:27] <[eVo]Thief> (6) blink
[00:38:29] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): let me check
[00:38:32] <felipedoroch> (3) PRA FALAR E T
[00:38:34] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:38:35] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:38:38] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Ouch
[00:38:45] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): Wut?
[00:38:46] <GS_boutata> (21) lawla dial lhamrin
[00:38:49] <[eVo]Thief> (6) if i don't want to transfer my stats i can transfer
my donator later ?
[00:38:52] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): ..
[00:38:54] <GS_boutata> (21) lambrgini
[00:39:02] That player is not connected.
[00:39:03] <zeggai.blood> (16) aw
[00:39:03] <[the]blink> (7) Ed can transfer donator, stats and cash together
[00:39:04] **Biker Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Shoot that ita
[00:39:07] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:39:09] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:39:10] [The]BugaChu (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:39:10] [the]blink (7) is now on admin duty, attacking them is punishable.
[00:39:12] <[The]Hellz> (10) i like cookies
[00:39:12] <zeggai.blood> (16) andabzo
[00:39:16] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) yup
[00:39:37] PM from [eVo]Kojo (8) to [GWA]SpawN. (14): soz
[00:39:37] <[eVo]Thief> (6) okay give me a 247 k man
[00:39:37] <GS_boutata> (21) ok
[00:39:37] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [eVo]Kojo (8): its good
[00:39:37] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:39:37] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (8): brb
[00:39:37] <[eVo]Thief> (6) i don't want to stats
[00:39:37] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (8): gonna get my money transfered
[00:39:37] <GS_boutata> (21) tsawart m3aha
[00:39:37] [eVo]Kojo (8) left the server. (IP:

[00:39:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Niko made a thread abou

t "f abuse" but nothing is in the rules
[00:39:46] felipedoroch (3) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:39:46] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i pmed ed
[00:39:47] PM from Zerbiw (29) to GS_boutata (21): El 3arab ketro
[00:39:48] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) 3 days ago
[00:39:49] <zeggai.blood> (16) ana had vagos katban wa3ra
[00:39:51] <zeggai.blood> (16) o nta
[00:39:53] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) spartan also
[00:39:55] PM from ZaxGee (15) to LimpaN (13): try grove
[00:39:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he punished for that...
[00:39:57] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) but none of them responded
[00:40:02] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) so why you can't just gbive them
[00:40:03] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): FUCK, so close xD
[00:40:03] <zeggai.blood> (16) tal men ba3d o nwarik
[00:40:03] RaCuMim214 (1) joined the server. (IP:
[00:40:04] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) money ?
[00:40:05] PM from ZaxGee (15) to LimpaN (13): I mean ballas
[00:40:08] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:40:12] Dark_M4ster (8) joined the server. (IP:
[00:40:13] <GS_boutata> (21) kat ban khich bich
[00:40:14] <[eVo]Thief> (6) blink
[00:40:18] <zeggai.blood> (16) nta la3b b wahd m9awd
[00:40:20] <[eVo]Thief> (6) i don't want to stats okay.
[00:40:21] PM from ZaxGee (15) to Zerbiw (29): Join ballas
[00:40:21] **Liam_Lawson (24) healed for $1000.
[00:40:25] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): this is madness
[00:40:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): I checked the rules not
hing about it
[00:40:28] <[eVo]Thief> (6) i want 247 k only
[00:40:29] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:40:29] <ZaxGee> (15) Haha xD
[00:40:33] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah
[00:40:35] anis (0) left the server. (IP:
[00:40:36] <[the]blink> (7) go to the old account
[00:40:36] **Biker Team Chat: Zerbiw (29): I will go out lol
[00:40:39] <zeggai.blood> (16) khasna matr pizza
[00:40:39] [eVo]Thief (6) left the server. (IP:
[00:40:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): well idk,i just saw it to t
he senior...
[00:40:42] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (20) oi
[00:40:43] FastDougNut05 (0) joined the server. (IP:
[00:40:44] <zeggai.blood> (16) rkb hdaya
[00:40:44] **Biker Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Cya mate.
[00:40:47] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (20) oid
[00:40:49] Kojo (6) joined the server. (IP:
[00:40:59] <ZaxGee> (15) LimpaN go Ballas.
[00:41:01] Thief (18) joined the server. (IP:
[00:41:18] <[The]BugaChu> (9) dont ever ask me to be ur friends in ur life
[00:41:18] <ZaxGee> (15) Same for Snoopy.
[00:41:18] <LimpaN> (13) How?
[00:41:18] <ZaxGee> (15) F
[00:41:18] <Kojo> (6) Stop spawn killing pleaswe.
[00:41:18] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:41:18] <ZaxGee> (15) F4
[00:41:19] <ZaxGee> (15) And die.
[00:41:20] <[The]Hellz> (10) shit
[00:41:21] <[The]Pedra> (12) lol
[00:41:22] <[The]Hellz> (10) my bad pedra
[00:41:25] Zerbiw (29) left the server. (IP:

[00:41:29] <ZaxGee> (15) F4 > /kill

[00:41:32] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 9 f abuse
[00:41:39] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he did it...
[00:41:40] Thief (18) left the server. (IP:
[00:41:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): whatever...
[00:41:42] <[the]blink> (7) go to the new account
[00:41:42] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) buga
[00:41:43] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) Nice.
[00:41:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): it
[00:41:44] Dark_M4ster (8) left the server. (IP:
[00:41:46] <[The]BugaChu> (9) wat
[00:41:49] **ZaxGee (15) healed for $1000.
[00:41:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): its not in the rules,
we cant warn for that
[00:41:49] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) thats not allowed
[00:41:51] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): let me see if I can tal
k to Spartan
[00:41:53] **Liam_Lawson (24) healed for $1000.
[00:41:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): mwell you guys cant wa
rn for that
[00:41:54] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) you can't tap f like that
[00:41:55] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): k
[00:41:58] Dark_M4ster (8) joined the server. (IP:
[00:42:02] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ik what you are doing
[00:42:06] [eVo]Thief (18) joined the server. (IP:
[00:42:08] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:42:08] PM from Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): Hey, you told me to get on this a
[00:42:10] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Homie
[00:42:10] **Corey_Thugz (35) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[00:42:11] <Shady> (33) we will make this clear in a bit,just wait.
[00:42:13] <[The]BugaChu> (9) i let u first be in the bike and then i tap f
[00:42:14] You are now on admin duty.
[00:42:14] Shady (33) is now on admin duty, attacking them is punishable.
[00:42:15] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): get snoopy on
[00:42:18] **Balla Team Chat: LimpaN (13): But seriously. I have no respect left
for DBE.
[00:42:19] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) no
[00:42:19] PM from [the]blink (7) to Kojo (6): 1 sec
[00:42:19] Sento (19) joined the server. (IP:
[00:42:23] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) you press f then run around :P
[00:42:24] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:42:30] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) tIUDEposto
[00:42:33] <[Vanilloid.uNk]> (23) Stop your lag.cs
[00:42:33] police (25) has been kicked by the server for constant teamkilling.
[00:42:33] police (25) left the server. (IP:
[00:42:33] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Ik what you mean, he is sortof annoyi
[00:42:34] <zeggai.blood> (16) oussama andabzo ok
[00:42:36] <Sento> (19) Hey All
[00:42:38] <[The]BugaChu> (9) wat are u talking about
[00:42:40] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): A little immature
[00:42:41] Sento (19) left the server. (IP:
[00:42:43] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): sento?
[00:42:44] <[eVo]Thief> (18) ty
[00:42:45] <zeggai.blood> (16) yta3ni
[00:42:47] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): [the] 2 pr0
[00:42:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): he is unbanned
[00:42:49] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:42:50] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Like he was trying to have last word

before he /q...
[00:42:51] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): that is daniel
[00:42:52] **Balla Team Chat: LimpaN (13): No shit, CAPS locking whore at me..
[00:42:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): oh
[00:42:57] <[the]blink> (7) Kojo
[00:42:57] medico[ls00 (32) left the server. (IP:
[00:43:00] <ZaxGee> (15) Snoop dog
[00:43:02] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) feck
[00:43:02] <ZaxGee> (15) Join ballas
[00:43:10] <[The]BugaChu> (9) lol
[00:43:30] <[the]blink> (7) where is kojo
[00:43:30] <Kojo> (6) Yes
[00:43:30] <zeggai.blood> (16) hhh
[00:43:30] [GWA]Daniel (19) joined the server. (IP:
[00:43:30] <Kojo> (6) Im right here man
[00:43:30] <zeggai.blood> (16) dir
[00:43:30] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:43:30] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:43:30] <zeggai.blood> (16) dam byad
[00:43:30] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ik that protocol blink
[00:43:32] <[the]blink> (7) go to the new account
[00:43:33] [The]Pedra (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:43:35] <Kojo> (6) okay
[00:43:36] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) but they are waiting 2+ days
[00:43:37] Kojo (6) left the server. (IP:
[00:43:41] zeggai.blood (16) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:43:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): who told him about the prot
[00:43:46] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): PM snoop for me?
[00:43:47] <LimpaN> (13) Rollin' heights ballas country. Man, i ain't represente
d the Grove for years. But they don't give a shit.
[00:43:53] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) xD
[00:43:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): he is crying cause they
wanted stats and cash
[00:43:54] <zeggai.blood> (16) dir
[00:43:57] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Wanna be army?
[00:43:57] <zeggai.blood> (16) dam byad
[00:43:58] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): and ed said to have him
do it
[00:44:01] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Got good m4s, good acc.
[00:44:02] <GS_boutata> (21) kifach
[00:44:05] [eVo]Kojo (6) joined the server. (IP:
[00:44:07] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:44:10] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:44:13] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[00:44:14] **Balla Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Sure
[00:44:15] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i should ask him,who told h
im about our protocol?
[00:44:15] **Balla Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): F4 n /kill
[00:44:17] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) gf
[00:44:21] <zeggai.blood> (16) /shop
[00:44:25] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 esc
[00:44:25] <zeggai.blood> (16) bhali
[00:44:26] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): Hey
[00:44:28] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:44:29] <[The]Hellz> (10) look at z0w trying to run
[00:44:30] Shady (33) is looking into the report by [GWA]SpawN. (14).
[00:44:30] [Vanilloid.uNk] (23) left the server. (IP:
[00:44:30] <[The]Hellz> (10) lmao
[00:44:32] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[00:44:32] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)

[00:44:35] <[the]blink> (7) Done
[00:44:37] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) come
[00:44:37] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): Thanks a lot man
[00:44:38] Dark_M4ster (8) was kicked by admin Shady (33) for: AFK/Away - Use /a
fk in the future!
[00:44:39] Dark_M4ster (8) left the server. (IP:
[00:44:39] Keep in mind you are still on admin duty.
[00:44:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Spawn wait for us.
[00:44:40] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): can we group please
[00:44:40] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i'm not running
[00:44:42] <[The]Hellz> (10) nah i'm fine here
[00:44:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): aight
[00:44:45] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) your clan member will warn me bro
[00:44:48] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:44:50] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): Last question, I got a probl
em with the forum account.
[00:44:51] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) "spawnkill"
[00:44:52] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[00:44:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): okay spartan is on TS l
ets see if he replied
[00:44:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I got a friend with me, mind dri
ving a 4 car? xD
[00:44:55] <[The]Hellz> (10) funny
[00:44:56] <zeggai.blood> (16) hi
[00:44:56] PM from [the]blink (7) to [eVo]Kojo (6): what is it?
[00:45:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): lets do it
[00:45:03] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah
[00:45:04] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) meh ok :(
[00:45:06] Shool (8) joined the server. (IP:
[00:45:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): hop on boys
[00:45:10] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i'm waiting..
[00:45:10] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): I can't enter it and it won'
t send an e-mail for password recovery.
[00:45:11] <[the]blink> (7) why camp outside our spawn point
[00:45:11] Dark_M4ster (23) joined the server. (IP:
[00:45:16] <[The]Hellz> (10) im not the one that wants to DM
[00:45:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Limp, this is SpawN, I played wi
th him quite alot. he doesn't know who I am xD
[00:45:21] PM from [the]blink (7) to [eVo]Kojo (6): contact reports@gangwar-dm.c
[00:45:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Because I have way too many accs
.. for mod testing etc.
[00:45:25] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Hey Hellz remember me ?
[00:45:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): c:
[00:45:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): :>
[00:45:27] Don_Bigg (25) joined the server. (IP:
[00:45:31] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i've been told that spawnca
mp is when,you wait intentional for player to spawn
[00:45:32] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [the]blink (7): Will do, thanks a lot once a
[00:45:34] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): and shoot him
[00:45:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Hello SpawN.
[00:45:37] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i need a ride
[00:45:39] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i'm not camping lol
[00:45:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): My name is....
[00:45:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): before he could move some m
[00:45:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): yeah
[00:45:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): dont attack [eVo]

[00:45:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Surprise!

[00:45:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): that's it
[00:45:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): they are allies
[00:45:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): LimpaN!
[00:45:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Z0w is hanging outside
our spawn lol
[00:45:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Disabled his wheels.
[00:45:57] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:45:58] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi
[00:45:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Oh..
[00:46:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Why didnt you tell me
[00:46:02] RaCuMim214 (1) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:46:06] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:46:07] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:46:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Normally any team would hit us
[00:46:11] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (12): wassup :D
[00:46:25] felipedoroch (3) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:46:25] K9.1234 (29) joined the server. (IP:
[00:46:25] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (12): The rages as always ll
[00:46:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): zow just uses that "yo
u'll warn me if i kill you in your spawn" excuse to run away
[00:46:25] <zeggai.blood> (16) chof dir
[00:46:25] PM from [The]Pedra (12) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): ???
[00:46:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Damn,
[00:46:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): So its not possible to ally very
[00:46:26] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) dont shoot corey
[00:46:29] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) stop
[00:46:31] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) both stop
[00:46:32] zeggai.blood (16) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:46:34] <zeggai.blood> (16) khroj
[00:46:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): get in the heli
[00:46:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): He likes to make us out
to seem like we abuse
[00:46:38] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (12): lol
[00:46:45] GS_boutata (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:46:47] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) guys stop.
[00:46:51] Ilyas878787 (27) has been kicked by the server for constant teamkilli
[00:46:51] Ilyas878787 (27) left the server. (IP:
[00:46:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) ha lferrari
[00:46:57] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) gf
[00:47:04] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:47:05] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:47:08] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:47:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i think id 35 pressed c to
cancel reload anim
[00:47:12] <Don_Bigg> (25) zeggai
[00:47:13] <GS_boutata> (21) bano liya tomobilati
[00:47:15] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[00:47:16] TiuDoPosto (34) left the server. (IP:
[00:47:16] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:47:18] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): zow
[00:47:21] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): where are you
[00:47:22] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to [GWA]SpawN. (14): spawn don't shoot him w
e are working together lawl
[00:47:22] <zeggai.blood> (16) yeas
[00:47:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): someone pilot and passenger heli
[00:47:24] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): on it
[00:47:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Spawn you pilot

[00:47:30] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): specing

[00:47:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): aight
[00:47:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): im watching too,but i lag a
[00:47:34] <GS_boutata> (21) hadik li rakb fiha
[00:47:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): aww
[00:47:36] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): was at hospital
[00:47:37] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): ayo
[00:47:37] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:47:38] [TOP6]Devon (27) joined the server. (IP:
[00:47:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I'm a good pilot too :P
[00:47:42] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to Corey_Thugz (35): dont shoot spawn. ;)
[00:47:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): good thinking zax
[00:47:50] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): come italian
[00:47:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): go gently xD
[00:47:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): make sure u dont hit the bl
ades, or die
[00:47:55] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:48:14] PM from [TOP6]Devon (27) to K9.1234 (29): naw come national guard
[00:48:14] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) admins
[00:48:14] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): i bet zow ma
[00:48:14] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) spec me
[00:48:14] <[the]blink> (7) ?
[00:48:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): tskk... so high..
[00:48:14] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): im italian now so
[00:48:14] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) best idea ever
[00:48:14] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) lol
[00:48:14] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): mad
[00:48:14] <zeggai.blood> (16) don_bigg
[00:48:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): The american army would totally
do this.
[00:48:16] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) Was'good.
[00:48:16] [NAF]Jay (30) joined the server. (IP:
[00:48:16] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:48:17] <zeggai.blood> (16) don_bigg
[00:48:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Not bad for the tatics
[00:48:19] **[The]BugaChu (9) healed for $1000.
[00:48:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): Z0w is gonna try to make peace wit
h unk
[00:48:30] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) Aight, ill change.
[00:48:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Why aren't you in the hole in th
e back? :o
[00:48:36] otto971 (32) joined the server. (IP:
[00:48:37] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): he's gonna ally every clan to only
attack nwo and The lol
[00:48:37] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) masta flow
[00:48:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): doesnt work
[00:48:42] <ZaxGee> (15) Guys, look out for a heli with a shooter on it. So epic
[00:48:43] <zeggai.blood> (16) don_bigg
[00:48:45] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) daniel come army
[00:48:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Yeah it is a shame that.
[00:48:50] FastDougNut05 (0) left the server. (IP:
[00:48:50] GS_boutata (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:48:51] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): they have like 4 clan ally alrea
[00:48:56] **Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): pick me up
[00:49:25] zeggai.blood (16) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:49:25] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): kk
[00:49:25] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:49:25] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[00:49:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): 35 is quick switching i

t seems
[00:49:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Daniel xD I shot ya
[00:49:25] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): GWA, ST
[00:49:25] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): i forget who else
[00:49:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): shoot
[00:49:25] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (12): LOL
[00:49:25] <zeggai.blood> (16) agi ndiro tof
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): wat happen to st
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): evo is just the clan to attack eve
ryone he hates
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): which is The
[00:49:25] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): nwo
[00:49:25] [eVo]Thief (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:49:25] Want to go away or take a break? Visit the /chill area!
[00:49:29] <K9.1234> (29) wow
[00:49:32] <K9.1234> (29) fucking hell..
[00:49:32] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) comming.
[00:49:32] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): RouliS is probably gonna join and
be high rank
[00:49:32] <zeggai.blood> (16) hrb
[00:49:39] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:49:42] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[00:49:47] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) lol
[00:49:51] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i'm on call on skype in same
time i lag
[00:49:52] That player is not connected.
[00:49:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): LOL
[00:49:52] <ZaxGee> (15) Oh shit
[00:49:52] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:49:53] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): u know why bitu left
[00:49:56] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): df are U
[00:49:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Fuck. xD
[00:49:57] otto971 (32) left the server. (IP:
[00:49:58] <ZaxGee> (15) That was awesome though
[00:49:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Everyone on the sides
[00:49:59] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): not really
[00:50:00] <zeggai.blood> (16) dir
[00:50:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): like zax
[00:50:01] <ZaxGee> (15) Do it again!
[00:50:02] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): don't really care
[00:50:04] zeggai.blood (16) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:50:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Take a car!
[00:50:11] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): wdf were r u i wanna dm not
sit here n wait
[00:50:11] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:50:13] <Shool> (8) p"ABL\ jd@ R Ss Z 9? U J- `
[00:50:13] <Shool> (8)
t }1 6
M > R p wLN @Uh/}
[00:50:13] <Shool> (8) Kh
{ d x ();Ht|
]}6N S dW [ 7[
[00:50:13] <Shool> (8) Ts Tx' n w1 FOn E3 (. 4h
[00:50:13] <Shool> (8) P
` HFaFk D QtZ q1,T
[00:50:13] Shool (8) has been muted by the server.
[00:50:13] [eVo]Thief (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:50:13] RaCuMim214 (1) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:50:14] <zeggai.blood> (16) rkb hdaya
[00:50:16] GS_boutata (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:50:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): danny, get on the side

[00:50:16] Shool (8) was warned by admin [the]blink (7) for: spam
[00:50:16] Shool (8) left the server. (IP:
[00:50:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): like zax
[00:50:24] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): wtf was that lol
[00:50:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): u can shoot off it
[00:50:26] otto971 (0) joined the server. (IP:
[00:50:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): no idea ._.
[00:50:29] <GwE_Racks> (2) awkward
[00:50:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Watch me.
[00:50:35] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): probably bot spammer
[00:50:36] <[The]BugaChu> (9) why honey
[00:50:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): nice.
[00:50:41] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): unk probably won't be friendly wit
h evo
[00:50:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ur turn daniel
[00:50:42] That player is spectating someone else.
[00:50:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): :>
[00:50:45] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): Arzen doesn't like them either
[00:50:46] That player is not connected.
[00:50:47] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) k wait
[00:50:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Let's roll boys! :D
[00:50:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) a malk
[00:50:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): wait
[00:50:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): dont fly
[00:50:57] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:50:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): lemme frap
[00:50:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): hold up wait for danny
[00:50:59] **Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): you coming?
[00:51:03] GS_boutata (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:51:07] PM from [NAF]Jay (30) to [TOP6]Devon (27): i'm at grove
[00:51:09] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): comign where i was just at
base fk dat
[00:51:10] zeggai.blood (16) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:51:10] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) omg
[00:51:11] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) admins
[00:51:13] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): they're in the area?
[00:51:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): done.
[00:51:13] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): make ur own way
[00:51:13] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) spec me
[00:51:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): evo=sin?
[00:51:17] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) This looks so beastly
[00:51:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i will too xD
[00:51:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): they got a lot of old s
[00:51:22] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): i dont like unk they go for easy
[00:51:22] <zeggai.blood> (16) nthamaw 3lih
[00:51:22] PM from TMAN (4) to [TOP6]Devon (27): where u?
[00:51:23] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Grizzly
[00:51:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): a next generation
[00:51:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): lol
[00:51:27] <Dark_M4ster> (23) e
[00:51:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): wait for zax to come off es
[00:51:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): elisa
[00:51:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): whatever....
[00:51:31] <GS_boutata> (21) ok
[00:51:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): GO GO GO.
[00:51:32] **Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): meet@grove
[00:51:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): otherwise it will cause pro

[00:51:35] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): if you see corey tell me his
[00:51:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): hold up
[00:51:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): just go
[00:51:37] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (11) dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:51:37] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): and they dont help
[00:51:39] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Devon (27): im at ten green bottle
[00:51:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Milo left The and was m
ad cause we didn't promote him
[00:51:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): eh ok
[00:51:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i will ask for a ban on her
,for racism remarks
[00:51:42] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): thats id 35
[00:51:42] PM from TMAN (4) to [TOP6]Devon (27): yah
[00:51:45] <zeggai.blood> (16) wher are you
[00:51:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): nO!
[00:51:46] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:51:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Back down!
[00:51:49] **Corey_Thugz (35) is on a killing spree with 20 kills without death!
[00:51:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ...
[00:51:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): if she says something again
[00:51:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Back down
[00:51:54] <K9.1234> (29) hell ye!
[00:51:54] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): ganton
[00:51:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): who :o
[00:51:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): told ya to wait
[00:52:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): maddboss was mad cause
we dneied him and went to The
[00:52:00] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:52:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): watch it.
[00:52:00] <zeggai.blood> (16) l
[00:52:01] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): elisa and dmon
[00:52:05] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[00:52:06] <K9.1234> (29) devon come
[00:52:07] <K9.1234> (29) gantonm
[00:52:10] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) comin
[00:52:10] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): i c
[00:52:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): you gonna drope us
[00:52:11] <GS_boutata> (21) 2
[00:52:12] <zeggai.blood> (16) chof sir o dir g
[00:52:15] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): dmon got suspended for call
ing me gypsy,after i left
[00:52:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): drive straight.
[00:52:19] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): i have 10 min left
[00:52:20] <zeggai.blood> (16) o naych
[00:52:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): on board zax
[00:52:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): idk why he got removed...
[00:52:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): go go
[00:52:24] [TOP6]Milano (8) joined the server. (IP:
[00:52:28] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): on the way to our base
[00:52:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I take the back.
[00:52:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): alright every1 crouch
[00:52:30] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) wtf
[00:52:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): that kind of attitude
is unacceptable from an admin
[00:52:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he probably pissed off spar
[00:52:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Hey youtubes.
[00:52:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Since i can't afford a m4 xD

[00:52:39] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) why cant i driveby

[00:52:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Passengers, say hi.
[00:52:41] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) lol
[00:52:45] <K9.1234> (29) U GOT COMbat
[00:52:45] Don_Bigg (25) left the server. (IP:
[00:52:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it was not first time too
[00:52:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Z0w pissed Spartan off
and got banned for "fuck off"
[00:52:47] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) aint got a driveby weapon for some reason
[00:52:48] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) oh.
[00:52:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Fuck you. c:
[00:52:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Oh shitiiititiit
[00:52:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): cause he was disrespect
ing him
[00:52:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Oh, i mean "Hi"! :D
[00:52:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): for banning Dmon grizz
and a few others
[00:52:58] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:52:58] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[00:52:59] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) woww
[00:53:02] Player message from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): italian mafia spawnkilling rus
sian mafia
[00:53:03] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) I hate that shotgun
[00:53:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Go steady
[00:53:04] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): seems fair for me
[00:53:08] [the]blink (7) is looking into the report by [eVo]z0wb0zu (31).
[00:53:08] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) NO
[00:53:09] <[TOP6]Milano> (8) Come to hobos mang
[00:53:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Oh no
[00:53:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Damn, nigga. The fuck 'chu doin'
[00:53:11] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[00:53:11] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) I refuse to die
[00:53:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): aa
[00:53:15] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[00:53:16] <ZaxGee> (15) SHIT
[00:53:16] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) alright
[00:53:16] Timy_Collins (25) joined the server. (IP:
[00:53:17] <zeggai.blood> (16) sog
[00:53:17] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (11) felipe
[00:53:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Lol.
[00:53:18] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) k9
[00:53:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): NO
[00:53:21] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) go to hobos
[00:53:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I died too :I
[00:53:27] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (20) felipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:53:28] Don_Bigg (32) joined the server. (IP:
[00:53:29] <K9.1234> (29) hobo base?
[00:53:31] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) joined the server. (IP:
[00:53:33] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Jay you still brook lol
[00:53:34] <K9.1234> (29) speak in chat
[00:53:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): u fell off?
[00:53:35] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) hobo team
[00:53:36] That player is not spawned.
[00:53:36] <zeggai.blood> (16) tasieka
[00:53:36] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): what?
[00:53:37] <[NAF]Jay> (30) mhm :(
[00:53:38] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:53:53] <zeggai.blood> (16) tasyika
[00:53:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Yeah xD

[00:53:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Zax

[00:53:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am stiil in.
[00:53:53] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:53:53] **[the]blink (7) admin messaged Corey_Thugz (35): leave their spawn p
oint, don't go into their spawn
[00:53:53] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): this guy cbugging rofl
[00:53:53] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:53:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I say just all get on the limo
[00:53:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): watch it
[00:54:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): wait.
[00:54:03] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:54:03] <zeggai.blood> (16) hacker
[00:54:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Go back
[00:54:05] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[00:54:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): -.0
[00:54:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): They're coming back Limp
[00:54:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): that was close.
[00:54:10] <Shady> (33) Any1 plays LoL?
[00:54:13] <K9.1234> (29) LOL
[00:54:14] You are now off admin duty.
[00:54:14] Shady (33) is no longer on admin duty.
[00:54:14] <[the]blink> (7) salsa does
[00:54:15] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ok corey
[00:54:15] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:54:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): spawn it's not a good idea
[00:54:19] puts (36) joined the server. (IP:
[00:54:20] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) Come hobo team :D
[00:54:21] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (20) seu fdp de dark
[00:54:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Private Myers reporting for duty
[00:54:22] <zeggai.blood> (16) don_bigg
[00:54:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): xD
[00:54:26] <Don_Bigg> (32) OUI
[00:54:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): all to /sd take parachut i
have better idea.
[00:54:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): not a good ideas but looks
[00:54:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): lol
[00:54:34] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): wsgood
[00:54:35] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:54:35] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:54:36] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:54:38] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[00:54:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ima go with these 2
[00:54:39] <K9.1234> (29) combat spammer
[00:54:40] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): Congratulations, you made
eVo's hit list. Prepare to be spased to death by them XD
[00:54:40] <Shady> (33) he plays on different server
[00:54:41] <zeggai.blood> (16) you play on fear and respect
[00:54:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): dangerouse too
[00:54:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): its pretty fun
[00:54:50] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:54:53] <Corey_Thugz> (35) l
[00:54:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): all to /sd
[00:54:56] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Hey :-)
[00:54:57] Liam_Lawson (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:54:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Do not move.
[00:54:57] PM from Corey_Thugz (35) to [the]blink (7): LOL
[00:54:58] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): Rich_Thugz might apply to The
[00:54:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): i got them on now

[00:55:01] <zeggai.blood> (16) nta mghrabi

[00:55:01] PM from Corey_Thugz (35) to [the]blink (7): There shit lmao
[00:55:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am waiting take parachute
[00:55:06] [The]BugaChu (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:55:07] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): when he isn't busy with school aga
[00:55:09] **[The]BugaChu (9) healed for $1000.
[00:55:09] <Don_Bigg> (32) NON tounsi
[00:55:15] <zeggai.blood> (16) ok rkb
[00:55:18] Admin to All: C Bugging is banable
[00:55:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): do you copy ?
[00:55:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): anyway it was funny that
[00:55:23] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Milano (8): its xavier, why u get me i
wasnt even shooting at u lol
[00:55:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): We're on air now, next death we'
ll do it
[00:55:24] <zeggai.blood> (16) hna maroc
[00:55:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): acknowledge
[00:55:27] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Make it in the screen blink
[00:55:31] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): zow excused from me
[00:55:34] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) C bug is banable offense.
[00:55:35] PM from [TOP6]Milano (8) to K9.1234 (29): didn't know
[00:55:38] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [TOP6]Milano (8): i won't murk dont worry lol
[00:55:40] <zeggai.blood> (16) sir l blaca li kona fiha men gbiiiiila
[00:55:41] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Hobos suck.
[00:55:42] <zeggai.blood> (16) b lmatr
[00:55:43] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): whatever,he lied alot about
[00:55:44] <ZaxGee> (15) Look out for the airbone squad of the army.
[00:55:44] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Shit classes ;p
[00:55:45] Corey_Thugz (35) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:55:46] gonzalo (17) left the server. (IP:
[00:55:48] <[The]Pedra> (12) lol
[00:55:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Spawn
[00:55:50] <zeggai.blood> (16) ah
[00:55:50] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:55:50] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): they got AK
[00:55:51] <LimpaN> (13) Is this considered C bugging?
[00:55:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): yes
[00:55:52] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (11) dark atende la no skype porra!!!
[00:55:53] <[The]Pedra> (12) wtf
[00:55:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): /sd
[00:55:54] <GwE_Racks> (2) lol?
[00:55:56] <ZaxGee> (15) :D
[00:55:56] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Ye.. thas only good ;p
[00:55:59] <zeggai.blood> (16) agiw
[00:56:00] <LimpaN> (13) Is this considered C bugging?
[00:56:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i don't care anyway,im gonn
a kill all his clanmembers
[00:56:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): i have these 2 on the heli
[00:56:04] <GwE_Racks> (2) why you shoot teh car?
[00:56:04] <zeggai.blood> (16) ana ghlat
[00:56:05] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Silenced pistol pre good but not
very powerful
[00:56:07] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): I love the shotgun :-P
[00:56:08] <zeggai.blood> (16) o khrajt
[00:56:10] <[The]Pedra> (12) I wasn't
[00:56:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): k understood
[00:56:14] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[00:56:15] Augusto_CybeRxs (20) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]

[00:56:40] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:56:40] <[The]Hellz> (10) oh noez
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Which one?
[00:56:40] <LimpaN> (13) Is this considered C bugging? Admin, spec me.
[00:56:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am gonna wait in the airp
[00:56:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): He's gonna try to make
peace with unk lol. Doubt arzen will go for it
[00:56:40] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) not now limpan
[00:56:40] [The]Pedra (12) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): The normal one
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Oh, ur the girk.
[00:56:40] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) ur on the heli lmao
[00:56:40] <ZaxGee> (15) Yeah they always busy..
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): first one
[00:56:40] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): SiN still about?
[00:56:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): who?
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Girl*.
[00:56:40] dusek898989 (26) left the server. (IP:
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Where are you going
[00:56:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Z0w
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): God damnit
[00:56:40] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lmao
[00:56:40] Dark_M4ster (23) left the server. (IP:
[00:56:41] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): thug come
[00:56:43] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Go to grove ;lo
[00:56:43] PM from Corey_Thugz (35) to [the]blink (7): Are you allies with them?
[00:56:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): cause blake was crying
on their thread that evo attacked him
[00:56:45] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): ;o
[00:56:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): This is pretty neat though.
[00:56:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): he wants peace with me
[00:56:47] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): I thought Milan was here lol
[00:56:51] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): hell no Z0w hates The
[00:56:58] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): he told me not to help T
[00:56:58] mahoray (17) joined the server. (IP:
[00:56:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Careful on that turn you just di
[00:56:58] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): I am
[00:56:59] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:57:00] ebuuu (23) joined the server. (IP:
[00:57:00] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): he's pretty much allying
every clan except nwo and The
[00:57:00] <zeggai.blood> (16) ana ansog
[00:57:01] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): blake unk leader?haha
[00:57:03] Dark_M4ster (26) joined the server. (IP:
[00:57:03] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): LOL
[00:57:03] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to K9.1234 (29): no
[00:57:05] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): yeah
[00:57:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Look up blues
[00:57:06] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): i surv
[00:57:06] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): lol
[00:57:07] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): low rank leader
[00:57:08] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) actually no
[00:57:08] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:57:08] <zeggai.blood> (16) df3
[00:57:08] PM from Corey_Thugz (35) to [the]blink (7): i hate eVo..

[00:57:09] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)

[00:57:10] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) this is spawnkilling
[00:57:10] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): lol what happened?
[00:57:12] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[00:57:12] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): i survived lmaoo
[00:57:13] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): jesus i have 98k
[00:57:16] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to K9.1234 (29): closed
[00:57:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33):
[00:57:21] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): spasers
[00:57:21] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): why?
[00:57:22] Aykut (37) joined the server. (IP:
[00:57:24] [The]Pedra (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[00:57:26] <[The]Pedra> (12) lol
[00:57:28] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to K9.1234 (29): leaders left
[00:57:30] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): when Z0w gets killed enou
gh he fights dirty and chainsaws
[00:57:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): LOL wtf happened? xDE
[00:57:33] <zeggai.blood> (16) ok
[00:57:35] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): LOL, sad man
[00:57:35] Dark_M4ster (26) left the server. (IP:
[00:57:36] <ZaxGee> (15) Its pretty accuate though, the m4s do help.
[00:57:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I drive.
[00:57:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Limo next.
[00:57:45] <ZaxGee> (15) We gotta do it more often xD
[00:57:45] PM from Corey_Thugz (35) to [the]blink (7): ye there e'z tho
[00:57:45] <zeggai.blood> (16) ba9i
[00:57:45] <ZaxGee> (15) I got the kill btw.
[00:57:45] PM from K9.1234 (29) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): throught they was gonna st
ay together
[00:57:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Lemme pilot :P
[00:57:52] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): thief kojo come with me get t
his corey smartass
[00:57:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Guys need your attention go
to /sd take free parachutes take a car and come to the ai
[00:57:53] PM from [the]blink (7) to Corey_Thugz (35): hard when it's 4 spasing
you from all sides lolol
[00:57:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): You go on em
[00:57:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): btw milo is krissi,justice'
s brother
[00:57:57] Dark_M4ster (26) joined the server. (IP:
[00:57:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): airport
[00:58:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): yea
[00:58:02] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): home?
[00:58:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Come on.
[00:58:03] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): russians
[00:58:07] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): he was trying to get ba
nned the other day
[00:58:08] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): if u want a good leader
i can help you
[00:58:08] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:58:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): C'mon limpy
[00:58:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) oof
[00:58:10] [The]BugaChu (9) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[00:58:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): to get justice banned f
rom the server
[00:58:11] <[The]Hellz> (10) cookies.,
[00:58:13] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to K9.1234 (29): bad server administration
so they don't wanna spend their time
[00:58:13] <TMAN> (4) go go
[00:58:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): on side

[00:58:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I won't die again.
[00:58:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lolol
[00:58:21] <K9.1234> (29) omg
[00:58:21] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) [The] - did u see that heli thing we did?
[00:58:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Guys need your attention go
to /sd take free parachutes take a car and come to the ai
[00:58:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): So was dryice and maddb
[00:58:24] <K9.1234> (29) i can not shoot
[00:58:24] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah l matr
[00:58:26] [The]Salsa (38) joined the server. (IP:
[00:58:27] <K9.1234> (29) my drive by is fucked
[00:58:27] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Pretty sexy right?
[00:58:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): thats why they got warn
[00:58:29] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): will see :)
[00:58:30] <ZaxGee> (15) xD
[00:58:32] <[The]Pedra> (12) I saw =P
[00:58:33] <[the]blink> (7) <33333333333333333
[00:58:37] <ZaxGee> (15) On the side Spawn
[00:58:52] <K9.1234> (29) stop a sedc
[00:58:52] <[the]blink> (7) <---------- Los merles y andreas
[00:58:52] LimpaN (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[00:58:52] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) AHAHAHA
[00:58:52] <[The]BugaChu> (9) Salsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Picante with Chilessss
[00:58:57] <[The]Salsa> (38) <--------- Lo Blinkos
[00:58:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): you 2 should try and apply
for [GWA], when apps open
[00:58:59] <[The]Salsa> (38) i mean
[00:58:59] <K9.1234> (29) go
[00:59:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): you two have good army mind
[00:59:09] <[The]Salsa> (38) <---------- Los Merles y Andras
[00:59:10] <zeggai.blood> (16) tab3oni
[00:59:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): and the heli was a great id
[00:59:14] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): after how many seconds some
one is esc'ed you kick?
[00:59:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Well I do alot in the ARMA
[00:59:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): guuuuuuys
[00:59:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): right away
[00:59:23] <[The]Salsa> (38) Heyo the rest
[00:59:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): to the airport with parachu
tes now.
[00:59:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): yes dan?
[00:59:26] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): if you see them pause i
n combat
[00:59:27] zeggai.blood (16) left the server. (IP:
[00:59:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): And I do plan stragety alot, I l
ove this style.
[00:59:29] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): weird
[00:59:32] <[The]Pedra> (12) hi salsa :D
[00:59:37] <K9.1234> (29) hahaaha
[00:59:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Also am a good shoot :P

[00:59:41] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): i think Sky miss us

[00:59:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): and if they are not in any
[01:00:11] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Daniel we using the heli if
its okay, its pretty fun
[01:00:11] zeggai.blood (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:00:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): afkkick
[01:00:11] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): razer gamebooster disables all my
skin mods
[01:00:11] <K9.1234> (29) HELL YE
[01:00:11] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Pinkies in idle wood, Look Up
[01:00:11] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): they are gay
[01:00:11] Dark_M4ster (26) left the server. (IP:
[01:00:11] <ZaxGee> (15) Pinkies in idle wood, Look Up
[01:00:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): unless they're admins
[01:00:11] <GS_boutata> (21) oussama mnin jbtih
[01:00:11] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[01:00:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): they get 5 minutes
[01:00:11] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): when app is open and you ha
ve 500 kills and 2.00 ratio you are welcome in our clan.
[01:00:11] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Damn
[01:00:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): even if they're in chil
[01:00:11] Dark_M4ster (26) joined the server. (IP:
[01:00:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Wtf, my mouse is fuckd.
[01:00:13] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) lemme reload
[01:00:13] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): Hello [The] sexy people ^^
[01:00:14] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) crys
[01:00:15] <zeggai.blood> (16) bien
[01:00:16] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): that's what protocol sa
[01:00:17] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:19] <zeggai.blood> (16) chnahowa
[01:00:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Relog.
[01:00:20] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:00:22] <K9.1234> (29) hahaah
[01:00:22] <K9.1234> (29) owned
[01:00:23] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) loooooool
[01:00:24] LimpaN (13) left the server. (IP:
[01:00:26] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) gg
[01:00:26] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): :3
[01:00:30] Notice a hacker or rulebreaker? Report it with /report please!
[01:00:30] <zeggai.blood> (16) tab3oni
[01:00:33] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Parachute. ($500)
[01:00:33] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) THATS SO FUN :D
[01:00:35] [The]Salsa (38) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:37] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:00:37] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:38] <[The]BugaChu> (9) Rack <333
[01:00:39] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:00:43] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:00:43] <K9.1234> (29) nubbb
[01:00:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i know about us...i was not
sure about others
[01:00:45] <[The]Salsa> (38) hey rack is not [The]
[01:00:47] <K9.1234> (29) why chainshaw?
[01:00:53] **[The] Team Chat: [The]BugaChu (9): cya

[01:00:55] [The]BugaChu (9) left the server. (IP:

[01:00:55] <[The]Hellz> (10) lalala
[01:00:57] <GwE_Racks> (2) lol
[01:01:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i knew that i have to wait
20 seconds before a afkkick...
[01:01:00] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:01:02] <[The]Salsa> (38) he aint letting me shop and chit
[01:01:03] <ZaxGee> (15) Woo hoo escaped
[01:01:04] <GwE_Racks> (2) the skin still looks good
[01:01:06] <[The]Salsa> (38) oh my
[01:01:10] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) How many [eVo] members on?
[01:01:14] TMAN (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:01:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Suvived <3
[01:01:16] <[The]Hellz> (10) cookies?
[01:01:16] <[The]Hellz> (10) where
[01:01:18] <[The]Hellz> (10) :o
[01:01:23] <[The]Hellz> (10) SALSEEEEEEEEEEEEH :>
[01:01:23] <[The]Salsa> (38) here :3
[01:01:26] Dark_M4ster (26) left the server. (IP:
[01:01:27] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:01:27] <[The]Salsa> (38) i love chips ahoy
[01:01:30] ZaxGee (15) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:01:30] <[The]Hellz> (10) ^
[01:01:32] [GWA]TeamLeader (9) joined the server. (IP:
[01:01:35] felipedoroch (3) left the server. (IP:
[01:01:35] <[the]blink> (7) oreos
[01:01:35] <[eVo]Thief> (18) owned
[01:01:37] <Corey_Thugz> (35) bout time hahah
[01:01:39] RaCuMim214 (1) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:01:40] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:01:40] **ZaxGee (15) healed for $1000.
[01:01:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) can i keel you racks?
[01:01:45] <GwE_Racks> (2) nah
[01:01:47] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) SUUP :3
[01:02:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) TL
[01:02:09] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Kojo your location ?
[01:02:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Come base
[01:02:09] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) FINNALY.
[01:02:09] <[The]Salsa> (38) everyone be stealing our thing
[01:02:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) i got fking amazing idea
[01:02:09] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): nebs
[01:02:09] <zeggai.blood> (16) sir n9atloh
[01:02:09] RaCuMim214 (1) left the server. (IP:
[01:02:09] Dark_M4ster (1) joined the server. (IP:
[01:02:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) these guys
[01:02:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) zaxgee showed us
[01:02:09] <[The]Hellz> (10) these RIP guys just like dying or what
[01:02:09] Deathrow (3) joined the server. (IP:
[01:02:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): hop on TL
[01:02:09] <zeggai.blood> (16) b1
[01:02:13] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): hellz
[01:02:16] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): who was deathrow
[01:02:16] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah sir l lmatr
[01:02:18] <ZaxGee> (15) We used to do it back in RP servers as the army faction
[01:02:20] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): idk

[01:02:22] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Where you at?

[01:02:27] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): how do you know he was in THe
[01:02:28] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:02:29] <Shady> (33) salsa wat league are u in?
[01:02:31] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): Grove
[01:02:32] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): btw you're still onduty blink
[01:02:33] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): grove
[01:02:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): use team chat ZaxGee
[01:02:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): crouch and stay still
[01:02:35] <ZaxGee> (15) It was real funny and awesome as Army RP as the BAF.
[01:02:36] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): I know
[01:02:38] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): i remember his name
[01:02:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Aight.
[01:02:39] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) lemme come on
[01:02:41] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): -.[01:02:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lemme onn
[01:02:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lol
[01:02:43] <zeggai.blood> (16) fin ghadi
[01:02:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ok
[01:02:46] <[The]Salsa> (38) i stopped playing league
[01:02:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): You like RP ?
[01:02:51] <[The]Salsa> (38) i don't have time
[01:02:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): ** licks teamleaders shoulder **
[01:02:54] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): in here
[01:02:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): come back
[01:02:59] <Shady> (33) summoner name?
[01:03:00] <[The]Salsa> (38) dont remind me plox
[01:03:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Well yeah. I'm a heavy hardcore.
[01:03:15] <[eVo]Thief> (18) stop fuckin car ram
[01:03:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): hey TL i can't acces the fo
rum what's wrong ?
[01:03:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Pick up Capt. Daniel
[01:03:15] <[eVo]Thief> (18) it's not allowed
[01:03:15] <GwE_Racks> (2) fail
[01:03:15] <GwE_Racks> (2) lmao
[01:03:15] LimpaN (13) joined the server. (IP:
[01:03:15] <[eVo]Thief> (18) fuckin rulebreaker.
[01:03:15] <[the]blink> (7) /report ID Reason
[01:03:15] <[The]Salsa> (38) and dont lolking me
[01:03:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): well, we are a Military
RP clan
[01:03:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): TL, as a response to member
[01:03:19] <K9.1234> (29) haha
[01:03:22] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:03:23] <zeggai.blood> (16) rj3 l homa
[01:03:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): how da fuck u get on
[01:03:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): I have to say Daniel is an
awesoem captain
[01:03:24] <Shady> (33) lol
[01:03:24] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 29 cbug + ram
[01:03:25] Dark_M4ster (1) left the server. (IP:
[01:03:26] <Corey_Thugz> (35) s
[01:03:27] <[The]Salsa> (38) i invented that
[01:03:27] [the]blink (7) is looking into the report by [eVo]z0wb0zu (31).
[01:03:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): jump on
[01:03:28] <K9.1234> (29) nice chainshaw
[01:03:32] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 5 cbug
[01:03:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Good
[01:03:33] <zeggai.blood> (16) rj3 l homa

[01:03:34] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[01:03:34] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:03:34] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 35 cbug
[01:03:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): if its full then go on anot
her side
[01:03:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): trying. lol
[01:03:37] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:03:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): hey TL i can't acces the fo
rum what's wrong ?
[01:03:40] GwE_Racks (2) is looking into the report by [eVo]z0wb0zu (31).
[01:03:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): id 29 c-bugged in the past
[01:03:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): cbugger reporting cbug
[01:03:41] RaCuMim214 (1) joined the server. (IP:
[01:03:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Well I mean actual Heavy Rp serv
ers Rping in everything not dm
[01:03:41] **Corey_Thugz (35) healed for $1000.
[01:03:43] Dark_M4ster (26) joined the server. (IP:
[01:03:43] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:03:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): how odd
[01:03:49] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:03:49] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[01:03:50] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): go russians
[01:03:50] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): I'm watching 29
[01:03:54] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): df man
[01:03:55] Displaying most recent reports:
[01:03:55] [18:03:19][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 35 cbug
[01:03:55] [18:03:17][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 5 cbug
[01:03:55] [18:03:09][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 29 cbug + ram
[01:03:55] [17:44:10][GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 esc
[01:03:55] [17:41:17][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 9 f abuse
[01:03:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): am on 35
[01:03:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): watch the others
[01:03:57] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): thief get kojo and come
[01:03:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Limp here.
[01:03:58] <K9.1234> (29) Liam go
[01:03:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): try the other side limp
[01:04:03] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (12): they like die
[01:04:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Watch me limp
[01:04:04] Admin to All: C Bugging is banable
[01:04:05] Displaying most recent reports:
[01:04:05] [18:03:19][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 35 cbug
[01:04:05] [18:03:17][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 5 cbug
[01:04:05] [18:03:09][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 29 cbug + ram
[01:04:05] [17:44:10][GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 esc
[01:04:05] [17:41:17][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 9 f abuse
[01:04:06] <K9.1234> (29) follow us
[01:04:07] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): yup
[01:04:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): im on 5
[01:04:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): yeah thats perfect.
[01:04:13] GS_boutata (21) left the server. (IP:
[01:04:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Go on other side
[01:04:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Is this C Bugging?
[01:04:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): We RP in DM servers in o
rder to have a better experience and gameplay
[01:04:21] <Deathrow> (3) Yea, guys C-bugging is banable.
[01:04:21] <zeggai.blood> (16) 7bs
[01:04:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Devon
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): ?
[01:04:45] <LimpaN> (13) Is this C Bugging?
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): You have to move up a lil

[01:04:45] K9.1234 (29) was warned by admin [the]blink (7) for: idle drive by
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): M4's out
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): fuck off.
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lolk
[01:04:45] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) Do Not C-bug.
[01:04:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): theif is getting gangban
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): xD
[01:04:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): aaa
[01:04:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): when z0w chainsaws you
know he is mad
[01:04:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): this skin is banned?
[01:04:48] <[NAF]Jay> (30) wtf
[01:04:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Thats ok
[01:04:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): which?
[01:04:54] <zeggai.blood> (16) f
[01:04:54] <[NAF]Jay> (30) TMAN your on my team
[01:04:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Now this'll be epic.
[01:04:57] <zeggai.blood> (16) fink
[01:04:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Is there a plan ?
[01:04:59] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): the one i am wearing
[01:05:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): take screenie
[01:05:01] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): nah
[01:05:01] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:05:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): whoeva drivin
[01:05:03] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:05:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): done
[01:05:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): what number is this on
[01:05:11] Eko (21) joined the server. (IP:
[01:05:14] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): i forgot
[01:05:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): where to?
[01:05:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Soldier SpawN
[01:05:20] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): 212
[01:05:33] zeggai.blood (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:05:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ;)
[01:05:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): No destination
[01:05:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): its the one GOD use
[01:05:33] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): we won't ever do a tcw with evo un
less it's no spas or runnning weapons or chainsaws ;)
[01:05:33] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): real skills
[01:05:33] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:05:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Frapping.
[01:05:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): its ok
[01:05:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Fuck up some Groves.
[01:05:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): /me holds onto the railing
with one hand, holding the M4 with the other hand, looking
[01:05:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Nice ;D
[01:05:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): xD
[01:05:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): me too.
[01:05:42] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): they can do nothing without them
[01:05:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): REMEMBER TO CROUCH PLS
[01:05:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): im honoring tre
[01:05:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): SO U DONT FALL <3
[01:05:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Thats a lil too high.
[01:05:49] zeggai.blood (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:05:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Makes me scared a lil
[01:05:56] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:05:57] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:05:59] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it is so sad,i can't dm lik

e old times...idk why

[01:06:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): me praying god to not fall
[01:06:05] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:06:05] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:06:06] <Shady> (33) eee
[01:06:06] <[eVo]Thief> (18) gay
[01:06:07] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Kojho come
[01:06:09] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:06:10] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:06:10] <K9.1234> (29) DUDE sto
[01:06:12] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): where
[01:06:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): We are allied with Evo
[01:06:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): admin work?
[01:06:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): FUCK, now my money is -100$
[01:06:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): OH SHIT
[01:06:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): why kill mee
[01:06:16] <zeggai.blood> (16) oussama
[01:06:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): =[
[01:06:16] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): everything seems so normal
[01:06:17] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): and /report?
[01:06:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): yeah fked my skills
[01:06:18] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) gwa.
[01:06:19] <K9.1234> (29) diaz fuck off
[01:06:20] <K9.1234> (29) nub
[01:06:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Sorry!
[01:06:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I repeat GWA allied to e
[01:06:21] Liam_Lawson (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:06:23] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): yep
[01:06:25] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): not sure
[01:06:26] <K9.1234> (29) Liam come
[01:06:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Dont shoot evo
[01:06:26] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): evo is busy attacking corey cause
he pwned them all
[01:06:27] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) z0w
[01:06:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): admin skills > dming s
[01:06:27] <zeggai.blood> (16) don
[01:06:28] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) dont
[01:06:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Dont shoot evo
[01:06:30] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): so evo isn't on us
[01:06:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): true
[01:06:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Jump
[01:06:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): i didnt had anyskills so
am glad i got admint
[01:06:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I lived!
[01:06:36] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): i gonna disable razer gb
[01:06:36] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Deagle > Spas
[01:06:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): lol
[01:06:37] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) dude
[01:06:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): But you didnt
[01:06:38] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) lol
[01:06:39] **[eVo]Thief (18) healed for $1000.
[01:06:40] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:06:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): :S
[01:06:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): reagroup
[01:06:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): Hellz > Blink
[01:06:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): on me
[01:06:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I stand corrected.
[01:06:44] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) you came from sky shooting us xD

[01:06:45] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): anyway

[01:06:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): that was close.
[01:06:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): I'll meet u guys there
[01:06:48] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): let's pwn
[01:06:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): Cookies > Hellz
[01:06:49] <ZaxGee> (15) xD
[01:06:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): What RP servers you guys RP
[01:06:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): blink
[01:06:54] benny1 (39) joined the server. (IP:
[01:06:55] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i have such a low lagspot..
..any1 can hit me
[01:06:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): ^
[01:06:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): fsx tiem
[01:06:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we RP here
[01:06:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): I RP on LSRP but got banned
on it :D
[01:07:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Good job to the suvival.
[01:07:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): I think the driveby system
isn't worth it, perhaps on ground its alright
[01:07:02] <K9.1234> (29) Tman meet me
[01:07:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): got bored
[01:07:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): oh aight
[01:07:07] Eko (21) left the server. (IP:
[01:07:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): We should work on this meth
od a lot
[01:07:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): salsa when are you gonn
a have fsx :c
[01:07:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): its a good one
[01:07:13] <Don_Bigg> (32) oui
[01:07:14] <zeggai.blood> (16) hawa oussama ayji
[01:07:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (7): so you can fly with hel
lz and me
[01:07:18] <Don_Bigg> (32) ok
[01:07:19] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:07:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Remember not to talk abo
ut other servers
[01:07:20] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): if ppl says other server
names in teamchat what shoud be done?
[01:07:21] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): i already do
[01:07:21] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:07:22] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[01:07:24] <Deathrow> (3) Crack got her crazy!
[01:07:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ^
[01:07:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Hellz (10): nothing
[01:07:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): eVo nearly killed us! :C
[01:07:26] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): does it work
[01:07:27] <zeggai.blood> (16) yallah natmachaw
[01:07:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Was so epic
[01:07:30] PM from TMAN (4) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): milo by me
[01:07:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): that is advertising and
its bannable
[01:07:30] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): k time to get these
[01:07:31] [The]Pedra (12) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
[01:07:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): eVo are allies
[01:07:43] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to TMAN (4): what ?
[01:07:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): The way we landed down and still
[01:07:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): brb 2 sec
[01:07:48] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): haven't installed it yet

[01:07:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Let me relog

[01:07:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): k
[01:07:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): This is how we role
[01:07:52] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:07:54] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): instal it nao
[01:07:56] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): hellz and me can help you install
it :3
[01:07:57] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (9) to ZaxGee (15): Zax
[01:08:02] PM from TMAN (4) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): milo by me for a band practice
[01:08:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): but gotta piss so keep doing wha
t u doing I'll be back in a min or under
[01:08:04] ZaxGee (15) left the server. (IP:
[01:08:07] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:08:08] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): dem f18's
[01:08:09] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): this happened rather fast lol
[01:08:09] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): i'll do that sioon
[01:08:11] <K9.1234> (29) chainshaw nub
[01:08:11] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): hellz
[01:08:12] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:08:14] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): ?
[01:08:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I'm tired of the heli. :I
[01:08:16] [GWA]TeamLeader (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:08:17] **[GWA]TeamLeader (9) healed for $1000.
[01:08:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Get my back
[01:08:25] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:08:27] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): I heard people were saying that th
e f18 superhornet is better than the f35
[01:08:30] Dark_M4ster (26) left the server. (IP:
[01:08:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): you'll give us cover wit
h ur spaazz
[01:08:37] **Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): df they just spam with chainsaw
[01:08:38] <[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) Damn
[01:08:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): cmon
[01:08:43] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): doesn't mean it's true
[01:08:43] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): they're the same thing except for
the stealth on the f35
[01:08:44] <GwE_Racks> (2) wow salsa can fly :o
[01:08:47] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:08:50] <Deathrow> (3) My Salsa!
[01:08:52] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): Its true
[01:08:54] <zeggai.blood> (16) golia
[01:08:54] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[01:08:54] Kills: {7DB7FF}6{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}2{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}3.0
0{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4853400
[01:08:55] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): that's so not true
[01:08:55] <[The]Salsa> (38) wat
[01:08:56] Your statistics have been reset.
[01:08:56] Reference code for statistical reset: 1367014120
[01:08:56] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:08:58] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): right now the super hornet is bett
er than the f35
[01:08:58] <LimpaN> (13) eVo Don't attack me!
[01:08:59] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) supressing
[01:09:02] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): I'll show you the video
[01:09:03] **Italian Team Chat: [NAF]Jay (30): ik
[01:09:04] <zeggai.blood> (16) nta men lgroup
[01:09:05] otto971 (0) left the server. (IP:
[01:09:07] <LimpaN> (13) I am GWA's friend.
[01:09:09] **Italian Team Chat: [NAF]Jay (30): don't go close to them
[01:09:14] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): back

[01:09:20] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): aside from the stealth the superho
rney and f35 are the same
[01:09:26] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:09:27] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[01:09:29] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[01:09:31] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Hellz (10): proof or your argument is invalid
[01:09:32] TMAN (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:09:33] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:09:34] adrian11 (0) joined the server. (IP:
[01:09:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we need a pick up
[01:09:34] **[GWA]Daniel (19) healed for $1000.
[01:09:35] <zeggai.blood> (16) malk
[01:09:37] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:09:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Get on"
[01:09:39] Lowaa (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:09:39] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): kkkkkkkk gonna get off so we can f
[01:09:43] **[The] Team Chat: [the]blink (7): I'll find the video right now
[01:09:43] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:09:44] <zeggai.blood> (16) ra tiriti 3liya
[01:09:44] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:09:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): G
[01:09:46] **Italian Team Chat: Corey_Thugz (35): dropped
[01:09:48] <[The]Hellz> (10) im out
[01:09:48] <[The]Hellz> (10) bai
[01:09:48] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Attack Los Santos Vagos
[01:09:48] [The]Hellz (10) left the server. (IP:
[01:09:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): go
[01:09:51] <[the]blink> (7) bai everyone
[01:09:53] <Don_Bigg> (32) ena ?
[01:09:54] Payday time! Type /collect to get your $1337!
[01:09:54] You have 30 seconds to collect or no money for you!
[01:09:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Where to?
[01:09:55] [the]blink (7) left the server. (IP:
[01:09:56] <[The]Pedra> (12) baai
[01:09:56] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) bai
[01:09:59] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) thanks
[01:10:03] <Deathrow> (3) Bullshit.
[01:10:05] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): /collect
[01:10:06] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:10:07] <zeggai.blood> (16) sir a group
[01:10:09] <zeggai.blood> (16) by
[01:10:09] <[The]Salsa> (38) ADIOS blink
[01:10:11] Est_Guilherme8FT (7) joined the server. (IP:
[01:10:13] <[The]Salsa> (38) estare en xfuego
[01:10:15] <zeggai.blood> (16) sir lgroup
[01:10:20] zeggai.blood (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:10:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Soz.
[01:10:24] Don_Bigg (32) left the server. (IP:
[01:10:25] <[TOP6]Milano> (8) Niceee
[01:10:27] Payday collections have closed!
[01:10:31] <GwE_Racks> (2) xfire rigth salsa?
[01:10:34] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): omg i dont /collect
[01:10:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): TL press G you have M4
[01:10:44] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:10:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): pro
[01:10:44] [eVo]milo (10) joined the server. (IP:
[01:10:46] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): They /q
[01:10:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Yah

[01:10:49] Augusto_CybeRxs (20) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]

[01:10:49] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): that was a nice one though :d
[01:10:51] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:10:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): it was 1337 lol
[01:10:55] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Indeed
[01:10:55] <[eVo]milo> (10) heyyy!!!
[01:10:56] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:10:56] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:10:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): it wont keel you
[01:10:59] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) back
[01:11:03] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it was 1333333333337
[01:11:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Gimme 2 mins
[01:11:14] eL_EazY (15) joined the server. (IP:
[01:11:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Where you all at
[01:11:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I got a former military
RP clan leader
[01:11:21] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) russian milo
[01:11:23] Don_Bigg (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:11:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Grove St.
[01:11:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): near grove.
[01:11:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Coming.
[01:11:27] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:11:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): on skype and I wanna tal
k to him bout us :3
[01:11:34] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): home all
[01:11:36] Join us in our TeamSpeak 3 server at!
[01:11:37] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): kojo come
[01:11:37] <[eVo]milo> (10) lol supp?
[01:11:38] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:11:39] adrian11 (0) left the server. (IP:
[01:11:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): WHen you come , we attack.
[01:11:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): okay lol
[01:11:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Capt. Daniel
[01:11:44] [eVo]Thief (18) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:11:45] Lowaa (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:11:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): You lead the team
[01:11:46] eL_EazY (15) left the server. (IP:
[01:11:48] <[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) Combat shotgun is cheap
[01:11:50] [eVo]milo (10) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:11:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): yes, Roger that.
[01:11:53] <K9.1234> (29) lol devon
[01:11:55] Timy_Collins (25) left the server. (IP:
[01:11:56] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:11:58] <Deathrow> (3) Crack got her crazy.
[01:11:59] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) needed 1 more hit to kill him..
[01:12:00] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]milo (10): i'm laggin like shit i'm on tman
pc xD
[01:12:00] puts (36) left the server. (IP:
[01:12:01] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) and i was lagging
[01:12:04] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): team up to kill some nubs
[01:12:07] felipedoroch1 (0) joined the server. (IP:
[01:12:12] <[NAF]Jay> (30) LOL
[01:12:15] <[NAF]Jay> (30) I just wanna heal :(
[01:12:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): your possitions
[01:12:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Russian mafia
[01:12:33] <K9.1234> (29) :)
[01:12:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): spawn
[01:12:36] mahoray (17) left the server. (IP:
[01:12:40] [The]Salsa (38) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:12:42] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.

[01:12:42] **GwE_Racks (2) healed for $1000.

[01:12:48] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:12:48] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:12:50] <K9.1234> (29) same
[01:12:50] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:12:50] <[NAF]Jay> (30) no way looool
[01:12:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): He's still afk
[01:12:51] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:12:51] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) gf
[01:12:53] **Liam_Lawson (24) healed for $1000.
[01:12:55] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): WAIT
[01:12:56] <[NAF]Jay> (30) sprayed ya :P
[01:12:57] mahoray (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:13:00] **[eVo]Kojo (6) healed for $1000.
[01:13:01] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) lol
[01:13:02] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): COME BACK
[01:13:03] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) nice
[01:13:05] Aykut (37) left the server. (IP:
[01:13:07] ebuuu (23) left the server. (IP:
[01:13:11] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:13] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (9) to LimpaN (13): You like military RP ? ;D
[01:13:14] K9.1234 (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:14] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) wow evo
[01:13:15] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) Where you goin
[01:13:17] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) you really suck
[01:13:18] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I like Cartel RP.
[01:13:23] <K9.1234> (29) lol devon
[01:13:23] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Spawn.
[01:13:25] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:13:27] Aykut (15) joined the server. (IP:
[01:13:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Yes?
[01:13:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Grove St.
[01:13:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): ASAP
[01:13:31] Liam_Lawson (24) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Yeah I see
[01:13:34] ebuuu (17) joined the server. (IP:
[01:13:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): LimpaN don't advertise.
[01:13:49] Corey_Thugz (35) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Advertise?
[01:13:51] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Hey pedra
[01:13:51] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:13:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): yes don't advertise
[01:13:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Cartel RP is a way of RP
[01:13:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Advertise.. fuck u on about
[01:14:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lol
[01:14:00] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[01:14:00] Kills: {7DB7FF}5{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}0{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}5.0
0{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4856400
[01:14:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I was just telling i like to RP
as a cartel.
[01:14:03] Don_Bigg (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:14:05] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[01:14:08] <[The]Pedra> (12) Hey Daniel :D
[01:14:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): yes don't advertise other s
[01:14:09] Corey_Thugz (35) left the server. (IP:
[01:14:12] MarwanSphere (16) joined the server. (IP:

[01:14:12] <[The]Pedra> (12) my killllll

[01:14:12] Liam_Lawson (24) left the server. (IP:
[01:14:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): It's not a server.
[01:14:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Devon, Watch your language
[01:14:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Cartel is like Mafia RP
[01:14:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): It's a way of RPing.
[01:14:24] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Classic jay.
[01:14:26] <[The]Salsa> (38) :3
[01:14:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): How is that advertising? :I
[01:14:38] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) real polite
[01:14:40] <GwE_Racks> (2) nab salsa
[01:14:43] <GwE_Racks> (2) lol
[01:14:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Hmph.
[01:14:47] <[NAF]Jay> (30) awe lol
[01:14:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Nevermind , he thought i
t was the name of a server
[01:14:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Dont be buthurt because Im
[01:14:56] Don_Bigg (21) joined the server. (IP:
[01:14:57] <Shady> (33) ok gwa
[01:15:02] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): K gonna own each of them now
[01:15:03] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) Yush sir ?
[01:15:04] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:15:04] Healing in 5 seconds.
[01:15:06] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): /home
[01:15:06] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:15:06] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:15:09] Heal completed.
[01:15:09] **Shady (33) healed for $1000.
[01:15:10] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): teamup
[01:15:11] GwE_Racks (2) unfroze GwE_Racks (2).
[01:15:13] <Shady> (33) you guys are sio dead
[01:15:17] [eVo]Thief (18) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:15:20] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]milo (10): own who?
[01:15:20] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) <3
[01:15:23] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:15:24] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): corey
[01:15:24] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) come at us xD
[01:15:27] <[The]Salsa> (38) that's the spirit
[01:15:27] <K9.1234> (29) wow
[01:15:30] <Shady> (33) i will
[01:15:31] <K9.1234> (29) ur actually a nub
[01:15:31] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) Benny!!
[01:15:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): GWA /home ASAP
[01:15:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): GWA /home ASAP
[01:15:35] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): teamup
[01:15:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Benny!!
[01:15:41] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): /home
[01:15:42] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) Devon who are you
[01:15:42] [GWA]TeamLeader (9) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:15:43] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:15:47] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) im Devon
[01:15:49] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): armour
[01:15:49] <Deathrow> (3) Deven*
[01:15:49] <K9.1234> (29) Kojo who r u?
[01:15:50] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) stop calling me "nub"
[01:15:50] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]milo (10): lkets go
[01:15:51] <K9.1234> (29) ur kojo

so fast.

<[TOP6]Devon> (27) As you can see

**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): z0w
<[eVo]Kojo> (6) im badguy
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): /home
<K9.1234> (29) lol
[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<Deathrow> (3) Devon, can I call you Deven?
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) shady do you cheat ?
[eVo]milo (10) purchased body armor. ($2000)
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): z0w
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): /home
<[TOP6]Devon> (27) yes
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Get ready for engage Sha
<Shady> (33) no you?
<[TOP6]Devon> (27) you may
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): in fight can't
You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) how the heel did you heal up so fast and got armor
<[The]Salsa> (38) cheaters a_a
<K9.1234> (29) becuz ur doing nub stuff
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) in your car?
<GwE_Racks> (2) Daniel what kind of question is that>?
<[GWA]SpawN.> (14) ^^
[The]Salsa (38) purchased body armor. ($2000)
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): wru
<[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ok pro
<K9.1234> (29) like chainshaw me then finish off with eagle
<Shady> (33) in my car?
<[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) stop calling me "nub"
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): LimpaN we have a rule
<K9.1234> (29) no one said pro
Josuee (23) joined the server. (IP:
<[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I saw it too but didn't comment. However it can be
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) Racks i'am talking to Shady.
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): only one stays on top :P
<K9.1234> (29) i just h8 when ppl do nub things
<K9.1234> (29) like that
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) yeah when it was going to blow
<Shady> (33) o.o
<Shady> (33)
**Deathrow (3) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]milo (10): anyone else lagging?
[GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<GwE_Racks> (2) interesting
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Daniel get armour
<Shady> (33) with proper proofs
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i can now
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): you still at base ?
<K9.1234> (29) oh shit armour crew LOL
**Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
<[NAF]Jay> (30) shoot lol..
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) i'am just saying..
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I have no money.
<Deathrow> (3) Very interesting actually Racks.
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): SpawN where u at ?
<K9.1234> (29) TROLOLOL

[01:16:52] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) racks, ur hovering for me lol

[01:16:53] <Shady> (33) im just telling u
[01:16:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Lol.
[01:16:57] Josuee (23) left the server. (IP:
[01:17:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Grove sir.
[01:17:02] <GwE_Racks> (2) no i aint
[01:17:12] <K9.1234> (29) LOL GG
[01:17:12] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) for me u are :)
[01:17:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I'll pick u up on sewere
[01:17:12] <K9.1234> (29) CAR broke?
[01:17:13] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) why would i report you i was just asking no need t
o do that.
[01:17:13] <K9.1234> (29) lol
[01:17:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Meet u there
[01:17:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Head to grove?
[01:17:16] Clark_George (23) joined the server. (IP:
[01:17:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Aight.
[01:17:21] <GwE_Racks> (2) and i said no i aint
[01:17:22] <Shady> (33) and i answered your question
[01:17:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): TL i can't acces our forum.
[01:17:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): me neither
[01:17:30] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) not quietly.
[01:17:30] <[eVo]Thief> (18) hahahhaha owned
[01:17:33] <Shady> (33) i did
[01:17:36] <K9.1234> (29) owned with 3 v1 with armour?
[01:17:36] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:17:39] <Shady> (33) discussion over
[01:17:39] <K9.1234> (29) how is that owned really?
[01:17:42] <K9.1234> (29) plz explain?
[01:17:44] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): DAMN
[01:17:46] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): He owned us
[01:17:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Itold u on Military Coun
cil that that webshost sucks :/
[01:17:49] Deathrow (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:17:52] <GwE_Racks> (2) :o
[01:17:54] <K9.1234> (29) stfu then
[01:17:55] <[eVo]Thief> (18) 10 mins ago 5 v 2 you said owned
[01:17:55] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) yeah right.
[01:17:55] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): WE gonna blow up the station
[01:17:56] <[eVo]Thief> (18) ROFL
[01:17:56] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): We got to retaliate
[01:17:57] Youssef_Amor (24) joined the server. (IP:
[01:18:00] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): Jump out on time
[01:18:02] <K9.1234> (29) when did i say own to u guys?
[01:18:04] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Ok
[01:18:06] <K9.1234> (29) i never say 'own'.
[01:18:06] <[The]Salsa> (38) ROFLCOPTER
[01:18:11] <K9.1234> (29) so stfu plz..
[01:18:15] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) xD
[01:18:15] <[eVo]Thief> (18) you are lying idiot
[01:18:16] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) K9
[01:18:19] <K9.1234> (29) so is ya mum?
[01:18:20] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) pick me up @ spawn
[01:18:20] [R.I.P]Danangi... (5) left the server. (IP:
[01:18:26] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Shady
[01:18:26] <K9.1234> (29) im in a full vehicle
[01:18:28] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) stay there
[01:18:30] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:18:32] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)

has 500

<Shady> (33) no
**Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Where is you then
<[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Then i'll chase you
**Italian Team Chat: [NAF]Jay (30): grove
GwE_Racks (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<Shady> (33) ok
**Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): come grove
GwE_Racks (2) purchased a(n) MP5. ($1250)
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): HELP
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Lets move out
Est_Guilherme8FT (7) left the server. (IP:
**Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): Can you give money on this
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Fuck, 6 v 1
**Italian Team Chat: [NAF]Jay (30): no
**Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): only admins can
mahoray (4) left the server. (IP:
ebuuu (17) left the server. (IP:
MarwanSphere (16) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
**Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): they give there friends lots
**Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): What the heck
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): TAKE2
**[The]Salsa (38) repaired for $2500.
**Italian Team Chat: [TOP6]Devon (27): lol, pricks
<[The]Salsa> (38) gooby pls
Deathrow (3) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
**Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): Gonna do it again though
<Deathrow> (3) Goody Bye!
**Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): im logging
ebuuu (4) joined the server. (IP:
**Italian Team Chat: K9.1234 (29): devon ill be on skype
K9.1234 (29) left the server. (IP:
mahoray (5) joined the server. (IP:
<[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) Fuk yu batmin!
<[The]Pedra> (12) lol
DAHIANA (7) joined the server. (IP:
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (9) Good job Jay and Daniel
<[The]Pedra> (12) I'm lagging
benny1 (39) left the server. (IP:
<[The]Salsa> (38) when i am lagging
Clark_George (23) left the server. (IP:
**[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (12): brb
<[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) Alex?
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) jay did the job
**PM to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): allied with gwa?
PM from Shady (33) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): allied with gwa?
<[The]Salsa> (38) i stop lagging
**Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): he lags with 150 ping like he
<[The]Pedra> (12) how?
<[The]Salsa> (38) and be awesome instead
**PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): yeah
PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to Shady (33): yeah
**PM to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): k
PM from Shady (33) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): k
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): FFS -.<[The]Salsa> (38) true story
You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (9): wait

[01:20:22] [The]Pedra (12) left the server. (IP:

[01:20:23] <[eVo]milo> (10) spawn wtf
[01:20:24] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (9): you were in that ch
opper ?
[01:20:32] Abilio_CybeRxs (11) left the server. (IP:
[01:20:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): can someone help me with th
em?they are like 4
[01:20:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): -500 :I
[01:20:34] [The]Salsa (38) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:20:36] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:20:38] Aykut (15) left the server. (IP:
[01:20:41] [The]Salsa (38) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:20:42] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (9) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): we were :/
[01:20:43] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): who
[01:20:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): gwa
[01:20:47] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (9): lol sorry then
[01:20:47] <GwE_Racks> (2) wtf
[01:20:48] [The]Pedra (11) joined the server. (IP:
[01:20:48] <GwE_Racks> (2) ?
[01:20:49] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[01:20:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (9): saw spawn only driv
[01:20:51] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (9) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): GWA wasnt shooting
[01:20:52] [NAF]Jay (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:20:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): wut ?
[01:21:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): heyo
[01:21:02] <[eVo]milo> (10) mine hahaha
[01:21:03] Aykut (12) joined the server. (IP:
[01:21:06] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Let's buy a sniper and shoot
from a roof
[01:21:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): ahah
[01:21:09] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (9): my bad then
[01:21:11] [The]Pedra (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:21:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): just read it xD
[01:21:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I hate lagshooting xD
[01:21:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): same
[01:21:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): yusef just tped
[01:21:19] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:21:19] MarwanSphere (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:21:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): 0_O
[01:21:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): idk
[01:21:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): stay here and protect TL
[01:21:42] Augusto_CybeRxs (20) left the server. (IP:
[01:21:46] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[01:21:46] Kills: {7DB7FF}8{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}2{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}4.0
0{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4852200
[01:21:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Got it capn.
[01:22:02] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): daniel holding it down l
[01:22:07] ZaxGee (15) joined the server. (IP:
[01:22:08] RaCuMim214 (1) left the server. (IP:
[01:22:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Crouch Don.
[01:22:13] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:22:16] gonzalo (1) joined the server. (IP:
[01:22:18] daniel (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:22:22] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[01:22:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): C
[01:22:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): bk
[01:22:35] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): pedra is cool

[01:22:38] police (17) joined the server. (IP:

[01:22:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): wb
[01:22:40] [NAF]Jay (30) left the server. (IP:
[01:22:41] Stay up to date with all the latest news at!
[01:22:43] <GwE_Racks> (2) daniel want to die?
[01:22:44] Shawn_Brown (20) joined the server. (IP:
[01:22:45] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:22:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): heal and armor up
[01:22:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): NO DON!
[01:22:52] daniel (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:22:53] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): pedra will join us ?
[01:22:53] <GwE_Racks> (2) curious
[01:22:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): NO!
[01:22:54] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): From behind
[01:22:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Copy.
[01:22:57] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): no
[01:23:01] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (9) to ZaxGee (15): You should join GWA xD
[01:23:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): eVo is allies.
[01:23:05] gonzalo (1) left the server. (IP:
[01:23:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i will cover you.
[01:23:10] [GWA]TeamLeader (9) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:23:11] **[GWA]TeamLeader (9) healed for $1000.
[01:23:12] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): man
[01:23:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): roger
[01:23:15] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): she is not noob
[01:23:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): they are comming prepare.
[01:23:18] <police> (17) army vs police
[01:23:21] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): talk about
[01:23:24] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): dman skype
[01:23:25] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): wait
[01:23:29] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): strelok
[01:23:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we're all together
[01:23:39] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Sniper
[01:23:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Where?
[01:23:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we stick together no mat
ter what
[01:23:44] <Deathrow> (3) LSPD to Army, why are you shoting us?
[01:23:46] <Deathrow> (3) shooting*
[01:23:48] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i am watching him today
he is decent on teamworking
[01:23:50] daniel (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:23:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): both sides
[01:23:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): What's your 20?
[01:23:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): they coming
[01:23:53] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) sorry
[01:23:55] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) kojo
[01:23:55] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) np
[01:23:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): behind GS
[01:24:01] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): who
[01:24:03] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): what u think about him
[01:24:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): 10-8
[01:24:05] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Can't shoot them from up her
[01:24:08] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): he applyed for lol
[01:24:08] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): strelok
[01:24:08] <Aykut> (12) cheater
[01:24:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): On me get your 6 oclock
[01:24:14] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): if they deny him he wil
l come to us
[01:24:17] <Shawn_Brown> (20) STOP

[01:24:17] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): already talked

[01:24:17] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) joined the server. (IP:
[01:24:20] <Shawn_Brown> (20) Pff
[01:24:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Don!
[01:24:22] **PM to GwE_Racks (2): wanna go for gwa?
[01:24:22] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (2): wanna go for gwa?
[01:24:24] daniel (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:24:24] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): lets blast on GWA?
[01:24:24] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): lets blast on GWA?
[01:24:25] [The]Pedra (11) teleported to the quad and kart arena. [/qk]
[01:24:27] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): K
[01:24:27] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): K
[01:24:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Stop shooting at eVo's.
[01:24:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Watch our for snipers
[01:24:32] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): he told me i am eVo app
licant don't shoot me
[01:24:33] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) facepalms
[01:24:36] <Deathrow> (3) smiles
[01:24:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): roger.
[01:24:37] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): and
[01:24:38] RaCuMim214 (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:24:40] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) ragequits
[01:24:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Roger
[01:24:46] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i am talking to mercy
[01:24:51] Youssef_Amor (24) was kicked by admin Shady (33) for: AFK/Away - Use
/afk in the future!
[01:24:52] Youssef_Amor (24) left the server. (IP:
[01:24:52] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): same
[01:24:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): tatical line
[01:24:53] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): he will come to us
[01:24:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): come to me
[01:24:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we're invading
[01:24:57] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): soon
[01:24:58] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): mercy said he will thin
k about us :P
[01:24:59] <Shawn_Brown> (20) teamkill
[01:25:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): 20?
[01:25:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Grove
[01:25:06] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): and roulis man
[01:25:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Look up amigos
[01:25:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): down
[01:25:19] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i tell him if you want
to join us you can pm me all time
[01:25:22] police[lspd (23) joined the server. (IP:
[01:25:23] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:25:25] <[TOP6]Devon> (27) ey
[01:25:25] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun. ($250)
[01:25:27] Healing in 5 seconds.
[01:25:27] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:25:29] You are too close to enemies and are not near your spawn to shop now.
[01:25:32] Action aborted.
[01:25:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Down.
[01:25:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): good job
[01:25:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Damn, i can't hit them.
[01:25:39] <Shady> (33) omg my cam is blocked
[01:25:41] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): yeah :) but like this i
nform me..
[01:25:43] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[01:25:44] [The]Pedra (11) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
[01:25:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Ohhah

[01:25:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): And i have no money[01:25:50] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): in the end he still nee
ds my [eVo] Invite
[01:25:53] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): if he is pm me
[01:25:54] [TOP6]Devon (27) left the server. (IP:
[01:25:54] <[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) ALEXANDER GUFLER
[01:25:56] <Shady> (33) it happens alot
[01:25:59] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i will pm you lol
[01:25:59] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:25:59] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:26:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): enemys terminated.
[01:26:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Roger
[01:26:18] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i am a trial member.
[01:26:18] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): but mercy already know
don't worry :)
[01:26:18] <police[lspd> (23) gtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
[01:26:18] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): he know i am a trial me
mber lol
[01:26:32] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) damn
[01:26:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Zax
[01:26:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Motor support rolling in.
[01:26:32] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Go
[01:26:32] <Deathrow> (3) We above the law!
[01:26:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Yes sir?
[01:26:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): lets go
[01:26:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): What u think about joini
ng GWA ?
[01:26:40] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): what about shady?
[01:26:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): we could use a good sold
ier like u
[01:26:46] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): shady ?
[01:26:46] <police> (17) go grove
[01:26:47] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Nice one :-D
[01:26:49] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): ye
[01:26:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): I've known Daniel and Spawn for
a long time
[01:26:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Im down
[01:26:53] [HH]Gelskie (24) joined the server. (IP:
[01:26:57] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): but i think he wont fig
ht with us all the time
[01:26:57] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): he is applied for uNk i
[01:27:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): And I'm a good fighter..
[01:27:04] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): :P
[01:27:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Zax pick me please
[01:27:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): get back
[01:27:11] <police> (17) GOGOGOGOGOGO
[01:27:14] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): ik i wanted to invite h
im before
[01:27:18] <police> (17) GOGOA GROVE
[01:27:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Secure the area
[01:27:21] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): but none of members sai
d yes for him
[01:27:23] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:27:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Roger.
[01:27:31] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): why
[01:27:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Moving in, need cover!
[01:27:35] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): what is wrong
[01:27:37] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Milo baby.

[01:27:44] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): well some guys told the
m bad story for sin
[01:27:46] <Shady> (33) who wanna do 1v1
[01:27:47] Youssef_Amor (25) joined the server. (IP:
[01:27:48] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Zow, baby.
[01:27:49] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): we need more ppl
[01:27:49] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): we need more ppl
[01:27:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Backyard clear!
[01:27:50] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): some say sin is closed
cuz of him
[01:27:52] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:27:53] Aykut (12) left the server. (IP:
[01:27:54] **PM to GwE_Racks (2): true story
[01:27:54] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (2): true story
[01:27:56] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) hola
[01:27:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Shots fired!
[01:28:00] zed_x (12) joined the server. (IP:
[01:28:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): << AIR SUPPORT IN >>
[01:28:12] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) Who is with gwa here
[01:28:12] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): 6vs2 hardly even fair
[01:28:12] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): 6vs2 hardly even fair
[01:28:14] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) don't fire
[01:28:16] **PM to GwE_Racks (2): yep
[01:28:16] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (2): yep
[01:28:16] <Deathrow> (3) LSPD to Army, don't shoot the police helicopter! Polic
e helicopter is friendly!
[01:28:18] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:28:20] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) We know
[01:28:21] [FBT]Boumbastic (26) joined the server. (IP:
[01:28:23] [FBT]Boumbastic (26) left the server. (IP:
[01:28:24] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) limp .. lol
[01:28:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): So Zax, you want in ?
[01:28:26] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:28:35] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) no more friends -.[01:28:37] ebuuu (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:28:37] teposaurio (26) joined the server. (IP:
[01:28:38] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) no tag no mercy !
[01:28:38] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) what the
[01:28:38] mahoray (5) left the server. (IP:
[01:28:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): MY BACK
[01:28:38] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Spawn -_[01:28:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Lawl, and yes.
[01:28:45] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): Stealing everyone's kills rofl
[01:28:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Not sure how i killed u, ap
ologies dan
[01:28:49] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) gotcha
[01:28:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Can LimpaN join?
[01:28:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Soldier down.
[01:28:59] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:28:59] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:29:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): someone of you are fri
ends with [eVo] meanies?
[01:29:02] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i think spawn toggles
[01:29:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Shit I suvived it
[01:29:05] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[01:29:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): Our applications are dow
n but I've seen enough :)
[01:29:09] [HH]Gelskie (24) left the server. (IP:
[01:29:11] <Deathrow> (3) Cargobob down I repeat Cargobob down!
[01:29:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): You are welcome in GWA;

you may change your name

[01:29:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): dang
[01:29:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): am neutral with them
[01:29:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): at your commands.
[01:29:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I'm down if you're down.
[01:29:29] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:29:29] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:29:35] zed_x (12) was kicked by admin [The]Salsa (38) for: ping over 1100+
[01:29:35] zed_x (12) left the server. (IP:
[01:29:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I dont think Spawn
would be dumb to do that
[01:29:37] <ZaxGee> (15) LimpaN is a good soldier like me.
[01:29:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): We have a casualtie.
[01:29:39] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) ROFL
[01:29:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): LimpaN is a good soldier like me
[01:29:41] <ZaxGee> (15) MC.
[01:29:44] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:29:46] <Deathrow> (3) double te
[01:29:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): he was an admin he
knows how it works
[01:29:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (2): it may surprise you
[01:29:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I've seen it
[01:29:56] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:30:03] <police> (17) ARMY VS RUSSIA MAFIA
[01:30:08] [The]Pedra (11) left the server. (IP:
[01:30:10] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Gf
[01:30:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I dont know.. I'll
try to also keep an eye on him
[01:30:13] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:30:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Pushing forward the grove. On bi
[01:30:19] [The]Salsa (38) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:30:19] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:30:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i wouldn't say that tl
[01:30:22] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Let's go :-D
[01:30:23] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): ama troll them ama change acc
[01:30:23] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): ama troll them ama change acc
[01:30:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): LimpaN would you like to
join GWA too ?
[01:30:25] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Racks
[01:30:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Daniel might recognise me as Jac
ob Williamson :P
[01:30:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): why not?
[01:30:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Stepping off the biker.
[01:30:30] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): he was removed for bei
ng biased you know
[01:30:31] <Deathrow> (3) Rack Rack City...
[01:30:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): a_a
[01:30:34] Juann (22) left the server. (IP:
[01:30:35] <GwE_Racks> (2) ?
[01:30:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I'm in the backyards.
[01:30:39] <Deathrow> (3) Muzzle on dat beat yo!
[01:30:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): oh yes i remember you
[01:30:46] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:30:46] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:30:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (9): consider it as an offici
al invitation ;D
[01:30:50] Deathrow (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:30:51] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[01:30:51] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I see

[01:30:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): eVo's keeps killing me, and yes.
I am down! :D
[01:30:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): << AIR SUPPORT: Anyone need
support? >>
[01:30:57] police (17) left the server. (IP:
[01:30:57] police[lspd (23) left the server. (IP:
[01:30:58] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (9): I didnt know the r
eason why
[01:30:58] <GwE_Racks> (2) sup dark
[01:31:01] **PM to GwE_Racks (2): they are so easy 1v1
[01:31:01] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (2): they are so easy 1v1
[01:31:02] PM from [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) to [eVo]Kojo (6): Hey :-)
[01:31:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): We are at base.
[01:31:07] **PM from GwE_Racks (2): yeah
[01:31:07] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to Shady (33): yeah
[01:31:13] PM from [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) to [eVo]Kojo (6): You are Thomas Cancin
atti, right?
[01:31:14] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): why we are not using allies ?
[01:31:16] <Deathrow> (3) Seems to have a blockage.
[01:31:18] PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to Deathrow (3): CAn you watch deathrow for
[01:31:20] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Yeah.
[01:31:23] [GWA]TeamLeader (9) left the server. (IP:
[01:31:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): What's the plan?
[01:31:26] PM from Deathrow (3) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): o_O?
[01:31:28] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): we are
[01:31:31] <Shady> (33) who wanna duel
[01:31:32] PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to GwE_Racks (2): CAn you watch deathrow fo
r me.?
[01:31:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Zax, Know any good ways to
stay on the predator?
[01:31:34] <[eVo]Kojo> (6) I do
[01:31:35] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): This guy :-P
[01:31:38] [HH]Gelskie (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:31:40] <[eVo]Thief> (18) GWA
[01:31:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): get a car. and let's attack
and kiil all what it comes on our way
[01:31:47] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): OH
[01:31:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Yeah
[01:31:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I will cover the ground.
[01:31:49] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) yes
[01:31:50] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): yeah
[01:31:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Watch me
[01:31:55] PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to GwE_Racks (2): He tped To avade death so
[01:31:56] **[eVo]Thief (18) healed for $1000.
[01:31:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): At this point
[01:31:58] PM from GwE_Racks (2) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): anything for my buddy
[01:32:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Middle.
[01:32:02] <Deathrow> (3) My Salsa!
[01:32:03] <[eVo]Thief> (18) come to rus mafia sprunk so we can team up
[01:32:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Daniel, I have air support.
[01:32:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Ground unit, moving out.
[01:32:03] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:32:06] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): OMW
[01:32:06] <[eVo]Thief> (18) we are allies :)
[01:32:09] <[The]Salsa> (38) i know
[01:32:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): And best advised to have one on
each side

[01:32:11] <[The]Salsa> (38) a_a

[01:32:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Leaving base.
[01:32:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): we are comming destination
[01:32:20] **PM from [eVo]Kojo (6): Come AF for duel? :O
[01:32:20] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to Shady (33): Come AF for duel? :O
[01:32:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): otherwise you'll have that space
lag where you shoot the guy infront by mistake
[01:32:30] Teleporting in 5 seconds.
[01:32:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): And DO NOT move on the heli.
[01:32:36] Shady (33) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:32:36] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): /home
[01:32:37] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): okay
[01:32:38] <Shady> (33) go
[01:32:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Which I think Don just did.
[01:32:40] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): now all go to
[01:32:43] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:32:45] [TOP6]Milano (8) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:32:46] GwE_Racks (2) left the server. (IP:
[01:32:49] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): rus mafia sprnk
[01:32:51] <[The]Salsa> (38) overly baws salsa
[01:32:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): << AIR SUPPORT READY AT GRO
[01:32:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Enemy contact.
[01:32:58] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to [eVo]Thief (18): what's wrong thief did s
omebody of our member killed you ?
[01:32:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Grove NOW!
[01:33:04] teposaurio (26) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:33:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Lower position.
[01:33:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Readying fire.
[01:33:17] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): not wrong man
[01:33:20] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:33:20] Luizinho_EaglE (2) joined the server. (IP:
[01:33:28] Arturo (5) joined the server. (IP:
[01:33:31] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): why we are not teaming
[01:33:33] <LimpaN> (13) eVo, i'm not your enemy!
[01:33:37] Youssef_Amor (25) was kicked by admin [The]Salsa (38) for: afk in com
[01:33:37] Youssef_Amor (25) left the server. (IP:
[01:33:38] PM from [eVo]Thief (18) to [eVo]Thief (18): u guys playing with alone
[01:33:41] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:33:44] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): u guys playing with alone
[01:33:46] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) you killed me = you are
[01:33:47] Take the time to read the rules in /rules and at
[01:33:49] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:33:54] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:33:54] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:33:55] <LimpaN> (13) You were the one attacking me.
[01:33:56] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i lag anyway
[01:33:57] You have purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun for $1250, is there anything e
[01:33:57] Shady (33) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:33:58] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): so yeah
[01:33:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: Arturo (5): sup
[01:34:02] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:34:12] <LimpaN> (13) Peace then?
[01:34:12] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) No
[01:34:12] <Deathrow> (3) Yeee
[01:34:12] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): kojo team up with thief
[01:34:12] <Deathrow> (3) My Salsa went ham.

[01:34:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Kojo (6): second

[01:34:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): milo too if not afk
[01:34:14] teposaurio (26) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:34:16] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:34:17] <Shady> (33) g
[01:34:17] <LimpaN> (13) eVo, i want peace.
[01:34:18] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) gf
[01:34:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): damn
[01:34:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): R.I.P.
[01:34:27] **Deathrow (3) healed for $1000.
[01:34:27] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): z0w ?
[01:34:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): officer down.
[01:34:29] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): yes ?
[01:34:41] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): MOTHERFUCKER
[01:34:41] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): why u are not teaming ? :D
[01:34:42] Report from [TOP6]Milano (8): ID 2 bug abusing
[01:34:43] Deathrow (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:34:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): What's your 20?
[01:34:55] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): come guys mafia sprunk
[01:34:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): down
[01:34:55] <Shawn_Brown> (20) A Two
[01:34:55] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): home
[01:34:56] Petar_Madox (9) joined the server. (IP:
[01:34:58] [FBT]Boumbastic (11) joined the server. (IP:
[01:34:58] [eVo]Kojo (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:35:01] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:35:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Req reinforcement pickup.
[01:35:04] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): i just told you lol :P
[01:35:07] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:35:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): ASAP
[01:35:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Onit.
[01:35:14] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:35:15] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[01:35:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): managed to jump on the tower as
the heli got down.
[01:35:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Took some fire.
[01:35:28] **Russian Team Chat: [FBT]Boumbastic (11): gay fink ?
[01:35:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): I did fine.
[01:35:32] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) joined the server. (IP:
[01:35:37] <Deathrow> (3) FRIENDLY FIRE
[01:35:39] **Arturo (5) healed for $1000.
[01:35:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: LimpaN (13): Large treath by GS
[01:35:40] <Shawn_Brown> (20) AZY
[01:35:45] **PM to [eVo]Kojo (6): he has 2 body lagspot
[01:35:45] PM from Shady (33) to [eVo]Kojo (6): he has 2 body lagspot
[01:35:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): reforncement are comming.
[01:35:48] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:35:52] **[eVo]Thief (18) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[01:35:57] [eVo]Kojo (6) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[01:35:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Officer down
[01:35:58] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Battery went off :(
[01:35:58] <Deathrow> (3) I told you friendly fire.
[01:36:02] <LimpaN> (13) PEace!"
[01:36:03] <Arturo> (5) ol
[01:36:05] <Arturo> (5) lol
[01:36:09] <Arturo> (5) oh lord
[01:36:10] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:36:11] <LimpaN> (13) eVo, stop killing me"
[01:36:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Was sick how the heli got down a
nd I jamp on the tower.

[01:36:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): i've seen quite what i

[01:36:22] <LimpaN> (13) I was helping you, i am not your enemy.
[01:36:25] [The]Pedra (17) joined the server. (IP:
[01:36:30] Youssef_Amor (22) joined the server. (IP:
[01:36:31] <Shawn_Brown> (20) Shady cheat
[01:36:31] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:36:34] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): ha?
[01:36:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Guys change your names
onto GWA, I have a mission and I want us all together
[01:36:39] **PM from [eVo]Kojo (6): my pc lags a lot i cant do shit lol
[01:36:39] PM from [eVo]Kojo (6) to Shady (33): my pc lags a lot i cant do shit
[01:36:42] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[01:36:45] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[01:36:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): To base General?
[01:36:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: ZaxGee (15): Alrigh, limp do [GWA] on your na
[01:36:50] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): dro might be right
[01:36:52] [The]Pedra (17) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
[01:36:53] [eVo]Kojo (6) left the server. (IP:
[01:36:53] ZaxGee (15) left the server. (IP:
[01:36:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Affirmative
[01:37:01] <Shawn_Brown> (20) cheat
[01:37:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Onit.
[01:37:02] <Shawn_Brown> (20) cheat
[01:37:03] [eVo]milo (10) left the server. (IP:
[01:37:04] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): zow got reported for a
imbot with videos and stuff
[01:37:04] Youssef_Amor (22) left the server. (IP:
[01:37:05] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): about
[01:37:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We might get on teams
[01:37:07] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): why you always use th
at team
[01:37:08] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:37:08] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:37:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): and cbug
[01:37:10] LimpaN (13) left the server. (IP:
[01:37:12] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:37:14] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): lol
[01:37:21] Luizinho_EaglE (2) left the server. (IP:
[01:37:23] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) joined the server. (IP:
[01:37:23] Petar_Madox (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[01:37:29] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): I hate my internet :(
[01:37:30] <[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) CHEAP
[01:37:35] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (17): ikr :P
[01:37:39] teposaurio (26) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[01:37:47] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[01:37:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Is Don a GWA?
[01:37:49] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:37:49] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:37:49] Youssef_Amor (6) joined the server. (IP:
[01:37:49] [GWA]LimpaN (10) joined the server. (IP:
[01:37:50] PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): it's part of me, lol
[01:37:50] **Shady (33) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[01:37:55] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:37:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Who's Don ?
[01:37:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): I'am at bas.
[01:37:56] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[01:37:56] Kills: {7DB7FF}20{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}3{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}6.

66{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4852850

[01:37:57] <Shawn_Brown> (20) CHEAT MOTHERFUCK
[01:38:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Roger
[01:38:02] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): im hungry caroline
[01:38:03] Shawn_Brown (20) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:38:05] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he keeps flaming me lol
[01:38:07] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): i need cookies
[01:38:07] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): damn with this lag
[01:38:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): TL [GWA]Mina joined the ser
ver today
[01:38:12] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): I need paoca
[01:38:16] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): wut
[01:38:16] Report from [GWA]Daniel (19): 20 Teamkiling.
[01:38:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): aight we are 5
[01:38:18] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Death row you want this.?
[01:38:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): good
[01:38:19] Kabasheka_Monga (13) joined the server. (IP:
[01:38:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Shit Don you nearly had me k
[01:38:21] <Deathrow> (3) :o.
[01:38:21] Petar_Madox (9) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[01:38:24] <Deathrow> (3) No sorry sir.
[01:38:24] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Where you at
[01:38:25] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) yeah lag
[01:38:25] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Come get dropped
[01:38:27] Shawn_Brown (20) left the server. (IP:
[01:38:28] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): ?
[01:38:28] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): p a o c a
[01:38:30] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): Spawn
[01:38:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): and she tryed to kill me
[01:38:32] <Deathrow> (3) Actually
[01:38:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Lets team up
[01:38:34] <[GWA]LimpaN> (10) Officer LimpaN, reporting in.
[01:38:35] <Deathrow> (3) I'll try
[01:38:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Don you fucking.
[01:38:37] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): w u t . _ .
[01:38:39] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Muhaha
[01:38:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Please refrain the language
[01:38:46] Petar_Madox (9) left the server. (IP:
[01:38:49] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): It don't have translation lol
[01:38:50] <Shady> (33) i would recommend u to stop flaming
[01:38:50] Deathrow (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:38:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Leave Don, just the guy kill
[01:38:52] <Deathrow> (3) cHARGEE!!!
[01:38:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Ease up LimpaN, you jus
t started your Military Carrier ;D
[01:38:55] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): this GWA is Roleplay clan ? :D
[01:39:08] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): use google =P
[01:39:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Hehe.
[01:39:08] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): it doesn't*
[01:39:15] <Arturo> (5) zow you a monster lagger
[01:39:16] teposaurio (26) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:39:17] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): yeah
[01:39:17] <Arturo> (5) :O
[01:39:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Attack on GS?
[01:39:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): we face those kids all the
time but we keep it inside.
[01:39:20] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ikr

[01:39:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Affirmative

[01:39:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I know, so do I.
[01:39:34] <Youssef_Amor> (6) ..
[01:39:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I wasn't angry I was just sa
ying oh shit!!!
[01:39:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Lets ask for eVo
[01:39:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Let's split into 2 units.
[01:39:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): to team up
[01:39:39] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (17): so whatsup with you :D
[01:39:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Off topic: Does everyone he
re have skype?
[01:39:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): good idea.
[01:39:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Yep.
[01:39:46] <[eVo]Thief> (18) z0w downloading lesbian porn
[01:39:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Ok we're making teams
[01:39:51] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): my head hurts since 4 d
ays ago
[01:39:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Yeah but I don't use mic ver
y often.
[01:39:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): It would be good to have sk
ype calls between us, if it's okay.
[01:39:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): yeah PM skypes to danie
[01:39:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Okay.
[01:39:58] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (17): D: why
[01:39:58] <Arturo> (5) firgure.s
[01:40:01] <Arturo> (5) lol
[01:40:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'll talk to zoubou
[01:40:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we usually use chat alo
[01:40:07] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): DIP
[01:40:10] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): I need buy my glasses
[01:40:10] mauro (9) joined the server. (IP:
[01:40:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Its hard for me to understan
d, people talk over eachother alot.
[01:40:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Yeah
[01:40:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): True.
[01:40:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I'm cool, even though my en
glish can be bad sometimes.
[01:40:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Thats why I sidlike it.
[01:40:19] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): or fix the old
[01:40:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): what id 26 has?
[01:40:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Dislike*
[01:40:23] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Milano (8): GOnna log man, see you!
[01:40:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): This are the teams
[01:40:29] Berko_Nubi (15) joined the server. (IP:
[01:40:29] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Zou we need you TL wan
t's to team up.
[01:40:30] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): low ping but look at him
[01:40:30] **Hobo Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Bye :-D
[01:40:33] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:40:33] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:40:33] [TOP6]Milano (8) left the server. (IP:
[01:40:34] You have purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun for $1250, is there anything e
[01:40:34] Shady (33) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[01:40:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Team One: Code Name: Mi
sfit 2-1
[01:40:36] <Deathrow> (3) Teamers smh.
[01:40:38] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): and with you?

[01:40:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): I respect everyone's situat
[01:40:43] Teleporting in 5 seconds.
[01:40:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): ((I wanna go with Zax))
[01:40:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Team Two : COde Name: M
isfit 2-2
[01:40:48] Shady (33) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:40:48] <Deathrow> (3) :o.
[01:40:51] Kaymani_Naybunghi (8) joined the server. (IP:
[01:40:53] [HH]Gelskie (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:40:53] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Salsa (38): em what
[01:40:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Daniel Leads team 2
[01:40:56] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]Daniel (19): where ?
[01:40:57] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Zou we need you TL wan
t's to team up.
[01:40:57] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[01:40:59] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:41:02] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Ok, Nigga
[01:41:02] Alejo_Sanchez (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:41:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Zax and Limpan Misfit 2
[01:41:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): come to our base with your
[01:41:06] <Deathrow> (3) Nigga?
[01:41:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Understood ?
[01:41:08] **[The] Team Chat: [The]Pedra (17): lol wrong comand
[01:41:11] <Deathrow> (3) The fuck?
[01:41:11] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:41:13] Don_Bigg (21) left the server. (IP:
[01:41:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): affirmative zou will come w
ith his guys.
[01:41:26] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): guys
[01:41:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Yes.
[01:41:26] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): home
[01:41:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Affirmative.
[01:41:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Acknowledge.
[01:41:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Misfit 2-2, get a Victo
[01:41:26] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): and with you?
[01:41:26] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): lets team up with gwa
[01:41:26] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) fucking lag
[01:41:26] [eVo]Thief (18) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:41:26] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): come to rus base
[01:41:26] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) I need to shit
[01:41:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Victor = Codename for v
[01:41:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Victor?
[01:41:31] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:41:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Ah.
[01:41:33] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (17): pretty well.. life bit
[01:41:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): haha brb
[01:41:36] Alejo_Sanchez (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:41:36] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [The]Pedra (17): but i'm good
[01:41:37] Teleported to the admin area.
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): here are some basics
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): told zou to come to our bas
e TL .

[01:42:51] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): :O

[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Kicks = Kilometers
[01:42:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]Daniel (19): where ?
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Mikes = Minutes
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Misfit 2-2 Here.
[01:42:51] <Kabasheka_Monga> (13) stopk
[01:42:51] PM from [GWA]Daniel (19) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): army base.
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Daniel
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): You lead Misfit 2.2
[01:42:51] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) go
[01:42:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]LimpaN (10): coming
[01:42:51] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:42:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): coming
[01:42:51] <Deathrow> (3) Wow.
[01:42:51] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) high pings must be kicked
[01:42:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]Thief (18): coming
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): evo's are comming.
[01:42:51] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]Daniel (19): coming
[01:42:51] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) omg
[01:42:51] PM from [FBT]Boumbastic (11) to Youssef_Amor (6): fink
[01:42:51] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) pmed wrong id 3 times
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Daniel, Misfit 2-1 lead
s the way
[01:42:51] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) xDDD
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Get on the patriot
[01:42:51] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Ok then.
[01:42:51] winstonxxx (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Spawn come to my side
[01:42:51] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): team up
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Convoy
[01:42:51] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): no kill
[01:42:51] **Russian Team Chat: [FBT]Boumbastic (11): why to the army -_[01:42:51] PM from [The]Pedra (17) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): brb
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Spawn come to my side
[01:42:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Ok, Also do the horn for a
second please.
[01:42:51] **Russian Team Chat: [FBT]Boumbastic (11): go to groove
[01:42:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): evo's came.
[01:42:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): To test the sound
[01:42:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Nvm
[01:42:56] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) dont
[01:42:56] Moderator(s): {FFFFFF}Shady{FFFF8E}
[01:42:56] Admin(s): {FFFFFF}[GWA]TeamLeader{FFFF8E}, {FFFFFF}[The]Salsa{FFFF8E}
[01:44:13] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Cess Fire
[01:44:13] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) wtf
[01:44:13] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) fb
[01:44:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Sorry!
[01:44:13] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Don't
[01:44:13] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) get out of car
[01:44:13] **Arturo (5) healed for $1000.
[01:44:13] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (12) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Change location to
LS Airport
[01:44:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): MOVE TO LS Airport
[01:44:13] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) Calm down lads. xD
[01:44:13] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Bosses have arrived lmao
[01:44:13] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[01:44:13] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Moving Convoy
[01:44:13] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) omg with this guy
[01:44:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): NO
[01:44:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): STOPPP

[01:44:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): DONTTT

[01:44:13] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): TK
[01:44:13] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) WHY ?
[01:44:13] GwE_NIKO (20) joined the server. (IP:
[01:44:13] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) noobs
[01:44:13] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) in my car guys
[01:44:13] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Private consultation Boum.
[01:44:13] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 18 tk
[01:44:13] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 1 tk
[01:44:13] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) let's go.
[01:44:13] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Misfit 2-2 follow us
[01:44:13] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Apologies for inconvenience.
[01:44:13] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) You don't understand English.?
[01:44:13] [eVo]Thief (18) was warned by admin [The]Salsa (38) for: teamkill
[01:44:13] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): kneeeko
[01:44:13] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): who is arturo
[01:44:13] <[eVo]Thief> (18) LOL..
[01:44:13] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): o.o.
[01:44:13] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): o.o
[01:44:13] winstonxxx (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:44:18] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:44:18] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): don't ever tk damn
[01:44:19] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): Racks am trolling uc
[01:44:21] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): lol
[01:44:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I'm a good shoot, so don't w
orry about my skills.
[01:44:23] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): ahahaha
[01:44:29] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): don't worry
[01:44:29] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): whatup mane
[01:44:37] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): ntn
[01:46:25] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): bored
[01:46:25] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Keep the convoy close
[01:46:25] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): i wanna test deathrow
[01:46:25] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): lets hunt him?
[01:46:25] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): K
[01:46:25] PM from [GWA]ZaxGee (2) to [GWA]LimpaN (10): Get ready, soldier.
[01:46:25] Have an idea for the server? Head to and post it o
n the forums!
[01:46:25] <Deathrow> (3) That's bullshit.
[01:46:25] Report from [FBT]Boumbastic (11): 26 HAC
[01:46:25] Report from Deathrow (3): 8 Health hacks
[01:46:25] PM from Arturo (5) to GwE_NIKO (20): lemme get on Racks first cuz thi
s has no moneh
[01:46:25] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Arturo (5): aight
[01:46:25] Arturo (5) left the server. (IP:
[01:46:25] [The]Salsa (38) is looking into the report by Deathrow (3).
[01:46:25] ONExHiGhTxTecKz (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:46:25] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) id 26 healthack
[01:46:25] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) What does eVo stand for.
[01:46:25] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) /report
[01:46:25] [The]Salsa (38) is looking into the report by [FBT]Boumbastic (11).
[01:46:25] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): You know.. The clan
is going very well, we could get certified.
[01:46:25] Deathrow (3) left the server. (IP:
[01:46:25] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) [eVo] Evolution
[01:46:25] GwE_Racks (3) joined the server. (IP:
[01:46:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): kk
[01:46:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): huh
[01:46:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): lol what the hell he logged 2 seconds
after you came in

[01:46:25] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[01:46:25] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) change of plans we are getting a barrickade at
[01:46:25] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) What happened to that dude's clan called hitman som
ething lol
[01:46:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): attack back sir?
[01:46:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): am i lagging or 26 is
lagging or
[01:46:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): erm
[01:46:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he's not supposed to be
[01:46:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): must be some bug
[01:46:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): duel then?
[01:46:27] <[The]Salsa> (38) he have made like Hitman, Super hitmans, Hitman Reb
orn, LE hITMAnZ
[01:46:28] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:46:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Misfit 2-2, what went w
rong ?
[01:46:30] **[GWA]Daniel (19) healed for $1000.
[01:46:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i sayd that before
[01:46:33] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): he knew we were coming
[01:46:34] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lol
[01:46:36] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): K
[01:46:49] <[The]Salsa> (38) all with downhill results
[01:46:49] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) He ended up joining GWA I hear.
[01:46:49] <[The]Salsa> (38) a_a
[01:46:49] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Limpan ?
[01:46:49] Deathrow (5) joined the server. (IP:
[01:46:51] <[GWA]LimpaN> (10) Mistake.
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): hes back
[01:47:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Grove.
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): duel real quick
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 3
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 2
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 1
[01:47:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): GO
[01:47:43] Report from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 13 hh
[01:47:43] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Well.
[01:47:43] [The]Salsa (38) is looking into the report by [eVo]z0wb0zu (31).
[01:47:43] Deathrow (5) left the server. (IP:
[01:47:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Should we hold on the stand
as the roof on green bottles?
[01:47:43] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) After all the trial and improvement
[01:47:43] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I am happy with [GWA]
[01:47:43] ONExHiGhTxTecKz (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:49:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) hey you left NSN in the worse way someone can left
a clan
[01:49:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) i hate you
[01:49:41] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) We take team work seriously ;D
[01:49:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) -.[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Suspect lost.
[01:49:41] Deathrow (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Roger
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) NSN is down now anyway
[01:49:41] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) Yeah, GWA suits my style. They do teamwork like I d
id in ARMA II MP.
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I cannot do that, Irc chose it.
[01:49:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) still...
[01:49:41] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Suspects running away o

n Maverick
[01:49:41] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Air support inbound.
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Yeah but imagine, coming in-game for 30 days and j
ust having people laugh at me.
[01:49:41] Deathrow (4) left the server. (IP:
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Cause of NSN's reputation.
[01:49:41] [FBT]ADAM (4) joined the server. (IP:
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): he left
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I'm obviously knowing it's not going anywhere, hen
ce I resigned.
[01:49:41] <[The]Salsa> (38) -.[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Good job.
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): :|
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Hop on Dn
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): duel again
[01:49:41] Deathrow (5) joined the server. (IP:
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Danny boy.
[01:49:41] <[eVo]Thief> (18) the commando get killed fall back !
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): kk
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): There's no need yet for
the 2 teams
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): hes back
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 3
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 2
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 1
[01:49:41] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:49:41] **Russian Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): ROFL
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): GO
[01:49:41] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Salsa, I'd like you to try and re-born it.
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Spawn join Misfit 2-2
[01:49:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): you bugged
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Daniel lead the ground
[01:49:41] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death
[01:49:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Onit.
[01:49:42] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): okay now
[01:49:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I'll be supplying Air S
upport on ruster taking down any Helicopter
[01:49:48] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): you want a pro tip
[01:49:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): and u guys get them on
the ground
[01:49:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Suspect entering GS
[01:49:54] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): yep
[01:49:54] You are too close to enemies now.
[01:49:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): follow me.
[01:49:58] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:49:58] <[The]Salsa> (38) you know nothing spawn :|
[01:49:59] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): GwE skin is better than it looks
[01:50:01] Teleporting in 5 seconds.
[01:50:03] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:50:05] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Why is that.
[01:50:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): abord the mission
[01:50:07] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:50:07] Shady (33) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[01:50:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): also
[01:50:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Soldier down.
[01:50:25] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): change your settings
[01:50:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): you all go in army irl lol

[01:50:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): down

[01:50:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon 1, taking off
[01:50:31] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:50:36] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[01:50:36] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): lower your draw distance as lower as
you can
[01:50:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Well I fight alot in the ARM
[01:50:44] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): all your settings to the minimum
[01:50:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I was denied to being one du
e to diabetes and deafness :P
[01:50:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Limpan come on the predator
with me.
[01:50:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Roger
[01:50:59] Chris_Angelid (21) joined the server. (IP:
[01:50:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): As of the rest of misfits 2
[01:51:03] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) guys follow me.
[01:51:12] <[eVo]Thief> (18) salsa
[01:51:12] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): turn off anti-aliasing thats really i
[01:51:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): We will land near Grove unt
il further orders.
[01:51:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Unit of Misfit 2.2
[01:51:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon on air ETA to gr
[01:51:27] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) we waitiing .
[01:51:27] <[eVo]Thief> (18) i am not teamkill now it was bugged
[01:51:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon on air ETA to gr
[01:51:28] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) So Salsa, Can you tell me?
[01:51:29] Report from [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Kaymani_N
[01:51:37] Angel30 (22) joined the server. (IP:
[01:51:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): /me grabs the ledge of the
heli, holding a steay grip.
[01:51:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): done
[01:51:41] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:51:42] <[The]Salsa> (38) nothing i said
[01:51:42] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): lets see how you play now
[01:51:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 3
[01:51:43] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 2
[01:51:44] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): 1
[01:51:45] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): GO
[01:51:47] <[The]Salsa> (38) i will leave it that way
[01:51:49] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) zamel
[01:51:49] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[01:51:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Don't have to do that on her
e limp :P
[01:51:56] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:51:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Old habit.
[01:52:02] **[GWA]Daniel (19) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death!
[01:52:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Just act like your in the ar
my IRl, as if your in the tight situation.
[01:52:06] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Please stop with the rude attitude, I'm trying for
this community.
[01:52:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): LIke abor abort! etc.
[01:52:15] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) And your snide comments are NOT making it any bett
er FFS.
[01:52:16] <[The]Salsa> (38) im not being rude ._.
[01:52:25] <[The]Salsa> (38) im just saying

[01:52:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Area still clean.
[01:52:32] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) You are - Your saying I know nothing..... After al
l my hard work of trying.
[01:52:37] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): i tried running over you
[01:52:39] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): like
[01:52:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We dont have those but
Im working on a medals system, codenames and a Specialitie
[01:52:42] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): walk my way to you
[01:52:45] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): and finish you off
[01:52:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it's funny how spawn argues
with every1
[01:52:48] **GwE_Racks (3) healed for $1000.
[01:52:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): like Sniper, Specialist
, etc..
[01:52:51] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I know I'm not the best but no need to be a dick a
bout it.
[01:52:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): its funny how our staff
argues back.
[01:52:57] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:52:59] <Deathrow> (5) Fuccked up.
[01:52:59] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) ...
[01:53:00] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:53:00] <[TOP6]Trunkbitch> (34) Triple kill lol
[01:53:03] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lol
[01:53:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Enemy Down.over
[01:53:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): we need enforcement.
[01:53:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): point
[01:53:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Anyways.
[01:53:12] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) I will calm down.
[01:53:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): not that i care though
[01:53:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon 1 ETA 2 mikes
[01:53:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): hurts a bit
[01:53:26] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): get armor
[01:53:28] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): lol i saw it
[01:53:33] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:53:34] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): insulting NSN in that
[01:53:36] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) 3 ON me
[01:53:41] [eVo]Thief (18) left the server. (IP:
[01:53:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): but im not flamming hi
m or anything
[01:53:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): i understand, but some p
[01:53:49] <Deathrow> (5) Double kill.
[01:53:50] **[GWA]SpawN. (14) healed for $1000.
[01:53:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Watch eachothers back.
[01:53:52] <Deathrow> (5) lol
[01:53:54] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:53:56] **Police Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Hey :-)
[01:53:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): you just agree to them,
only to avoid their ignorance
[01:54:02] [eVo]Thief (18) joined the server. (IP:
[01:54:03] **Police Team Chat: Deathrow (5): yoyo
[01:54:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): The army truck shud allow pa
ssenger seats like in ARMA such a shame.
[01:54:09] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) Had zamel finahowa
[01:54:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): HELI
[01:54:12] teposaurio (26) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[01:54:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Attack Shady Misfits 2-2 wi
th me.

[01:54:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Imagine that.. a cool featue
[01:54:16] **Police Team Chat: [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): DIO
[01:54:17] <[FBT]ADAM> (4) 9wad $
[01:54:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Feature*
[01:54:28] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) gf
[01:54:29] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): im forgetting stuff
[01:54:29] Mr.Beast15 (23) joined the server. (IP:
[01:54:34] [eVo]Thief (18) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:54:35] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): being inactive sucks
[01:54:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): there is a skin that al
lows it
[01:54:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am down.
[01:54:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Big space on it, so we can h
ave ppl standing on it as 3-5 people.
[01:54:40] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Lol;
[01:54:40] **[TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) healed for $1000.
[01:54:41] Report from Deathrow (5): 13 Health hacks
[01:54:44] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[01:54:44] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:54:46] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:54:49] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): wait you should be convoying teh new
Co_leader i should be at teh back seat
[01:54:50] Berko_Nubi (15) left the server. (IP:
[01:54:50] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): lol
[01:54:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Enemy Down.over
[01:55:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Enemy Down.over
[01:55:00] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): okay boss, sorry
[01:55:01] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): xD
[01:55:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Grove Street CLEAR.
[01:55:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): 10-4
[01:55:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am comming.
[01:55:09] Displaying most recent reports:
[01:55:09] [18:54:26]Deathrow (5): 13 Health hacks
[01:55:09] [18:51:14][TOP6]Trunkbitch (34): Kaymani_N
[01:55:09] [18:46:56][eVo]z0wb0zu (31): 13 hh
[01:55:09] [18:44:48]Deathrow (3): 8 Health hacks
[01:55:09] [18:44:48][FBT]Boumbastic (11): 26 HAC
[01:55:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Waiting for orders.
[01:55:11] Shady (33) is looking into the report by Deathrow (5).
[01:55:16] Weapons of {FFFFFF}Kabasheka_Monga{FFFF8E} (13):
[01:55:16] [Hand: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E}] [Melee: {FFFFFF}Baseball Bat{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:16] [Pistol: {FFFFFF}9MM{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}207{FFFF8E}] [Shotgun: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:16] [Sub-Machinegun: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [As
sault Rifle: {FFFFFF}AK-47{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}290{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:16] [Rifle: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [Heavy: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:16] [Grenade: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:16] [Other: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] Weapons of {FFFFFF}Kabasheka_Monga{FFFF8E} (13):
[01:55:18] [Hand: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E}] [Melee: {FFFFFF}Baseball Bat{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] [Pistol: {FFFFFF}9MM{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}207{FFFF8E}] [Shotgun: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] [Sub-Machinegun: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [As
sault Rifle: {FFFFFF}AK-47{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}288{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] [Rifle: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [Heavy: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] [Grenade: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:18] [Other: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]

[01:55:19] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): the promotions needs announcement tho
[01:55:20] Sammy_Cortino (15) joined the server. (IP:
[01:55:21] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): idk
[01:55:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): misfilt 2-2 are still in gr
ove. over
[01:55:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Fire from above!
[01:55:23] [The]Salsa (38) is now on admin duty, attacking them is punishable.
[01:55:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Ally truck coming- Unit from
misfit 2.2
[01:55:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon iniciating Air R
aid, be adivsed
[01:55:31] Benni_Blunt (24) joined the server. (IP:
[01:55:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he's ok
[01:55:36] <[R.I.P]edwar_diaz> (28) KILL
[01:55:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Fire from above!
[01:55:38] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): not hacking apparently
[01:55:38] Report from Deathrow (5): 23 armor hacks
[01:55:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): out of ammo out of ammo
[01:55:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): roger.
[01:55:46] [The]Salsa (38) is no longer on admin duty.
[01:55:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): falling back
[01:55:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): enemy spotted !
[01:55:51] Shady (33) is looking into the report by Deathrow (5).
[01:55:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Shit wheels disabled
[01:55:53] [TOP6]Trunkbitch (34) left the server. (IP:
[01:55:58] Weapons of {FFFFFF}Mr.Beast15{FFFF8E} (23):
[01:55:58] [Hand: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E}] [Melee: {FFFFFF}Baseball Bat{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] [Pistol: {FFFFFF}9MM{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}300{FFFF8E}] [Shotgun: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] [Sub-Machinegun: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [As
sault Rifle: {FFFFFF}AK-47{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}339{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] [Rifle: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}] [Heavy: {FF
FFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] [Grenade: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] [Other: {FFFFFF}Nothing{FFFF8E} Ammo: {FFFFFF}0{FFFF8E}]
[01:55:58] **Russian Team Chat: [FBT]Boumbastic (11): HAHOMA JAYIN
[01:55:59] Have an idea for the server? Head to and post it o
n the forums!
[01:56:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): << REQUESTING BACKUP AT GRO
VE STREET >> - misfits 2-2
[01:56:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): rush !
[01:56:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need pickup ASAP
[01:56:04] Benni_Blunt (24) left the server. (IP:
[01:56:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Falcon Down
[01:56:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I'm here,
[01:56:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): protect eatch other.
[01:56:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need pickup ASAP
[01:56:08] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[01:56:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): hh
[01:56:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): help
[01:56:13] Mr.Beast15 (23) was banned by admin [The]Salsa (38) for: armour hack
- health hack
[01:56:13] Mr.Beast15 (23) left the server. (IP:
[01:56:14] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): hh
[01:56:14] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): yeah
[01:56:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Reinforcement here, on NRG.
[01:56:24] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): task compleet
[01:56:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): where are you thief.
[01:56:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): enemy down. over
[01:56:30] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) mchkerf

[01:56:33] Benni_Blunt (23) joined the server. (IP:

[01:56:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): report your position.
[01:56:33] <Deathrow> (5) Can I join you guys?
[01:56:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need pickup ASAP
[01:56:40] <GwE_NIKO> (20) deathrow
[01:56:42] <Deathrow> (5) ahhh
[01:56:42] <[The]Salsa> (38) ._.
[01:56:47] Payday time! Type /collect to get your $12345!
[01:56:47] You have 30 seconds to collect or no money for you!
[01:56:49] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): wait
[01:56:49] **PM to GwE_NIKO (20): what happens with gwe?
[01:56:49] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_NIKO (20): what happens with gwe?
[01:56:50] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): hold fire
[01:56:51] You collected $12345 from the recent payday!
[01:56:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Thread cleaned.
[01:56:56] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) thank you.
[01:56:56] **PM from GwE_NIKO (20): happens in what sense?
[01:56:56] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Shady (33): happens in what sense?
[01:56:58] <Deathrow> (5) Sorry sir.
[01:56:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): /collect soldiers.
[01:56:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Threat* cleaned.
[01:56:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): clear
[01:57:02] **PM to GwE_NIKO (20): that damn demotion...
[01:57:02] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_NIKO (20): that damn demotion...
[01:57:04] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[01:57:04] <Deathrow> (5) I will now kiss your feet.
[01:57:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): enemy spotted !
[01:57:07] <Deathrow> (5) Come back
[01:57:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): /collect all
[01:57:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Oh nice.
[01:57:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): clear
[01:57:19] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): too many evo meanies
[01:57:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): Enemy Down.
[01:57:21] Payday collections have closed!
[01:57:21] <GwE_NIKO> (20) jump on bike
[01:57:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Head back?
[01:57:25] <Deathrow> (5) Yeee
[01:57:26] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): i think i gonna go now
[01:57:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Protect eatch other and don
t shoot eatch other watch your fire.
[01:57:28] **PM from GwE_NIKO (20): we're fixing it
[01:57:28] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Shady (33): we're fixing it
[01:57:32] <Deathrow> (5) I'm hanging out with the Elites dawg.
[01:57:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Good News
[01:57:33] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): is deathrow serious?
[01:57:35] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): lol
[01:57:35] **PM from GwE_NIKO (20): GwE has been through it before
[01:57:35] PM from GwE_NIKO (20) to Shady (33): GwE has been through it before
[01:57:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): LoneWolf is coming
[01:57:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Misfilt 2-2 our position Gr
ove. over.
[01:57:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Patriot is in good condition
[01:57:41] **PM to GwE_NIKO (20): oh,that's good...
[01:57:41] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_NIKO (20): oh,that's good...
[01:57:43] <GwE_NIKO> (20) get health and armor
[01:57:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): watch you fire watch your
fire friendly !
[01:57:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Hmm to the clan?
[01:57:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): great.

[01:57:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): Grove street is clear sir
[01:57:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Roger.
[01:57:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Protect eatch other and don
t shoot eatch other watch your fire.
[01:57:59] <GwE_NIKO> (20) then duel me
[01:58:02] <GwE_NIKO> (20) i wanna test your skills
[01:58:03] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:58:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): He never left
[01:58:13] <Shady> (33) not even 10
[01:58:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Oh cool.
[01:58:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): He's an army soldier IR
[01:58:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Nice
[01:58:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): doesnt have much time t
o come
[01:58:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): hey deathrow is our ap
plicant a_a
[01:58:33] <Deathrow> (5) ok
[01:58:37] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:58:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): i dibs him
[01:58:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): what
[01:58:42] RaCuMim214 (16) left the server. (IP:
[01:58:46] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 3
[01:58:47] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 2
[01:58:51] <Kabasheka_Monga> (13) stop
[01:58:52] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) MCHKRF
[01:58:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): instead i will remember
his lag spot then ;)
[01:58:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Ally don't shoot.
[01:58:55] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 1
[01:58:56] <GwE_NIKO> (20) GO
[01:58:57] [JB]Cole (16) joined the server. (IP:
[01:59:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): My brother is in the army.
And my dad has been on trips to both Kosovo and Afghanista
[01:59:03] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): noes
[01:59:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): shady is an enemy.
[01:59:10] [GWA]LoneWolf (24) joined the server. (IP:
[01:59:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): kosovo hmm really ?
[01:59:24] RaCuMim214 (25) joined the server. (IP:
[01:59:25] [eVo]Kojo (27) joined the server. (IP:
[01:59:26] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[01:59:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): you guys keep dissapear fro
m map at me
[01:59:43] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) 3 vs 1
[01:59:46] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) yo
[01:59:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): spectate bug
[01:59:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): bugged cutue
[01:59:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): clear.overt
[01:59:49] felipedoroch1 (0) left the server. (IP:
[01:59:52] Kaymani_Naybunghi (8) left the server. (IP:
[01:59:53] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[01:59:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): watch your fire.
[01:59:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Enemy down[01:59:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ^
[01:59:58] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): cutie*
[02:00:00] Kabasheka_Monga (13) left the server. (IP:
[02:00:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): salsa
[02:00:02] [GWA]LoneWolf (24) left the server. (IP:
[02:00:03] <Benni_Blunt> (23) Y a des fr?
[02:00:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): to grove.

[02:00:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): going sleep

[02:00:05] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): hai
[02:00:08] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) ouais
[02:00:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Almost out of ammo.
[02:00:11] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:00:14] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): i got spartan's permissi
on to write a training server
[02:00:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): cya thief
[02:00:17] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): for official clans
[02:00:20] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:00:20] Sammy_Cortino (15) left the server. (IP:
[02:00:20] **[GWA]SpawN. (14) healed for $1000.
[02:00:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Cya
[02:00:24] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): [The] and Gwe
[02:00:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Bye
[02:00:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): ;o
[02:00:25] GwE_Cosign (0) joined the server. (IP:
[02:00:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): cya
[02:00:26] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): [The] and GwE
[02:00:30] felipedoroch1 (8) joined the server. (IP:
[02:00:31] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) joined the server. (IP:
[02:00:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]Thief (18): peace guys have fun
[02:00:31] <Benni_Blunt> (23) C'est quoi ta team?
[02:00:41] [eVo]Thief (18) left the server. (IP:
[02:00:41] <Benni_Blunt> (23) mafieux?
[02:00:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): one server for both of
[02:00:41] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): sup cosign
[02:00:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he allowed it to be host
ed together with GWDM
[02:00:41] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) russe
[02:00:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): yes
[02:00:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Standing by for LoneWol
[02:00:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): how logs are now?
[02:00:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): awesome
[02:00:50] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:00:52] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) Hello
[02:00:52] [JB]Cole (16) left the server. (IP:
[02:00:53] <Deathrow> (5) We still dueling?
[02:00:55] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): yo cosign
[02:00:55] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): still down?
[02:00:57] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 3
[02:00:58] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 2
[02:00:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): LoneWolf
[02:00:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Guys dont waist Ammo
[02:01:00] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 1
[02:01:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Hop on units.
[02:01:01] <GwE_NIKO> (20) GO
[02:01:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): going back to base
[02:01:04] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): sup
[02:01:04] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:01:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Yeah
[02:01:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I'll take u to LS Airpo
[02:01:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am back!!!
[02:01:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): WB
[02:01:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): your scrips are quite
awesome if i remember
[02:01:13] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[02:01:14] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.

[02:01:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Wb
[02:01:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Welcome Back Soldier
[02:01:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I need to /shop
[02:01:25] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) lol
[02:01:27] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) it's a duel bro
[02:01:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Good To Come Back Home!!
[02:01:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): i do simple work
[02:01:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Guys dont waist Ammo.
[02:01:34] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 3
[02:01:35] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 2
[02:01:35] <GwE_NIKO> (20) 1
[02:01:36] <GwE_NIKO> (20) GO
[02:01:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Shop time
[02:01:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i know the Drill Sir
[02:01:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): as long as i can have
[02:01:45] [GWA]LimpaN (10) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:01:46] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:02:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Roger
[02:02:00] [GWA]LimpaN (10) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:02:00] <[The]Salsa> (38) [NooB] tag im kool with it
[02:02:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Ready?
[02:02:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): ..... ohhhaaa
[02:02:04] <[The]Salsa> (38) that was meant to be a
[02:02:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): our position misfilt 2-2 ne
ar Grove.
[02:02:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we need an EVAC Helicop
ter on air ASAP
[02:02:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Gathering reinforcement or?
[02:02:05] <[The]Salsa> (38) lolz
[02:02:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Hehe
[02:02:06] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:02:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): what's the orders.
[02:02:08] <Deathrow> (5) :/
[02:02:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): wait guys.
[02:02:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): that was the admin syste
m feature
[02:02:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am back you morrann don
t mess with me yaaaa
[02:02:15] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): ladmin
[02:02:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We're in the action zon
[02:02:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): the same one used in gwd
[02:02:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): i wrote mine
[02:02:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): positions?
[02:02:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): whos nest ?!?!
[02:02:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Coming, hold out.
[02:02:26] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Niko use sawn off
[02:02:27] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) next
[02:02:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): positions?
[02:02:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): it gives prefix [trolled
[02:02:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Hold out captain. We're on
our way.
[02:02:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): sets you to an old whore
[02:02:49] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:02:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): gives you a dildo

[02:02:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): hahaha

[02:02:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): and puts you on fire
[02:02:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): you wonna peace off me?!?
[02:02:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Misfit 2.2 still waiting eas
t of Grove in safe position.
[02:02:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): But we need location.
[02:02:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): LOL
[02:02:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): report your positions this
is misfilt 2-2 who needs enforcement?
[02:02:52] <Deathrow> (5) Catch me!!!
[02:02:52] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) teamkill
[02:02:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Truck is with me.
[02:03:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Just arrived at Grove S
[02:03:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): guys move
[02:03:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): to them
[02:03:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): lonewolf to TeamLeader
[02:03:16] MyNameIsMinh (15) joined the server. (IP:
[02:03:22] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:03:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): go ahead LoneWolf
[02:03:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Arrived
[02:03:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): misfilt 2-2 arrived. over
[02:03:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): too quiet
[02:03:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): hostils on radar 12 ocl
[02:03:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): prepare to engage
[02:03:42] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Deathrow (5): advice qt
[02:03:43] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) coming. i am in grov st. stay frosty Sgt
[02:03:44] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[02:03:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Enemy closing in, west.
[02:03:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Above us, watch your flank!
[02:03:52] PM from Deathrow (5) to [The]Salsa (38): ?
[02:03:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): friendly !
[02:03:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Above us, watch your flank!
[02:03:57] weirdguy2 (16) joined the server. (IP:
[02:04:02] <Deathrow> (5) yEEE
[02:04:02] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Deathrow (5): don't shoot in a car without
a driver, it's not allowed
[02:04:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): terminate the last enemy.
[02:04:15] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:04:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Approaching
[02:04:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): put him down
[02:04:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): taking fire
[02:04:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): done
[02:04:23] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) 5VS 1 LOL
[02:04:23] **[GWA]Daniel (19) healed for $1000.
[02:04:24] PM from Deathrow (5) to [The]Salsa (38): Yea, I know. I was waiting f
or Shady to get on.
[02:04:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): one less down.
[02:04:32] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) hey
[02:04:32] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:04:37] Angel30 (22) left the server. (IP:
[02:04:42] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Deathrow (5): oh :3
[02:04:43] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Mess with the best, die like the rest
[02:04:46] <Benni_Blunt> (23) o
[02:04:52] anal_explosion (18) joined the server. (IP:
[02:04:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): misfilt 2-2 follow me
[02:05:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): "Alone we stand no chance,
Together we shall rule them all"

[02:05:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): misfilt 2-1 cover us.
[02:05:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Lone get yourself healed.
[02:05:06] <[The]Salsa> (38) too many people
[02:05:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): area clear
[02:05:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): LoneWolf
[02:05:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Save the ammo limp
[02:05:15] <Benni_Blunt> (23) oh fuck
[02:05:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Evo allies
[02:05:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Evo allies
[02:05:19] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) EVO Allies
[02:05:23] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) dont shoot LoneWolf
[02:05:26] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[02:05:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): friendly fire friendly fir
e !
[02:05:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): controle the area.
[02:05:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Unit taking fire west of gro
[02:05:40] **PM from [The]Salsa (38): too many people
[02:05:40] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Shady (33): too many people
[02:05:42] **[GWA]LoneWolf (13) healed for $1000.
[02:05:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Roger That
[02:05:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Limp with me help.
[02:05:47] **PM to [The]Salsa (38): ?:D
[02:05:47] PM from Shady (33) to [The]Salsa (38): ?:D
[02:05:48] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) My appologies, LoneWolf is unware of the allia
nce as he has been on Military Duty
[02:05:49] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): niko afk i c
[02:05:49] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:05:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Nvm.
[02:05:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Ok
[02:05:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Ours shooting allies, a newb
[02:06:03] **PM from [The]Salsa (38): i wanna kill gwa and evo people
[02:06:03] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Shady (33): i wanna kill gwa and evo peopl
[02:06:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) I gonna Pop him.
[02:06:09] **PM from [The]Salsa (38): but they are just too many
[02:06:09] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Shady (33): but they are just too many
[02:06:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Positions on bridge
[02:06:12] **PM to [The]Salsa (38): me too bt...they are many
[02:06:12] PM from Shady (33) to [The]Salsa (38): me too bt...they are many
[02:06:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): SECURE GROVE STREET
[02:06:14] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) army ar speedrunning
[02:06:15] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Guys Evo and GWA are Allies dont shoot them.
[02:06:16] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) :D
[02:06:20] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) ^^
[02:06:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we taking this as ours
[02:06:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I'm on the bridge, awaiting
orders. Over.
[02:06:37] <Benni_Blunt> (23) oh
[02:06:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): secure the area
[02:06:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Whats your position LimpaN.
[02:06:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): RIFLE EQUIPPED
[02:06:42] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) uff this lagger
[02:06:42] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): sorry was afk
[02:06:44] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) eVo and GWA now rule Grove Street, any civilia
ns with no authorization will be shot
[02:06:44] **PM from [The]Salsa (38): they are getting people like crazy, they b
e like who needs quality
[02:06:44] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Shady (33): they are getting people like c

razy, they be like who needs quality

[02:06:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): protect eatch other.
[02:06:47] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:06:48] **PM to Deathrow (5): shoot at feets if they are after bike
[02:06:48] PM from Shady (33) to Deathrow (5): shoot at feets if they are after
[02:06:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): nvm found you.
[02:06:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): roof secured !
[02:06:53] [GWA]LimpaN (10) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:06:55] **PM from [The]Salsa (38): 99 people can spray spaz
[02:06:55] PM from [The]Salsa (38) to Shady (33): 99 people can spray spaz
[02:06:56] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:06:58] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:07:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): This is LoneWolf Talking.
[02:07:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Limp, stick with me to Spawn
[02:07:03] Deathrow (5) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:07:05] Stay up to date with all the latest news at!
[02:07:11] Lance_Gyp (22) joined the server. (IP:
[02:07:12] **PM from Deathrow (5): Alright.
[02:07:12] PM from Deathrow (5) to Shady (33): Alright.
[02:07:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): I am going to do a Patrol
need solider with me.over
[02:07:16] **PM to [The]Salsa (38): that's so funny,they are so many rulebreaker
s,and racist peoples
[02:07:16] PM from Shady (33) to [The]Salsa (38): that's so funny,they are so ma
ny rulebreakers,and racist peoples
[02:07:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): enemy down.over
[02:07:19] PM from Deathrow (5) to Lance_Gyp (22): GYP??
[02:07:20] <anal_explosion> (18) lol wtf is going on
[02:07:24] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Where is lone wolf.?
[02:07:24] PM from Deathrow (5) to Lance_Gyp (22): lyp Gyp Gyp?
[02:07:26] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): dont hang here GWA hate on us
[02:07:27] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): :p
[02:07:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Patrol Grove Street Are
[02:07:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Suspect down
[02:07:30] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) ?
[02:07:31] PM from Lance_Gyp (22) to Deathrow (5): ?
[02:07:32] <felipedoroch1> (8) STOP
[02:07:33] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): idk
[02:07:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): DO NOT LEAVE THIS AREA
[02:07:36] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): lol
[02:07:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): the hood is controlled.
[02:07:36] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) I need to repay him.
[02:07:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): think im gonna go watc
h new kush show lmao
[02:07:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (38): seeiya
[02:07:45] [The]Salsa (38) left the server. (IP:
[02:07:45] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Keep it like this
[02:07:45] PM from Deathrow (5) to Lance_Gyp (22): How's Mieky?
[02:07:46] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) Repay me ?
[02:07:47] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) no dark
[02:07:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): it was cool
[02:07:53] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Joke.
[02:07:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Make sure to use vehicles as
cover if you can.
[02:07:54] [King]Sparta (24) joined the server. (IP:
[02:07:55] <teposaurio> (26) wait!

[02:07:56] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) :P

[02:08:02] Foxiee (29) joined the server. (IP:
[02:08:09] **[GWA]LoneWolf (13) healed for $1000.
[02:08:10] [Austin.uNk] (30) joined the server. (IP:
[02:08:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Help spawn ASAP.
[02:08:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Good Job ! Grove Street
[02:08:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): secure the area all in thei
r positions
[02:08:15] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) You guys need to lighten up.
[02:08:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Area Secured !
[02:08:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Someone take screenies
[02:08:17] <Shady> (33) foxiee back?:o
[02:08:20] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Damn.
[02:08:20] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Oh shiett,ton of [GWA]'s
[02:08:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Multiple hostiles behind me
[02:08:25] <Foxiee> (29) Hm?
[02:08:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): the blue one is the ennemy.
[02:08:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): HOSTIl
[02:08:30] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:08:36] <Shady> (33) i didn't see u for few months
[02:08:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Help east grove ASAP
[02:08:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Intruder on the perimet
[02:08:42] <Shady> (33) since you were NSN
[02:08:45] <Foxiee> (29) Cool
[02:08:52] Youssef_Amor (6) was kicked by admin [GWA]TeamLeader (12) for: AFK/Aw
ay - Use /afk in the future!
[02:08:52] Youssef_Amor (6) left the server. (IP:
[02:08:53] <anal_explosion> (18) nice aim
[02:08:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Limp stay on me.
[02:08:55] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:08:59] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:08:59] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Teambrodaah
[02:09:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Assist spawn.
[02:09:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): enemy down
[02:09:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Let's Take shady
[02:09:10] <[FBT]Boumbastic> (11) pff
[02:09:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): kill shady
[02:09:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Dammi.
[02:09:13] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:09:20] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:09:21] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) shop
[02:09:22] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Welcome.
[02:09:23] **[GWA]SpawN. (14) healed for $1000.
[02:09:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): he is near Grove i'am down.
[02:09:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): enemy down
[02:09:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): enemy down.over
[02:09:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Healed.
[02:09:25] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:09:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: Foxiee (29): Can you guys use something else
instead of spamming my screen please?
[02:09:31] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): blakey<3
[02:09:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Re take Grove Street we
are loosing it
[02:09:32] [King]Sparta (24) left the server. (IP:
[02:09:32] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Jerk
[02:09:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Stick with spawn LimpaN.
[02:09:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Foxiee, /changeteam.
[02:09:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Foxiee = use f7

[02:09:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): farruk plays from a tree

house lol
[02:09:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): ir change team
[02:09:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Or F7
[02:09:45] <anal_explosion> (18) the fucking spaz god
[02:09:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): LOL
[02:09:49] [FBT]Boumbastic (11) left the server. (IP:
[02:09:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: Foxiee (29): Oh yeah, then get rid of my Heal
th bar
[02:09:53] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): damn
[02:09:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Area Secure?
[02:09:55] [King]Sparta (6) joined the server. (IP:
[02:09:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: Foxiee (29): Great fucking idea
[02:09:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): simple = /changetema
[02:10:01] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): kneeko
[02:10:01] [FBT]ADAM (4) left the server. (IP:
[02:10:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am going to bring my ow
n chooper
[02:10:03] **PM from Deathrow (5): Heal and /shop
[02:10:03] PM from Deathrow (5) to Shady (33): Heal and /shop
[02:10:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): simple = /changeteam*
[02:10:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): its ok sir ?
[02:10:05] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[02:10:05] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:10:10] **PM to Deathrow (5): i want sprunk
[02:10:10] PM from Shady (33) to Deathrow (5): i want sprunk
[02:10:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Roger we need eyes up i
n the sky
[02:10:15] **PM from Deathrow (5): Or dat
[02:10:15] PM from Deathrow (5) to Shady (33): Or dat
[02:10:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Everyone gather around for a
SS quickly.
[02:10:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i'am comming hold on.
[02:10:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: Foxiee (29): How about I can play on this ser
ver, I'm being nice and telling you to stop spamming every
[02:10:21] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:10:21] teposaurio (26) left the server. (IP:
[02:10:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Roger that.LoneWolf on th
e way
[02:10:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): take Shady down.
[02:10:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): I have a sniper, need me on
the predator?
[02:10:30] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Your lag made me get cancer.
[02:10:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): someone with me I need
Sprunk and someone to get me covered
[02:10:35] <felipedoroch1> (8) AFZ
[02:10:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Oit
[02:10:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Took sses.
[02:10:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Onit*
[02:10:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): yes spawn cover us.
[02:10:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I want 2 soldiers to ge
t our 2 barrecks
[02:10:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): barracks
[02:10:55] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:10:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): HOSTILE INCOMING
[02:11:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Go sir i get
[02:11:03] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:11:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): go go go go take them
[02:11:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Dont waste ammo
[02:11:06] [R.I.P]edwar_diaz (28) has been kicked by the server for constant tea

[02:11:07] [R.I.P]edwar_diaz (28) left the server. (IP:
[02:11:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): GO BACK
[02:11:12] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:11:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we are udner attack on
[02:11:19] JohnM (4) joined the server. (IP:
[02:11:23] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) joined the server. (IP:
[02:11:23] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:11:26] <JohnM> (4) Hi sirs
[02:11:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): enemy on the run
[02:11:32] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) JohnM
[02:11:32] **PM from Deathrow (5): Or dat
[02:11:32] PM from Deathrow (5) to Shady (33): Or dat
[02:11:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): TL g after ur drink
[02:11:35] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) join teh Army ;D
[02:11:37] JohnM (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:11:38] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:11:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): GS ASAP
[02:11:45] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[02:11:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I could really do with a bud
wieser drink.
[02:11:47] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) gogo
[02:11:49] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:11:53] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Teambrodah?:(
[02:11:53] <anal_explosion> (18) no why
[02:11:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we take them for
[02:11:58] You are too close to enemies and are not near your spawn to shop now.
[02:12:03] <Benni_Blunt> (23) Argg fuck
[02:12:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): This Is LoneWolf.Cheak Ra
dio Sestym all clear
[02:12:12] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:12:15] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:12:16] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:12:18] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) take them on the front
[02:12:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Location ?
[02:12:19] DAHIANA (7) left the server. (IP:
[02:12:20] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:12:21] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) move to their position
[02:12:22] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:12:27] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) good job
[02:12:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): One less down.
[02:12:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): enemyes down
[02:12:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): TeamLeader ? Sir...
[02:12:36] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) back to defense postitions
[02:12:37] [GWA]LimpaN (10) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:12:37] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:12:39] Lance_Gyp (22) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:12:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): what the Is The LZ ?
[02:12:40] **PM to Deathrow (5): this is so funny
[02:12:40] PM from Shady (33) to Deathrow (5): this is so funny
[02:12:43] Lance_Gyp (22) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:12:43] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:12:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): yes ?
[02:12:45] Lance_Gyp (22) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:12:45] **PM to Deathrow (5): we just need some peoples too
[02:12:45] PM from Shady (33) to Deathrow (5): we just need some peoples too
[02:12:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): ALL GET BACK.
[02:13:06] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Sup Austin
[02:13:06] **PM from Deathrow (5): Lol, we got fucked over.

[02:13:06] PM from Deathrow (5) to Shady (33): Lol, we got fucked over.
[02:13:06] <Foxiee> (29) Sigh
[02:13:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Wtf
[02:13:06] <Foxiee> (29) Why won't you take DMG?
[02:13:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Don't stand naked in the st
[02:13:06] Lance_Gyp (22) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:13:06] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Dont shoot Austin
[02:13:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am going to parking the
chooper on the base. over
[02:13:06] <MyNameIsMinh> (15) Woah.. the spaz is pretty OP.
[02:13:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Go to houses!
[02:13:08] <Foxiee> (29) ^ No shit
[02:13:09] <GwE_Racks> (3) .t where u cosing?
[02:13:09] <anal_explosion> (18) yup
[02:13:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Back to the position behind
grove where we held at.
[02:13:10] <Deathrow> (5) .
[02:13:13] <GwE_Racks> (3) lol fail
[02:13:15] <MyNameIsMinh> (15) Even at far rANGE.
[02:13:16] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:13:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Reurn to you defence positi
[02:13:19] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[02:13:20] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Welcome to our Operation
[02:13:22] **PM to GwE_Racks (3): wanna help us with gwa?
[02:13:22] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (3): wanna help us with gwa?
[02:13:24] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[02:13:26] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) We're taking over Grove Street
[02:13:28] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) I'm blake nablet
[02:13:30] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): by grove
[02:13:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Roger
[02:13:31] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:13:31] **PM to GwE_Racks (3): we will be 4 if u and niko join us
[02:13:31] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (3): we will be 4 if u and niko join
[02:13:32] **PM from GwE_Racks (3): OMW
[02:13:32] PM from GwE_Racks (3) to Shady (33): OMW
[02:13:32] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): lol
[02:13:33] Xan (7) joined the server. (IP:
[02:13:33] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:13:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): watch out from snipers.
[02:13:36] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:13:36] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) This is LoneWolf i am at the base.over
[02:13:39] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[02:13:40] **PM from GwE_Racks (3): niko afk
[02:13:40] PM from GwE_Racks (3) to Shady (33): niko afk
[02:13:41] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[02:13:41] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:13:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Do You Copy ?
[02:13:41] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:13:43] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) lol
[02:13:45] **PM to GwE_Racks (3): ok:P
[02:13:45] PM from Shady (33) to GwE_Racks (3): ok:P
[02:13:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): LoneWolf we need u here
[02:13:47] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:13:48] [eVo]Kojo (27) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:13:48] DAHIANA (24) joined the server. (IP:
[02:13:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): lonewolf we are in grove we

need u
[02:13:54] **PM to Deathrow (5): racks is with us
[02:13:54] PM from Shady (33) to Deathrow (5): racks is with us
[02:13:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I'll take that GWE out.
[02:13:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am parking the chooper.
[02:13:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): send a team there
[02:13:59] [R.I.P]edwar_diaz (26) joined the server. (IP:
[02:13:59] **Vagos Team Chat: Foxiee (29): Get out
[02:14:02] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:14:02] <Xan> (7) u fly
[02:14:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): secure the area
[02:14:04] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Welcome,LoneWolf...
[02:14:04] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Austin u dont have access to
[02:14:05] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:14:05] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:14:07] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) team chat
[02:14:07] **GwE_Cosign (0) healed for $1000.
[02:14:11] **Vagos Team Chat: Foxiee (29): Fuck out of the heli
[02:14:11] <anal_explosion> (18) fucking sniper
[02:14:12] <Xan> (7) im a passenger
[02:14:12] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) nope>:(
[02:14:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i shold wait for new miss
[02:14:15] <Lance_Gyp> (22) lol
[02:14:16] <Xan> (7) i wanna parachute
[02:14:16] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) for a new go...
[02:14:18] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:14:34] [King]Sparta (6) left the server. (IP:
[02:14:34] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): we're not allies with GWA no more?
[02:14:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Flatbed incoming.
[02:14:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Pulling back, the enemy rehe
[02:14:34] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) No more private rooms (/r) ?
[02:14:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am parking near the Ste
[02:14:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): MAN down man down medicccc
[02:14:36] Report from Foxiee (29): 7 Teamjacking
[02:14:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Negative lets move to g
rove we are under heavy fire
[02:14:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i neeed 3 guys here.
[02:14:39] <Xan> (7) if u no fly i fly
[02:14:41] <Foxiee> (29) Nice teamjack dickhead
[02:14:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i neeed 3 guys here.
[02:14:44] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:14:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Moving
[02:14:46] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:14:47] <Foxiee> (29) I'll fly
[02:14:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Holding the roofs.
[02:14:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Cover this area.
[02:14:49] [King]Sparta (6) joined the server. (IP:
[02:14:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i shold need to take care
about the chooper...
[02:14:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need me somewhere else?
[02:14:53] Deathrow (5) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:14:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): TeamLeader Come Home Plea
[02:14:57] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) dude
[02:14:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): yes here.
[02:14:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): unit here back.

[02:14:59] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[02:15:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): can you see me ?
[02:15:04] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) What the fuck
[02:15:06] <Lance_Gyp> (22) anal u mad bro
[02:15:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we need backup LoneWolf
get ur ass here
[02:15:10] weirdguy2 (16) left the server. (IP:
[02:15:14] Deathrow (5) purchased a(n) Micro SMG. ($1000)
[02:15:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Shit, move it, flanking of t
he GWE
[02:15:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): SHADY INBOUND
[02:15:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Fall Back For Regroup at
the base
[02:15:21] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Kojo
[02:15:23] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) sup
[02:15:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): negative
[02:15:30] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Why you kill me.
[02:15:31] <Lance_Gyp> (22) LOLOL
[02:15:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we need that position
[02:15:32] <anal_explosion> (18) woah
[02:15:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): if you say so...
[02:15:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): if we fall back they wi
ll own it
[02:15:44] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Didn't TeamLeader told you to don't shoot me?
[02:15:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he toggles
[02:15:45] <Xan> (7) lets goto grove
[02:15:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): down
[02:15:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): u saw?
[02:15:50] <anal_explosion> (18) wth
[02:15:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): yep
[02:15:53] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Dont shoot AUSTIN
[02:15:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): NEED HELP!
[02:15:56] JohnM (4) left the server. (IP:
[02:15:56] PM from [eVo]Kojo (27) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): I didnt read it was you
lol sorry, my bad
[02:15:57] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:16:01] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:16:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Took him down.
[02:16:03] PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to [eVo]Kojo (27): cool
[02:16:05] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): well...i am still waiting
for new order
[02:16:05] <Xan> (7) foxiee where u going?
[02:16:06] <[eVo]Kojo> (27)
[02:16:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): enemy down.
[02:16:09] ZEHNNN (4) joined the server. (IP:
[02:16:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): at the base...
[02:16:10] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): what we should do?
[02:16:10] <Foxiee> (29) Out here
[02:16:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): The order is simple
[02:16:12] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[02:16:12] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:16:13] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Don't shoot ShReDDer alsol
[02:16:13] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:16:14] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): get here LoneWolf
[02:16:16] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:16:17] <Foxiee> (29) Because I told you to get the fuck out of my helicopter
[02:16:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): where 2 sir ?
[02:16:19] <Xan> (7) accidental jump
[02:16:22] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) hello
[02:16:23] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to [ShReddeR.uNk] (11): comparito <3

[02:16:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Order: Assure Grove Str
[02:16:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): on my way....
[02:16:37] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) que hacen
[02:16:39] **Police Team Chat: Deathrow (5): Fuck off Lance.
[02:16:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): We need to regroup back at h
ome and together to take that territory back from GWE
[02:16:45] **Police Team Chat: Deathrow (5): Why the fuck are you shooting me? I
'm the girl.
[02:16:49] Benni_Blunt (23) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:16:52] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) jooj
[02:16:52] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:16:53] PM from Deathrow (5) to Deathrow (5): God fuckin dam.
[02:16:54] Chuchuy_Rivero (16) joined the server. (IP:
[02:16:54] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) never kill me
[02:16:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): All together.
[02:16:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): all spool up and cover the
area every one take his positions. over
[02:16:58] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) from back
[02:16:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): all spool up and cover the
area every one take his positions. over
[02:16:59] **Police Team Chat: Deathrow (5): God fuckin dam.
[02:17:01] Xstazy[nWo] (28) joined the server. (IP:
[02:17:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Guys let TeamLeader to Le
[02:17:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Even that morale influence w
ill scare em a lil.
[02:17:05] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Don't shoot ShReddeR -_[02:17:07] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:07] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:11] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:17:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Down
[02:17:16] <Lance_Gyp> (22) lololol
[02:17:18] [GWA]LimpaN (10) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:22] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:28] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Everyone on Spawn. We need t
o build up.
[02:17:33] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (12) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): We're fallign back
[02:17:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): EVERYONE FALL BACK TO H
[02:17:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): WE MOVING TOGETHER
[02:17:43] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:17:43] <GwE_Racks> (3) lol
[02:17:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): ^^
[02:17:44] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Shoot friends that shoot uNk = Kill Friends or w/
e | uNk hates you - Friends Hate you
[02:17:44] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:45] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) shieeeeeet
[02:17:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Roger.
[02:17:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): comming
[02:17:50] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) i'm gonna left samp >:(
[02:17:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): why you didnt say so ?
[02:17:51] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:17:53] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:17:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): i am on my way
[02:17:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): every one abord the mission
get back /home
[02:17:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): every one abord the mission
get back /home

[02:17:58] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) GWA moving back to reagroup

[02:17:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Misfit 2.2 Patriot here.
[02:17:59] <GwE_Racks> (3) lol
[02:18:00] <[eVo]Kojo> (27) <3
[02:18:05] <MyNameIsMinh> (15) Car parking.
[02:18:06] <GwE_Racks> (3) poor austin
[02:18:06] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:18:10] <MyNameIsMinh> (15) Like a nub..
[02:18:11] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to GwE_NIKO (20): niko
[02:18:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Super 62 on the way
[02:18:11] Stay up to date with all the latest news at!
[02:18:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): every one abord the mission
get back /home
[02:18:14] <GwE_Racks> (3) aka NABLET
[02:18:16] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to GwE_NIKO (20): test cosign lag.cs
[02:18:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Misfit 2.2 standing by, awa
iting orders.
[02:18:21] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) :(
[02:18:26] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:18:27] <felipedoroch1> (8) OS BADND
[02:18:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Lets move
[02:18:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Dont shoot the chooper pl
[02:18:36] **[Austin.uNk] (30) is on a killing spree with 10 kills without death
[02:18:38] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) yey
[02:18:41] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[02:18:41] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:18:45] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:18:46] **GwE_Cosign (0) healed for $1000.
[02:18:47] Chuchuy_Rivero (16) left the server. (IP:
[02:18:47] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) kick that dude he is teamkilling
[02:18:47] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to Deathrow (5): ex- [The]?
[02:18:48] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Dont Rob from Me I am the
[02:18:49] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) 2x1 haua
[02:18:51] Benni_Blunt (23) left the server. (IP:
[02:18:55] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Damn.
[02:18:55] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 team killing / team attacking us
[02:18:56] PM from Deathrow (5) to [Austin.uNk] (30): ?
[02:18:56] Report from [GWA]Daniel (19): 8 teamkill
[02:19:00] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): apparently cosign lag.cs
to zow
[02:19:02] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to Deathrow (5): You were [The]?
[02:19:02] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) i may not want to shoot you gwe
[02:19:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Misfit 2.2 standing by, awa
iting orders.
[02:19:05] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) but if you shoow gwa i will
[02:19:05] [eVo]Kojo (27) left the server. (IP:
[02:19:06] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): what
[02:19:07] PM from Deathrow (5) to [Austin.uNk] (30): Trying to be.
[02:19:08] PM from GwE_Cosign (0) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): your bugged
[02:19:12] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to Deathrow (5): Oh i see.
[02:19:13] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Zax, get in!
[02:19:17] PM from Deathrow (5) to [Austin.uNk] (30): They are voting if I shoul
d be accepted or not.
[02:19:17] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to GwE_Cosign (0): now
[02:19:19] <Foxiee> (29) That doesn't even make any sense what you just said
[02:19:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Super 62 is here
[02:19:20] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) bitch

[02:19:22] <Lance_Gyp> (22) cunt

[02:19:22] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) How to be a z0wb0zu
[02:19:26] PM from GwE_Cosign (0) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): good
[02:19:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): LimpaN, your better shooter
than driver, change positions. I'll drive on orders from S
[02:19:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We're loosing the war
[02:19:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): 3 with lone wolf and the re
st with us.
[02:19:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Ready to go. over
[02:19:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): zow said we should test
cosign for lag.cs
[02:19:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): move ur asses
[02:19:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): move ur asses
[02:19:36] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Should we create a
s.w.a.t team, on the cops team?
[02:19:39] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): we should
[02:19:40] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I drive, let's go!
[02:19:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Guys
[02:19:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): ALright fine but hes a bette
r shooter.
[02:19:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i just fought him
[02:19:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Spawn?
[02:19:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): enter to my chooper. [:
[02:19:49] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): And these boys woul
d be in a heli as backup
[02:19:49] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): pretty laggy
[02:19:53] <anal_explosion> (18) fake
[02:19:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lets do it
[02:19:54] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:19:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Speaking on /pm Sorry.
[02:19:55] You are now on admin duty.
[02:19:55] Shady (33) is now on admin duty, attacking them is punishable.
[02:19:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): only 3 Soliders
[02:19:57] Keep in mind you are still on admin duty.
[02:19:59] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Fake wut
[02:20:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): We'll follow the chopper.
[02:20:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): drop me through air
[02:20:01] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) 2 more
[02:20:01] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:20:02] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:20:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): go go
[02:20:09] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): we need kneeko tho
[02:20:11] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[02:20:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): remember to screen shot
[02:20:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): oh
[02:20:15] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:20:15] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) TeamLeader
[02:20:16] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Should we create a
s.w.a.t team, on the cops team?
[02:20:16] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we need this media :3
[02:20:18] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Yes?
[02:20:18] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Position?
[02:20:19] MyNameIsMinh (15) left the server. (IP:
[02:20:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I do it quite alot, so dw I'
ll do abit.
[02:20:24] PM from [GWA]TeamLeader (12) to [Austin.uNk] (30): ETA 10 secs
[02:20:27] You are now off admin duty.
[02:20:27] Shady (33) is no longer on admin duty.
[02:20:27] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): These guys would be
on air duty

[02:20:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): StendBye...

[02:20:35] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?
[02:20:36] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) D:
[02:20:42] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) KKKKKKKKKKK 2 vs 1
[02:20:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): LoneWOlf
[02:20:43] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) LAGGY ASS BITCH
[02:20:43] PM from [GWA]SpawN. (14) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): instead of the rand
om people deciding whose on air duty
[02:20:45] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) aimbot
[02:20:46] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) go man 1x1
[02:20:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): go go go
[02:20:47] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): FLY BY
[02:20:47] <Foxiee> (29) Dat fakelag
[02:20:52] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I NEED TO SEE THE AIR
[02:20:57] **PM to Foxiee (29): please report it
[02:20:57] PM from Shady (33) to Foxiee (29): please report it
[02:20:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We are like the rcon
[02:20:59] PM from [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): go qk
[02:21:02] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:21:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Stay on TeamLeader LimpaN.
[02:21:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): misfilt 2-2 are in grove ov
[02:21:07] **PM from Foxiee (29): Shady, I'm not 5 years old
[02:21:07] PM from Foxiee (29) to Shady (33): Shady, I'm not 5 years old
[02:21:09] [the]blink (15) joined the server. (IP:
[02:21:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I wanna see how many th
ey are
[02:21:11] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the quad and kart arena. [/qk]
[02:21:13] **PM from Foxiee (29): I understand how servers and hackers work
[02:21:13] PM from Foxiee (29) to Shady (33): I understand how servers and hacke
rs work
[02:21:16] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Heli be trolling me
[02:21:17] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) >:(
[02:21:19] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:21:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I see the air.
[02:21:23] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:21:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): This Is Super 62
[02:21:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I see the aircraft.
[02:21:25] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[02:21:26] PM from [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): go man 1 vs 1 /qk
[02:21:27] **PM to Foxiee (29): we are aware of him
[02:21:27] PM from Shady (33) to Foxiee (29): we are aware of him
[02:21:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We're having a ni
ce war xD
[02:21:28] <[the]blink> (15) Dem GWA's
[02:21:29] [the]blink (15) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:21:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): goo drive
[02:21:31] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:21:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Take this position!
[02:21:35] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Dat Army
[02:21:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Masfit 2-2 do you copy ov
[02:21:38] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[02:21:39] Xan (7) left the server. (IP:
[02:21:39] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:21:39] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Copy.
[02:21:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Copy.
[02:21:43] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): secure the area
[02:21:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Roger that
[02:21:46] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) you should see our team chat :3

[02:21:47] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): are we shooting them?

[02:21:49] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): lol get ready
[02:21:49] brasil (7) joined the server. (IP:
[02:21:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): every one in their position
[02:21:50] Report from Foxiee (29): 1 Dat Fake Lag (lag.cs) Cleo hack, so obviou
s :)
[02:21:50] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:21:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): I can see it lol
[02:21:55] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Pro
[02:22:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): watch out down there
[02:22:03] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Dryice was reported
[02:22:04] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): someone get that for meh
[02:22:05] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:22:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Teamleader
[02:22:07] DAHIANA (24) left the server. (IP:
[02:22:08] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Axaxa
[02:22:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Get me down
[02:22:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Yes ?
[02:22:12] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Nice shot
[02:22:12] **PM from [Austin.uNk] (30): Feel like Rambo
[02:22:12] PM from [Austin.uNk] (30) to Shady (33): Feel like Rambo
[02:22:16] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Lance_Gyp (22): aimbot more
[02:22:16] [the]blink (15) is looking into the report by Foxiee (29).
[02:22:16] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:22:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): copy that. sir
[02:22:20] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Dryice lags
[02:22:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Can i create a air support
s.w.a.t team on the cops team?
[02:22:22] [R.I.P]edwar_diaz (26) left the server. (IP:
[02:22:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need Air Assistance! ASAP
[02:22:27] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) luv my new crosshair :D
[02:22:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Need Air Assistance! ASAP
[02:22:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): For purposes like ^
[02:22:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Not yet
[02:22:34] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) WUT
[02:22:34] <Shady> (33) o.o
[02:22:34] <GwE_Racks> (3) sowwie
[02:22:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Aight.
[02:22:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we are having loses
[02:22:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): kiil Racks
[02:22:39] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Bords
[02:22:40] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Backshoter
[02:22:42] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Birds*
[02:22:44] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) oh please..
[02:22:45] <Shady> (33) yeah
[02:22:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): moving
[02:22:48] <Shady> (33) lolololol
[02:22:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): We'll race back as reinforce
ment dan.
[02:22:49] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFF
[02:22:51] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) lol
[02:22:51] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) XD
[02:22:51] You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
[02:22:51] Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:22:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Down
[02:22:56] <anal_explosion> (18) fucking OP
[02:23:06] Abilio_CybeRxs (16) joined the server. (IP:
[02:23:06] <Lance_Gyp> (22) xDDD
[02:23:07] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Almost took an heli in the ass

[02:23:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Take out shady and racks. t
hey are enemys.
[02:23:09] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) lol
[02:23:09] Report from Xstazy[nWo] (28): lance_gyp bitch got an aimbot
[02:23:15] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:23:18] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[02:23:20] <[the]blink> (15) hai Xstazy
[02:23:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): report your positions
[02:23:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): we should warn for that rep
[02:23:21] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:23:23] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) hui
[02:23:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): DOWN, we need to organize!
[02:23:26] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): ** Base.
[02:23:27] ITz_Buzz (23) joined the server. (IP:
[02:23:27] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) hi
[02:23:28] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:23:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Going to grove
[02:23:30] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): you can apm him
[02:23:31] **[Austin.uNk] (30) healed for $1000.
[02:23:40] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Blinkstazy
[02:23:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): stop
[02:23:44] Augusto_CybeRxs (24) joined the server. (IP:
[02:23:46] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): We're scattered.
[02:23:50] **Admin PM to Xstazy[nWo] (28): please use our correct form of report
,don't use words like that.
[02:23:50] **Shady (33) admin messaged Xstazy[nWo] (28): please use our correct
form of report,don't use words like that.
[02:23:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): On my way to GS:
[02:23:52] Lance_Gyp (22) has been kicked by the server for constant helikilling
[02:23:52] Lance_Gyp (22) left the server. (IP:
[02:23:53] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) lone dark stop
[02:23:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): lemme drive
[02:23:54] <GwE_Cosign> (0) damn lol
[02:23:55] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) OMG
[02:23:57] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) LOL
[02:23:58] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:23:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): -.[02:24:00] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) what was that ?
[02:24:01] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:24:02] <anal_explosion> (18) yay
[02:24:04] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Lonewolf stop fucking attacking me.
[02:24:06] <GwE_Cosign> (0) triple heli kill lol
[02:24:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): did you see that ?
[02:24:08] [The]Salsa (26) joined the server. (IP:
[02:24:12] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:24:24] Lance_Gyp (22) joined the server. (IP:
[02:24:24] <Foxiee> (29) Teamleader down
[02:24:24] <[the]blink> (15) SALSAAAAAAAAAA
[02:24:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): go
[02:24:24] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Got spazz raped >.<
[02:24:24] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) fuck
[02:24:24] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) TEamleader
[02:24:24] <[the]blink> (15) <--------- Los Merles y Andreas
[02:24:24] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Yes ?
[02:24:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): TeamLeader whats rong wit
h DarkLord ?
[02:24:26] <[The]Salsa> (26) BLLLLLINKKKK
[02:24:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): who is he ?

[02:24:28] <Lance_Gyp> (22) lold

[02:24:31] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Control your member, please.
[02:24:33] <[The]Salsa> (26) <-------- Los Merles y Andreas
[02:24:37] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) what happened ?
[02:24:39] <GwE_Racks> (3) gangbanged
[02:24:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): does he is with us ?
[02:24:42] <GwE_Racks> (3) lmao
[02:24:43] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) Lone we are allied
[02:24:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Dont shoot eVo
[02:24:47] <[The]Salsa> (26) it was a good kush episode
[02:24:49] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) don't shoot members with [eVo] tag
[02:24:51] GwE_Racks (3) purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun. ($250)
[02:24:52] <Deathrow> (5) .af
[02:24:52] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:24:54] <anal_explosion> (18) woah RDM RDM ADMIN RDM
[02:24:54] <[the]blink> (15) ^^^^^
[02:24:54] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Roger That
[02:24:54] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:24:56] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Lonewolf, Don't he understand alli?
[02:24:56] <[the]blink> (15) Baus kush episode
[02:24:59] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:24:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Victor available to pick up
soldiers in need.
[02:25:01] [The]Salsa (26) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:25:02] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) Ok Ok
[02:25:03] [The]Salsa (26) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:25:03] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) dark chill
[02:25:05] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Team you allied with e
[02:25:08] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) i got the point DarkLord
[02:25:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Victor available to pick up
soldiers in need.
[02:25:09] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Down
[02:25:11] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): yeah
[02:25:11] Deathrow (5) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:25:11] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) he just got back :)
[02:25:18] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) Yeah after 2 weeks
[02:25:21] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[02:25:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): yeah he is he teaming wi
th the meanies
[02:25:23] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:25:25] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[02:25:25] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): NEXT STOP: WAR
[02:25:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): :(
[02:25:27] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): yup
[02:25:31] **Deathrow (5) issued a {7DB7FF}$15000 bounty{4E81C1} on {7DB7FF}[eVo
]DarkLorD{4E81C1} (1)'s head! (Total: {7DB7FF}$15000{4E81C1})
[02:25:36] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Be on forums
[02:25:36] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): D: why meanies xD
[02:25:44] **Deathrow (5) issued a {7DB7FF}$15000 bounty{4E81C1} on {7DB7FF}[eVo
]z0wb0zu{4E81C1} (31)'s head! (Total: {7DB7FF}$15000{4E81C1})
[02:25:44] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Evo hates nwo
[02:25:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I'm being followed!
[02:25:45] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Zow Come get my bounty
[02:25:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): and The
[02:25:46] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:25:54] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): something is wrong with cos
[02:25:55] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) ANd i get yours
[02:25:56] <[the]blink> (15) thats not allowed

[02:26:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Brilliant driving.

[02:26:05] <[the]blink> (15) Spartan doesn't like that
[02:26:06] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) hiasf
[02:26:10] <Foxiee> (29) Sigh
[02:26:10] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) i didnt see my house only 2 weeks and i have a B
reak 6 Days
[02:26:13] **[eVo]z0wb0zu (31) healed for $1000.
[02:26:14] <Foxiee> (29) Cosign, are you mad?
[02:26:14] <[The]Salsa> (26) O_O
[02:26:15] <Deathrow> (5) +1 to the eVo familyyyy
[02:26:16] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) i have a life you know...
[02:26:16] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) hit share not allowed ?
[02:26:18] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:26:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): guys nobody in grove all to
/home we need to rebuild
[02:26:18] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) since when lol
[02:26:19] <[The]Salsa> (26) FOXIEE?
[02:26:20] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) i am in army
[02:26:22] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:26:24] Chuchuy_Rivero (27) joined the server. (IP:
[02:26:27] PM from anal_explosion (18) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): 1v1
[02:26:27] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Desert Eagle. ($750)
[02:26:28] <[the]blink> (15) Farrukh got in trouble for doing that
[02:26:28] <[The]Salsa> (26) the real one?
[02:26:31] <Foxiee> (29) Waddup
[02:26:33] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Hit share not allow? >.<
[02:26:35] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:26:36] <anal_explosion> (18) wtf
[02:26:41] <[The]Salsa> (26) ADAM_FITZGERALD<3
[02:26:42] <Foxiee> (29) @Salsa, check stats
[02:26:43] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:26:43] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:26:46] <[the]blink> (15) not sure tbh
[02:26:46] <anal_explosion> (18) cheater
[02:26:47] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:26:49] MyNameIsMinh (32) joined the server. (IP:
[02:26:50] <GwE_Racks> (3) win
[02:26:50] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) ok blink thanks for informing us
[02:26:50] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Love the way u run
[02:26:53] <Foxiee> (29) If you want dat proof
[02:26:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Cowards... suspect running.
[02:26:57] <[The]Salsa> (26) i saw it
[02:26:58] <[the]blink> (15) Z0w I'm not sure tbh
[02:27:02] Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:27:02] <GwE_Racks> (3) at least i escaped
[02:27:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): MC unit, ready.
[02:27:05] <[The]Salsa> (26) that confirmed it
[02:27:05] [Luminin.uNk] (34) joined the server. (IP:
[02:27:06] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) it's logic
[02:27:07] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): cosign
[02:27:10] <GwE_Racks> (3) when you guys run you die
[02:27:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): move in we need u
[02:27:12] <[The]Salsa> (26) hello luminin
[02:27:12] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:27:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): blink
[02:27:14] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:27:14] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) Hi
[02:27:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): Take all what comes in your
[02:27:16] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): yeah?

[02:27:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): GS?

[02:27:17] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Luminin :;>
[02:27:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): can we check cosign for lag
[02:27:19] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): we are comming
[02:27:21] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) it shouldn't be allowed
[02:27:23] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): go limpaN
[02:27:25] <[eVo]z0wb0zu> (31) no fun in it then
[02:27:28] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:27:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): you have fraps?
[02:27:32] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:27:32] <Foxiee> (29) Luminesca?
[02:27:33] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) down
[02:27:33] **[ShReddeR.uNk] (11) healed for $1000.
[02:27:36] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): no way...
[02:27:37] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) No? lol
[02:27:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i don't lol
[02:27:38] Chuchuy_Rivero (27) left the server. (IP:
[02:27:40] <[The]Salsa> (26) no luminin
[02:27:41] <Foxiee> (29) Nvm
[02:27:41] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) TL
[02:27:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): racks you do?
[02:27:43] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) he keep shooting me
[02:27:44] <[The]Salsa> (26) but i like them both
[02:27:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): I can't record I get r
eally low FPS
[02:27:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): nah
[02:27:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): go back to base.
[02:27:52] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [GWA]TeamLeader (12): why do unk and gwe
attack you ?
[02:27:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): same
[02:27:53] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): i do
[02:27:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Teamleader, can i pick out
some soldiers for a SWAT team now?
[02:27:55] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i mean i have but low fps w
hile recording
[02:27:58] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): but meh
[02:27:59] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) Luminesca left because she didn't get a promo in
[02:28:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Hamvee 2-5 to TeamLeader
[02:28:03] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): however,it will not be clea
[02:28:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): As air force, whenever some
one needs backup
[02:28:04] <anal_explosion> (18) lol wtf
[02:28:05] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Lol^
[02:28:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Zow come let's duel.!
[02:28:09] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:28:10] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) You prolly wont see here anymore LMFAO
[02:28:13] ZEHNNN (4) left the server. (IP:
[02:28:14] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) her*
[02:28:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): press g
[02:28:21] <felipedoroch1> (8) BRASILL
[02:28:25] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) mmmmm
[02:28:25] <[The]Salsa> (26) he/her
[02:28:28] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:28:29] Ares[nWo[t] (4) joined the server. (IP:
[02:28:29] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) faq
[02:28:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): TL?
[02:28:31] <felipedoroch1> (8) EU TABEM

[02:28:32] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): get in

[02:28:33] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i have low fps at certain p
[02:28:37] <brasil> (7) hi
[02:28:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I'm good shooting on this.
[02:28:39] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): like close to russian spawn
[02:28:39] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): ohai
[02:28:40] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to GwE_NIKO (20): you there
[02:28:42] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) uNk wants to be cool
[02:28:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Yeah ?
[02:28:44] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): hai there
[02:28:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): TGB
[02:28:45] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) don't shoot uNk
[02:28:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): damn
[02:28:46] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) :(
[02:28:47] [the]blink (15) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:28:48] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): Ohai
[02:28:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): idk why
[02:28:49] <felipedoroch1> (8) EU SO TO BRASILL[W
[02:28:51] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:28:51] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:28:51] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): blake
[02:28:53] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:28:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): get us in some place secure
[02:28:53] <GwE_Racks> (3) and you guys said am a runner
[02:28:54] <anal_explosion> (18) yes
[02:28:54] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): yus
[02:28:54] <GwE_Racks> (3) lol
[02:28:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Wheres LimpaN.
[02:28:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): ./home?
[02:28:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Can i pick out 3-4 people f
or a air force?
[02:28:59] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:28:59] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Come here anal
[02:29:00] **[eVo]DarkLorD (1) healed for $1000.
[02:29:00] <[Luminin.uNk]> (34) Wants to be cool? We are cool.
[02:29:00] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:29:00] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): why are you trying to be neutra
l with evo? lol
[02:29:00] Ares[nWo[t] (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:29:01] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:29:01] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:29:02] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:29:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Roger That
[02:29:04] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Come back, our unit is waiti
ng there.
[02:29:06] [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
[02:29:08] <brasil> (7) eu tambem ze
[02:29:08] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): LimpaN is.
[02:29:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): And we'd go on the cops tea
m for the maverick.
[02:29:11] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): I don't want enemies atm
[02:29:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We dont need air force
now, the war is on ground
[02:29:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Ok.
[02:29:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): you were going to get me ki
leld there
[02:29:17] Register today to reserve your name and build up stats!
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): we need soldiers on the

[02:29:55] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Down
[02:29:55] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) eu tbm sou br
[02:29:55] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[02:29:55] <brasil> (7) vc me matou
[02:29:55] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:29:55] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): arzen will probably not accept
an alliance with them
[02:29:55] <felipedoroch1> (8) S
[02:29:55] <anal_explosion> (18) huh OP
[02:29:55] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): What's your 20?
[02:29:55] <felipedoroch1> (8) VC MORA AOND
[02:29:55] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Anal, Get your ass here, if you want my bounty.
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): ALL GWA /Sd
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): ALL GWA /Sd
[02:29:55] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:29:55] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): IKR we ain't taking an allian
ce with anyone
[02:29:55] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): less with them
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): This is Super 62,Work Gre
[02:29:55] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): We wil be air striking
[02:29:55] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:29:55] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:29:55] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:29:55] <brasil> (7) vamos faser parceria ai
[02:29:56] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): they are meanies and someone of
them cheaters apparently
[02:29:57] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:29:58] <felipedoroch1> (8) em brasillllllllllllllllllllllllllwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[02:29:58] <anal_explosion> (18) i have bounty
[02:30:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): GET PARACHUTE AND COME
[02:30:04] Foxiee (29) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:30:12] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): UnderStood
[02:30:13] [Luminin.uNk] (34) was kicked by admin Shady (33) for: AFK/Away - Use
/afk in the future!
[02:30:13] [Luminin.uNk] (34) left the server. (IP:
[02:30:14] MyNameIsMinh (32) was kicked by admin [The]Salsa (26) for: afk in com
bat zone
[02:30:15] MyNameIsMinh (32) left the server. (IP:
[02:30:17] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) -sd
[02:30:19] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:30:20] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Ares[nWo[t] (4): hey
[02:30:23] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Ares[nWo[t] (4): come with me
[02:30:28] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) where are the parachutes?
[02:30:30] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:30:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Shoot him?
[02:30:41] <brasil> (7) eu sou de minas gerais e vc?
[02:30:41] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) /suckdick
[02:30:41] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) ^
[02:30:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Negative
[02:30:41] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): hi hi
[02:30:48] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) /suckdick = /sd
[02:30:48] <felipedoroch1> (8) rio de janeir
[02:30:49] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) wow
[02:30:50] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:30:50] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) ogt yah

[02:30:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): earlier I fell asleep

while on samp lolol
[02:30:52] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) DAMN IT
[02:30:52] <felipedoroch1> (8) tem skype
[02:30:53] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) Gf
[02:30:55] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): gonna disable this
[02:30:56] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:30:56] Report from Deathrow (5): 15 24 Spawn killing
[02:30:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): haha
[02:30:59] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): brb quick
[02:31:00] [The]Salsa (26) left the server. (IP:
[02:31:00] Shady (33) is looking into the report by Deathrow (5).
[02:31:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): everyone except our all
ies are hostils
[02:31:08] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) even your partner could'nt help he sux at shooting
[02:31:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): he reported u blink
[02:31:10] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:10] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): no civilians
[02:31:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lol
[02:31:15] [Austin.uNk] (30) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:15] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): attack everyone
[02:31:16] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): lol Im on a rustler
[02:31:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Down
[02:31:17] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:18] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) you suck
[02:31:18] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): Damn
[02:31:20] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i saw haha
[02:31:21] **Russian Team Chat: Deathrow (5): Guess what I'm on you're team
[02:31:24] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:25] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:29] <Foxiee> (29) Extermination much?
[02:31:31] <brasil> (7) nao so face
[02:31:32] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) down
[02:31:34] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): PaveLow Ready
[02:31:41] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:31:42] <anal_explosion> (18) D:
[02:31:42] <Foxiee> (29) Fuck that was hard
[02:31:42] <Shady> (33) Russians move out of groves spawn
[02:31:43] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[02:31:44] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:31:45] <felipedoroch1> (8) tem skype?
[02:31:45] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to [GWA]Daniel (19): 1v1
[02:31:47] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Austin D:
[02:31:48] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to [GWA]Daniel (19): no armor
[02:31:51] <felipedoroch1> (8) quantos anos
[02:31:53] Abilio_CybeRxs (16) was warned by admin Shady (33) for: spawnkilling
[02:31:55] <Foxiee> (29) Me and a random Biker just took down like 5 GWA
[02:31:57] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): down
[02:31:57] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:31:57] <Foxiee> (29) Like a sir
[02:31:59] Ares[nWo[t] (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:31:59] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:32:00] <brasil> (7) nao so face book
[02:32:00] **GwE_Cosign (0) healed for $1000.
[02:32:01] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) Chasing Foxie down on the floating parashute..
[02:32:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): ready to go ?
[02:32:03] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Good For u
[02:32:05] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:32:07] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Yep


<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) You happy ?

<felipedoroch1> (8) quantos anoss
<Foxiee> (29) Like it's gonna work
[GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) okay austin.
<brasil> (7) vc tem face book?
[GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<felipedoroch1> (8) quantos anos vc tem
[GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<GwE_Racks> (3) sowwie
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Damn it that Roach
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): shit
<brasil> (7) 23 e vc
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): ALLL ON /SD
[The]Salsa (26) joined the server. (IP:
ITz_Buzz (23) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
<[Austin.uNk]> (30) Told ya'll to don't go on uNk
[GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i need help there.
<felipedoroch1> (8) nem nem vo add
GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<[Austin.uNk]> (30) lol blink
You have purchased body armor for $2000, is there anything else?
Shady (33) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Aight helping
<[the]blink> (15) like a baus
<anal_explosion> (18) nice flying blink
**[GWA]LimpaN (10) healed for $1000.
Jpkillyou12 (27) joined the server. (IP:
**[Austin.uNk] (30) is on a killing spree with 20 kills without death
[GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<[the]blink> (15) that failed
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) XDDDDDDDDDDd
<[the]blink> (15) hard
<[Austin.uNk]> (30) WAT
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) blink D;
<[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) Wow
<brasil> (7) ?
<felipedoroch1> (8) mt grande
<[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) asjkfdhjksadhfjla
<anal_explosion> (18) no wtf
[ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
chico1 (32) joined the server. (IP:
<[the]blink> (15) sorry shredder
<[the]blink> (15) :c
<felipedoroch1> (8) pra a izade
[the]blink (15) teleported to the airfield. [/af]

[02:33:23] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]

[02:33:24] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:33:26] <felipedoroch1> (8) amizade
[02:33:26] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:33:26] [The]Salsa (26) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:33:27] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Sawn-off Shotgun. ($750)
[02:33:28] [The]Salsa (26) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:33:29] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) [the]blink has been kicked
[02:33:29] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) blink kamikaze
[02:33:33] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): wb salsa :3
[02:33:34] Ares[nWo[t] (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:33:35] <Deathrow> (5) I'm about to explode.
[02:33:36] User statistics of {7DB7FF}[Austin.uNk]{4E81C1} (30):
[02:33:36] Kills: {7DB7FF}285{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}20{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}
14.25{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$2201295
[02:33:40] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): i didnt even notice i wa
s still here
[02:33:40] <brasil> (7) quantos vc tem?
[02:33:40] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): time to pwn meanies
[02:33:42] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:44] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:33:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Misfits 2.2 Victoria standi
ng by.
[02:33:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): fail
[02:33:45] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:46] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:33:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): :O
[02:33:47] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): lol
[02:33:49] **[Austin.uNk] (30) healed for $1000.
[02:33:50] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): happens to me sometimes lol
[02:33:53] Chris_Angelid (21) left the server. (IP:
[02:33:54] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:56] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:33:56] <felipedoroch1> (8) 13
[02:33:58] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): got the parachut
[02:34:03] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:09] <anal_explosion> (18) 2v1 jhfwiastgf[7way;fg;ywapypfuiuiuiu
[02:34:11] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): comming to the airport.
[02:34:13] <Shady> (33) last longer
[02:34:15] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:17] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:34:20] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LoneWolf (13): coming
[02:34:21] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:22] <brasil> (7) besteira ze,,, vc e deonde?
[02:34:26] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:34:27] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) DAT SPAZZ
[02:34:28] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:34:29] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:47] ITz_Buzz (23) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:34:47] <Foxiee> (29) Nice work
[02:34:47] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) oh well
[02:34:47] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) ;-;
[02:34:47] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:47] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) lol
[02:34:47] <felipedoroch1> (8) o c do conde
[02:34:48] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): I don't have my mouse right now
salsa :c
[02:34:50] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Epic /sd fails

[02:34:52] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) wow

[02:34:52] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) axax
[02:34:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i arrived i'am in the airpo
rt with my parachut waiting for you guys. over
[02:34:53] [Austin.uNk] (30) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:34:54] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:34:55] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): Help at /sd
[02:34:56] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) :3
[02:34:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): For fun we should change tea
m to vla or something x
[02:34:56] Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:34:58] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:34:59] <brasil> (7) kkkkkkk
[02:34:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): xD*
[02:35:00] Report from Deathrow (5): 1 Constantly tabs out to avoid death
[02:35:02] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:35:03] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:35:04] **[The]Salsa (26) has collected on [eVo]DarkLorD (1)'s hit contract f
or $15000!
[02:35:04] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:35:05] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:35:10] <felipedoroch1> (8) sotp
[02:35:12] PM from [The]Salsa (26) to Deathrow (5): :3
[02:35:13] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:35:13] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) was warned by admin [GWA]TeamLeader (12) for: Spa
wn Killing
[02:35:20] GwE_Racks (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:35:21] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:35:21] **GwE_Racks (3) healed for $1000.
[02:35:22] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:35:24] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) ?
[02:35:25] Report from [GWA]SpawN. (14): 8 Tk
[02:35:25] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:35:25] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) nononoatnoatnoansdt
[02:35:25] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) tsk tsk tsk
[02:35:26] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) n
[02:35:26] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) oasdntsa
[02:35:26] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) oa
[02:35:27] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) oasdntasdt
[02:35:27] [Austin.uNk] (30) has been muted by the server.
[02:35:28] <[GWA]LoneWolf> (13) ?!
[02:35:29] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) wait
[02:35:29] [Austin.uNk] (30) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:35:29] [GWA]LoneWolf (13) left the server. (IP:
[02:35:33] [Austin.uNk] (30) was warned by admin [the]blink (15) for: flooding
[02:35:35] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:35:35] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) spaw kil ?
[02:35:35] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): What're we doing..
[02:35:36] <Foxiee> (29) ^ Ragequit
[02:35:37] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) u spawn killed me
[02:35:38] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:35:40] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) not killed
[02:35:40] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) xd
[02:35:42] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) attacked
[02:35:42] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) sorry D:
[02:35:43] <brasil> (7) e bom q a gente marca ai para jogar depois
[02:35:44] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) np
[02:35:46] Propano (13) joined the server. (IP:
[02:35:53] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
[02:35:54] felipedoroch1 (8) has been kicked by the server for constant teamkill

[02:35:54] felipedoroch1 (8) left the server. (IP:
[02:35:54] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:35:56] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:36:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i arrived i'am in the airpo
rt with my parachut waiting for you guys. over
[02:36:04] Jpkillyou12 (27) left the server. (IP:
[02:36:09] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:36:10] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) WHY AUSTIN
[02:36:10] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:11] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): i just walked in front of xstazy as h
e shot me
[02:36:13] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): axax
[02:36:13] **Donator Team Chat: Xstazy[nWo] (28): bhi blink
[02:36:14] Jpkillyou12 (8) joined the server. (IP:
[02:36:15] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): i let him drop my armor
[02:36:16] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Cosign (0): lol
[02:36:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I have no para
[02:36:17] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:17] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_NIKO (20): then i rolled him
[02:36:18] Propano (13) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:36:19] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) Austin has turned bad.
[02:36:24] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): get it from /sd
[02:36:26] ITz_Buzz (23) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:36:36] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:36] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) yeah very bad.
[02:36:36] <GwE_NIKO> (20) AUSTIN POWER!
[02:36:36] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:36:36] <Ares[nWo[t]> (4) lol cbuger
[02:36:36] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:36:37] PM from [eVo]z0wb0zu (31) to [eVo]DarkLorD (1): should i offer nitrox
official truce for no attacking between [eVo] and unk what do you say ?
[02:36:37] <GwE_Racks> (3) Thx
[02:36:39] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) /report.
[02:36:42] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:42] Report from Ares[nWo[t] (4): 3 cbug
[02:36:45] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:36:46] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): LOL
[02:36:46] <GwE_Racks> (3) /report bro
[02:36:46] Shady (33) is looking into the report by Ares[nWo[t] (4).
[02:36:48] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:52] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Z0w wants to ask nitro
x for a truce
[02:36:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i saw lol
[02:36:57] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:36:58] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:37:00] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:37:00] Ares[nWo[t] (4) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:37:00] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): It disappears when i Tp
[02:37:02] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): gotta hookt arzen this
so he can lulz
[02:37:04] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:37:05] <Ares[nWo[t]> (4) is not alowed
[02:37:08] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): its ridiculous
[02:37:10] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:37:10] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): z0w arrogant
[02:37:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): and ignorant
[02:37:12] <Ares[nWo[t]> (4) read rules
[02:37:13] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): racks u got report for c-bu


<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) GwE help The now.?

<[GWA]Daniel> (19) XDD
[Austin.uNk] (30) purchased a(n) Chainsaw. ($2500)
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): lol
[Austin.uNk] (30) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<GwE_Racks> (3) first do /admins
<[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) D:
[The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<GwE_Racks> (3) ares
Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
<GwE_Racks> (3) and see
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Watch it spawn u shot us
<GwE_NIKO> (20) we don't
[ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
ITz_Buzz (23) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<GwE_Racks> (3) why would i cbug?
[GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
Josuee (21) joined the server. (IP:
<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Yes you do.
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): apologies
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) Racks pro.
[GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Z0w aimbots
<Ares[nWo[t]> (4) Really? and whey you use cbug? lol
Jpkillyou12 (8) left the server. (IP:
**Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): ok im fed up of dying now xD
ITz_Buzz (23) left the server. (IP:
Josuee (21) left the server. (IP:
<GwE_Racks> (3) am dont talking.
<Shady> (33) with proper proofs
PM from [eVo]DarkLorD (1) to [eVo]z0wb0zu (31): Too much allis man.
[King]Sparta (6) left the server. (IP:
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): he does
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) bubai
GwE_SPAZZ (6) joined the server. (IP:
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): ignore them...
Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
<Ares[nWo[t]> (4) Hhaha i have craps
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): but he is not dumb tho
[GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) ohai
**Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): unmute pls
[the]blink (15) unmuted [Austin.uNk] (30).
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) aain
[eVo]DarkLorD (1) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) again ?
<Foxiee> (29) Tbag
<[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Who Spawn Killed me ?
felipedoroch1 (8) joined the server. (IP:
Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[GWA]Daniel> (19) austin
<GwE_NIKO> (20) killboard says
<[the]blink> (15) infernus power slides ftw
<[Austin.uNk]> (30) Wot
<GwE_NIKO> (20) austin killed you
<[Austin.uNk]> (30) ;-;
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): i gotta go to church wit

h my mom
[02:38:33] Foxiee (29) purchased a(n) Tec-9. ($1000)
[02:38:34] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Someone spawn attacked me
[02:38:35] **GwE Team Chat: GwE_Racks (3): :x
[02:38:36] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:38:38] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): good guy sky
[02:38:39] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): :x
[02:38:41] <GwE_NIKO> (20) was it a donator?
[02:38:41] <Foxiee> (29) Holy fuck you're blind
[02:38:42] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:38:42] <GwE_NIKO> (20) lol
[02:38:43] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): good guy sky
[02:38:44] <Deathrow> (5) I have a deathstreak of like 10.
[02:38:46] <Foxiee> (29) There's is a Killfeed for a reason
[02:38:46] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:38:47] <Deathrow> (5) FUckin getting pissed now.
[02:38:48] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) misleading sentence
[02:38:49] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) lol
[02:38:51] <Foxiee> (29) ^ Then leave
[02:38:51] Returning to class selection.
[02:38:52] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) Oops.
[02:38:53] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[02:38:53] Kills: {7DB7FF}37{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}11{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}3
.36{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4864145
[02:38:54] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:38:54] Your statistics have been reset.
[02:38:54] Reference code for statistical reset: 1367019519
[02:38:55] <[GWA]ZaxGee> (2) Sorry..
[02:38:56] <Deathrow> (5) Laggy ass people keep trying to kill me.
[02:38:57] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
[02:38:58] Dmaior13 (21) joined the server. (IP:
[02:39:00] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): dryice is funny
[02:39:00] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:01] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) mm
[02:39:01] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): comming to /sd to help
[02:39:01] <Foxiee> (29) Then leave
[02:39:05] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the downhill mountain course. [/mt]
[02:39:05] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:06] PM from [GWA]ZaxGee (2) to [GWA]SpawN. (14): I did that for him killi
ng you xD.
[02:39:07] **GwE_Racks (3) healed for $1000.
[02:39:08] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) 85 ping xd
[02:39:09] <Deathrow> (5) Then shut the fuck up
[02:39:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): right now too
[02:39:12] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): trying to provoke me with that
[02:39:13] <felipedoroch1> (8) o brasil
[02:39:13] Report from Foxiee (29): 5 Insults
[02:39:14] <Foxiee> (29) Calm down
[02:39:15] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:16] You have purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun for $250, is there anything else
[02:39:16] Shady (33) purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun. ($250)
[02:39:17] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Guys.. AIRFIELD!
[02:39:17] You have purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun for $250, is there anything else
[02:39:17] Shady (33) purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun. ($250)
[02:39:19] <Foxiee> (29) Insulting is against the server rules
[02:39:21] Report from [GWA]ZaxGee (2): 25 trying to team kill me
[02:39:22] chico1 (32) left the server. (IP:

[02:39:22] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): i cant do anything about

it eather
[02:39:22] **Donator Team Chat: Xstazy[nWo] (28): austin switch team if you aint
[02:39:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): either
[02:39:25] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) heh
[02:39:25] <Dmaior13> (21) a
[02:39:29] PM from [GWA]ZaxGee (2) to RaCuMim214 (25): Stop team killing me dude
[02:39:31] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_Racks (3): so cyaz
[02:39:33] <Deathrow> (5) Sorry, admin want to /report me?
[02:39:33] <felipedoroch1> (8) o brasill
[02:39:36] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:37] GwE_Racks (3) left the server. (IP:
[02:39:39] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): Dryice became an ass after leav
ing GwE
[02:39:43] Lance_Gyp (22) left the server. (IP:
[02:39:44] <Foxiee> (29) I already did
[02:39:47] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Hehe
[02:39:49] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Come get me
[02:39:50] <Deathrow> (5) Alright good job.
[02:39:51] [GWA]LimpaN (10) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
[02:39:51] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:52] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Oh shit
[02:39:53] **Donator Team Chat: Xstazy[nWo] (28): ass pipi
[02:39:53] <Foxiee> (29) You should know better than to insult members of the GW
DM community
[02:39:54] <[The]Salsa> (26) nope
[02:39:55] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:39:55] Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:39:56] **Admin Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Good job
[02:39:56] <Foxiee> (29) Smh
[02:39:56] <Deathrow> (5) Congratulations.
[02:39:58] **Donator Team Chat: [Austin.uNk] (30): help at /sd
[02:39:59] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) -_[02:39:59] <anal_explosion> (18) jejej
[02:39:59] Mahome (3) joined the server. (IP:
[02:39:59] <[The]Salsa> (26) not worth it
[02:40:02] [Austin.uNk] (30) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:40:03] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): he has more freedom in evo
[02:40:04] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:06] <Foxiee> (29) I feel you need to calm down
[02:40:06] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): to provoke
[02:40:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Guys I'll be on in like 10 m
[02:40:06] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I'm in airfield, with parac
[02:40:08] Mahome (3) left the server. (IP:
[02:40:09] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:40:12] <Foxiee> (29) To make sure this sort of thing does not happen again
[02:40:15] **GwE_NIKO (20) banned IP for: Ban Evasion
[02:40:20] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): who dat
[02:40:21] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): omg
[02:40:21] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Wrong answer.
[02:40:22] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Just getting a drink and rea
ding forum, also got some frap uploading
[02:40:23] Take the time to read the rules in /rules and at
[02:40:23] Don_Bigg (3) joined the server. (IP:
[02:40:23] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): mahome
[02:40:25] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) D:

[02:40:25] **Police Team Chat: Ares[nWo[t] (4): buena pelea xD

[02:40:27] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:29] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): quickswapping is so hard xD
[02:40:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): I can include fraps in the c
ommunity of GWA too.
[02:40:33] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:40:33] PM from Propano (13) to Ares[nWo[t] (4): si
[02:40:34] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:40:34] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) Wat
[02:40:35] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): GwE_Mahome?
[02:40:35] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) gang rape xD
[02:40:36] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): didn't you know about th
e mahome incident?
[02:40:37] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): yes
[02:40:37] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) hehehe
[02:40:38] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:39] Ares[nWo[t] (4) left the server. (IP:
[02:40:41] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): that guy
[02:40:41] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) gang bangg
[02:40:42] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): he rage banned
[02:40:42] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]ZaxGee (2): Brb
[02:40:42] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) we rape them ol
[02:40:43] [GWA]ZaxGee (2) left the server. (IP:
[02:40:44] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Taking off.
[02:40:44] Ares[nWo[t] (2) joined the server. (IP:
[02:40:45] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): didn't he?
[02:40:47] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:47] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): no
[02:40:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): "The Mahome Incid
ent" xD
[02:40:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he gave his acc
[02:40:50] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:40:52] <felipedoroch1> (8) o bra sillllllllllllll
[02:40:52] <Deathrow> (5) I've always been a lonely ass and always will be.
[02:40:54] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:40:54] <anal_explosion> (18) bukllshit
[02:40:57] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): I got banned on t
[02:40:59] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Misfit 2.2 taking off by pl
[02:41:02] Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:41:02] Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:04] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:41:06] **[GWA]Daniel (19) healed for $1000.
[02:41:07] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:07] <felipedoroch1> (8) po brasil
[02:41:12] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): there were the [o_O] guy
[02:41:13] <Foxiee> (29) GG no re
[02:41:13] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:14] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): shockk and wash
[02:41:15] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [GWA]TeamLeader (12): and so were most
of GWDM players
[02:41:16] <[The]Salsa> (26) that's 3-0
[02:41:17] <felipedoroch1> (8) gogo
[02:41:18] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he gave them his acc
[02:41:20] Ares[nWo[t] (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:21] **Biker Team Chat: Shady (33): why u shoot me?
[02:41:23] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]

[02:41:25] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Mahome when he was adm

in he banned me for jump hax
[02:41:28] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): Ed was there and saw i
t was lag
[02:41:33] Choloman (4) joined the server. (IP:
[02:41:33] PM from [The]Salsa (26) to Foxiee (29): :3
[02:41:33] Propano (13) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:41:36] **Biker Team Chat: anal_explosion (18): srry
[02:41:36] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:38] PM from Foxiee (29) to [The]Salsa (26): Bebehs
[02:41:41] **Biker Team Chat: anal_explosion (18): i diwe
[02:41:45] PM from [The]Salsa (26) to Foxiee (29): glad to see old peeps back
[02:41:45] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) All the times i killed.
[02:41:45] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:41:46] <Foxiee> (29) Dis lag
[02:41:46] Propano (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:47] <Foxiee> (29) Look at it
[02:41:49] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) girl its gucci gucci
[02:41:50] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:50] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): kiiiiiil them.
[02:41:51] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:41:51] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I am in a big ass plane.
[02:42:00] <Deathrow> (5) proda
[02:42:01] Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:04] You have purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun for $250, is there anything else
[02:42:04] Shady (33) purchased a(n) Pump Shotgun. ($250)
[02:42:22] [Austin.uNk] (30) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:42:22] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:22] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:22] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:23] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) 7
[02:42:27] <[Austin.uNk]> (30) bye
[02:42:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]SpawN. (14): Missions over sir?
[02:42:27] [Austin.uNk] (30) left the server. (IP:
[02:42:28] Report from Foxiee (29): 7 Carramming like a nub
[02:42:28] PM from [The]Salsa (26) to Foxiee (29): and those evo people are mean
ies and a constant pain in the butt
[02:42:31] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Affirmative
[02:42:35] PM from [The]Salsa (26) to Foxiee (29): ty for the help
[02:42:38] <felipedoroch1> (8) brasill
[02:42:38] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Its enough for today ,
we did good
[02:42:43] PM from Foxiee (29) to [The]Salsa (26): They sound like faggots so
[02:42:45] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) no proano
[02:42:45] Deathrow (5) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
[02:42:45] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): someone took screens of
our operation ?
[02:42:46] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) propano
[02:42:46] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:49] <Xstazy[nWo]> (28) too lagy
[02:42:53] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Zax did.
[02:42:54] <[the]blink> (15) lol ^
[02:42:55] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:42:56] <Propano> (13) xD
[02:42:58] <[the]blink> (15) true story
[02:42:59] <Propano> (13) ok
[02:43:01] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): gotta ask them
[02:43:06] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]

[02:43:06] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) lol

[02:43:10] [GWA]SpawN. (14) purchased a(n) M4 Carbine. ($4500)
[02:43:10] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:43:15] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:17] [nL]SAINT (22) joined the server. (IP:
[02:43:18] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Nice war we had guys ;D
[02:43:18] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) lol
[02:43:18] brasil (7) was warned by admin [The]Salsa (26) for: no car ram
[02:43:20] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:22] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) xD
[02:43:22] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:22] [GWA]Daniel (19) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:43:27] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:29] **Xstazy[nWo] (28) healed for $1000.
[02:43:30] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) they can't kill me lol i always run xD
[02:43:30] Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:32] GwE_SPAZZ (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:37] Foxiee (29) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:38] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:43] User statistics of {7DB7FF}Shady{4E81C1} (33):
[02:43:43] Kills: {7DB7FF}0{4E81C1} Deaths: {7DB7FF}1{4E81C1} Ratio: {7DB7FF}0.0
0{4E81C1} Money: {7DB7FF}$4863295
[02:43:44] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) froze Choloman (4).
[02:43:44] [nL]SAINT (22) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:47] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) guys kick that dude he is teamkilling.
[02:43:49] Ares[nWo[t] (2) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:50] <anal_explosion> (18) lol
[02:43:52] Choloman (4) was warned by admin [GWA]TeamLeader (12) for: Team Attac
[02:43:52] Propano (13) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:53] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) he did it to spawn too.
[02:43:55] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:43:57] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:43:59] [GWA]Daniel (19) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:44:00] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): DONT WANNA CLOSE MY EYES
[02:44:00] Propano (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:01] Xstazy[nWo] (28) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:05] <RaCuMim214> (25) entra dentro do helispteroooooooooooo
[02:44:06] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): come blink
[02:44:07] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): DONT WANNA FALL ASLEEP COS I M
[02:44:08] PM from Foxiee (29) to RaCuMim214 (25): What's your say on the GWA gu
[02:44:10] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:11] **[GWA]TeamLeader (12) admin messaged Choloman (4): I'll unfreeze you
when you tell me that you will stop team attacking
[02:44:12] **Donator Team Chat: [the]blink (15): I don't have a mous
[02:44:12] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:44:13] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): AND I DONT WANNA MISS A THING
[02:44:14] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): AND I DONT WANNA MISS A THAAAA
[02:44:16] <Choloman> (4) Perdonn no me fije
[02:44:16] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:44:17] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:18] [nL]SAINT (22) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:44:20] Jpkillyou12 (23) joined the server. (IP:
[02:44:23] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:24] **Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): do you remember foxiee?
[02:44:26] daniel (27) joined the server. (IP:
[02:44:26] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): OMFG SAINT AND FOXIE S


[02:44:26] Dmaior13 (21) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:28] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): BE MY AMIGO
[02:44:29] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): what's next ?
[02:44:30] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) brb gonan upload that heli pic
[02:44:31] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): EAT MY BURRITO
[02:44:32] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): where
[02:44:33] <[The]Salsa> (26) WAT
[02:44:33] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): EAT MY BURRITO
[02:44:34] <[GWA]SpawN.> (14) and post on forum
[02:44:34] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:36] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): pms
[02:44:36] Propano (13) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:44:40] <Choloman> (4) Yaaaa
[02:44:41] [GWA]SpawN. (14) teleported to the chill zone. [/chill]
[02:44:44] MyNameIsMinh (30) joined the server. (IP:
[02:44:46] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): YOSHIRA RUINED VG LOUL
[02:44:46] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:44:46] <Choloman> (4) waaaaaaaaaaa
[02:44:47] <[the]blink> (15) I DON'T WANNA CLOSE MY EYES
[02:44:48] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[02:44:49] <brasil> (7) oi daniel[]
[02:44:49] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): No missions, you're goo
d to do wut u want :3
[02:44:49] <[GWA]Daniel> (19) i can't acces forum :(
[02:44:53] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): LEL see wot i got banned for?
[02:44:53] <Choloman> (4) oookkk stoppp
[02:44:55] **[GWA]TeamLeader (12) admin messaged Choloman (4): Understood ?
[02:44:56] <[the]blink> (15) I don't wannaa fallllll asleep cause I'd miss you b
[02:44:56] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I'm off.
[02:44:57] <Choloman> (4) :(
[02:44:58] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): NO
[02:44:59] daniel (27) left the server. (IP:
[02:45:02] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): kk
[02:45:03] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:45:03] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): lel
[02:45:03] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): Time is 3AM here.
[02:45:04] <[The]Salsa> (26) huh
[02:45:06] <[The]Salsa> (26) saint?
[02:45:08] <[the]blink> (15) AND i DonT wanna MISS A THING
[02:45:09] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): Good night
[02:45:10] Jpkillyou12 (23) was warned by admin Shady (33) for: teamkillgin
[02:45:11] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): They combined with antoher cla
[02:45:13] Propano (13) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:45:14] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): well community
[02:45:15] <[The]Salsa> (26) [NSN]Saint?
[02:45:17] PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (29): rolled da fuk outta VALL
[02:45:18] Jpkillyou12 (23) was warned by admin Shady (33) for: teamkilling
[02:45:18] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:45:19] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Ye, Yo.
[02:45:20] <[ShReddeR.uNk]> (11) YEAH
[02:45:21] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]LimpaN (10): I never said i was going to
[02:45:22] <[The]Salsa> (26) oh
[02:45:22] <GwE_NIKO> (20) what a bully
[02:45:22] **Biker Team Chat: Shady (33): stop
[02:45:24] <anal_explosion> (18) shit
[02:45:25] <brasil> (7) e ai d maior

[02:45:26] <[The]Salsa> (26) i liked you

[02:45:27] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): i want to talk to you if yo
u want
[02:45:27] <Choloman> (4) Sorry
[02:45:27] <GwE_NIKO> (20) seamus
[02:45:28] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): xD
[02:45:28] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): And I got yelled at by Yoshira
cause I called one of the new server shit
[02:45:29] <GwE_NIKO> (20) sup
[02:45:30] <[The]Salsa> (26) welcome back
[02:45:30] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]Daniel (19): skype.
[02:45:30] PM from Foxiee (29) to [nL]SAINT (22): olol
[02:45:30] <GwE_NIKO> (20) its vito
[02:45:31] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Wat up
[02:45:32] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Yo
[02:45:32] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:45:33] PM from Ares[nWo[t] (2) to Xstazy[nWo] (28): lets go grove
[02:45:33] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): kk
[02:45:35] <GwE_NIKO> (20) vito angelo
[02:45:36] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:45:37] <GwE_NIKO> (20) <
[02:45:37] <Foxiee> (29) TEAM LAGGY AUSTRLAIANS
[02:45:37] **Nat. Guard Team Chat: [GWA]TeamLeader (12): going there
[02:45:40] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Ye I kno :P
[02:45:45] <Choloman> (4) Sorry
[02:45:48] <GwE_NIKO> (20) you still playin there?
[02:45:48] <[GWA]TeamLeader> (12) Im going , cya guys
[02:45:55] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Playin where lol
[02:45:56] <[The]Salsa> (26) now where is my /gentlemandance command
[02:45:57] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) ./home
[02:45:58] <Foxiee> (29) ^ Niko
[02:45:58] [GWA]TeamLeader (12) left the server. (IP:
[02:46:00] <GwE_NIKO> (20) rping there
[02:46:01] <Foxiee> (29) That community is poop now
[02:46:03] <[nL]SAINT> (22) Got banned lel
[02:46:04] <Choloman> (4) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[02:46:09] [GWA]LimpaN (10) left the server. (IP:
[02:46:12] <GwE_NIKO> (20) yoshira fired me cause i had admin here
[02:46:13] Abilio_CybeRxs (16) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:46:13] <GwE_NIKO> (20) lOL
[02:46:15] <[nL]SAINT> (22) lol
[02:46:16] anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:46:19] Abilio_CybeRxs (16) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:46:22] <Choloman> (4) Stop please!!!
[02:46:24] <Foxiee> (29) He yelled at me because I called his new server shit
[02:46:28] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
[02:46:28] brasil (7) left the server. (IP:
[02:46:28] <Foxiee> (29) Because I go on for 5 minutes
[02:46:30] <GwE_NIKO> (20) what did he banned you for?
[02:46:32] <Foxiee> (29) 3/4 people are hacking
[02:46:39] <[nL]SAINT> (22) what a hypocrite lol Yoshira has admin at a zombie s
[02:46:40] $amurai[P.u.B[t] (7) joined the server. (IP:
[02:46:42] <Foxiee> (29) And the admin sits there with his thumb up his ass
[02:46:44] <[nL]SAINT> (22) And he owns vG at the same time
[02:46:45] <Foxiee> (29) ^ THATS THE SERVER LUL
[02:46:48] [ShReddeR.uNk] (11) left the server. (IP:
[02:46:48] <[nL]SAINT> (22) LEL
[02:46:49] <Foxiee> (29) ZOMBIE SERVER
[02:46:49] Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)


<Shady> (33) don't adv

{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [the]blink (15): esc abuse?
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[nL]SAINT> (22) We aint advertising
<Foxiee> (29) TBAAAAAG
<[The]Salsa> (26) oh ho
<Dmaior13> (21) a
<Shady> (33) then stop calling server names
<[The]Salsa> (26) 4-0
<[nL]SAINT> (22) Saying "Zombie Server" isnt advertising
<[nL]SAINT> (22) Thats specifying a type of server
<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) $ 100
<GwE_NIKO> (20) zombie server is a game mode
[nL]SAINT (22) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<GwE_NIKO> (20) lol
<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) 4-100
<Shady> (33) other one
<Foxiee> (29) That's like me saying GUN GAME
<Foxiee> (29) THen getting banned for advertising
Propano (13) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the skydive platform. [/sd]
<Shady> (33) no
<Shady> (33) you sayd a server name
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): in what occasion
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he argued?
Razz (10) joined the server. (IP:
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): he advertised*
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): fml
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): @vg
**Donator Team Chat: [The]Salsa (26): he didn't
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} [The]Salsa (26): he didn't advert
<Deathrow> (5) Foxiee, do you hate me?
Juperjosh (11) joined the server. (IP:
<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Salsa you got to understand your easy
Dmaior13 (21) left the server. (IP:
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): .-.
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): you cannot call server name
<[the]blink> (15) *you're
<[The]Salsa> (26) yes i know
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): they talked about vg
GwE_SPAZZ (6) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
<MyNameIsMinh> (30) Ew spas 12..
<Foxiee> (29) Go home Shady
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i go ask spartan about that
<Foxiee> (29) You're drunk
Razz (10) purchased a(n) Combat Shotgun. ($1250)
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
You are now on admin duty.
Shady (33) is now on admin duty, attacking them is punishable.
Razz (10) purchased body armor. ($2000)
Teleported to the admin area.
<[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Niggas all on me
Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<anal_explosion> (18) woah
<Foxiee> (29) Ew, you
Dmaior13 (12) joined the server. (IP:
Report from Jpkillyou12 (23): 29 Aim Bot
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): Shady.

[02:49:06] Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)

[02:49:06] Augusto_CybeRxs (24) teleported back to their spawn. [/home]
[02:49:06] Report from Foxiee (29): 1 RACISM LIKE A BITCH
[02:49:06] <[the]blink> (15) wut
[02:49:06] Juperjosh (11) left the server. (IP:
[02:49:06] Juperjosh (21) joined the server. (IP:
[02:49:06] Foxiee (29) was kicked by admin GwE_NIKO (20) for: caps in reports, a
nd insulting in it
[02:49:06] GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:49:06] Foxiee (29) left the server. (IP:
[02:49:06] **GwE_Cosign (0) healed for $1000.
[02:49:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) You guys raging.
[02:49:06] <[eVo]DarkLorD> (1) Lol
[02:49:06] <[The]Salsa> (26) I DONT WANNA CLOSE MY EYES
[02:49:10] <[the]blink> (15) I DON'T WANNA FALL ASLEEP
[02:49:12] <anal_explosion> (18) hehehe lol
[02:49:12] <[The]Pedra> (17) aerosmith D:
[02:49:18] <[the]blink> (15) ^ Pedra
[02:49:20] Sacraftw (11) joined the server. (IP:
[02:49:22] <[the]blink> (15) you;re 12348906324023784629 more times cooler now
[02:49:23] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): ?
[02:49:31] Don_Bigg (3) left the server. (IP:
[02:49:31] <Dmaior13> (12) a
[02:49:31] <[The]Salsa> (26) :3
[02:49:31] <[The]Pedra> (17) I don't like aerosmith
[02:49:33] Foxiee (3) joined the server. (IP:
[02:49:35] $amurai[P.u.B[t] (7) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:49:36] [eVo]DarkLorD (1) left the server. (IP:
[02:49:37] <[the]blink> (15) pedra
[02:49:39] <[the]blink> (15) you're still cool
[02:49:39] <[The]Salsa> (26) -.[02:50:02] <[The]Pedra> (17) :P
[02:50:02] <[nL]SAINT> (22) I dont either I just love that song lol.
[02:50:02] Alejoftw (1) joined the server. (IP:
[02:50:02] <[the]blink> (15) she likes blink 182 :3
[02:50:02] [The]Salsa (26) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:50:02] <MyNameIsMinh> (30) Wow.. OP mofos
[02:50:02] Deathrow (5) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:50:02] <[The]Pedra> (17) yeah :D
[02:50:02] Foxiee (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:50:02] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:50:02] Don_Bigg (27) joined the server. (IP:
[02:50:02] <[The]Pedra> (17) ALWAYS
[02:50:02] Jpkillyou12 (23) left the server. (IP:
[02:50:02] <MyNameIsMinh> (30) Spas 12..
[02:50:03] <[the]blink> (15) AND I Don't WANNA MISS A THING
[02:50:04] <Foxiee> (3) Minh
[02:50:07] <[the]blink> (15) I've been here
[02:50:08] <[The]Salsa> (26) as long as she likes megadeth im cool with here
[02:50:08] <[the]blink> (15) before
[02:50:08] <Foxiee> (3) This is Gang War Deathmatch
[02:50:09] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): what?
[02:50:31] <[The]Salsa> (26) her*
[02:50:31] <Foxiee> (3) Everyone uses a spas
[02:50:31] <[the]blink> (15) a few timmmeessss
[02:50:31] <[The]Pedra> (17) a few timeees
[02:50:31] <Foxiee> (3) This server isn't for you
[02:50:31] <MyNameIsMinh> (30) Where can I get one?
[02:50:31] <Foxiee> (3) /shop

y it?
not in the
ck you why
ules say
e fuck not

{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): how many times did he sa

<[The]Salsa> (26) This is Gang War Deathmatch
<[the]blink> (15) and I'm quiet aware we're dying
<[The]Pedra> (17) I like nirvana too
<[The]Salsa> (26) no fun allowed
Est_Guilherme8FT (23) joined the server. (IP:
<[The]Pedra> (17) and Linkin Park
<Foxiee> (3) ^ Pretty much
<[the]blink> (15) Smells like teen spirit
PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Ares[nWo[t] (2): go go
<[The]Pedra> (17) and Stone Sour
<[the]blink> (15) Old Linkin Park
<MyNameIsMinh> (30) I don't have enough
GwE_Cosign (0) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[the]blink> (15) New linkin park sux
Xstazy[nWo] (28) purchased body armor. ($2000)
Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[The]Pedra> (17) and ac dc
<[nL]SAINT> (22) RATM is legendry nuff said
**Xstazy[nWo] (28) healed for $1000.
GwE_SPAZZ (6) purchased body armor. ($2000)
<[The]Salsa> (26) oh pedra
[nL]SAINT (22) purchased body armor. ($2000)
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): Oi faggot
GwE_SPAZZ (6) purchased a(n) Scoped Rifle. ($1250)
PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (3): wot
<Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) guilherme
<[the]blink> (15) all about My Iron Lung
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): You do Graphics don t u?
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): @ no discussion of servers
GangWarDeathmatch network
<[the]blink> (15) the band not the song
<[The]Salsa> (26) you are +9999999999999 cooler now
PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (3): kind of
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): Make me clan logo
<[The]Pedra> (17) I went at linkin park concert las year
<[The]Pedra> (17) last*
<[the]blink> (15) :O
<[The]Pedra> (17) SO AMAZING
Juperjosh (21) left the server. (IP:
<[the]blink> (15) I saw blink 182 in 2009
<Abilio_CybeRxs> (16) quilerme atende la porra!!!!!!!!
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): I'm making a clan called [Tde]
Register today to reserve your name and build up stats!
<[the]blink> (15) Rise against in 2008
<anal_explosion> (18) shit failed
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): The Dildo Executors, because fu
PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (3): called?
PM from [nL]SAINT (22) to Foxiee (3): WOT
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i just wrote exactly what r
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
{FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): am i wrong
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): The scripter said I could
<[The]Pedra> (17) I traveled 700 km just to see them
<MyNameIsMinh> (30) May I leave and re enter to get a new gun?
PM from Foxiee (3) to [nL]SAINT (22): So I laughed and decided why th

[02:51:56] <[the]blink> (15) true fan

[02:51:56] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): or you're adressing it t
o me?
[02:51:56] <MyNameIsMinh> (30) i need money
[02:51:57] <[The]Pedra> (17) xD
[02:51:57] <[The]Salsa> (26) it's dildo time
[02:52:02] <[The]Salsa> (26) i don't like linkin
[02:52:02] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fke
[02:52:04] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): i told them not to
[02:52:05] <[The]Salsa> (26) sorry pedra
[02:52:06] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
[02:52:08] <[The]Salsa> (26) :c
[02:52:08] <[the]blink> (15) old LP
[02:52:10] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} Shady (33): whatever...
[02:52:10] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): no
[02:52:11] <[the]blink> (15) new LP sux
[02:52:15] Dmaior13 (12) left the server. (IP:
[02:52:15] <[The]Pedra> (17) D:
[02:52:19] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) sorry
[02:52:23] **Deathrow (5) healed for $1000.
[02:52:24] Ares[nWo[t] (2) left the server. (IP:
[02:52:26] Report from Foxiee (3): 13 HH
[02:52:26] <[The]Pedra> (17) they changed a lot
[02:52:37] <[the]blink> (15) meteora was their last good CD
[02:52:37] Ares[nWo[t] (2) joined the server. (IP:
[02:52:38] <[the]blink> (15) Minutes to Midnight was okay
[02:52:42] <MyNameIsMinh> (30) Ew..
[02:52:46] MyNameIsMinh (30) left the server. (IP:
[02:52:48] {FFFF8E}**Admin Chat:{00FF44} GwE_NIKO (20): shady bro, if you have p
roblems with me, send a report to the e-mail.
[02:52:49] <[the]blink> (15) after that i didn't like em
[02:52:57] Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:52:57] GwE_NIKO (20) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[02:53:00] **GwE_NIKO (20) healed for $1000.
[02:53:06] Foxiee (3) purchased a(n) AK-47. ($4000)
[02:53:08] <[The]Salsa> (26) you know what new thing i do like
[02:53:09] <[The]Pedra> (17) I'm loving stone sour now
[02:53:12] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) guilhermeeeeeeeeee
[02:53:14] PM from Ares[nWo[t] (2) to Xstazy[nWo] (28): fack my internet
[02:53:17] <[The]Salsa> (26) MOTHER FATHER GENTLEMAN
[02:53:35] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
[02:53:35] MyNameIsMinh (12) joined the server. (IP:
[02:53:35] <Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) nada ver
[02:53:35] <[The]Salsa> (26) psy rulz :3
[02:53:43] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (16) atende la porra buceta caralho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:53:45] <Deathrow> (5) What team is the color pruple?
[02:53:46] Moderator(s): {FFFFFF}Shady{FFFF8E}
[02:53:46] Admin(s): {FFFFFF}[The]Salsa{FFFF8E}
[02:53:46] Senior Admin(s): {FFFFFF}[the]blink{FFFF8E}, {FFFFFF}GwE_NIKO{FFFF8E}
[02:53:48] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
[02:53:49] <[the]blink> (15) donator
[02:53:50] PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Ares[nWo[t] (2): lol
[02:53:53] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) sorry
[02:53:54] <Abilio_CybeRxs> (16) quilerme n sou mas seu amigo oks seu merda!!!
[02:54:00] <anal_explosion> (18) shit
[02:54:24] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
[02:54:24] <Deathrow> (5) I'm done for today.
[02:54:24] <Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) sorry
[02:54:24] <Deathrow> (5) I have done complete shit.


Deathrow (5) left the server. (IP:

<Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) guilehrme
anal_explosion (18) teleported to the airfield. [/af]
<Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
<Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) guilherme
PM from Xstazy[nWo] (28) to Ares[nWo[t] (2): grove
Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-391.png
**GwE_Cosign (0) healed for $1000.
<Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) me is the fake
<felipedoroch1> (8) tem brasil
[GWA]SpawN. (14) left the server. (IP:
<anal_explosion> (18) i wish this server had duel wiel sawn offs
<Augusto_CybeRxs> (24) serio guilherme
<Propano> (13) tmr
<Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) sorry
<GwE_NIKO> (20) fail
<Est_Guilherme8FT> (23) sorry
Choloman (4) left the server. (IP:
<Foxiee> (3) Shouldn't have shot me :)
Ares[nWo[t] (2) purchased body armor. ($2000)
Foxiee (3) purchased body armor. ($2000)
[The]BugaChu (4) joined the server. (IP:
Est_Guilherme8FT (23) left the server. (IP:
**Foxiee (3) healed for $1000.
<[The]Salsa> (26) southern rock also rlz
<Shady> (33) brb

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