Nauatl Vocabulary

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Florentine Codex Vocabulary 1997, R. Joe Campbell All Rights Reserved aacaliuhqui. grooved, furrowed. aacatl. reed. aahuia.

he is unhappy. aahuieni. one who is merry. aahuieniti. she becomes a harlot. aatlihua. there is drinking; everyone drinks. aatlihuaya. drink was provided. acachichictli. western grebe. acachto. first, at first. acacuahuitl. chocolate beater; smoking tube. acalchimalleque. shield-boatmen. acalchimalli. shield-boat. acalchimaltica. in shield-boats, with the use of shield-boats. acalco. in a boat; in the boat. acaleque. boat owners. acalihui. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed. acaliuhqui. grooved, furrowed. acalli. boat, canoe. acalnacazyo. cornerless house. acaloco. at the canal; over the canal. acalotli. canal; canals. acalquetzque. boatmakers. acaltica. by boat; by means of a boat; in boats; by boats; by means of boats. acaltic. grooved; furrowed. acalyacac. at the prow of a boat. acame. someone [pl.]; some people. acampa. from nowhere; nowhere. acanacochtli. reed ear plug. acanin. nowhere. acan. nowhere. acanozomo. perhaps not. aca. some, someone; anyone; one; whoever; another; he who. acatanatli. small reed basket. acatic. cylindrical; reed-like. acatl. arrow; dart; reed. acatzalan. among the reeds, among the canes. acaxoxouhqui. green cane; green reed. acazoc. perhaps. acazomo. perhaps not. acecec. tasteless. acelloa. it becomes full of nits. acello. full of nits. ach. a little bit, rather. achi. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly. achica. a little bit. achichichic. a little bitter. achichilacachtli. gibbous duckweed. achichina. it sucks liquid. achichinani. sucker of liquid. achihualo. there is preparing of drink.

achihuaz. she will prepare drink. achipipil. tiny bit. achi. rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat. achito. a little; a little bit. achiton. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small; somewhat. achitoton. exceedingly tiny. achitzi. a little bit. achitzin. a little; a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle. achitzitzin. few, a little bit. achto. first; ahead of time; earlier; first time; forthwith; to start with. achtopa. at first; first; at once; beforehand; first time. acia. it arrived. acico. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive; they came to reach. aci. he arrives; it arrives; it reaches. acillo. full of nits. acique. they arrived. aciquihui. they come to arrive. aci. they arrive. acitihuetzico. they came hastening to arrive. acitiuh. it goes reaching. acito. he went to arrive; he went to reach; they went to arrive. acizque. they will arrive, they will reach. aco. above; up high. acochiztli. lack of sleep, sleeplessness. acocholoani. high jumper. acocilin. shrimp. acocili. shrimp. acococ. incapable of burning. acocotica. with gourd tubes. aco. high, up above. acohuetzqui. light, not heavy. acohuic tlalchihuic itto. he is venerated. acohuic. upwards. acoliztac. having white wing-bends. acolli. shoulder. acomana. it raises up, it is disturbed. ac. one, who. acontetemoa. he seeks it. acopa. upward. aco. up, above, high. ac. someone. acuacualaca. it blisters; it boils up. acuacualacatihuetzi. blisters quickly form. acuahuitl. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao; stirring stick. acualli. bad; evil. acualoni. inedible. acuauhtli. water eagle. acueitl. water skirt. acuetzpali. crocodile. acuicuialotl. cliff swallow. acuicuiyachi. leech. acuicuiyachin. leech. ac. who; anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom.

ahacaliuhqui. very grooved, very furrowed. ahacaltic. very grooved, very furrowed. ahactihuetzi. he tumbles into a pit. ahahuiac. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant. ahahuilnemi. he lives dissolutely. ahahuiltzoncaloa. she is always full of vice. ahatlan. in much water. ahatlihua. everyone drinks, people drink, there is drinking; people drink chocolate. ahcan. nowhere. ahcohuetzqui. light, not heavy. ahco. upward. ahcualli. bad, evil. ahhuachquiahuia. it was drizzling. ahhuachquiahui. it sprinkles, it rains lightly. ahhuatla. thorny place. ahhuatl. thorn. ahhuayo. spiny, thorny. ahmiquizmauhqui. fearless of death. ahmo. no, not. ahmopatzahuallani. he does not deflate himself. ahmozcalia. he is not discreet. ahnoce. perhaps. ahpalanini. that which does not rot. ahquenman. never. ahquicuazque. they will not eat it. ahquizque. they will not drink it. ahtehuihui. it trembles. ahteutini. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust. ahtinemizque. we will not live. ahtlapalli. wing. ahtlazotli. worthless, of no value. ahtle ipan tlachia. he belittles. ahtle. nothing. ahua tepehua. inhabitant of a city. ahuacatl. avocado. ahuachio. dewy. ahuachquemitl. dew cape. ahuacuahuitl. oak log; oak tree. ahuacuauhtomatl. acorn. ahuatl. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn. ahuatomatl. acorn. ahuatzalpan. on dried mud. ahuauhtli. water fly egg. ahuayo. bristly, spiny, thorny. ahuayocan. thorny place. ahuayochamahuac. coarse-spined. ahuayohua. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns. ahuayo. prickly; spiny; thorny. ahuayotilahuac. thick-spined. ahuazhuatl. oak leaf. ahuehuetl. cypress tree. ahuel. he cannot. ahuelic. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance. ahuelnenemi. they cannot walk. ahuiac. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory. ahuia. he is content; he is contented.

ahuianime. harlots. ahuic yauh. she wanders here and there. ahuic. back and forth. ahuiccampa. back and forth. ahuic. directionless; from side to side; to and fro; from one side to the other; back and forth. ahuictli. boating pole, oar; paddle. ahuic. to and fro, back and forth; here and there; with no direction; without direction; directionless. ahuienime. pleasure girls. ahuilcuicatl. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice. ahuillatoa. he speaks vainly. ahuilli. jest; laughter; lewd; play. ahuilnemi. he is given to pleasure. ahuilnemiliztli. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery; lustful and debauched living. ahuilnemilizyotl. debauched living; debauchery; evil life. ahuilnemilizzotl. lust and debauchery. ahuilnemi. she is given to carnal pleasure. ahuilquiza. she disgraces herself. ahuixpatic. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing. ahuixtic. of pleasing odor; pleasing. ahuiyac. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory. ahuiyaltic. sweet smelling. ahuiz. and here, and behold. ahyectli. bad. ahzo. about, perhaps. ahzoc. perhaps; perchance. ahzo. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap; neither; nor; possibly; whether. aic. never. aicochiz. he does not sleep [i.e., nothing is his sleep]. aihuani. undrinkable. ainnezcaliliz. their uncouthness. ai. she does it. aitic. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the water. aitlacualiz. he has no food [i.e., nothing is his food]. aitlacual. not his food. aitoloni. unspeakable, not fit to be said. aitzcuauhtli. osprey. aitzcuintli. otter. aiuccic. poorly fired [re pottery]. aixnamiquiliztli. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability. aixnamiquiztli. unbearability, dazzling. alacpatic. very slippery. alactic. smooth, slick. alahuacapetlatl. smooth reed mat. alahuac. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth; viscous. alaztic. sleek; smooth. alcecec tzitzicaztli. castigation, punishment. alcecec. cold water. alchichic. bitter water. altepecalli. government house. altepehua. cities. altepehuaque. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town. altepemaitl. hamlet, town.

altepeme. cities. altepeonoque. they are city dwellers. altepepializtli. the guarding of the city. altepetl. city; state; town; settlement; village. amaapilol. your [pl.] water jars. amacale. having a paper headdress. amacalli. paper crown. amacapoli. mulberry. amachcocolhuan. your [pl.] great-grandfathers. amacizque. you [pl.] will arrive. amacuitlapile. having paper pendants. amaizque. you [pl.] will do. amalacayo. having a whirlpool design. amamachiotl. paper pattern. amapan. in a river. amatecque. paper cutters. amatetehuitl. paper streamer. amatica. with paper, by means of paper. amatic. paper-like; papery. amatlamatque. paper designers; those skilled with paper. amatlapalchihchichiltic. having chili-red wings. amatlapale. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having wings. amatlapalhuiac. long-finned, having long fins. amatlapalhuihuiltecqui. having wings mingled with red. amatlapaliztac. having white wings. amatlapaloa. it forms leaves. amatlapalpatlactotonti. small, broad leaves. amatlapalpatlahuac. broad-leafed, wide-leafed, having broad leaves; having wide leaves. amatlapalpitzatoton. small and slender leaves. amatlapal. wing. amatlatl. strainer. amatlatquitl. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment. amatl. paper; book. amatzintli. paper, paltry paper. amatzotzolli. scrap of paper. amauh. your [pl.] water. amaxcatzin. your [h., pl.] property, your [h., pl.] possession. amaxca. your [pl.] possession, your [pl.] property; your [pl.] array. amaxotla. he cuts paper into strips. amaxotlalo. paper is cut. amechcahualtiz. he will refuse it to you [pl.]. amechiztlacahuiaya. it misled you [pl.]. amechmonequililia. he requires it of you. amechmotzatzililiz. he [h.] will cry out to you [pl.]. amechtlapololtiaya. it deluded you [pl.]. amehuantin. you (pl.); you [pl.]. amehuanti. you (pl.). amehuan. you [pl.]. amelchiquiuh. your [pl.] breast, your [pl.] chest. ameyalco. in a spring. ameyalli. spring. amicoa. all die of thirst, there is thirst. amicoayan. place of thirst. amicohuaya. place of death from thirst.

amihiyotzin. your (pl.) spirit. amihuaz. there will be hunting. amiitto. you (pl.) are seen. amilamatlaca. you are old women. amilamatque. you are old women. amilamayotzin. your (pl.) old-womanliness. amilhuicapipilti. you [pl.] are heavenly noblemen. amilome. white fish. amilotetl. white fish egg. amilotl. white fish. amintli. diarrhea. amiquiliztli. thirst. amitic. within you (pl.). amixpan. before you (pl.), in front of you (pl.). amixpantzinco. before you (pl.), in front of you (pl.); in your (pl.) presence. amixquichtin. all of you. amo tlaca. inhuman. amo tle inecoca. it is useless, it is valueless. amochantzinco. your (pl.) home. amochan. your [pl.] house, your [pl.] home. amochitl. tin. amochoquiz. your (pl.) weeping. amochpochhuan. your [pl.] daughters. amochpochtzin. your daughter [h.]. amocihuan. your [pl.] grandmothers. amocolhuan. your [pl.] grandfathers; your [pl.] forefathers; your [pl.] grandparents. amocxi. your [pl.] feet. amohuepanmecauh. your [pl.] heavy rope. amolhuil. your [pl.] desert. amomatiantzinco. in your time. amonanhuan. your [pl.] mothers. amonanyotzin. your (pl.) motherhood, your (pl.) motherliness. amonayotzin. your (pl.) motherhood, your (pl.) motherliness. amonemac. your [pl.] gift. amonemiliz. your [pl.] life, your [pl.] way of life. amo. no, not. amono. neither; nor. amopiltzin. your [pl.] son, your [pl.] child. amoquichtzitzinti. you men. amotahuan. your [pl.] fathers. amotayotzin. your (pl.) fatherhood, your (pl.) fatherliness. amotech. to you [pl.], towards you [pl.]. amotenamiquia. your [pl.] greeting [gift], your [pl.] means of greeting. amotepeuh. your [pl.] hill. amotequiuh. your [pl.] goal, your [pl.] function; your [pl.] task. amotetechacia. your [pl.] means of approaching people. amotlachihual. your [pl.] deed, your [pl.] work. amotlaocol. your (pl.) compassion. amotlapal. your (pl.) strength; your [pl.] strength. amotlatoltzin. your [h.] words; your [pl.] words; your [pl.] exhortations. amotlatquitzin. your [h., pl.] property, your [h., pl.] possession. amotlatqui. your [pl.] possession, your [pl.] property; your [pl.] array.

amotzontecon. your [pl.] heads. amoxhua. owner of a book. amoxtli. book. amoyaohuan. your [pl.] enemies; your [pl.] foes. amoyollotzin. your [pl.] heart; your [pl.] hearts. amoyollo. your [pl.] hearts. amoyome. water flies. amoyotlaxcalli. water fly tortilla. amozcalia. he is untrained. amozcaliani. one who is indiscreet. anacayo. fleshless. anahuacatlatoque. rulers of anahuac. anahuac. on the coast. anahuatl. one who whispers. analoya. they were chosen. anamacaque. water sellers. anca. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly. anchicahuaque. you [pl.] are strong. anchoca. you (pl.) weep. ancoconetzitzinti. you [pl.] are children. ancuaiztaque. you (pl.) have become white-headed. ancualani. you [pl.] become angry. anemiuhqui. incomparable. anemiznequi. he does not wish to live. anenqui. wanderer. anepantla. in the middle of the water; in the middle of the lake. anhuallaque. you (pl.) came. anhuehuetque. you are old men. anitlachia. i am inexperienced; i do not see. anmexica. you [pl.] are mexicans. anmocacayahua. you [pl.] make fun, you [pl.] deride, you [pl.] make sport. anmochintin. all of you. anmononotzazque. you [pl.] will consult with one another. anmotzatzitia. you [h., pl.] lament, you [h., pl.] cry out. annechmomapilhuilia. you [pl.] choose me, you point at me. annemi. you (pl.) live. anoac. nor anyone. anoce. or; or else; perhaps. ano. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not either; not also; also not; or. anoque. they were seized, they were captured. ano. they are caught, they are captured; they are hunted; they are seized; they are taken. anozo. either, or; or else; o; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps; perhaps; whether; perchance. anpipiltin. you [pl.] are noblemen. anpipiltzitzinti. you [pl.] are babies. anque. hunters. anquichia. you [pl.] wait for him. anquichihua. you (pl.) do it. anquichihuazque. you (pl.) will do it. anqui. hunter; huntsman. anquimacazque. you [pl.] will give it to him. anquimati. you [pl.] know it. anquimotzatzililia. you [pl.] cry out to him.

anquinequi. you [pl.] want it, you [pl.] wish it. anquinextizque. you [pl.] will produce it, you [pl.] will show it. anquipiqui. you [pl.] pretend it. anquipoloa. you [pl.] destroy it. anquiticinotza. you [pl.] call to ticitl. anquitlatoltemozque. you [pl.] will seek his counsel. anquitlazazque. you (pl.) will cast it, you (pl.) will throw it. anquitocayotiaya. you [pl.] called him, you [pl.] named him. anquitta. you (pl.) see him; you [pl.] see him. antelpopochtin. you [pl.] are youths. antequiti. you [pl.] work, you [pl.] labor. antlacatque. you [pl.] were born. antlaca. you people. antlacoti. you [pl.] work, you [pl.] labor. antlaocoya. you (pl.) feel compassion. antlapalihui. you [pl.] are powerful. antonantzitzinhuan. you [pl.] are our mothers. antopilhuan. you [pl.] are our sons. antotatzitzinhuan. you [pl.] are our fathers. antoteucyohuan. you are our lords. antoteucyohua. you are our lords. aocac. no one any longer. aoccampa. nowhere. aoccan. no where; nowhere. aocmo ompa conitta. he despises him. aocmo. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore. aoc. no longer, no more; not yet. aoctle. no longer anything. aoctli. yellow maguey wine. aocuilcualoni. that which is not eaten by worms. aohiximati. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the road. aomio. not bony, boneless. aoompa. incapable. aoquic. no longer, nevermore. aoztoc. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns. aoztotl. watery cavern. apan. body of water. apantlaca. water people, people who live on the water. apaztli. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub. apetztli. iron pyrites. apia. they guard the water. apilolli. water jar. apitzalli. diarrhea. apitzaltontli. little bit of diarrhea. apizmicoac. there was death from hunger, there was starvation. apizmicoa. there is death from hunger, there is starvation. apizmicque. they died of hunger, they starved. apizmicqui. starved, dying of hunger. apizmiquia. they hungered. apizmiquiliztli. hunger; starvation. apizmiquizque. they will be hungry. apiztla. place of hunger. apiztli. famine, hunger. apozonalli. amber. apozonalnacochtli. amber ear plug. apozoni. it boils, it bubbles.

aquen. in no way; in no manner. aquenman. never. aquia. she entered. aqui. he enters; he fits; he who; one who. aquimati. they do not know it. aquimichin. water mouse. aquin oc ce. who else. aquinequi. he does not want it, he does not wish it. aquin. he who; the one who; who; one who; anyone; one; someone; whoever; one that; she who; whom. aquique. those who; some; someone; those; who; who (pl.). aquittaz. it will not endure it. aquittazque. they will not see it. atapalcatl. ruddy duck. atatacac. it dug for water. atelchitl. he had it coming. atenco. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on the shore; on the coast; sea coast. atenhua. man of the river banks. atenio. lousy. atenpoztequini. ceaseless talker. atenyohua. it becomes lousy. ateponaztli. american bittern. ateteca. they pour water. atexcalco. in craggy water; water in the crags. atexcaloztotl. water cavern in the crags. atezcatl. pond. atia. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts; it loosens. atiani. something that melts. atic. aqueous, runny. atica. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink; with drink; with water; by means of water. atic. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent; liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed; loose-woven; sparce. atililoni. something that can be liquefied. atimozcalia. you are untrained. atitleme. we are nothing. atizatl. watered chalk. atl cecec tzitzicaztli. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections. atl tepetl. city. atl tlacualli. sustenance. atlaca. evil men; inhuman people. atlacatl. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman person; savage. atlaca. water folk; fisher folk. atlachia. he does not look, he is unobservant. atlactic. slippery. atlacuic. she fetched water, she drew water. atlacui. they transport water, they get water. atla. in the water. atlan. by the water.

atlaneltoquiliztli. unbelief, lack of belief. atlan. from the water; in the water; into the water; in water; on the water; through the water. atlapale. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings. atlapalli. wing. atlapaltin. wings. atlatlacui. they draw water. atlatlalacatl. goose. atlauhco. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge. atlauhitic. in a gorge. atlauhtli. canyon, gorge, ravine. atlauhyo. having gorges, having ravines. atle inecoca. it is useless; it is valueless; it is worthless. atle ipan teitta. she respects no one. atle neneliuhqui. undefiled, pure, unmixed. atleh. nothing. atlei. nothing. atle. nothing. atleti. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing. atletiz. it will fail, it will become nothing. atletzin. nothing. atlia. they drank; they drank water. atli. he drinks; he drinks (water). atlihualoni. drinking vessel. atlihua. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate. atlihuaya. there was drinking, people drank. atlihuaz. he will drink water. atli. it drinks; it drinks water; it takes water. atliliztli. drinking. atli. they drink. atliz. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water; it will drink water. atl. water; chocolate; drink; lake; river; sea. atolihui. it becomes soft. atolli. atole; maize gruel. atoltic. mushy; soft. atonahui. he has a fever; he has fever. atonahuizpatli. fever medicine. atoncuepotli. ruddy duck. atotolin. american bittern; american white pelican; pelican. atotoli. pelican. atototl. water bird. atoyaatl. river. atoyac. in a river; in the river; in the torrent. atoyatetl. river pebble. atoyatl tepexitl. danger. atoyatl. current, torrent, river; stream. atoyaxalli. river sand. at. perhaps. atzcalli. oyster. atzcaltontli. little oyster. atzetzelhuaztli. water sprinkler. atzintli. drink. atzitzicuilotl. northern phalarope. atzopelic. insipid. auh. and; but. auhtic. fine.

axaxayacatl. water fly. axcahua. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth. axcahuilo. possessions are procured. axcan. now; for the moment; present; presently; nowadays. axcanpa. now. axcan. today; now; nowadays. axihuac. he was seized, he was captured. axihua. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught; it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are seized; they are detained. axihuaya. he was seized, he was captured. axihuaz. he will be seized, he will be captured. axixchipahua. it cleanses the urine. axixcocolli. gall stones. axixmiqui. he wishes to urinate. axixpatli. urine medicine. axixtecomatl. bladder. axixtetzahua. he has a urinary obstruction. axixtica. with urine, by means of urine. axixtic. urine-like. axixtli. urine. axolotl. axolotl. axoquentlatoa. they speak like little blue herons. ayacacholo. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling. ayacachotinemi. he goes rattling the rattles. ayacachotoque. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle. ayacachpixolo. the rattle boards were sown. ayacachquetztoque. they sat erecting gourd rattles. ayacachtli. gourd rattle; rattle. ayacachtototl. banded-backed wren. ayachcuahuitl. cloud rattle board. ayac. no one, nobody. ayahuitl. haze, mist, cloud, film. ayamo. not yet; before. ayatle neneliuhqui. undefiled, pure, unmixed. ayatl. thin cape. ayatzitzicaztli. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles. ayauhcalco. at the mist house; in the mist house. ayauhcalli. mist house. ayauhchapoli. mist grasshopper. ayauhchicahuaztli. mist rattle board. ayauhcozamalotl. rainbow. ayauhquemitl. mist cape. ayauhtic. misty. ayaxcan. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort. ayayac. no one. ayazolli. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape. ayecotli. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean. ayectli. bad, evil; unrighteousness. ayetic. light; not heavy. ayocmo. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore. ayoctli. watered wine. ayohtli. gourd. ayohuachnamacac. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds. ayohuachpalan. spoiled squash seed.

ayohuachtli. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed. ayo. juicy; watery; liquid. ayomecatic. like a gourd vine. ayomichi. turtle. ayopaltic. violet-colored. ayotectli. gourd. ayotetl. gourd. ayotlaxcalli. gourd tortilla. ayotl. gourd. ayotli. gourd. ayotl. turtle; turtle shell. ayotochi. armadillo. ayotochtli. armadillo. ayoxochquilitl. gourd blossom; squash blossom. azazaca. they carry water. azcame. ants. azcapapalotl. butterfly ant. azcapatlan. flying ant. azcapotzalco. in an anthill. azcatl. ant. azoc. perhaps. azolin. wilson snipe. aztapiltic. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white. aztatlatoa. they speak like white herons. aztatl. heron; snowy egret. caaltia. they bathe her; they bathe him. caaltiz. he will bathe him. caanque. they took it up, they seized it. caantinemi. they go grasping it. caatequiaya. they threw water on it. cacahuacuahuitl. cacao tree. cacahuapetlatl. bale of cacao. cacahuatetl. cacao bean. cacahuatlalli. powdered cacao. cacahuatl. cacao; cacao bean; chocolate. cacalaca. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds. cacalacaya. it rattled. cacalachihui. it slaps. cacalacoac. there was entering on the part of each one. cacalacoa. there is entering on the part of each one. cacalacque. they each entered; they entered; they got in. cacalaquia. he entered from house to house. cacalaqui. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house. cacalaquizqueh. they will enter repeatedly. cacalihui. it becomes hollow. cacalla. various house settlements. cacalotetic. like "raven-stone". cacalotetl. "raven-stone"; crow-egg. cacalotl. common raven. cacalpixque. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards. cacamactic. porous. cacanauhti. ducks. cacanauhtin. ducks. cacapaca. it whispers.

cacatzactic. black. cacatzactli. black. cacatzca. it stretches. cacaxmecatica. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords. cacaxtli. carrying frame. cacia. he captured him. cacic. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it; it reached it. caci. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it hunts it; it reaches; it equals. cacin. it hunts it. cacique. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took it. caci. they catch him, they capture him; they catch it; they seize him; they detain him; they take it. cacitiuh. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him. caciz. he will capture it, he will catch it. caciznequi. it wishes to catch it; they try to catch it; they want to catch it. cacnamacac. seller of sandals. cacnamaca. he sells sandals. cacnamacaque. sellers of sandals. cacocui. he brandishes it; she takes it up. cacocuiz. she will lift it up; she will take it up. caco. it is heard. cacolehua. he raises it as a threat. caco. she is heeded; they are heard. cacoya. it was heard. cactepiton. small sandal. cactihuetzia. it was still. cactihuetzi. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence. cactimomanaya. it was quiet, silence reigned. cactli. sandal. cactoc. it lies silent. caczolli. old sandal. caczoque. sandal makers. ca. for; because; since. cahaltiz. he will bathe him. cahcamanale. entertainer. cahcamanaltini. jester. cahci. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it. ca. he is. cah. it is; there is. cahualo. she is left. cahualoto. it went to be left, it went to be delivered. cahualoya. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were released; they were freed. cahualoz. it will cease, it will stop. cahuaya. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him. cahuilquixtia. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him. cahuilti. (may) he gladden him. cahuiltia. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they harry him.

cahuiltiaya. they harried him. cahuiltiz. he will gladden him, he will amuse him. cahuitl. time. cahuitontli. brief time; moment; bit of time. cahuitzintli. time. ca. it is; there is. calac. he entered, he went in. calacoa. people enter; there is entering. calacoayan. entrance. calacoaya. there was entering, people entered. calacoaz. there will be entering, people will enter. calacque. they entered. calactihuetzi. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they hasten to enter; they enter suddenly. calactinemi. they go along entering. calactinenca. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating. calaquia. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came in; they penetrated. calaquico. they came to enter. calaqui. he enters; he goes in; he goes within. calaquih. he enters, he returns. calaqui. it enters; it goes in; it penetrates; it sets. calaquiloya. he was imprisoned. calaquini. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to enter. calaqui. she enters; they enter; they go in; they penetrate. calaquito. they went to enter. calaquiz. he will enter; it will enter; it will go in. calaquiznequi. he wants to enter, he tries to enter. calaquizque. they will enter; they will penetrate. calcuac. on a roof. calcuahuitl. house beam. cali. house; home. calinemiliztli. home life. calitic. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the house; within; inside. callacque. they entered. calla. house settlement. callah. village, settlement. callaqui. they enter, they come in. calli. house; hut. calpan pilli. bastard child. calpan. in the houses. calpixcantli. stewardship. calpixque. majordomos, house stewards; stewards. calpixqui. majordomo, house steward; steward. calquimichi. house mouse. calquimichin. house mouse. caltech. by the house. caltepipitzotl. pigsty. caltepiton. small house. caltia. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it; they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it.

caltiaya. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed her; they bathed him; they washed him. caltiz. he will bathe him. caltizque. they will bathe him. caltontli. small house. calyahualli. round house. camachalacaliuhcantli. grooved part of the lower jaw. camachalli. jawbone. camachaloacaliuhiantli. concave part of the lower jaw. camachaloa. he opens his mouth. camachalotoc. it lies open-mouthed. camachichic. bitter to the taste. camacococ. that which burns the mouth. camacoyahuac. wide-mouthed. camahuac. tender. camanalli. jest, joke; scoffing. camaquentia. they wrap it in paper. camatetl. cheek. camaxacal. big-mouthed; having an open mouth. camaxacaltic. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth. camilhuiltic. brown. camillo. brown. camiltic. brown. camiltique. brown. camiqui. they thirst for it. camopalpoyahuac. dark purple. camopaltic. orange; purple. camotli. sweet potato. campa. in a place, anywhere. campan. where. campa. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever; whither. canaco. they came to capture him; they came to take her. cana. he captures him; he catches her; he seizes her; he catches it; he seizes it; he grasps it; he hunts it; he posts him; he places him; he seizes him; he grabs it; he takes it; he takes her; he takes him; he accepts it. canah. somewhere. canahuacantli. temple. canahuac. fine, thin. canahua. it thins. canahualoni. something which can be thinned. cana. it catches him; it seizes it; it takes it. canapa. from somewhere; somewhere. cana. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place; in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they catch it; they raise it (.e.g.; song); they take it; they receive it; they seize it. canatiuh. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it. canato. she went to take it; they went to seize him. canauhihhuitl. duck feather. canauhtenpatlactli. wide bill of a duck. canauhtetl. duck egg.

canauhtlahuatzalli. dried duck. canauhtlapahuaxtli. duck stewed in a pot. canauhtlatoa. they speak like ducks. canauhtli. duck; mallard. canauhtzin. duckling. cana. whereabouts; wherever. canaz. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he will take it; he will covet it. canaznequi. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he wishes to take it. canazque. they will catch it; they will take him; they will take it; they will seize it. caniliz. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him. canin. somewhere; where; wherever. canpa. where. canque. they took it. can. somewhere. cantiuh. he goes taking it, he goes grasping it. cantli. cheek. can. where. capapachiuh. it flooded it. capapachoa. they keep wetting him. capolcuatinemi. it goes about eating american cherries. capoli. american cherry; cherry; cherry tree. capolin. american cherry; cherry. capotztic. black. caquia. he inserts it; he puts it inside; it puts it in; it inserts it. caquiaya. they inserted it. caquitiloc. it was made known. caquiztia. it sounded, it was audible. caquiztic. it was heard. caquizti. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is audible; it sounds; it is heard; it is loud; it resounds; it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it makes a noise; it rings out. caquiztini. something that resounds. caquizti. there is sound; they resound; they sound. catca. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were. cate. they are. ca. they are. catli. it drinks it; they drink it. catlitiz. he will provide drink for him. catzacpol. dirty. catzactic. dark. catzactix. dirty. catzahuac. black; dark; dirty; dirty black; dirty-colored. caxic. in a basin, in a bowl. caxihui. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like. caxitl. basin, bowl; vessel. caxiuhqui. bowl-like. caxixa. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it (i.e; expels it in the urine); he urinates it (i.e.; he urinates on it; she urinates it (i.e. caxixaz. he will urinate it (i.e., expel it in the urine); she will urinate it (i.e. caxtic. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped.

caxtolli. fifteen. caxtolloce. sixteen. caxtollonnahui. nineteen. caxtolmapan. fifteen spans. caxtololotl. fifteen. caxtolpoalli. three hundred. caxtolpoalxihuitl. three hundred years. caxtoltetl. fifteen. caxtoltin. fifteen. caxtolxihuitl. fifteen years. cayac. (may) no one, (may) nobody. cayacachilhuia. they sound the rattle-board for him. cayacachoa. it rattles it. cayac. for no one, for nobody. ceccan. separate place. cecec. cold; chill; fresh; cool. cececni. in various places; separately. cecelia. it calms down. cecelic. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh. cecelpatic. very tender. cecemilhuitl. day by day. cecempoalilhuitl. each twenty days. cecempoalli. by twenties. cecentetl. each one; one by one. cecepalalahtic. very cold. cecepatic. very cold. cecepoctli. knuckle. cecexiuhtica. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year. ceceyaca. each one; one by one; one at a time. ceceyoal. each night; nightly; night by night. ceceyohual. every night. cecmicque. they died of the cold. cecni. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate. cectlapal. at one side; half. cehpayahuitl. snow. cehualli. shadow. cehuetzi. it freezes, it gets cold (i.e., weather). cehuetziz. it will freeze. cehui. (may) it be placated, (may) it be calmed; (may) it go out; (may) it be extinguished; (may) it rest; it abates; it calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet; it cools; it goes out; it is extinguished; it is calmed. cehuiloz. it will be extinguished, it will go out. cehuiz. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it will be placated; it will cool. celia. it becomes tender; it buds. celic. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft. celpatic. very fresh and green; very tender. celtic. fresh; green. cemicac. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally. cemilhuicochi. he sleeps all day. cemilhuitiz. he will spend the day. cemilhuitl. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day; one day. cemilhuitzintli. a little day, a brief day. cemiztac. completely white.

cemmachoa. it is made known. cemmolicpitl. a forearm [in length]. cemonoque. they dwell together. cemoquichtli. only boy, only male child. cempoalilhuitl. twenty days. cempoalli. twenty. cempoalmatl. twenty fathoms. cempoalpa. twenty times. cempoalteme. twenties, scores. cempoaltetl. twenty. cempoalxihuitl. twenty years. cempoalxochitl. marigold. cenca. exceedingly, very; extremely; great; greatly; much; frequently; a lot. cencalaqui. it all enters. cencamatica. with one word, by means of a word. cencamatl. a word; one word. cenca. much; great; greatly; strongly; very. cencan. much; very. cenca. very; very quite; exceedingly; excessively; great; much; greatly; pure; really; very much. cencuahuitl. all the forest, the whole forest. cenielohuac. there was a reunion. cenmani. it spreads. cenmanque. they scattered. cenmapilli. one finger [measure]. cenmatl. fathom. centeconetl. only child. centecpantin. twenty. cententica. with one word, by means of a word. cententli. one word. centetl. one; single; a; an. centlamamalpan. a carrier load. centlamantin. kinds. centlamantli. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing; some; some kind. centlapal. on one side. centlayohuaz. it will be completely dark. centli. dried ear of maize. centzontlatole. northern mockingbird. centzontli. four hundred; many. centzontotochti. four hundred rabbits. cenyohual. all night. ce. one; a; an; single. cepa. once, one time. cepayahui. it snows, there is snow. cepayahuitl. snow. ceppa. once; one time; first; first time. cequin. some. cequintin. some; a number of; certain. cequinti. some. cequi. others; some; in part; one; part; some things. cetica. from ice, by means of ice. cetl. frost, ice. cetzin. one [h.]. ceuh. it went out, it was extinguished. cexihuitl. one year.

cexiuh. one year. cexiuhtica. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once a year; every year. ceyoal. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night. ceyohual. all night; during the night; at night. chacayoltic. callused. chachacayoltic. calloused. chachacuachtic. rough; coarse; irregular. chachalaca. it rattles. chachapaca. it falls in large drops. chachayactic. spreading. chahuayotl. jealousy. chalcatlatoque. chalcan rulers. chalchihuitl. precious green stone; green stone. chalchiuhcoanacochtli. green stone serpent earplug. chalchiuhcozcapetlatl. plaited green stone neck band. chalchiuhcozcatl. green stone necklace. chalchiuhiximati. they have knowledge of green stones. chalchiuhtecomatl. green stone jar. chalchiuhtecuecuextli. green stone band. chalchiuhtentetl. green stone lip plug. chalchiuhtototl. blue honeycreeper. chalchiuhxicalli. green stone jar. chamahuac. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm; large; thick. chamahua. it becomes coarse. chanchihua. it makes its home. chane. dweller; householder. chaneque. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the household. chanitta. she finds lodging. chanonoque. they are house dwellers. chapani. it droops. chapoli. locust, grasshopper. chapolin. locust, grasshopper. chapopotic. like pitch, like bitumen. chapopotli. pitch, bitumen. chia. chia. chiacpahtic. very oily, very greasy. chiactic. oily; greasy. chiahuacaayo. oily. chiahuacayo. greasy. chiahuacayotl. greasiness. chiahuac. fatty, greasy; fat; oily. chiahua. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains. chiahuizayo. having serous fluids, greasy. chiahuiztli. humor, grease. chiancaca. marchpane. chian. chia. chiane. one who owns chia. chianio. having chia. chiantzotzolatolli. atole made with wrinkled chia. chiantzotzollo. having wrinkled chia. chiantzotzol. wrinkled chia. chiauhtlalli. marshy land.

chicacpatic. very strong. chicactic. strong, sturdy. chicahuac. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant; hard; sturdy; tough. chicahua. he becomes strong; he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows. chicahuaque. strong. chicahua. they are strong; they become strong; they fill out; they become mature; they grow. chicalotl. argemone. chicha. he spits. chichicacococ. bitter, burning. chichicahua. it becomes strong. chichicatl. bile. chichic. bitter; acid. chichicuatzin. little bag. chichicueei. eight. chichicuitlapilli. dog's tail. chichi. dog. chichihualayotl. milk. chichihuame. nursemaids. chichihua. she suckles (them). chichilihui. it becomes red, chili-red. chichilpahtic. very red, very chili-red. chichilpatic. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red. chichiltic. chili-red, red; vermillion. chichime. dogs. chichinaca. it burns, it smarts. chichintic. dark. chichipalalatic. exceedingly bitter; very bitter. chichipatic. very bitter. chichipatzontic. very bitter, exceedingly bitter. chichitl. saliva; spittle. chichiton. little dog; small dog. chichix. it became bitter. chichtli. barn owl. chicohuiac. uneven. chicome. seven. chicometica. seven at a time, by sevens. chicomilhuitl. seven days. chiconahui. nine. chiconamictlan. nine places of the dead. chiconauhxihuitl. nine years. chiconquiahuitl. seven rain. chicotlamati. he is suspicious. chicotlamatiz. he will suspect. chicotlatoltica. with malicious words, by means of malicious words. chicuaceccan. sixth place. chicuacempoalilhuitl. one hundred and twenty days. chicuacen. six. chicuacentetl. six. chicuace. six. chicuancen. six. chicuatic. like a barn owl. chicuatli. barn owl; screech owl. chicuei. eight.

chicueilhuitl. eight days. chicuepoalxihuitl. one hundred sixty years. chicuetetl. eight. chicuexihuitl. eight years. chicuexpa. eight times. chielo. he is expected, he is awaited. chieme. owner of chia, one who owns chia. chien. chia. chienmille. owner of chia fields. chiennamacac. chia seller. chientzotzole. owner of wrinkled chia. chientzotzolli. wrinkled chia. chientzotzolnamacac. one who sells wrinkled chia. chientzotzol. wrinkled chia. chihchicotlacaqui. he misunderstands. chihchiltic. red, chili-red. chihua. it does it. chihualo. it is done; they are done; they are practised. chihualoz. it will be done. chihua. they do. chilatequilo. it is washed in chili water. chilcahuaya. they abstained from chili. chilcanauhtli. cinnamon teal. chilli. chili, red pepper. chillo. having chili, having red pepper. chilpatic. very red. chiltotopil. red warbler. chiltzintli. little chile. chimallaza. he brandishes a shield. chimalli. shield. chimaltica. with shields, by means of shields. chimaltontli. little shield. chimalxochitl. shield flower. chipacaltic. very clear. chipaccaltic. very clear. chipacpahtic. very clean. chipacpatic. exceedingly clear; very clear. chipactic. clean; clear. chipahuacaneci. it appears clear. chipahuacanemi. he lives in chastity. chipahuacanemilice. chaste. chipahuacanemiliztli. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life. chipahuaca. pure, clean. chipahuac. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined. chipahuactic. very clean. chipahua. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it purifies; it is purified. chipayac. bad smelling. chipolcozcatl. seashell necklace. chiquihuitl. basket. chiquimoli. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker. chiquiztli. testicle. chitepaqui. it brings pleasure. chocac. he wept, he cried. choca. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it howls. chocani. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper.

chocaque. they wept, they cried. choca. she weeps, she cries; they cry; they weep. chocatica. it is weeping. chocatinemi. he goes along weeping; he goes weeping. chocatiuh. she goes weeping. chocatoc. he lies crying, he lies weeping. chocaya. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying; she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried. chocazquia. they would weep. chochoca. it weeps constantly. chocholoa. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly. chocholohua. it jumps constantly. chocholotimani. they are leaping about. chocoa. there is weeping. chocoaya. place of weeping. chohchole. having dewclaws. chohcholli. hoof. chohcholoani. constant jumper. choloa. he flees; he runs away; it flees; it leaps. choloani. jumper. choloa. they flee; they fluee. cholohua. it jumps. choloque. they fled. cholotehua. he springs up to run. choloz. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump. chontzin. beautiful. choponiloni. fang. choquililozque. they will be wept for. choquizcali. house of weeping. choquiztica. with weeping, weepingly. choquiztli ixayotl. mourning. choquiztli. weeping; crying; lamentation. ciahuac. damp, wet. ciahuatotoli. turkey hen. ciahuiztli. fatigue. ciammiquiliztli. fatigue. cicitlallo. starry, having stars. cicitlaltin. stars. cicitlalti. stars. cihcihuatlatoa. he talks like a woman. cihtli. hare. cihuacochia. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a woman. cihuacochi. he sleeps with a woman. cihuacochiz. he will sleep with a woman. cihuacocolli. woman's ailment. cihuacuicatl. women's song. cihuahua. husband. cihuah. women. cihuamazatl. doe. cihuamone. one who has a daughter-in-law. cihuamontli. daughter-in-law. cihuanequini. one who is given to women. cihuanotza. he is given to women. cihuapan. women's quarters. cihuapilchichihualli. girl's breast.

cihuapille. o my lady; o noblewoman. cihuapilli. noblewoman; vulva. cihuapilpil. young girls. cihuapilti. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman. cihuapiltontli. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl; noble girl; small girl. cihuapiltzintle. o my beloved lady. cihuapiltzintli. noblewoman. cihuapipilti. princesses. cihuapipiltotonti. girls; small girls; young girls; young women. cihuateotl. goddess. cihuateteo. goddesses; godesses. cihuateuctli. noblewoman. cihuatitici. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians. cihuatlahueliloc. evil woman. cihuatlahueliloque. whores. cihuatlamacazque. offering priestesses. cihuatlamacazqui. priestess. cihuatlapalihui. robust woman. cihuatlatolli. women's words. cihuatlatquitl. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array. cihuatl. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl. cihuatotolin. turkey hen. cihuatotoli. turkey hen. cihuatzintli. girl, lady; woman. cihuatzitzinti. beloved women; honored women; women; young women. cihua. women. cincuatinemi. it goes about eating dried maize ears. cintanaton. little maize basket. cintlaolli. ear of maize or corn. cintli. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize. cipac. crocodile. cipactli. crocodile. citi. grandmothers. citlalcolotl. scorpion star. citlalcueye. star-skirted, having a star skirt. citlalcuicuiltic. painted like a star. citlalin. star. citlali. star. citlalli. star. citlallotoc. spread with stars, covered with stars. citlalmaololo. star gatherer, one who gathers stars. citlalminqui. wounded by a shooting star. citlalmitl. star arrow. citlalpol. morning star, big star. citli. hare; jack rabbit. coacihui. he has the gout; they have the gout. coacihuizio. paralyzing. coacihuiztli. gout; numbness. coamichi. eel. coatetl. cyst. coatlanquiza. canine teeth emerge. coatl. snake, serpent. coatontli. small snake. cochcamachaloa. his lips move from side to side; it yawns. cochhiza. it wakens sleepers. cochia. they slept.

cochi. he sleeps. cochihuani. something for sleeping [e.g., clothing to sleep in]. cochihua. there is sleep, people; people sleep. cochihuaya. place for sleeping. cochi. it sleeps. cochini. sleeper, one who sleeps. cochi. she sleeps; they sleep. cochizani. vigilant. cochiz. he will sleep. cochiztli. sleep; state of sleep; act of sleeping. cochoctli. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine. cochque. they slept. cochtica. he is sleeping. cochtimotlalia. he lies down to sleep. cochtlatoa. they talk in their sleep. cocoa. serpents, snakes; twins. cococ. afflicted; affliction; anguish; bitter; burning. cocochi. he sleeps. cococ. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction; pain; piquant; that which burns. cococuicatl. song of the sick. cocohua. snakes; serpents. cocolilozque. they will be hated. cocolizcui. it becomes sick; it sickens. cocolizcuiz. he will suffer, he will get sick. cocoliztli. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague. cocoliztl. sickness. cocolli. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness. cocoltic. curved; wavy. cocomoca. it crackles. cocomotzahui. it splashes. coconetotonti. children; little babies. coconetzitzinti. small children. coconeyotl. childishness, babyishness. cocopahtic. extremely hot, burning. cocopalalatic. exceedingly burning. cocopatic. very burning. cocotic. tubular. cocoti. servants. cocotl. esophagus; throat. cocotoca. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces. cocotzin. little dove. cocotzohuia. they apply pine pitch to it. cocoxque. sick people; the sick. cocoxqui. sick; sick person; patient. cocoyac. sickening. cocoyactic. wide. cocoyahuac. distended (each one). cocoya. it becomes pregnant; it sickens; it becomes sick. cocoyani. subject to pregnancy. cocoyonqui. perforated, having holes; pierced. cocoyontiuh. they keep opening. cohcomoltic. full of holes. cohuacihuizpatli. remedy for gout, cure for gout. cohuacihuiztli. gout. cohuaciztli. gout. cohuapetlatl. serpent mat.

cohuatetl. cyst. cohuatl. serpent, snake. cohuatololiztli. swallowing of serpents, snakes. cohuatontli. little serpent, little snake. cohuayo. having snakes. cohuicaittaya. they regarded it as dangerous. colinia. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she moves it; they move it. colini. he moved him. colinique. they moved it. coliniz. he will move it. coliniznequi. he wants to move it. coli. quail. collamizque. they will play ball against him. colochahui. it becomes curly. cololhuitimoteca. they seat themselves around. cololoa. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it together; they pile it up. colotitech. on the frame. colotli. carrying frame; frame; framework; wooden framework. colotl. scorpion. coltic. curved. coltin. grandfathers. colxahua. they paint it with rubber. comalchihua. he makes griddles. comalco. on the griddle. comic. interior of the vessel. comitl. pot, jar. commana. he offers it, he places it. commapilhui. he pointed to it. commatia. they took account of him. comolihui. it becomes hollow. comoltic. hollowed. comotzihui. it shakes. compacaya. they washed it. compachoa. they press it. compaloa. it sucks it. compalo. it ate it, it consumed it. compatia. he makes it good, he remedies it. compatiaya. he cured him. compatzca. they squeeze it out. compehualtia. he begins it; they begin it. conacaltenque. they loaded it in a boat. conaci. they seize him, they detain him. conahuaz. he will scold him, he will chide him. conalahua. they anoint it. conana. he captures it, he seizes it; he grabs it; he takes her; he seizes her; he takes it; they seize him; they grab him. conanaya. they took him. conanilia. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him. conanque. they seized it. conaquia. he inserts it; he places it; he puts it on her; they fit it on him; they put it on him. conaquiaya. they fitted it, they inserted it. conaquilia. they insert it into him.

conaquique. they put him into it. concahua. he leaves her; he leaves him; he delivers him; he leaves it; it leaves it; it delivers it; they leave her; they leave him; they escort him; they leave it; they deliver it. concahuaya. he left it; he delivered it; she left it; they left her; they left him; they left it. concahuazque. they will leave it. concalaquia. he takes it in. concalaquique. they put it in. concamacahuaz. he will let out a word. concanauhtli. goose. concaqui. he hears it. concauhque. they delivered it, they left it. concauhtihui. they go leaving it. conchamahua. they fatten it. conchayahua. he spreads it out; they scatter it. conchicha. he spits at her. conchihua. he does it. conchipinia. he applies it in drops, he drips it. conchipinilia. he drips it. conchitoniz. he will let it out. conchiuh. he made it. conchoquiliz. he will weep for him. concocoxamania. it breaks his neck. concozcatique. they put a necklace on him, they provided him with a necklace. concuacua. it eats it up. concuailpique. they tied it on his head. concua. it eats it; they eat it. concuaz. he will eat it, he is to eat it. concuia. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it; they plucked it; they secured it. concuicuia. he took it (repeatedly). concui. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up; he seizes it. concuilia. they take it from him. concui. she takes it; they take it; they grasp it; they seize it; they take iti. concuitihuetz. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly. concuitihui. they go taking it. concuitimani. they continue taking it. concuitiquiza. they quickly snatch it. concuito. he went to grasp it, he went to take it. concuizque. they will grasp it. concuizquia. she would take it. conechichihualli. child's breast. conelcicihuiliz. he will sigh for him. conetl. child; girl. conetontli. baby; child; girl; infant; small child. conetzin. child. conetzintli. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl. conexiquipilti. womb. coneyotl. childishness, babyishness. conhuicaque. they brought it. conhuicaya. they took him.

conhuipanque. they placed them in rows. coni. (may) he drink it. coniahua. he raises it as an offering. conia. they drank it. conic. he drank it. conichiqui. he scrapes it. conichtacacalaquia. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in. conicuanilia. he removes it. conicza. she tramps on it, she steps on it. coni. he drinks it. conihua. he sends him. conilhui. he said it to him. coniltequi. they sip it. coni. she drinks it; they drink if; they drink it. conitia. they have him drink it. conitiaya. they had him drink it, they made him drink it. conitizque. they will make him drink it. conitoa. he says it; she says it; they say it; they tell it. conito. he said it. conitoque. they said it. conito. she said it. conitotihui. they go saying it. conitqui. he carries it; they take it. conitta. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees him; he sees it. conittaque. they saw it; they looked at it. conitta. they see him; they see it; they study it. conittaya. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it. conittaz. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it. coniyahua. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in dedication; they raise her in offering; they offer her; they raise it in dedication; they raise it in offering; they offer it. coniz. he will drink it; he is to drink it. conizque. they will drink it, they are to drink it. coniz. she will drink it, she is to drink it. conmaca. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to him; he gives it to it. conmacaque. they gave it to him. conmaca. they give it to him. conmacaya. he gave it to him. conmama. they carry it on their backs. conmana. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out. conmanilique. they laid it on him. conmaquia. he puts it on; they put it on him. conmaquiaya. he put it on; he placed it on himself. conmati. he feels it; it feels it. conmatizque. they will remember it. conmictia. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it. conmicti. he killed them. conmina. he shoots it with an arrow. conmocahuili. they abandoned it there. conmochihuiliz. he [h.] will do it, he [h.] will bring it about. conmocpaltia. it seats itself.

conmomaca. he gives himself to it. conmonequiltiz. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it. conmopolhuiz. he [h.] will destroy him. conmoquixtilia. he [h.] passes it, he [h.] moves it. conmotlapielilia. he watches over it for him [h.], he takes care of it for him [h.]. connacaztequi. they cut his ears. connamiquito. they went to meet him. connepanoa. it places it together. connequiz. he will wish it, he will want it. connequizque. they will want it, they will require it. connotza. they summon him, they call out to him. connotzque. they called to him. conoocotzohuia. they apply pine resin to each one. conpalo. he tasted it. conpaloltia. she makes him taste it. conpehualtique. they began it. conpinauhtiz. it will shame him. conpoztec. he broke it. conquechcotona. he beheads it; he cuts off his head; they behead it. conquentia. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it. conquetza. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up; they stand it. conquetzato. they went to stand him up. conquetzaya. they set it up, they stood it up. conquixtia. he passes it, he moves it. contecac. he laid him out; he laid it. contecaco. they came to extend it, they came to lay it out. contecac. she filled it. conteca. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out. contecaque. they laid it down. conteca. she places him, she lays him down; she places it; they lay her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay it out; they place him; they place it; they pour it; they spread him out; they spread it out. contecaya. he laid him out; she placed it. contecpanque. they placed them in order. contema. he casts it, he places it; it places it. contemilia. they place it for him. contemilique. they placed it for him. contenquixtiz. he will let it escape his lips. contepehua. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it. contepehuaya. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they threw them. contepeuhtitlalia. they heap it up; they pile it up. contequia. they cut it; they did cut it. contequilia. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they spread it out for him. contic. like a pot.

contlalia. he lays it, he places it; he places her; he places them; she places it; they place him; they place it; they put it in its place; they set it in place; they set it; they put it. contlaliaya. they placed it. contlalilia. she places it on him. contlalilique. they placed it on him. contlaltocaya. they buried it in the ground. contlapaloa. they greet her; they greet him. contlatia. they burn it. contlati. he lit it, he set fire to it. contlatlalilique. they did put it on him. contlatlauhtia. they pray to him, they implore him. contlatlaxilia. they throw it on him. contlatlaza. they throw each one. contlaza. he casts it, he throws it; they cast him; they throw him; they cast it down; they throw it down; they cast it; they throw it; they pass it. contlazaya. they threw it, they cast it. contlazotla. they love him. contlazque. they dispatched him, they sent him out. contlaz. she cast it, she threw it. contlaztimani. they keep casting it. contlecahuia. they set fire to it. contlecahuique. they set fire to it. contoca. it buries it. contocaya. he buried it; it followed him; they buried it. contzinapanque. they placed it on his back. conxicoltique. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless jacket on him. conxillancuitlalpique. they tied it to his back. conxochicozcati. he placed flower garlands on him. conxoxopeuhque. they kicked it (each one). conzoa. they stretch it out, they open it out. copalli. incense. copaltema. they spread incense. copaltzintli. incense, paltry incense. copalxalli. coarse incense. cotaloa. they croak. cotalotica. they continue croaking, they keep croaking. cotalotoc. groaning. cotoni. it parts, it breaks; it snaps. cotze. he has calves (i.e. on his legs). cotzehuatl. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the calf of the leg. cotznacatl. flesh of the calf of the leg. cotztetl. calf of the leg. cotztili. it impregnates her. cotztli. calf of the leg. coxoliyo. having pheasant (feathers). coxonqui. powdered. coya. he shells it. coyahuac. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy. coyametl. peccary; pig. coyoehuatl. coyote skin. coyohuia. they cry out; they howl. coyohuitihuia. they went howling.

coyoichcamaxtlatl. coyote fur breechcloth. coyoichcatilmatli. coyote fur cape. coyoichcatl. coyote-colored cotton. coyolli. bell. coyolmichihua. he makes awls. coyolomitl. awl. coyoltic. like the sound of a bell. coyonenemi. they walk on all fours. coyoni. they open. coyonqui. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored though; having a hole; cleft; bored through. coyotl. coyote. cozahtli. weasel. cozahuia. it becomes yellow; it turns yellow. cozamatl. weasel. cozama. weasel. coza. they anoint him. cozauhqui. yellow; blond. cozcacuauhtetl. vulture egg. cozcacuauhtli. king vulture; vulture. cozcatl. jewel, bead, necklace; neck band. cozhuahuanqui. striped with yellow. coznochtli. yellow tuna cactus fruit, yellow prickly pear. cozolco. in a cradle; in the cradle. cozolli. cradle. cozpahtic. very yellow. cozpatic. very yellow. cozpiltic. very yellow. coztic. yellow. coztlapalli. dyed yellow. coztlhotli. yellow falcon. cozyayactic. dark yellow. cuachichilihui. the head becomes red, chili-red. cuachichiltic. having a chile-red head; having a red head. cuachichintic. having blackish tips. cuachnamacac. seller of large cotton capes. cuachpalan. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape. cuachpalaxtli. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape. cuachtli. blanket; large cape; mantle. cuacoltic. hooked at the top, curved at the top. cuacoztli. canvas-back. cuacuacuahue. they have antennae. cuacuahue. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns. cuacuahuini. woodcutter. cuacualaca. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it thunders. cuacualacatoc. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling. cuacualacaz. it will boil, it will cook. cuacualli. good; wonderful. cuacualo. chewable. cuacualoni. chewable; edible. cuacualti. beautiful. cuacualtzin. good. cuacuauhnacatl. flesh of cattle, beef. cuacuauhti. eagles; it has a pain in its side. cuaehuatl. skin of the head. cuahcualli. good.

cuahhuaqui. he grows thin. cuahhuaquiz. he will grow thin. cuahuacatl. pole. cuahuacazhuatl. oak leaf. cuahuamatl. coarse paper. cuahuic. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board. cuahuitl tetl. castigation, punishment. cuahuitl. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub; staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave. cuahuitztic. pointed on top; tapered. cuahuitztoton. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends. cuaiztac. white-headed. cuaiztapatoton. white-headed. cuaiztaque. gray-headed; white-headed. cualania. they became angry. cualani. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry. cualaniz. he will be angry, he will be wrathful. cualanque. they became angry; they were wrathful. cualantli. hatred, anger. cualcan. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time. cualittoya. he was well regarded. cualli. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper; sound; well; pretty. cualneci. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking; it looks good. cualnemilice. pious. cualnemiliztli. good life. cualnezcapol. attractive. cualnezqui. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of appearance; they are beautiful. cualocatl. cancer. cualo. he is eaten; it is eaten. cualoni. edible; edible things; food; food-producing. cualonime. edible ones. cualoni. something to be eaten; source of food; there is food. cualo. they are eaten. cualoya. it was eaten; they were eaten. cualoz. it will be eaten. cualtepil. tiny. cualteton. tiny, minute. cualtia. (may) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it improves; it becomes good; it is improved. cualtin. good. cualton. average size; small. cuamalacachtic. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl. cuamalacachton. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl. cuamanqui. v-shaped. cuammiztli. jaguarundi. cuanacame. chickens. cuanacatl. flesh of the head. cuanmaitl. piece of wood. cuanmaxac. tree crotch.

cuanmecatica. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes. cuanmiztli. jaguarundi. cuaololtic. having a round top. cuapatlachtic. having a wide head. cuapazoltic. having disheveled hair. cuapitzahuac. pointed at the head, narrow at the top; slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top. cuapitzahua. it becomes slender at the top. cuapohpoliuhtinemi. he goes with tangled hair. cuapohpolpol. having twisted hair. cuapopoltic. tangle-haired. cuappachcintli. tawny dried ear of maize. cuappachmaxtlatl. tawny-colored breechcloth. cuappachtic. tawny. cuappachtilmatli. tawny cape. cuappachtli. tawny. cuappachtototl. squirrel cuckoo. cuappalcintli. tan dried ear of maize. cuappantli. hip. cuappazoltontli. tangle of shrubs. cuappetlatl ocelopetlatl. military establishment; realm. cuappetlatl. eagle mat. cuappiaztli. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube. cuappitzauhqui. harsh. cuappitztic. harsh. cuatatapatic. having unkempt hair. cuateconpol. having a very pot-like head. cuatecontic. having a large head; having a pot-like head; large-headed. cuateconton. large-headed, having a large head. cuatenamaztic. having a large head. cuatepatlachtic. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head. cuatequixicihuizpatli. remedy for dandruff. cuatequixquiicihuiliztli. dandruff. cuatequixquiicihuizpatli. remedy for dandruff. cuatetextli. brains. cuatextli. brain. cuatezcatl. mirror-head; purple gallinule. cuatlahueliloc. foolish. cuatolontic. having a round top. cuatomahuac. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the top; thick-headed; having a thick head. cuatzohmapol. having matted hair. cuatzomatic. having uncombed hair. cuatzontli. skein. cuauhacatl. pole. cuauhazcatl. tree ant. cuauhcalco. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage. cuauhcali. eagle house; warriors' house. cuauhcamac. in a space between beams. cuauhcapolin. american cherry. cuauhcaxtica. by means of a wooden vessel; with a wooden bowl; by means of a wooden bowl. cuauhcelotl. tender shoot of a tree. cuauhchicahuac. strong tree. cuauhchimalli. wooden shield.

cuauhchochopitli. woodpecker. cuauhcihuatl. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman. cuauhcoyametl. forest peccary. cuauhichcatl. tree cotton. cuauhicxitl. eagle foot. cuauhihhuitl. eagle feather. cuauhnacatl. eagle meat. cuauhnacayotl. wood of the tree. cuauhnelhuatl. tree root. cuauhneuctli. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey. cuauhocuili. tree worm. cuauhocuiltin. tree worms. cuauhpilli. sapling. cuauhquezcomatl. wooden grain bin. cuauhquimichi. forest mouse. cuauhquimichin. forest mouse. cuauhquiyahuac. eagle gate. cuauhtanatli. small wooden basket. cuauhtechalotl. tree squirrel. cuauhtemimilli. cylinder of wood. cuauhtenco. at the edge of the forest. cuauhtencolli. eagle's curved bill. cuauhtenhuetzi. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles. cuauhtenhuetziz. he will collapse. cuauhte. o eagle warriors. cuauhtepiton. small tree. cuauhtepitztli. hard tree; hard wood. cuauhtetepoyo. having an eagle claw design. cuauhtetl. firm tree. cuauhtextli. sawdust. cuauhticatontli. a little tall. cuauhtica. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs; be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves; by means of wooden staves. cuauhticpac. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops. cuauhtic. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size; towering. cuauhtilac. very thick. cuauhtitech. in a tree; in trees; on sticks. cuauhtiz. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree. cuauhtlacacahuatl. wild cacao. cuauhtlacatl. woodsman. cuauhtlactli. tree trunk. cuauhtla. forest. cuauhtlamazatl. forest deer. cuauhtlanemi. it lives in the forest. cuauhtlapitzalli. flute. cuauhtlatoque. governors; military governors. cuauhtlatzacuillotl. eagle gate. cuauhtleco. it climbs trees. cuauhtleconi. tree-climber. cuauhtli. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior. cuauhtlotli. marsh hawk. cuauhtontli. small stick; stick; sliver of wood. cuauhtzintli. little tree; sapling; tree. cuauhuitztli. thorn stick.

cuauhxeloloni. ax. cuauhxicalco. in the eagle vessel. cuauhxicalli. eagle vessel; wooden vessel. cuauhxincayotl. woodcarving. cuauhxinque. carpenters; woodcutters. cuauhxinqui. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter. cuauhxiuhatlapalli. petal of a tree flower. cuauhyahualli. round tree. cuauhyahualtic. rounded tree. cuauhyo. tall; wooded; having trees. cuaxicalli. skull. cuaxipetztli. bald pate, bald head. cuaxiquipiltic. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic. cuaxococihui. his head itches. cuaxococihuiztli. head abscess. cuaxolotl. xolotl head. cuayahualtic. having a round top. cuayahualtoton. small and round on the tips. cuechahuac. moist. cuechihui. it becomes pulverized; it is porous. cuechiuhqui. fine-textured. cuechpatic. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely ground up. cuechtic. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine texture; porous; powdery. cuecuechca. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers. cuecuechihui. it is very porous. cuecuechiuhqui. finely ground up, pulverized. cuecuechpatic. very finely ground up. cuecuechtic. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous. cuecuel. briefly, quickly. cuecueltic. winding. cuecuepoca. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it sputters. cuecuepocani. one which shoots forth. cuecuepocaticac. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming; blooming. cuecuepocatimani. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly. cuecuepocatoc. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it spreads constantly blossoming; blooming. cuecueponticac. it stands blossoming. cuecuepontimani. it extends blossoming. cuecuepontoc. it spreads blossoming. cuecuetlaca. they crackle. cuecuetlaxtic. hide-like. cuecueya. frogs. cuecueyahua. they glisten; they radiate; they spread out. cuecueyoca. it glistens. cueitl. skirt. cuel. briefly; quickly. cuele. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then. cuel. quickly; soon; briefly; then. cueltic. curved, doubled over. cuemitl. agricultural land.

cueponcayotl. blossoming, opening. cueponi. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers; it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open; it glows. cueponini. bloomer; blossomer. cuepon. it blossomed. cueponi. they bloom, they blossom. cueponiz. it will blossom; it will flare up. cueponqui. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer. cueponticac. it stands blossoming. cuepontoc. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming. cuetlachtli. wolf. cuetlanextic. faded ashen color. cuetlaniz. it will burn, it will blaze. cuetlapilhuiac. long-tailed. cuetlaxcactli. sandal made of cured leather. cuetlaxiuhqui. leather-like. cuetlaxochitl. poinsettia. cuetlaxtic. leathery. cuetlaxtilmatli. leather cape. cuetlaxtli. cured leather; leather. cuetontli. little skirt. cuetzpalcuani. eater of lizards. cuetzpalcuitlatl. lizard excrement. cuetzpali. lizard. cuetzpalin. lizard. cuetzpalli. lizard. cuexcochtli. nape of the neck. cueyame. frogs. cueyatl. frog. cueye huipille. woman. cuezali. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw feather; scarlet macaw. cuezcomatl. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin. cuezcontica. with bins, by means of bins. cuiatl. frog. cuicaanqui. one who leads the singing. cuicacalco. in the song house. cuicacali. song house. cuicacalli. house of song. cuica. he sings; it sings. cuicaitoani. singer who intones the chant. cuicamana. they provide song. cuicanime. singers; musicians. cuicani. singer. cuicapiquini. composer of songs; song composer. cuica. they sing. cuicatihui. they go singing. cuicatilo. there is singing. cuicatinemi. they go singing. cuicatiuh. he goes singing. cuicatlahuilli. torch for singing. cuicatlaliani. songwriter. cuicatlaza. they loose the song. cuicatl. song; music; singing. cuicatoque. they sat singing. cuicaz. he will sing.

cuichectic. blackish, sooty. cuichehuac. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky. cuicoanaliztli. song. cuico. there is singing; people sing. cuicoya. there was singing; people sang. cuicuica. it sings constantly. cuicuicani. constant singer. cuicuica. they each sing; they sing. cuicuico. there is singing in each place. cuicuilihui. it becomes varicolored. cuicuilpatic. quite varicolored. cuicuiltic. spotted; varicolored. cuicuitzcatl. barn swallow. cuihua. it is taken. cuilchiltentli. edge of the anus. cuillotic. thin. cuiquiztli. singing. cuitihuecho. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured. cuitlaazcatl. dung ant. cuitlachehuatl. wolf skin. cuitlachhuehue. old bear. cuitlachtic. wolf-like. cuitlachtli. bear; wolf. cuitlacochin. curve-billed thrasher. cuitlacochtototl. curve-billed thrasher. cuitlahuaquiztli. dry excrement. cuitlahyac. stinking like excrement. cuitlananaca. slothful. cuitlanexehuac. faded ashen color. cuitlanexiuhtinemi. he goes wallowing in ordure. cuitlanexpol. filthy. cuitlanextic. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen color; having an ashen back. cuitlaolol. having a round back. cuitlaololtic. having a round back; having a rounded back. cuitlapachtic. low-backed; squat. cuitlapalaniliztli. indigestion. cuitlapanaatetl. testicle. cuitlapanaayecotli. testicle. cuitlapan. on yjr back. cuitlapanton. hunched shoulder. cuitlapatlachtic. having a broad back; wide-bellied. cuitlapicic. having a small back. cuitlapicictic. having a very small back. cuitlapilcocoltic. having a long, curved tail. cuitlapile. tailed, having a tail. cuitlapilhueyacatontli. having a somewhat long tail. cuitlapilhueyac. long-tailed, having a long tail. cuitlapilhuiacapil. having a rather long tail. cuitlapilhuiac. having a long tail; long-tailed. cuitlapilhuiyac. long-tailed. cuitlapillanqui. extending toward the tail. cuitlapilli atlapalli. common folk; vassal. cuitlapilli. tail. cuitlapilpazoltic. having a tangled tail. cuitlapilpopoyactic. having a dark tail.

cuitlapilpopoyahuac. dark-tailed, having a dark tail. cuitlapilpoyactontli. having a somewhat dark tail. cuitlapiltetepontic. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail. cuitlapiltin. tails. cuitlapiltzatzapal. having a streaked tail. cuitlapiltzatzapaliuhqui. the tail is as if streaked. cuitlapiltzatzapaltic. having a streaked tail. cuitlapilyahualtic. having a rounded tail. cuitlapoxcahuilizili. mouldy excrement. cuitlatecomatl. stomach. cuitlatemoli. dung beetle. cuitlatetemalli. purulent excrement. cuitlatexcalhuaquiztli. hardened excrement. cuitlatexotic. silvery. cuitlatitimalli. purulent excrement. cuitlatitlan. in dung; in excrement. cuitlatl. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure. cuitlatzcocopic. very careless. cuitlatzcopic. careless. cuitlaxcolli. entrails; intestine; intestines. cuitlaxoxoctic. green-backed. cuitlayo. dirty, filthy. cuixihhuitl. hawk feather. cuixi. plover. cuix. perchance, perhaps. cuiyatl. frog. eacalli. three boats. ecacehuaztli. fan. ecachichina. it sucks in air. ecahuaztli. ladder. ecatetzahua. it hardens in the air. ecatl. wind. ecatototl. hooded merganser. ecauhtic. airy. echichilli. red bean. ecoztapayolli. yellow bean ball. ecoztli. yellow bean. ecuicuilli. mottled bean. eecatl. wind. eehzio. very bloody. eei. three. eexcan. in three places. eheca. there is wind. ehecatlan. windy place. ehecatle. o wind. ehecatl. wind; air. ehezhuahuanqui. striped blood-red. ehua. bean owner. ehuachimalli. leather shield. ehuac. it rose. ehuah. bean owner. ehualo. there is departure, people depart. ehuatanatli. small leather basket. ehuatica. sitting. ehuatl. shirt; skin. ehuayo. barked, having bark. ehuayocanahuac. thin-skinned.

ehuayo. having a skin; having bark. ehuayotilahuac. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned. eilhuitl. three days. eintin. three. ei. three. eixtin. three. elacaliuhiantli. sternal groove. elchichiltic. having a chili-red breast. elcicihuia. she signed. elcicihui. he sighs. elcicihuiliztli. sigh. elcicihuini. one who sighs. elcicihuiztli. sigh. elcozauhqui. very yellow-breasted. elcoztic. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied. elehuilizio. desirable. elehuiliztli. desire. eliztac. white-breasted; white-bellied. elnacatl. flesh of the chest. elocuatinemi. it goes about eating green maize ears. elotlaxcalli. green maize tortilla. elotl. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maizie. elotototl. blue grosbeak. elozacatl. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw. elpan. on the breast. elpoccoztic. having a smoky yellow belly. eltapachtli. liver. eltepicicitli. sternum. emapan. three arms spans. enamacac. bean seller. epalaxtli. spoiled bean, rotten bean. epatl. skunk. epoalxihuitl. sixty years. eptli. oyster; pearl. epyollotli. pearl. etetl. three. etic. heavy, burdensome. eticpatic. very heavy. etlaxoz. there will be planting of beans. etlazaloz. there will be planting of beans. etl. bean. excampa nacace. triangular. excan. three parts; three places. exihuitl. three years. exotl. green bean; string bean. exoyoa. it forms a bean. exoyo. string beans. expa. three times; thrice. ezaxixtli. bloody urine. ezcocotli. blood vessel. ezcuahuaqui. dried, hardened blood. ezcuicuiltic. blood-flecked, spotted with blood; mingled with blood. ezhuahuanqui. striped blood-red. ezhuaqui. dried blood. ezio. bloody.

ezo. bloody. ezpanitl. blood banner. ezpetlatl. red reed mat. ezquiza. her blood flows. eztecpatl. blood-flint, blood-stone. eztemalli. bloody pus. eztenqui. full of blood. eztetl. bloodstone. eztica. with blood. eztic. blood colored; blood-colored. eztli tlapalli. nobility. eztli. blood. ezzo. bloody, stained with blood; having blood. haatlihua. there is drinking; people drink. hahuicmichi. fresh fish. hamo. no, not. hatle. nothing. hetic. heavy. hicotoca. he snores. hiilhuichihua. they each carry out the feast. hiilhuitlamati. they each celebrate the feast. hi. this. hitla. something. hiyac. stinking. huacalihui. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed. huacaliuhqui. hollowed; having gorges. huacaltic. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed. huaccatlatlaciztli. dry cough. huac. it dried. huacqui. dried; dry. huahuacca. dry place. huahualaca. they growl. huahuanqui. striped. huahuanti. striped ones. hualacia. it reached, it arrived; they arrived. hualaci. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they arrive; they reach. hualahcia. they arrived [here]. hualaniz. it will break out. hualcalac. he entered; it entered. hualcalacque. they entered. hualcalactihuetzia. they entered swiftly. hualcalactihuetzque. they quickly entered. hualcalaquia. he entered; they entered. hualcalaqui. they enter; they enter here. hualcalaquizque. they will enter. hualcaquizti. it is clearly heard. hualchapantihuetz. it quickly fell to the ground. hualcueponi. it bursts forth. hualehuaque. they departed. hualhuetz. he fell. hualhuetzi. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down; they fall. hualhuetziz. he will fall. hualhuicoque. they were brought. hualhuiloa. people go back; there is departing; there is going. hualhuiloaz. there will be coming, people will come.

hualhuilohua. there is departing, there is going. hualhuilohuaya. there was coming, people came. hualhui. they come; they go. hualihiocuitiquizque. they quickly restored their strength. hualiiza. he awakes. hualitto. it is seen. hualixhua. it sprouts. huallacat. he was born. huallaci. they arrive. huallacuepaya. they turned back. hualla. he comes; it came; it comes. huallamelauhque. they went directly. huallami. it ends, it is ended. huallanahuati. he gave a command, he commanded. huallaque. they came; they arrived; they came back. huallathuic. dawn came. huallathui. dawn comes. huallathuih. dawn comes. huallathui. it dawns; day breaks. huallathuiz. it will dawn, dawn will break; it is about to dawn; day is about to break. huallatoa. he speaks. huallauh. it came; it comes; it goes forth. huallayahualoa. they make a circle. huallaz. he will come; he will return; it will come. huallaznequi. it threatens, it wants to come. huallazque. they will come. hualmehua. he arises, he gets up. hualmehualtia. they hasten along. hualmehuatiquetz. he rose up. hualmeya. it exudes, it flows out. hualmeyaz. it will flow out, it will come out. hualmitotiaya. he came forth to dance; they danced. hualmitotitiuh. he goes dancing. hualmocuepa. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return. hualmocuepato. he went to return. hualmocuepaz. he will return. hualmocuepque. they returned; they turned back. hualmomanaya. they remained. hualmonextia. she appears. hualmoquetza. it sets in. hualmoquetzaya. it came forth. hualmoteca. it extends itself; it stretches out. hualmotepeuhque. they threw themselves, they cast themselves. hualmotlalia. she sits down; they sit down. hualmotlaloa. they flee; they run. hualmotoxahua. it gushes out. hualmoxixtoc. it lies excreting. hualnacaztlachie. he looks to one side. hualneaxixalo. there is urination. hualneci. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they appear. hualnecuepalo. people return, there is returning. hualnemanalo. there is setting out; there is stopping. hualneneci. it appears. hualnenenque. they traveled.

hualnetlalolo. there is flight, there is running. hualnoquilo. it is poured out. hualoquichehua. he acquits himself as a man. hualotlatocaya. they traveled a road. hualpehua. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they started; they set forth. hualpeuh. it begins. hualpeuhque. they set forth, they began, they started; they started forth. hualpinauhtiloc. he was shamed. hualpozoni. they swell up. hualquixoa. there is emerging; there is going forth. hualquixohuac. there was coming forth. hualquiza. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it issues; it rises (e.g.; sun); she comes forth; they come forth; they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they go out. hualquizaya. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose (i.e.; sun); it came out; they came forth; they went forth. hualquizaz. it will come forth; it will rise [i.e.; sun]; it will come out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge. hualquiz. it came up, it rose. hualquizque. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth. hualquiztica. he is going forth. hualquiztiquizque. they will leave quickly. hualtehuica. he brings them forth. hualtemoa. they came down, they descended; they descend. hualtemoc. it decended. hualtemo. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend; they come down. hualtemoya. they descended. hualtemozque. they will come down, they will descend. hualtolotimotlalia. they sit there nodding. hualtzatzi. they shout out. hualtzatzitoc. it lies crying out. hualyaocalaquia. they entered during war. hualyoalcalacque. they entered by night. huapactic. firm, stiff; hard; rough. huapahuac. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged; rigid; sturdy. huapahua. it hardens; it is rough. huapahualiztli. stiffness. huapahualoni. rearing. huapahualo. they are raises. huapalli. base; beam; board; plank. huapalpan. on the board. huapalteconi. suitable for being cut into beams. huapaltic. like a wooden beam. huapaltilahuac. thick beam; thick board. huapaltontli. thin board. huapalxacalli. plank house.

huaqui. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry. huauhnamacac. amaranth seed seller. huauhpalaxtli. spoiled amaranth seed. huauhpixoloz. amaranth seed will be cast. huauhquilitl. amaranth green. huauhquiltamalli. tamal stuffed with greens. huauhtli. amaranth; amaranth seed. huauhtzontli. amaranth head; head of amaranth. huayolcayotl. kinship. hueca yauh. it lengthens. hueca. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance; deep; profound; extensive; high. huecahua. it ages. huecahuaque. they tarried, they delayed. huecahuaz. he will age; he will grow old; he will linger. huecapan. high. huecapanihui. (may) it grow, (may) it increase; it increases; it grows. huecapan. tall. huecatlan. deep; depth. huecauh. times of old, remote times. huehca. far away; afar. huehcahualoya. place to grow old in. huehueca. far apart. huehuecuahuitl. old tree. huehuei. big; great; large; grown; long. huehueinti. great; large. huehueintin. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old people; old ones. huehueipopol. very large. huehueitlaca. grown people, mature people; old people. huehuelic. always tasty; of pleasing odor. huehuemicoa. there is death for the old men. huehuento. little old man. huehuentzin. old man; revered old man. huehuentzitzin. esteemed old men; old men. huehue. old; old male; old man; aged man; old men; aged; ole. huehueti. he grows old. huehuetihuaya. someone became an old man. huehueti. they become old men. huehuetiz. he will become an old man; he will grow old. huehuetlaca. old people; ancient people. huehuetlacatl. old man; aged man. huehuetlatolli. counsel of the elders; words of the old men. huehuetl. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum. huehuetque. ancient ones; ancients. huehuetqueh. old men. huehuetque. old men; ancients; old people. huehuetzca. it laughs; it laughs heartily. huehuetzonani. drum beater. huehuetzonqui. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum. huehuetzotzonalo. there is drum beating. huehuetzque. they each one fell. huehuetztoc. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about. huehueyac. each one long; long. huei atenco. ocean shore, seashore.

huei atl. lagoon; sea. huei mapilli. thumb. huei. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main; principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature. hueipol. large; big; quite large; very large. huei. size. hueitepol. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large. hueitontli. a little large; a little long; rather large. hueiya. he becomes large; he grows; it becomes large; it grows big; it quickens; it grows; they become large. hueiyaz. he will grow. huelic. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory. huel. indeed, fully; really. huelique. savory; they are savory. huelitiz. it will be able. huelitolo. he is liked, he is spoken well of. huel. just, only. huellacaconemi. he lives in bliss, in peace. huellacaqui. they are obedient. huellacatlacua. it eats like a human being. huellachia. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they look carefully. huellacuaz. she will eat well, she is to eat well. huellaiximatia. they had good knowledge. huellaiximatini. one who is very learned. huellamati. they are satisfied. huellatzcueponi. it explodes. huellazotli. very precious. huel. much, very. huelpahtic. very tasty. huelpatic. very good-tasting; very tasty. huel. quite, very; really. hueltic. good-tasting; tasty. huel. very; completely; extremely; fully; quite; well; great; much; really; successfully. huenchihualiztli. the making of offerings. huentli. gift; offering. huepanmecatl. heavy rope. huetz. he fell. huetzia. he fell; it fell. huetzico. he came to fall; it came to fall. huetzi. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls; it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires (e.g.; gun); it discharges; it strikes [i.e.; gun]; she settles. huetz. it ended; it fell. huetzi. they fall. huetzitiuh. he goes to fall. huetzito. he went to fall; it went to fall. huetziz. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end; it will go. huetzizque. they will fall.

huetzquililo. there is occasion for mirth. huetzquiztli. laughter; smile; laugh. huetztihuitz. it quickly settled. huetztoc. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down; it is lying down; it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down. huexihua. one who has co-parents-in-law. huexihue. one who has co-parents-in-law. huexocanauhtli. black-crowned night heron. huexolome. turkey cocks. huexolotl. turkey cock; turkey-cock. huexotl. willow. hueya. (may) it grow, (may) it increase. hueyacapil. small and long. hueyac. big; high; long; tall. hueya. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it increases; it lengthens. hueyaquia. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows. hueyatl. lagoon. huezacotl. kangaroo rat. huiacapil. a little long; small and long. huiacapol. very long. huiacatontli. rather long; small and long. huiac. high; long; tall. huiaquia. it lengthens, it becomes long. huicoc. she was taken away, she was carried off. huico. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is carried; they are brought; they are taken. huicoz. he will be carried off. huictli. digging stick; hoe. huih. they go. huihuiacapipil. a little long. huihuiacatotonti. rather long. huihuiac. each one long; long. huihuilanqui. creeper. huihuilantica. it is dragging. huihuiloac. there was going on the part of each one. huihuiloa. there is departing on the part of each one; there is dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one; there is going on the part of each one; they disperse. huihuilohua. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going of various people. huihuiteco. he is beaten. huihui. they each go; they disperse; they individually go. huihuitztic. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny. huihuitzyo. spiny; thorny. huihuiyac. long. huihuiyoca. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles. huihuiyoni. it trembles. huilame. cripples. huilantoc. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched. huiloa. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there is departing. huiloatz. people come, there is coming.

huiloaya. one went, people went. huiloaz. one will go, people will go. huilohuaya. people go, there is going. huilotl. dove; mourning dove. huipilli. blouse; blouse (of indigenous women); shift. huiptla. the day after tomorrow. huiptlatica. every third day. huitecoc. it was struck; it was struck by lightning. huiteco. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning. huitecoya. he was struck by lightning. hui. they go; they depart; they migrate. huitlatzpatic. very long. huitlatztic. very long. huitomi. it crumbles; it falls. huitze. they come; they come back. huitz. he comes. huitzilatenco. southern seashore. huitz. it comes; it falls (i.e.; day); it follows. huitzitzili. hummingbird. huitzitzilin. hummingbird. huitzitziltetl. opal. huitzitzilti. hummingbirds. huitzitziltzin. hummingbird. huitzmallochihua. he makes needles. huitzmallonamacac. needle seller. huitzmallotl. needle. huitzquilitl. thistle. huitz. she comes. huitztequiliztli. the cutting of maguey spines. huitztequi. they cut maguey spines. huitztica. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using maguey spines. huitztic. pointed; sharp. huitztli. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine. huitztontli. sharp and pointed; small and pointed. huitzyo. spiny, thorny. huiyac. long. huiya. they went. iaayo. its water, its juice. iacalco. in his boat. iacapitzac. his reed stalk. iach. his older brother. iacol. his upper arms. iacolpan. on his shoulder. iacolyacac. tips of the wing-bends. iacoquizaya. his exaltation. iacxoyauh. his fir branch. iahahuitz. its wing tips. iahaz. its wings. iahuayo. its thorns. iahui. his aunt. iahuihuan. her aunts. ialtepeuh. his city. iamacal. her paper crown; his paper headdress.

iamamaxtli. his paper breech clout. iamaneapanal. his paper stole. iamatlapal. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings. iamatlapalton. its little leaves. iamatlapaltoton. its little leaves. iamatlatqui. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment; his paper vestments; paper vestments. iamatzon. his paper hair. iamox. his book, his almanac. ianima. her soul; his soul. iapitzal. his diarrhea. iatenco. her water's edge. iatlapalio. its leafiness, its leaves. iatlapal. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings. iatlapalpan. on its wings. iatlapaltitech. on its wing; on its wings. iatlauhyacac. her vagina. iatzin. his water. iauh. her drink; his drink. iaxca. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods; his possession; his property; its possession; their belongings. iaxcatzin. his (h.) possession; his (h.) treasure; his (h.) property. iaxix. his urine. iayacach. his gourd rattle. iayauhxicol. his mist jacket. iayo. her water. iayohuachio. its seeds. iayo. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water. ica. because of him, about him. icaca. he stood. icacahuauh. his chocolate. icaca. it stood; it was. icacalaquian. its various entering places. icacamanal. his joke. icacapollo. its berries. icaca. they stood. icac. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands; it is; she stands. icahuaca. it twitters. icalaquia. its place of entrance. icalaquiampa. in the west, its setting place [i.e., sun]; its place of setting; its place of entering. icalaquian. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of entering. icalaquiyan. its place of setting, its place of entering. ical. her house; his house. icalitic. in his house; within his home. ical. its hive; its nest. icallo. its setting. icalpixcacal. his treasury storehouse. icamachaloan. its jaws. icamac. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth. icamacpa. by his mouth, from his mouth; from its mouth; his mouth. icampa. behind him; behind his back; behind it. icanahuacan. his temples; on his temples.

icanauh. his duck. icapollo. its berries. ica. sometime; with it; by means of it; over it; with its use. ic. be means of, with it; by it; by means of it; by the use of it. iccen. finally, once and for all; for the last time. icecentetl. each one. iceceyaca. each one. icel. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly. icelica. his tenderness, his freshness. icel. only, alone; plain; unaccompanied; she alone; singly; by itself. iceltzin. he alone; only he; he himself. icemilhuitl. all day. icentequiuh. their complete function. ichalchiuhcoanacoch. his green stone serpent-shaped earplugs. ichamatl. maguey fiber paper. ichan. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their home; their house. ichantzinco. his home; his house. ichayatl. coarse maguey fiber cape. ichcactli. sandal made of maguey fiber. ichcacuitlatl. sheep dung, sheep excrement. ichcacuitlayo. cotton waste. ichcame. sheep (pl.); sheep [pl.]. ichcatetic. like flecks of cotton. ichcatlahuapahualli. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton. ichcatlapochintic. like carded cotton. ichcatlapochintli. carded cotton. ichcatl. cotton. ichcatontli. small piece of cotton. ichcauh. her cotton. ic. hence; therefore. ichicahualiz. its power, its strength. ichicahualizo. its strength. ichicahuaz. his rattle stick. ichichihualayo. her milk. ichichihual. her breast. ichichitica. with its saliva, by means of its saliva. ichimal. her shield; his shield; its shield. ichio. stringy. ichiquiz. its rubbing. ichmaxtlatzintli. maguey fiber breechcloth. ichochol. its dewclaws. ichoquiz. his weeping. ichoquiztlatol. his word of sorrow. ichpocatoton. young women. ichpocheque. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl. ichpoch. his daughter. ichpochtlahueliloc. evil young woman. ichpochtli. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin. ichpochtontli. baby girl; girl; maiden. ichpochtotolin. young turkey hen. ichpochtotoli. turkey pullet, young turkey hen. ichpochtzintli. maiden. ichpopochpipil. unmarried girls.

ichpopochti. maidens; young girls; young women. ichpopochtzitzinti. maidens. ichtacacalaquia. they entered secretly. ichtacaconetl. secret child. ichtaca. secret; secretly. ichtacatlatolli. secret. ichtec. he stole. ichtecque. thieves. ichtecqui. thief, one who steals. ichtequi. he steals; it steals. ichtequiliztli. robbery; theft. ichtequini. thief, one who steals. ichtequiz. he will steal. ichtequizque. they will rob, they will steal; they will commit a robbery. ichtica. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of maguey thread. ichtic. fibrous; wiry. ichtilmatli. maguey fiber cape. ichtli. maguey fiber. iciahuia. place of fatigue. iciahuiz. her fatigue; his fatigue. icicani. that which pants. icihuahuan. his women. icihuamon. her daughter-in-law. icihuatlatqui. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly belongings. icihuauh. his wife. icihuaxic. her female navel. icihuayo. her uterus; her vagina; her womb. ic. in order that; in order to. iciquiztli. the act of panting. icitzin. his beloved grandmother. iciuhca. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste; promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly. iciuhcatlacatl. impetuous person. icnimmoyactli. withdrawal of friends. icniuh. his friend. icnocalli. humble house. icnocuauhtli. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior. icnohuehue. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men. icnohuehuetque. poor old men. icnohuehueyotl. misery of a man's old age. icnoilama. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women. icnoilamayotl. misery of a woman's old age; misery of old women. icnonemiliztli. humble life. icnoocelotl. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior. icnopiltzintli. orphan. icnotepilhuan. poor sons, poor children. icnotlaca. needy people; poor people. icnotlacatl. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man; miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor person. icnotlacatzintli. very poor person. icnotlacayotl. misery; orphanhood. icnoyohuaz. you will be compassionate.

icnoyo. kind. icnoyotl. mischance, misery; misery misery; poverty; misfortune. icoatlan. its fangs. icoatopil. his serpent staff. icoatzin. his little snake, his little serpent. icochia. her sleeping place. icochian. her sleeping place. icochiz. his sleep. icocol. his ailment. icocolizyo. its ailments, its sicknesses. icocouh. its throat. icohuacualocauh. his snakebite. icohuahuan. his guests, his invited ones. icol. his grandfather. icoltzin. his beloved grandfather. iconetzin. his dear child. iconeuh. her child; her son; his child. icopal. his incense. icotocatoc. snoring. icozqui. his jewel; his ornament. icpac. at the top of it; on top of it; upon; on top of. icpacxochiuh. his wreath of flowers. icpal. his seat. icpaltiz. he will have a seat. icpatl. thread. icpaxiquipilli. cord bag; cotton bag. icpitl. firefly. ic. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result; therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason; in this way; hence. icuac. at its head; at the end. icuachichiquil. its crest. icuac. its tip; on his head; on its head; on its top; on the end of it; to its top. icuacuauh. his horns; its antlers. icuac. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the time of; then; thereupon; this time. icuaihhuiyo. its head feathers. icualan. his anger. icuanepantla. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of his head. icuauh iteuh. his punishment, his castigation. icuauh. his club, his piece of wood; his stick. icuauhyo. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its vines. icuaxical. its skull. icuech. its rattle; its rattles. icue. her skirt; her skirts. icuepca. its reply. icueponca. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening. icueton. her little skirt. icuexanco. in her lap. icuezcon. her grain bin. icuicanyo. his songs. icuic. her song; his song. icuitlapampa. from behind him; from his rectum; his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum; into his

rectum; on its back. icuitlapan. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on his backside; on its back; on their back. icuitlapanpa. from his anus; into his rectum. icuitlapil iiatlapal. his common people. icuitlapilco. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail. icuitlapil. his tail; its tail. icuitlapiltitech. on its tail. icuitlapilyac. the point of its tail. icuitlatetepon. its spine, its backbone. icuitlaxcol. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines. icuitl. his excrement; his offal; its excrement. ic. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; because of it; by means of it; with this; thus. icxicocolli. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection. icxic. on her feet; on his feet; on his foot; on his leg; on its feet. icxicoyolli. foot jingle, shells for the ankles. icxicoztic. having yellow legs. icxi. her feet; his feet; his foot; his leg; his legs. icxihueyaquia. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens. icxi. its feet; its legs; its foot. icximimiquiz. his feet will be numbed. icxiohtli. path. icxipan. on foot. icxitlan. at the foot of it. icxitl. foot. icxitzin. her [h.] foot. iczotilmaxixipetztli. shiny palm leaf fiber cape. iehuayo. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin. ielchiquiuh. his chest. ielpanehua. its chest. ielpan. its belly, its breast; on his chest; on his breast; on its belly; on its chest; on its breast. iexoyo. its bean; its pod. ieyo. its bean. iezcocoyo. its blood vessel. iezyo. his blood. iezzo. his blood; its blood; their blood. ihcac. it stands, it is. ihcica. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants. ihcoyoca. it crackles. ihcuac. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during; forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever. ihhuicalli. house of feathers. ihhuinamacac. feather seller. ihhuipapalotl. feather down butterfly. ihhuitelolotli. ball of feathers. ihhuitica. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using feathers. ihhuitic. feather-like. ihhuitilahuac. heavy feathered. ihhuitilmatli. feather cape. ihhuitlachihualli. feather work; feather creation. ihhuitlacuilolli. feather mosaic, feather design; feather painting. ihhuitl. feather.

ihhuitopilli. feathered staff. ihhuitzahua. she spins feathers. ihhuitzoncal. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress. ihhuitzoncalli. feather headdress. ihhuiyo. feathered, having feathers; his featheriness; its feathers; plumage; featheriness. ihhuiyotilahuac. having thick feathers; heavy feathered. ihhuizaloliztli. feather gluing. ihichio. fibrous. ihichtequiz. he will steal. ihicxe. it has feet. ihilihuizti. she is inconsiderate. ihiocuique. they restored their strength. ihixtelolohua. having eyes. ihiyo. his breath, his spirit; its essence. ihiyoquiza. it perspires. ihiyotica. with its breath, by means of his breath. ihiyotl. breath; spirit. ihiyotzin. his breath, his spirit. ihiztaquiltic. light green. ihiztlacati. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar. ihiztlacatizque. they will tell lies. ihquitiliztli. weaving. ihquitiz. she will weave. ihtic. inside it. ihticoyoni. it is hollow inside. ihticoyonqui. hollow. ihtihuilani. the abdomen drags. ihtitl. belly. ihtitzotzolli. flabbiness of the stomach. ihtlacauh. it became corrupted. ihua. it is drunk. ihualoni. drink. ihuan. and; also; with him; with it; with them. ihuani. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is drink. ihuan. them; with it; and. ihuanyolque. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their relatives. ihuanyolqui. her kinsman. ihuauhyo. its amaranth seeds. ihuayolque. her kinsmen. ihuehueihuan. his old men. ihuehueuh. his drum. ihuehueyohuan. his old men. ihueimaxtli. his large breechcloth. ihuelica. its scent, its odor. ihuelmach. his pleasure. ihueltiuh. his older sister. ihuen. his offering. ihuetzian. his place of reclining; its place of falling. ihueyilhuiuh. his great festival. ihuian. at his leisure, without haste; calm; calmly; in peace; peacefully; carefully; cautiously; gently; quietly; gradually; little by little; in tranquility. ihuianioque. those who are peaceful.

ihuian. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly; cautiously; little by little; gently; carefully; gradually; tranquilly; softly. ihuiantzin. meekly, peacefully. ihuian. unobtrusively; without haste; slowly. ihuical. with it, accompanying it. ihuicpa. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward her; toward it; to it. ihuic. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it. ihui. it is similar; it is thus; it is so; like; as. ihuin. thus; so. ihuintia. they became besotted, they got drunk. ihuintic. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated; he got drunk. ihuinti. he gets drunk. ihuintiliztli. drunkenness. ihuinti. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk. ihuintitinemi. she goes about drunk. ihuintitl. drinker, drunkard. ihuintiztli. drunkenness. ihuipil. her shift; her blouse; her shifts. ihuipilton. her little blouse. ihuitenhuahuanqui. striped with feathers. ihuitz. her thorns; his maguey spine; his thorn; his maguey spines; his thorns. ihuitzitzilnahual. his hummingbird disguise. ihuitzo. its thorns. ihuiyan. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly. ihyaca. its scent; its smell; its cent. ihyac. aromatic; evil-smelling; having a foul odor; scented; stinking; foul smelling; having a bad smell. ihyalpatic. extremely foul smelling. ihyaya. it stinks. iiahui. his aunt. iiahuiltoca. his derisive name. iiahuitzin. his beloved aunt. iiahuiyaca. its scent. iiamamaxtli. its paper breechcloth. iiamatlapal. its leaves; its petals; its wings. iiamatlapalto. its little leaves. iiatlapal. his wing; its leaves; its wings. iiauh. his water. iiaxca. her property; her realm; his possession; his property. iiaxcatzin. his (h.) possession, his (h.) property. iiaxix. her urine. iiayocali. his house of tears. iichpochtontli. maiden. iicnihuan. its companions. iicniuh. his friend. iicpac. on top of it. iicxic. on her legs. iicxi. his foot; his leg; its feet; its foot. iiehuayo. her skin; its skin; its hide. iielpan. his chest, his breast. iiezzo. his blood; its blood.

iihhuiyo. its feathers. iihtztica. it remains looking. iilhuil. his desert, his merit. iilhuiuh. his feast day. iiohhui. her road, her way; its road; its way. iiohui. its way, its path. iiomio. his bones; its bones; its feathers. iithualco. his courtyard; in his courtyard. iitic. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it; inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior; its intestines; on its belly. iiticoyonqui. hollow, having a hole. iitic. within her; within him; within it. iiti. her abdomen; her abdomen [i.e.; her labor pains]; her womb; his abdomen; its abdomen; its belly; its insides. iititzin. her abdomen. iitla. his uncle. iitzqui. active. iiusticia. its justice. iix inacaz. her mediator. iixayo. its tears. iixco. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on his face; on its surface. iix. her eye; his eye. iixhuacan. its sprouting place. iixhuaya. its sprouting place. iixiptla. his image; his impersonator. iix. its eye. iixpan. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him; in front of him; in his presence; on his eyes. iixpantzinco. before him, in front of him; in his presence. iiztaya. it becomes white; it brightens; it whitens; it gladdens. iizti. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails. iiztitzin. his fingernails. iiztlac. his lie. ilacatziuhqui. like a spiral; twisted. ilacatztic. spiraled. ilamamicoa. there is death for the old women. ilamanemiliztli. life of an old woman. ilama. old female; old woman; old women. ilamapipil. old women. ilamapol. poor old woman. ilamati. they become old women. ilamatiz. she will become an old woman. ilamatlaca. old women. ilamatlacatl. noble old woman; old woman. ilamatlahueliloc. evil old woman. ilamato. little old woman. ilamaton. little old lady; little old woman. ilamatotoli. old turkey hen. ilamatoton. old women. ilamatque. old women. ilamatzin. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman.

ilamatzitzin. esteemed old women; old women. ilamayohua. her old women. ilamayohuan. his old women. ilaquiloz. he will be drowned; he will drown. ilhuicaapan. in the ocean; in the sea. ilhuicaatenco. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast. ilhuicaatl. ocean; sea. ilhuicaaxalli. ocean sand. ilhuicaaxaltitlan. in the ocean sand. ilhuicac. heaven. ilhuicacihua. celestial women. ilhuicacihuatl. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens. ilhuicac. in heaven; in the sky. ilhuicahua. lord of the heavens, owner of the heavens. ilhuicateotl. god of the heavens. ilhuicatitech. in the heavens. ilhuicatl. heaven; heavens; celestial part; in heaven. ilhuichihualo. a feast is held. ilhuil. his desert, his merit; his fate. ilhuilli. desert, merit; fortune; favor; gift; recompense. ilhuiloc. it was said. ilhuilo. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told. ilhuiloque. they were told. ilhuiloya. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to her; she was told; it was said to him; it was said to them; they were told. ilhuiquixtililoya. his feast day was celebrated. ilhuitlalo. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated. ilhuitlamati. he considers it a feast day. ilhuitl. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit. ilhuiuh. her feast day; his feast; his feast day. ilhuiuhquizaya. his feast day came. ilihuiztlacatl. inconsiderate person. ilihuiztlatlatolli. idle word. ilihuiztlatolli. unconsidered discussion. ilihuiz. without reason; thoughtlessly. ililhuiloya. it was said to him, he was told. ilin. ash tree. illamato. little old woman. iloti. it abates, it retreats. ilpiloque. they were bound, they were tied up. imaamamaxtli. their paper breechcloths. imaamaneapanal. their paper stoles. imacalchimal. their shield-boat. imacalco. to their boat, in their boat. imacal. their boat; their boats. imacalyacac. in the prow of their boat. imac. at his hand; at his hands. imacaxoa. it is respected. imacaxo. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared. imacaxoya. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were dreaded; they were feared. imacaxtli. respected; revered. imac. by his hand. imaccuauh. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club. imacehuahuan. his vassals.

imacehual. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his man; his servant; his people; his reward. imacehualhuan. his common people; his people; his vassals. imachcauh. their leader. imac. in her hand; in her hands; in her care; in her charge; in his care; in his hands; in his hand; in its grasp; in its hands; in their hands. imacolpan. on their shoulders; on their upper arms. imac. on her arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hand; on his hands; on its hands. imacpa. from his hands; from his clutches. imacpal. her forearm. imactzinco. in his hands. imacualnemiliz. their evil life. imacuauh. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their obsidian-bladed clubs. imac. with his hands. imacxoyauh. his fir branch; their fir branch. imahcehual. his merit. ima. her arms; her hands; his arm; his arms; his hand; its front foot [i.e.; of an animal]; his hands. imahuayo. their thorn. imahuihuan. their aunts. imahuiz. her awe; his fear; his glory. imahuizyocan. his place of honor. imahuizyo. his honor; his renown. ima. its branches; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its hand; its hands; its forefeet. imalac. her spindle; her spindle whorl. imal. his captive; its catch. imaltepeuh. their cities; their city. imama. its branches. imamamaxtli. their paper breechclouts. imamaneapan. their paper should-sash. imamanechichihual. their paper adornment; their paper adornments. imamatlaquen. their paper clothing; their paper vestments. imamatlatqui. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper vestment; their paper vestments. imamatzon. their paper wigs. imaniman. their soul. imapil. her finger; his finger. imapiltzalan. between his fingers. imaquechtlan. on his wrist. imatitlan. on its branches. imatl. his net. imatlian. their drinking place. imatliyan. their drinking place. imatzocol. its branch. imatzotzopaz. his forearm. imauh intepeuh. their city. imauh. their water. imaxca. their possession; their property; their privilege. imaxtlaton. his small breechcloth. imaxtli. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout. imayacach. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles.

imayazol. their miserable cape, their old worn cape. imayo. their milk. imayouh. their turtle shell. imecac. in his bonds, in his ropes. imecamaxal. her divided cord. imecayo. its vine. imehuayo. their skin. imelchiquiuh. their breast, their chest; their chests; their breasts. imelcicihuiliz. their sighing. imemecayo. its vine. imemetl. its gizzard. imemeyallo. its exudation; its sap. imetz. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs. imetzpan. on his thigh. imezyo. their blood. imezzo. their blood. imezzotica. with their blood, using their blood. imicampa. behind them. imichcahuipil. their cotton armor. imichhuan. its fish. imichpochhuan. their daughters; their maidens. imichpoch. their daughter; their maiden. imichtech. their stolen goods. imichtilma. their maguey fiber cape. imicnihuan. their companions. imicniuh. their friend. imicnoyo. their misery. imicpac. on top of them, on their heads. imicxic. on their ankles; on their feet. imicxi. their feet. imieuh. their maguey. imihio. their spirit. imihiyo intlatol. their orations. imihiyo. their influence. imil. his maize field, his corn field. imilhuil. their desert, their merit. imilhuiuh. their feast day. imimiyahuayo moquetza. he has a stitch in his side. imiquiz. her death; his death; its death; its misery. imiquizpan. her time of death; his time to die. imiquiztehuical. his companion in death. imiquiztequipan. his tribute of death. imiquiztequiuh. his burden of death. imithualco. in their courtyard; in their courtyards. imitic. inside them; within them. imitlacauhca. their defect, their fault; their faulc. imittac. their refreshment. imitzcuinhuan. their dogs. imiuhcatiliz. their condition; their inherent qualities. imiuh. his arrow; its star. imixayo. their tears. imixco. in their eyes; in their faces. imixcuac. their foreheads. imixcua. their foreheads. imixhuihuan. his grandchildren; their grandchildren. imixiptlahuan. their images; their representations; their likenesses; their impersonators.

imixiptla. their images; their representation. imixpan. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their presence; in their time. imixtelolo. their eyes. imix. their eyes; their face. imiztlacateohuan. their false gods. imiztlacatlatol. their false word, their lying word. imiztlac. their saliva. immachiyouh. their omen, their sign. immac. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists. immalhuan. their captives. immanel. although. immiquiz. their death. imochihuaya. its breeding place. imochiuhya. its growing place. imochiuhyan. its growing place. imoc. their wine. imol. his sauce. imomio. his bones; their bone(s). imonnan. his mother-in-law. imoquichtiliz. their valor. imoztlayoc. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day. impan. on them; among them; at them. impanpa. for their sake. impatiuh. their reward. impial. their charge, their care. impilhuan. its young; their children; their sons. impilhuantzitzin. their babies. in ichpoch. his daughter. in ilhuiuh. his feast day. in ima. its fore feet. inacacayo. his flesh. inaca. its flesh. inacayocan. on the body. inacayo. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh; his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body. inacayotzin. his body. inacazco. in his ear; on his ear. inacaz. her ear, her hearer; his ear. inacazhuan. its ears. inacaz. its ear; its ears. inacaztitech. from his ear. inacaztlan. on its outskirts [e.g., of a town]. inacoch. his ear plug. inahuac. near it; in the vicinity of it. inahual. his disguise; his magic form. inamic. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his wife. inamichuan. their wives. inamic. its mate; its remedy. inanamic. its remedy, its cure. inan. her mother; his mother. inanhuan. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers. inan. its mother; their mother. inantzin. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother.

incacax. their carrying frame. incal. their house, their houses. incamac. in their mouth. incamaxoquiaca. the bad odor of their mouths. incampa. where. incanahuacan. on their temples; their temples. incelica. their tenderness. incentequiuh. their common responsibility. inchachan. their homes; their houses; their various homes. inchan. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory; their homes; their houses; their land. inchantzinco. their home. inchichihualayouh. their milk. inchichimal. their shields; their shields (each one). inchimal. their shield; their shields. inchipahuacanemiliz. their pure life, their clean life. inchoquiz. their tears; their weeping. inchoquiztlatol. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief. inchoquizyo. their weeping. incihuahuan. their hens; their women. incihuahua. their wives; their women. incihuan. their grandmothers. incihuatlatqui. their womanly belongings; their womanly array. incihuayo. their vulva. incinteohuan. their maize gods. incocoliz. their sickness. incocoxcahuan. their sick people. incolhuan. their grandfathers. inconeuh. their child. incotztitech. on their heels. incuach. their large capes, their mantles. incualtiliz. their goodness. incuauh. their stave. incue. their skirts. incuetitlan. in their skirts. incuic. their song. incuitlapiltzin. their tail feathers. incuitlaxcol. their entrails; their intestines. inealtiliz. his bathing. inechichihual. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his ornamentation; his finery; their adornment. inechihual. her ornamentation. inecnomachiliztlatol. his words of humility. inecoca. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its use; need of it. inecuayia. its maguey syrup drinking place. inecuepaliz. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation. ineixcahuil. his private thing. ineixcahuiltoca. its proper name. inelhuayo. his root, his origin; its root; its roots. inelhuayotitech. next to its root. inelhuayoton. its small root. inemac. his gift; his privilege. inemanahuil. his excrement. inemauhtil. his dread, his fear.

inemia. her dwelling place. inemian. his abode; its dwelling place. inemiliz. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life. inemiyan. his abode, his dwelling place. inenamictiliz. her marriage. inenepilco. on his tongue. inenepil. his tongue; its tongue. inenextiliz. his apparition, his appearance. inentla. its dwelling; its dwelling place. inepantla. in the middle of it; in the midst of it. ineteilhuil. his accusation; their complaint. inetequipachol. his effort. inetlaxoniuh. his resting place. inetoliniliz. his poverty, his misery. ineuc. its honey; its sweetness. ineucyo. its sap. inextitlan. his fireside. ineyollaliliz. his consolation. inezahualiz. her fast; his fasting; their fasting. inezca. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace. inhuan. poss-hua:n1; with them. inhuehuetcahuan. their old men. inhueltiuh. their older sister. inhuen. their gift; their gifts. inhuic. toward them. inhuipil. their blouses, their shifts. inhuitzio. their spine, their thorn. inhuitz. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine. inhuitzyo. their thorn. inic. by means of it; for this reason; since; in order that; in order to; in such a way; thus. inicnihuan. their friends. inic. such; therefore; for this reason; thus; in this way; so. iniezzo. his blood. inihuayolque. his kinsmen. inin. nowhere; this. inique. these. inixiptlahuan. their images, their representations. inixpan. before them, in front of them. iniyollo. his heart. inmacehual. their desert, their merit. inmac. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms. inmacuauh. their sword; their swords. inmahuizcuiyan. time of their fright. inmahuizyo. their honor. inmalhuan. their captives. inmalhua. their captives. inmamaccuauh. their obsidian-bladed swords. inmamacuauh. their swords (each one). inmanel. although, even though; even. inmapil. their fingers. inmaquechtlan. their wrists. inma. their arms; their forelegs; their hands. inmatzotzopazpan. on their forearms. inmaxtli. their breechcloths. inmecahua. their paramours, their concubines. inmemecamaxtli. their rope breechcloths.

inmeuh. their maguey. inmil. their field. inmiquiz. their death. innacayo. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their staff of life. innacaz. their ears. innahuan. their mothers; their older women. innahuatil. their commandment, their law; their duty; their precept. innamichuan. their mates; their spouses; their husbands. innanhuan. their mothers. innan. their mother. inna. their mother. innealtiayan. their bathing place. innealtiliz. their bathing. innechichihual. their adornment. innecuepal. their return. innecuiltonol. their wealth; their riches. innehuapahualiz. their upbringing; their education. inneixcahuil. their personal charge; their privilege. innemian. their dwelling place. innemiliz. their life; their manner of life; their way of life. innenecoc. on both sides. innenepil. their tongues. innenonotzal. their council; their tradition. innepantla. in the midst of them. innetlacahuil. their leftovers. innetlapololtilizpan. their place of confusion. innetlapololtiliz. their confusion; their folly; their delusion. innetlazotlaliz. their gratitude. innetocayan. their burial place. innetoliniliz. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their affliction. innetol. their vow. inneuhca. their breakfast. innexin. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress. innezahualiz. their fasting. innezcaliliz. their prudence; their rearing. innezcaltiliz. their rearing. inoma. herself, on her own; of his own free will. inpan. on them. inpapaquiliz. their happiness, their joy. inpaquiz. their happiness. inpayo. their potions. inpetlacal. their reed chest. inpetl. their mat; their reed mat. inpiel. their charge, their storage. inpilhuan. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their young ones; their babies. inpillo. their lord. inpiltzin. their son, their child. inquech. their neck. inquechtlan. on their neck. inquimil. their bundle. intahhuan. their fathers. intahuan. their fathers. intatanatoton. their little reed baskets. inta. their father.

intech quiza. it takes effect on them. intelpochhuan. their youths. intelpoch. their young man, their youth; their son. intemal. someone's captive. intenahuatil. their commandment. intenamiquia. their greeting [gift], their means of greeting. intenanhuan. their mothers; their walls. intenco. on their lips. intenonotzaliz. their discourse. intenteuh. their lip plugs. intentzon. their beards. inteoauh intlachinol. their war. inteocal. their temples. inteohuan. their gods. inteohua. their gods. inteopan. their temple. inteopixcauh. their priest. inteotequiuh. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility. inteouh. their god; their deity; their goddess. intepeuh. their hill; their mountain. intepozcuacalala. their helmet. intepozmacuauh. their iron sword. intepoztopil. their iron lance. intequiuh huetzi. they lay down their cares. intequiuh. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their function; their task; their labor; their office; their preoccupation; their responsibility; their work. intetahuan. their fathers. inteteopan. their temples. intetepozmacuauh. their iron sword. intetlapaloaya. their greetings. intetlazotlaliz. their love. intetzauh. their omen, their evil omen, their portent. inteyacancauh. their leader. in. this. intilma. their capes. intilmatzitzi. their little capes. intla cana. if somewhere. intlaca. if not. intlacalaquil. their tribute; their tribute payment. intlacamo. if not; otherwise; unless. intlacaquiliz. their understanding. intlacayac. if nothing. intlacayocmo. if no more, if no longer. intlachializ. their appearance. intlachichihual. their work. intlachieliz. their appearance. intlachihual. their act, their deed; their creation; their work; their product. intlacouh. their twigs. intlac. their bodies; their body. intlacual. their food. intlacuayan. their eating place. intlahuanaya. their drinking vessel. intlahuancax. their drinking vessel. intlahuan. their uncles. intlahuitol. their bow; their bows; their crossbow.

intla. if; if if; whether. intlalhuayo. their nerves. intlalpan. their land. intlal. their lands. intlamacazcahuan. their priests. intlamacehualiz. their penitence. intlan oncalacque. they submitted to them. intlan. among them; with them; beneath them. intlancuac. on their knees. intlancua. their knees. intlanel. although, even if; if; though. intlanextil. their discovery. intlanitzco. on their shins. intlaniyaca. the bad odor of their teeth. intlanozo. or perhaps. intlan. their teeth; with them; among them. intlaocol. their sorrow; their compassion. intlaol. their dried grains of maize. intlapal. their color, their red. intlapetlanilcuauh. their lightning stick. intlapilchihual. their sin. intlapoal. their number; their reckoning; their count. intlaquen. their clothes; their clothing. intlaqui. their equipment. intlateotoquiliz. their idolatry. intlatlacol. their sin. intlatlamanaya. their offering places. intlatlatlauhtiliz. their prayer. intlatocauh. their ruler. intlatollo. their history; their words. intlatolpan. in their language. intlatol. their speech; their words; their account; their consideration; their counsel; their determination; their discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say; their tongue; their utterance. intlatoltzin. their words. intlatqui. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods; their possessions; their property. intlatquitzi. their noble goods. intlayectlalil. their product. intlema. their incense ladle; their incense ladles. intlil. their black. intoca. their name; their names. intolol. their bowing of their heads. intomio. their fur. intonacayouh. maize, corn. intonalamauh. their book of days. intonal. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate. intop inpetlacal. their secrets. intopil. their lance. intop. their coffer. intozqui. his voice; their voice. intzalan. among them. intzatzalan. between them. intzitzicaz. their nettles.

intzonipilhuaz. their hair braids. intzontecon. their head; their heads; their hear. intzon. their hair. intzotzoma. their rags, their tatters. inxayac. their face; their faces. inxilla. in their bosoms. inxillan. in their bosom. inxixical. their gourds. inxoquechtlan. their ankles. inyacac. in their nose, in their nostrils. inyaohuan. their adversaries, their enemies; their foes. inyaotlatqui. their battle dress; their battle gear; their battle equipment. inyeliz. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature. inyeyan. on their seat. inyollocopa. from their heart. inyollo. their heart; their heart[s]; their hearts. inzacapech. their straw beds. ioc. his pulque, his wine. iocxayac. his wine face. iohhui. its trail, its path; its road. iohuitzin. his little danger. iomio. his bones; its bones. iomiyo. his bones. ioquichhuacan. her wifely place. ioquichhui. her bridegroom, her man; her husband. ioquichtihua. her older brothers. iotlatocaya. his trail rations, his means of living on the road. ioztoyo. its mine, its cave. ipaccanemiliz. its life of peace. ipac. his joy, his happiness. ipahyo. his remedy; his cure; its cure; its remedy. ipalanca. its rottenness. ipal. because of him, with his help; by him; by his grace; thanks to him; through him. ipaltzinco. by his grace; through him; by his grace [h.]. ipal. with its help. ipampa. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it; for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since; therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the sake of; its reason; for the reason; for the sake of him; for this because; hence; in connection with; in order that. ipampan. because of it; therefore. ipampa. on account of it; on behalf of him; on this account; because of this; so; therefore; thus; wherefore. ipan mixeuh. he represented him. ipan moquixtiaya. he turns himself into it. ipan moquixti. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him. ipan oquizque. they contended with him; they set upon him. ipan quiza. he comes upon it. ipan tlatoa. he pleads his cause. ipan tlatoaya. they sponsored him. ipan. in it; on it. ipanocatilahuac. thick all over.

ipan. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it; into it; over it. ipanpa. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for it; therefore; hence. ipanpan. because of it; for that reason; thus. ipan. she looks; with it; on it. ipatica. its cure, its remedy. ipatiuh. his price; its price; its value; its worth. ipayo. its cure; its remedy; its treatment. ipehualiz. his origin. ipepech. its basis, its foundation; its bed. ipetlacaltzin. his reed chest. ipetlapan icpalpan. in his realm. ipetlapan. on his reed mat. ipetlatzin. his reed mat. ipetl. his mat; his reed mat. ipial. her charge, her care. ipialoca. the keeping of it. ipiazyo. its channel. ipiel. his charge. ipihuan. her older sisters. ipilchan. his princely home. ipilhuan. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his sons; its young. ipiltoca. his princely name. ipiltzin. his child; his dear son; his son. ipinahuiz. his shame. ipochquiotl. its vapor. ipocyo. its smoke. ipolihuia. his destruction. ipolihuiz. his ruin. ipozolcac. his foam sandals. ipozonca. its foam. iquech. his neck; its neck. iquechpan. on its shoulder, from its shoulder. iquechtlan. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck; on its shoulder. iquillo. its foliage; its leaves; its stalk; its stalks. iquin. when. iquiyoyo. its stem. iquizaya. its place of egress, it place of going out. iquizayan. its place of egress, its leaving place. iquizayanpa. in the east, its rising place [i.e., sun]. itacatl. travel ration, food for the road. ita. her father; his father. itahua. its fathers. itahuan. her fathers; his elders; his parents. ita. its father. itana. her basket. itapachcal. his house of seashells. itapalcayo. its shell; its sherd. itapazol. its nest. itatapa. his rags, his tatters. itatzin. her father; his beloved father; his father. itech aci. he lies with her. itech onaci. he lays hold of it.

itech oquiz. it affected him. itech quiza. it derives from it. itech. around it, in contact with it; from it; adjacent to it; with it; in it; into it. itechiuhcauh. his governor. itech. on him; on it. itechpa. about him; about it. itech. to her; to him; to it; up to it; with him. itecotoca. his lordly name. itecpayo. his flint knife. itecuaya. its mouth, its means of devouring people. itecuihuan. his lords. itecuitlacoyolnacoch. his golden shell earplugs. itehuan. its eggs. itehuical. his companion. iteiccahuan. his younger brothers. iteiccauh. his younger brother. itelpoch. his youth. itemicticahuan. his executioners. itemoya. his way of coming down, his path of coming down. itempilol. his lip pendant. itenco. at its edge; in his lip; on her lips; on his lips; on its edge; on its border; on its rim. itencualac. his lie; his venom; its poison. iten. his lips. itenhuan. its lips. itenhuitz. its pointed bill. iten. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border; its edges; its lips; its muzzle. itenotzaliz. its warning. itenpa. at its edge. itenpatlac. its wide bill. itentlacahual. its gnawed leavings. itentzin. his lip. itentzon. his beard. itenxipal. his lip. iteocal. his temple. iteocuitlacal. his golden house; his house of gold. iteocuitlanacoch. her golden ear plug. iteocuitlapan. its golden banner. iteocuitlayacapilpalouh. her golden butterfly nose pendant. iteohuan. his gods. iteonahuatil. his divine command. iteopan. her temple; his temple. iteouh. his god. itepetlacal. his reed box. itepetzin. his hill, his mountain. itepixcauh. his guardian. itepoloaya. his time to destroy people. itepozmacuauh. his iron sword. itequio. his office, his function. itequippan. his responsibility, his task. itequiuh. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his duty; his works; its

function; its labor; its work; its task; their acts; their function; their office; their task; their work. itetlaocolil. his mercy, his sorrow for someone. itetzauh. his omen, his evil omen, his portent. iteuh. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs. itezacapiaz. his slender lip pendant. itezacauh. his lip pendant. ithualchichihualo. the courtyard it prepared. ithualco. courtyard; in the courtyard. ithualli. courtyard. ithualnepantla. in the middle of the courtyard. itiachcauh. his older brother. itiamic. her wares. itianquiz. her market place. itic. in him, inside him; within him; in it; during it; in midst of it; in the midst of it; inside it; into it; within it; among it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its interior. iticococ. that which burns within. iticoyonqui. hollow. iticpa. from within him. itic. within her, in her; within him; within it; in it. itiehuatl. skin of the abdomen. itilma. his cape; their cape. itipochinqui. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within. itipozahua. his abdomen swells up; his stomach swells; his stomach swells up. itipozahualiztli. swelling of the abdomen. itipozahua. the abdomen swells. itipozahuaz. his stomach will swell. ititlanhuan. his messengers. itixoxoctic. green-bellied. itizauh. her chalk. itizayo. his chalkiness. itlaaltilhuan. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves. itlaaquillo. its fruit. itlacaccauh. her hearer. itlacachan. its breeding place. itlacahui. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils; it suffers harm. itlacahuiz. his failure. itlacapan. on its body. itlacatia. its breeding place. itlacatian. its breeding place. itlacatiliz. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date. itlacatiuh. it becomes corrupted, it goes becoming corrupted. itlacauhqui. blemished. itlachcayo. its down, its feathers. itlac. her body. itlachializ. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight. itlachieliz. his appearance; his countenance; its appearance. itlachihual. his creation; his deed; his doing. itlachihualhuan. his creations; his creatures. itlachihual. its power, its doing. itlachihualtzin. his (h.) creation; his creation. itlachinolxochiuh. his fire-flowers. itlac. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its trunk; its trunk [i.e.; of a tree].

itlacoanotzalhuan. his guests, his invited ones. itlacoyo. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems. itlacual. her food; his food. itlacualhuan. its foods. itlacual. its food; their food. itlacualtzin. their food. itlacuilol. his writing. itlaczaya. his walking staff. itla. his uncle. itlahtol. its song. itlahuancayo. his drunkenness. itlahuan. her uncles. itlahuilanhuan. its companions. itlahuitol. his bow. itlahuiz. his insignia. itlal. his land. itlalhuayo. his nerves. itlallo. its land. itlalticpactoca. his earthly name. itlaminal. its sting. itlan onoque. they are in charge of him. itlan. by it; next to it. itlancoch. its molars. itlanco. in his teeth. itlanelohuaya. its rowers. itlanex. its light. itlanextil. his invention; his discovery. itlanextiliz. his brilliance. itlanexton. its small light. itlan. his tooth; its teeth. itlanitzco. on the calf of his lef. itlan. near him; near it. itlaocol. his sorrow. itlaocollatol. his word of sorrow, his word of pity. itlapacholhuan. his subjects. itlapalihuiz. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength. itlapallo. its color. itlapaltzin. his [h.] strength. itlapializ. his overseeing. itlapilchihualiz. his sin. itlaquen. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its accouterments; its dress. itla. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing. itlatlachihual. its actions, its deeds. itlatlacol. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage. itlatlacolpil. its harm. itlatlatollo. its separate accounts. itlatocatequiuh. his office of ruler, his function as ruler. itlatocatoca. his regal title. itlatol. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his message; his speech; his statement; his words; his conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse. itlatolhuaz. his gullet. itlatol. its song; its voice; its words. itlatollo. its account; its discussion; its discourse. itlatoltzin. his word; his words. itlaton. a little something.

itlatqui. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array; his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment; his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its adornment; its array; its property. itlatquitzin. his (h.) property; his (h.) goods; his clothing. itlatzin. his beloved uncle; some little thing. itlatzintil. his innovation; his invention. itlaxichio. their bolts, their pegs. itlazo. his esteem. itlazopiltzin. his beloved son. itlecuauh. his fire drill. itlecuillan. his hearth. itlema. his incense ladle. itleuh. his fire; its rump gland. itleyo. his glory. itlilauh. his black water. itoca. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called. itocatzin. his holy name; his name. itoch. his rabbit. itohmio. its fur. itoloc. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was ordained. itolo. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said. itolol. his bowing of his head. itolo. they are told of. itoloz. it will be said. itomio. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair. itonal. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot; his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its heat. itonallo. his heat; its fortune. itonal. their privilege. itonatiuh. his sun. itopil. his cane, his staff. itoptzin ipetlacaltzin. his mysteries. itoptzin. his coffer. itotouh. his bird; his virile member. itozcac. in its throat; its throat; on his throat; on its throat. itozca. its throat. itozcatlan. on its throat. itozqui. his voice; its voice. ittalo. it is seen, it is visible. ittaloni. visible. ittaloque. they were seen. ittaloya. it was seen. ittitzotzoltic. having a wrinkled stomach. ittoc. he was seen; it was seen. itto. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen. ittoque. they were seen. itto. they are seen; they are encountered. ittoya. it was seen; it looked; they were discovered; they were seen. ittoz. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen. ittozque. they will be seen. itzahualcax. her spinning bowl. itzapoicpal. his sapote leaf seat. itzatziliz. his cry, his shout; its howl.

itzcac. obsidian sandal. itzcactli. obsidian sandal. itzcalpatic. exceedingly cold. itzcaltic. very cold. itzcapatic. extremely cold; very cold. itzcozcatl. obsidian necklace. itzcuauhtli. golden eagle; obsidian eagle. itzcuincuani. ringtail. itzcuin. his dog. itzcuinhuan. his dogs. itzcuinnacatl. dog meat. itzcuinnemitiliztli. dog breeding. itzcuintepolli. penis of a dog. itzcuinti. dogs. itzcuintli. dog. itzinco. in his anus. itzin. its origin. itzintamal. his buttocks; its haunches. itzinteyo. its roots. itzintiliz. his beginning. itzintlan. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom of it; at the foot of it; at the end of it; at the start of it; its base; its lower part; its root; on its abdomen; on its bottom; on its tail. itzintomahuaca. its thick base. itzitzicaztilma. his cape of nettles. itzmiquilitl. purslane. itzmitl. obsidian-pointed arrow. itznacochtli. obsidian ear plug. itzoncal. his headdress; his wig. itzon. her hair; his hair. itzonhuaz. his snare. itzon. its hair; its maize silk; its corn silk; its spikelet; its top (i.e.; amaranth leaves). itzonquen. her mantle of hair. itzonteco. his head. itzontecon. her head; his head; its head. itzontencon. his head. itzotzoma. his rags; his tatters. itzotzomatzin. his rags; his tatters. itzotzopaz. her weaving stick. itzpactli. obsidian medicine. itztapalcatl. obsidian chip. itztetl. unworked obsidian. itztia. it becomes cold. itztic. cold; cool; cooling. itztimotlalia. it sits facing it. itztli. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife. iuccic. cooked; fired [re pottery]; it cooked; well-formed?; welltextured. iucci. it cooks; it ripens. iuh. as, like; so; thus. iuhcapan. at such a time. iuh. he does it; like; as; as if. iuhqui. as if; as; like; like as; thus; so; such; likewise; similar to; similar. iuhquima. as if; like; as.

iuhquin. as if; like; so; as; just as; as though; how; rather; similar to; so that; thus. iuhquinma. as if; like; as. iuhquin. similar; thus; as if; in this way; so. iuhqui. similar; such; such as; thus; in the same way; like; so; same. iuh. so, thus; like this; how; in this way; like; likewise; such. ix quicui. he sobers up. ixayac. her face; his face; his mask; its face. ixayocali. house of tears. ixayo. his tears. ixayotica. with tears. ixayotl. tear. ixayoyotlatolli. tearful words. ixchicactic. firm. ixchicahuac. brave. ixchichilihui. his face becomes red. ixchichilpol. red-faced. ixchichiticahuiliztli. cataract. ixcitlalichihuale. having a star design painted on his face. ixcitlalicihuiztli. film over the eye. ixco. before him, in his presence. ixcococ. revolting; sad-faced. ixcocoliztli. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes. ixco. in his eye; in his face; before his face; in his presence; in its face; in its presence. ixconi. it can be baked on a griddle. ixco. on her face; on his face; on its surface; on the face of it; on the surface; on the surface of. ixcopa. from the front. ixco. present. ixcoztic. yellow. ixcuacehua. its forehead. ixcuamolli. eyebrow. ixcuappachtic. tawny; tawny on the surface. ixcuatl. skin of the face. ixcuatoleehua. his eyelids burn. ixcuatoltitech. on the eyelids. ixcuitlatl. rheum of the eyes. ixeehua. his eyes ache. ix. his face. ixhua. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms. ixhuan. its eyes. ixhua. they sprout. ixhuaz. it will grow, it will sprout. ixhuihuan. his grandsons. ixhuihua. one who has grandchildren. ixhuiuhtli. grandchild. ixic. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord. ixichuen. his umbilical cord offering. ixicol. his sleeveless jacket. ixillan. her bosom; its belly. ixiloyo. its silk (i.e., cornsilk). ixinach. his semen. ixinachio. its seed. ixinach. its seed. ixinacho. its seed. ixinachyo. its seed.

ixincayo. its scales, its bark; its scaliness. ixiotl. scum. ixipehuallo. its bark. ixiptla. her image; her representation; her impersonator; her likeness; her representative; his envoy; his representative; his figure; his representation; his image; his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy. ixiptlahuan. his impersonators. ixiptla. its image; its impersonator; its likeness; its representation; its representative. ixiptlan. its representation. ixiptlati. he represents, he impersonates. ixiptlatzin. his vicar, his representative. ixiptlayohuan. their deputies. ixiquipilco. in its pouch. ixiquipil. his pouch, his bag, his sack. ixittoc. he was respected. ixiuhyo. its foliage; its leaves; its petals. ixiyotl. shuttle. ixmimiqui. it is blinded, it is dazzled. ixmimiquiliztli. sun-blindness. ixmimiquini. something which is blinded. ixnacatl. flesh of the face. ixnamiquiztli. insufferability, irresistibility. ixneci. it is verified, it is evident. ixnex. ash-face. ixnextic. ashen. ixochicual. its fruit. ixochicuallo. its fruit. ixochio. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower. ixochiototon. its little blossoms. ixochitli. flower. ixochiuh. its blossom. ixochyo. its blossom. ixolohua. their pages. ixolouh. his page. ixoocpol. drunken face. ixoquechtlan. its ankle joints. ixotlaca. its bloom. ixpalani. face festers; it festers on the surface. ixpampa. from his presence. ixpan. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him; in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in front of them. ixpantzinco. before him, in front of him; in his presence. ixpatli. eye medicine. ixpechtic. broad of face, having a broad face; having a wide face. ixpipitzahuac. slender. ixpitzahuac. small. ixpohpoyotic. blind. ixpolihui. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they perish. ixpoliuh. he perished. ixpopoyome. blind people. ixpopoyoti. he becomes blind; it becomes blind. ixpopoyotlachializtli. blinded vision.

ixpopoyotl. blindness. ixpopozahua. his eyes are inflamed, swollen. ixquempalli. eyelid. ixquenpal. his eyelid. ixquich. all; a full amount; all which; as much; enough; everything; full amount; some; whatsoever; as much as; every. ixquichti. all. ixquichtin. all; a full number; everyone. ixquichton. all. ixquichtzin. all. ixquitzin. a little bit; all. ixtamazolicihuiztli. crab lice; lice around the eyes. ixtelolococopinalo. his eyes are torn out. ixtelolohtli. eye. ixtelolo. its eyes. ixtelolotli. eye. ixtemamalacachtic. having eyes like spindle whorls; round of face; having a round face. ixtenexiuhtinemi. his face becomes pale. ixtenextic. pale. ixtenmimilihui. his eyelids droop. ixtezcaicihuiztli. glazing of the eyes. ixtezcaihcihuiztli. blindness, glazing of the eyes. ixtlahuacan. on a plain; on the desert; on the plain. ixtlahuatl. desert; plain. ixtlamati. they are experienced. ixtlapal. across, crosswise. ixtlapalihui. daring; it is sound. ixtlapalotli. short cut. ixtlatlauhqui. red or ruddy on the surface. ixtletlexochtic. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes. ixtleyo. valiant. ixtli nacaztli. mediator; prudent person. ixtli. eye; face. ixtlilihui. face blackens. ixtliltic. black on the surface; dark. ixtotolicihuiztli. cataract. ixtozoani. watchful. ixtzocuicuitlatl. heavy perspiration of the face. ixtzocuitlatl. perspiration of the face. ixxoxoctic. greenish. ixxoxoxoctic. mottled green. ixyahualton. round-faced, having a round face. ixyayahualtic. round; rounded on the surface. iyacac. at the tip. iyacacelica. tender shoots. iyacac. in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its end; at its end; on its point. iyacacuitl. its erectile process [of a turkey]; its nose mucus. iyaca. his nose; its scent; its odor. iyacatzol. its snout. iyacayocan. in first place, in first position. iyacayo. its tip. iyac. his nose; its nose; its tip; its end. iyacolpan. on his shoulder.

iyac. stinking. iyaohuan. his enemies; his foes. iyapaltic. dark green. iyauhchicahuaztli. mist rattle board. iyaxtiuh. it stinks. iyaya. it has an aroma, it smells. iyaztlacapal. its wing. iyecaxitl. tobacco bowl. iyecuen. his bean field. iyehel. solicitous. iyel. diligent. iyeliz. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its characteristics; their being; their nature. iyetica. with tobacco, by means of tobacco. iyetl. tobacco; tube of tobacco. iyexochitl. tobacco flower. iyoca. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by itself; in private. iyolian. its breeding place. iyolic. cautiously, slowly; deliberately. iyoliliz. its life. iyolitlacoloca. his offense. iyolloco. in its center; its central part; its interior. iyollo. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its heart; its interior; its core; its pith; its inside. iyollopan. in his chest; in his heart. iyollo. their heart; their hearts. iyollotzin. her heart; his [h.]; his [h.] heart; his heart; his heart [h.]. iyolloyo. its center. iyo. only. iyoppa. the only time. iyoquichio. his exploit, his manliness. iytztic. cold. iyztaya. it whitens, it becomes white. izacapepech. his straw bed. izacatapayol. his grass ball. izahuacaya. he was hoarse. izahuaquiliztli. hoarseness. izazanillo. its fable, its story. izca. behold it, here it is; behold. izcaliloca. his rearing. izcaltilo. it is nourished. izcaltiloz. he will be reared. izcan. behold, here it is. izcate. behold them, here they are. izcatiloni. up-bringing. izcatqui. behold it, here it is; behold; here she is; note it. iz. here. izhuatica. with maize husks, by means of maize husks. izoloca. it is rumbling. izquilhuitl. all days; every day. izquintin. all of them. izquitlamantli. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many things.

izquixochicuahuitl. popcorn flower tree. izquixochitic. popcorn flower. izquixochitl. popcorn flower. iztacacuicuiltic. mottled with white; spotted with white. iztacanactli. thin bar of salt. iztacapil. very white. iztachiuhque. salt makers. iztacomitl. salt jar. iztacpahtic. very white; extremely white. iztacpaltic. very white. iztacpatic. very white. iztac. white. iztalectic. pale; yellow. iztalehuac. pale; whitish; chalky. iztalehua. it becomes pale. iztanamacaque. salt merchants. iztaoctli. white wine. iztapan. salt bed. iztaquetl. white bean. iztatapalcatl. salt cake. iztatica. with salt, using salt. iztatlaca. salt people. iztatlalli. salty earth, salty soil. iztatl. salt. iztatzintli. salt. iztaxalli. coarse salt; grain of salt. iztaya. he becomes white; it becomes white. iztayo. salt[ness]; salted; having salt; salty. iztayotic. briny. iztayotl. brine, salty water. izte. clawed, having claws; having nails. izticocoltic. curved of claw, having curved claws. izticocopinalo. his finger nails are torn out. izticohcoltic. having curved claws. izticoltic. hook-clawed, having hooked claws. izti. his claw, his talon. iztihuihuiac. having long claws; having long nails. iztihuihuitztic. having sharp claws. iztihuihuiyac. long-clawed, having long claws. izti. its claws; its nails; its hooves. iztiquiza. claws emerge. iztitlatlaxo. his finger nails are removed. iztitle. o fingernail. iztitl. nail, fingernail; toenail. iztitontli. small fingernail. iztlacateteo. false gods. iztlacati. he lies. iztlacatiliztli. lie; falsehood. iztlacatini. liar. iztlacatlatolli. deceitful word, lie; falsehood. iztlacayotl. falsehood. iztlac. its venom. iztlactica. by means of licking. iztlactli. falsehood, lie. maahuiltia. she becomes a harlot. maaltia. they bathe. macalaquique. they embarked.

maca. let not, may not. macalhuitectihui. boats go striking each other. macalhuitequi. boats strike each other; they hurl themselves into their boats. maccuahuitl. war club. macehualli. common folk; common man; man of low estate; commoner; vassal; desert; merit; lowly person; man; people. macehualpan. among common folk. macehualti. common folk; common people; commoners. macehualtin. common folk. macehualti. she acts like a commoner. macehualtzintli. poor commoner. macehualtzitzinti. common folk. mache. especially. machiotlatolli. figure of speech; metaphor. machiotl. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard. macho. it is known; it is noted. machtiloni. teachable. macihui. although. macihuin. although. maci. it is captured; it is caught; it is hunted. macitica. pure; whole. maco. it is given. macomana. it is raised up. macoquetza. it rises up; it sits up. macoquetz. it rose upward. maco. they are given. macoya. it was given; they were given. macoztic. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf. macpalhuehuei. having wide pads. macpalnacatl. flesh of the palm of the hand. macpalpapatlactic. having very wide pads. macuahuitl. war club; wooden sword. macuexcohuatl. "bracelet snake". macuextlaxcalli. bracelet tortilla. macuextli. bracelet. macuil matlac. a few; a little bit. macuilcan. five places. macuilcaxitl. five bowls. macuil. five. macuililhuitl. five days. macuilli. five. macuilmatl. five fathoms. macuilpa. five times. macuilpeso. five pesos. macuilpoalxihuitl. one hundred years. macuiltetl. five. macuiltin. five. macuiltzin. five. macuiltzontli. two thousand. macuilxochitl. five flower. macuilyohual. five nights. macxoyauh. your fir branch. mahahuiltia. she is given to amusement. mahaltia. they bathe. mahaltiaya. they were bathing.

mahana. it stretches. mahcehualli. desert, merit; gift; recompense. mahci. it is hunted. mahcotonhuitzoa. it leaps up. mahmae. it has hands. mahmauhqui. very fearful, very cowardly. mahtzopaztli. forearm. mahueyac. long hand. mahuihuiac. having long branches; having long leaves. mahuihuiyac. long hands. mahuiloa. she is dissolute. mahuilquixtia. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself. mahuilquixtiani. one who dishonors herself. mahuilquixtia. she degrades herself, she dishonors herself. mahuiltia. it plays. mahuiltiz. he will be gladdened, he will enjoy himself. mahuiltizque. they will enjoy themselves. mahuitzoco. fearful. mahuizauhqui. admirable; marvelous; wonderful. mahuizcuihuac. there was fear, there was terror. mahuizcuique. they were frightened. mahuizoloni. worthy of admiration. mahuizoticatca. it was awesome. mahuizotihui. they go in glory, they go in honor. mahuizotl. honor. mahuizo. wonderful, marvelous. mahuizpan. awesome place. mahuiztia. they were esteemed. mahuizticapil. wonderful, very marvelous. mahuiztic. wonderful, marvelous; esteemed; estimable; noble; of good quality. mahuiztihuani. venerable. mahuiztililo. he is honored. mahuiztililoni. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; illustrious; of reverence; praiseworthy. mahuiztililoya. he was honored; he was revered; respected; it was honored; she was esteemed; they were honored. mahuiztililoz. he will be honored. mahuiztiz. he will be esteemed. mahuiztli. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder. mahuizyo. honored; esteemed. mahuizyopolihui. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes. mahuizyotl. honor. mahuizyo. wonderful, marvelous. mahuizzochimalli. splendid shield. mahuizzo. honored. maitia. it happens. maitl. arm; hand. malacachihui. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it becomes round. malacachiuhqui. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl. malacachiuhtihui. he goes becoming round. malacachtic. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl.

malacachtontli. small spindle whorl. malacatl. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl. male. captor; one who owns a captive. maleque. owners of captives; slave owners. ma. let., may. mali. slave. malli. captive; loot; booty. malmicoa. there was dying of captives. malmicoaya. there was slaying of captives. maltepeuh. your city. maltequime. tribute captives. maltia. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is bathed; it is washed. maltiani. one who bathes herself. maltia. she bathes; she is bathed; they bathe. maltiaya. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they were bathed. maltiz. he will bathe; he is to bathe; he will be bathed; it will be bathed. maltizque. they will bathe. maltiz. she will bathe, she is to bathe; she will be bathed. mamachihua. it is made into paper. mamacue. your paper skirt. mamae. having branches. mamahuia. he is covered with paper. mamalacachiuhqui. round, like a spindle whorl. mamalacachtic. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl. mamalacachti. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls. mamalhuaztli. fire drill (constellation). mamalti. captives. mamaltin. captives. mamaltzitzinti. captives. mamana. she becomes disturbed. mamapile. fingered, having fingers. mamatlaltic. dark green. mamatlapaltia. it forms leaves; it produces leaves. mamaye. it has branches. mamaza. deer; deer (pl.); deer [pl.]. mamazoa. it extends its hand. mamina. he has diarrhea; they have diarrhea. mamohuia. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed; they wash their heads. mamohuiaya. they soaped themselves. mamohuiya. they soaped themselves. mana. it increases in size; it is taken; it lengthens. manaz. it will develop. manazque. they will develop. manel. although; even though; even; even if; nevertheless; no matter. manellamaz. although he will take captives. manel. no matter, even though. manenemi. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet. manenenque. four-footed animals. manenenqui. four-legged animal. mani. it extends, it is; it spreads out; it lies; it prevails; it rests; it stretches; it lies flat; they are spread out; they are; they stand; they lie; they spread out; they remain. maniz. it will rest; it will lie.

manozo. or; or else; but; perhaps. mantiuh. it goes resting; it lies. mapachitli. raccoon. mapilli. finger. mapilnacatl. flesh of the finger. mapiloque. they pointed with their fingers. mapiltotomactic. fat-fingered, having fat fingers. mapiltzatzapal. lamed finger. mapilxocoyotl. little finger. mapipitzahuac. having slender branches; having slender leaves. mapipitzoa. he whistles; it whistles. mapipitzoani. shrill whistler; whistler. mapipitzoa. there is whistling; they whistle. mapitza. he has diarrhea. mapitzahuac. having slender leaves. mapitza. they have diarrhea. mapiza. he has bloody diarrhea. maquia. it is put; it is transplanted; she places herself; they are planted. maquixtia. water is extracted. maquiza. they escape. maquiz. he escaped. maquiztli. bracelet. matcatlacatl. tranquil person. matemecatl. arm band; wrist band; bracelet. matenextic. ashen. matilahuac. having thick branches. matitilahuac. having thick branches. matlac. in a net; in the net. matlacmapan. ten spans. matlacmatl. ten fathoms. matlacopa. from the net. matlacpa. ten times. matlacpoalli. two hundred. matlacteme. ten. matlac. ten. matlactetl. ten. matlactin. ten. matlactli. ten. matlactloce. eleven. matlactlomei. thirteen. matlactlomome. twelve. matlactzontli. four thousand. matlacxihuitl. ten years. matlalatl. blue water. matlaloctli. blue pulque. matlaltic. dark green. matlaneloa. they paddle with their hands. matlanhuiz. he will throw himself into the water. matlapal. your wing. matlaquilhuitl. ten days. matlatlauhqui. having red branches. matlatl. net. matlayo. net-like. matlequiquizoani. arquebusier. matlequiquiztli. arquebus. matlian. your time of drinking.

matoconi. touchable. matohtomactic. having thick paws. matohtozantic. having gopher-like paws. matoyahuiz. he will throw himself into the river. matzatzayanqui. serrated. matzatzaztli. ring. matzayani. it opens, it splits. matzin motepetzin. your [h.] city. matzin. your [h.] water; your water. matzitziquiltic. having serrated branches. matzopetztli. wrist band. matzotzopaztli. forearm; lower arm bone. mauh motepeuh. your city. mauhca. fearful. mauhcaitto. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is seen with fear. mauhcaittoni. venerable, fearful. mauhcaittoya. she was held in awe; they were held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they were regarded with fear. mauhcatlacatl. coward; fearful person; cowardly person. mauhqui. fearful, cowardly; frightened; respectful. mauh. your water. maxaltic. divided, split. maxcatzin. your possession; your property. maxelihui. it spreads. maxhuia. axin is provided, axin is applied. maxixa. he defecates; it is urinated (i.e.; expelled in the urine); it is expelled in the urine); it urinates; one urinates; they urinate. maxixaya. he urinated. maxixaz. he will urinate. maxoxoctic. green-branched. maxtlatl. breech clout; breechcloth; breechclout. maxtlazoltzintli. old, worn breechcloth. mayahuini. one who hurls, overthrower. mayanacochtli. ear plug made of black beetles. mayana. it is hungry. mayanaliztica. from hunger, through hunger. mayanaliztli. famine. mayanalo. there is hunger. mayanaloz. there will be famine, people will be hungry. mayanaya. there was famine; they were hungry. mayehuatl. leather glove; skin of our hand. mayoxochquillotia. it produces gourd blossoms. mazacetl. deer fat. mazaconetl. fawn. mazaehuatl. deerskin. mazanacatl. venison. mazatiz. he will become a deer. mazatlacualli. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer. mazatla. place of the deer. mazatl. deer. mazaxocomolli. plum sauce. mazaxocotl. plum. mazcapotzaltia. it forms itself an anthill. mazoma. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink.

mea. it flows, it exudes. mecahuehuetl. guitar. mecamaxalli. divided cord. mecapitzahuac. like a slender cord. mecatica. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of cords; with ropes; by means of ropes. mecatic. cord-like; stringy. mecatitech. on the rope. mecatl. cord; rope; thong. mecayo. stringy. mec. then. meellelquixtiaya. they took their pleasure. mehmeya. it flows. mehua. it is raised. mehuatitlalia. it sits up. mehuitztli. maguey spine. melacpatic. very long. melacpil. rather long. melactic. long; long and straight; straight. melactontli. small and long. melahuacatlacatl. fair person. melahuac. correct; correctly; justly; exact; true; exactly; truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; right; truth; righteous; righteously; direct; tall. melahua. it becomes long; it is straight. melahuatihuetzi. it quickly straightens itself. melchiquiuhtzin. your [h.] breast, your [h.] chest. melcicihuiliz. your sighing. melcicihuititinemi. they go about sighing. mellacuahua. they trouble themselves. mellelquixtiaya. he was amused. memecatia. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines. memecatic. cord-like; rope-like. memecati. it binds. memelactic. cord-like; slender; straight. memelahuac. straight. menelhuatl. maguey root. menexoaliztli. hemorrhoids; piles. mepan. on a maguey leaf; on the maguey. metitlan. among maguey plants. metlapilihui. it becomes mano-like. metlapilli. mano. metlapiltic. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped. metlaza. beans are sown. metl. maguey; maguey leaf. metontli. small maguey. metzcanauhtli. blue-winged teal. metzcuitlatl. mica. metzehuatl. skin of the thigh. metznacatl. flesh of the thigh. metzonco. in maguey pith. metzonocuilin. maguey worm. metzpan. on the thigh. metzpil. little moon. metztli cualo. eclipse of the moon. metztli. month; moon.

metztona. there is moonlight. meuhque. they arose, they got up. meuhtoc. he is risen. mexicae. o mexicans. mexixin. lepidium. mexoyotia. it produces a bean. meya. it exudes; it flows. meyaz. it will flow; it will come. mia. it was drunk. micampa. behind you. miccauh. your younger brother. micequiz. it is roasted. michconetl. baby fish. michcuani. fisheater. mic. he died. michhuacqui. dried fish. michi. fish. michihuauhtli. fish amaranth. michihuauhtzoalli. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough. michin. fish. michio. having fish. michiqui. it is scraped; it is scratched. michtzontecomatl. fish head. mic. it was drunk. miciuhcatlaloa. he dashes, he runs hurriedly. micoac. people died; there was death; there was dying. micoani. dead; deadly; fatal. micoa. one dies, people die; there is death; there is dying. micoaya. there was dying; there was death; there were deaths. micoaz. there will be death; there will be dying. micohuani. fatal. micohuaya. deathly place; place of death. micque. they died. micqui. dead; corpse; dull. micquiz. he will die. mic. she died. mictihuetzi. he dies suddenly. mictihuetziz. he will fall to his death. mictilo. they are killed, they are slain. mictiloya. they were killed, they were slain. mictiloz. he will be killed, he will be put to death. mictlampa. north; to the north. mictlan. land of the dead. mictlanpa. to the north. mictlan. place of death; place of the dead. mictla. place of death. mictoc. it lies dead. micuia. it is bound. micuiloa. it is painted. mieccan. many places; many; much. miecca. often, frequently. miec. many; much; all. miecpa. many times, often; frequent. miectin. many. miequia. they multiplied, they increased in numbers. miequin. many.

miequinti. many. miequintin. many. miexi. it breaks wind; it looses an odor. mihcuia. it coils. mih. it is drunk. mihiyohuia. he suffers. mihiyotia. it emanates splendor. mihiyotzin. your spirit. mihiyo. your breath; your spirit. mihmati. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is cunning; it is astute; it is prudent. mihmatini. one who is prudent. mihnecui. it is smelled. mihtoaya. it was called. mihtotia. he dances; they dance. mihtotiaya. they danced. mihtotihtinemi. they go dancing. mihtotizque. they will dance. mihuintia. he becomes drunk. mihuintiani. drunkard. mihuintihtinemi. he goes about drunk. mihuintitinemi. she goes about drunk. mi. it is drunk. milchiuhqui. field worker. millaca. field people. milli. maize field. milpan. in the field; maize field; cornfield. miltontli. maize plot. mimacacia. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid. mimacaci. it is feared, it is dreaded. mimatcacueitl. fine skirt. mimatcanemi. he lives in modesty. mimatia. they are skilled. mimati. he is prudent; intelligent; it is astute; it is clever. mimatini. prudent. mimati. they are clever. mimatqui. proper. mimattzintli. circumspect. mimichti. fish; fish (pl.); fish [pl.]; fishes. mimichtin. fish [pl.]; fish; fishes. mimicque. dead people; the dead. mimictiloque. they were slain, they were killed. mimilihui. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become cylindrical; they enlarge. mimiliuhqui. cylindrical; rounded. mimilpil. small and cylindrical. mimiltic. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick. mimiltontli. rounded; small and cylindrical; small and round. mimiltotonti. small and cylindrical. mimiqui. they die. minalo. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow. minax. he hid, he took refuge. minayaz. he will hide, he will take refuge. minecui. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells. minecuiz. it is sniffed, it is smelled.

mipotza. it hisses. mipotzani. one that hisses. miquia. he died; she died; they died; they diedi. miquiciyac. smelling of death. miquiciyaltic. smelling much of death. miqui. he dies; it dies. miquiliztli. death; mortality. miquini. worthy of death. miqui. she dies; they die; they die it. miquitiuh. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die. miquito. he went to die, he met his death. miquiya. they died. miquiz. he will die. miquizhiyaltic. deathly stench. miquiz. it will die. miquizmauhque. those who fear death. miquiznequi. he is about to die; he is about to drown; he is to die; he wants to die; they wish for death. miquizpatli. cure for death. miquizque. they will die. miquizquia. he would die, he might have died; he would have died. miquiz. she will die. miquiztetzahuitl. omen of death. miquiztli. death. mi. they are drunk. mitica. with arrows, by means of arrows. mitichichiqui. it scratches its abdomen. mitic. like an arrow; within you. mitl chimalli. war. mitlaniz. she will be requested, she will be asked for. mitl. arrow; bolt; dart; spear. mitoa. he is called; he is entitled; he is said; it is asked; it is called; so-called; it is described; it is discussed; it is mentioned; it is related; it is said; it is told; one refers to it; she is called; they are called; they are known as; they are mentioned; they are told; they are said. mitoaya. he pledged; he was called; it used to be called; it used to be said; it was called; it was named; it was said; it was claimed; it was stated; it was said=; they were called. mito. he was called. mitohuaya. it was called; it was said; they were called. mito. it was called; it was declared; it was said; it was mentioned; it was told. mitonaltzin. your [h.] sweat. mitonia. they sweat. mitoque. they were called. mitotia. he dances. mitotiani. dancer. mitotia. she dances; they dance. mitotiaya. he danced; she danced; they danced. mitotica. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being called. mitotitihui. they go dancing. mitotitihuitze. they come dancing.

mitotitihuitz. he came dancing. mitotitinemi. he goes dancing; they continue dancing; they go dancing. mitotitiuh. he goes dancing; they go dancing. mitotizque. they will dance. mitotonti. little arrows; small arrows. mitoz. it will be said; it will be told; it will be related. mitozquia. it would be said, it should be pronounced. mitzahuahuia. he is pricked with an obsidian point. mitzalmomaquilia. he [h.] gives it to you. mitzanatiuh. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you. mitzanazque. they will take you, they will seize you. mitzcaquiz. he will hear you. mitzchiuh. he made you. mitzchoca. it weeps for you, it cries for you. mitzelcicihui. it sighs for you. mitzicxitocaz. he will follow you. mitzitta. he sees you. mitziximati. they know you. mitzizcali. he trained you. mitzmacac. he endowed you, he gave it to you. mitzmaca. he gives it to you. mitzmachiotia. he indicates you. mitzmapilhuia. he points his finger at you. mitzmapilhui. he pointed his finger at you. mitzmapilhuiz. he will select you, he will point his finger at you. mitzmochihuilia. he [h.] does it to you, he [h.] causes you. mitzmotlatolilochtiliz. he will reverse your word. mitzmoyolitlacalhuia. they offend you. mitznonotz. he admonished you. mitznotza. he calls out to you. mitzoma. it is sewn; it is sutured. mitzoniyahua. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he offers you. mitzquixtiz. he will remove you. mitztatique. they made you father. mitztlacanotzaz. he will address you as a man. mitztlalaquia. he plants you. mitztoca. he buries you. mitzyocox. he created you. mixamia. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face. mixayahuitl. mist. mixayohuitoma. he looses tears. mixayotzin. your [h.] tears. mixcahuia. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing. mixcahuiaya. they were concerned, they were involved. mixcitlalichiuh. his face was painted with the star design. mixcoacuauhtli. crab-hawk. mixco. before you, in your presence; in your face. mixcomitl. cloud vessel. mixcuatzin. your [h.] forehead. mixicquetza. he falls on his face. mixihui. she gives birth. mixihuiznequi. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth. mixihuiz. she will give birth. mixitl. jimsonweed; datura stramonium.

mixiuhque. women who were recently delivered. mixiuhqui. newly delivered woman; newly-delivered woman. mixnamicque. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each other. mixnanamiqui. they meet face to face. mixpan. before you, in front of you; in your presence. mixpantzinco. before you [h.], in your [h.] presence; before you; in front of you; in your presence; in your sight. mixpiqui. it closes its eyes. mixpoloaya. they disguised themselves. mixpolotinemi. they go along disguising themselves. mixtemi. it fills with clouds. mixtlan. before your face, in your presence. mixtlapalhuatzalhuia. her face is covered with rouge. mixtlapalhuatzalhuiaya. faces were covered with brown. mixtlehuia. he has inflamed eyes. mixtli. cloud. mixtoxahua. he falls on his face. mixxoa. it fills with clouds, it is overcast. miyeccan. many places. miyec. many; much. miyecpa. many times; often. miyequintin. many. mizahuiani. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful. mizahuia. she is apprehensive. mizcitlalchiuh. he made a star design on his face. mizehuatl. puma skin. miz. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk. mizoni. one who bleeds himself. mizotla. he vomits. mizotlaz. he will vomit; it will be vomited up. mizquicuahuitl. mesquite tree; mesquite wood. mizquitl. mesquite; mesquite tree. miztli. mountain lion. mizton. cat. moca mahuiltiz. he will mock you. mocacantlapalhuia. her cheeks are colored. moca. covered with. mocactia. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals. moca. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with. mocahua. he ceases; he fails to.; he holds back; he restrains himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they remain; they stop. mocahuaya. he failed to.; it ceased; it remained; they remained. mocahuaz. it will be left, it is to be left; it will remain. mocalaquia. they enter. mocalitic. in your house. mocaltia. it makes itself a nest. mocaltiaya. he made himself a house. mocamatzayana. he opens his mouth wide. mocanahua. it is flattened, it is thinned. mocaqui. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound. mocaquiz. it will be heard.

mocauh. he remained. mocayahua. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport; he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks. mocayahuani. deceiver, one who deceives; one who mocks; mocker. mocayahua. she deceives; she mocks; they deceive; they mock. mocayauh. he mocked himself. moccohcoha. he gets sick. mocecencahua. they attire themselves, they arrange themselves. mocehuiz. he will not rest. mocelica. your tenderness. mocelocuicuiloa. it is variously like an ocelot. moceloitoani. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior. moceltzin. you alone, only you. mocel. you alone, by yourself. mocempoalzauhque. they fasted twenty days. mocencahua. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he attires himself; he is arrayed; he is adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares; it is cleaned; it is prepared; it is finished; it is finished off; it is perfected; it prepares itself; it arranges itself; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are dressed; they array themselves; they ornament themselves; they prepare themselves. mocencahuaya. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed themselves. mocencahuaz. he will be supplied, he will be prepared. mocenmati. it cares for itself; it is well kept. mocenmatini. he is proud. mocenneloa. it is all mixed together; it is mixed together; they are mixed all together; well mixed. mocenquixtia. it is chosen; they assemble. mocenquixtiaya. they assembled, they came together; they congregated. mocenteci. it is ground up; it is ground up together; they are ground together. mocentlalia. he sits firmly; it is heaped together; they assemble; they gather together. mocentlalique. they gathered together; they gathered; they congregated. mocentlalitoque. they gathered together. mocentotonia. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly. moch. all; everything. mochantia. it dwells, it provides itself with a home; it nests; it makes a home for itself; they nest. mochantzinco. your home. mochan. your home; your house. moche. all. mochi. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very much. mochicahualiztzin. your power. mochicahua. they animate themselves, they dare; they exert themselves. mochicahuaya. they exerted themselves. mochicauhque. they exerted themselves. mochichicahua. each one animates himself. mochichihua. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he is adorned; he is arrayed; he ornamented himself; it is arranged one by one; it is prepared; it prepares itself; they are

adorned; they are arrayed; they are bedight; they are dressed; they array themselves; they ornament themselves. mochichihuaya. he arrayed himself; he was adorned; he was arrayed; she was arrayed; they adorned themselves; they arrayed themselves; they were adorned; they were arrayed; they were bedecked; they were ornamented. mochichihuaz. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed. mochichina. he is sucked; it is sucked. mochichinoz. he will be scorched; he will singe himself. mochichiqui. it is planed. mochichiuh. it was adorned, it adorned itself. mochichiuhque. they arrayed themselves. mochihua. he becomes; it becomes; it serves as; it forms; it befalls; it happens; it appears; it breeds; it occurs; it comes to pass; it grows; it is produced; it happened; it came to pass; it is done; it is made; it comes; it is brought about; it is practised; it is prepared; it is formed; it is grown; it is worked; it served as .; it was made. mochihuani. it happens, it comes to pass. mochihua. she becomes; they are made; they become; they develop; they form; they grow; they are produced. mochihuaya. he adorned himself; he became; it became; it was made; it befell; it happened; it came to pass; it grew; it took place; it was celebrated; it was observed; it was done; it was performed; it was prepared; it was waged; she became; they became; they took the form of.; they grew; they happened; they were done; they were celebrated; they were observed; they were undertaken; they were formed; they were made; they were prepared. mochihuaz. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it is to be done; it will happen; it will be made; it will be observed; it will become; it will befall; it will come to pass; it will form; it will turn out; it will take place. mochihuazque. they will become; they will do it to themselves; it will happen to them. mochihuazquia. it would befall, it would happen. mochilchachapatz. it is blotched with red, chili-red. mochimalhuitequi. shields are struck together. mochimaltia. it forms a shield. mochimaltopehua. it is fended off with a shield. mochimal. your shield. mochinti. all; all of them; everyone. mochintin. all; all (pl.); all of them; each of them; everybody; everyone. mochipa. always; all the time; constantly; continually; frequently; often. mochipan. always. mochipinia. it drips. mochitlacatl. all people, everyone.

mochiuh. he became; it became; it happened; it came to pass; it finished; it occurred; it took place; it was done; it was accomplished; it was formed; it was made; it was waged. mochiuhque. it happened to them. mochiuh. they became. mochiuhtihuitze. they come converted (into it). mochopinique. they pecked at each other. mochoquiliaya. she wept for herself. mochoquiliz. your act of weeping, your tears. mochoquizcanenequi. they seem to weep. mochoquiz. your tears; your weeping. mochpanaya. it was swept. mochtin. all; all (pl.); all of them. mochuia. he is affected by the wine. mociauhpoa. he feels weak. mociauhquetza. he becomes weak. mocicihuapiltiani. she provides herself with young women. mocihuaittotia. they dance in the fashion of women. mocihuanenequi. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman. mocinixquia. they begin to roast. mocnelia. he brings good to himself. mocnelilmatini. one who is appreciative. mocnelilmati. they are thankful. mocnihuan. your friends. mocnihua. your friends. mocniuh. your friends. mocnochan. your poor house. mocnomatini. one who is humble. mocnoteca. he humbles himself. mocnotecani. gracious. mocochitia. he [h.] sleeps. mocochteca. he lies down to sleep. mococoa. he becomes sick; he gets sick; he is sick; it hurts; it has an ailment; it is ailing; it is sick; it sickens; she is sick; they become sick. mococoaya. he became sick. mocococatzin. your possession. mococoloa. he dances the serpent dance. mocohua. it is bought. mocohuaya. it was bought. mocolhuan. your grandfathers. mocolotilia. it twists. mocoltzin. your grandfather [h.]. mocopina. it is cast; it is molded. mocopinaz. it will be cast. mocotona. it is cut. mocototztlalia. he sits on his shins. mocototztlalique. they sat down, they squatted. mocotzohuia. pine resin is applied. mocotzoneloa. it is mixed with pine resin. mocotzoyotia. it forms a resin. mocoxonia. it is pulverized. mocpaltzin. your seat. mocuacuacuecuechotica. he constantly shakes his head. mocuacua. it is chewed; it is eaten. mocuacualatza. it is boiled.

mocuacuaya. it was chewed. mocua. it is chewed; it is eaten. mocualantzin. your [h.] anger; your [h.] wrath. mocualan. your anger. mocuanamictia. the ends are joined. mocuapepetla. he arranges his hair. mocua. they are eaten. mocuatzayana. he is wounded in the head. mocuatzitzintiaya. he was of disordered hair. mocuatzotzona. his head throbs. mocuauhitoani. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior. mocuauh. your club. mocuayahualxima. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round. mocuaya. it was eaten. mocuaz. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten. mocuechoa. it is pulverized. mocuecuentilia. they arrange themselves in rows. mocuecuepa. they turn about. mocuecueptimani. he falters. mocuepa. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; it changes; it is returned; they become. mocuepaya. they became; they were turned into. mocuepaz. it will become. mocueptihuetzi. they quickly turned. mocuetia. they dress themselves in skirts. mocuetiaya. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt. mocueyotia. it breaks into waves. mocuicui. it is sculptured. mocuicuiloa. it is variously colored. mocuicuilo. it is variously colored; varicolored. mocuic. your song. mocuiliani. reserved person. mocuilo. painted. mocuiltonoa. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is prosperous. mocuiltonoani. prosperous person; rich person. mocuiltonoa. she is rich, she is wealthy; they are rich; they prosper; they rejoice. mocuiltonoaya. she prospered. mocuiltonocanectica. he pretends to be rich. mocuiltono. rich man; he became rich. mocuiltonoz. he will be rich; he will be wealthy; rich; he will become rich; he will have wealth; he will prosper. mocuiltonozque. they will rejoice. mocuiltonoz. she will be rich; she will become rich; she will prosper. mocuitlachnehnequi. it resembles a wolf. mocuitlalpia. it is tied at the back. mocuitlapil matlapal. your vassals. mocuitlapil. your tail. mocuitlaxcol. your stomach. mocxipoztequi. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg. mocxitlaloani. runner, one who runs. mocxitoca. it is examined. mocxitzin. your [h.]; your foot.

mocxi. your feet; your foot. moholchapani. it is spotted as with rubber. mohoquichitoa. he brags. mohotta. he looks at himself; they look at each other. mohuacaloa. it is hollowed. mohuahuacaloa. it is hollowed in several places. mohuapahua. it develops. mohuatza. it is dried. mohuelmati. it feel comfortable. mohuicatz. he [h.] comes. mohuic. to you, toward you. mohuihuilana. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping. mohuihuilanani. creeper. mohuihuitequi. they are struck repeatedly. mohuihuixoa. it stirs. mohuilana. he crawls; it crawls; it creeps; it drags itself; it is dragged. mohuilanani. creeper. mohuilana. they crawl. mohuillana. it creeps. mohuipana. they are set in order. mohuipiltia. they dress themselves in blouses. mohuitequi. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each other; they strike each other. mohuitztlalia. they insert maguey spines in themselves. mohuitz. your thorn. molcahualtiloya. they were made to forget. molcaxitl. sauce dish. molchachapatz. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber. molhuil. your desert; your merit. molicpitl. elbow. molinia. it stirs. molinique. they moved. molli. sauce. molnamiqui. it is recalled, it is remembered. moloni. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads out; it swirls; it swirls up. molonini. that which swirls up. moloni. they seethe; they swarm. molonqui. pulverized; soft. molontoc. it lies diffusing. molotl. house finch. molpia. it is tied. molpiaya. it was tied. momacaz. it is given; it will be given; it is to be given. momacehualtzitzinhuan. your servants. momacehual. your desert, your merit. momachtia. he is indoctrinated, he learns. momac. in your hand. momahuizpia. they are cared for with awe. momahuizyocan. your place of honor. momahuizzotia. he is honored. momahuizzotiaya. she achieves honor. moma. it was thought. momalacachoa. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl. momalacachotinemi. they keep turning around.

momalcochotimotlalia. he sits embracing himself. momalhuiani. it is reserved. momal. your captive. momamalacachotihui. they go whirling. momamali. it is drilled. momamalina. they are twisted together. momamamanani. it is accustomed to making gestures. momamana. it is arranged. momamantinemi. he dances in a circle. momamatia. it forms branches in different places. momamatiloa. it is rubbed. momamayauhtiuh. he goes hurling himself along. momanahuia. he defecates; they excuse themselves; they defend themselves. momana. it is set out; it is spread; it spreads; it settles; they spread out. momanaya. they waited, they remained. momanque. they remained still. momapoztequi. he breaks his hand. momaquixtia. they free themselves, they escape. momaquixtiznequi. he tries to escape. momatia. it forms branches; they were considered. momatica. he is suspecting. momati. it resembles; they think; they feel. momatiznequi. he wants to think. momatque. they thought. momatzayana. the branch is broken. momatzin. your [h.] hand; your hand. momauhcatlaloa. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away fearfully. momauhtia. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened; it is frightened. momauhtiani. coward; frightening; one who is afraid; one who takes fright; fearful person. momauhtiaya. he became frightened; he was afraid; they were frightened; they were in terror. momauhtique. they were frightened. momaxacualoa. it is crumbled in the hands. momaxtlatizque. they will be provided with breechcloths. momaxtlazoltzin. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth. momayahui. he throws himself. momayahuiz. he will cast himself, he will throw himself. momecania. he hangs himself. momecatia. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a concubine. momecatiani. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine. momecati. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine. momecatitinemi. he lives in concubinage. momehmecatiani. one who lives in concubinage. momelahua. it is declared. momemecatia. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine. momemelauhtica. she remains with legs outstretched. momemelauhtimotlalia. she sits with legs outstretched. momimiloa. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls. momina. it is shot with an arrow; it is shot with arrows. momiquilia. she (h.) dies. momiquiliaya. he died [h.].

momiquili. he died. momiquiz. your death. momiyotia. it is given a skeleton; it is provided with a skeleton. momochitl. popcorn. momoloca. it billows, it seethes; it wells up. momolocatoc. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing. momoloni. it constantly swirls. momolontoc. it spreads billowing. momomoloca. it bubbles up. momonequi. it is required. momotzolo. there is scratching up. momoyactic. outspread. momoyahuac. radiating, spread out. momoyahua. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it spreads out; it radiates; they disperse; they radiate; they scatter. momoztlae. each day. momoztli. altar. monacayotzin. your [h.] body; your body. monacayo. your body. monacazco. in your ear. monahuan. your mothers. monahuatectimotlalia. he sits hugging himself. monahuatiltzin. your (h.) duty. monamaca. it is sold. monamacaz. he will be sold. monamicque. they came together. monamictia. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined; it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought together. monamic. your husband. monamiqui. it is added. monanacahuia. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms. monanamaca. she sells herself. monanhuan. your mother; your mothers. monanhua. your mothers. monantia. it takes root. monantzin. your mother; your mother [h.]. monantzitzinhuan. your mothers. monanyotzin. your (pl.) motherhood, your (pl.) motherliness. monan. your mother. monayotzin. motherliness; your motherliness. moncitli. mother of the parents-in-law. moncolli. father of the parents-in-law. monechicoa. they come together, they assemble. monechicoaya. they were assembled. monec. it was required. monecuepal. your return. monelhuayotia. it forms a root; it forms roots; it takes root. moneloa. it is mixed; it is stirred; it is beaten. moneloz. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred; it will be mixed. monemac. your gift. monemilizcuepa. he changes his way of life. monemiliz. your life; your way of life; your live. monemitiz. he [h.] will live.

moneneloa. it is mixed in. monenemac. your gift. monenemiliz. your traveling. monenepanoa. they join together. monenepil. your tongue. monenequi. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is necessary; it is needed; it is required; she is over-demanding. monenequiz. he will be demanding. mone. one who has a son-in-law. monepantlazotlaya. they loved each other. monequia. it is required; it is needed; it was necessary; it was desired; it was needed; it was required; they were needed; they were required. monequi. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is desired; it is used; it necessary. monequiltia. he wills it. monequi. they are required, they are necessary; they are needed. monequiz. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary. monetequipachol. your anguish. monetol. your vow. moneuctia. it produces honey. monextia. it is shown; it shows itself. monextiaya. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves. monexti. he showed himself. monezahualhuiltequi. the fast is broken. monnanti. mothers-in-law. mononotza. they confer, they consult with one another; they consult among themselves; they discuss; they consult. mononotzque. they consulted among each other; they took counsel among themselves; they talked to each other. mononotztoque. they were taking counsel with each other. monotza. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates. monotzani. thinker, one who thinks. monotza. she takes heed; they are summoned; they converse; they deliberate; they speak to each other. monotzaya. he reflected. monotzaz. he will take heed. montati. fathers-in-law. montatli. father-in-law. moohlinia. they move. moolpia. they gird themselves. mooquichitoa. he calls himself a warrior. mopaca. it is washed; they are washed. mopacaz. it is washed. mopaccatlalia. he sits down happily. mopachoa. it is pressed; they press one another together. mopactinemi. it is continually washed. mopactinemiz. he will proceed washing himself. mopahtia. he excuses himself; it is cured. mopahuaci. it is cooked; it is cooked in an olla; it is heated. mopa. it is dyed.

mopalehuia. he helps himself; he is helped; it is alleviated; it is helped. mopal. through you. mopalticateci. it is ground up wet. mopan. on you; at you; about you; for you; to you. mopapaca. she washes herself. mopapachoa. he massages him; it is massaged. mopapachoz. he will be massaged. mopapahca. it washes itself. mopapaloa. it licks itself. mopatia. they are cured. mopatla. it is dissolved. mopazoloa. it ruffles its hair. mopechteca. he bows; he bows in reverence. mopehualtia. it is started. mopepena. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen. mopepenaya. they were chosen. mopetlahua. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is polished; it is burnished; it shines. mopetlapan. your reed mat. mopetlatzin. your reed mat. mopia. he is abstinent; it is guarded; it is held; it is kept. mopiani. chaste. mopia. she guards herself; they are guarded. mopiaya. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded. mopiaz. it will be watched, it will cared for. mopiazque. they will keep themselves apart. mopilhuatia. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear their young. mopiloa. it hangs. mopitza. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flared; it flares up; it is blown; it is cast; it is inflamed; they are cast. mopitzoa. it sucks. mopixoa. it is sown; they are sown. mopixqui. continent. mopoa. it is counted, it is tallied. mopoani. he is haughty. mopochquiotia. one is fattened. mopopoxani. energetic. mopozahua. it puffs up. moquechmecaniz. he will be strangled. moquechtlan. on your neck, about your neck. moquentizque. they will be provided with clothing. moquequetza. he hesitates; he totters. moquequetzani. loafer. moquequetzotzona. they clap each other on the back. moquetza. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it sets in. moquetzaya. he was set up; they grew. moquetzaz. it sets in (e.g., rain). moquetz. he stood up, he placed himself.

moquetzque. they arose, they stood up; they departed. moquetztiuh. it goes upright, it goes standing up. moquichchicauhtic. he became strong like a man. moquichhuatia. she marries. moquichitoa. he boasts of his manly deeds, he boasts that he is a brave warrior. moquichitoani. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds. moquichitotinemi. he goes boasting that he is a brave man. moquichnenequini. he pretends to be a brave warrior. moquichnenequi. they play the part of men. moquichquetza. he stands as a man. moquichquetzani. one who stands as a man. moquichquetza. they exalt their manhood. moquichtlalia. it sits up like a man. moquichtlaliani. it sits like a man. moquixtia. he escapes; he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken; it stems. moquixtiaya. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped. motachcauhnequia. it wanted to be first. motahuan. your fathers. motahua. your fathers. motapayollalia. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches. motapazoltiani. nest maker. motataca. they are dug out. motatzin. your father; your father [h.]. motatzitzinhuan. your fathers. motayotzin. fatherliness; your (pl.) fatherhood; your (pl.) fatherliness; your fatherliness. mota. your father. motecac. it spread out. moteca. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it settles; it spreads; it spreads out; it stretches out. motecanahua. it is thinned, it is made slender. moteca. they are ranged about; they are spread; they settle; they stretch out. motecaya. it spread; it was poured; it was served. motecaz. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread; it will spread. motecazque. they will extend. motechcopa. from you. motechiuhcauh. your governor. motech. on you. moteci. it is ground; it is ground up; they are ground; they are ground up. moteciz. it will be ground, it is to be ground. motecpana. they arrange themselves in order. motecuancuepazque. they will be changed into fierce beasts. motecuia. it coils itself. motecuitlahuiani. one who takes care of people. motecuitotiaya. he danced a princely dance. motehuilonenequi. it resembles crystal. motema. it is placed, it is put; it is put in; she bathes. motematiloa. it is anointed.

motemaz. he will bathe. motempapaloa. he licks his lips. motencacapatza. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth. motenehua. he is called; he is known as; he is named; he is renowned; it is called; it is described; it is told; it is determined; it is expressed; it is known as; it is mentioned; it is given expression; it is named; it is proclaimed; it is related; it is said; it is stated; it was called; it was known as; she are mentioned; she is named; she is called; she is mentioned; they are called; they are known as; they are mentioned; they are named; they are recorded; they are told about. motenehuaya. he was called; it was called; it was known as; it was named; it was said; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known as; she was called; they were called; they were known as; they were named. motenehuaz. it will be mentioned, it will be called upon; it will be published; it will be said; it will be told. moteneuh. it was named. motenextiliaya. they were discovered. motenhuitec. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand. motenmati. he wonders. motenpapahuiani. shouter. motentlan. before your lips. motentlilhuia. she is painted black on the lips. moteocalhuique. they were hurled from a temple. motepachihuia. it stalks one. motepachihuiani. stalker, one who stalks; ambusher. motepanahuiltoca. he thinks himself better than others. motepapatlachoa. they are crushed with a stone. motepetzin. your [h.] hill; your hill. motepeuh. your hill. motepexihuia. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a cliff. motepexihuiz. he will throw himself from a cliff. motepiltzintiani. one who adopts grandchildren. motepitztlalia. he sits down firmly, fast. motepitzyollo. the hardness of your heart. motepotlamia. he stumbles. motepotlamiaya. he stumbled. motepozhuia. it is chopped. motequi. it is cut. motequipachoani. one who is troubled; sympathetic. motequipachoa. she becomes troubled. motequipacho. she became sad. motequipachotica. he is anguished. motequiquitzin. your (h.) task. motequiuh. your task. moteteca. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one. motetecpana. they dispose themselves, they arrange themselves. motetequi. they are cut up; they cut themselves up; they dismember themselves. moteteuhtlalia. he sits down firmly. motetia. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs. motetiani. egg producer.

motetzahuiaya. they took it as an omen. motetzahui. he took it as an omen. motetzontia. he stores up for himself. motetzotzona. it is crushed; it is pounded with a stone; they are hammered with a stone. moteuh. your stone. motezcahuia. they look at themselves in the mirror. mothotli. chipmunk. motiachcauh. your older brother. motilinia. it extends itself; it stretches. motilmatizque. they will be provided with capes. motilmatzin. your [h.] cape. motiticana. it becomes stretched. motitihuana. it extends, it stretches out; it is stretched; it is straightened; it stretches. motlacacohuia. they buy people for themselves. motlacahualtia. he abstains; he stops; she abstains. motlacahualtiaya. they abstained. motlacaitta. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected. motlacamatiz. he will prosper; she will prosper. motlacateca. he rests well. motlacatili. he was born (h.); it was born (h.); they were born (h.). motlacatiz. she will be born (h.). motlacatlalia. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form. motlachihualtzin. your creation. motlachihualtzitzihuan. your creations. motlachihual. your deed. motlacomolhuia. it falls into the pit. motlacotiliqui. they [h.] do their labor. motlacualzoma. he rages over food, he gets angry about food. motlacuayan. your time of eating. motlaeltia. he becomes nauseated. motlahpehualhuia. it is snared. motlahuelquixtique. they vented their wrath. motlahueltzin. your fury. motlahuical. your helpmate, your companion. motlalia. he sits; he sits down; it is formed; it is laid; it is set [i.e.; fire]; it is made; it is placed; it is applied; it is set; it occurs; it is located; it places itself; it sits down; it settles; it sits; she sits; they are placed; they settle; they sit; they sit down. motlali. it took effect; it settled, it sat down; it was laid (e.g.; fire). motlalilia. it is put on him. motlalique. they sat down. motlalito. she went to sit. motlaloa. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they run; they run away; they flee. motlalohuaya. there was flight, there was running. motlaloz. he will run. motlaloznequi. they want to flee, they want to run. motlalozquia. they would flee, they would run. motlalpiliz. he will dress. motlalticpac. your world. motlaltoca. they take cover. motlamelauhcatlalia. it sits upright.

motlamiahua. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken their teeth. motlamiahuaz. the teeth will be darkened. motlamina. it darts; it forms runners; it sends out runners. motlaminani. one that darts. motlampacaz. he will clean his teeth. motlancuatoxahua. he falls on his knees. motlancuaxipehua. he skins his knees. motlanoquilia. he is purged. motlanpacaz. the teeth will be washed. motlantzicuatiliaya. they filed their teeth. motlantzinco. with you [h.]. motlantzin. your teeth. motlan. your teeth. motlaocoltia. she is saddened. motlaocol. your grief, your sadness; your sorrow. motlapachihuiani. stalker, one who stalks; one who stalks someone. motlapaloa. he is daring; they dare. motlapaloaya. he dared. motlapal. your force; your strength. motlapana. it is broken up. motlapanani. that which breaks up. motlapana. they hatch. motlapilchihual. your sin. motlaquentia. they clothe themselves, they are clothed. motlaquentiz. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself. motlaquentizque. they will be provided with clothing. motlatia. it hides; it is fired; it is burned; they are burned. motlatiz. he will be burned; he will burn himself. motlatizque. they will hide themselves. motlatlachialia. it looks repeatedly. motlatlacolnamictia. they incur sins, they do wrong. motlatlacol. your fault, your sin. motlatlahuantia. they each one get drunk, intoxicated. motlatlalia. he sits down; it forms; it is placed; it is set (i.e.; fire); they are each set down; they each seated themselves. motlatlaloa. it flees, it runs; they each run off. motlatlaloz. she will run. motlatlapitzal. your flute. motlatlatiliani. one that stores things, one that hides things. motlatoltia. he speaks. motlatoltzin. your [h.] word; your word. motlatol. your speech; your statement; your words; your word; your discourse. motlatquitzin. your property, your possession. motlatqui. your possession, your property. motlaxapochhuiz. he will throw himself into a chasm. motlaxquia. he roasts [something] for himself. motlayecoltia. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns his living; he makes a living; it hunts food. motlayecoltiani. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood. motlayecoltia. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain their livelihood. motlayecoltiz. he will work.

motlaza. it is cast, it is thrown; it is felled; it is thrown away; it is tossed; it spreads out; she throws herself; she hurls herself; they drop down; they are cast down. motlazatiuh. it goes to be cast away. motlazochihua. it grows rarely. motlazotlani. person who is jealous of her virtue. motlehuatzaz. it will roast. motlehuia. he has a fever; he has fever; it has fever; they have fever. motleyotia. it becomes famous; one is made famous. motlilchachapatz. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was spattered with black. motlilzahua. he fast in black. motoca. it is buried; it is planted; it is sown. motocaya. they were buried. motocayotia. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it was named; it was called; she is named; they are called; they are named; they call themselves. motocayotiaya. he was called; it was called; it was named; it was given the name; they were called; they were given the names. motocayoti. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it was referred to. motocayotique. they were named, they were called; they were given the name. motocayotiz. it will be called. motolinia. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; it suffers. motoliniani. one who is poor. motolinia. she is poor; she suffers; they are afflicted; they suffer; they are poor; they are unfortunate; they are miserable. motoliniaya. they were poor. motoliniz. he will be poor; he will suffer. motolinizque. they will be poor. motoliniz. she will suffer. motolol. your bowing of your head. motomahua. it thickens. motompitzoa. it gushes. motonacayouh. your sustenance, your food. motonameyotia. he sends forth rays of light, he supplies himself with rays of light. mototoloa. it is swallowed. mototopalquetza. they appear pompous. motoyahuitl. brown chipmunk. mottac. it was seen. motta. he is seen; it is considered; it is seen; it is found. mottaya. it was seen. motzacua. it is closed up; it is stopped; it is stopped up. motzatzacuaz. it will be closed. motzcuinpoloani. she brings herself to ruin like a dog. motzehtzetzeloa. it keeps beating its wings. motzetzeloa. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes itself. motzetzeloani. wing-beater. motzetzeloa. they beat [i.e., wings]. motzinehua. she backs away, she retreats.

motzinquixtia. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat. motzitzinnamaca. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution. motzoncuiz. it will take vengeance. motzonicquetza. he falls head first. motzontecontzin. your [h.] head. motzopiniz. it will be lanced, it is to be lanced. motzotzona. it is beaten; it is pounded; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each other; they strike themselves. motzotzon. your hair. motzoyonia. it is cooked. motzoyoniz. it will be cooked. moxahua. she paints her face; they paint their faces. moxahuaya. faces were smeared, faces were made up. moxanchihua. adobe bricks are made. moxancopina. it is molded into adobe bricks. moxaxahua. she variously paints her face. moxayac. your face. moxca. it is baked; it is fired; it is roasted. moxexeloa. they divide into groups. moxicocuitlatia. it produces beeswax. moxima. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is carved; it is shaved; it is cut; it is planed; it is trimmed off; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen. moximaya. their hair was shorn, their hair was cut; they did cut their hair. moximaz. it will be carved. moxinachiotia. it forms seeds. moxinachoa. it is propagated; it is engendered; seeds scatter; they breed. moxinachyotia. it produces seed. moxinqui. molted. moxipehua. it is barked, it is peeled. moxiuhnenequi. it resembles turquoise. moxixa. he urinates; it defecates. moxixima. it is carved. moxiximaya. it was carved. moxochiotia. it blossoms; it forms blossoms. moxochiotiani. blossomer, bloomer; producer of blossoms. moxochiotlaza. it sheds blossoms. moxocoyotia. it forms fruit. moxotla. it is incised. moxoxouhcaih. it is drunk uncooked. moyacacuitl. your nasal mucous. moyacatlaza. it sends out a shoot. moyacatlazani. producer of runners. moyacatoxahua. he falls on his nose. moyacatzayana. he tears off his nose. moyahua. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters. moyahuallalia. it coils itself. moyahualochtia. it is encircled, it is surrounded; it is placed around the edge. moyahua. they spread out. moya. it is shelled. moyamanilia. it is relaxed. moyaochichihua. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war; they array themselves for war.

moyaochichiuhque. they armed themselves for war; they arrayed themselves for battle. moyaochichiuhtihuitze. they come arrayed for war. moyaomiquili. he [h.] died in war. moyecihmati. he is wise. moyectia. it cleans itself; it grooms itself. moyectilia. it is made good, it is perfected. moyectlalia. it is made good, it is perfected. moyehuatoca. he thinks himself superior. moyehyectia. it cleans itself. moyeliz. your being, your nature. moyolehua. they are incited, they are stirred; they wish. moyoleuh. he was stirred, he was affected. moyolitlacoani. compassionate. moyolitlacoz. he will be affronted, he will be offended. moyollalia. they are content. moyollali. she was comforted. moyollaliz. he will be content, he will be consoled. moyollalizque. they will be comforted. moyollo. his heart; its heart. moyollotechihua. he steels himself. moyollotzin. their heart; your [h.] heart; your heart. moyollo. your heart. moyolnonotzaya. he consulted within his heart. mozahua. he fasts. mozahuani. one who fasts. mozahua. they fast. mozahuaya. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted; they should fast. mozahuazque. they will fast, they will do penance. mozaloa. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued. mozalohua. it is joined, it is glued. mozalo. it was joined, it was glued. mozauhque. they fasted. mozaz. he will be anointed. mozcalia. he is discreet; he is educated; he is instructed; he is trained; he is mature; he is prudent; he is revived; he is skilled; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes to his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet. mozcaliani. he is able; one who is able; one who is discreet; one who is prudent; one who is trained. mozcalia. she is discreet; she is reared; they are able; they revive. mozcaliaya. they were trained. mozcaliz. he will be instructed, he will be trained. mozcaltia. it grows; it grows bigger. mozcohua. they warm themselves. mozoma. he is enraged, he becomes angry. mozomaltzin. your wrath, your anger. mozomani. one who becomes enraged. mozoma. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry. mozomaz. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be wroth; he will become angry. mozonehua. it bristles. mozoquineloque. they covered themselves with mud. mozoz. it will be pierced; it is to be pierced. moztitzin. your claws.

mozti. your claws. moztla huiptla. for a little while; in a short time. moztlacahuiaya. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves. moztla. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow; on the next day. nacacanahuac. thin-fleshed. nacacuani. meat eater, flesh eater. nacahua. meat owner. nacamacac. meat seller. nacanamacac. meat seller. nacapalan. spoiled meat, rotten meat. nacatamalli. meat tamale. nacatepol. fleshy; very hard-fleshed; very firm-fleshed. nacatetic. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed. nacateton. heavy fleshed. nacatic. flesh-like; full bodied. nacatilahuac. thick-fleshed. nacatl. flesh; meat. nacaxoxouhqui. raw meat. nacayocanahuac. thin-fleshed. nacayo. flesh; fleshy; having flesh. nacayotl. fleshiness. nacazchichipichtic. having droplet shaped ears; having ears like droplets. nacazchichipichton. having droplet-shaped ears. nacazchihchipichtic. having droplet-shaped ears. nacazcuitlatl. ear wax. nacazhuihuiac. having long ears. nacazhuihuitztic. having pointed ears; pointed-earred. nacazhuihuitzton. small and having pointed ears. nacazpalaniliztli. ear ulcer. nacazpapatlactic. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose. nacaztli. ear. nacaztzontli. hair of the ear. nacel. my louse nits. naci. i arrive. naciz. i will reach, i will arrive. nacochtli. ear pendant; ear plug. nahci. i arrive. nahmapilli. four fingers (e.g., of a drink). nahuacalli. four boats. nahuacatl. four reed. nahualcalaquia. they entered in disguise. nahualcuahuitl. sorcerer's staff. nahualli. sorcerer, sorceress. nahuallotl. sorcery. nahuat. he spoke aloud. nahuati. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear. nahuatillalia. she establishes rules. nahuati. they speak; they speak aloud. nahuatlatoa. they speak nahuatl. nahuatlatolli. clear words; nahuatl language. nahuatlatolpan. in the nahuatl language. nahui. four. nahuilhuitl. four days. nahuiluitl. four days. nahui. my aunt. nahuin. four. nahuinti. four.

nahuintin. four. nahuixti. four. nahuixtin. four. naltic. translucent. naltona. translucent. namacapolcua. i eat mulberries. namechittaznequi. i want to see you [pl.]. namechnohuiquiliz. i will take you [pl., h.]; i will take you [h.; pl.]. namechontlapializ. i will guard for you [pl.]. namechyeyecoznequi. i want to test you [pl.]. namique. he has a spouse. namiqueque. married persons. namonan. i am your [pl.] mother. namota. i am your [pl.] father. namoyalo. there is stealing. nanacatl. mushroom. nanahuapatli. pustule medicine. nanahuatl. pustule; pustules. nanalca. it snarls. nanalcatica. it is snarling. nanaltona. ever translucent. nanatzihui. it becomes fat. nanchihualo. he becomes a mother. nantequitl. duty of motherhood. nantin. mothers. nantli. mother. napa. four times. napazchihua. i make basins. napilolchihua. i make water jars. napizmiqui. i am dying of hunger, i am starving. nappa. four times. nappan. four times. nappoalilhuitl. eighty days. nauhcamatl. four mouthfuls. nauhcampa. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four places; on four sides. nauhcan. four parts. nauhilhuitl. four days. nauhtetl. four. nauhtzontli. sixteen hundred. nauhxihuitl. four years. nauhxiuhtica. every four years. nauhyohual. four nights. naxca. my property. nayoachcua. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds. nayohuachcua. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds. nayohuachihcequi. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds. nayohuachquixtia. i remove the gourd seeds. nayotlapana. i break the gourd open; i break the turtle open. nayotl. motherhood. neacomanalo. there is disquiet, people are disquieted. necacahualo. there is dispersal. necacalaquilo. there is repeated entering. necahualoya. it ceased, it stopped. necalihuac. there was fighting. necalihua. there is fighting. nececentlalilo. there was gathering together on the part of each one.

necehuiliztli. rest, act of resting. necentlalilo. there is assembling, there is gathering together. nechahua. he chides me, he scolds me. nechcuaznequiz. it will want to eat me. nechhuahualtzaz. it will bark at me. nechichihualli. adornment. nechichihualo. there is arraying, people array themselves. nechicoitoa. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me. nechihua. he sends me away. nechititzayanaz. he will break open my entrails. nechixcuelitta. they look askance at me. nechmaca. they give it to me. nechmamauhtiz. it will frighten me, it will menace me. nechmomotzozque. they will mangle me. nechohchiaz. it will wait for me on the road. nechoquililo. there is weeping. nechoquiztlapalolo. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other tearfully. nechtlazotlazquia. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me. nechtolinia. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me. nechyayacatzacuiliz. it will confront me, it will cut off my path. necia. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they appeared; they looked like. necico. it came to appear. neci. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems; it shows; it is plain; they appear. neciz. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will be plain; it will be evident. necnelilmatiliztli. gratitude. necoc yaotl. traitor. necocampa. on both sides. necoc. at both ends; at each end. necoccampa. on both sides; at both ends. necoc. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways; twofaced. necoctene. he is two-faced. neco. it is desired; it is required. neconi. desirable; that which is useful; useful. neco. they are desired. nec. then. necuatolli. atole with honey. necuazcatl. honey ant. necuiltonolli. wealth; contentment; prosperity; riches; richness. necuiltonoloya. land of wealth; rich place. neehehualo. there is arising, people get up. nehmachoya. esteemed place. nehnemi. it travels, it runs about. nehnexehuaticac. it stands ash-colored. nehtotiloya. there was dancing. nehuapahualiztli. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing. nehuapol. i, me. nehuatl. i; me. nehuiquililozque. they will be taken, they will be carried. nehuitzmanaliztli. offering of thorns.

ne. i; me. neihuintiliztli. intoxication, drunkenness. neizahuiloya. there was fear. nelhuayohuac. it originated. nelhuayopitzahuac. having slender roots. nelhuayotomahuac. thick-rooted, having thick roots. nel. in truth; truly; verily. nelli. in truth, truly; true; truth. nelpililo. people wrap themselves up. nel. really, in truth, truly. neltiaya. it was realized, it became true. neltic. true. neltiliztlatolli. word of truth. neltiliztli. truth. neltiz. it will be realized, it will become true; it will be the truth; it will be verified; it will come to pass. neltoconi. believable, deserving of credibility; it is believed. nel. truly, in truth; indeed. nemachtiloya. there was teaching. nemactli. desert, merit, fortune, favor; gift. nemaltilo. there is confinement, there is captive taking. nemamauhtilo. there is constant fear, there is constant fright. nemanaliztli. act of placing, act of laying out. nematcayotl. courtesy. nematiliztli. prudence. nemauhtilo. there is awe; there is fear; everyone is frightened; there is fright. nemauhtiloya. there was fear. nemecatiliztli. concubinage. nemia. he lived; he walked; they lived. nemico. he came to live, he came to settle; they came to live. nemictiliztli. murder. nemi. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it grows; it nemi; it travels; it walks. nemiliztli. life; conduct; way of life. nemilizyotl. conduct. nemini. dweller; one who lives; traveler. nemi. they dwell, they live; they walk. nemitiloni. breedable. nemito. they went to live. nemiz. he will live; he is to live. nemiznequi. he wants to live. nemizque. they will live. nemiz. she will life; she will live. nemoa. one lives, people live. nenacazteco. there is ear-cutting. nenantilo. he is made a mother. nenca. it had lived; she had lived. nencihuatl. profitless woman. neneciz. it will repeatedly appear. nenecoc. at both ends; on both sides; on each side. nenecuiltic. twisted. neneliuhqui. mixed; mixed together; stirred. nenemi. it travels; it walks. nenemiliztli. life. nenemi. she walks.

nenemiz. he will walk. nenemiznequi. she wishes to walk. nenemiz. she will walk. nenenque. travelers. nenepanoliztli. union. nenepilahuayo. having a spiny tongue. nenepilli. tongue. nenepilmaxaltic. having a forked tongue. nenepiltexquimiliuhcayotl. coating on the tongue. neneuctic. extremely sweet; sweet. nenexquetzalo. there is preparing of ashes. nen. in vain. nenonotzale. one who is advised. nenonotzalli. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend; tradition. nenonotzaloc. there was consultation. nenonotzalo. there is consultation; there is deliberation; there is consulting; council is held; there is conversing; there is discussion. nenonotzaloya. there was consultation, there was plotting. nenoquich. profitless man. nenpehua. he starts in vain. nenque. they lived. nenquizaz. he will not go forth in vain. nenquizqui. worthless, useless. nenti. he fails. nentlacatl. useless; useless man; useless person; worthless person; worthless. nentlacayotl. uselessness. nentlamatia. he was in torment, he was in distress. nentlamati. he is anguished. nentlatlatolli. useless discussion. nepacholo. there is pressing together of one another. nepanotl. a mutual thing. nepantla tonatiuh. at midday; noon. nepantla. in the middle of it, in the midst of it; middle. nepapacholiztli. massage. nepapaco. there is washing. nepapan. different, various; different kinds. nepa. there, yonder. nepializtli. chastity. nequentiloni. something for clothing one's self. nequentilo. people wrap themselves in mantles. nequentiloya. there was wearing. netatilo. he is made a father. neteco. there is stretching out, there is lying down. netenhuitecoya. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth. neteotiloya. he was worshipped. netepotlamilo. there is stumbling, people stumble. netequiliztli. cut, wound. netequipacholli. torment, affliction. netlacolli. ailment. netlalilo. there is sitting down. netlalolli. running. netlaloloc. there was flight, there was running. netlalolo. there is flight, people flee; there is running. netlamachtilli. prosperity; riches.

netlamachtiloya. land of riches. netlancuicuihuaz. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth. netlapacholo. there is dressing, people clothe themselves. netlapololtiliztli. confusion; folly. netlatlalilo. there was the seating of each one. netlatlalolo. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the part of each one. netlayecoltiliztli. profession. netlazotlaliztli. self-esteem. netoliniliztli. poverty, misery; affliction; suffering. netoliniloya. place of misery. netonatiuhzahualoa. there is fasting for the sun. netotiliztli. dance, dancing. netotilo. there is dancing; people dance. netotiloyan. place for dancing. netotiloya. there was dancing; people danced. netotiloz. there will be dancing, people are to dance. nettoni. mirror. netzatzililo. there is shouting at each other. netzomilli. nasal mucus. neucnamacac. maguey syrup seller. neuctamalli. tamal made with honey. neuctetzahuac. thick syrup. neuctica. sweet; with honey; by means of honey. neuctic. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey. neuctitlan. in honey. neuctlaxcalli. tortilla made with honey. neuctli. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup. neuctzocaltic. very sweet. neuctzopatic. very honey-like; very sweet. neuctzopiltic. very sweet. neucyo. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup; sweetened; having honey. nexcacayactic. ashen and scant. nexcococ. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime. nexectic. ashen, ash-colored. nexehua. ashen, ash-colored. nexehuac. ash-colored; gray; ashen; grey. nexehuacaticectic. chalky-ashen. nexehua. it becomes ashen. nexehuaque. ashen. nexhuauhtli. gray amaranth seed. neximalitztli. obsidian razor; razor. neximaliztli. act of trimming hair. neximaloni. razor. nexochizahualo. there is flower fasting. nexotlaliztli. burn. nexpan. in ashes. nexpixolo. ashes are scattered. nextamalcuitlatic. like doughy excrement. nextic. ashen; ash-colored; gray. nextique. ashen. nextitlan. in the ashes. nextlahualiztli. debt payment; debt-payment. nextlahualli. offering. nextlahualoya. there was paying of the debt. nextlalli. ashen land; ashen soil. nextlatilli. ashen mound.

nextli. ash; ashes. nextontli. rather ashen. nexyayactic. ashen; dark ashen. neyolcuitiliztlatolli. confession. nezahualcuachtli. fasting cape. nezahualiztli. abstinence, fasting. nezahualoya. everyone fasted, there was fasting; there was abstaining. nezahuililoya. there was fasting. nezcalilizcali. school. nezcaliliztlatolli. words of training. nezcaltiliztli. rearing. nezcaltiloya. they were trained. nez. he appeared; it appeared. nezoa. there is [ear] piercing; there is piercing; bloodletting. nezohuaya. there was drawing of blood. nezotlaliztli. vomiting. nezotlalo. there is vomiting. nezotlaloz. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting. nezque. it appeared. nia. i go. niauh. i go. niaz. i will go. nicachihua. i make bowls. nicaci. i catch it. nicahahuitzana. i remove its wings. nicahua. i scold him, i quarrel with him. nica. i am. nicalahua. i put unguent on it, i anoint it. nicalaqui. i enter. nican tlaca. natives; local people. nicana. i take it, i seize it. nican. here; in this place; native. nicapolcua. i eat cherries. nicapolnamaca. i sell cherries. nicapoltzetzeloa. i shake the cherry tree. nicatilia. i melt. nicaxchihua. i make bowls. niccalaquiz. i will introduce him, i will put him inside. niccanahua. i thin it. niccaquiz. i will hear it. nicchichiqui. i plane it, i scrape it. nicchihua. i do it; i work it; i make it. nicchihuaz. i will do it. niccochitlehua. i see it in dreams. niccozcatlalia. i form it into a necklace. niccua. i eat it. niccualnextia. i beautify it. niccuaz. i will eat it. niccuitlapilhuihuitla. i pluck its tail. niccuiz. i will take it, i will seize it. nichienmatiloa. i rub chia in my hands. nichienpi. i uproot chia. nichuica. i take it, i carry it. nichuicaz. i will bring it. nicmahuizoznequi. i wish to marvel at it. nicma. i knew, i realized. nicmamaliz. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it. nicmapilhuia. i point at it.

nicmati. i know it. nicmelahuaz. i will explain it, i will spread it out. nicnemitia. i breed them; i raise it. nicnencua. i eat it in vain. nicnixnextilia. i gain from it. nicnocozcatia. i provide myself a necklace of it. nicnomacuextia. i provide myself a bracelet of it. nicnonamaquilia. i sell it [h.]. nicnotlapehualtia. i begin it for myself. nicnottiliz. i will see him [h.]. nicnoxacaltia. i make myself a hut. nicochitlehua. i see in dreams. nicochitlehuaz. i shall see in dreams. nicochiz. i will sleep. nicochpana. i sweep the road. nicomalchihua. i make griddles. nicomalixca. i fire griddles. nicoyotl. i am a coyote; i become a coyote. nicpachichina. i suck it. nicpachoa. i press it. nicpatlahua. i widen it. nicpetlahua. i shine it. nicpia. i guard it. nicpinauhtia. i shame him. nicpitza. i blow it; i cast it. nicquetza. i set it up. nicquixtia. i bring it forth. nicteca. i spread it. nictemiqui. i dream it. nictencopina. i remove its bill. nictenextlatia. i burn it to make lime. nictenmelahua. i straighten the edge. nictequi. i cut it. nictequiliz. i will place it for him, i will lay it for him. nictimaloa. i exalt it. nictlacacihuitia. i tame it, i domesticate it. nictlacuicuilia. i clean it up. nictlalia. i form it, i put it; i place it. nictlaocoliz. i will help it, i will have compassion for it. nictlatolchie. i await his word. nictlatolchielia. i await his word. nictlaxichtoca. i stake it. nictlazotla. i esteem him. nictoca. i follow it. nictolcapoyotia. i temper it with reed stem fibers. nictoliniz. i will abuse him, i will cause him pain. nictzetzeloa. i shake it. nictzotzona. i beat it, i pound it; i hammer it. nicualani. i am angry. nicuic. i took it, i seized it. nicxacualoa. i knead it. nicxalhuia. i polish it with sand. nicxaxamania. i make it crackle. nicxaxamatza. i make it crunch. nicxipetzoa. i smooth it. nicxiuhtzacua. i affix turquoise to it. nicxoxouhcacua. i eat it raw. nicyectia. i improve it.

nicyocoya. i form it. nicyolehua. i incite him. nihua. i am sent. nihuallacic. i arrived here. nihuallaz. i will come. nihuauhmateloa. i rub amaranth in my hands. nihuauhpixoa. i sow amaranth. nihuauhpoztequi. i thresh amaranth. nihuauhteca. i plant amaranth. nihuauhyectia. i clean amaranth. nihuecahuaz. i will tarry, i will delay. nihuehue. i am an old man. nihuetzi. i fall. nihuintic. i am drunk. nilama. i am an old woman. nilatzoyotia. i make things dirty. nimacehualli. i am a commoner. niman oncan. right there. niman. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then; at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon. nima. then, whereupon. nimeaquia. i transplant maguey. nimepachoa. i press the maguey in. nimepixoa. i sow maguey. nimeteca. i plant maguey. nimetlalia. i set out maguey, i plant maguey. nimetlapana. i break up the maguey. nimiqui. i die. nimiquiz. i will die. nimitzcalxaxapotlaz. i will break a hole in your house. nimitzcaquitia. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it. nimitzihizahuiz. i will frighten you. nimitzitta. i see you. nimitzmaca. i give it to you. nimitzmacaz. i will give it to you. nimitzmamauhtiz. i will terrify you. nimitzmati. i know you, i know about you. nimitznotlatlauhtilia. i pray to you [h.]. nimitznotlatolchialia. i await your command. nimitznotza. i address you; i call out to you; i call to you. nimitzonanaz. i will seize you. nimitztzatzilia. i cry out to you; i shout to you. nimizquicua. i eat mesquite. nimonan. i am your mother. nimoteuczoma. i am moteuczoma. nimotlan. i am your tooth. nimozti. i am your fingernail. ninacanacacuicui. i pick mushroooms. ninalahua. i slip. ninanacacua. i eat mushrooms. ninanacaheehua. i gather mushrooms. ninecuehua. i remove the maguey syrup. ninehuaz. i will arise, i will get up. ninemi. i live. ninenecuehua. i remove the maguey syrup from each one. nineuctlatia. i heat the maguey syrup. ninochichiuh. i arrayed myself.

ninochihua. i make myself. ninococoa. i am sick. ninocuaz. i will eat myself. ninohueilia. i become big, i grow. ninomati. i consider myself; i regard myself. ninomayahui. i throw myself, i cast myself. ninomixihuia. i take jimsonweed. ninonanacahuia. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms. ninopepetlahua. i take off my clothing. ninoquetza. i arise, i stand. ninotepotlamia. i stumble; i trip. ninotizahuia. i apply chalk to myself. ninotlampaca. i wash my teeth. ninotlancuicui. i pick my teeth. ninotlaza. i throw myself, i cast myself. ninotomahua. i enlarge. ninoyollaliz. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted. ninoztotema. i place myself in a cave. nipa. there, at a distance. nipepetlaca. i glisten. nipezoti. i am a coati. niqui. i drink it. niquilnamiqui. i think about it, i remember it. niquimacui. i take it in hand. niquimichti. i become a mouse. niquinchopini. i peck at them. niquinecui. i smell it. niquitlacoz. i will become a slave. niquitoa. i say; i say it; i repeat it. niquito. i said it. niquitquitinemi. i go carrying it. niquittac. i saw it, i came upon it. niquitta. i see it; i discover it. niquittaz. i will see him. niquittaznequi. i wish to see it. niquixpitzinia. i smash it in the eye. niquixtelolopitzinia. i smash it in the eyeball. niquixteloloquixtia. i remove its eyeball. niquiz. i will drink it. niteconchihua. i make pots. nitemetzchipahua. i purify lead. nitemetzpaca. i wash lead. nitemetztemoa. i search for lead. nitemetztlalcui. i gather pulverized lead. nitemetztlallatia. i heat pulverized lead. nitemetztlallatilia. i fire pulverized lead. nitemetztlaltataca. i excavate pulverized lead. nitemetztlaza. i remove lead. nitemiqui. i dream. nitemiquiz. i shall dream. nitemixihuia. i give jimsonweed to someone. nitemoc. i came down, i descended; i was born. niteocuitlapaca. i wash gold. niteocuitlapitza. i cast gold. niteocuitlatataca. i dig gold, i excavate gold. nitepetleco. i climb the mountain. nitepozpitza. i cast copper. nitepuzatilia. i liquefy copper.

nitexcalcehuia. i cool the oven. niticitl. i am a midwife. nitic. within me. nitlaatilia. i melt something. nitlaaxixtlalhuia. i put urinated soil on something. nitlacati. i form myself, i am born. nitlachie. i behold. nitlachipahua. i make something clean. nitlachiqui. i abrade something, i scrape something; i scrape. nitlachix. i beheld. nitlacopina. i mold things. nitlacopinalchihua. i make things with molds. nitlacua. i eat. nitlacualnextia. i embellish something; i make things beautiful. nitlacuammihuia. i pry something. nitlacuatihuetzi. i eat hurriedly. nitlacuaz. i will eat. nitlacuiloa. i paint. nitlahuica. i carry something, i carry things. nitlaixchipahua. i clean the surface of something. nitlaixyectia. i improve the surface of something. nitlamani. i am a captor, i am a taker of captives. nitlanahuati. i give commands. nitlancotoni. i break my teeth. nitlanecui. i smell something. nitlanezomalti. i was overwrought. nitlanquiquici. i whistle through my teeth. nitlapalihui. i am a field hand. nitlapanchichihua. i smooth the terrace. nitlapantlalcui. i gather the terrace earth. nitlapantlallaza. i remove the terrace earth. nitlapantlallecahuia. i raise up the terrace earth. nitlapetlahua. i polish something. nitlateocuitlahuia. i gild something. nitlatetizahuia. i apply limestone to something. nitlatexcaltema. i fire things in an over. nitlatizahuia. i apply chalk to something. nitlatlahuia. i redden something. nitlatlapachoa. i provide the roof. nitlatlapana. i break something up. nitlatoani. i am ruler. nitlatzohuia. i snare something. nitlatzontlapoa. i take off the roof. nitlayohualli. i am darkness. nitolinilo. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer. nitoliniloz. i will be abused, i will be afflicted. nitotolpixqui. i am a turkey caretaker. nitzoaloa. i make amaranth seed dough. nitzotzocolchihua. i make large water jars. nixalpaca. i wash sand. nixalpitza. i blow sand. nixalteci. i pulverize sand. nixalyectia. i purify sand, i clean sand. nixamana. i remove adobe bricks. nixancopina. i make adobe bricks. nixantlaza. i lay adobe bricks. nixayo. my tears. nixcoyan. myself, on my own responsibility.

nixilotl. i am an ear of green maize. nixiuhzaloa. i glue turquoise. nixixicuinti. i gorge myself, i eat like a glutton. nixochichihua. i make flowers. nixochiehua. i remove flowers. nixochimana. i offer flowers; i lay flowers on the ground. nixochipixoa. i sow flowers. nixochitemoa. i seek flowers, i look for flowers. nixochitequi. i pick flowers, i cut flowers. nixochitetequi. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut different flowers. nixochitlacuicuilia. i assemble flowers. nixochitlalia. i arrange flowers; i arrange blossoms. nixochitoca. i plant flowers. nixochizo. i thread a flower. nixochizozo. i thread flowers. nixococihui. my teeth are set on edge. nixpampa. in my presence. nixtlamati. i am wise. niya. i go. niyauh. i go. niyaz. i will go. niyez. i will be. niyolmiqui. i faint. niyolpaqui. my heart is delighted. niyolpolihui. i am troubled. nizoquichihua. i make it out of clay. niztatlalapachohua. i leach the alkaline soil. niztatlalololohua. i heap up alkaline soil. niztatlatia. i make salt. niztayochihua. i make brine, i make salt water. no ce. another. no cenca. especially. no ceppa. once again. no ihcuac. at the same time. no iuhqui. same. no. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too. noca. about me. nochan. my home; my house. nochcuatinemi. it goes about eating prickly pears. nochpochtze. o my daughter; o my maiden. nochpochtzin. my daughter; my beloved maiden. nochpotzin. my dear daughter. nochtlaxcalli. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit. nochtli. prickly pear; tuna cactus fruit; tuna. nocihuapiltzin. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman. noconana. i grasp it. noconcui. i grasp it. noconetzin. my beloved child; my child. noconitoa. i declare him. noconiyahua. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer him. noconpaloz. i will taste it. noconpoa. i commend him. noctlalia. i make pulque, wine. nocuica. my song.

nohnoltic. each one curved. nohquetza. i travel the road. nohuia. everywhere. nohuiampa. everywhere; in all directions. nohuian. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in all parts; in all places; wherever. nohuianpa. everywhere, in all directions. nohuiya. everywhere. nohuiyampa. everywhere; in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts; to everywhere. nohuiyan. everywhere; all about; in all directions; in all parts; in all places. nolihui. they become curved. noliuhqui. twisted. noltic. curved; twisted; wrinkled. nomac. in my hand. nomal. my captive. nomiuh. my arrow; my dart. nonacayo. my body. nonamic. my wife. noncua. apart, separately; alone; aside. noncuah. apart, separately. nonequixtil. my duty; my obligation. nonhuetzi. i fall. nonneci. i appear. nonnohuitequi. i beat myself. nonnotta. i see myself. nonoc. i lie, i rest. nononcua. apart, separately; each one alone; individually. nonopilhuantzitzin. my beloved sons; my sons. nonotzale. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised. nonotzaleque. conjurers. nonotzaloc. it was announced. nonotzalo. he is admonished. nonotzaloya. he was admonished. nontlatoa. i speak. nontli. dumb, speechless. nopalia. nopal patch. nopalleco. it climbs pricky pear cactuses. nopalli. tuna cactus. nopan. on me; to me. nopilhuane. o my sons. nopilhuantzitzine. o my beloved sons; o my sons. nopilhuantzitzin. my beloved children; my children; my sons. nopiltze. o my child. nopiltzin. my beloved son. nopiltzintzine. o my beloved son; o my nobleman; o my sons. nopolihuia. my destruction. noquichpiltzin. my beloved boy. noquichtihuan. my older brothers. notatzi. my beloved father. notatzin. my beloved father. notech. on me. notelpochtzin. my beloved youth. notelpotzine. o my youth, o my noble youth. notenahuatil. my commandment. noteouh. my god.

notequiuh. my burden; my task. noteucyo. my lady; my lord; my noble woman. notlacual. my food. notlatol. my talk, my speech, my word; my words. notlatqui. my goods, my possession. notlaxcal. my tortilla. notlazoichpochtzin. my precious maiden, my precious daughter. notlazopiltzin. my precious noble one; my precious son. notocatzin. my name. notonatiuh. my sun. notopil. my staff. notzaloc. he was called, he was addressed. notzalo. he is addressed; he is summoned. notzaloni. tractable. notzaloque. they were called. notzalo. they are summoned. notzalotoc. he is called to. notzaloya. they were called. notzaloz. he will be called. notzotzoma. my rags. notzotzon. my hair. notztli. i am pregnant. noxayac. my face. noxhuiuhticatzine. o my grandson. noxhuiuhtze. my beloved grandson. noxhuiuhtzine. o my grandson. noxocoyohue. o my youngest child. noxocoyouh. my youngest child. noyacauh. my nose. noyaz. i will go. noyolcauh. my animal. noyollo. my heart. nozo. or. oachitzin. a little, a little bit. oachto. first. oacic. he arrived; he reached; it arrived; it finished; it reach; it reached. oacico. he came to arrive; he came to reach; it came to arrive; they came to arrive; they came to reach. oacique. they arrived; they reached. oacito. he arrived, he went to arrive; he went to reach [there]; it arrived; it reached [him]; they arrived; they reach [there]; they reached [there]; they went; they went to arrive; they went to arrive [there]; they went to reach [there]. oanhuallaque. you (pl.) came; you [pl.] came. oannechmocnelilique. you [pl.] were good to me, you [pl.] treated me kindly. oanoc. he was chosen, he was picked; he was seized; he was captured. oanquiciauhque. you [pl.] became exhausted. oanquihiohuique. you [pl.] suffered fatigue. oanquimictique. you (pl.) killed him. oatix. it melted, it became molten. oatlihuac. there was drinking. oax. he did. oaxihuac. he was seized, he was captured. oc cenca. especially.

oc cepa. again. oc ceppa. again; once again. oc cequi. others, even more; the rest; still others. ocachihuiliaya. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him. ocacic. he captured it; she captured him. ocacique. they captured him; they seized him. ocacoc. it was heard. ocalac. he entered. ocalaquico. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter. ocalaquito. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they went to enter. ocalti. she bathed him. ocanato. she went to get him. ocatca. he was; it had been; it was; they were. occan. another place; two places. ocelocopilli. peaked ocelot skin cap. ocelocueitl. ocelot skirt. ocelocuicoltic. spotted like an ocelot. ocelocuicuiliuhqui. spotted like an ocelot. ocelocuicuiltic. varicolored like an ocelot. oceloehuacactli. ocelot skin sandal. oceloehuaicpalli. ocelot skin seat. oceloehuatepotzoicpalli. ocelot skin seat with a back rest. oceloehuatl. ocelot skin. oceloe. o ocelot warriors. ocelohuehuetl. ocelot drum. ocelome. ocelots. ocelo. ocelots, ocelot warriors. ocelopetlapan. on the ocelot mat. ocelopetlatl. ocelot mat. ocelotamalli. spotted tamale. ocelotepotzoicpalli. ocelot skin seat. ocelotetepoyo. having an ocelot claw design. ocelotic. like an ocelot. ocelotilmatli. ocelot cape; cape with an ocelot design. ocelotiz. he will be an ocelot warrior. ocelotlachicomitl. ocelot wine jar. ocelotlatzacuillotl. ocelot gate. ocelotle. o ocelot warrior. ocelotl. ocelot; ocelot warrior. ocelotzontecoyo. having an ocelot head. oceloyotl. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior. ocemilhuitl. for a day. oceuh. it calmed; it cooled; it went out; it was extinguished. ochicahuac. it became firm. ochichihualo. paths are adorned, paths are prepared. ochihualoc. it was made. ochocac. it cried out. ochoquiztli. weeping. ochpanalli. sweeping. ochpantli. highway; main road. ochpanzolli. old main road. ocihuacoch. he slept with a woman. ocihuamic. his wife died. ococalcueitl. pine nut skirt. ococalli. pine wood cage. ococintli. pine nut.

ococuahuitl. pine branch; pine log; pine tree; pine stave; pine wood. ococuauhtica. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by means of pine staves. ocololhuique. they circled about it. ocome. pine sticks, torches. oconaaltique. they bathed him. oconalti. he bathed it. oconcahuaco. he came to leave it. oconcahuato. he went to leave him; they went to leave him. oconcaquiti. she informed him of it. oconcauh. he abandoned it, he left it. oconchiuh. he did it, he performed it. oconcuico. he came to take it; they came to take it. oconcuique. they took it. oconcuito. they went to take it. oconic. he drank it. oconilhuito. they went to tell it to him. oconittac. he found it, he saw it. oconmottilique. they [h.] saw it. oconpalo. he tasted it. oconpolo. it abated it, it destroyed it. oconquechcotonque. they beheaded it. oconquixti. he brought it forth, he made it flow out. ocontecac. he spread it out. ocontlali. he placed it. ocontlalito. they went to place it; they went to set it. ocontlaz. he cast it, he threw it. ocontoyauh. he poured it. ocontzonquixti. he ended it. oconxipeuhque. they flayed her. oconyahualoque. they encircled it, they surrounded it. ocopilli. pine fire brand; pine firebrand; pine torch; torch. oc. other; still; yet. ocotl. pine; pine (resin); pine stick; pine wood; torch. ocotochehuatl. lynx skin; bobcat skin. ocotochin. bobcat. ocotochtli. bobcat; mountain cat. ocotzocuahue. possessor of pine resin trees. ocotzocuicui. he collects pine resin. ocotzocuicuini. collector of pine resin. ocotzohua. possessor of pine resin. ocotzonamacac. pine resin seller. ocotzonamaca. he sells pine resin. ocotzotica. with pine resin, by means of pine resin; using pine resin. ocotzotl. pine resin; resin. ocotzoyo. having pine resin. ocotzti. he got her with child, he got her pregnant. ocoxochitl. pine flower. ocozacatl. pine needle; pine-tree grass. oc. still, yet; besides; first; more. octlaliloya. wine shop. octlali. wine-maker. octli. maguey wine; pulque; wine. ocualittoc. he was seen to be suitable. ocualoc. it was eaten. ocuepon. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out. ocuilcuacuah. decayed, worm-eaten. ocuilcualo. it becomes worm-eaten.

ocuilin. worm; worms. ocuili. worm; worms. ocuiltin. worms. ocuilti. worms. ocuilton. little worm; small worm. ocuiltoton. little worms. oc. yet, still. ohecoque. they arrived. ohiximati. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road. ohmati. he knows the road. ohonoc. it lies, it extends. ohontetl. two. ohpitzactli. trail, narrow road; path. ohtli. road. ohuac. it dried; it dried out. ohualacic. he arrived. ohualan. it broke out. ohualhuetz. it fell off. ohualhuiloac. there was going forth. ohuallacat. it was born. ohualla. he came; it came. ohuallaque. they came. ohuallathuic. it dawned, day broke. ohuallotlatocac. they each proceeded on their way, they each traveled. ohualmocuep. he returned. ohualquiz. he came forth; it arose [i.e.; sun]; it came out; it emerged; it came forth; she came forth. ohualtemoc. he descended. ohualtemoque. they climbed down, they descended. ohuapahuac. he matured. ohuatl. green corn stalk; green maize stalk; green cornstalk. ohuehueixque. they grew large. ohuehuetic. it became like an old man. ohueix. it grew. ohuelacic. he completely arrived; it arrived. ohuelhuehuetic. he grew very old. ohuelhuetz. he fell. ohuellayohuac. it became very dark. ohuel. well; very; fully. ohuetz. he fell. ohuetzico. it came to fall. ohuetz. it fell. ohuican quizaz. he will come to a bad end. ohuican. dangerous place; difficult place; inaccessible place; difficult time. ohuih. grave, difficult. ohuihuiloac. there was going on the part of each one. ohui. it is difficult. ohuiloaz. there will be going. ohuitecoc. he was struck. ohuitlatolli. insinuation. ohzolli. old road. oicamac. in its mouth. oichtec. he stole. oihcuac. when. oihtlacauh. it became corrupted.

oihualoque. they were sent. oihuintic. she was drunk. oihuintique. they were drunk. oilamatic. it became like an old woman. oimacaxoya. they were feared. oimac. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands. oimpan. on them. oinmac. in their hands. ointech. near them. ointlan. among them. oinyollopachiuh. they were satisfied. oinyollo. their heart. oipan. on it. oiquechtlan. on its neck. oitech. to it, in contact with it. oitlacauh. it was damaged. oitlan. near it, about it, around it. oitoloc. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined. oittaloque. they were seen. oittoc. he was seen; it was seen. oittoque. they were seen; they were noted. oiuccic. it cooked; it got heated; ripened. oiuccique. they cooked. oiuh. it looked, it seemed; thus; so. oixhuic. it filled up, it became satiated. oixnez. he appeared [before people]. oiztlacatiaque. they lied. olcactli. rubber sandal. olchapoli. rubber grasshopper. olia. it trembles. olini. it moves. olin. movement. ollacotl. green branch. olli. rubber. olmaitl. rubber hammer. ololauhqui. round; roundish. ololihui. it becomes round. ololiuhqui. round; rounded. ololpatic. very round. ololpipil. small and round. ololpol. round. ololtic. round. ololtontli. small and round. olopitzahuac. having a slender cob. olotl. corncob. olteteo. rubber gods. oltia. it is resilient. oltic. resilient; rubbery; rubber-colored; rubber-like; yielding. omachiztito. it went to become known. omachoc. it was known, it was found out. omacic. he matured; mature. omac. on two hands, on two sides. omacoya. it was given. omalacachiuh. he became round. omaltic. he was taken captive, he became a captive. omaltique. they bathed themselves. omaxac. at the crossroads; corssroads. omaxitico. he [h.] came to arrive.

omaxix. he urinated. omaxixtzauc. his urine was blocked. omentin. two; both. omenti. two. omen. two. ometochtecomatl. two-rabbit basin. ome. two; both; couple. ometzin. two. omextin. two; both. omexti. two, both. omeyocan. place of duality. omicamac. opening in a bone. omicelic. like tender bone. omicetl. semen. omic. he died. omichicahuaztli. bone rasp. omic. it died. omicoac. there was death, people died. omicohuac. there was death, people died. omicqueh. they died. omicque. they died. omic. she died. omicuicatl. collar bone. omiex. he loosed an odor, he broke wind. omihuictica. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade. omihuictli. bone blade. omilhuitl. two days. ominoc. it was shot. omio. bone; bony. omiohua. it becomes bony. omipalan. rotten bone. omiquizquia. he would have died. omitica. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl. omitlaco. he harmed himself. omitl. bone; bone awl. omitoco. they came to be called. omito. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was told; it was related; it was declared. omitoque. they were mentioned. omitoti. he danced. omitzalmihuali. he sent you. omitzicnoittac. he favored you, he looked upon you kindly. omitzmahuizyoti. he gave you honor. omitzmixamili. he (h.) washed your face. omitzmoyolitlacalhuitzino. he offended you [h.]. omitznantique. they made you mother. omitzontlaocolnonotzaco. he came to call out to you in sadness. omitztlatolti. he made you speak. omixochitl. white amaryllis. omixpantzinco. before you [h.], in your [h.] presence. ommacalaquique. they entered the boats. ommaltia. she bathes. ommaltiaya. they bathed. ommaltique. they bathed. ommaquizque. they escaped. ommic. he died; it died.

ommicoaya. there was dying. ommicque. they died. ommih. it is drunk. ommi. it is drunk. ommiquia. she died; they died. ommiquico. they came to die. ommiqui. it dies. ommitoa. it is said. ommiz. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk. ommocahua. they are left; they remain. ommocauh. it remained; it stopped. ommochihuaz. it will be, it will become; it will befall; it will happen. ommochihuazque. they will become. ommochipinilia. it is dripped on him. ommochiuh. it became; it was done. ommocua. it is eaten. ommomana. it is quieted, it settles down. ommonamictia. they marry. ommopapachoa. it is pressed. ommopixoa. it is sown. ommoquetzaco. they came to stand. ommotecac. it was spread. ommoteca. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is applied; it settles; it spreads out. ommotecato. they went to establish themselves. ommoteneuh. it was mentioned. ommotlalia. he seats himself, he sits down; it is placed; they repose; they sit down. ommotlalico. they came to settle themselves. ommotlaza. he throws himself down; it throws itself. ommotta. he looks at himself, he sees himself. omocac. it was heard. omocauh. it remained. omocencauh. it was prepared. omocenquixtiqueh. they assembled, they gathered. omochi. all, everything. omochichihuaya. he was adorned. omochichiuh. he was arrayed. omochiuhca. it had happened, it had occurred. omochiuh. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was done; it occurred; it was made. omococoaya. he became sick; he was sick. omocua. it is eaten. omocualanique. they became angry. omocuiltono. he enjoyed himself. omomanaco. it came to come forth, it came to emerge. omomatque. they thought, they took [something] to be. omomecati. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine; he took a paramour. omomiquili. he [h.] died. omomiquilique. they [h.] died. omopan. on you. omopetlauh. it was burnished, it was polished. omopiaya. it was guarded. omopilhuati. it bears its young, it raises its young.

omoquetzaco. it came to establish itself; it came to set in. omotecac. it settled. omotecaque. they assembled; they established themselves. omotecato. they went to assemble; they went to rest; they went to lie. omotenamicti. they met him. omoteneuh. it was called; it was made known; it was mentioned; it was named; it was said; it was published; it was told. omoteneuhque. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named. omotepexihui. he fell from a precipice, a crag. omotetecuix. it coiled itself. omotez. it was ground. omotititz. it was stretched. omotlacatili. he was born (h.); he was born [h.]. omotlahuitec. he tripped. omotlali. it settled; it was laid; it was placed. omotlalique. they sat down. omotlapololtique. they were confused. omotlatocatlali. he was made ruler. omotochhui. he was affected by the wine gods. omotolini. he was unfortunate. omottac. it was seen. omotzintzacu. he became constipated. omotzintzauc. he became constipated. omoyolnonotzque. they consulted among themselves. omozalo. it was joined, it was glued. omozcali. it revived. omozcalique. they revived. omozoma. he became angry. ompa onquizaz. he will be destitute. ompan. there. ompaqui. he is happy, he rejoices. ompa. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then; where; to where. ompatia. it was remedied, it was cured. ompehua. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins; it starts; they begin; they start; they set forth; they depart; they leave. ompehuaya. he departed, he set forth. ompehuaz. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin. ompehuaznequi. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth. ompehuazque. they will set forth; they will start. ompeuh. he set forth, he started. ompoalilhuitl. forty days. ompoalxihuitl. forty years. ompolihuaz. there will be destruction. ompoliuh. he disappeared. omtlami. it ends. onac. he entered. onacic. he arrived; he reached; he came; it arrived. onacico. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to arrivie. onaci. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes. onacique. they arrived; they reached.

onaci. she arrives, she approaches; they arrive; they reach; they arrived; they reached. onacito. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to arrive there; they went to reach. onacotlachixtihui. they go along looking up. onahuilpehua. they begin in fun. onaiz. he will do. onano. he is taken, he is seized. onapizmiqui. he is starved, he is hungry. onauhcampa. in four directions. onaxihua. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people arrive; there is arriving. oncacalaqui. it enters from place to place. oncahualoya. they were left. oncalac. he entered, he set; it set; it entered. oncalacque. they entered; they went in; they submitted. oncalactinemi. he goes entering. oncalaqui. he enters; it enters; it sets [i.e.; sun]; the sun]; it sets; it goes down; they enter. oncalaquito. they went to enter. oncalaquiz. it will set, it will enter. oncalaquiznequi. he wishes to enter. oncan. he sits; here; then; at that time; there; at this time; on that point; when; where. oncatca. it was; there was; they were. oncate. there are, they are; there were. onca. there; there is. onchichaz. he will spit. onchichazque. they will spit. onchocac. he wept, he cried. oncholo. he leaped. oncholoz. it will spring, it will jump. oncochia. he slept. oncochque. they slept. oncocochi. they each sleep. oncualoc. it was eaten. oncuecuepoca. they each crackle. oncuecueponi. they each explode. onechmocnelili. he was good to me, he favored me. onechtolini. he abused me, he caused me pain. onechyolitlaco. he offended me. onehua. he arises. onehuaqueh. they departed. onehuazque. they will set forth. onelcicihuican. (may) they sigh. onelcicihuiz. he will sigh. oneltico. it came to be verified, it came to become true. onen. he lived. onepantla. in the middle of the road. onez. it was evident, it appeared. onhuaqui. it dries, it hardens. onhuetz. he fell. onhuetzi. he falls; it drops; it falls; it is dropped. onhuetziz. he will fall; it will fall. onhuetzque. they fell. onhuicozque. they will be captured. onhuihuiloac. there was going on the part of each one. onhuiloaz. there will be going, people will go.

onican. here. onicatca. i was. onicatoyahui. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent. oniccac. i heard it. oniccochcauh. i left him asleep. oniccua. i ate it. oniccuili. i took it from him. onichtacacalaqui. he secretly enters repeatedly. onicma. i knew it, i found it out; i learned it. onicnexti. i produced it, i discovered it. onicnomonti. i made him my son-in-law. onicpaccacauh. i gladly left him. onictepexihui. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag. onictlazalti. i made him drop it. onictlazolmicti. i ruined it. onilhuilo. it is said to him. onilhuitlaque. they celebrated the feast day. oniquittac. i saw it. onitoloz. it will be said. onixhuaqui. it dries on the surface. onixnecia. they appeared, they came into view. onixpoliuhque. they perished. onixtotomahuaz. he will be stupid. onmacalaquia. he embarked in a boat. onmacalaqui. it was put in a boat. onmacalaquizque. they will embark. onmacalten. it was loaded in a boat. onmachoc. it was known. onmaltia. he bathes; it is bathed. onmaquiaya. it was put on. onmecaniloc. he was hanged. onmic. he died. onmichiqui. it is grated, it is scraped. onmicoac. there was dying; there was death. onmicoaz. there will be dying. onmicque. they died. onmic. she died. onminecui. it is inhaled. onmiquia. he died; she died. onmiqui. he dies. onmitoa. it is said; it is told. onmiz. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk. onmocahua. they remain, they are left. onmocalaqui. he entered. onmocenquixtia. it is amassed, it is gathered. onmochihuaz. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will result; it will occur. onmochipinia. it is dripped. onmochiuh. it became. onmocuacuacua. it is chewed. onmocuapepetla. he combs it. onmocuiltono. he rejoiced. onmomamatiloa. they rub themselves. onmoman. it was spread. onmomatoca. he tends it with his hands. onmomiquili. she died [h.]. onmonextia. it is divulged, it is made known. onmopachoa. they are pressed.

onmopatzca. it is squeezed. onmopepetla. he combs it. onmopiazoa. it gushes, it spurts. onmoquetza. he places himself. onmotecac. it was placed. onmoteca. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is placed; it is set out; it is spread out; it is spread; it is spread on. onmotecaz. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread; it is to be spread. onmoteci. it is ground. onmoteneuh. it was mentioned. onmotepehua. they hurl themselves. onmotepehuaya. they were cast, they were scattered. onmotlalia. he seats himself, he sits down. onmotlaloa. he runs; he runs up. onmotlancuanexhuia. they put ashes on their knees. onmozaloa. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued. onnauhtetix. they became four. onnecia. it appeared. onneci. it appears, it is visible. onnemi. he lives. onnetepehualo. there is scattering, people scatter. onnetotiloc. there was dancing, people danced. onnextlahualoya. there was paying of the debt. onnezahualoc. the fasting stopped. onoca. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they lay; they lived; they stayed; they resided; they were; they dwelled. onoc. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists; it rests; it is laid out; it is; it lies; it occurs; it lay; it was; it is located; it located; it remains; it spreads; it lives; it prevails; it resides; it stands. onoconcuic. i took it. onoconic. he drank it. onoconittac. i saw it. onoc. she is, she stays; there is; it lies. onohuac. there has been resting. onohuian. everywhere; in all parts. onohuiyan. everywhere; all over; in all parts. onontlachix. i saw. onopan. on me. onoque. there are, they lie; they are; they exist; they remain; they dwell; they dwelled; they stayed; they extend; they extended; they lay; they rest; they spread out; they live; they stay; they reside; they settle. onoquichtic. she became a good warrior. onotiuh. it lies, it rests. onotlapetlan. lightning. onotlatlatzin. thunder. onozque. they will remain. onpa. there. onpehua. it starts; they start; they set out. onquiza. it issues. onquizaquihui. they come emerging. onquiza. they go forth.

onquiz. it came forth. ontecencahualoc. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people. onteme. two. ontemictico. they came to kill people. ontenacazxapotlaloc. there was piercing of ear [lobes]. ontenamoyeloz. there will be plundering of people. ontentiuh. it goes filling up. onteotlahuanoc. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque. ontetl. two. ontetzatzilia. he cries out to people, he shouts to people. ontetzatziliz. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people. ontlaacaltemaloc. there was loading into a boat. ontlachia. he looks, he gazes; they look. ontlachix. he looked, he gazed. ontlacualoc. there was eating; people ate. ontlacua. they eat. ontlahuelneciz. it will appear attractive. ontlaiyahuaya. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in offering. ontlalcuaque. they ate earth, they performed the earth-eating ceremony. ontlalpia. they bind something, they tie something. ontlamanaya. they laid an offering down. ontlamantli. two kinds. ontlamaque. they took captives. ontlami. it ends; it is used up. ontlamiz. it will end. ontlanque. they came to their end, they finished. ontlanquiquici. she whistles. ontlapia. they keep watch, they keep guard. ontlapiaya. they kept guard, they kept watch. ontlapitzaloc. shell trumpets were blown. ontlatlamanaloc. people made various offerings. ontlatlapaloa. they sample, they sip, they taste. ontlatlaza. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it. ontlatoa. he rules; he speaks; they speak; they talk. ontlecoc. he ascended, he climbed. ontlecoque. they climbed up. ontleco. they ascend, they climb. ontlenamacac. he offered incense. ontoco. it is sown. ontzinti. it begins. ontzonquiz. it ended. ontzontli. eight hundred. onxihuitl. two years. onyaya. it goes repeatedly. onyez. he will be. onyezque. they will be, there will be. onyez. there will be. ooccan. in two places. oocelo. ocelots, ocelot warriors. oocti. they become wine. oommic. she died. oommoquetzaco. he came to stand. oompa. there. oonacic. he arrived.

oonelcicihuico. he came to sigh. oonhuitza. he had come. oonmic. he died; she died. oonoc. it prevails; it reigns; there is. oonquiz. it passed. oonteot. she became a goddess. oontetl. two. oontlan. it ended. ooquichcoch. she slept with a man. opalan. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed; it festered. opatic. he got well, he was cured; he recovered. opatiloc. he was cured. opa. twice, two times. opehualoc. it began. opepenaloc. he was selected, he was elected. opeuh. he began, he started; it began. opochmaye. left-handed person. opoliuh. he vanished; he perished; it disappeared; it vanished; it perished. opozahuac. it swelled. oppa. two times, twice. oquicac. he heard it; it heard it. oquicacque. they heard it. oquicac. she heard it. oquiceli. she received it. oquicencauh. she prepared it. oquicentlalique. they brought it together, they put it together. oquichcochia. she lay with a man. oquichcochi. she sleeps with a man. oquichcochiz. she will sleep with a man. oquic. he drank it. oquichihuili. he did it to her. oquichiuh. he did it, he made it; he begat; he fathered him. oquichiuhque. they did it, they fulfilled it; they made it. oquichiuh. she did it, she made it. oquichiuhtiaque. they proceeded to do it. oquichnotzale. having masculine mode of address. oquichololti. he set him free, he let him run. oquichpia. she holds a husband. oquichpilpil. young boys. oquichpiltontli. baby boy; male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy. oquichpipiltotonti. boys; small boys; young boys. oquichtacacua. he ate it in stealth. oquichtequico. he came to steal it. oquichtia. he became a warrior, he became a man. oquichti. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males. oquichtini. one who is brave. oquichtin. men; males; brave warriors; warriors. oquichti. they are men, they become men. oquichtiz. he will be brave; he will become a brave warrior; he will become a warrior; he will become a man. oquichtizque. they will be valiant, they will be brave. oquichtlatoa. she speaks man's talk. oquichtlatole. having masculine speech. oquichtlatquitl. men's array.

oquichtli. boy, male; cockerel; man; manly; brave man; brave warrior; courageous person; husband; valiant; warrior; man of war; men; males; middle-aged man. oquichtotoli. male turkey. oquichyotl. heroism; manliness; valor; exploits; status of the warrior; warriorhood. oquicotonili. he cut it out of it. oquicouh. he bought him. oquicuacua. he chewed it. oquicua. he ate it; it bit him. oquicuaque. they ate it. oquicuatinen. they went eating it. oquicuic. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she accepted it; she took it. oquicuito. they went to receive it. oquihualhuicaque. they carried it here. oquihualnamicque. they received her, they confronted her. oquihuicaca. they had brought it. oquimacac. it gave it to him. oquimacaque. they gave it to him. oquimacauh. he permitted it. oquimacuic. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws. oquima. he knew it, he found it out. oquimahuiztiliaya. they paid honor to him. oquiman. he placed it. oquima. she learned of it. oquimatico. they came to know it. oquimattiaque. they went learning it, they went knowing it. oquimihiohuilti. he [h.] suffered fatigue. oquimimilo. he made it roll. oquimittac. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them. oquimittaque. they saw them. oquimochihuili. he [h.] made it. oquimociahuilti. he [h.] became weary. oquimocuitlahuique. they took care of him. oquimomaquixtili. he rescued it. oquimonequilti. he willed it; he determined it. oquimonhuihuitequito. they went to strike each one of them. oquimonmictique. they killed them, they slayed them. oquimonpolo. he lost them. oquimoyolitlacalhui. he offended him [h.]. oquimoyolitlacalhuique. they offended him. oquinapalo. he carried it, he embraced it. oquincauh. it left them. oquincentlalique. they assembled them. oquinchiuhque. they made them. oquinec. he wished it, he wanted it. oquinemilique. they deliberated about it, they considered it. oquineuc. he smelled it; they smelled it. oquinextique. they found it. oquinhualittac. he saw them. oquinmacac. he gave it to them. oquinmopetlacaltemili. he placed them in a reed chest. oquinmopolhui. he destroyed them. oquinmotlatili. he hid them. oquinnamicque. they came upon them, they found them. oquinpicque. they formed them.

oquinpolo. he destroyed them. oquinquixtito. they went to drive them out. oquintlacatili. she gave birth to them. oquintlati. he hid them. oquintlatolti. he made them speak. oquintlecahuique. they took them up. oquipachoco. they came to govern it. oquipehualtique. they began it. oquipiaya. he guarded it. oquique. they drank it. oquiquixti. he brought it forth. oquitac. he saw her, he looked upon her. oquitatacaque. they dug it. oquitecac. he laid her down, he misused her. oquitemacac. he gave it to someone. oquiteneuh. he said it, he stated it. oquitequipacho. he troubled him. oquitezque. they ground it up. oquitlacualchihuiliaya. they prepared food for him. oquitlali. he placed it, he put it. oquitocaque. they buried him. oquitocatinenca. they had gone following him. oquitocayotique. they called him, they named him; they named it; they gave it a name. oquito. he said it. oquitopeuh. he knocked him down. oquittac. he saw her; he saw it; he found it; he sought it; it saw it. oquittaco. he came to see it, he came to seek it; they came to see him. oquittac. she saw him. oquittaqueh. they saw it. oquittaque. they saw him; they saw it; they discovered it; they found it. oquitzatzacque. they blocked it. oquitzintique. they introduced it, they began it. oquiximatque. they knew, they realized. oquixipeuhque. they flayed her. oquixoaloco. there was coming to go forth. oquizaco. he came to emerge, he came to land; it came to rise; it came to emerge; they came to emerge. oquizato. they went to go out. oquiz. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; he went out; it came; it came forth; it came out; it emerged; it departed; it left; it ended; it passed; it went away; it went out. oquizotlac. he spewed it, he vomited it. oquizotlauh. it made him swoon, it made him faint. oquizque. they came out; they left; they set forth; they went forth; they went out. otecencahualoc. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of people; there was ornamenting of people. otechalihua. he sent us. otechaqui. it did put us. otechpinauhti. he shamed us. otehuan. with others, with people.

oteixiptlatic. he was an impersonator. otemoc. he descended. otenco. at the edge of the road. otentli. edge of the road. oteotlatoque. they spoke divinely. otepalehuiaya. they were aiding people. otequit. he fulfilled his task, his did his work; he worked; she worked; she labored. otetlaxin. he committed adultery. oteyoleuhque. they tempted people. otia. you went. oticcauh. you left it behind, you left it. oticchiuhque. we did it. oticchiuh. you did it. oticcua. you ate it. otichocac. you wept. oticmahuizoque. we marveled at it. oticmihiyohuilti. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue. oticmochihuilitzino. you [h.] made it. oticmociahuilti. you suffered fatigue. oticnahualchihuili. you filched it from her. otihualihualoc. you were sent. otihuallaque. we came. otihualla. you came. otihualmohuicac. you [h.] came. otimacahualoc. you were forsaken. otimacic. you matured. otimazatiac. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer. otimoquetzaco. you came to stand. otimotlacatili. you were born (h.). otimotlaz. you cast yourself, you threw yourself. otiquic. you drank it. otiquimittato. we went to see them. otiquinmacato. we went to give it to them. otiquinmopopolhui. you destroyed them. otiquitoque. we said it. otiquittac. you saw him; you saw it; you witnessed it. otiquittaque. we saw it. otiquittaya. you saw him. otitequit. you worked, you labored. otitlacotic. you worked, you labored. otitlacua. you ate. otitochtiac. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit. otitoloque. it was said of us. otlacachiuh. she gave birth. otlacat. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it formed; it was formed. otlacatque. they were born. otlacat. she was born. otlacencahualoc. there was arranging. otlachimalli. shield made of reeds. otlachiquihuitl. solid reed basket. otlacotic. he labored. otlacotico. they came to serve. otlacotic. she performed her service; she worked; she labored. otlacua. he ate. otlacuahuac. it hardened.

otlacua. it ate; it fed. otlacualoc. there was eating; people ate; there has been eating. otlacualoyan. place of eating. otlahuanque. they drank pulque, they got drunk. otlahuelcahualoc. he was abandoned to evil. otlaipantili. he hit the target, he found the right spot. otlalhuacca. dry land. otlaliloc. he was placed. otlalmic. he died on the ground. otlaltic. it became dust. otlalticpac. on earth. otlalticpacquiz. he came forth on earth. otlaltitechacico. he came to reach the ground. otlama. it made a catch. otlamanaloc. it was offered. otlamapilhuique. they pointed. otlama. she took a captive. otlamimilo. he rolled something. otlan. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over. otlaocox. he grieved, he sorrowed; it was sad. otlapinauhti. she created an affront. otlapitzaloc. trumpets were blown. otlapouh. it opened. otlaquixtililoque. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them. otlathuic. it dawned, day broke. otlathuili. it dawned on him, dawn came to him. otlatlac. it burned. otlatlaco. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he did evil; he erred; she did evil; she did wrong; she erred. otlatl. cane stalk; reed; cane. otlatocac. he followed his path. otlatoca. he follows a road; he follows his course; he follows his path; he travels; he goes on his way; it advances on its course; it travels. otlatocat. he ruled, he reigned, he governed. otlatoca. they follow a road; they follow along; they follow their path; they travel; they travel a road. otlatocatque. they ruled, they reigned. otlatocaya. he followed his path, he traveled; they traveled a road. otlatocazque. they will follow a path, they will travel. otlato. he spoke. otlatopilli. stout traveling cane. otlatoque. they decreed, they ruled; they spoke. otlazoltic. it became filth. otlecoc. he ascended, he climbed, he went up. otlecoque. they ascended, they climbed up. otlecoto. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up. otlica. along the road; on the road; by the road; in the road; in the street; on the ground; on the way. otlipan. along the road. otli. road; path; street; way. otoconanque. we took it, we grasped it. otoconcac. you heard it.

otoconcuaque. we ate it. otoconcuic. you took it, you seized it. otoconcuique. we accepted it, we took it. otoconique. we drank it. otohuitza. you had come. otoncacque. we heard it. otoncihua. otom women. otoncuicatl. otomi song. otonmocuiltono. you became wealthy, you became prosperous. otonteocalli. otom temple. otontli. trail, little road. otopan. above us. otopanomochiuh. it befell us, it happened to us. otopan. on us; upon us. otoyollo. our heart. otzatzic. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out. otzatzihuac. there was shouting. otzintic. it began. otzonquiz. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended. otztic. she conceived, she became pregnant. otzti. it becomes pregnant. otztli. pregnant woman. oxihuitl. two years. oxiquiza. resin exudes, resin flows out. oxitl. resin. oxiuhtica. at the end of two years. oxiuh. two years. oxocox. it soured. oxotlac. it budded. oya. he went; he left; it went. oyametl. fir. oyaomic. he died in battle. oyaque. they departed, they went; they have gone. oyaquia. it becomes long. oya. they went. oyauh. he went. oyecauh. he finished. oyoac. it grew dark; night fell; it got dark. oyohuac. it darkened, it got dark; it was night; night fell; it became dark. oyohualli. bell, shell rattle. oyouhtinemi. he goes howling. ozomacocone. young monkeys. ozomahtli. monkey. ozomati. monkeys. ozomatli. monkey. ozomatzin. monkey. oztoc. in a cave; at a cave; from a cave; into a cave; in the cave; into the cave. oztoehuatl. fox skin. oztohua. grey fox; cave-dweller. oztomeca. vanguard merchants. oztopilcuahuitl. large wooden stave. oztotl. cave; spring. oztoyehuatl. grey fox skin. oztoyehuatzintli. grey fox skin. oztoyo. having caves. paccanemilizyotl. peaceful life.

pachihuiznequi. it wants to be satisfied. pachtic. flattened; low; squat. pachtilahuac. wide and thick. pachtontli. rather squat; small and squat; squat. pacoani. pleasurable. paconi. something that can be washed. pactica. it is happy. pacticate. they were happy. pactli. testicle. pahuaxoni. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot; it can be cooked. pahzolpil. fluffy. pahzolpol. tangled, snarled. pahzoltic. matted; tangled; snarled. paina. they run, they hasten. palanaliztli. festering; rottenness; putrefaction; suppuration. palancapatli. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for infection. palani. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it decays. palaniliztli. festering; infection; rottenness. palanqui. festered; pus; rottenness; rotten. palantiuh. it rots, it goes rotting. palaxtli. festering. palehuilo. it is helped. paletl. brown bean; purple bean. paltic. wet; moist. panamacac. medicine seller. pani. on top; over it; upwards. papachca. it coagulates, it curdles. papac. he rejoiced. papacoa. there is rejoicing. papacoaya. there was contentment, there was happiness. papalani. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores. papalaniliztli. festering. papalomatlatl. butterfly net. papalotl. butterfly. papaqui. he is happy, he rejoices; it rejoices. papaquini. happy; happy person. papaqui. they take their pleasure, they rejoice. papatlaca. (may) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers. papatlacani. flutterer. papatlacatiuh. it goes fluttering. papatlachtic. very flat. papatlactic. broad, wide. papatlahuac. broad; wide. papatla. it gives way, it comes apart. papatlani. it flies constantly. papatlanini. constant flyer. papayaca. it crumbles. papazoltic. woolly. paquia. they were happy, they rejoiced. paqui. it brings delight; it brings pleasure. paquiliztli. happiness. paquini. bringer of pleasure. paqui. they are happy; they rejoice. paquiztli. delight. patic. healthful; she got well; she recovered.

pati. he gets well; he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it becomes cured; it disintegrates; it dissolves; it falls apart; it falls to pieces; it gets well; it heals; it recovers; it is cured; it is healthful. patini. it is a remedy. patio. valuable. pati. she gets well; she recovers; they get well; they heal; they recover. patiz. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it will recover; it will heal. patlachihui. it becomes broad, it broadens; it widens. patlachiuhqui. wide. patlachtic. broad; wide; flat. patlachtilahuac. broad and thick; long and flat; long and thick. patlacpol. excessively wide. patlactic. broad; wide. patlactotonti. small and wide. patlahuacatilahuac. broad and thick. patlahuac. large; wide; spreading; broad. patlahua. it broadens; it widens. patlani. it flies. patlanini. flier; flyer; one who flies. patlani. they fly. patlanqui. wide, broad. patlantinemi. it flies constantly; it goes flying. patli. medicine; remedy; potion. patoxtetl. duck-egg. patzahuac. depressed, deflated. patzihui. it shrinks; it softens. patzmiquia. they died crushed. patzmiqui. it is in torment. patztic. soft. pazoltic. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter; shaggy. pazoltontli. fleecy; straggly. pazotic. bristly; shaggy; tangle-haired; having tangled hair; wooly. paos. cloth. pehpepetlaca. it is shiny; it shines; it shines constantly. pehua. begins; he begins; it begins; it starts. pehualo. it is begun. pehualoque. they were conquered. pehualo. they are conquered. pehualoya. it was begun. pehuan. it begins. pehua. she begins; they begin; they start; they leave; they start forth. pehuaya. it began; it started. pehuaz. he will begin. pehuazque. they will begin. pepehua. it begins (successively). pepenalo. he is chosen; he is selected. pepenaloya. he was chosen; they were chosen. pepepetlaca. they flash, they shine. pepepetzca. it glistens. pepetlaca. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent; glistening; they gleam; they shine; they glisten; they are resplendent; they glitter.

pepetlacatihuitze. they come gleaming. pepetlani. it glistens constantly. pepetzca. it glistens; resplendent. petlacalco. in the granary; in the reed chest. petlacalli. reed chest; woven reed chest. petlachihua. he weaves reed mats. petlachiuhqui. mat maker; reed mat weaver. petlahualoni. polishable. petlamecatl. mat cord. petlamoyahuac. radiating mat. petlanamacac. reed mat seller. petlani. it glistens; it shines. petlapalan. rotten mat. petlapan. on a reed mat. petlapitzahuac. narrow mat. petlatiz icpaltiz. he will govern. petlatiz. he will have a reed mat. petlatl icpalli. realm; rulership. petlatlacuilolli. painted reed mat. petlatl. mat; reed mat. petlaxaxacualli. frayed mat. petlayahualli. round mat. petlazolli. old, worn reed mat. petzcauhqui. slick; slippery. petzcauhtimoquetz. it became slippery. peuh. it began. peuhtica. beginning, starting. pexontimani. it is full to the brim. pezotli. coati. pialeque. ones who have something in their charge, in their care. pialilo. it is saved, it is taken care of. piallatolli. entrusted word. pialoni. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being kept. pialo. she is guarded. pialoya. it was guarded; they were guarded. piaztica. with a drinking tube, by means of a drink tube; with a hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; with a long hollow cane. piaztic. long, slender; thin; tube-like. piaztli. drinking tube; hollow cane; sucking tube; tube. piaztontli. spikelet. picietl. fine tobacco; small tobacco. piciltic. minute, tiny; shrunken; small; fragmented. piciltontli. minute, tiny. picqui. solid. pieloya. it was guarded, it was kept. pilcac. he hung. pilcatica. it is hanging. pilhuacatzintli. your maker. pilhua. parent. pilhuaque. parents; those who have children. pilhua. she has children. pilini. it withers. pilli. child; noble; nobleman. piloa. it hangs. pilpil. child.

piltontli. baby; baby boy; child; boy; girl; small boy; poult; puppy; small child; small one; young; young boy; young son. piltzintli. babies; baby; boy; child; small child. pinacatl. black beetle. pinahuac. he was ashamed. pinahua. he is ashamed. pinahuani. one who feels shame; modest person. pinahuiztli. shame. pinectic. pale. pinehuac. pale; pallid. pinehua. it becomes pale. pipiaztic. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin; thin. pipicpatic. very compact. pipictic. compact. pipilcatiuh. it goes suspended. pipilcualoni. edible by children. pipillotl. childishness, puerility. pipiltin. noblemen. pipilti. noblemen; nobles. pipiltotonti. babies; boys; children; little children. pipiltotontin. small children. pipiltotonti. small boys; small childen; small children; young boys. pipiltzitzinti. children. pipiltzitzintin. small children. pipiltzitzinti. small children; babies; children. pipinqui. compact; lean; strong. pipitzahuac. slender; thin. pipitzca. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly. pipitzcani. screamer. pipitzca. they neigh. pipitztlatoa. they speak like gulls. pipixauhtiuh. it goes showering, it goes drizzling. pipixcan. gull. pipixcanme. franklin gulls. pipiyolti. he becomes a wild bee. pitzactontli. rather thin; small and slender. pitzahuac. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and slender; long and thin; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin; thin and long. pitzahua. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender. pitzaloni. something that can be blown; something that can be cast. pitzaton. small and thin. pitzatoton. slender. pitzini. it bursts open. pitzonacatl. flesh of pig, pork. pitzotl. pig. pitztic. thin. pixahui. they fall, they sprinkle; they shower down. pixcoz. there will be harvesting. pixeque. guardians of tradition. pixquiztli. crop, harvest. poccoztic. dark yellow, smoky yellow. pochectic. smoky; smoked up. pochectique. smoky (pl.). pochehuac. smoked. pochehua. it smokes, it becomes smoked.

pochotl. silk cotton tree. pochquiotlami. fat dissolves. pochquiotl. fat. pochteca. merchants. pochtecatlatoque. principal merchants. pochtecatl. merchant. pochtic. smoky. poctica. with smoke, by means of smoke. poctic. smoky. poctli. smoke. pocyoa. it smokes. poec. salty. poelpatic. very salty. poeltic. salty. pohpocalex. rail (kind of bird). pohuia. it corresponded, it belonged. polacque. they sank. polaqui. it sinks. polihuia. he was absent; they vanished; they disappeared. polihui. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; he vanishes; he wanes; it disappears; it ends; it vanishes; it fails; it perishes; it is consumed; it is destroyed. polihuini. worthy of destruction. polihui. they perish. polihuiz. he will perish; it will perish. poliuh. he vanished; it vanished. poliuhque. they perished. poliuhtihui. he proceeds to vanish, he goes vanishing. pololli. mud (for adobes). popoca. it smokes. popochuilo. incense is offered. popolihuia. it perished, it was consumed. popolihuito. it went to disappear. popolihuiz. he will perish, he will meet destruction. popoloca. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue. popolocatica. he mumbles. popolocaya. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled. poponamaca. he sells brooms. popoxtic. energetic. popoxtli. energetic. popoyacpil. dark. popoyec. very salty. popozahua. he swells up; it swells up. popozoca. it boils. popozontoc. it lies fluffed up. poxacpatic. very spongy. poxactic. porous; soft; spongy. poxacuatl. whip-poor-will. poxahuac. loose; porous; soft; spongy. poxahua. it swells; they become soft. poxcauhqui. moldy. poyactic. dark. poyahuac. dark. poyec. salty. poyelpatic. very salty. pozactic. swollen; distended. pozahuac. swollen, distended.

pozahua. he swells up; it swells; it swells up. pozahualiztli. swelling. pozahua. she swells up. pozahuatiuh. it proceeds to swell. pozahuaz. it will swell. pozoni. it boils; it foams; it is boiled. pozon. it foamed, it boiled. pozoni. they swell. quechacqui. stiff-necked. quechancatontli. a little long-necked. quechcoacihuiztli. numbed neck. quechhuiacatontli. having a rather long neck. quechhuiac. having a long neck. quechnacatl. flesh of the neck. quechnanatztic. having a fat neck. quechnenetiliztli. stiff neck. quechomitl. neck bone. quechpitzahuac. having a slender neck. quechpozahua. his neck swells. quechpozahualiztli. swelling of the throat. quechtli. neck. quechtomahuac. having a thick neck. quechtomahua. the neck becomes thick. quehua. they raise it. quehuilia. they intoned it [i.e., song] for her. quelcicihuia. they sighed. quelehuia. they long for it. quemaca. yes. queman. sometimes. quemitl. clothing; vestment. quenami. all kinds. quenamicatzintli. what kind, what sort. quenamique. how, in what manner or condition; whatever kinds. quenami. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind; whatsoever. quen. how; in what manner. quenin. how; as; in what manner; in what way. quenmach. however. quenmanian. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime. quenman. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time. quennel. how else. quequechnecuiloa. it twists its neck repeatedly. quequeyolli. ankle bone; wrist bone. quequeyolnacatl. flesh of the ankle. quetzalcoxcox. pheasant. quetzalecacehuaztli. quetzal feather fan. quetzalhuitzilin. broad-tailed hummingbird. quetzalitztli. emerald-green jade. quetzallahuehuetl. precious cypress tree. quetzalli. precious feather; quetzal feather; quetzal tailfeather; quetzalli tailfeather. quetzallo. having quetzal feathers. quetzaltenzouhqui. having quetzal feathers on the rim. quetzaltezolocton. common teal. quetzaltototl. resplendent trogon. quexilihuiliztli. disease of the groin. quexquich. as many as, so many; as much as; so much; as

much; much. quexquichtin. as many as, so many. quezehuatl. skin of the hip. quezhuiaya. he covered it with blood, he bloodied it. quezqui. a little; howsoever many. quezquilhuitl. a few days. quezquitetl. how many, as many; several. quezquitlamantli. many things. quia. he drank it. quiahui. it rains; she rains. quiahuitl. rain. quiahuiz. it will rain. quia. they drank it. quicacalatza. he rattles it. quicacalatztiuh. he went along rattling it. quicacamacahua. he refrains from saying it. quicacatzilpia. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly. quicacaxchichihuaya. they arranged him on a carrying frame. quicac. he heard him; he heard it. quicahua. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they cease it; they leave it; they leave her; they leave him. quicahuato. she went to leave it. quicahuaz. he will abstain from it; he will leave it. quicahuazque. they will leave it; they will stop it. quicalaquia. he brings it in, he puts it in; it puts it in; she puts her in; she puts it in; she inserts it; she puts it inside; they place him; they put him in; they placed him; they bring him in; they put it in. quicalaquiaya. they carried it in, they put it in; they placed him; they put him in; they took it in. quicalaquique. they did put it in, they intruded it. quicalaquitihuetzi. they quickly place her. quicaltia. he builds a house for it. quicamanalhuia. she jokes with him. quicamapacaz. she washes her [someone else's] mouth. quicamatia. they give it a mouth. quicanahua. they thin it; they thin it out. quicanahuaya. they flattened it. quicaquia. he heard it; they heard it. quicaqui. he hears; he hears it; he listens it; he listens to it. quicaquilia. they hear it from him. quicaqui. they hear it. quicaquitico. they came to notify him. quicaquiz. he will hear it; listen to it. quicauhque. they left it, they abandoned it. quicauhtiquiza. they quickly leave him. quicecencahua. they adorn it. quicehuia. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it; it lessens it; it quiets it. quicehuiz. he will quiet them, he will calm them down; it will quiet it; it will abate it. quicehuiznequia. they tried to put it out, they to extinguish it. quiceltilia. it makes her bloom. quicencahua. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they array her; they array it; they

prepare it; they finish it; they finish it off; they ornament him; they adorn him; they put it in order; they arrange it. quicencahuaya. they arrayed him, they adorned him; they ornamented her; they adorned her. quicencahuilia. they prepare it for him. quicencua. it eats it completely. quicenneloa. he mixes it in; he mingles it. quicenpozonia. they boil it together. quicenquixtiaya. they arranged it, they gathered it. quicepanneloa. he mixes it in. quichachamahua. he praises it, he fills it out. quichamahua. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out. quic. he drank it. quichia. they wait for it. quichicha. he spits it. quichichaz. he will spit it. quichichihua. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn it; they array him. quichichihuaya. they adorned it; they arrayed her; they arrayed him; they adorned him; they made it; they prepared it. quichichihuiliaya. they adorned it for him. quichichina. he smokes it; it sucks it. quichichinani. sucker. quichichina. they suck it. quichichiqui. they shave it. quichientia. he provides him with chia. quichihua. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he brings it about; he carries it out; he performs it; he makes him; he makes it; he arranges it; it does it; it brings it about; it makes it; it makes it [the sound]; it causes it; it produces it. quichihuani. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing it. quichihuaquihui. they come doing it. quichihua. she does it; she makes it; they do it; they make it; they create it; they prepare it; they produce it; they work it. quichihuato. he went to do it. quichihuaya. he did it; he committed it; he made it; she did it; they did it; they celebrated it; they committed it; they observed it; they performed it; they performed; they rendered it; they made it. quichihuaz. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it. quichihuaznequi. he wants to do it; he wants to make it. quichihuazque. they will do it; they will perform it; they will make it. quichihuazquia. they would do it. quichihuiliaya. they made it for him. quichipahua. it cleanses it. quichipahuaz. it will purify it. quichipinia. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it. quichiqui. they abrade it, they scrape it. quichitonizque. they will lose it. quichiuh. he did it; he committed it; he made it. quichiuhqueh. they did it, they celebrated it.

quichiuhque. they did it; they made it. quichiuh. she did it. quichocaz. he will weep for it. quichoponia. it [e.g., snake] strikes him; it strikes him. quichoquiznonotza. he calls out to him with weeping. quichoquiztlapaloa. they greet him with tears. quichtacai. it drinks it. quiciahua. it waters it. quicnoitta. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him. quicoa. he buys it. quicoaya. he bought it; they bought her; they bought it. quicochiloa. they cut him with a knife. quicochitlehuaz. he will see it in dreams. quicocoa. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick. quicocomonia. he troubles him. quicocototza. it breaks it up, it cuts it up. quicohua. they buy it. quicopina. he draws it off, he takes it off. quicoyonia. it bores a hole in it; it bores it; it makes a hole in it; they drill it. quicozcatia. they give him a neck band. quicuacua. he chews it; they chew it. quicuacuatoque. they sat eating it. quicuacuaz. he will chew it; he will eat it; she chews it. quicua. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it. quicuah. it bites him. quicua. it bites him; it bites it; it consumes it; it eats it; its eats it. quicualittaque. they saw it as good, they liked it. quicualittaya. they considered it favorable; they made it good; they regarded it as good; they regarded him as good; they considered him favored; they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as favorable; they liked it; they regarded it as benevolent. quicuallittaya. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they considered it favorable; they sought to make it good. quicualtia. she feeds it to him. quicualtilia. it benefits her; it improves it; it makes it good; they make it good. quicuania. it removes it; they remove it; they take it away. quicuani. eater; he is accustomed to eating it. quicuan. it eats it. quicuani. they customarily eat it. quicuaniz. it will remove it. quicuaquihui. they come to eat him. quicua. she eats it; they eat it. quicuatihuetzi. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly. quicuatihuetzito. it quickly went to eat it. quicuatinemi. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it. quicuatoc. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it. quicuatzayana. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head. quicuauhxicalhuia. they pan it [sand]. quicuaya. he ate it; they ate it. quicuaz. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it. quicuaznequi. it wants to eat it.

quicuazque. they will eat him; they will eat it; they are to eat it. quicuaz. she will eat it; she is to eat it. quicuechoa. they pulverize it. quicuechtilia. they powder it, they pulverize it. quicuecuentilia. they arrange it in rows. quicuecuetlania. he threatens him, he waves it. quicuepa. she turns it over; they respond to it. quicuepaz. he will return it; it will return it. quicuepazque. they will change it. quicueponaltiaya. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up. quicuia. they took it. quicuicatia. they sing for her; they sing to him. quicuic. he took it. quicuicuiloaya. they painted it. quicuicuitihuetziltia. it caused him terror. quicuicuitlacuepa. he keeps turning away. quicui. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he grabs it; he receives it; it seizes him; it takes it. quicuilia. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him; they take it off her. quicuiliaya. they took it from him. quicuiliz. he will take it from him. quicuiloa. they draw it; they paint it. quicuiloaya. they painted her. quicuiloz. he will write it, he will record it. quicuini. he is accustomed to taking it; one who takes it. quicuique. they grasped it; they picked it; they took it. quicui. she participates in it; they gather it; they take it. quicuitihuetz. he seized it quickly. quicuitihuetzi. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it pounces on it; it quickly grabs it; they grab him quickly; they quickly seize him; they snatch it quickly. quicuitihuetz. she seized it quickly. quicuitiuh. it goes to seize him. quicuitlapiciohua. it gives her a big abdomen. quicuiz. he will gain it, he will get it; he will seize it; he will take it; he will take; he will undertake it; it will carry him off. quicuizque. they will take it. quicxilpia. they tie his feet, they bind his feet. quicxipaca. they bathe his feet. quicxitia. he gives it feet. qui. he drinks it. quihilpiaya. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it. quihiyohuia. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer exhaustion. quihiyohuiz. she will suffer. quihpotza. it hisses at him. quihtohuaya. they said it. quihuahuana. he stripes him. quihualahua. they scold him, they chide him. quihualana. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize her; they seize him; they grab him.

quihualanaya. he drew him, he pulled him. quihualanazque. they will grab him. quihualanque. they drew him forth, they pulled him out. quihualcahuaya. they ended it, they left it. quihualcaqui. they hear it. quihualchiaz. he will wait for him. quihualchihuazque. they will do it. quihualcuique. they brought it. quihualhuihuica. they carry each of them. quihualilhui. he said it to her; he said it to him. quihualinecui. they smell it. quihualitoa. he says it. quihualito. he said it; she said it; she says it. quihualitqui. they bear it here, they bring it. quihualittac. she saw him. quihualitta. they learn it, they see it. quihualittaznequi. he wants to see it. quihuallanelhuitiaque. they went poling it. quihuallaza. they cast it, they throw it; they throw him. quihuallazaz. he will throw it. quihualmaca. they give it to him; they give it to them. quihualmana. he sets it out; they pour it out. quihualmanotza. it beckons to him. quihualmayauhque. they pushed him, they shoved him. quihualmonequiltiz. he [h.] will wish it; he will require it. quihualmotlatlauhtilia. he prays to him [h.], he implores him [h.]. quihualnacazhuitzana. they grasp it at the corner. quihualnamiquia. they found it, they encountered it. quihualnamiqui. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront her. quihualnapaloa. they take her in their arms, they embrace her. quihualnextia. it exposes it. quihualnotza. they call to it. quihualnotzaya. he called to her. quihualpoloaya. he destroyed it. quihualquechcotontihuetzi. they quickly cut off her head. quihualquetzque. they set it up. quihualquixtia. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they bring her out; they bring it forth; they draw it forth; they remove it. quihualquixtiaya. they observed it [i.e., feast day]; they took it out; they removed it. quihualquixtilia. they take it out of it; they took it out of it. quihualquixtiz. it will bring it out, it will expel it. quihualteca. they place it. quihualtemohuia. he brings him down; he brought it down; they brought it down. quihualtepehua. he scatters it. quihualtoquilia. it follows it; they follow him. quihualtoquilitihui. they come following him. quihualyacatzopinique. they hooked it in the prow. quihuapahua. they reinforce it, they strengthen it. quihuapahuaz. he will bring them up, he will rear them. quihuatza. they dry it up. quihueicatenehua. they consider it big. quihueitzatzitia. he declares it to be costly.

quihuelittaya. they regarded him as favored. quihuenmanaz. he will make an offering. quihuica. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes it away; it transports it; it brings it. quihuicaque. they brought him. quihuica. she carries it; she transports it; she carries off; she destroys; she takes her; they accompany her; they bear her; they bear him; they take him; they bear it; they carry it; they carry her; they carry him; they bear him away; they take her; they take it; they take them; they carry them. quihuicatiquiza. he swiftly takes it away. quihuicatiuh. he goes carrying it; he goes leading him; she goes to bring him. quihuicaya. they accompanied him; they carried him; they escorted it; they carried it; they took him; they took it. quihuihuipana. they place it in order. quihuihuitequi. he beat it repeatedly; he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him. quihuihuitla. it plucks it; they pluck it. quihuilana. he drags it; it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at it; they drag it. quihuitec. he struck him. quihuitequi. he beats it, he threshes it; they beat it; they strike him. quihuitequiz. it will injure it. quiihiyoana. it attracts him with its breath. quiilpia. they bind it, they tie it; they string it together. quiitta. they look at him prolongedly. quilaquia. it drowns him. quilcahuazque. they will forget it. quilcualoni. edible as greens. quilhuia. he says it to her; he says it to him; he says it to it; he says to him; he says to it; it says it to him; she says it to her; she says it to him; she says to her; they call it; they say it; they say it to her; they say it to him; they call him; they tell it. quilhuiaya. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her; she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him. quilhuichihuiliaya. they observed a feast for him. quilhuico. they came to tell it to him. quilhui. he said it to him. quilhuique. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to it; they told it to him. quilhuiquixtiliaya. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day. quilhuitihui. they go saying it to him. quilhuitinemi. she proceeds saying it to him. quilhuiznequi. it wants to say it to him. quil. it is said that; it is said that.; it is said; they say. quilitl. herb, greens; plant.

quillotilahuac. having thick foliage. quilmach. it is said that.; so-called. quilnamictia. it makes him remember it. quilnamiqui. (may) he brood over it, (may) he think about it. quilnamiquia. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they knew it from memory; they bethought it; they thought it. quilnamiqui. he intends it, he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it; he thinks of it; they imagine it; they think it; they remember it. quilpaltia. it becomes blue-green. quilpaltic. herb-green. quilpati. its foliage falls to pieces. quilpia. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it. quilpiaya. they bound it, they tied it up. quiltequia. he sipped it. quiltequi. he gulps it, he sips it. quiltic. herb green; dark green; herb-green. quimacac. he gave her to him; he gave it to him. quimacacia. they dreaded it, they feared it; they feared him. quimacaci. he fears him; he fears it. quimacac. it gave it to him. quimacaci. they fear it. quimacacizque. they will fear it. quimaca. he gives it; he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it gives it to him; it offers it to him. quimacaltenque. they filled their boats with them. quimacaque. they gave it to him; they offered it to him. quimaca. they give it to him. quimacato. they went to give it to him. quimacaya. he gave it to her; he gave it to him; she gave it to her; they gave it; they gave it to him. quimacaz. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to him; she will give it to him. quimacaztihui. they go fearing it. quimacehua. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it. quimaceuh. he deserved it. quimachili. he knew it about him; he knew something about him. quimaci. it hunts them. quimacique. they captured them, they seized them; they took them captive. quimaci. they capture them. quimaciz. he will take them, he will capture them. quimacizque. they will seize them. quimacui. he seizes it; it catches it with its paws. quima. he knew it; he thought. quimahua. he scolds them, he chides them. quimahuaya. they scolded them. quimahuitecque. they struck his arms. quimahuizcuitia. it caused him fear. quimahuizoz. he will marvel at it. quimahuizpia. they guard it with honor. quimahuiztiliaya. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed her; they paid honor

to her; they esteemed him; they esteemed it; they paid honor to it; they honored her; they honored it; they venerated it; they paid him honor; they paid honor to him; they paid honors to them; they respected it. quimahuiztilique. they honored him. quimahuizyotiaya. he praised it. quimaltiaya. they bathed them. quimamacaque. they gave it to him. quimamaca. they give it to him [repeatedly]. quimama. he bears her on his back; he carries it on his back; he carries it; he bears it on his back; he carryies it on his back. quimamali. they bore it. quimamama. they each carried it. quimamana. it continually offers it; they arrange it; they place it; they set it. quimamanaya. they offered it. quimama. they carry it on their back; they carry it on their backs. quimamati. he is aware of it. quimamatiloa. she massages him. quimamatiuh. he goes carrying it on his back. quimamaya. he carries it on his back; they carried it on their backs. quimamohuiaya. they soaped them. quimana. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out. quimanaya. he laid it out; they laid it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they set it out; they placed it; they took them. quimanaz. he will take them, he will capture them. quimanaznequi. he wants to catch them, grab them. quimanazque. they will off it, they will lay it down. quimanilia. he offers it to him; he places it for him. quimapiqui. he holds fast to it. quimaquixtique. they saved it, they rescued it. quimatataca. they seek it diligently. quimatepehua. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches. quimatia. he decided it; he gives it hands; he knew it; he felt it; they knew it; they felt it; they sensed it; they supposed it; they knew; they believed; they thought it. quimati. he feels it, he senses it; he heeds it; he pays attention to it; he knows it; he experiences it; he is concerned with it; he knows of it; he learns of it; he masters it; he takes heed; it knows it; she feels it; she is rational; she heeds it; they esteem it; they know it; they feel it; they think it; they know of it. quimatiz. he will know it; he will know of it. quimatizquia. they would know it. quimatiz. she will consider it. quimatlatlaza. he knocks off its branches. quimatlitia. he gives them drink; they give them drink. quimatque. they knew it; they realized it. quimauhcaittac. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully. quimauhcaitta. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at him fearfully.

quimauhtia. it frightens him. quimauhtique. they frightened him. quimayahui. they knock it down. quimealtia. they rub [bathe] him with ground up maguey thorns. quimecahuitequizque. they will whip him. quimecatitlan. in cords. quimecayotia. they put rope on it. quimeehuatitlalique. they set each one in a sitting position. quimeeuhqueh. they raised each one of them. quimeltequia. they cut their chests. quimeltetequi. she cuts open their breasts; they cut their chests open. quimemecayotia. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope. quimetecaque. they planted it with magueys. quimetepantzacca. they had blocked it with a wall of maguey plants. quimichcuani. eater of mice; mouse eater. quimichetl. mouse bean. quimichi. mouse. quimichin. mouse. quimichme. mice. quimichpil. little mouse. quimichtlaolli. mouse-gnawed maize or corn. quimictia. he kills him; he kills it; he kills them; she kills him; they kill him; they kill them. quimictiaya. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it. quimictizque. they will kill her; they will kill him. quimihilpiliaya. he bound it on them, he tied it on them. quimihua. he sends them. quimiilpiaya. they tied them. quimiizahuia. he terrifies them. quimilhuia. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she says it to them; they say it to them. quimilhuiaya. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them. quimilhuico. they came to say it to them. quimilhui. he said it to them. quimilhuique. they said it to them; they spoke to them. quimilhui. she said it to them. quimilhuiz. he will say it to them. quimiliuhtoc. he is wrapped up. quimilli. bundle. quimilpia. he ties them. quimilpiaya. they tied them. quimimictia. it deadens it. quimimilotiuh. it goes rolling it along. quimina. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an arrow; it stings him; they shoot it with an arrow; they spear it. quiminaznequi. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it. quimin. he shot it with an arrow. quimipotza. it hisses at them. quimitiaya. they made them drink it. quimitotiaya. they had them dance, they made them dance. quimittac. he saw them; she saw them. quimitta. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see them; they look at them. quimittato. they went to see them. quimittaya. he saw them; he beheld them; they saw them; they say them.

quimittaz. he will see them. quimittazque. they will see them. quimittitia. he brings it to them, he shows it to them. quimittiti. he showed it to them. quimiximatia. they knew it, they understood it. quimixiptlatiaya. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them. quimixiptlayotiaya. they made them in its image. quimixnamictia. it comes upon him. quimixpanti. he laid it before them, he put it before them. quimixpoloque. they destroyed them. quimixtlatique. they annihilated them. quimizcaltia. they rear them. quimizcaltiz. he will train them. quimocahualtiaya. they abstained from it. quimocaquitiz. he will be informed. quimochihuilia. he [h.] does it, he [h.] brings it about; he [h.] causes it. quimochihuili. he [h.] did it. quimochihuiliz. he [h.] will do it; he [h.] will do it to him; he [h.] will cause him; he [h.] will bring it to pass; he [h.] will cause it; he [h.] will dispose it; he [h.] will bring it about. quimocuilia. they take it for themselves. quimocuiltonoa. they enjoy it. quimocuitia. he takes it as applying to him. quimocuitlahuia. they take care of it, they take pains with it. quimocuitlahuizque. they will take care of it. quimolhuia. they say to each other; they tell it to each other. quimolhuiaya. they said to each other. quimolhuique. they said it among themselves. quimololoa. he rolls them up. quimomolchihua. they make mole of it. quimonaci. they hunt them. quimonahualtiaya. he disguised himself. quimonamictia. he embraces it, he marries it. quimonantia. they make him their mother. quimonatzelhuiaya. they sprinkled them. quimoncahuato. they went to leave them. quimoncahuaya. they left them. quimoncohuaya. they bought him. quimonequililia. he requires it of him; he requires it of it. quimonequiltia. he [h.] requires it, he [h.] wants it; he wills it; he determines it. quimonhuicaque. they took them, they carried them. quimonhuicaya. they took them, they carried them. quimonhuihuitequito. they went to strike each one of them. quimoniitique. they made each one drink it. quimonilhuia. he says it to them. quimonilhuique. they said it to them. quimonilpilia. they tie it to them, they bind it to them. quimonmacaque. they gave it to them. quimonmaca. they give it to them. quimonnahuatique. they demanded it of them, they commanded them. quimonpanahuique. they ferried them across. quimonteca. they put them to bed, they lay them down. quimontema. it deposits it, it puts it.

quimontlalilia. they place in on them. quimontlancuanexhuia. they put ashes on their [someone else] knees. quimontlapaloa. they greet them. quimontlapaloaya. they visited them. quimontlazato. it went to throw them down. quimontoquilia. they follow them. quimontzintilinia. he pulls it off them. quimonxiccotona. they pinch their navels. quimonxiccuia. they snatched at their navels. quimonxiccui. they snatch at their navels. quimopachihuitoc. it is crouching. quimopepechtia. it is bedded. quimopialtiaya. he kept it for himself. quimopictia. they imagine it. quimopieltia. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself. quimopopololtia. he overcomes it. quimoquentia. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes himself in it; it wraps himself in it. quimotatia. they make him their father. quimoteotia. they worship him. quimoteotiaya. they worshipped her; they worshipped him; they worshipped it. quimoteotizque. they will worship it. quimotequimaca. he gives himself to it excessively. quimotequiuhtia. he dedicates himself to it. quimotetzahuia. they regard it as an omen. quimotetzahui. he took it as an evil omen. quimotlacalhuiaya. they ruined it. quimotlacamachitia. they obey him. quimotlaelmaca. he overindulges himself in it. quimotlalilia. they seat her [h.]. quimotlatlauhtilia. he prays to god. quimotlatoltia. he took it upon himself to talk. quimotocatihuetzi. it quickly hides itself, it quickly gets undercover. quimotocayotia. they are called, they give themselves a name; they call themselves. quimotoctia. it hides. quimotolini. it tormented her. quimottitia. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears to him; it shows itself to him. quimoxayacatia. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face. quimoyaotia. they prey on it. quimozcohua. they warm them. quimpiloa. it suspends them, it hangs them; it hangs them up. quin izqui. a short time ago. quinacaztequi. they cut his ears. quinamaca. he sells him; he sells it; she sells it; they sell it. quinamic. he met him. quinamictia. he adds it to it; they add it. quinamictinemi. they go encountering it. quinamiquia. they met him. quinamiqui. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters it; he meets him; he understands it. quinamiquiin. they meet him.

quinamiqui. it counteracts it; it remedies it; it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches it; they add it; they come upon her; they find her; they encounter it; they meet him; they receive him. quinamiquitihui. they go to meet him. quinamiquiz. he will add it; he will encounter her; he will find her; he will meet her; he will meet him. quinamiquizque. they will challenge him. quinamoya. they steal it. quinanamiquia. they welcomed him, they received him. quinanapalotihui. they each go carrying it in their arms. quinanatzoa. it fattens her. quinanquilia. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it. quinanquilique. they answered him. quinanquilizquia. they would answer him. quinapaloa. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in their arms. quinaya. he conceals it, he hides it. quincactia. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with sandals. quincalaquia. they put them in. quincalaquiaya. they did put them in; they took them in. quincalaquito. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in. quincalaquizque. they will put them in, they will introduce them. quincalten. he housed them. quincamanalhuia. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them. quincaquilia. he hears it from them. quincaquiti. he informed them of it. quincauh. he left them. quincauhque. they left them. quincecenmana. he scatters them. quincemilnamiquia. they remembered all of them. quincencahua. they adorn them, they ready them. quincenmana. he scatters them. quincenpachoa. he governs them all. quincenpopoloaya. she destroyed them completely. quincenquixtia. they gather them. quincentlalia. he gathers them together. quincentlali. he assembled them. quinchichihua. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they array them. quinchichihuaya. he arrayed them; they adorned them; they prepared them; they arrayed them. quinchichihuilia. he adorns it for them. quinchichinozque. they will singe them. quinchihua. it makes them, it produces them. quinchihuiliz. he will do it for them. quinchoquilia. it weeps for them, it cries for them. quinchoquiztlapaloa. he greets them with tears. quincocoltia. they made them angry. quincotona. they cut them, they decapitate them. quincozolaquiaya. they placed them in the cradle. quincozolteca. she places them in the cradle. quincuacuatinemi. it goes about eating them.

quincua. it eats them. quincualtia. they feed it to them; they make them eat it. quincualtiaya. they fed it to them. quincuaya. they ate them. quincuexcochhuitequi. they strike them on the back of the head. quincuicatia. they sing for them. quincuicatiaya. they sang for them. quincuicatitihui. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song. quincuilia. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them. quincuilique. they took it from them. quincuitlahuihuitequi. they beat their backs repeatedly. quinechicoa. he gathers it. quinechicotihui. they go gathering it. quinecui. he smells it. quinehuihuilia. it equals it. quineloa. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it. quineltiliaya. he verified it. quineltocaque. they believed him, they had faith in him. quineltoca. they believe it. quineltocaya. they believed him, they had faith in him; they believed it; they thought it. quinemilia. they consider it. quinemilique. they considered it. quinenechicoaya. they gathered it. quinenehuilia. it is the same as it, it resembles it. quineneloa. he mixes it. quinenepiltia. they give it a tongue. quinequia. they wanted it. quinequi. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it. quinequiz. he will want it, he will will it; it will want it; it will wish it. quinequizque. they will wish it, they will want it. quinetoltia. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it. quinextia. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it foretells it; she shows it; they display her; they display it; they show it. quinextiaya. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it revealed it; they brought it forth; they showed it; they revealed it. quinextiliaya. he disclosed it to him, he showed it to him. quinextique. they discovered it; they invented it. quinextitiuh. they go displaying it. quinezcayotia. it denotes it, it makes it evident; it shows it; she signifies it. quinhualcua. it eats them up. quinhualhuicac. he brought them. quinhualhuicaque. them brought them in; they accompanied them. quinhualhuicaya. they brought them, they carried them here. quinhualhuihuica. they take each of them. quinhualihua. he sends them.

quinhualilhui. he said to them. quinhualilhuique. they said it to them. quinhualitztoque. they lay watching them. quinhuallalochtocaque. they followed pursuing them. quinhualmacac. he gave it to them. quinhualmacaque. they gave it to them. quinhualmanaya. they laid them out. quinhualmina. they shoot them with arrows. quinhualnahuatique. they addressed them, they commanded them. quinhualnamiqui. they meet them, they contend against them. quinhualnanquili. he answered them. quinhualnanquilique. they answered them. quinhualnotzque. they called out to them. quinhualquiquixtia. it takes them out, it removes them. quinhualquixtia. it brings them out. quinhualquixtiaya. they let them come out, they brought them out. quinhualquixti. he led them out. quinhualtemohuia. he makes them go down, he makes them descend. quinhualtemohuique. they let them descend, they allowed them to go down. quinhualtepehua. he scatters them. quinhualyacana. he leads them, he guides them. quinhualyacantiaque. they guided them. quinhuehuetzotzonilia. they beat the drums for them. quinhuicac. he took them, he carried them. quinhuica. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along. quinhuicaque. they took them, they carried them; they escorted them. quinhuica. they accompany them; they take them; they carry them; they conduct them. quinhuicaya. they took them; they carried them. quinhuicaz. he will carry them off; he will take them. quinhuicazque. they will bring them. quinhuihuica. they carry them; they take each of them; they accompany each of them; they take them. quinhuihuitequi. they beat them. quinhuipiltia. he provides them with blouses. quinicuac. in time, at that time. quinihcuac. afterwards, later; then; at that time. quin. just now; later; then. quinmacac. he gave it to them. quinmaca. he gives it to them. quinmacaque. they gave it to them; they offered it to them; they gave them to them. quinmaca. they give it to them; they offer it to them. quinmacato. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them. quinmacaya. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to them; they served it to them. quinmacaz. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them. quinmachiotiaya. they placed a sign on them. quinmachitia. it informs them. quinmacuilia. he receives it from them. quinmahuitiaya. they gave aunts to them. quinmamaca. they give it to them. quinmamaltia. they carry them on their backs.

quinmamama. they carry them on their backs. quinmama. they bear them on their backs, they carry them; they bears them. quinmamauhtia. he frightens them, he causes them fear. quinmamayauhtehua. they quickly throw them aside. quinmanaya. he placed them, he grouped them. quinmanilia. they offer it to them. quinmaniliaya. they offered it to them. quinmati. he knows of them; it knows them; it feels them. quinmaxtlatia. he provides them with breechcloths. quinmictia. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill them. quinmictiaya. she killed them; they killed them; they punished them. quinmicti. he killed them. quinmictique. they killed them. quinmictizque. they will slay them, they will kill them. quinmixiptlatiaya. they represented them. quinmomacaz. he will give himself to them. quinmomapilhuili. he [h.] selected them, he pointed his finger at them. quinmoquixtilia. he [h.] draws them forth. quinmoteotiaya. they worshipped them. quinmoteotitiaque. they worshipped them. quinmotlaquehuiz. it will engage them, it will hire them. quinmotlaya. he threw [stones] at them; they threw [stones] at them. quinmoyaotia. it preys on them. quinnacazcoyoniaya. they pierced their ears. quinnacaztecpahuia. he cuts their ears with a flint knife. quinnacaztequia. they did cut their ears. quinnacazxapotlaya. they perforated their ears. quinnahualittato. they went to spy on them. quinnahuatia. he commands them. quinnahuatiaya. he commanded them. quinnahuaya. they embraced them. quinnamaca. he sells them. quinnamacaya. they sold them. quinnamiqui. he confronts them, he meets them; they confront them; they encounter them [in battle]; they meet them; they contend against them; they met them. quinnamiquito. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they went to meet them. quinnamiquiz. he will meet them; he will contend with them. quinnanquiliaya. they answered them. quinnanquilique. they answered them. quinnemitiaya. they let them live; they maintained them. quinnonotz. he admonished them. quinnotza. he calls them; it calls them; they call them; they summon them. quinnotzaya. he addressed them; they summoned them. quinnotz. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them. quinnotztiuh. he goes speaking to them. quinonotzaco. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him; they came to notify him; they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to report it to him. quinonotza. they address him; they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him.

quinonotzato. they went to report it to him; they went to report to him; they went to consult with him. quinonotzaya. he addressed him; he admonished him; he counseled him; he exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they admonished her; they advised him. quinonotzazque. they will inform him. quinonotztihuetzico. they hurriedly came to inform him. quinoquia. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it out; he pours it; he issues it; he purges it; he sheds it; it expels it; it purges it; they pour it out. quinotza. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls him; he summons him; he calls out to him; he speaks to him; it speaks to him; it summons it; she addresses him; she addresses it; she calls out to it; they call forth to him; they summon her. quinotzaya. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they addressed it; they called him; they called upon him; they summoned him. quinotztinemi. she proceeds addressing him, she goes along addressing him. quinpachoa. he sits on them [i.e., eggs]. quinpalehuia. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them. quinpapaquiltiaya. they provided them pleasure. quinpatiaya. he healed them, he cured them. quinpatzmictiaya. they crushed them to death. quinpepena. they choose them. quinpepenaya. he chose them; they chose them. quinpepetlahua. they strip them. quinpia. they guard them. quinpiaya. they guarded them; they kept them; they were guarding them. quinpipiloa. they hang each of them; they hang them. quinpipitzquilia. it squeals for them. quinpiquia. they formed them. quinpiquiya. they formed them. quinquetza. they stand them up. quinquixtia. he casts them out, he removes them. quinquixtilia. they take it away from them. quinquixtique. they drove them out. quintecac. he settled them. quintema. they bathe them. quintemoa. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for them. quintemoaya. they looked for them, they sought them out. quintemotinemi. it goes about hunting them. quintenehua. they mention them. quintentopeuhtinemi. it is pushing them with its muzzle. quinteocalhuique. they hurled them from a temple. quintepehuaco. they came to scatter them. quintepehualtique. they disrobed them. quintepehuato. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them. quintepotztiz. he will turn them back. quintepozmihuique. they shot them with iron bolts. quintequitlanelhuia. they pole them vigorously, they row them vigorously; they pole them strongly. quintetepachoa. they stone them.

quintetzotzona. they beat them with stones. quin. then, later. quintlacahualtia. they warn them. quintlacahualtiaya. they restrained them; they prevented them. quintlacualtia. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them. quintlacualtique. they made them eat, they fed them. quintlahuanilia. they make them drink. quintlahuantia. they give them pulque, they make them drunk. quintlahuantiaya. they made them drunk; they were giving pulque to them; they were making them drunk. quintlahxinque. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them. quintlalia. he places them; they place them. quintlaliaya. they placed them. quintlalilique. they did put it on them. quintlamaca. they give them (food); they serve [food] to them. quintlamamaca. they give something to them; they offer them food. quintlamanilia. they lay out offerings for them; they lay something for them; they offer something to them; they offer it to them. quintlamaniliaya. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them. quintlamia. it finishes them, it consumes them. quintlanamaquiltito. they went to sell something to them. quintlananquililia. he responds for them, he answers for them. quintlanelhuia. they pole them, they row them. quintlanelhuique. they rowed for them. quintlaocoltiz. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him. quintlaquentia. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them. quintlaquentiaya. they clothed them. quintlatiaya. they gave uncles to them. quintlatique. they burned them. quintlatlamaniliaya. they offered it to each of them. quintlatlanique. they asked them. quintlatoltique. they interviewed them. quintlatoyahuilia. they pour something for them. quintlatzontequilia. he sentences them. quintlatzotzonilia. they beat the drums for them. quintlaxquiaya. they roasted them. quintlazolmictia. he kills them through filth. quintlaztehua. they quickly abandon them. quintlequiquizhuique. they shot them with their guns. quintoca. he follows them, he pursues them; they bury them; they follow them; they pursue them. quintocatzahualquimiloa. it wraps them up in spider-web. quintocaya. they buried them. quintocayotia. he calls them, he names them; they call it; they name it; they name them. quintocayotiaya. they called them; they named them. quintocayotique. they called them, they named them. quintocaz. he will pursue them. quintololti. he made them swallow it. quintopehuaz. he will overcome them. quintotocayoti. he named them. quintotonia. they heat them.

quintzacuiliaya. they blocked them, they prevented them, they impeded them. quintzatzilia. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to them. quintzetzeloa. they shake them off. quintzinpachichina. it sucks them from below. quintzintilinia. he pulls them down. quinxictequia. they were cutting the umbilical cord. quinxinque. they carved them. quinxipehuaya. they flayed them. quinxixiltihui. they go lancing them. quinyacacotonazque. they will cut them off, they will head them off. quinyacana. it guides them, it leads them; they lead them. quinyacanaya. he led them. quinyacatzacuilico. they came to cut them off, they came to intercept them. quinyacatzacuilito. they went to cut them off, they went to stop them. quinyahualoa. they surround them. quinyaochihuaz. he will make war against them. quinyolehuaya. she incited them. quipaca. it cleans it. quipaccaceli. he accepted it gladly. quipachoa. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [i.e.; egg]; she massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress it; they protect it; they sit on it [i.e. quipachoaya. they governed it. quipachozque. they will govern it. quipahuaci. they boil it. quipalanaltia. they soften it. quipalehuia. it helps him; it helps it; they help him. quipalehuiz. he will help him; it will help him. quipaloa. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it. quipaloaya. he tasted it. quipanahuia. it exceeds it, quipantilia. they find it, they come upon it. quipapaca. she washes it; they wash her. quipapacaz. he will wash him. quipapachichina. they suck it. quipapatla. they keep changing it. quipatia. it cures him; they cure it. quipati. it cures it. quipatilizque. they will exchange it. quipatiznequia. she wanted to cure it. quipatlahua. they flatten it, they widen it. quipatla. they change it. quipaz. she will dye it. quipehualtia. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins it; they begin it; they undertake it. quipehualtiaya. they began it. quipepechtia. he goes to bed. quipepena. he chooses it; they collect it; they elect him; they choose him; they pick it up. quipetlahua. he polishes it; they polish it. quipetztoccahuazque. they will leave him bard. quipeuh. he conquered it.

quipia. he guards her; he guards it; he cherishes it; he has it; he possesses it; he keeps her; he watches it; it guards it. quipialiaya. they guarded it for him. quipia. she protects her; they guard her; they guard him; they guard it; they watch it; they keep it; they take charge of it; they watch over it; they care for it. quipiaya. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they guarded it; they kept it; they kept watch; they maintained it; they observed it; they stored it; they tended it (e.g.; fire). quipiaz. he will guard it; he will take charge of it. quipiazque. they will watch it, they will care for it. quipiaz. she will guard it, she will take care of it. quipie. he stores it, he takes care of it. quipiloa. he hangs it. quipinahua. he shames him, he embarrasses him. quipipia. they shut him in, they guard him. quipipiloa. they hang it. quipiquia. they composed it, they invented it; they produced it; they made it. quipitza. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him; they blow it; they blow it off; they cast it. quipitzaya. they cast it. quipitzonequi. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust for it like pigs. quipixca. they harvest it. quipixoa. they spread it. quipoaya. they recounted it. quipochina. they card it; they shred it. quipoloa. he consumes it; he destroys it; he loses it; he mars it; he spoils it; it destroys it; it drives it away; they dispel it; they knead it; they set upon him; they attack him. quipoloaya. they destroyed it; they lost it; they moistened it; they kneaded it. quipoloz. he will destroy it. quipopochina. they shred it fine. quipopoloz. he will destroy it. quipozahua. it causes it to swell. quipozonalti. it made it foam up. quiquechilique. they raised it for him, they erecte it for him. quiquechpanoa. he carries it on his shoulders. quiquechtia. they give it a neck. quiquechxotla. he rips its neck. quiquemi. he puts it on, he wears it. quiquentica. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her. quiquequetza. they set it up. quiquequetzaya. they erected it. quiquequeza. he tramples on it, he steps on it. quique. they drank it. quiquetza. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up; they set it; they place it. quiquetzaya. he stood him up. quiquimichti. mice. quiquimichtin. mice.

quiquimiloa. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it. quiquimiloaya. they wrapped it. quiquinaca. it growls. quiquinacani. buzzer; something that groans. quiquinacatica. it is growling. quiquiquimiloa. they wrap him well. quiquiti. they weave it. quiquixtia. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it; he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels it; it extracts it. quiquixtian. it drives it out, it removes it. quiquixtia. she takes it out, she removes it; they cause it to flow out; they issue it; they bring it forth; they present it; they remove her; they bring her out; they take it away; they take it out; they remove it. quiquixtiaya. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside. quiquixti. he took it away, he removed it. quiquixtitiuh. it goes removing it. quiquixtiz. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel it; it will remove it. quiquiza. it issues, it comes out. quiquiztinemi. it emerges, it goes emerging. quiquiztli. large seashell. qui. she drinks it. quitamachihua. he measures it; it measures it. quitataca. they dig her up; they dig it. quitealahua. they smooth it. quitecac. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down. quiteca. he implants it; he places it; he pours it; he sets it down; he spreads it; he lays it out. quitecaque. they laid it out; they placed it. quiteca. she places it, she pours it; she sets it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they place it; they spread it. quitecaya. he laid it; they laid it out. quiteci. he grinds it; it grinds it; it grinds it up; they grind it. quitecococamati. he notes the pain. quitecualtia. he gives it to someone to eat. quitecuili. he took it away from someone. quiteitia. he gives it to someone to drink. quiteittitia. it reveals it, it makes it evident; she shows it to people. quitemaca. he gives it to someone. quitemacani. he is accustomed to giving it to someone. quitemacaya. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone. quitemachitia. they make it known. quitema. it places it. quitemetzhuia. they give it a metallic luster. quitemiquiz. he will dream of it. quitemoa. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it looks for it. quitemoani. one who seeks it.

quitemoa. they look for it, they seek it out; they seek it. quitemoaya. they sought it, they looked for it. quitemohuia. they lower it, they bring it down. quitemohuiz. he will lower it, he will pass it through. quitemolia. he seeks of it. quitemotinemi. it goes about looking for it; they go along looking for it; they go searching for it. quitemozque. they will seek it, they will look for it. quitenehua. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call it; they call upon it; they mention it. quitenehuaya. they told of it, they pronounced it. quitenehuaz. he will mention it. quiteonotza. they speak to him as a god. quitepehua. they cast it, they scatter it. quitepehuaya. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it. quitepeuhtiquizque. they scattered it in haste. quitepeuhtitlalia. it heaps it up. quitequia. they (did) cut it; they did cut it. quitequicua. it eats it gluttonously. quitequi. he cuts it up. quitequilia. he sets it out for him; they cut it off of her; they place it before him; they place it for him. quitequipachoa. it displeases him, it troubles him. quitequi. they cut it. quiteteca. they spread it. quitetepachoa. they stone him. quitetepachoque. they stoned him. quitetepachozque. they will stone him to death. quitetepehua. they scatter it repeatedly. quitetequi. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut him up. quiteteuhilpia. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it firmly; they tie it firmly. quiteteuhquimiloa. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly. quitetololtia. he causes someone to swallow it. quitetzammatia. they took it as a portent. quitetzauhmatia. they considered it an evil omen. qui. they drink it. quitinemiz. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it. quitixotla. he rips its belly. quitlacahualtiaya. they restrained him. quitlacamati. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it. quitlacaquitia. he explains it to him, he informs him of it. quitlacatilia. they produce it. quitlacatiliaya. they gave it form, they formed it. quitlacatoca. he gives the name of a man (of respect). quitlacatocayotiaya. it called him by his name as a man. quitlacencuilizque. they will rob him, they will plunder him. quitlachialtiaya. they made him look at it. quitlacoa. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they damage it; they err in it. quitlacoaya. they erred in it, they damaged it. quitlacomolhuia. they make it fall into a pit. quitlacotiz. he will rule it.

quitlacotonilia. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her. quitlacozque. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm it; they will ruin it. quitlactia. he gives it a body. quitlacuallotia. he takes food, he eats. quitlacuicuilizque. they will rob him. quitlaelnequi. he needs it immoderately. quitlaeltia. it nauseates him, it disgusts him. quitlaeyecalhuia. it mocks it. quitlahtia. he burns it. quitlahueliaya. he harmed it. quitlahuelilotilia. it causes him irritation. quitlaitlanilia. he begs him. quitlalaquia. they place her in the earth. quitlalia. he places him; he places it; he puts it; it places it; it implants it; they lay it (i.e.; fire); they lay it down; they place it; they lay it out; they place him. quitlaliaya. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it up; they put it. quitlali. he put it, he set it in place. quitlalilia. she places it on him; they place it on him. quitlalique. they built it; they placed it; they prepared it. quitlaliz. he will put it. quitlalizque. they will make it, they will put it. quitlalnamictia. he recalls it, remembers it. quitlamacaz. he will provide food for him. quitlamachtia. he enjoys it. quitlamamaca. they make offerings to him. quitlamamacatihui. they go to give him (gifts). quitlamanilia. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him. quitlamaniliaya. they gave him offerings; they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it. quitlamia. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they conclude it. quitlamiaya. he finished it. quitlanamoyalizque. they will rob him, they will despoil him. quitlanelhuitihuitze. they come poling it. quitlanxaxamania. it shatters it with its teeth. quitlaocolnonotza. he calls out to him in sadness. quitlapaloa. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him. quitlapaloaya. he greeted him; they greeted him. quitlapaloz. he will greet him, he is to greet him. quitlapalozque. they will visit him. quitlapichilia. they provide music for him. quitlapoa. he uncovers it. quitlapoaya. they uncovered it. quitlatia. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it. quitlatiaya. they burned it. quitlatique. they burned it. quitlatlalia. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they place it; they set it in place. quitlatlaliaya. they repeatedly placed it. quitlatlamantilia. they offer it separately. quitlatlauhtia. he prays to him; she prays to him. quitlatlauhtiaya. they exhorted her, they asked her. quitlatolchiaya. they awaited his word.

quitlatolilochtia. he forces him to recant. quitlatolimacaci. they dread his words, they fear his words. quitlatzontequilia. he pronounces judgement on him. quitlaxilia. he shoots at it; he shoots it at him; it casts it at it; it throws it at it. quitlaza. he casts it down, he fells it [e.g., tree]; he casts it forth; he expels it; he casts it; he causes it; he throws it; he coughs it up; he makes it (i.e.; a fire); he passes it; he spends it (i.e.; time); he spends it (e.g.; night); he spreads it; he throws it away; he tosses it; he voids it; it casts it forth; it dislodges it; it expels it; it lays it (i.e.; egg); she spreads it; they cast it; they throw it; they pass it; they scatter it; they shoot it. quitlazato. it went to throw it down. quitlazaya. they passed it; they threw it. quitlazazque. they will throw it, they will turn it loose. quitlaz. he cast it away, he threw it down; he cast it forth; he expelled it. quitlazotla. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it. quitlazotlaya. he loved him. quitlazque. they laid it [i.e., egg]; they shot it; they fired it. quitlaz. she cast it forth, she threw it out. quitlecahuia. they take him up. quitlequiquizhuizque. they will shoot him with a gun. quitliloa. it turns it black, it blackens it. quitoa. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it. quitoaya. he said it; he mentioned it; he used to say it; it said it; she said it; they called him; they named him; they called it; they named it; they said it; they told it. quitocac. he buried it. quitoca. he follows her, he pursues her; he follows it; he chases it; he goes along it; he pursues it; he plants it; he sows it; he travels it (i.e.; road); it buries him; it continues; it follows along it; it follows him; it pursues him; it proceeds through it. quitocamaca. they give him a name. quitocamacaya. they gave him a name. quitocamacazque. they will give him a name. quitocani. one who follows it. quitoca. she buries it; she follows him; she pursues him; she follows it; they bury her; they bury him; they bury it; they continue it; they follow him; they follow it; they take it (i.e.; road); they sow it. quitocatihui. they go to bury her. quitocatinemi. he goes along it; he goes following along it; they go following him. quitocatiuh. he goes to follow it. quitocaya. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they followed it. quitocayotia. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it; they called it; they name him.

quitocayotiaya. they called her, they gave her a name; they called him; they named him; they gave him a name; they called it; they named it; they gave it the name; they named her. quitocayoti. he named it, he called it, he gave it a name. quitocayotique. they called him, they named him; they called it; they named it; they gave it a name. quitocayotitihui. they go calling it, they go naming it. quitocaz. he will follow it. quitocazque. they will bury her; they will bury him; they will bury it. quito. he called it; he said it; he told it. quitohua. they said it. quito. it said it. quitolinia. they harass it. quitoliniz. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain. quitoloa. he swallows it; it swallows it. quitolo. he swallowed it. quitoma. it opens her. quitonalitlacoa. they damage his day sign for him. quitopehua. it drives it away. quitoque. they said it; they spoke. quitoquilia. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from it. quito. she said it. quitotia. they make her dance. quitotiaya. he made him dance. quitotihui. they go saying it. quitotinemi. he goes about saying it; she goes about saying it; she proceeds saying it. quitotitimani. they are dancing. quitotoca. they chase it. quitotolquimiloa. they wrap the groups of reeds up. quitotoma. he unwraps it, he loosens it. quitotonia. he heats it. quitotonilia. they make him hot. quitoz. he will say it. quitoznequi. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that is; they want to say it. quitqui. he carries it; he carries it off; he takes it. quitquique. they bore it, they carried it; they took it. quitqui. she takes it, she carries it; they carry it; they take it. quitquitihui. they go bearing it, they go carrying it. quitquitinemi. he goes bearing it, he goes carrying it; they go about carrying it. quittac. he saw it; he looked at it; she saw it. quitta. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds him; he sees him; he beholds it; he consults it; he notes it; he saw him; he saw it; he looked at it; he looks at him; he finds it; he looks at it; he seeks it; he studies it; he witnesses it; he will see it; it sees him; it sees it; it finds it; it realizes it. quittani. one who is accustomed to seeing it. quittaque. they found it, they saw it; they saw him; they beheld him; they beheld it; they looked at it.

quitta. she considers it, she sees it; they see her; they look at her; they see him; they look upon him; they see it; they encounter it; they find it; they look for it; they seek it; they watch for it. quittato. he went to see it; they went to see the land. quittaya. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him; he looked upon it; she saw it; she looked at it; they discovered it; they saw it; they found it; they saw him; they looked at it; they studied it; they were seeing it; they sought it. quittaz. he will find it, he will see it; he will see him; he will look for it; he will seek it; it will see it. quittaznequi. he wants to see it. quittazque. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it. quittaz. she will look to it, she will see it; she will see him; she will look at him. quittitito. they went to show it to him. quittitiz. he will show it to him. quittotitihui. they go dancing. quitzacua. they cover it. quitzatzacuazque. they will close it. quitzatzatia. they make him cry out, they make him shout. quitzatzauctinemi. he goes blocking it. quitzatzayana. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds. quitzatzayanaya. they split it up. quitzatzilia. he cries out to him; he shouts to him; she cries out to her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out to it. quitzatziliaya. he shouted to them, he summoned them. quitzatzilitihui. they go shouting at him. quitzeltilia. she tears it; they pound him. quitzetzeloa. he shakes it; they shake it out. quitzinpachichina. it sucks it from below. quitzinpachoa. it covers it at the back. quitzinquixtia. they withdraw it. quitzinquixtique. they withdrew it. quitzintetequi. it cuts them at the root, it cuts them at the bottom. quitzintia. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in. quitzintique. they began it, they founded it. quitzitzquia. he grasps it; he holds it; she holds it; she grasps it; they seize it. quitzmolinaltiaya. he caused it to sprout. quitzoncuia. he took hair, he plucked hair. quitzoncui. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair; he plucks hair; they cut his hair. quitzonteconehua. it makes his head ache. quitzontecontia. he gives it a head. quitzotzomaquimiloa. she wraps it in cloth. quitzotzona. he beats it; he strikes it; she beats it; she pounds it; they beat it; they pound it; they caress him; they pat him. quitzotzonaya. they beat it, they hammered it; they pounded it. quitztimoquetza. he stands watching it. quitztzeltilia. she pricks it.

quixayacatia. he gives it a face. quixayacatiaya. they provided it with a mask. quixayohuitoma. he looses tears. quixca. they roast it. quixcocotona. she tears her face. quixcocototza. she hacks her face. quixhualtia. he causes it to sprout. quixiccahuaya. they abandoned her. quixima. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [i.e.; her hair]; his hair]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they plane it; they work it. quiximatia. they knew it, they understood it. quiximati. he knows it; he is familiar with it; he identifies it; they give heed to it; they know about it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they understand it; they know of it; they recognize it. quiximatiz. he will know it, he will be familiar with it. quiximatizque. they will know him. quiximatizquia. they would have known him. quiximatque. they knew it, they learned about it. quixipehua. they flay her; they flay him. quixipehuaya. they flayed her; they flayed him. quixipeuh. he flayed him. quixipeuhtihuetzi. they quickly flay it. quixiptlatiaya. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they represented her. quixiptlayotiaya. he represented him; he was his likeness. quixiptlayoti. they made his image. quixixili. they spear. quixixiltinemi. they keep packing it down. quixixima. he keeps carving it. quixixipeuhtinemi. it goes about peeling it. quixnamictimotlalia. it settles down to face him. quixnamiqui. they contend with it. quixoaya. there was leaving, there was going out. quixohuaya. there was going forth. quixotlaltiaya. he caused it to blossom. quixotlaya. they (did) cut it. quixoxa. they bewitch him. quixoxohuialtiaya. he caused it to leaf out. quixoxouhcapachoa. she massages her raw. quixpalotiquiza. it licks his eyes, it passes its tongue over his eyes. quixpatilia. it distracts him. quixpoloa. it destroys it. quixtelolotia. he gives it eyes. quixtiloya. she was set aside; they were released; they were freed. quixtlapachcuepa. she turns it upside down. quixtlapoa. they uncover his face. quiyacana. he leads it. quiyacanamiqui. he intercepts it. quiyacana. they go before him, they go in front of him. quiya. he drank it. quiyahuac. outside; out of doors. quiyahualoa. they encircle it, they surround it. quiyahualotimomanque. they encircled it.

quiyahua. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she offers it. quiyahuatl. water, rainwater. quiyahui. it rains, it is rainy. quiyahuitl. rain. quiyahuiz. it will rain. quiyamania. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it. quiya. they drank it. quiyectlalia. they arrange it well. quiyocox. he created it. quiyocoxque. they devised it, they created it; they invented it. quiyocoyaya. he created it. quiyocoyaz. he will create it. quiyolitia. it animates it. quiyolitiaya. he quickened it, he gave it life. quiyolitiz. he will put life into it, he will cause it to live. quiyolitlacoa. he hates it. quiyollaliaya. he comforted her. quiyolmictiz. it will terrify him. quiyoti. it forms a stem. quizaca. it carries it off. quizacatlapachoa. they cover it with grass. quizacaz. it will carry it off. quizaco. he came to set forth; they came to emerge; they came to land. quiza. he comes forth, he comes out; he emerges; he escapes; he goes out; he goes forth. quizahuiaya. it frightened him. quiza. it appears; it comes; it comes out; it emerges; it issues; it erupts; it goes forth; it goes out; it leaves; it goes away; it shows. quizaloa. they glue it. quizaloaya. they glued it. quizaquihui. they come to emerge, they come to land. quizaquiuh. he comes to emerge, he comes to land. quiza. they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they set forth. quizato. he went to go out. quizaya. he went out, he fared forth; it came forth; it came out; they came forth; they passed. quizaz. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will come out; it will emerge; it will pass out. quizaznequi. he tries to go out, he wants to go out; he tries to leave; he wants to leave. quizazque. they will leave. quizcaltiaya. he caused it to grow. quiz. he arrived; he will drink it; he is to drink it; he will drink; he is to drink; it came out; it emerged; it left; it went out. quizoa. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens it. quizoaya. he bled it. quizo. he pierces it. quizoloa. it ruins it. quizolotza. he sucks it in. quizoma. it irritates him, it angers him. quizonehua. it disturbs it. quizotlacmiqui. it paralyzes him. quizotlahua. it terrifies it, it makes it faint.

quizotlahuaz. it will make him faint. quizotla. it makes him vomit. quizozo. they draw blood from him. quizozoya. he bleeds it, he pierces it; they bled him. quizque. they escaped, they went out; they left; they set forth; they traveled; they went forth; they will drink it. quiz. she will drink it; she is to drink it. quiztihuetzi. it quickly flies apart. quiztinemi. they travel. quiztlacmina. it (i.e., snake) strikes him. quiztlaqui. he lusts for it. quiztoc. it is protruding, it is emerging. sacramentos. sacraments. tachihualo. he becomes a father. tacitihui. we go arriving. tacizque. we will reach, we will arrive. taciz. you will reach. tacolpa. on our shoulder. tahhuayo. you are thorny. tahua titepehua. you are the inhabitant of a city. tahua. you are the owner of water. tahuehuetl. you are a cypress tree. tai. you do it. taiz. you will do. tamaloa. they make tamales. tamaltic. like a tamal. tamazoli. toad. tamechtoyollalilizque. we will console you (pl.). tanamelactli. straight basket. tanamimilli. cylindrical basket. tananamacac. basket seller. tanatl. basket. tanatli. reed basket. tanayahualli. small round basket. tanima. our souls. tapachtli. coral; seashell. tapalcatl. potsherd; sherd. tapalcayo. having a shell; having tile-shaped scales; sherd-like; having a sherd; tile-like. tapalcayotl. shell. tapayaxin. salamander. tapayaxti. salamanders. tapayolca. he is rolled up like a ball. tapayoltic. ball-like; like a ball. tapazoltic. bushy. tapazoltontli. small and tangled; tangled; interlaced. tapiz. our hunger. tatapatli. rag, tatters. tatapatzintli. rag, tatters. tatapayoltic. round like a ball. tatatacazque. let's scratch for water. tatequitl. duty of fatherhood. tatli. father. tatliznequi. you want to drink (water). tatlizque. we will drink water. tatliz. you will drink.

taxca. our possessions, our goods. taxix. our urine. taxixtecon. our bladder. taxixteco. our bladder. taxixtetzahualiz. our dysuria. tayo. our liquid; our moisture. tayotl. fatherhood. teaahua. he belabors people, he scolds people. teahuac. he scolded someone. teahua. he quarrels with people; he wrangles with others; he scolds people. teahualiztlatolli. reprimanding words. teahuayo. someone's skin. teahuialti. it gladdened someone, it gave someone enjoyment; it gladdens one. teahuihuan. aunts. teahuilquixtia. she dishonors one. teahui. one's aunt. teahuitiz. she will be an aunt. teahuitzin. aunt. tealtiani. bather; one who bathes people. tealtianime. bathers of slaves; bathers; slave bathers; ceremonial bather. tealtiani. slave bather. tealtiaya. he bathed people, he bathed slaves; they bathed people (e.g.; slaves); they ceremonially bathed someone. tealtiliztli. act of bathing someone. tealtique. bathers. tealtiz. he will bathe people, he is to bathe slaves; he will bathe slaves; he will bathe someone; he will ceremonially bathe someone; she will bathe someone. teapitzalti. it causes diarrhea. teatlahuia. he drowns people. teatlanmictia. it drowns people. teatlitiani. one who provides people with drink. teatlitiz. he will provide drink. teatzelhuia. he sprinkles people. teatzelhuitiuh. he goes sprinkling people. teaxixchipahua. it cleanses one's urine. teca tlaocoyani. compassionate person. tecacalitic. in each person's house. tecacqui. obedient. teca. for people, for others. tecalaquia. he receives people, he acts as a receptionist. tecamac. in an opening in a rock; in one's mouth. tecamacpa. from one's mouth. tecamanalhuia. he tempts people, he entertains people. tecamapaca. they wash people's mouths. tecamapaco. mouth washing is done. teccizmichi. shellfish. tecciztli. seashell; shell trumpet; snail. tececec. alum. tececemmati. she is constantly attentive to people. tececenmana. he disperses people. tecehuac. chalky. tecemmati. she is attentive to people.

tecencahualo. there is adorning of people, there is arraying of people. tecentlanihuica. she carries people into the depths. techahuilquixtia. she dishonors us. techalotl. squirrel. techaloyehuatl. squirrel skin. techan. someone's house. techcaqui. he hears us. techicahua. he animates people; it strengthens one. techicauhca. healthy place. techichihualo. there is adorning of people, there is arraying of people. techichihuani. creator, maker, maker of man. techichihuanie. o creator. techicoihtoz. she will abuse someone. techicoitoa. he betrays people. techihchicahua. it strenthens one greatly. techihuani. creator, maker, maker of man. techitta. he sees us. techiximatiz. he will know us. techmacaque. they gave it to us. techmictiznequi. he tries to kill us. techmomaquilia. he gives it to us. techmonequililia. he requires it of us. technahuati. he commanded us. techoponia. it [e.g., snake] strikes one. techpalehuiz. it will help us, it will be of advantage to us. techpinauhtia. she shames us. techpoloa. it injures us. techpoloz. he will destroy us. techtequipachoa. it afflicts us, it makes us suffer. techtequitia. they impose tribute on us. techtlanextili. it provided us with light. techtlatlatiz. he will destroy us. techtolinia. he abuses us, he causes us pain. techyahualoque. they surrounded us. tecihuahuan. people's wives. tecihuiloz. it will be hailed on. tecihuitl. hail; hail stone. tecihuiz. it will hail. tecini. one who grinds. tecinmiquiz. it will be damaged by hail. teci. one's grandmother. tecitzin. grandmother. teciuhtica. with hailstones, by means of hailstones. teciz. she will grind. tecoacualli. snakebite. tecoanime. slave dealers. tecoani. slave buyer; slave dealer. tecoanotza. he invites him to a banquet. tecoanotzaliztlatolli. invitation to a banquet. tecoanotzaliztli. summons to a feast, invitation to a banquet. tecoanotzalo. there is inviting to a banquet. tecoanotzani. host. tecoanotzaz. she will invited people to feast. tecoanotzqui. host. tecoa. they buy people. tecoaz. he will buy slaves, he will buy people.

tecochizpan. in a dream. tecococauh. her pain. tecocolia. he hates people. tecocoliani. hater, one who hates people; one who hates someone; enemy. tecocoliliztli. persecution, hate. tecoco. painful. tecocotlatolli. words of torment. tecohuanime. slave dealers. tecohuani. slave buyer. tecohuanotzaliztli. banquet invitation. tecohuaz. he will buy a slave, he will buy someone; he will buy slaves. tecolatl. charcoal and water past; charcoal and water paste. tecolli. charcoal. tecolocualiztli. scorpion bite. tecol. one's grandfather. tecolotl. horned owl; owl. tecoltia. they char. tecoltica. with charcoal, by means of charcoal. tecoltic. charcoal-colored. tecomatl. earthen vessel. tecomitl. stone basin. teconaltic. like carbon; like charcoal. teconeuh. one's child; one's daughter. tecontic. like a jar. tecontlacuilolli. painted gourd vessel. tecpatetic. like flint. tecpatl. flint. tecpilli. noble. tecpiltezcatl. mirror of the noblemen. tecpiltic. courteous. tecuacehcepouh. he disgusted people. tecuachtli. small cape. tecuacua. it bites. tecua. it bites one; it bites people; it bites someone. tecualanalti. it angers one. tecualania. it angers someone. tecualani. destestable, irritating. tecualnexti. it made one appear good. tecualtilia. it improves one. tecuancualoz. he will be eaten by wild beasts. tecuanehuatl. wild animal skin. tecuani. beast; biter. tecuanime. biters; wild animals; wild beasts. tecuani. poisonous. tecuanitla. place of wild beasts. tecuani. wild animal; wild beast. tecuannacatl. wild beast flesh. tecua. she eats people. tecuauhtlaxonecuilhuia. it throws sticks at people. tecuazque. they will eat people. tecue. someone's skirt. tecuicananamiqui. he joins people in singing. tecuicatia. he provides songs for others. tecuic. someone's song. tecuini. it beats. tecuitlaihui. it becomes filthy. tecuitlatl. lake scum.

tecuitlaxcolyecti. it soothes one's intestines. teeltetequi. they cut open his breast. teetili. it makes one heavy. teezio. our blood. teezzo. one's color. tehaltia. she bathes people. tehcauh. our breath. tehcoyouhtinemi. he goes along howling. tehecatl. you are the wind. tehipotza. it hisses at one. tehitic. inside people; within one; within someone. tehixitia. it brings one from his sleep, it awakens one. tehpochtli. smoky stone. tehtenextic. ashen. tehuan. among others, among people. tehuantin. we. tehuan. together, with one [this may their eggs]!!!; we; with one; with people; with others; with them. tehuapahuani. teacher. tehuatl. you. tehuatzin. you [h.]. tehueilia. it enlarges one; it makes one big; it makes one grow. tehuetzquiti. it made people laugh; laughable. tehuica. it guides one, it guides people, it accompanies people. tehuicaltin. companions. tehuic. towards one, towards people; towards someone. tehuihuilano. there is dragging of people. tehuihuiteco. there is beating of people. tehuihuiteque. they struck people. tehuihuitequi. they strike people repeatedly. tehuilacachtic. circular; disc-like. tehuilonacochtli. crystal ear plug. tehuilotic. like crystal, like glass; transparent. tehuilotl. crystal; glass; rock crystal. tehuitequi. he beats someone; he strikes someone. tehuithualco. in the temple courtyard. teicampa. behind others. teichpochhuan. one's daughters. teichpoch. maiden; one's daughter. teicnotlacaahuatica. he reprimands the poor. teimacacini. they are respectful, they are fearful. teimacaciz. he will show reverence to others, he will respect others. teimacazqui. one who fears people. teini. they are shattered. teitic. within one; within someone; within oneself. teitotiz. he will dance with people. teitqui. it carries one. teittaque. they saw people, they faced people. teitta. she sees someone. teittaz. she will look at people. teitzmolinaltia. it fills one out. teiuc. one's second daughter. teiuctzin. one's beloved second daughter. teixcapotzo. he turned someone's skin dark. teixco teicpac nemi. he is disrespectful.

teixco. in one's presence; in public; in people's presence; in people's faces; in someone's presence; in front of others; in someone's face; in the eye. teixcuepanime. tricksters. teixhuiuh. grandchild. teixiptlahuan. impersonators; likenesses; their images; their representations; their impersonators. teixiptla. image; representation; impersonator; representative; someone's image. teixiptlati. impersonator. teixpan. before him, in front of him; before people; in front of people; in public; before the people; in people's presence; in front of someone; before others; before everyone. teixtenco. on the eyelid. teixtlan. before people, in front of people. teixtlileuh. he turned someone's skin brown, dark. teiyemaca. he gives tobacco to someone, he serves tobacco to someone. teiyemaco. tubes of tobacco are offered. teizahuiaya. she terrified people. teizcalia. he rears people, he teaches people. teizcaltia. he rears people. teizotlalti. it causes vomiting. teiztlacahuiani. deceiver. teiztlacahuianime. deceivers. telchihualoz. he will be accursed. telchihualozque. they will be abominated; they will be accursed. telchiquiuh. our breast, our chest. telchitl. he is rightly served, it serves him right. tel. nevertheless; but. telpocatoton. young men. telpochcalco. in the young men's house. telpochcali. young men's house. telpochcalli. young men's house. telpochpan. place of the youths; youths' place. telpochtlahueliloc. evil youth; lewd youth. telpochtlatoque. masters of the youths; rulers of the youths. telpochtli. youth; young (warrior); young man. telpochtontli. untried youth; young boy; youth; young man. telpochtotolin. young turkey cock. telpochyotl. youthfulness, estate of youth. telpopochpipil. youths. telpopochtin. youths. telpopochti. youths. telpopochtzitzinti. youths. teltzotzol. flabbiness of our chest. temacehual. one's reward. temachtia. he instructs others. temachtiani. teacher. temac. in someone's hands. temahuizyotia. it glorifies one, it gives one honor. temalaxixtli. urine with pus. temalli. pus. temallo. having pus. temamacuitihuetzi. they quickly seize someone with their hands. temamauhtican. fearful place. temamauhti. it frightened people; terrifying; fearful.

tematequilo. hand washing is done. temauhcaitta. he respects others. temauhcaittani. one who is respectful; they are attentive; they are fearful. temauhcaittaz. he will show reverence for people. temaxac. in someone's crotch. temazatl. mountain goat. temecanitihui. they go hanging people. teme. stones, rocks. temetztlalli. pulverized lead. temetztli. lead. temia. it filled, it became full. temicamatl. book of dreams; dream book; book for interpreting dreams. temictia. he kills people; he kills someone; it kills people; it kills someone. temictiani. one who kills someone, killer. temictia. they kill people; they mistreat people; they slay people; they kill someone. temicti. he killed someone, he mistreated someone. temictiliztli. act of killing someone; murder; act of killing people. temictilo. there is slaying of people. temictique. they killed people. temictizque. they will kill people. temictli. dream. temi. it becomes full; it fills; it fills up; it swells. temimiliuhqui. shaped like a stone column. temimiltic. cylindrical; like a pillar; like a stone column; round like a pillar; round like a stone column; shaped like a stone column; shaped like a stone pillar. temina. it stings one, it stings people. temiqui. they dream. temixihuitiani. one who delivers babies. temmetlapiltic. having a large muzzle; pointed-eared; having pointed ears. temmimiltic. having a cylindrical bill. temoc. it fell, it descended. temo. it comes down, it descends; it sinks. temoli. black beetle. temoloz. he will sought. temomoyahua. he disbands people. temotlaya. he struck people. temoxtli ehecatl. pestilence. temoya. they descended; they went down. tempatlactic. broad-billed. tempatlactli. wide bill. tempatlahuac. having a broad bill; wide-billed. tempitzahuac. having a slender bill; having a slender muzzle; having a thin muzzle; thin-muzzled. tempitzaton. having a slender muzzle; rather thin-muzzled; having a thin muzzle. tempochectic. having a blackish muzzle. tempochichitic. having a soft muzzle; soft-muzzled. tenacaltic. having a concave bill. tenacaztli. corner stone. tenacazxapotlaloya. there was piercing of ear [lobes]. tenahuac. with others, with people, near others. tenahuan. mothers.

tenamiquizque. they will meet him, they will confront him. tenamitl. wall; rampart; ramparts. tenamoyelo. there is plundering of people; there is robbing of people. tenanahualnotza. they call them by trickery. tenanhuan. mothers; their mothers. tenan. mother; one's mother. tenantitlan. at the wall. tenantzin. mother. tenchalli. chin. tenchicahuac. having a strong mouth; strong-billed. tencoliuhqui. having a curved bill. tencolli. curved bill. tencoltic. having a curved bill; beak. tencoyahuac. wide-mouthed. tencozpiltic. having a very yellow bill. tencoztic. having a yellow bill; having a yellow mouth; yellow-mouthed; yellow-billed. tencua. hare-lipped. tencualactli. deceit, lie. tencuicuitlatl. dirt around the lips. tencuitlatl. dirt around the lips. tene. bordered, having a border. tenehuallo. he is esteemed. tenehualo. he is named; they are named; they are mentioned. tenemiliz. one's conduct; someone's life. tenemiliztia. he is exemplary, he shows someone a life. tenenco. deceiving; fraud. tenenenco. cheat. tenexatl. lime water; ashen water. tenexatolli. atole treated with lime. tenexcacahuatl. chocolate with lime water. tenexhuia. she applies ashes to someone. tenexihui. she becomes pale (like lime). tenexio. mixed with lime. tenexmama. he carries the lime on his back. tenexnamacac. lime seller. tenextetic. like limestone. tenextetl. kind of limestone; limestone rock. tenextic. chalky. tenextlalli. limestone land. tenextlatia. he burns limestone. tenextlatiloni. that which is burned to make lime. tenextlati. one who burns limestone. tenextli. lime; limestone. tenhuelic. agreeable of speech; agreeable speaker. tenhuiacapil. having a long, small muzzle. tenhuiac. having a long bill. tenhuihuiyoca. his lips tremble. tenhuilaxtic. having a long muzzle. tenhuitzpil. small pointed bill. tenhuitztic. having a pointed bill; having a sharp; pointed bill. tenhuitztli. pointed bill. tenhuitzton. small pointed bill; small; pointed bill. tenihhuihuahuanqui. striped with feathers. tenihhuiyo. feathery fringe. tenio. famous. tenitztic. sharp-edged.

tenitztli. black skimmer. tenmetlapiltic. large-muzzled, having a large muzzle. tennacatl. flesh of the lips. tenonotza. he advises people. tenonotzale. adviser. tenonotzaliztlatolli. discourse of admonition; sermon. tenonotzaliztli. admonition, counsel. tenonotzani. adviser, counselor. tenotza. he admonishes people. tenotzaya. he invited people; he summoned people. tenpapatlaca. his lips quiver. tenpitzactic. narrow-muzzled, having a narrow muzzle. tenpitzaton. having a rather thin snout; having a small; slender muzzle. tenpochectic. having a spongy muzzle. tenpochichitic. having a soft muzzle. tenpozonqui. fringed, having a fringe. tentepitztic. hard. tentepozomitic. like a metal awl. tentepoztic. having a bill like a nail; having a nail-like bill; having a pointed bill like a nail. tentetepontic. having a blunt bill; having a short muzzle; having a stubby muzzle; short-billed; having a short bill; stubby-muzzled; with a very blunt snout; bluntsnouted. tenteteponton. having a snubby muzzle. tentetl. lip plug. tentimani. it is full. tentlapalli. colored fringe. tentlapallo. having a red border. tentlapani. he parts his lips. tentlaxichtic. having a dart-shaped bill. tentli. lip. tentliltic. black-billed; having a black bill. tentomahuac. having a thick muzzle; thick-muzzled. tentzitziquiltic. having serrated edges. tentzone. bearded. tentzoneque. bearded ones. tenxochitl. flowery of speech, beguiling; of flowery speech. teoatl tlachinolli. war. teoatl. ocean; war. teoaztatl. snowy egret. teocalli. temple. teochia. he waits for someone on the road; it waits for someone on the road. teocihuayan. place of hunger. teociohuaya. place of starvation. teococoliztli. divine sickness; leprosy. teoctli. god's wine, sacred wine. teocuahuitl. oak tree. teocuicatl. gods' song, sacred song. teocuitlaamatl. gold leaf. teocuitlaapilolli. gold water jar. teocuitlacalli. house of gold. teocuitlacaxitl. gold bowl. teocuitlacomalli. golden disc. teocuitlacomallo. having a golden disc.

teocuitlacopilli. golden conical cap. teocuitlacotzehuatl. golden band for the calf of the leg. teocuitlacoyolli. golden bell; golden shell; golden jingle. teocuitlacozcatl. gold necklace; golden necklace. teocuitlacoztic. gold. teocuitlacuatecciztli. shell-shaped golden headpiece. teocuitlacuauhcaxitl. gold eagle vessel. teocuitlaepcololli. curved gold shell pendant. teocuitla. gold. teocuitlahua. goldworker. teocuitlahuaque. goldsmiths; goldworkers. teocuitlamacuextli. gold bracelet. teocuitlamatemecatl. gold arm band; golden arm band; golden bracelet. teocuitlanacoche. having golden ear plugs. teocuitlanacochtli. gold ear plug; gold earring; gold ear pendant; golden ear plug. teocuitlapanitl. golden banner. teocuitlapapalotl. golden butterfly. teocuitlapatli. gold medicine. teocuitlapitzaya. they cast (past) gold. teocuitlapitzcayotl. casting of gold. teocuitlapitzque. gold-workers; goldcasters; goldsmiths. teocuitlapitzqui. gold-worker. teocuitlaquemitl. golden garment. teocuitlatecomatl. gold cup. teocuitlatempilolli. gold lip pendant. teocuitlatentetl. gold lip plug. teocuitlatica. with gold, by means of gold. teocuitlatl. gold; silver. teocuitlatzotzonque. gold beaters, ones who beat gold; goldbeaters; those who beat gold. teocuitlayo. gold; golden. teohua. keeper of the god. teohuatzin. keeper [h.] of the god. teohuatzitzin. keepers [h.] of the god. teoithualco. in the temple courtyard. teololihui. it becomes like a round stone. teololtic. like a round stone; round. teomiquiz. he will be sacrificed as a captive. teonantli. godly mother. teooctli. gods's wine, sacred wine; sacred pulque. teootl. deity, god. teopan. temple. teopixque. priests; guardians of god; keepers of the gods. teopixqui. keeper of the god, priest. teoquemitl. divine cape; godly cape. teotetl. jet. teotihuac. someone became a god; a god was made. teotihuaya. someone became a god. teotihuaz. someone will become a god. teotizque. they will become gods. teotlac. evening, late afternoon; sundown. teotlachco. god's ball court. teotlacpa. in the evening; in late afternoon. teotlalli. desert waste. teotlanextli. god's light. teotlatlatolli. god's word.

teotlatolli. god's word; holy word; word of god. teotlatolpan. in god's word. teotlatquitl. array of the gods. teotl. god; blessed; divine; holy; goddess. teotzacua. it blocks someone's road. teotzanatl. boat-tailed grackle. teoxalli. abrasive sand. teoxihuitl. fine turquoise. teoxochitl. godly flower, sacred flower. teoyotica. spiritually. teoyotl. divinity; holiness; something holy. tepachichina. it sucks one; it sucks people. tepachichinani. one that sucks people. tepachoa. he rules, he governs. tepachoani. governor. tepac. it gladdened someone, it gave someone contentment. tepalehuiani. helpful. tepalehuiliztli. help, aid. tepallama. he takes a captive with the aid of others. tepal. on someone's account. tepan yaque. they violated someone. tepan yauh. he commits adultery; she practises adultery. tepan yaz. he will commit adultery. tepan. among others, among people. tepancacalaqui. they enter from house to house. tepancamac. in openings in walls. tepanmelahuac. straight-walled. tepan. on one, at one; on people; on men; on someone. tepantemo. he climbs walls. tepantli. wall. tepan. with people. tepapaca. she cleanses people, she washes people. tepapaquiltia. he gives joy to one. tepatia. it cures one. tepatilo. there is curing of people, people cure someone. tepehuaco. they came to conquer. tepepan. in the mountains; on the mountain. tepepia. they guard the hill. tepetic. mountain-like. tepeticpac. on the mountain top. tepeti. he becomes a mountain. tepetitech. near the mountain. tepetiz. he will become like a mountain. tepetlalli. silt; topsoil. tepetl. hill; mountain. tepetontli. small mountain, small hill. tepexitl. crag. tepiani. guardian. tepia. she guards one. tepilhuan. children; someone's sons; someone's children. tepiltemalli. corrupted matter from the vulva. tepiltzin. one's child; one's son. tepinauhtia. he insults people. tepinauhtiliztli. act of shaming someone. tepi. oldest daughter. tepito. little. tepiton. a little bit; small; little.

tepito. small. tepitoton. a little bit; lesser; small; tiny; very little; very small. tepitzin. a little bit; little one. tepitzintle. o little one. tepitzpatic. very hard. tepitztic. hard; firm. tepizcantoton. small amount. tepolli. penis. tepoloa. he destroys people. tepoloani. one who destroys people. tepolozque. they will destroy people. teponazcuicanime. those who beat the two-toned drum. teponazcuicatl. song with the two-toned drum. teponazoani. teponaztli player, one who plays the two-toned drum. teponaztli. two-toned drum. tepotzotic. humped. tepozcaxic. in a copper vessel. tepozchicolli. metal hook. tepoze. ax owner. tepozhuictica. with a metal knife, by means of a metal knife. tepozhuictli. copper scalpel. tepozmaccuahuitl. iron sword. tepozmacuahueque. bearers of iron swords; swordsmen. tepozmacuauhtica. with iron swords, by means of iron swords. tepozmitl. iron arrow; iron bolt. tepoznacochtli. copper ear plug. tepozomitotonti. metal awls. tepozoni. it swells one with anger. tepozpitza. he casts copper. tepozpitzcayotl. casting of copper. tepozpitzqui. copper caster; coppercaster. tepozteca. he pours copper. tepoztica. with metal, by means of metal. tepoztlacopintli. metal drill. tepoztlalli. copper earth; copper filings. tepoztlateconi. copper knife; knife. tepoztlaxichtli. iron nail. tepoztli. ax; copper, iron; hard metal; irons; metal. tepoztopileque. lancers. tepoztopilli. iron lance. tepoztopiltica. with an iron pole, by means of an iron pole; with iron lances; by means of iron lances. tequechmateloa. it strangles someone. tequechmecania. he strangles people. tequechtlan. on someone's throat. tequipacholoz. she will be troubled. tequitia. he worked. tequitilo. he is given a task. tequitiz. he will work; she will do her work; she will work; she will labor. tequitlahuanqui. very drunk. tequitlaneloa. they pole vigorously, they row hard; they row vigorously. tequitlatlatoa. he gibbers. tequitl. function; his mission; obligation; responsibility; task; requirement; tribute; work; duty.

tequixocomicqui. very drunk. tequixocomic. very drunk. tequixquitlalli. nitrous earth; nitrous soil. tequixquitl. saltpeter. tequiyauh. stones rained, it rained stones. teta. father. tetahua. fathers. tetahuan. fathers; their fathers. teta. one's father. tetatzin. father. tetech. on someone, around someone. tetecoltic. like charcoal. tetecuica. it crackles; it flares up; it howls; it hurts; it rumbles; it throbs. tetecuitzahui. it crackles; they crackle. tetecuitztic. crackling. tetehuitl. paper banner; paper streamer. teteini. it breaks up. tetemoya. he came down, he descended. tetenamitl. walls. tetenqui. full of stones, stony. tetenxochitzotzona. he wheedles. tetenxochitzotzonani. wheedler, one who wheedles. tetenxochitzotzona. she induces with words, she wheedles. teteo. goddesses; gods. teteoh. gods. teteohuatzitzin. keepers of the gods. teteopan. temples. teteopohualli. sacrificial paper. teteoye. o gods. tetepachoa. it throws stones at people. tetepacholoz. he will be stoned. tetepe. mountains. tetepexihuia. he hurls people off crags. tetepontic. stubby; short. tetepontli. knee. tetepontontli. stubby, small. tetepoztin. pieces of iron. tetequipacho. he oppressed people. tetetzacatili. it cause him to become sterile. tetetzontia. he stores up for others. teteuctin. lords. tetexotic. light blue; very blue. teteyo. very stony. tetica. with a stone, by means of a stone; with stones; by means of stones. tetilma. one's cape. tetizatl. limestone. tetla. among others, among people. tetlacachihuiliani. one who brings birth about (i.e., midwife). tetlacahualtiaya. they restrained him; they restrained people. tetlacahualtiloya. it was forbidden. tetlacamati. he obeys. tetlacamatini. obedient person. tetlacamatiz. she will be respectful. tetlacaquitia. he harangues people. tetlachialiani. one who watches.

tetlachialti. it made people see. tetlacotl. club. tetlacualtia. they feasted others, they fed people. tetlacualtiz. she will give food to people. tetlahuan. drinking cup; uncles. tetlailitta. he despises people. tetlalcahuia. he goes off by himself. tetlamacaz. he will provide food. tetlan aqui. he commits adultery. tetlan. among people. tetlanaquini. one who provides support. tetlanectia. he makes people desire things. tetlanocuilana. she draws worms from people's teeth. tetlan. with others, with people; among others. tetla. one's uncle. tetlapachilhuia. he saves for others. tetlapallo. one's color. tetlapaloliztlatolli. word of greeting. tetlapaloz. he will greet people. tetlapanqui. one who shatters rocks; stone breaker. tetlapololtianime. confusers. tetlati. he burned people. tetlatizque. they will become an uncle. tetlatlacol. one's guilt; wrongdoing. tetlatlaitlanilia. it begs from them. tetlatlazaltique. robbers. tetlatol. one's words; someone's words. tetlatzin. uncle. tetlaxima. he commits adultery; he engages in adultery. tetlaximaliztli. adultery. tetlaxima. she commits adultery. tetlaximaz. he will commit adultery. tetlaxinque. adulterers. tetlaxinqui. adulterer. tetlaxintli. stone carving. tetlazotlaliztlatolli. loving word. tetlazotlani. they are benevolent. tetleyotia. it makes one illustrious, it makes one famous. tetloc. with others, with people. tetl. rock, stone; clod. tetoliniani. one who abuses people, one who causes people pain. tetolinican. place of misery. tetolinica. torment. tetolini. he inflicted pain, he caused suffering; it abused people; it afflicted people; it caused people suffering. tetoliniz. he will abuse people, he will cause people pain. tetoma. it increases one in size. tetonal. one's lot. tetontli. small stone. tetopehua. he charges at someone. tetzacpatic. very thick. tetzahuac. thick; dense; firm; hard; thickened. tetzahua. it becomes firm; it thickens. tetzahuitl. monster; omen, evil omen, portent. tetzalan. among people; among others. tetzamachiotl. sign of evil.

tetzammachoc. it was considered an evil omen. tetzatzilia. he shouts at others; he shouts at people; they shout at people. tetzatziliaya. he was shouting at people. tetzatzili. he shouted at someone. tetzauhcohuatl. serpent of omen. tetzauhtlatlacolli. abominable sin; great sin. tetzauhtlatolli. rumor. tetzauhtototl. bird of ill omen. tetzcalihui. it becomes smooth. tetzcalpatic. highly polished; very smooth. tetzcaltic. polished; refined; shiny; smooth; glossy; thick. tetzcaltontli. small and smooth. tetzicpatic. very smooth. tetzictic. smooth. tetzinnamacac. procuress. tetzintlan. in the anus. tetzitzicazhuia. he beats one with nettles. tetzitzicazhui. reprimander. tetzitzquia. he seduces people. tetzontecon. one's head. tetzoponia. it pricks one. tetzotzona. he pounds stone, he hammers stone. tetzotzonaloz. he will be struck by stones. tetzotzoncati. he works as a stone cutter, he becomes a stone cutter. tetzotzonque. lapidaries, stone cutters. tetzotzonqui. stone cutter. teucihui. it is hungry. teuctiz. he will become a lord. teuctlatolli. discourse of the ruler; judgment. teuctlatoque. high judges; judges; lords. teuctli. lady; lord; magistrate. teucyotl. position of dignity; rulership; rule. teuhtica tlazoltica. in vice. teuhtic. powdered; dusty; like dust; powdery. teuhtlalli. dusty land. teuhtli tlazolli. vice. teuhtli. dust; filth; vice; perverseness. teuhyo tlazollo. full of vice. teuhyo. dirt, dustiness. teutini. that which powders, that which becomes dust. texallo. craggy. texamatl. bark paper. texcalapan. in craggy water. texcalcehuia. he cools the oven. texcalco. in an oven; in crags; in precipices; in the crags; the precipices. texcalla. among the crags; in the crags. texcalli. cliff; crag; precipice; oven. texcalmichi. fish of the crags. texcalmichtin. fish of the crags. texcaltitech. on the crags. texcaltitlan. among the crags. texcan. bedbug. texicnacayo. flesh of one's navel. texinqui. lapidary. texio. fine-textured.

texiuhtlati. irritating. texixilihua. there is stabbing of people. texixitinia. he scatters people. texoamacale. having a blue paper headdress. texocaltic. exceedingly blue; very blue. texochimacac. flower server. texochimaca. they give flowers to people. texochimaco. flowers are offered. texochitia. they provide people with flowers. texohtic. blue. texolotic. pestle-shaped. texoni. something which can be ground. texotic. blue; light blue. texoti. it is blue. texoxaya. he bewitched people. texoxocoyomat. she caresses people. textli. flour; ground maize; ground maize or corn. teyacacpa. from people's noses. teyacana. he leads people; he guides people; he takes the lead; it leads; it leads one; it leads people. teyacanani. guide, leader. teyacana. they lead people. teyacanaz. he will lead people. teyacanazque. they will lead people. teyacanque. leaders. teyacantiazque. they would lead people. teyacantica. he is leading people. teyacantihuia. they go leading people. teyacantihuitze. they come leading people. teyacantihuitz. he comes leading people. teyacapan. one's first-born. teyacatzaya. it tears someone's nose. teyizahuican. terrifying place. teyocoyani. creator; creator of people. teyocoyanie. o creator. teyolehua. they incite people. teyolehuaya. he incited people. teyoleuh. it excites one, it affects people. teyolitia. it makes one live. teyolitlaco. it is disturbing to people; it is offensive to people. teyollalia. he consoles people; he gives comfort to one; they give comfort to one. teyollo. men's heart; one's heart; someone's heart. teyollotlapaltilia. he comforts people. teyolmalacachoa. it deranges people. teyolmictia. it terrifies one. te. you. tezacatl. lip rod. tezcahuauhtli. mirror-stone amaranth. tezcapoquio. having a smoking mirror. tezcatlalli. mirror stone earth, pulverized mirror stone; mirror-stone earth; pulverized mirror-stone. tezcatl. mirror; example; model; mirror-stone. tezonahui. it becomes rough. tezontic. rough.

tezotlacmictia. it paralyzes one. tezotlahua. it makes one swoon away, faint; it terrifies someone; it makes someone faint. tiacapan. first-born. tianquililo. wares are marketed. tianquizco. in the market place; marketplace. tianquizpantlaca. marketplace folk. tianquiztentli. edge of the market place. tianquiztlacualli. market food. tianquiztli. market place; marketplace. tiauh. you go. tiazque. you will go. tiaz. you will go; you are to go. ticaciz. you will capture him. ticahuiltiz. you will gladden him. ticalaqui. we enter. ticana. you grasp it; you take it; you seize it. ticanaz. you will take it. ticaquiz. you will insert it. ticate. we are; we exist. tica. we are; you are. ticcacque. we heard it. ticcahuazque. we will leave him, we will take our leave of him. ticcana. we accept it. ticcaquizque. we will hear it, we will listen to it. ticchia. you wait for him. ticchihua. we do it. ticchihuazque. we will do it. ticchihuaz. you will do it; you are to do it; you will make it; you will commit it. ticchiuhqui. you made it. ticcochitlehua. we see it in dreams. ticcuaz. you will eat it; you are to eat it. ticcuic. you took it. ticcui. we take it; you take it; you seize it. ticectic. white, chalky. ticehuac. ashen, whitish. ticehuacatontli. a little whitish. ticehuac. chalky; pale; whitish; grey; light-colored; white. ticehua. it becomes chalky; it becomes pale. ticehuaque. whitish (pl.). tichalchihuitl. you are a precious green stone. tichichihualo. you are arrayed. tichocani. we are weepers; we are wont to weep; we are accustomed to weeping. tichoca. you weep, you cry. tichocaz. you will weep. ticholozque. we will flee, we will run away. tichpochtontli. you are a girl. tichuecahuaz. you will delay. ticicaxitl. physician's bowl. ticihuatzitzinti. we women, us women; we are women. ticihua. we are women. ticiotl. art of medicine. ticitl. medicine man; midwife; physician. ticiuhtihui. we go hastening, we go hurrying. ticmahuiltia. you play.

ticmahuizalhuiz. you will honor him. ticmahuizoz. you will admire it. ticmana. we place it, we lay it down. ticmati. we know it; we perceive it; you consider him; you regard him; you feel it; you are moved; you know it; you think him. ticmatizque. we will know it. ticmattiuh. you go knowing it. ticmictia. we kill her; we kill it. ticmocaquitia. you (h.) hear it. ticmochihuiliani. you [h.] customarily do it. ticmochihuilia. you [h.] bring it about, you [h.] do it; you [h.] make it. ticmochihuili. you [h.] did it. ticmochihuiliz. you [h.] will do it, you [h.] wil make it. ticmocuilia. you (h.) grasp it, you (h.) grab it. ticmomacaz. you will give yourself to him. ticmoquixtilia. you [h.] bring it forth. ticmotequimacaz. you will give yourself to it excessively. ticmoyahua. you spread it out. ticnequiz. you will wish it, you will require it. ticnocuauhtli. you poor eagle warrior. ticnohuehuetque. we are poor old men. ticnoocelotl. you poor ocelot warrior. ticochitlehua. we see in dreams. ticochizque. we will sleep. ticonetontli. you are a child. ticpatiz. you will heal her. tictemiqui. we dream it. tictequilizque. we will lay it for him. tictlacaittaz. you will see him as a man. tictlacamatiz. you will obey him. tictlapoa. we open it. tictlaza. we cast it, we throw it; you cast it away. tictlazaz. you will cast it down. tictocaz. you will follow it. tictolhuilizque. we will tell it to him [h.]. tictomacehuizque. we shall merit it. tictononochilizque. we will warn him [h.]. tictotlapalhuico. we came to greet him. tictotlatolchialican. let us await his word. ticualtilizameyalli. you are the fount of good. ticuauhtli. you are an eagle; you are an eagle warrior; you are the eagle warrior; you eagle warrior. ticueponi. you hatch, you are hatched. tiez. you will be. tihuallaque. we came. tihualmocuepaz. you will return. tihualquizazque. we will come by. tihuecahuazque. we will tarry, we will delay. tihuehuein. we are mature; we old men. tihuehuenton. you are an old man. tihuehuetque. we are old men; we old men. tihuelitilizameyalli. you are the fount of power, you are the fount of might. tihuetztoc. you are lying.

tihuetz. you fell. tihuian. let's go. tihuitz. you come. tihuitzyo. you are spiny. tihui. we go; we travel. tilacpahtic. very thick. tilacpatic. very thick. tilactic. thick; thickish. tilahuacayo. thick. tilahuacayotl. thickness. tilahuac. thick; heavy. tilahua. it is thick; it thickens. tilahuaya. it was raining hard. tilamatque. we are old women. tilcahualoz. you will be forgotten. tilhuilo. it is told to you, you are told it. tilmanamacaque. mantle sellers. tilmapalan. spoiled cape, rotten cape. tilmatica. with a cloth; with capes; by means of capes. tilmatli. cape; mantle. tilmazolli. old cape. timacehualli. you are a common person. timacehualti. we achieve our merit; we commoners; you gain merit. timacoc. it was given to you, you were given it. timaco. it is given to you, you are given it. timacoz. it will be given to you, you will be given it. timahaquiz. you will go in. timahuiztic. you are esteemed. timahuizyo. you are honored. timalihuiz. you will be bathed. timalli. pus. timaltia. you bathe. timaltiz. you will bathe; you will bathe yourself. timaquiztli. you are [like] a bracelet. timaxcatzitzinhuan. we are your possessions. timazoa. you stretch out your arms, you open your arms. timecaniloz. you will be hanged. timexica. we are mexicans. timezyo. you are their blood. timiminoz. you will shot with arrows. timiquizque. we will die. timiquiz. you will die. timitzittazque. we will see you. timitzmaca. we give it to you. timitztzatzilia. we cry out to you, we shout at you. timocacalaquiz. you will enter repeatedly. timocalaquiz. you will enter, you are to enter. timocauh. you finished. timocexiuhzahuaz. you will fast for a year. timochi. all of you. timochihua. you become. timochihuaz. you will become. timochinti. all of us. timochintin. all of us. timochinti. we are many, there are many of us. timochipahuaz. you will purify yourself. timocochitiz. you will sleep.

timocuiltonoa. you acquire abundance, you become prosperous. timomati. you consider yourself, you regard yourself. timomauhtia. you are afraid. timomauhtiz. you will be afraid, you will have fear. timomecaniz. you will hang yourself. timonahuan. we are your mothers. timoneloa. you roll, you wallow. timonemitiz. you [h.] will live. timoquetzaco. you came to place yourself, you came to stand. timoquiquixtiz. you will leave repeatedly. timotahuan. we are your fathers. timotepexihuiz. you will hurl yourself from a crag, you will throw yourself from a crag. timotequitilia. you [h.] work, you [h.] labor. timoteuczoma. you are moteuczoma. timotlacatili. you were born (h.); you were born [h.]. timotlacotilia. you [h.] work, you [h.] labor. timotlaloz. you will run. timotlatiz. you will hide yourself. timotolinia. you are unfortunate, you are poor; you suffer. timoyollalia. you become content. timozahuaz. you will fast. timozcalia. you are discreet. timoztohuiz. you will hurl yourself into a cave, you will throw yourself into a cave. tinacaz. you are the ear. tinantiz. you will become a mother. tinantli. you are mother. tinechmaca. you give it to me. tinechmochihuilia. you [h.] make me, you [h.] cause me. tinemilizameyalli. you are the fount of life. tinemi. we live; you live. tinemizque. we will live. tinemiz. you will go, you will travel; you will live; you will dwell. tinenca. we had lived. tinenemiz. you will travel. tinentlacatl. you are a useless person. tinnan. you are their mother. tinocelouh. you are my ocelot warrior. tinocuauh. you are my eagle warrior. tinoteouh. you are my god. tinotlatocauh. you are my lord. tinoxocoyouh. you are my youngest son. tipaqui. you rejoice, you are happy. tipeuhque. we started, we began. tipialoni. you are worthy of being cherished. tipilhuan. we are his sons. tipiltontli. you are a child; you are a girl; you are a little child; you are a small child. tipiltzintli. you are a baby; you are a child. tipipialo. you are guarded. tipolihuizque. we will perish. tipopolihuizque. we will perish. tiquicchicha. we spit it. tiquilcahuaz. you will forget it. tiquilnamiquiz. you will remember it; you will think of it. tiquincahua. we leave them.

tiquinhuihuilanaz. you will drag them. tiquinmati. you consider them, you regard them. tiquinmochielia. you [h.] wait for them. tiquinmochieli. you [h.] waited for them. tiquinmopolhuiz. you [h.] destroy them. tiquinmopopolhuia. you [h.] destroy them. tiquinmotitlani. you send them. tiquinnamiquizque. we will meet with them. tiquinpopolozque. we will destroy them. tiquitlacoa. you damage it, you harm it. tiquitoani. we customarily speak; we say it; we say it as we are accustomed; we speak. tiquitoa. we call it; we say it; we talk. tiquitoaya. we spoke of it. tiquitoa. you say it. tiquitozque. we will say it. tiquitoz. you will say it. tiquittaca. let's find her. tiquittaque. we saw it. tiquitta. we see it; you see it. tiquittaznequi. we want to see him. tiquittazque. we will see him. tiquittaz. you will see it; you will watch it; you will look to it; you will discover it. tiqui. we drink it. tiquixcahuico. we came to greet him. tiquixnotza. you make eyes at her. tiquiz. you will drink it; you are to drink it. titatli. you are father. titechcualtia. you feed us, you give it to us to eat. titechichihuani. you are the maker of man. titechitia. you give it to us to drink. titelpochtontli. you are a boy. titemati. you consider people, you regard people. titemiqui. we dream. titenamichuan. we are their equals. titenehualoz. you will be called. titeotl. you are god. titeoxihuitl. you are a fine turquoise. titepehua. you are the owner of a hill. titequiti. you work, you labor. titequitiz. you will labor. titequitlacuaz. you will eat excessively. titetzahua. we mature. titeuctli. you are a lord. titeyocoyani. you are the creator. titici. elderly matchmakers; midwives. titic. inside us. titici. physicians; women physicians. titic. our abdomen, within us; our interior. titicuica. it snaps; they thunder. titic. within us; inside us. titilahuacayotl. various thicknesses. titilahuac. thick. titilini. it extends. titipa. on our abdomen. titlacatlacuaz. you will fast.

titlacatl. you are the master. titlacat. you were born. titlaca. we are people; we are men; we people; us people; we men; we humans. titlachiacan. let's look. titlachia. we see; you see; you look; you observe. titlachiazque. we will look; we will behold. titlachiaz. you will look, you will gaze. titlacoti. you work, you labor. titlacotiz. you will work like a slave. titlacua. you eat. titlacuaz. you will eat. titlamaton. you are an old woman. titlanixiquipile. you are a deceiver. titlano. he is sent. titlanti. messengers. titlaocoyani. we are sorrowers; we are wont to sorrow; we are accustomed to sorrowing. titlatiz. you will be something, you will become something. titlatlachiaz. you will look constantly; you will stare. titlatlacozque. we will commit sin, we will sin. titlatlahuana. you drink continuously. titlatoani. you are ruler. titlatoa. we speak; you speak; you talk. titlatoz. you will speak. titlazotli. you are precious. titocahuazque. we will remain. titocayotiloz. you will be called, you will be named. titocelouh. you are our ocelot. titocuatzotzonque. we gave ourselves a blow in the head. titoloz. it will be said of thee; it will be said of you. titomaiztlacozque. we will contend against one another, we will fight one another. titomati. we consider ourselves, we regard ourselves. titoneneuhcahuizque. we will fight one another as equals. titopalehuia. we help ourselves. titotecuinia. we stumble. titotolinia. we are poor; we suffer. tittoz. you will be seen, it will be discovered of you. titzatzililo. you are cried out to. tiuhqui. you are thus. tixco. in our eye. tixocoyotl. you are the youngest child. tixolopitli. you are stupid, you are an imbecile. tixpnianome. we are christians. tixtelolo. our eyeball; our eyes. tixtotomac. you are a fool. tix. you are the eye. tiyani. you are a wanderer. tiyauh. you go. tiyazque. we will go. tiyectli. you are good. tiyez. you will be. tiyoliz. you will live. tizacatlazaz. you will pierce your tongue with straws. tizachimalli. chalky shield. tizacuaz. she will eat chalk, she is to eat chalk.

tizanamacac. chalk seller. tizaoctli. chalky pulque; white pulque. tizapaloa. he moistens chalk. tizapaloliztli. act of moistening chalk. tizapan. on chalk, on white earth. tizati. it becomes chalk. tizatl. chalk; white earth. tizayo. chalky, having chalk; whitened with chalk. tiztlacatini. you are a liar. tlaahuilpoloa. he wastes. tlaahuilquixtia. he squanders. tlaaltilli. bathed person; ceremonially bathed person. tlaaltilti. bathed ones; ceremonially bathed ones; the bathed ones. tlaamana. he troubles people. tlaana. it takes hold. tlaantli. taken. tlaaquixtia. they press water out. tlaatilia. he melts something. tlaatzetzelhuazhuia. she filters, she strains. tlaca. by day, in the daytime. tlacacahuia. they hum. tlacacaxchichihualo. there is arranging of wooden carrying frames. tlacacemelle. peace. tlacachihua. it breeds, it has its young; its bears its young. tlacachihuazque. they will give birth. tlacachihuaz. she will bear children; she will give birth. tlacacihuitilo. it is tamed. tlacacihuitiloni. tamable; capable of domestication. tlacacihuitilo. they are tamed. tlacaciuhqui. tame. tlacacochi. he sleeps easily, he sleeps well. tlacaco. peacefully, tranquilly; there is hearing; things are heard; people hear. tlaca. during the day, daytime. tlacahuacac. there was an outcry. tlacahuaca. there is an outcry. tlacahuacaya. there was shouting. tlacahua. it excels. tlacahualiztlamati. he thinks of departing. tlacahua. master. tlacahuapahua. he rears people, he teaches people. tlacahuapahualoni. teaching. tlacahuapahua. she teaches people. tlacahua. slave owner. tlacahuatza. she gives war cries. tlacahuilotl. ground dove. tlacaicxe. having human feet. tlacaitolo. he has good repute. tlacamacho. he is obeyed. tlacamachoni. he deserves obedience. tlacamaye. having human hands. tlacamecayonelhuayotl. source of lineage. tlacamecayopeuhcayotl. beginning of lineage. tlacamecayotica. through lineage, through genealogy. tlacamecayotl. lineage. tlacamelahuac. candid; candid person; honest person; just person. tlaca. men; people.

tlacamiccacihuatl. perverted woman. tlacamiccati. he becomes perverted. tlacamichi. large fish. tlacamichin. large fish. tlacamicqui. perverse; pervert; perverted. tlacamictiaya. they killed people; they sacrificed a person; they sacrificed people. tlacamiloa. it makes things brown. tlacamimil. lump of flesh. tlacanacatl. human flesh; flesh of men. tlacanahualli. something that is thinned; something which is thinned; thin [plate]. tlacanemiliztli. civilized way of life; human way of life. tlacanemilizyotl. civilized way of life. tlacapehualtia. she founds her lineage, she begins her lineage. tlaca. people; folk; humans; men. tlacaqui. he hears; he understands; it hears; it hears things. tlacaquini. one who listens. tlacaqui. she is intelligent, she understands. tlacatecolotlatolli. enchantment; words of wizardry. tlacatecolotlatoltica. through the command of the devil, by means of the devil's command. tlacatecolotl. devil; demon; possessed one. tlacatecoloyotl. work of the devil, devil's doing. tlacateteuhti. human paper streamers. tlacat. he was born. tlacatia. he was born; he took form; he was given human form; it took human form; she was born; they were born. tlacati. he is born. tlacatihuani. one who is in charge of childbirth. tlacati. it breeds; it germinates; it hatches; it is born; it is formed; it takes form. tlacatini. producer. tlacati. she is born. tlacat. it was born. tlacati. they are born; they breed; they hatch. tlacatiz. he will be born; it will be born. tlacatizque. they will hatch. tlacatlacua. it eats like a human being. tlacatlacualli. fast food; fasting food. tlacatlacuaya. they fasted. tlacatlatoa. it speaks like a man; it talks like a person. tlacatlatoani. talker. tlacatlatolli. gossip; testimony. tlacatlatoz. he will speak as a man; he will talk as a man. tlacatle. o lord; o master; o my lord; o ruler. tlacatl. lady; lord; master; person; man; ruler; noble; noble person; being; people. tlacatque. they were born. tlacat. she was born. tlacatzahua. it blackens things. tlacatzahuani. it blackens things. tlacatzintia. she founds her lineage, she begins her lineage. tlacaxayaque. having a human face; man-faced; having a face like a person. tlacaxinachtli. seed of man, semen.

tlacaxolotl. tapir. tlacayectli. righteous; virtue. tlacayotl. humanity. tlacazcaltia. he rears people. tlacazcaltiloni. training. tlacazollatolli. intemperate word, speech. tlaceceyaya. cool place. tlacehuia. it cools things. tlacehuiloni. something which cools. tlaceliani. solicitous. tlacencahualo. people arrange things; there is preparation; there is arranging. tlachachamahua. he praises. tlachalchiuhicuilolli. having a green stone design. tlachamahua. he brags; he praises his wares; he fills something out; he fattens something. tlachcuiticpac. on top of a clod. tlachcuitl. clump of grass. tlachiaco. they came to behold, they came to see. tlachia. he looks; he appears; he gazes; he sees; he shines; he takes notice. tlachiahua. it gets something greasy; it stains something; it stains things with grease. tlachiahualli. treated with oil. tlachia. it looks; it appears; it faces; it sees. tlachialo. there is watching. tlachiaquiuh. he comes to look. tlachia. she looks; they look; they appear; they gaze; they see. tlachiaz. he will look, he will behold; it will look; it will gaze. tlachiaznequi. he wishes to look. tlachiazque. they will look, they will gaze. tlachiccan. tavern. tlachichictli. abraded, scraped. tlachichihualiztli. act of arranging, act of ornamenting. tlachichihualli. something which is prepared. tlachichihualo. ornamenting is done, people do ornamenting. tlachichihua. they adorn something; they adorn things; they fashion something; they prepara something; they manufacture things; they work; they adorn; they prepare something. tlachichina. it sips, it sucks. tlachichinani. sucker, one that sucks something. tlachichiuhque. ornamenters. tlachicque. wine makers. tlachihualli. something made, artifact, creation. tlachihualoctli. honeyed pulque; honeyed wine. tlachihualtepetl. artificial mountain. tlachihualti. creations; creatures. tlachinolli. fire, conflagration. tlachiqui. they scrape something [i.e., maguey]. tlachiuhtli. something made, artifact, creation; something worked; something treated. tlachixque. they looked; they gazed. tlachixqui. onlooker, viewer. tlachoquiztlehua. there is a cry of weeping; they raise a cry; they raise a cry of weeping. tlachpana. he sweeps; it cleanses.

tlachpanaliztli. sweeping. tlachpanazque. they will sweep. tlachpanoya. there was sweeping, people swept. tlachpanque. they swept. tlachtli. ball court. tlachueyac. long-bodied. tlachuiac. having a long body; long-bodied. tlaciahui. it endures fatigue. tlacica. they pant, they are breathless. tlacihuitia. he solicits things. tlacihuitiani. solicitor, one who solicits. tlacihuiti. solicitor, one who solicits. tlaciuhque. soothsayers. tlaciuhqui. sorcerer. tlacmimiltic. having a cylindrical trunk. tlacnocahualli. someone who is forsaken. tlacochcalcatl. commanding general. tlacochtica. with darts, by means of darts. tlacochtli. arrow, spear; dart. tlacocoyonia. it makes holes. tlacocuauhtli. marsh hawk. tlacohuacualli. snake-bitten person. tlacohuanotzalti. invited guests. tlacoocelotl. ocelot. tlacoquixtiloya. there was the passing of sticks [through the tongue]. tlacotalihui. there is snoring. tlaco. third daughter. tlacotica. with a stick, by means of a stick. tlacotic. stalky; stalk-like. tlacoti. he serves; she performs her service; they become slaves. tlacotiz. he will labor. tlacotizque. they will labor. tlacotiz. she will perform her office; she will work; she will labor. tlacotla. on shrubs, on bushes. tlacotli. slave. tlacotl. stick; log; twig; shrub; stalk. tlacotona. they decapitate quail. tlacotonaya. he did cut something; he beheaded quail. tlacotontli. small and stalky; small stick; small twig; small stalk. tlacoyocco. in a hole. tlacoyohuan. midnight. tlacoyonia. it bores things. tlacoyoniani. borer. tlacoyotl. slavery. tlacpac. above; on a high place; on top; up above. tlacpahuitequini. one who has stepchildren. tlactli. body, torso. tlactomahuac. having a thick body; thick-trunked; having a thick trunk. tlactzocuitlatl. perspiration of the body. tlacuacpatic. very firm; very hard; very tough. tlacuactic. firm; hard. tlacuacua. it eats; it feeds; it gets its food; it gnaws things. tlacuacualaca. there is thundering; they rumble. tlacuacuani. eater; chewer. tlacuacuaya. they ate. tlacuacuaz. it will eat. tlacuacuitlapilli. opossum tail.

tlacua. he eats. tlacuahuac. hard; firm; solid; tough. tlacuahua. it hardens. tlacua. it eats; it feeds. tlacualania. he angers people; he caused anger; he got people angry; he quarrels; he causes anger; there was anger. tlacualchihualo. there is preparing of food. tlacualchihuaz. she will prepare food. tlacualchiquihuitl. food basket. tlacualitoa. he speaks well of something. tlacualizpan. time of eating; time to eat. tlacualli. food; meal. tlacualnamacac. food seller. tlacualnextia. it makes things beautiful; it reveals beauty. tlacualnextiloni. means for beautifying; means for beautifying things; something used in making things beautiful; that which beautifies; that which serves as embellishment. tlacualoc. there was eating, people ate. tlacualo. one eats; there is eating; people eat. tlacualoyan. place of eating. tlacualoya. place for eating; there was eating. tlacualoz. there will be eating. tlacualtica. with food, by means of food. tlacualtiloya. they were fed. tlacualtzintli. a little food; food. tlacuani. eater. tlacua. opossum; they eat. tlacuatl. opossum. tlacuauh. especially. tlacuauhtzonquiza. they grow like dense hair. tlacuauhyohua. it is very dark. tlacuaya. he ate; they ate. tlacuaz. he will eat; he is to eat. tlacuaznequi. it wants to eat. tlacuazque. they will eat. tlacuecuepoca. it blossoms constantly, blooms constantly. tlacuecuepocatoc. it spreads constantly blossoming, blooming. tlacuecuepontoc. it spreads blossoming. tlacueponi. it blossoms. tlacuicuiliztli. act of gathering up [e.g., rubbish]; act of cleaning. tlacuillo. scribe. tlacuiloa. they paint. tlacuilolli. decorated, painted; design; representation; designed; painted design; painting; writing. tlacuilollo. having a painted design. tlacuilolmachiotl. painted pattern. tlacuiloltilmatli. painted cape, cape with designs. tlacuilolxicalli. painted gourd vessel. tlacuilo. painter. tlacuiloque. painters. tlacuilo. scribe. tlacxotla. it springs. tlaelihuintic. filthily drunk. tlaelimicpa. in worked soil.

tlaelittaloz. he will be abominated, he will regarded with hate; it will be abhorred. tlaelitto. he is detested; he is hated; it is abhorred. tlaelittoz. he will be hated. tlaelli. filth. tlaelquiahuiz. it will rain hard. tlaelquiyahuitl. hard rain, downpour. tlaeltezcatl. ugly mirror. tlaetilia. it makes things heavy. tlaezhuilli. bloodied. tlaezicuilolli. painting done with blood. tlaezzotilli. bloodied. tlahca. by day, in the daytime. tlahiloquichtli. rabid warrior. tlahitlacoa. he damages things. tlahmachchiuhque. weavers of designs. tlahpaltic. firm; strong. tlahtic. inside. tlahtlacaqui. he hears, he listens. tlahtlacatl. benign. tlahtlahuana. they drink pulque. tlahtlahuano. there is drinking of pulque. tlahtlatlacahui. it fails, it is fruitless. tlahtlatolli. sayings. tlahtlazollo. filth, rubbish. tlahtoa. it sings; it talks. tlahuahuanqui. striper, one who puts stripes on things. tlahuanaliztli. drunkenness. tlahuanani. drinker; drunkard; he is accustomed to getting drunk. tlahuana. they drink wine, they get drunk; they become intoxicated. tlahuanaya. he drank pulque, he got drunk; they became drunk; they became intoxicated; they drank pulque; they got drunk. tlahuanayotl. drunkenness. tlahuanaz. he will become drunk. tlahuancanotzalo. he is invited to drink. tlahuancaxitl. drinking bowl; drinking vessel. tlahuanini. drunkard, drinker. tlahuanoni. drinking cup. tlahuano. there is drinking of pulque, there is drinking of wine. tlahuanoya. drinking place. tlahuanque. drunk; drunkards. tlahuanqui. drinker; drunk; drunkard; drunk man. tlahuanquinemi. he goes about drunk. tlahuantoque. they sat drinking pulque. tlahuapahua. he raises animals; it becomes rough. tlahuapahualli. well trained. tlahuatzalli. dried. tlahuecauh. it tarries, it delays. tlahueilia. it enlarges. tlahuelilocapil. bad. tlahueliloc. bad; evil; perverse; wicked; wicked person. tlahueliloque. evil; evil men. tlahuelli. anger, fury. tlahuetzquitia. he makes people laugh. tlahueyaquia. it lengthens, it grows. tlahuilli. light; brightness; lightness.

tlahuitequi. he strikes. tlahuitequiliztli. lightning flash. tlahuitolli. bow; bow (for arrows). tlahuitoltic. bowed. tlahuitoltontli. little bow. tlahuizcalli. light of dawn. tlahuizcalpan. at dawn. tlahuiznextia. they display their devices, they display their insignia. tlahuiztli. insignia, emblem; war device. tlahzolli. filth. tla. if. tlaihiyohuia. he endures; he suffers; he undergoes trials; it suffers; they suffer; they suffer affliction. tlaihiyohuiliztli. suffering, fatigue. tlaihiyohuitoc. it lies suffering. tlaihua. he sends (messengers). tlaihualoni. drinking vessel. tlaihua. there is drinking, people drink. tlailli. drinking; filth. tlaimacaxiliztli. reverence. tlaitlacoa. he damages things; she spoils things; she damages things. tlaiximatinime. those who have experience. tlaiximatini. one who has experience; one who has great experience; one who is experienced; one who is learned. tlaiximati. one who has knowledge. tlaixiptlayotl. image. tlaixmiqui. it is dark. tlaixtlaza. he flattens. tlalacuezali. red-crowned parrot. tlalalacatl. goose; wild goose. tlalapazco. earth basin. tlalcahuilo. he is avoided. tlalchihuic itto. he is respected. tlalchihuic quitta. they revere him. tlalchihuic. downwards, towards the ground; toward the ground. tlalchi. on the ground, groundward. tlalchiuhque. workers of the soil. tlalchiuhqui. farmer. tlalcoyotl. badger. tlalcuaya. he ate earth. tlalcuaz. she will eat earth, she is to eat earth. tlalhuacpan. dry land. tlalhuatic. nerve-like; sinewy; like sinews. tlalhuatl. nerve. tlalhuayo. full of nerves. tlalichtic. fibrous; tough; wiry; like wire. tlalictli. rough. tlaliloc. it was placed, it was put. tlalilo. he is placed; it was placed. tlaliloya. it was placed. tlaliloz. it will be placed. tlallan. in the earth; underground. tlalli. dirt, earth; dust; field; ground; land; soil; plain; world. tlallixco. on the surface of the ground. tlalloliniliztli. earthquake.

tlallolini. the earth quivers; there is an earthquake. tlalmiqui. they die on earth. tlalmiquiz. he will die in bondage. tlalnamiquini. rememberer, one who remembers. tlalocuili. earthworm. tlalpan. on the earth; on the ground. tlalpilmaxtlatl. netted breechcloth. tlalpiltilmatli. netted cape. tlalquimichi. field mouse. tlalquimichin. field mouse. tlaltechalotl. ground squirrel. tlaltech. on the ground, in contact with the ground. tlalteuctli. lord of the earth. tlaltic. like soil, like earth. tlalticpacayotl. worldly goods, worldly things. tlalticpac. on earth; in the world; of the earth; the world; on the ground. tlalticpactlaca. people on earth, people of the earth. tlalticpactli. earth; on earth. tlaltitech. to the ground. tlaltzauctli. clay. tlalxocotl. alum. tlamacazcamazatl. antelope. tlamacazque. priests. tlamacazqui. offering priest; priest; fire priest; provider; giver of things. tlamacazto. novice priest. tlamacehualiztli. penance. tlamachcactli. sandal with designs on it. tlamachcueitl. embroidered skirt. tlamachtilli. well instructed. tlama. he takes captives. tlamahuizoa. he admires things; she admires something. tlamahuizo. he was frightened. tlamahuizolli. marvel. tlamahuizoloz. people will marvel. tlamahuizoltic. marvelous; wonderful. tlamahuizoque. they marveled. tlamahuizoz. he will be admired, he will be honored; respected. tlamahuiztilia. he shows reverence. tlamahuiztiliani. one who is reverent. tlamahuiztililiztli. honor. tlamahuizyocan. place of awe. tlamahuizyotia. he does honor. tlama. it hunts. tlamaliztli. taking of captives; act of capturing someone. tlamalo. captives are taken, there is taking of captives. tlamamalli. burden; burden borne on one's back. tlamamani. one who bears a burden. tlamamaz. he will bear something on his back; he will carry a burden. tlamanaliztli. offering. tlamanalo. people make offerings; there are offerings; there is offering. tlamanaloya. there was offering, people made offerings. tlamanaya. they laid an offering down; they laid things; they laid offerings; they made offerings. tlamanaz. he will make an offering.

tlamanazque. they will lay offerings. tlamaneloa. it swims. tlamaneloani. swimmer. tlamania. it was customary; it was the custom. tlamani. captor; hunter; it is the custom. tlamanililoya. there was the setting out of offerings to him. tlamanime. captors; takers of captives; those who take captives. tlamani. taker of captives. tlamanitiliztli. custom. tlamani. trapper. tlamantin. kinds. tlamantli. kind; manner; thing; way; act; offering. tlamapilhuiani. pointer. tlamapilhuiloni. index finger. tlamatiliztli. wisdom. tlamatini. knower, one who knows. tlamatinime. wise men. tlamatini. wise man; wise person. tlamatizque. we will know. tlamatlahuiaya. they were snaring [something]. tlamattimani. it is calm [i.e., weather]. tlamauhtiaya. she frightened people. tlamaya. they took captives. tlamaz. he will take a captive; he will take captives. tlamaznequi. it wishes to hunt. tlamazque. they will take captives. tlamecahuia. he fastens with cord. tlamelahuaya. they went straight. tlamelauhque. they went directly. tlamelauhqui. a straight thing. tlamelauhtihuitze. they come directly. tlamiahualtica. with the tlamiahualli herb. tlamia. they finished. tlamictia. he kills; it kills; they kill; they slay. tlamictiliztli. slaying, sacrificial slaying. tlamicti. slayer, killer. tlamictiz. he will kill. tlamictizque. they will kill people; they will perform a sacrifice. tlami. it ends; it concludes; it finishes; it gets used up; it is used up; it is completed. tlaminani. archer, one who shoots arrows. tlamina. they shoot. tlaminque. hunters. tlaminqui. hunger; hunter; huntsman. tlami. they end up. tlamiz. it will be complete; it will end. tlamiznequi. it is about to end. tlamizque. they will end; they will perish; they will be finished. tlamocuitlahuiani. one who takes care of things. tlamomotzoa. they clutch. tlamotzoloa. they grasp. tlanahuatiaya. he commanded. tlanahuati. he commanded; he commands. tlanahuatique. they commanded. tlanamaca. he sells. tlanamacani. seller. tlanamaquililo. wares are sold.

tlanamoya. they loot, they steal. tlananquilia. he answers; she answers. tlancochquiza. molars emerge. tlancochtexolotl. having molars like pestles. tlancoyolomitic. having pointed front teeth. tlancuaehuatl. skin of the knee. tlancualo. he has a toothache, he has tooth decay. tlancuanacatl. flesh of the knee. tlancuicuitlatl. filth left in the teeth. tlancuihcuitztic. toothy. tlancuitlatiliztli. scum on the teeth. tlancuitlatl. filth left in the teeth; scum on the teeth. tlancuitzoa. it bares its teeth. tlaneci. day breaks, it gets light; it grows light (i.e.; daybreak). tlanehuihuiliztlatolli. simile. tlane. it has teeth. tlanelhuatl. root. tlanelhuatontli. little root. tlaneloa. they row. tlanelolli. mixture, something mixed. tlaneltoquiliztli. faith. tlanemachtilli. prudent. tlanemitia. he keeps animals. tlanemmatini. negligent. tlanenpoloa. he wastes things. tlanenpopoloani. squanderer. tlanepantla. in the middle. tlanequiliztli. desire. tlanexaquia. he introduces ashes into something. tlanextia. he casts forth light; he shines; it shines. tlanextile. founder. tlanextli. light; brilliance. tlanez. it shined. tlani. below; deep. tlan. it ended up, it was consumed. tlanitztepiton. small shank. tlanixcuatl. front tooth. tlanononcuanamaca. he sells [something] separately. tlanonotzalli. well reared. tlanquetzoma. it bites. tlanqui. ended. tlanquiquici. it hisses; it whistles. tlanquiquicini. hisser, that which hisses. tlanquiquici. they hiss. tlanquiza. teeth emerge. tlantexquimilihuiztli. tartar on the teeth. tlantica. it is extending. tlantli. tooth. tlaocolcalli. house of tears. tlaocolli. sorrow. tlaocollo. merciful. tlaocoxque. they were saddened. tlaocoxtinemi. he goes in sadness, he goes sorrowing; it lives in mourning; in sorrow. tlaocoxtoc. he lies saddened. tlaocoya. he is sad, he grieves; he sorrows; he is moved. tlaocoyalo. there is sadness.

tlaocoyani. one who sorrows; sorrower; sad one. tlaocoyaz. he will show compassion. tlaocoyazquia. they would be sad. tlaohuican. dangerous place; difficult place. tlaolchipinilli. spattered with liquid rubber. tlaolcua. it eats grains of dried maize, it eats grains of dried corn. tlaolhuilli. spattered with liquid rubber. tlaolli. dried grain of maize or corn; dried maize grain; dried corn kernel; grain of maize; kernel of maiz; kernel of maize; maize; maize kernel; corn. tlaoltextli. cornmeal; ground maize; cornflour. tlaomepializtli. polygyny. tlaonahuati. he commanded. tlapachoa. he cares for his assets; he governs; it grips; it sits [on eggs]; they brood; they set [i.e.; on eggs]; they govern. tlapachohua. they govern. tlapactli. washed. tlapa. it dyes things. tlapalani. it becomes inflamed; there is infection. tlapalatl. dye water. tlapalcamilihui. it becomes brown. tlapalcamiltic. brown. tlapalcaxitl. paint dish. tlapalcintli. reddish dried ear of maize. tlapalcuicuiltic. varicolored. tlapalehuia. it helps. tlapalhuatzalli. dried pigment. tlapalhuauhtli. red amaranth. tlapalihhuitica. with colored feathers, by means of colored feathers; with red feathers; by means of red feathers. tlapalihhuitl. colored feather; red feather. tlapalihui. he dares; he is mature; he is robust; they are mature; they are robust. tlapalihuiztli. effort; strength. tlapalli. color; coloring; dye; pigment; red; red color. tlapaloa. it moistens; it sucks things. tlapaloaya. he tasted it. tlapalolo. he is greeted. tlapalpol. wretch. tlapalpoyahuac. rose-colored. tlapaltecciztli. colored seashell. tlapaltehuilotl. amethyst. tlapalteoxihuitl. ruby. tlapaltica. with red; by means of red. tlapaltic. colored; powerful; red; ruby-red. tlapaltototl. vermilion flycatcher; vermillion flycatcher. tlapanco. on a roof; roof terrace. tlapani. it breaks; it bursts; they hatch. tlapanizque. they will break. tlapanoni. breakable. tlapapactli. washed. tlapapatlatztoc. it lies beating [i.e., its wings]. tlapatia. he liquifies something; it restores; it cures. tlapatlahua. it widens. tlapatl. jimsonweed.

tlapazoloa. he makes confusion, he mixes things up. tlapcopa. towards the east. tlapechhuapalli. foundaton beam. tlapechtli. litter. tlapehualtia. he starts, he begins. tlapehualtileque. they founded things, they began things. tlapepechiotl. basis, foundation. tlapepenaliztli. election. tlapepentli. chosen one. tlapepetlaca. it gleams. tlapetlahua. he polishes. tlapetlahualli. burnished, polished. tlapetlahualoni. polish. tlapetlahuani. one who polishes; something which polishes. tlapetlanaliztli. lightning flash. tlapetlaniliztli. lightning flash. tlapetlanillotl. lightning; lightning flash. tlapia. he guards; he takes care of things. tlapializtli. caretaking, acting of guarding something; watch; guard. tlapialoya. they were watched; watch was kept; there was guarding. tlapialoz. there will be guarding, people will guard; watch will be kept. tlapiani. caretaker; one who guards; one who keeps watch. tlapia. they keep guard, they keep watch; they guard; they stand guard. tlapiaya. he kept guard, he kept watch; he oversaw; she oversaw; she kept watch; they kept guard; they kept watch; they watched. tlapiazque. they will guard, they will keep watch; they will keep guard; they will oversee. tlapieliztli. act of watching. tlapieloya. watch was kept. tlapipitzca. there is neighing. tlapitzahuac. long and narrow. tlapitzahua. it screams; they use falsetto. tlapitzalo. flutes are blown; musical instruments are blown; shell trumpets are blown; there is blowing of shell trumpets; trumpets are blown; there is blowing. tlapitzaloya. trumpets were blown. tlapitza. they blow (e.g., trumpets). tlapoaliztli. count, amount. tlapochehualli. smoked. tlapohui. it opens. tlapopochhuiloni. incense burner. tlapopozoca. it bubbles up. tlapouhque. soothsayers. tlapouhqui. soothsayer. tlapoxahuatzahua. she spins loosely. tlapoyahua. darkness falls; it gets dark; night falls; it is dark. tlappoyahuac. dark colored. tlaque. corpulent. tlaquehquelmatini. shirker. tlaquentica. with clothing, by means of clothing. tlaquetzalli. column; pillar. tlaquixtiani. that which extracts. tlatanatemalo. there is filling of baskets. tlatataca. it scratches; they dig. tlatconi tlamamaloni. people who are governed.

tlateci. it grinds. tlatecolotl. devil. tlatecpana. he establishes order; she creates order. tlatecpanoloz. there is going into the palace, people enter the palace. tlatecqui. lapidary. tlatemoa. it hunts something, it hunts for things. tlatemohuiani. aid to digestion. tlatemolo. there is searching, people search. tlatencuepa. he turns hems. tlatenmimiloa. he rolls hems. tlatentia. he provides a rim, he forms a rim; she forms borders. tlatentli. band of cloth. tlateomatini. devout person; one who is devout. tlateotocani. idolater. tlateotocanime. idolaters. tlateotocanipol. despicable idolater. tlateotocatinemi. he lives in idolatry. tlateotoquiliztli. idolatry. tlatepehuani. that which expels. tlatepitonauhia. it becomes small. tlatepitonihui. it decreases in size. tlatepoloa. they destroy something. tlatepozhuiani. ax-wielder. tlatequini. cutter. tlatequipanoa. he works. tlatetequi. it cuts things; it cuts things up. tlatetequini. cutter. tlatetequi. they cut something up. tlatetexoa. it gnaws. tlatetoa. he jabbers. tlatetzotzona. he beats; he beats with a stone. tlatetzotzontli. something that is pounded, something that is crushed. tlatexcaltema. he loads the oven, he places the limestone in the oven. tlatexhuia. they apply maize dough. tlathuia. it dawned, day broke. tlathui. dawn breaks; it dawns; day breaks. tlathuiliaya. it dawned, day broke. tlathuinahuac. at daybreak; near dawn. tlathui. she wakes at dawn, she "dawns". tlathuitihuitz. it is about to dawn, day is about to break. tlathuiz. dawn will break; it will dawn; day will break. tlathuiznequi. it is about to dawn, day is about to break. tlatic. inside. tlatilo. he is burned; it is burned; it is hidden. tlatitic. inside, within. tlatizahuia. she treats something with chalk. tlatlaaltilti. bathed ones; bathed slaves; ceremonially bathed slaves. tlatlaaltiltin. bathed ones. tlatlacahuaca. there is shouting. tlatlacahui. it fails, it is fruitless. tlatlacamati. he is obedient; he obeys. tlatlacamatini. obedient person. tlatlacanequi. she is impetuous. tlatlacatecolo. devils; demons. tlatlacatl. benign; gentle. tlatlacencahualo. it is put completely in order. tlatlac. fire broke out, it burned.

tlatlachia. he looks; it looks repeatedly; it looks about. tlatlachiani. examiner, one who watches. tlatlaci. he coughs; he has a cold; it has a cough. tlatlac. it burned. tlatlaci. they cough. tlatlacizpatli. cough medicine. tlatlaciztli. cough; act of coughing; cold; mucus. tlatlacoa. he commits a sin; he does harm; he does wrong; he errs; he sins; he harms something; he ruins things. tlatlacoani. evildoer; sinner. tlatlacoa. she harms things; they commit a sin; they do evil; they do harm; they do wrong; they err; they make a mistake. tlatlacochcalca. commanding generals. tlatlaco. half-way. tlatlacoitta. he uses it moderately. tlatlacolchihua. he does evil. tlatlacolli. sin, fault; evil; wrong; something wrong; vice. tlatlacotic. stalky; stick-like. tlatlacoti. slaves. tlatlacotzitzintin. beloved slaves. tlatlacoz. he will sin. tlatlacpahtic. very ruddy, very red. tlatlactic. reddish; ruddy; red; vermilion. tlatlactli. ruddy, red. tlatlacualo. everyone eats, people eat; there is eating; there is feasting. tlatlacualoya. food was provided. tlatlacuiloa. they paint, they write. tlatlacuilolli. painted; painted design. tlatla. he burns. tlatlahuanalo. there is pulque drinking, there is drunkenness. tlatlahuana. they drink pulque, they get drunk; they drink wine. tlatlahuancatlatoa. he speaks drunkenly. tlatlahuano. there is drinking of pulque, there is drinking of wine; there is pulque drinking; there is drunkenness; there is the drinking of pulque; people get drunk. tlatlahueliloc. perverse, wicked. tlatlahuia. it becomes ruddy, it becomes red; it is ruddy. tlatlahuic. ruddy, red. tlatlahuillo. ruddy, red. tlatlahuiloni. means for reddening. tlatla. it burns; fire breaks out; it is heated; it toasts. tlatlaixmanalo. the ground is leveled. tlatlalia. he distributes things. tlatlalteco. it is placed on the ground. tlatlaltemalo. the ground is smoothed. tlatlaltequi. they gulp. tlatlama. he hunts. tlatlamanazque. they will lay offerings. tlatlamani. it is a hunter. tlatlama. they snare game, they hunt. tlatlamaya. they hunted; they were hunting. tlatlancotona. it tears with its teetl. tlatlane. having teeth. tlatlaneuctihuitze. they come sniffing.

tlatlanextia. it illuminates. tlatlanonotza. they narrate, they relate [e.g., story]. tlatlanonotzaya. they narrated. tlatlapaca. it shatters. tlatlapalli. many-colored. tlatlapalolo. there is visiting. tlatlapana. it hatches; it hatches [eggs]. tlatlapanani. hatcher. tlatlapantli. piece. tlatlaquetzani. teller of tales. tlatla. they burn. tlatlatia. it hides things. tlatlatihuitz. it comes burning. tlatlatiloyan. storehouse. tlatlatinemi. it keeps burning. tlatlatique. guards. tlatlatiuh. it goes burning. tlatlatlamachilli. decorated. tlatlatlauhtiaya. they prayed. tlatlatlauhtiliztlatolli. word of prayer. tlatlatlauhtiliztli. prayer. tlatlatoa. he chatters; it chatters; it warbles; it sings. tlatlatoani. constant warbler; great talker; talkative person. tlatlatoc. it lies burning. tlatlatolli. account; report. tlatlatoznequi. he wants to talk, to speak. tlatlatta. they look on. tlatlatzini. it thunders. tlatlatziniliztli. thunder; thunder clap; thunderclap. tlatlatziniloni. clapper, clapping instrument. tlatlatzintinemiz. it will crackle. tlatlauhcacintli. reddish dried ear of maize. tlatlauhque. ruddy, red [pl.]. tlatlauhqui. red; reddish; ruddy. tlatlauhtiloya. he was prayed to. tlatlauhtiloz. he will be prayed to. tlatlauhtli. entreaty; prayer. tlatlayahualoa. they keep circling about. tlatlayohua. it becomes dark. tlatlayohuatoc. darkness lies about. tlatlayohuayan. dark place. tlatlaza. it lays eggs. tlatlazani. egg-layer. tlatlaz. it will burn. tlatlazocamatini. one who is grateful. tlatlazque. they laid something [i.e., eggs]. tlatlaztinemi. he coughs constantly. tlatlaztinemiz. he will go about coughing. tlatlecuauhyotia. he places the firewood. tlatlemina. he sets the fire. tlatlequiquizhuitihuitze. they come firing guns. tlatli. uncle. tlato. (may) it sing. tlatoa. he directs, he governs; he speaks; he talks; it hoots; it sings; it speaks; it sounds; it talks; it tells. tlatoani. chief, ruler; speaker.

tlatoa. she speaks; they govern; they say; they speak; they sing; they sing (e.g.; birds); they talk. tlatoaya. he spoke; it told; they speak; they spoke. tlatocamaxtlatl. princely breechcloth; ruler's breech clout; ruler's breechcloth. tlatocamiquiliztli. death of a ruler. tlatocatezcatl. mirror of the ruler. tlatocat. he ruled; he reigned. tlatocatia. he was ruling, he was reigning. tlatocati. he ruled, he reigned; he rules; he reigns. tlatocatilmatli. ruler's cape. tlatocatiz. he will become a ruler. tlatocatizque. they will become rulers, they will govern. tlatocatlatolli. ruler's word; rulers' words. tlatocatque. they ruled, they reigned, they governed. tlatocayotia. he became a ruler. tlatocayoti. he named; they named. tlatocayotl. government, reign; rule. tlatoctli. planted. tlatolahuiyac. pleasing of speech. tlatolchialo. word is awaited. tlatolchichihualli. false word. tlatole. counselor. tlatolhuaztli. gullet; throat. tlatolhuelic. having pleasant speech; mild; mild of speech. tlatoliniaya. there was affliction, there was suffering. tlatolli itlacual. he is hot-tempered; he is of evil temper; words are his food. tlatolli. discourse, speech; word; saying; story; accord; account; advice; counsel; custom; decision; declaration; discussion; expression; information; instruction; language; news; proverb; report; song; conversation; something said; talking; statement; talk; teaching; words. tlatoloa. it swallows; it swallows things. tlatololoni. swallower, that which swallows. tlatoloyan. place of discussion; place of judgment. tlatoltetl. words of stone. tlatoltica. by talking, by means of talking; of words; about words; with words; by means of words. tlatolyamanqui. soft-spoken. tlatolyaotl. discord. tlatoque. lords; rulers; principal [merchants]; principal men. tlatotica. it continues to sing. tlatotonia. it becomes warm. tlatotonilia. it heats. tlatotoyan. warm place. tlatoyahua. he pours something. tlatoz. he will speak; he will talk; it will sing; she will speak. tlatquihua. owner; possessor of goods. tlatqui. it carries something. tlatquilolo. wares are consigned. tlatquini. one who carries something. tlatquitl tlamamalli. governed people. tlatquitl. array; article; property; goods; clothing; possession; wealth.

tlatquiz tlamamaz. he will govern. tlatquiz. he will carry a burden. tlattic. inside, within. tlatzetzelhuazhuia. he uses a sifter. tlatzetzelhuazhuiani. one who uses a sifter. tlatzetzeloa. he sifts. tlatzetzeloani. one who shakes out clothing; one who shakes something out; one who sifts. tlatzetzeloa. she filters, she strains; they shake things. tlatzihuia. he was lazy. tlatzihui. it becomes bare. tlatzihuiliztica. by laziness, by means of laziness. tlatzini. it breaks (e.g., sore); it bursts. tlatziniloni. clapper, clapping instrument. tlatzintia. he starts, he begins. tlatzintile. beginner. tlatzintileque. they founded things, they began things. tlatzintla. down below. tlatzintlan. at the base; below; at the bottom; at the foot; down below; on the bottom; to the bottom. tlatzitzquia. it holds, it grabs. tlatziuhqui. lazy. tlatzomoni. there is breaking forth; there is tumult. tlatzonqui. tailor, one who sews. tlatzotzona. he beats (e.g., clay); two-toned drum); he pounds; he hammers; she beats; she weaves tightly; there is beating [of a drum]; they play the drum. tlatzotzoncuitl. foamy, foamed up. tlatzotzonque. beaters, ones who beat something; smiths; ones who beat metal. tlatzotzonqui. drum beater, one who beats a drum; one who beats [a drum]. tlatzotzontli. something that is beaten; something that is pounded; something which is beaten. tlatzoyonilli. fried. tlatzoyotiani. it soils things. tlauhquechol. red spoonbill; roseate spoonbill. tlaxacualolli. something which is kneaded. tlaxapochtli. hole; trap. tlaxcalli. tortilla. tlaxcaloani. tortilla-maker. tlaxcalo. tortilla-maker. tlaxhuiztli. abcess; boil; pus-filled swelling. tlaxiccahuani. unreliable. tlaxiccaqui. heed it, hear it. tlaxiccui. take it. tlaxichtli. peg; stake. tlaxinque. carpenters; woodcutters. tlaxinqui. carpenter. tlaxintli. carving, something carved; something hewn; something carving; something worked. tlaxipehualli. wood shavings. tlaxipetzoa. they make things glossy. tlaxipetzolli. smoothed. tlaxitiniaya. there was dispersing. tlaxixintli. carved, something carved; carving; something hewn.

tlaxo. it is cast aside, it is thrown away. tlayacana. he presides, he governs; he takes the lead; it leads; she governs. tlayacanqui. guide, leader. tlayacatia. he becomes a leader; it leads; they lead; they are of the front rank. tlayamanilia. it softens. tlayamanilli. warmed. tlayayauh. they run about, there is running about. tlayecchihualli. well formed. tlayecoltiloni. one who takes responsibility. tlayectenehua. he praises something. tlayelquiahui. it rains hard, it rains heavily. tlayoa. it becomes dark; it darkens; it is dark. tlayoalli. darkness. tlayoaticac. it is in darkness. tlayoaya. it is a place of darkness. tlayohuac. it became dark. tlayohua. it becomes dark. tlayohualli. darkness. tlayohuayan. in the dark; in the darkness. tlayohuaz. it will be dark, there will be darkness. tlayolquixtia. he torments. tlayoyocanamaca. he sells prudently. tlazacani. carrier. tlazalo. it is cast aside, it is thrown away; it is laid (i.e.; egg). tlazalozque. they will be thrown, they will be cast. tlazazacani. carrier. tlazcaltilli. well taught. tlazocactli. fine sandal. tlazochimalli. costly shield; precious shield. tlazocozcatl. precious necklace. tlazocueitl. precious skirt; costly skirt. tlazohuipilli. precious blouse, precious shift. tlazoihhuitica. with costly feathers, by means of costly feathers; with precious feathers; by means of precious feathers. tlazoihhuitl. costly feather; precious feather; rare feather. tlazolli. filth; sin; vice; evil; refuse; rubbish; corruption; dirt; perverseness. tlazoltitlan. in filth; in rubbish. tlazoltontli. a little dirt. tlazomacuextli. precious arm band. tlazomaxtlatl. costly breechcloth; precious breechcloth; valuable breech clout; valuable breechcloth. tlazomaxtle. costly breech clout. tlazoneci. it is rare; it appears rarely; it is scarce. tlazonemi. it is rare. tlazopialo. it is guarded as precious. tlazopilli. princely. tlazopipilti. princes. tlazotetl. precious stone. tlazotia. it was costly. tlazotic. precious, priceless. tlazotilmatica. with a precious cape, by means of a precious cape.

tlazotilmatli. costly cape; costly mantle; precious cape; valuable cape. tlazotitlaca. precious persons. tlazotitlacatle. o precious person. tlazotitlacatl. esteemed noble person. tlazotlalo. he is esteemed. tlazotlaloni. amiable; lovable; worthy of being loved. tlazotlaloz. he will be esteemed. tlazotlanqui. costly. tlazotli. cherished; dear; valued; choice; esteemed; costly; precious; precious one; expensive; preciousness; proud; rare; value. tlazotzintle. o precious one. tlazoxochitl. precious flower. tle ipampa. why. tleco. at the fire; over the fire. tlecoa. there is climbing. tlecoca. they had ascended, they had climbed up. tlecoc. he climbed. tleco. he ascends; he climbs; he climbs up. tlecohuaya. there was ascending, people ascended. tleco. in the fire; into the fire; into the flames; on the fire; it ascends; it moves up; it rises; it climbs. tlecomic. fire pot [i.e., charcoat brazier]. tleco. on the fire; in the fire. tlecopa. storeroom. tlecoque. they ascended, they climbed up; they climbed. tleco. they ascend, they ascend; they climb; they climb up. tlecotihuetzi. he ascends quickly, he goes up quickly. tlecoya. he ascended, he climbed. tlecoz. he will ascend, he will climb. tlecuahuitl. fire drill. tlecuazco. brazier. tlecuezalotl. flame; blaze. tlecuilco. in the hearth. tlecuilixcuac. before the hearth, in front of the hearth. tlecuilli. hearth. tlecui. they take fire. tlehco. they ascend. tleh. what. tleica. why. tlein. what; that which; which. tlemaco. fire ladle, fire shovel. tlemaitl. incense ladle. tlemiquiz. he will suffer from the heat. tlemiyahuatl. flame; tongue of fire. tlemoyotl. spark. tlemoyototonti. little sparks. tlenamacac. fire priest. tlenamaca. he offers incense. tlenamacaque. priests. tlenamacoya. incense was offered; there was offering of incense. tlenenepilli. tongue of fire. tlen. what. tlepapalotl. fire moth. tlepilli. faggot; torch.

tlequiquizhuiloc. he was shot by a gun. tlequiquiztlalli. gunpowder. tlequiquiztli. gun; lombard gun. tleteco. fire is laid. tletica. at the fire, by the fire; with fire; by means of fire. tletic. fiery. tletlaliaya. they laid a fire. tletlexochio. live coals, embers. tletl. fever, fire; temperature; flame; heat; rump gland. tle. what; that which. tlexictli. hearth. tlexochpan. on live coals, on embers. tlexochpatic. very much like an ember. tlexochtli. coal, ember; spark; live coal. tleyo. having fire. tlhocuauhtli. marsh hawk. tlilantli. black outline. tlilatl. ink. tlilazcatl. black ant. tlilcaxitl. black bowl. tlilchichintic. dark, black. tlilcohuatl. blacksnake. tlilcuicuiltic. mottled with black; spotted with black. tlilectic. blackish; dark. tlilehuac. black; dark colored. tlilehua. it becomes black. tliletl. black bean. tlilihui. it becomes black. tlilletl. black bean. tlilli tlapalli. writing. tlilli. black color; black stain. tlilnextic. blackish, dark gray; dark ashen. tlilpatic. very black. tlilpoyahuac. blackish. tliltica. with black, by means of black. tliltic. black. tliltique. black; black (pl.). tliltzotl. black sweat. tlilxochitl. vanilla. tlitliltic. very black. tlocuauhtli. marsh hawk. tocacal. our (various) houses. tocaitl. name; title. tocamachalacaliuhca. grooved part of the lower jaw. tocamachaloacal. concave part of our lower jaw. tocamachaloacaliuhia. concave part of our lower jaw. tocamateuh. our cheek. tocanahuacan. our temple. tocanahuaca. our temples. tocapeyotl. spiderweb, cobweb. tocatl. spider. tocatzahualli. spiderweb, cobweb. toca. with us, at us, of us. tocayoh. renowned. tocayotiloc. he was named, he was given a name. tocelica. our cartilage; our freshness.

tocelotl. you are an ocelot; you are an ocelot warrior; you are the ocelot warrior; you ocelot warrior. tochantinemi. they go catching rabbits. tocha. our home, our house. tochcuicatl. rabbit. tochiahuaca. our grease. tochichicauh. our bile. tochichi. our saliva. tochin. rabbit. tochiquiz. our testicle. tochi. rabbit. tochnacatl. rabbit meat. tochomitl. rabbit hair, rabbit fur. tochpochtzin. our daughter. tochtiz. he will become a rabbit. tochtli. rabbit. tochton. little rabbit. tochtzopinitinemi. they go spearing rabbits. tocihuateucyo. noblewoman. tocihuitica. with yellow parrot feathers. toci. our grandmother. tocnihua. our friends. tocnocelouh. our humble ocelot warrior. tocolhuan. our forefathers, our grandfathers. toconana. we take it. toconanaz. you will take it. toconcaquiz. you will hear it. toconcuaz. you will eat it. toconetzin. our child; our child [h.]. toconitozque. we will say it. toconittazque. we will see it. toconmati. you know it. toconmonextiliz. you [h.] will procure it, you [h.] will discover it. toconnextizque. we will discover it. toconqueloz. you will ridicule him. tocontlalia. we set it forth. tocontlazaz. you will cast it off. tocontocaz. you will follow her. tocoya. they were buried. tocoz. there will be sowing, there will be planting. toctli. young plant. tocua. our head. tocuayac. bad smelling, stinking. tocuilcoyotlatoa. they speak like brown cranes. tocuilcoyotl. brown crane. tocuitlapampa. our rectum. tocuitlapanacaliuhca. grooved part of our back. tocuitlapanehuayo. skin of our back. tocuitlapan. on our back. tocuitlapa. on our back. tocuitlatetepon. our backbone. tocuitlaxilotca. the small of our back. tocxi. our feet; our hands. tocxitlan. near our foot. tohmio. hairy. tohpoltic. lump-like.

tohtolontic. each one round, ball-like. tohtomahuac. thick in each. tohueimapil. our thumb. tohueixopil. our big toe. tohueliacahuan. our leaders. tohui. we go. tolanazque. they will gather reeds. tolcapoyo. having reed stem fibers. tolhuil. our desert, our merit. tolinilo. he is abused, he is caused pain. toliniloz. he will caused to suffer. toli. reed; rush. tolitic. in the midst of reeds. tolla. among reeds. tollah. among the reeds. tolla. in the reeds. tolloa. it becomes reedy. tolmecatica. with a cord made of reeds, by means of a cord made of reeds. tololiztli. bowing. tololli. bowing of the head. tolompatic. exceedingly round. tolonpol. very round. tolontic. bulbous, round; ball-like. tolotica. with bowed head. tolotimotlalia. he sits with his head drooping. tolpitzahuac. thin reed. toltecatl. craftsman; one who is skilled. toltzalan. among the reeds. tomacehual. our desert, our merit. tomac. in our hands. tomacohua. he buys tomatoes. tomacpalacaliuhca. grooved part of our hand. tomacpal. our hands, our palms. tomacpaltilahuaca. thickness of the palm of our hand. tomactic. thick. tomactontli. somewhat thick; thick-bodied. tomahuac. coarse; fat; thick; full; large. tomahua. he enlarges; it becomes big; it becomes thick; it enlarges; it swells; it fattens; it is enlarged; it is well-formed; it is thick; it thickens; she enlarges; they fatten; they grow large. toma. our hand, our arm; our hands. tomapilomio. our finger bone. tomapiltzala. between our fingers. tomaquequeyol. our wrist bone. tomatl. tomato. tomaxtli. our breechcloths. tometzpa. on our thigh. tomimiliuhca. our cylindrical [parts], we are cylindrical; our loins. tomimiyahuayo. our lung. tomio. bristles, fur, hair; downy; furry; fuzzy; hairy. tomiollo. fuzzy. tomio. our bones. tomiquian. time of our death. tomiquiz. our death. tomitl. fuzz; down.

tomiyo. our bones. tomolicpi. our elbow. tompiatli. palm-leaf basket. tonacacuezcomac. maize bin. tonacacuezcomatl. maize bin. tonacayo. our body; our flesh. tonacayopan. on our body. tonacayotica. of the body. tonacayotl. food; maize; corn; sustenance. tonacaz. our ears. tonacaztlan. near our ear. tona. he shines. tonahuan. our mothers. tonahuatil. our charge, our order. tona. it shines (e.g., sun, moon). tonalamatl. book of days. tonalcochqui. sleepy. tonalco. winter. tonalhuiteco. summer lightning flash. tonalixco. towards the east. tonalli. day; day sign; fortune; sun. tonalpoalli. day count. tonana. our mother. tonani. our mother. tonan. our mother. tonanoz. you will be taken, you will be seized. tonantze. oh, our mother. tonantzin. our mother. tonatiuh cualo. eclipse of the sun. tonatiuh. sun; day. tonatiuhtiz. he will become the sun. tonatiuhyo. having a sun design. tonaz. it (i.e., sun) will shine; it will shine (i.e.; the sun). toncate. we are. tonca. you are. toncochitlehua. you see in dreams. tonconcui. we grasp it, we take it. tonehua. it burns. toneihiyotiaya. our breathing place; our place for breathing. tonemac. our gift; our lot. tonemanahuil. our excrement. tonemiliz. our life. tonenca. our sustenance; our nourishment. tonenepil. our tongue. tonenepilpatlahuaca. wide part of our tongue. tonepoztequia. our breaking place. tonetlapololtilizohhui. our road to ruin. tonhuetziz. you will fall. tonhui. we go. tonitoloz. you will gain renown. tonneci. we appear. tonoc. you are here; you lie; you rest. tonotlatocaz. you will travel. tonpiatli. palm-leaf basket. tonpohuiz. you will be esteemed. tonquiza. we pass over. tonquizaz. you will pass.

tontemiqui. you dream. tontlachiecan. let us behold, let us see. tontlamatiz. you will know [something]. tontlatoa. we speak. topal. gaudy. topalti. gaudy dressers. topampa. on our account, because of us. topan. above us; over us; among us; at us. topanehuayo. our outer skin. topan. for us; on us; about us; above us; over us; upon us. topiazio. our tube. topihpiazyo. our tubes. topilli. staff. topiltzin. our prince; our son. topipilhuan. our (various) children. topochquio. our fat. topolihuiliz. our ruin. toptli. coffer. toquechehuayo. skin of our neck. toquechtlan. on our throat. toqueznacayo. flesh of our hip. toquichcocol. ailment of us men; our male sickness. toquichio. our manliness; our semen. toquichtin. us men; we men. toquichti. we men. toquichtli. you are a man. toquichyo. our genitals, our manliness; our penis; our manhood. toquizpan. time of sowing, time of planting. totahuan. our fathers. tota. our father. totecocolicahuan. our adversaries, our enemies. totecocolicauh. our enemy, one who hates us. totecue. o our lady; o our lord. totelpoch. our youth. totentzotzol. flabbiness of our lips. toteoh. our god. tote. our abdomen; our lip. totequiuh. our tribute. totetzauh. our omen, our evil omen, our portent. toteucyocihuatl. noblewoman. toteucyoe. o our lady; o our lord. toteucyohuane. o our lords; our lords. toteucyohuan. our goddesses; our ladies; our lords. toteucyohua. our ladies; our lords. toteucyoohuane. o our lords. toteucyo. our lady; our lord. totezcauh. our mirror. totilahuaca. our thickness. totitilahuaca. our various thicknesses. totlac. our torso, our body. totlahuematia. our place of tasting. totlalhuayo. our nerves. totlan. about us, near us. totlanco. in our teeth. totlancuanacayo. flesh of our knee. totlanizcua. our front tooth. totlan. near us, among us; our teeth.

totlapallo. our redness. totlapoal. our number. totlatlacol. our sin. totlatlacoltica. by our sins. totlatlaliaya. our stomach. totlatlalil. our stomach. totlatlalilteco. our stomach. totlatoaya. our speaking place. totlatocatzin. our ruler. totlatocauh. our ruler. totlatolhuaz. our gullet. totlatol. our words. totlatqui. our possessions, our goods. totoca. it runs; they hasten; they run. totochtin. rabbits; wine gods. totochti. wine gods; rabbits. totoco. it (i.e., seed) is sown. totohtolcuatinemi. it goes about eating turkeys. totohuihuitla. she plucks feathers. totoihhuitl. bird feather. totoixtli. bird's eye. totoizquitl. birds with toasted maize. totolayotl. turkey broth; hen broth. totolcocone. newly-hatched turkeys. totolcocotl. throat of a turkey. totolconentoton. turkey chicks. totolconetl. poult, chick. totolconetontli. little poult, little chick. totolhuauhtli. bird amaranth; bird amaranth seed; chicken amaranth. totolicxitl. leg of a turkey. totoli. fowl, bird. totolihhuitica. with turkey feathers; by means of turkey feathers. totolihhuitl. bird feather; turkey feather. totolihuitica. with turkey feathers, by means of turkey feathers. totolin. chicken; turkey; turkey hen. totoli. turkey; turkey hen; fowl; turkey-like. totolixtli. eye of a turkey. totollaapozonilli. stew turkey hen. totollalehuatzalli. roasted turkey hen. totolme. turkey hens; turkeys; fowls. totolnacatl. turkey meat. totolontic. each one round. totolpipil. chicks. totolpixqui. turkey guardian, turkey caretaker. totoltehuauhtli. bird-egg amaranth seed. totoltenamacac. egg seller. totoltepalan. rotten egg. totoltetlaxcalli. tortilla made of turkey egg; tortilla made with turkey egg. totoltetl. bird's egg; birds' egg; egg; turkey egg. totolti. turkey chicks; turkey hens; turkeys. totomactic. each one is fat. totomahuac. each one is fat; thick. totomatlatl. bird net. totome. birds. totomio. hairy. totomitl. bird arrow; feathered arrow.

totomolihui. it swells. totomonaliztli. plague. totomoniliztli. blister. totoncapatli. fever medicine. totonenepilli. bird's tongue. totonia. it becomes hot. totonililo. it is warmed. totoniliztli. fever. totonilizzotl. fever, feverishness. totonillotl. fever; heat. totoniz. it will heat up. totonqui. heat; fever; hot; inflamed; inflammation; warm. totopanitl. bird banner. totopochhuaqui. it shrivels up. totopochtli. toasted tortilla. tototentli. bird's bill. tototl. bird; fledgling; penis. tototouh. our member, our organ; our penis. tototzintli. little bird; small bird. totozcatecuacuil. our uvula. totozqui. our throat. totzintamalehuayo. skin of our buttocks. totzon. our hair. totzontecon. our head. totzoyo. our perspiration, our sweat. toxayac. our face. toxic. our umbilical cord. toxillan. our side (i.e., of the body). toximmolpia. our binding of the years. toxiuh. our years. toxocpalehuayo. our skin of the sole of the foot. toxocpal. our feet. toxpalatl. yellow water. toxuiuhtzin. our grandson. toyacaacaliuhia. grooved places of our nose. toyacacpa. to our noses. toyacelica. our septum. toyac. our nose. toyaohuan. our foes, our adversaries, our enemies. toyaopan. on our foes, on our adversaries, on our enemies. toyaouh. our enemy; our foe; our adversary. toyaoyouh. our battle. toyaz. you will go. toyezque. we will be. toyolca. our sustenance, our nourishment. toyollo. our heart; our chest; our soul. toza. gopher. tozan. gopher. tozazaniltzin. our little riddle; our little story. tozcachichiltic. having a chil-red throat. tozcacococ. that which burns or stings the throat; that which burns the throat. tozcayacacuitlatl. mucus of the throat, phlegm; throat mucus. tozoquio. our clay. tozozcuicatl. vigil song. tozti. our fingernails. toztlac. our saliva.

toztli. yellow-headed parrot. tzahtzi. it roars, it cries out. tzahualcaxitl. spinning bowl. tzahua. they spin (thread). tzahuaz. she will spsin. tzanaihhuitl. grackle feather. tzanatl. grackle; slender-billed grackle. tzanatopilli. grackle-stave. tzapame. dwarves. tzapocuahuitl. sapodilla tree. tzapocueye. having a sapota-leaf skirt. tzatzatzi. it cries out repeatedly. tzatzatzini. crier. tzatzayania. it broke. tzatzayani. it breaks. tzatzayan. it broke into pieces. tzatzayani. they each one break, they each one crack. tzatzayanqui. serrated. tzatzia. he cried out, he shouted; it cried out; they shouted; they cried out. tzatzic. he cried out, he shouted. tzatzi. he cries out; he shouts; he yells. tzatzihua. there is crying out, there is shouting. tzatzi. it calls out; it cries out; it screeches; it sings. tzatzililo. he is cried out to. tzatzililotoc. he is cried out to. tzatzililoya. he was cried out to, he was shouted to. tzatziliztli. shout, act of crying out. tzatzini. crier, one who shouts. tzatzique. they shouted. tzatzi. she calls out; she cries out; she shouts; they cry out; they howl. tzatzitica. it continues to call out. tzatzitinemi. he goes shouting; they go along crying out; they go along shouting. tzatzitiuh. she goes crying out. tzatziz. she will cry out. tzauctic. gummy. tzauctli. glue. tzayani. it breaks; it is ripped; it parts; it tears. tzayanoni. splittable. tzetzelihuiz. he will sprinkle. tzetzeliuhqui. strewn, scattered. tzicame. ants; tzicatl ants. tziccuacualiztli. the chewing of chicle. tziccuacua. they chew chicle. tziccuacuaz. she will chew chicle. tzictic. gummy. tzicuictic. agile. tzicuini. it bounces, it jumps. tzilini. it resounds. tzimpatlahuac. wide at the base. tzimpitzahuac. narrow at the base; narrow at the bottom; slender at the base; tapering toward the bottom; thin at the base. tzinacan. bat. tzincuauhyo. having a stem.

tzincuicuitlatl. dirt of the buttocks. tzincuitlatl. dirt of the buttocks. tziniztac. having a white base; white at the base. tzinmimiltic. having a cylindrical base. tzinnenemi. he turns back, he retreats. tzinpitzahuac. long and thin at the root; slender at the base; slender at the bottom; slender on the end; slender-tailed; having a slender tail. tzinpitzatoton. having a small slender base. tzinquiza. he turns back, he retreats. tzinquizaya. he drew back, he withdrew. tzintetenpan. rump. tzintic. it began; it originated. tzintique. they began, they had their beginning. tzintomahuac. having a thick base; having a wide base; thick at the base. tzintomahua. it thickens at the base. tzinxoxoctic. having a green base. tzitzicace. punisher. tzitzicaztli. nettle; thistle. tzitziconoa. he sobs. tzitzicuica. it is agile. tzitzicuicani. one that is agile. tzitzile. having jingles, having rattles. tzitzilica. she tinkles. tzitzilli. rattle, jingles. tzitzimitl. demon. tzitziniztaya. it becomes white at the base. tzitzintlacza. they run on their buttocks. tzitziquiltic. scarified; serrated; jagged. tzitzitzilica. she continuously tinkles. tzitzitzimi. demons. tzitzquilo. it is seized. tzoalli. amaranth seed dough. tzocuitlatl. perspiration, sweat. tzohtzoltic. having folds. tzohtzoyontica. sobbing. tzoltic. restricted. tzompantli. skull rack. tzompatic. perfect; superb. tzoncalli. headdress; headpiece; wig. tzoncualactic. like mucus. tzonhuaztli. rope for snaring; snare. tzonio. hairy. tzonixhua. hair appears; hair forms; hair grows; it grows hair. tzoniztac. white-haired. tzoniztaque. white-haired; white-headed. tzonocuilcualiztli. splitting of the hair. tzonquiza. hair emerges; hair forms; it concludes; it ends; it finishes. tzonquizcayotl. conclusion, end. tzontecomatl. head. tzonteconcocolli. headache. tzontica. with hair, by means of hair. tzontic. perfect. tzontlaolli. cornsilk. tzontle. o hair.

tzontli. hair; mockingbird. tzonyohua. hair thickens; it becomes covered with hair; it has hair. tzopelic. sweet. tzopelililoni. something which can be made into something sweet. tzopelpatic. very sweet. tzopiloani. scavenger. tzopilotetl. turkey buzzard egg. tzopilotl. black vulture. tzotlani. it shines. tzotl. perspiration, sweat. tzotzoca. he is parsimonious, he is miserly; he is stingy. tzotzocatic. undeveloped. tzotzocati. he is mean, he is miserly; he is stingy; he becomes stingy. tzotzolihui. it becomes flabby. tzotzoltic. flabby; having folds; narrow. tzotzomatica. with a rag, using a rag. tzotzomatli. rag; something tattered; tatters. tzotzomatzin. rag, tatters. tzotzomatzintli. rag, tatters. tzotzomatzitzinti. swaddling cloths. tzotzonaloni. something which can be beaten. tzotzontecomayo. having heads, decorated with heads; having skulls. tzotzopaztli. batten; weaving stick; wide batten. tzotzopelic. sweet. tzotzotlaca. it continually shines; it gleams; they glisten. tzotzotlani. glistening. tzotzoyoca. it crackles; it sizzles. tzoyaya. it smells foul, it stinks. tzoyo. hairy. tzoyoni. it cooks. tzoyoniz. it will cook; it will be cooked. tzoyotl. perspiration, sweat. vino. wine. xacalli. hut. xacaltontli. small hut. xahuia. be happy. xalaquizque. they will enter the sand. xalcuani. baldpate; sand eater. xallalli. sandy soil. xalli. sand. xallo. grainy; sandy. xaloztoc. in a sand cave. xaloztotl. sand cave; cave where they take out sand. xalpitzactic. like fine sand. xalpitzahuac. fine sand. xaltemi. it fills with sand. xaltetl. pebble. xaltic. like sand; sand-like; sandy. xaltitlan. in the sand; on the sand. xamani. they are crushed; shattered. xamitl. adobe. xaxallo. grainy. xaxamaca. it crashes; it crunches; it jingles. xaxamacani. something that crashes. xaxamaca. she clatters; there is havoc; there is clatter; they are crushed; shattered; they each resound.

xaxamacaticac. it is rapid-flowing. xaxamacatinemi. it keeps rumbling. xaxamani. it crackles. xaxocotl. guava. xayacatl. face; mask. xayocuitlatl. dregs. xelihui. it divides in half; it divides; it splits; it falls apart; it opens (e.g.; sore); they extend. xeloloni. splittable. xexelihui. it extends; it spreads; they each one fall apart; they extend; they spread; they spread out; they divide. xiauh. go. xicahuilti. gladden him. xicalco. in the gourd vessel; in the jar. xicalli. gourd; gourd vessel. xicaltica. in a vessel, by means of a vessel; with a gourd vessel; by means of a gourd vessel. xicaltic. gourd-like. xicaltzintli. small gourd bowl. xicana. grasp it, seize it; take it. xiccacalaqui. retract it. xiccahua. leave it; stop it. xiccaquican. hear it, listen to it (command, pl.). xiccaqui. hear it, listen to it; heed it; note it; listen to him; pay him heed. xiccuican. take it, grasp it. xiccui. take it (command); take it; seize it. xicmaca. give it to him. xicmochihuilia. do it (h.). xicmocnelili. show favor to her. xicmocuili. take [h.] it!. xicmolhuilican. tell him [h.] (command, pl.). xicmonahnamiquili. aid (h.) him. xicmopalehuili. help (h.) him. xicmotla. throw [stones] at him. xicmotzatzilili. cry out to him. xicnacatl. flesh of the navel. xicnotza. shout at him. xicocuitlachihua. he prepares beeswax. xicocuitlatica. with beeswax, by means of beeswax. xicocuitlatl. beeswax. xicolli. sleeveless jacket. xiconeuctli. bee honey. xicoti. he becomes a bee. xicotli. bumblebee; honey bee; large bee. xicoyohui. cry out to him. xicpaccaitta. look joyously at him, look happily at him. xictli. navel. xicxichuencuaqui. eat the umbilical cord offering. xihualhuian. come (pl.); come here. xihualmohuica. come hither, come here. xihuian. go (command, pl.); go! [command; pl.]. xihuitl. comet; foliage; herb; leaf; grass; plant; turquoise; year. xilotlaxcalli. tortilla made of green maize. xilotl. tender maize. ximehua. arise, get up.

ximimati. be prudent. ximmilli. upland. ximocahua. cease!, stop!. ximocehuican. rest (command, pl.); rest [command; pl.]. ximochichihuacan. prepare yourselves (command). ximotequitili. do your (h.) work. ximotlacotili. perform your (h.) office, do your (h.) duty. ximotlali. settle down, sit down. xinachio. having seeds. xinachtli. seed; semen. xincayo. barked, having bark. xincayocanahuac. having thin scales. xincayochamahuac. thick scaled, coarse scaled. xincayohua. it becomes scaly. xincayo. scaly; having scales. xincayotilahuac. having thick scales; thick-scaled. xinechitta. look at me. xinechmaca. you give it to me. xinechmicti. kill me. xinechoncohui. buy it for me. xipehualo. it is peeled, it is barked. xipetzihui. it becomes smooth; it glistens; it looks smooth. xipetziuhqui. sleek; smooth. xipetztic. slick, smooth. xipetztli. smooth. xipinehuatl. foreskin. xiquilhuican. tell it to him (command, pl.). xiquipiltontli. small bag. xiquito. say it. xiquitta. look at it, see it, examine it; look upon her; see her. xitechitta. look at us. xitequitlanelocan. row vigorously (command, pl.). xitini. it breaks up; it crumbles. xitin. it crumbled. xitini. they break apart. xitinohua. there is breaking up. xitlacaquican. listen (command, pl.). xitlacaqui. hear, listen. xitlachia. look, be careful; pay attention; see; observe. xitlacuacan. eat (command, pl.). xitlatocan. note haplology. xitoltic. having a reed-like navel. xitomacihuiztli. small tumor. xitoncueponi. it blows up. xiuhamatl. book of years. xiuhchimallo. having a shield of turquoise. xiuhcoatl. turquoise serpent. xiuhcoaxayacatl. turquoise serpent mask. xiuhnacochtli. turquoise earplug. xiuhneci. it looks like turquoise, it resembles turquoise. xiuhnelhuatl. herb root. xiuhpetlahualoni. turquoise-burnisher. xiuhtica. with turquoise, by means of turquoise. xiuhtontli. little leaf; small herb. xiuhtotoamacale. having a paper headdress with the feathers of the lovely cotinga. xiuhtotocalli. house of lovely cotinga feathers.

xiuhtotocuitlapilli. lovely cotinga tailfeather. xiuhtotome. lovely cotingas, blue cotingas. xiuhtotoquemitl. lovely cotinga cape. xiuhtototic. lovely cotinga. xiuhtototl. lovely cotinga; blue cotinga. xiuhyo. foliage; leafy. xixincayo. very scaly. xixipetztic. smooth; smooth on all parts; slick. xixipetztli. smooth on all parts. xixiquipilihui. it swells. xixitini. it falls apart. xixitin. it crumbled. xixitomoni. it blisters. xixtli. excrement. xiyauh. go; go!. xiyotl. shuttle. xochayatl. thin flowered cape. xochiayatl. thin flowered cape. xochicacahuatl. flowery cacao. xochichilihui. the legs become red, chili-red. xochichiltic. having chili-red legs. xochicihuiztli. hemorrhoids; piles. xochicintli. flower dried ear of maize. xochicozcatl. garland of flowers, flower necklace. xochicualcuahuitl. fruit tree. xochicualla. land of fruit. xochicualli. fruit; food. xochicuallo. fruit. xochihcihuiztli. piles, hemorrhoids. xochilhuitl. feast day of flowers. xochimanalo. there is flower offering. xochimecatl. flower cord. xochime. flowers, blossoms. xochiocotzotl. liquidambar. xochitemoloa. there is seeking of flowers. xochitica. with flowers, by means of flowers. xochitic. fatty; flower-colored; flower-like; flower-yellow. xochitla. flower; flower garden. xochitlalpa. land of flowers. xochitlalpan. flower garden; land of flowers. xochitlano. flower procurement is done. xochitla. place of flowers. xochitl. blossom, flower; delicate; hemorrhoids. xochitli. flower. xochitotonti. small flowers. xochitototl. oriole. xochyo. flowers; having flowers; it has blossoms. xocoatica. with acid water, by means of acid water. xococ. acid, sour. xococoztic. having yellow legs; yellow-legged. xococ. sour. xocohcozpatic. having very yellow legs. xocohcozpiltic. having very yellow legs. xocohcoztic. having very yellow legs. xoco. last daughter. xocomic. he became drunk. xocomicqui. drunk; drunkard.

xocompehualti. begin it. xoconcua. eat it. xoconi. drink it; drink it!. xoconitta. look at him, witness him; see to him. xoconmiti. drink [h.] it. xocopahtic. very sour. xocopalalatic. very sour, exceedingly sour. xocopatic. very sour. xocotamalli. fruit tamal. xocotl. fruit. xocotonqui. lacking a leg. xocotzin. beloved last daughter. xocoyoa. it develops fruit. xocoyotle. o youngest child; o youngest son. xocoyotl. youngest child; youngest daughter; youngest son. xocoyoton. small, little. xocoztic. having yellow legs. xocpalehuatl. skin of sole of the foot; skin of the sole of the foot. xocpalixtli. sole of the foot. xocpalnacatl. flesh of the sole of the foot. xohuehueyaquia. the legs become long. xohueyac. having a long stem; long-legged. xohuiac. long-legged. xohuihuiac. having long legs; long-legged. xohxoloti. she is stupid. xoiztalehuac. having a pale base. xolachahui. it becomes wrinkled. xolochahui. it becomes wrinkled with age. xolochtic. wrinkled. xolopime. stupid people, senseless people. xolopiti. she is stupid. xolopitli. foolish person, stupid person; fool; idiot. xomecatic. having cord-like legs. xomemecatia. the legs become rope-like. xomimiltic. having a cylindrical stem. xomoihhuihuipilli. duck feather blouse (of indigenous women), shift. xomoihhuitilmatli. cape of duck feathers. xomolco. in a corner; in the corner. xompaqui. be happy. xonacatl. onion. xonehuayo. scaly. xonelcicihuican. sigh (pl.). xonelcicihui. sigh. xonmocuiltono. be prosperous!. xontlachia. look. xontlamati. know!. xontlato. speak. xopancuicatl. flower song. xopan. summer; time for green things; rainy season. xopantla. summer. xopapachtic. short-legged; wide-footed; one who has wide feet. xopapatlactic. broad-footed; one who has broad feet; having wide feet. xopiaztic. having a long slender foot. xopilli. toe. xopilnacatl. flesh of the toe. xopiltic. toe-like. xopiltzatzapal. lamed toe.

xopitzahua. the leg becomes slender. xoquechtlan. on the ankle, to the ankle. xoquiac. fetid, stinking; foul-smelling; of fetid smell; smelly; spoiled. xoquihui. it stinks. xoquiyatic. fetid, stinking. xothiticectic. chalky-legged. xotlacotic. having legs like sticks; having stick-like legs. xotla. it bursts. xotlani. bloomer. xotlatlacotic. spindle-legged, having spindly legs. xotlatlauhqui. having red legs. xotlaz. it will bud. xotliltic. having black legs. xotlitliltic. having black feet; having black legs. xotomahuac. thick-legged. xotomahua. the leg becomes thick. xoxocacualoni. edible uncooked. xoxocpatic. very green. xoxoctia. it becomes green. xoxoctic. blue; green; blue-green; greenish; light blue. xoxoctique. green. xoxohqui. green. xoxohuia. it becomes blue; it becomes green; it becomes discolored; they become green. xoxohuic. green. xoxolochahui. it becomes very wrinkled. xoxolochtic. very wrinkled. xoxoquihui. it is blue-green. xoxoquiuhtimani. it is blue-green, it is overspread with blue-green. xoxotla. it glistens; it glows. xoxotlame. fireflies. xoxotla. they are crimson; they glisten; they flame; they glow. xoxouhcacuacualoni. edible raw. xoxouhcacualoni. edible raw; edible uncooked. xoxouhqui. fresh; green; blue-green; blue; raw; gangrenous; light blue; uncooked. xoxoxocpatic. light green. xoxoxoctic. green. xoxoxohuia. it becomes green; they become green. xoyac. sour; stinking. xoyauhqui. spoiled. xoyayauhqui. having green legs. yacachichintic. darkened at the tips. yacachto. at first. yacacuitlatl. nasal mucus; nose mucus. yacahuiac. long at the end. yacahuitzauhqui. pointed at the end; sharp at the end. yacahuitzihui. it becomes pointed at the top. yacahuitztic. pointed; pointed at the end; having a pointed tip; having a pointed end; sharp at the end. yacaomiti. it sprouts. yacapitzahuac. slender at the end. yacapitzahua. they become pointed at the end. yacatolli. nasal mucus. yacatomahua. the nose swells.

yacattihuitze. they come first. yacatzolchiactic. having a fatty nose. yacatzolchiahuac. having an oily nose. yacaxihuitl. turquoise nose rod. yacazozoloniliztli. snuffles. ya. he goes; he went; he departed. yah. he went. yahualihui. it becomes round. yahualiuhqui. round; rounded. yahualtic. circular, round. yahualtontli. small and round. yahualtotonti. small and round. yahuilquizca. his vice. ya. it goes; it went. yamanca. soft. yamancatlacatl. gentle person. yamancatlatoltica. with tender words, by means of tender words. yamania. it becomes soft; it becomes warm; it softens. yamanic. warm. yamannqui. soft. yamanqui. mellow; soft; softened; tender; tepid; warm. yamazpatic. very soft. yamaztic. soft. yancuican. anew; for the first time; in the beginning; new; newly. yancuic. new; newly; recently caught; uncooked. yani. one who goes; she is accustomed to going; something that goes. yaoc. enemy land. yaochihualoque. war was waged. yaoc. in war, in battle. yaocmo. no longer. yaoc. war, battle; battlefield; region of battle. yaoitacatl. provision for war, battle rations. yaome. foes, enemies. yaomicque. they died in war, ones who died in war; war dead. yaomicqui. one who died in war. yaomiquia. they died in war. yaomiquico. he came to die in war. yaomiqui. he dies in war; they die in battle. yaomiquiz. he will die in battle; he will die in war. yaopan. at the battlefield; in a warlike place; in battle; in time of battle; in war; land of the enemy; land of the foe; to war. yaoquixoaz. war will break out. yaoquizatiuh. he goes forth to battle. yaotenamitl. bulwark. yaotetzahuitl. omen of war. yaotihua. one fights, people do battle; people wage war; there is going to war; people go to battle; war is waged. yaotitlan. region of battle. yaotlachiani. sentinel. yaotlachixque. spies, sentinels. yaotlachixqui. sentinel. yaotlahueliloc. furious in war. yaotlahueliloque. intrepid warriors. yaotlapializtica. guarding against the foe. yaotlapializtli. guard, watch against enemies.

yaotlapixque. sentries. yaotlatoa. they announce war; they proclaim war. yaotlatquitl. war array, battle gear; war goods. yaotl. enemy. yaot. she fought a battle. yaoyotica. in battle; militarily. yaoyotl. war; battle; warfare. yaque. having a nose; pointed; having a point; well-formed; they went; they went away; they departed; they migrated. yatinemi. he keeps going. yauhcintli. black dried ear of maize. yauh. he goes; he is going; it goes; it leaves; it migrates; it moves; she goes; they go. yayacpol. dark colored. yayactic. dark; blackish; swarthy. yayactontli. blackish, dark. yayahualtic. round. yayahualtotonti. small and round. yayamanqui. soft. yayamaztic. very soft. yayatica. he is staggering. yayatinemi. he wanders, he goes about. yayauh. it goes (repeatedly). yayauhqui. dark; blackish; dusky; swarthy. yaz. he will go; it will go; it will leave. yaznequi. he wants to go; he plans to go; they wish to go. yazque. they will go. yaz. she will go. ye ixquich. enough. ye oncan onaci. it is enough, it is sufficient. ye. already; when. yecahua. one who has good drink. yecaxitl. bowl for tobacco. yeccan. favorable place; good time. yece. although. yeceh. however, but. yece. though, however. yecnemilice. just; one who has a saintly life; one who has a righteous life. yecnemilizotli. road of righteous life. yectia. (may) it become good; it becomes pure. yectlacuale. one who has good food. yectlatole. having a good voice. yectli. bad, evil; fine; good; clear; fair; favorable; good thing; proper; righteous; sound; virtuous. yectozque. having a good voice. yeehuan. they, them. yehecatl. wind. yeh. it; that. yehuan. they; them; these; those. yehuantin. they; them; those; these; those who. yehuanti. they; these; those. yehuantzitzin. they, those. yehua. they. yehuatica. it is sitting. yehuatl. he; it; one who; she; this one; him; that; this.

yehuatzin. he; he [h.]. yeilhuitl. three days. yelchichiltic. having a chili-red breast. yeliz. his nature. yelizyotl. character, nature, being. yellacuaz. he will not be able to eat. yepoalxihuitl. sixty years. yeteyetia. it becomes three parts. ye. when, already. yexcan. three places. yexiuhtica. at the end of three years. yeyehuan. they, these. yez. he will be; it will be; it will happen. yezque. there will be; they will be; they will exist. yezquia. he would have been. yez. she will be; there will be; it will be. yoac. at night; in the dark. yoa. it becomes dark, it is night. yoalli. night. yoalnepantla. at midnight; midnight. yoaltica. at night; by night. yoatzinco. at dawn; early in the morning; in the early dawn. yocoxca. calm, modest; calmly; peacefully; deliberately; in peace; in tranquility; little by little; quietly. yocoxcatlacatl. peaceful person. yocoxcayotl. peace, contentment. yohualahuachtli. morning dew. yohualcuauhtli. nocturnal eagle. yohualli. dark, nighttime; night; darkness; shadow. yohualnepantla. at midnight; midnight. yohualtica. at night; by night; in the dark. yohuan. at night; by night; in the dark; nighttime; night-time. yohuatzinco. at dawn; early in the morning; in early morning; in the early morning. yohuayan. at night, by night; darkness; dark place; time of darkness. yoitolo. it was ordained, it was said. yolcahua. animal owner. yolcame. small animals. yolcatl. animal, creature. yolcatontli. small insect. yolcatzintli. little animal. yolcatzitzinti. small animals. yolcayotl. nourishment. yolchicahuac. brave; valiant; courageous. yolchicahua. they become courageous. yoli. he lives; it exists; it is alive; it lives; it takes form. yoliliztli. life. yoli. they are formed; they live. yolizmatque. prudent people. yolizmatqui. discreet; it is cunning. yollatolli. atole, maize gruel. yollochamahuac. having a fat center. yollochicahuac. brave-hearted; stout of heart; brave. yollochichic. firm of heart. yollochipahuac. pure of heart. yollococihuatl. middle-aged woman.

yollocococ. cruel. yollocoztic. having a yellow center. yollopiciltic. having a small center. yollopitzahuac. having a slender center. yolloquiquimil. dull. yollotlahuelilocatiliztli. insanity. yollotlahueliloc. deranged; mad; madman. yollotlapalihui. he is valiant, he is courageous; it becomes hardy. yollotlapaltic. it is hardy. yollotli. heart. yolloxochitl. magnolia. yolmicque. they fainted. yolmiquia. he was frightened to death. yolmiqui. he faints; it is deadened. yolollotli. heart. yolque. animals. yolqui. animal; living thing. yoltica. it is living. yoltoz. it will remain alive. yoyohuac. nightly, night after night. yoyoli. alive; insect; small animal. yoyoliton. insect; little fly. yoyolitoton. little insect; small insects. yoyolitzin. little creatures, little animals. yoyolitzitzin. small insects. yoyomoctli. testicle. yuhquinma. as if. zacachapoli. grass grasshopper. zacapan. on grass; on straw; on the grass; on the straw. zacatecolotl. burrowing owl. zacaticpac. over the grass. zacatla. grass land; grassland; grassy place; grassy plain. zacatl. grass; straw. zacatontli. grass. zacaxacalli. grass hut. zacayamanqui. soft grass. zacayaman. soft grass. zacayo. grass blades. zacayohua. it becomes grassy. zacuan. troupial. zah. only, just. zahuatl. pimple; pox; smallpox. zahzo tlein. whatever, whatsoever. zahzo. perhaps. za. just, only. zan huetzi. it is useless. zan oncan. right there. zaniyo. alone. zaniyocan. separate place. zaniyoca. separately, alone. zaniyo. just, only. zan. just; mere; merely; one; only; only just; quite; still; anyway. za. only, just. zatepan. afterwards; later; then. zayolcintli. fly-specked dried ear of maize. zayoli. fly; gnats. zayolin. fly.

zayolla. place of flies. zayolli. fly. zayollo. flies. zayoltoton. little fly. zayoltzitzin. small flies. zazalic. adhesive, sticky, viscous. zazaliuhqui. jointed. zazaltic. adhesive, sticky. zolcanauhtli. mallard. zoletl. quail bean; quail-colored bean; speckled bean. zolin. montezuma quail; quail. zoli. quail. zollatoa. it sings like a quail. zolli. montezuma quail. zollin. quail. zolli. quail. zolnacatl. quail meat. zoloni. it darts; it forms rapids; it hums. zolonini. something that whirs. zoltetl. quail egg. zoltic. like a quail, quail-like. zonectic. spiky; spongy; fluffy; light. zonectontli. fluffy. zonehuac. bristling; spongy; light. zoquiazolin. wilson snipe. zoquicanauhtli. goose. zoquichiuhque. potters. zoquichiuhqui. potter. zoquinacochtli. pottery ear plug. zoquitic. like mud; wet. zoquititlan. in the mud. zoquitlatquitl. earthenware; clay articles. zoquitl. clay; mud. zoquixicocuitlatl. impure beeswax. zotlahua. he faints; he loses his strength; they yield; they are soft. zotl. piece of cloth. zoyatanatl. small palm leaf basket. zozoloca. it buzzes. zozolocani. one that buzzes. zozoltin. quails. zozolti. quail (pl.); quail [pl.]; quails. zozotlahua. he is stunned (each one). zozotlahuaque. they swooned, they fainted. zozotlahua. they yield, they are soft.

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