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February 2013

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Achievement Egan, D. (2013). Poverty and Low Educational Achievement in Wales: Student, Family and Community Interventions. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) Fairlie, R.W. and Robinson, J. (2013). Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Home Computers on Academic Achievement Among Schoolchildren (IZA Discussion Paper No. 7211). Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Asylum seekers Doyle, L. and O'Toole, G. (2013). A Lot to Learn: Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Post-16 Learning. London: Refugee Council [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Refugee Council Child poverty Chamberlain, R. and Mullineux, R. with Cocco, H. and Drysdale, S. (2012). Child Poverty Snapshots: the Local Picture in Wales. Cardiff: Save the Children [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Save the Children Department for Work and Pensions (2013). Public Views on Child Poverty: Results from the Second Poll Undertaken as Part of the Measuring Child Poverty Consultation. London: DWP [online]. Available: pdf [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Fauth, B., Renton, Z. and Solomon, E. (2013). Tackling Child Poverty and Promoting Children's Wellbeing: Lessons from Abroad. London: NCB [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Children's Bureau (NCB) Oakley, M. and Tinsley, M. (2013). Outcomes, Not Just Incomes: Improving Britain's Understanding and Measurement of Child Poverty. London: Policy Exchange [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Policy Exchange Padley, M. and Hirsch, D. (2013). Child Poverty Map of the UK. London: End Child Poverty [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: End Child Poverty Child protection The Child Protection All Party Parliamentary Group (2012). Making Care Proceedings Better for Children: a Report by the Child Protection All Party Parliamentary Group. London: NSPCC [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: NSPCC


Children Jerrim, J. and Choi, A. (2013). The Mathematics Skills of School Children: How Does England Compare to the High Performing East Asian Jurisdictions? (DoQSS Working Paper No. 13-03). London: University of London, Institute of Education, Department of Quantitative Social Science [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute of Education Cohort studies Bradshaw, P., Bromley , C., Hill, T., Mabelis, J., Parkes, A., Smith, K., Sweeting, H., Warner, P. and Wight, D. (2013). Growing Up in Scotland: Birth Cohort 2. Results from the First Year. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Scottish Government Curricula Education Review Office (2013). Mathematics in Years 4 to 8: Developing a Responsive Curriculum. Wellington: Education Review Office [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Education Review Office Disabilities Hamer, A.-M. (2013). Journey from Education to Work (DWP Working Paper No 111). Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Disadvantage Smith, R., Kettlewell, K. and Aston, H. (2012). Evaluation of the Reach for Excellence Programme: Second Longitudinal Report for Cohorts 1 and 2. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Early intervention National Audit Office (2013). Early Action: Landscape Review (HC 683). London: TSO [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Audit Office Education systems Eurydice at NFER (2013). Eurypedia: the European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments. Brussels: EACEA [online]. Available: (England) (Wales) (Northern Ireland) [February, 2013]. Website: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Jerrim, J. and Choi, A. (2013). The Mathematics Skills of School Children: How Does England Compare to the High Performing East Asian Jurisdictions? (DoQSS Working Paper No. 13-03). London: University of London, Institute of Education, Department of Quantitative Social Science [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute of Education Smithers, A. (2013). Confusion in the Ranks: How Good are England's Schools? London: The Sutton Trust [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: The Sutton Trust


Wylie, C. (2013). Secondary Schools in 2012: Main Findings from the NZCER National Survey. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)

Health Mcpherson, K., Kerr, S., McGee, E., Cheater, F. and Morgan, A. (2013). The Role and Impact of Social Capital on the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents: a Systematic Review. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University and Glasgow Centre for Population Health [online]. Available: (Report) (Appendices) [February, 2013]. Website: Glasgow Centre for Population Health Higher education Smith, R., Kettlewell, K. and Aston, H. (2012). Evaluation of the Reach for Excellence Programme: Second Longitudinal Report for Cohorts 1 and 2. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) ICT Fairlie, R.W. and Robinson, J. (2013). Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Home Computers on Academic Achievement Among Schoolchildren (IZA Discussion Paper No. 7211). Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) International Baccalaureate Sizmur, J. and Cunningham, R. (2012). International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) in the UK. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Language education Tinsley, T. (2013). Languages: the State of the Nation. Demand and Supply of Language Skills in the UK. London: The British Academy [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: The British Academy Literacy Northern Ireland Audit Office (2013). Improving Literacy and Numeracy Achievement in Schools. Belfast: CDS Belfast [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) Mathematics education Jerrim, J. and Choi, A. (2013). The Mathematics Skills of School Children: How Does England Compare to the High Performing East Asian Jurisdictions? (DoQSS Working Paper No. 13-03). London: University of London, Institute of Education, Department of Quantitative Social Science [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute of Education


NEET McCrone, T., Southcott, C., Featherstone, G., Macleod, S. and Dawson, A. (2013). Reearch into Training for Young Adults Aged 19 to 24 Who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) (BIS Research Paper Number 95). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (2013). Motivation and Barriers to Learning for Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (BIS Research Paper Number 87). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Numeracy Northern Ireland Audit Office (2013). Improving Literacy and Numeracy Achievement in Schools. Belfast: CDS Belfast [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) Poverty Egan, D. (2013). Poverty and Low Educational Achievement in Wales: Student, Family and Community Interventions. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) Professional development Blewett, J., Carpenter, J., Haines, C., Mclaughlin, H., Patsios, D., Platt, D., Scholar, H., Shardlow, S.M., Wong, C. and Wood, M. (2013). Early Professional Development Pilot Programme (First Cohort 2009 to 2011). Final Evaluation Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Qualifications Cambridge Econometrics and Warwick Institute for Employment Research (2013). Review of the Economic Benefits of Training and Qualifications, as Shown by Research Based on Cross-Sectional and Administrative Data (BIS Research Paper Number 105). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Refugees Doyle, L. and O'Toole, G. (2013). A Lot to Learn: Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Post-16 Learning. London: Refugee Council [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Refugee Council


Rural areas National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (2012). Community Learning in Rural Areas: a Report by NIACE for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Leicester: NIACE [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) Safeguarding Jeffes, J. and Martin, K. (2013). The Longer-term Impact of Safeguarding Children Peer Reviews (LGA Research Report). Slough: NFER [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) School performance Maul, A. (2013). Review of Charter School Performance in Michigan. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Education Policy Center Single sex education Booth, A.L., Cardona-Sosa, L. and Nolen, P. (2013). Do Single-Sex Classes Affect Exam Scores? An Experiment in a Coeducational University (IZA Discussion Paper No. 7207). Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Skills Jerrim, J. and Choi, A. (2013). The Mathematics Skills of School Children: How Does England Compare to the High Performing East Asian Jurisdictions? (DoQSS Working Paper No. 13-03). London: University of London, Institute of Education, Department of Quantitative Social Science [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute of Education Social mobility Lindley, J. and Machin, S. (2013). The Postgraduate Premium: Revisiting Trends in Social Mobility and Educational Inequalities in Britain and America. London: The Sutton Trust [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: The Sutton Trust Social policy National Audit Office (2013). Early Action: Landscape Review (HC 683). London: TSO [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: National Audit Office Social work Blewett, J., Carpenter, J., Haines, C., Mclaughlin, H., Patsios, D., Platt, D., Scholar, H., Shardlow, S.M., Wong, C. and Wood, M. (2013). Early Professional Development Pilot Programme (First Cohort 2009 to 2011). Final Evaluation Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) Taught time Eurydice. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (2013). Recommended Annual Taught Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe (2012/13). Brussels: Education , Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)


Training Cambridge Econometrics and Warwick Institute for Employment Research (2013). Review of the Economic Benefits of Training and Qualifications, as Shown by Research Based on Cross-Sectional and Administrative Data (BIS Research Paper Number 105). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Wilson, T. (2013). Youth Unemployment: Review of Training for Young People with Low Qualifications (BIS Research Paper Number 101). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Transition Hamer, A.-M. (2013). Journey from Education to Work (DWP Working Paper No 111). Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Troubled families Department for Communities and Local Government (2013). The Fiscal Case for Working with Troubled Families: Analysis and Evidence on the Costs of Troubled Families to Government. London: Department for Communities and Local Government [online]. Available: Fiscal_Case_for_Working_with_Troubled_Families.pdf [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government Universities Booth, A.L., Cardona-Sosa, L. and Nolen, P. (2013). Do Single-Sex Classes Affect Exam Scores? An Experiment in a Coeducational University (IZA Discussion Paper No. 7207). Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Wellbeing Joloza, T. (Ed) (2013). Review of Available Sources and Measures for Children and Young People's Well-being. Newport: Office for National Statistics [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mcpherson, K., Kerr, S., McGee, E., Cheater, F. and Morgan, A. (2013). The Role and Impact of Social Capital on the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents: a Systematic Review. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University and Glasgow Centre for Population Health [online]. Available: (Report) (Appendices) [February, 2013]. Website: Glasgow Centre for Population Health Youth employment Wilson, T. (2013). Youth Unemployment: Review of Training for Young People with Low Qualifications (BIS Research Paper Number 101). London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [online]. Available: [February, 2013]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)



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