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Final Stand- A 40k Zombie Survival Mini-Game

By the year 2142, Earth was akin to a utopia. Science had so drastically improved the lives of any who could afford it to the point of immortality. Those without money were set to live a short, hard life in factories far away from these utopias.

Mankind in the utopias, once heavily reliant on vice in the past, was now free of it in many forms. The sprawling factory complexes weren't so pure though, while the utopian dwellers lived in blissful ignorance with faith pure and untested, the ghettos of the factories faced constant predation by murders and thieves, for the millions out there, they clung tenaciously to faith to keep going and to have some measure of contentment. Mankind, fickle as it is, soon grew tired of its near perfect existence; they had too much time on their hands and too little to spend it on. Soon they veered back into pre occupations of the past to content them; vice. No longer did they simply have a taste of whine for simple pleasure and health, it became alcoholic binges, no longer races and sports games, instead, blood sports and street races. Quickly, the issue grew out of hand and the utopias grew akin to the factory towns that fuelled them, but, where many of the people of the factory town were true and honest people being brought down by their conditions to do so just to survive, these people were simply doing it to do it.

Those whom watched humanity wept at these deprivations. It had already much saddened them that so many suffered to make the utopias run, but, both inside and outside the utopias, their faith had been so very strong that they had been able to look past the factory workers' suffering, no longer. Now, they were simply forced to turn their gaze from the world entirely lest they fall into despair. A select few raged in anger with what they had worked so hard and watched for so long crumble, but, it being the mortal world, could do little to change the world's course.

Other forces, able to toy with the world in small ways and empowered by these depravations watched in glee as humanity raced towards new heights of decadence and selfishness. They had hungered at the world for ages uncounted and now, suddenly, it was racing to embrace them, rather it knew it or not. For years they watched, they watched as weddings became akin to fairy tales instead of actual events, they watched as illegal substances were legalized and doled out by the handful, and they watched as cults sprung up. Finally, the time was right, they struck.

In majour cities throughout the world, entire blocks for miles around disappeared within an impenetrable black fog. Those caught within were never heard of again and the corrupt governments, so languid and sluggish from corruption and inexperience were unable to mount even the most basic of security measures. In the aftermath, many went in searching for others or out of curiousity. those few that came back came back changed, rambling of monsters and demons and other horrors too evil to exist. The fog covered more ground each day, until finally it stopped when military forces were able to be mustered and cordone the mystery area off. None could explain the phenomena, until the first creature that had not originally entered came out of it. Through every city that the fog rolled through, only one figure came out, clad in scraggily black robes and seemingly too thin to live, it simply stared at the arrayed forces against it, until it simply raised its hand. Thousands of husks poured forth from the shroud, some with ghastly wounds, others seemingly living save their black, vacant eyes.

Ever since that day, every nation has been furiously fighting, tossing man and machine against the horde. Few die, and even fewer stay dead. Those that do are quickly replaced by a seemingly never ending supply from the bowels of the fog. You are part of a strike team sent in to investigate and counter attack within the fog, but, there seems to be little chance of your survival. Take you and your men and fight for your people. Good luck soldier. Welcome to Final Stand- a 40k Zombie Survival game. This game uses normal rules and stats of the 40k rulebook and codexes. There are no points in this mini-game. Players: 1-4 Each player must choose FIVE models. These models have no point limit or size (and can even be tanks!). Each model acts as an independent character, but

considered one unit when multi-assaulted. Wound allocation is treated as if they have different wargear (regardless of if they do or not). Each player should choose a different army (or chapter, fleet, navy, Waagh, etc). For fluff purposes, Tyranids, Orks, and Chaos may not participate in this mini-game. Weapons Each model must take weapons from their codex entries, and any upgrades they desire. However, they cannot use weapons from other factions (like a Space Marine using Crushing Claws). Weapons have sound levels, used to measure how many zombies are attracted to the gun shots. Shooting weapons can be placed in any of the following three sections: Soft, Medium, Heavy. Soft These weapons are silent, or very quiet. They do not have a huge sound to them, and do not last long enough for zombies to pinpoint. When fired, no roll of zombie income is necessary. There may only be one soft weapon per player. If soft weapons come standard wargear, you must remove all but one, or count them as medium fire. Weapons in the Soft Fire section must be in the limitations of: Range 12-6 Pistol or Assault 1 Plasma Flamer Template Medium Medium weapons are your average gun. It is generally loud, has an average recoil, and average range. When fired, roll 1D6 per shot fired. This is the zombie income. There is no limit to medium weapons. Weapons in the Medium Fire section must be in the limitations of: Range 30-12 Rapid Fire Assault X Melta Poisoned Heavy Heavy weapons are the loudest and most powerful of all weapons. When fired, roll 3D6 per shot fired. This is the zombie income. There is a max of 2 Heavy Weapons. Weapons in the Heavy Fire section must be in the limitations of: Range 36+ Heavy Small Blast Large Blast Lance Any weapon with any of these factors is ALWAYS heavy, regardless of other factors (i.e. lance is range 12. It is heavy, not soft) Close Combat Weapons For every hit caused by close combat weapons, roll 1D6. This is the zombie income.

Zombies The players must survive as many rounds as possible against incoming zombies. If someone wishes to due so, they may be a zombie player. If not, an opponent will be the zombies during your turn. Zombie Entrances Zombie Entrances are the only places zombies can enter the board. They must be deployed max 2 from the zombie entrance. There are as many zombie entrances as players (to a minimum of 2) and lie on the middle of board edges. If there are only two, they must be on the short board edges across from each other. If there are three, one goes on a long board edge (up to preference). If there are four, one zombie entrance goes on each edge. Zombie Income Zombie income is how many zombies come onto the table. The amount of zombies that are deployed is the number rolled. Zombies are deployed on zombie entrances. Zombies WS/2 BS/0 S/3 T/3 W/1 I/2 A/2 LD/6 SV/Unit Size: Each Zombie Income counts as one unit. Dont Let it Touch You!: If a zombie successfully wounds you (after saves are rolled), on a 4+ on 1D6, the model turns into a zombie. It joins the attacking unit. Deadly Bite: A zombie may choose to not use its two attacks and instead 1 S5 Rending Strike with the wounded model instantly turning into a zombie. Brainsss: Zombies must attack the closest model. They must run if they are not within 6 of a players model/s. Brain-Dead: If zombies fail a leadership check during the assault phase, they do not fall back, and instead suffer a sweeping advance. Zombie Brute WS/2 BS/0 S/8 T/5 W/3 I/2 A/2 LD/6 SV/Deadly Bite: Zombie Brutes may choose to not use its two attacks and instead 1 S8 Rending Strike. Brainsss: Zombie Brutes must attack the closest model. They must run if they are not within 6 of a players model/s. Brain-Dead: If a Zombie Brute fail a leadership check during the assault phase, they do not fall back, and instead suffer a sweeping advance. Rare-Sightings: For every 5 zombies that come in from a zombie income, the 6th may be a Brute. It counts as part of a unit, but as if it has different wargear.

Deployment Each player must stay in his/her half (or quarter, if for four players), but may spread out his/her models as he/she pleases. Turns Each Turn consists of one round per player, and one round for zombies between each players round. Round 1 Each player rolls 4D6. The number rolled is the zombie income at the closest zombie entrance to the roller. Player 1 moves his/her models per the movement phase rules of the rulebook. Player 1 shoots per the shooting phase rules of the rulebook. All rules above apply. Deploy each zombie income unit on the opposite zombie entrance. Round 2 No zombie income is rolled. Zombie Player (or player 2) moves and runs all zombies from the entrance closer to Player 1, following the Brainsss rule. If possible, assault. All zombie income results go to the Zombie Entrance closest to Player 2s deployment. Round 3 No zombie income is rolled. Player 2 moves his/her models per the movement phase rules of the rulebook. Player 2 shoots per the shooting phase rules of the rulebook. All rules above apply. Deploy each zombie income unit on the opposite zombie entrance. Round 4 No zombie income is rolled. Zombie Player (or player 1) moves and runs all zombies from the entrance closer to Player 2, following the Brainsss rule. If possible, assault. All zombie income results go to the Zombie Entrance closest to Player 1s deployment. Every subsequent turn is the same as above, but no initial income (on round 1) is rolled. Game ends when all minis have been turned into zombies or killed. The player with the most kills wins.

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