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Topic: Type of Lesson: Objective: SWBAT

Monday Photosynthesis Benchmark Lesson (Two Day Lesson) *Conduct observations during an experiment *Predict outcomes of an experiment *Use appropriate evidence to explain predictions SC.912.L.18.7 Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis SC.912.N.1.1

Tuesday Photosynthesis/Carbon Cycle Benchmark Lesson *State the reactants and products of photosynthesis *Explain the process of photosynthesis *Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are related *Describe the carbon cycle *Relate the carbon cycle to photosynthesis and cellular respiration SC.912.L.18.7 Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis SC.912.L.18.9 Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration SC.912.E.7.1 Analyze the movement of matter and energy through the different biogeochemical cycles, including water and carbon.

Wednesday Carbon Cycle/Terrariums Investigative Lesson *Revise explanations when new evidence becomes available *Apply concepts of carbon cycle to an artificial biosphere *Describe parts of the carbon cycle

Thursday Food Webs Benchmark Lesson *Identify and distinguish between producers, consumers, and decomposers *Construct a food chain *Construct a food web SC.912.L.17.9 Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels and the reduction of available energy at successive trophic levels.

Friday Food Webs/ Terrariums Benchmark Lesson *Model local food webs *Relate food webs to the transfer of energy through an ecosystem SC.912.L.17.9 Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels and the reduction of available energy at successive trophic levels.


First Word formative assessment Do a colorful magic trick based on this video Discuss acid-base indicators.


Discuss the purpose of bromothymol blue indicator and how it works. Students will set up photosynthesis investigation lab in groups and answer questions on the handout. PEO Probes formative assessment

Students will have 10 minutes to get into their groups to observe any changes with their photosynthesis experiment

Show picture of 53 year old terrarium. Thinking about what weve gone over the past two days, what are some important processes that must happen in order for your artificial biosphere to be sustainable? Why? Students will log observations of their terrariums. They will be instructed to modify, if needed, their terrariums now that they have new information. Rationale for changes must be included in their logs.

Show video to students. Question about the following relationship: Grass antelope lion Have students complete Card Sorts formative assessment Using the organisms from the Card Sorts activity, students must create 2 different food chains of at least 4 organisms. Then students will work with a partner to create a food web of at least 10 organisms. Each student but one will receive a card with details about an organism, including what it eats and what eats it. The students without a card is declared the sun. Standing in a circle, the student who is the sun holds a ball of yarn He or

Have students draw and label a diagram of how carbon is cycling within their terrarium



Time will be allotted for students to log observations of their terrariums.

Teacher will project picture of data chart and put in initial and final observations as students tell them. Teacher will ask probing questions about the conclusion of the experiment. Teacher will write the equation of photosynthesis on the board and show this video. Teacher will show diagram of chloroplast to model where reactants and products of photosynthesis are needed or made. Teacher will introduce concept of carbon cycle and review carbon cycle diagram. Teacher will show video on carbon cycle.

Use game to clarify and explain the carbon cycle and how it pertains to their biospheres.

Some pairs will share their food webs. Show video about food chains. Have students modify their food chains and food web based off the information in the video.

she passes the ball of wool to an organism that stores energy from the sun. That organism then passes the ball of wool to an organism that consumes it..eventually the wool will reach a decomposer. Using a second, third and fourth ball of yarn, three more food chains can be developed by students, building a visual demonstration of the interconnections between diverse creatures within an ecosystem Discussion of biomass, biodiversity, laws of thermodynamics, and trophic levels.

Evaluate Assessment( s):

First Word Students will write a word, phrase or statement related to photosynthesis using each

Three-Two-One Three-Two-One Name the three reactants of photosynthesis. What are the two main

RERUN RERUN Recall: Summarize how you have built your terrarium Explain: Explain any

Students will add decomposers to their food webs. Students will have time allotted to log observations and take pictures of their terrariums. Friendly Talk Probes Card Sorts Put the following organisms in one of two categories, producer or consumer: bear,

Students will have time allotted to log observation and take pictures of their terrariums.

letter of the word as the first letter of the word, phrase or statement. FA: PEO Probes Students will answer the following prompt: In your experiment, you and your group members added carbon dioxide to a solution of BTB indicator and water turning the solution yellow. You have one test tube with just BTB indicator, one with a plant and BTB indicator, and one with a plant, BTB indicator and covered in foil. Predict what you will observe in your test tubes tomorrow and explain why you think that will happen.

reactions of photosynthesis and what happens during each? Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

modifications you have made since initially creating it Results: Describe your most recent observations of your terrarium Uncertainties: Describe what you are still unsure about when creating your terrarium New: Write at least two new things that you have learned since initially building your terrarium

Resource Requiremen ts:

Colorful Magic Trick video and materials, handouts for investigation and PEO Probes assessment, cameras to record terrarium observations

Handouts for investigation and Three-Two-One assessment, Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration video, Chloroplast diagram, Carbon cycle diagram, Carbon cycle video

Terrarium picture, cameras to record terrarium observations, carbon cycle game

palm tree, grasshopper, ferns, oak trees, dog, bamboo, praying mantis, hawk, snake, seal, phytoplankton, fish, killer whale, grass, frog Friendly Talk Probes: Two friends were talking about a food chain made up of polar bears, shrimp, algae, seals, and salmon. Penelope said, If all the salmon suddenly died, seals would no longer have a food source and their population would decrease. The population of shrimp would go up drastically. George said, If all the salmon suddenly died, the population of seals would increase since their food source was not affected. The population of shrimp would not change. Which friend do you agree with? Describe your thinking. Explain why you agree with one friend and disagree with the other. Engagement video, organism cards for Card Sorts assessment, Food chain video, handouts for evaluation quiz

Yarn, organism cards for exploration

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