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Hacienda El Refugio Calacal, Ecuador

Hacienda El Refugio is a ministry of International Teams and Youth World International.


Lives and communities transformed by the power of God

Team Leadership

Leadership Development

Program Development

Ministry Oversight

At the age of 12, Pablos life was marked forever through a powerful experience in the outdoors. Now 19, his lifes calling is to reach the young people of Ecuador and Latin America through the multiplication of outdoor ministry programs. There are 300,000,000 young people in Latin America, and yet youth ministry is severely undervalued and underdeveloped. Thousands of youth leaders are disillusioned and discouraged. Millions of youth remain unreached. For over 10 years El RefugioITeams retreat center in Quitohas already witnessed the waves of impact as lives are transformed and as a result churches are strengthened through improved leadership and spiritually vibrant young people. Our hope is that through the growth of outdoor ministry programs many more will experience this blessing. Through them, a new generation of leaders would be trained, new ministries launched, existing ministries revitalized, and the Latin church strengthened and renewed.

Hacienda El Refugio exists to facilitate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through nature and outdoor adventure. Founded by Youth World in 1999, the catalyst for the ministry was the voiced need of Youth Leaders who desired a place to get out of the city, a place where they could go and hear the still, small voice of God. A 320-acre property was purchased 40 minutes outside of Quito and several years were spent in development, renovating old buildings and creating a functioning road and trail system. In 2003, the program element of Hacienda El Refugio began to take shape and groups began to come out for 1-3 day retreats. The Retreat program grew rapidly over the next five years, with the annual participant numbers reaching close to 2000 participants. During this time, program elements expanded to include low ropes, high ropes and orienteering. In 2006, a program for Leadership Development was initiated with the purpose of introducing young Ecuadorians to the possibility of outdoor ministry. With an increasing focus on multiplication of adventure ministry in Latin America, Aire Libre, a vocational training for those desiring to pursue a call in this field, was launched. In 2012, programming expanded to include Adventure Camp, Alturas, Fronteras and a Latin American Adventure ministry network.

The Program Director is responsible for providing overall leadership for the program area of Hacienda El Refugio, developing and maintaining the Program Team, Leaders in training, Programs and Methodologies and Program Elements. The Program Director is also a key part of HERs leadership and reports to HER Director

Formal Bible Training Formal Outdoor Leadership / Experiential Education Training Love for, and understanding of, the value of outdoor ministries in communicating Jesus Broad Knowledge of Outdoor Adventure Skills Experience in Christian Ministry, including oversight of a ministry team Demonstrated ability to think strategically and communicate vision Demonstrated ability to care for team members Demonstrated leadership in managing staff groups and major projects or initiatives Ability to create and manage a budget Ability to work with both Ecuadorian and International teams and individuals An ability to communicate in Spanish and English

General Meet regularly with HER Director Be an active participant in El Refugio Staff meetings and Youth World Team Meetings Assist in creating, developing and implementing the overall HER vision Personally Incarnate the values of the ministry Program Team Lead the Program Team Facilitate Program Team meetings and communication, making sure that responsibilities are clear and procedures are followed. Oversee the work, days off and vacation days of Program Team members and ensure that job functions are being carried out. Carry out Annual Reviews and 6-month check-ins with all Program Team members Monitor and invest in the spiritual, physical, emotional and relational health of each member. When health in any area is compromised, work with the Director to identify and address the issues and devise a plan for restoring health to the individual and/or team. Identify and draw out leadership skills and potential in members of the Program Team Create and Manage the Program Development budget Work with Director to determine and fill program staff needs Develop Leaders Create systems to recruit, train, and provide ongoing development of leaders in the field of outdoor adventure ministry locally Oversee Facilitator program, Internship program and Aire Libre Assist Director in creating and implementing strategies to multiply outdoor adventure throughout Ecuador and Latin America Develop, Maintain and Oversee the Functioning of Programs and Elements Oversee the day-to-day execution of retreat and training Programs in alignment with the vision Develop programs including curriculum, methodologies, elements and people resources Develop and Maintain Physical Program Elements


Corporate Teambuilding* Backpacking* Customized Retreats (churches, schools, nonprofits, etc)

Facilitators Service Interns (Alturas)

Adventure Camp Outdoor Education**

Leadership Interns (Fronteras)*

Church Renewal* Latin American Adventure Network*

Aire Libre Outdoor Leadership School Ecuadorian Camps *

* In early stages of development, being piloted. ** To be developed


Our leadership development strategy seeks to offer a series of opportunities for young people to get further exposed to outdoor adventure ministry. ALTURAS, which means elevations, is designed as a 10-week, adventure based discipleship program with a focus on the concept of service. The core goals of the program are to: Form Character Develop Potential Discover Calling This program began with one 10-week session in September-November of 2012, we envision expanding to an additional session in the spring and eventually a short summer session, with 8-10 participants per session.

The FRONTERAS internship is the next step in the leadership development cycle, working at a deeper level with only 4 -6 participants over a period of 9 months. The focus of this experience is squarely on leadership, spiritual formation and on adventure design. These individuals will be given the tools and empowered to create the transforming environments for retreat groups. This program, piloted in 2013-2014 with four participants, remains to be developed and strengthened. The successful launch of these programs bring the added benefit of being able to open our doors wider to school groups and corporations, who typically prefer to come mid-week.

Developing Programs

Outdoor Education programs targeting elementary age children are an important stepping stone in our long term goal of developing outdoor leaders. There are very few opportunities for urban children to get out and experience nature, and weve seen an increasing interest from schools in Quito.

Corporate Team Building offers an opportunity of impacting a hard to reach demographic, and at the same time providing a stream of income for helping to sustain the ministry financially. We are currently one of the only venues in the Quito area that could potentially offer this service.

Empowerment Involve Someone Else Teaching to Fish Entrusting Responsibility to others NatureConnecting to LIFE through the rhythm of retreat in nature Inviting people to a healthy rhythm of encountering God in nature Enjoying and caring for Gods Creation Staff taking intentional solo times and sabbaticals RiskWhen comfort ends growth begins Inviting people to environments of perceived and real risk Fail Forward/embracing failure as an opportunity for growth Exposing ourselves to new ideas and experiences Intentionality Start with why Aim Small Miss Small Designing customized experiences Make it happen Evaluate Everything/Always Debrief Churchreally. Developing meaningful and strategic relationships with churches Connecting people to churches Creating trainings that will bless churches Leading with questions Holistic TransformationFacilitating authentic and comprehensive, Christ-centered, life change Calling on and trusting God to work Developing meaningful relationships Listening and looking for God Seeing and Hearing People Bringing Light Planting Seeds of truth and renewal in peoples hearts

Identity in ChristIndividuals get their life from the core truth that they are loved and created by a good God. The consistent practice of healthy disciplines for Christ-centered holistic formation.

Meaningful and significant relationships for mutual edification.

A clear vision of my role in Gods Kingdom.

Targeting clearly defined results for personal growth and Kingdom impact.

Hacienda El Refugio exists to facilitate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through nature and outdoor adventure. This is accomplished within the framework of a 4-point strategy: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify with the Group Create an Environment Facilitate for Transformation Empower to Pursue Abundant Life

This is a powerful process that we have seen work over and over, regardless of the group, age of the participants or their backgrounds. It is applied to every individual or group that comes out, and it is also applied on a macro level to groups such as youth-at-risk or interns. Ultimately, when you get people in a setting out of their comfort zone and challenge them, and then help them to process the experience, amazing growth happens. We hope to see leaders leading better, deeper relationships with Christ, churches renewed, and outdoor ministry multiplied.

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, bring them into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to them.Then I will give them their vineyards from there, And the valley of Achor as a door of hope. And they will sing there as in the days of their youth, As in the day when they came up from the land of Egypt. - Hosea 2:14-15

All international workers at Hacienda El Refugio are funded through personal support raising efforts. Here are some common questions related to fundraising:

Why is it necessary to raise funds?

In general, adventure programming is expensive, and is not a big money maker. Now imagine bringing these incredible experiences to a cultural demographic where 30% of the population lives below the poverty line, and where the minimum wage is below $2 an hour. Fundraising is a major part of making this type of experience as accessible as possible.

Why is it awesome to raise funds?

Building faith through seeing Gods incredible provision. Involving way more people in what He is doing. Stewarding resources to be a blessing to those with less. All. Around. Blessing.

How long does it take to raise funds?

For those who participate in the fundraising training offered through International Teams, recent averages indicate that most are fully funded within 100 days.

What expenses are covered?

The typical budget for an international worker will include everything from setup costs such as travel, furnishing a home and purchasing a vehicle to ongoing expenses including rent, food and houshold, education, transportation, communications, medical and life insurance, savings, retirement contributions and discretionary funds. Typically a budget sample will be provided to work from in creating your budget, which is submitted to the Youth World Team Leader for approval. Quito, Ecuador
Over 2.5 Million inhabitants Roughly 50% under the age of 18 95% Roman Catholic, 4% Protestant, 1% Other

International Teams is a multi-national organization that exists to see lives and communities transformed by the power of God. There are over 1200 workers around the world, working on over 200 teams. Founded in 1994, Youth World exists to identify, teach and equip leaders to impact young people and families to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Something that drives us is the startling statistic that 95% of the worlds trained youth workers work in North America, with only 5% of the worlds Youth. As one of Youth Worlds 6 ministry areas, this mission permeates Hacienda El Refugio. Developing Leaders who will impact youth throughout Latin America compels us to go beyond being simply a traditional outdoor ministry or camp. Empowering a multiplying movement of outdoor leaders runs through our veins.

1. Initial Contact 2. Application to International Teams 3. Visit and Youth World Interview. We recommend a short visit of 1-2 weeks (for both applicant and spouse) as an essential piece of the decision-making process. We recognize moving to a different country is a huge transition and our desire is to discern Gods voice as well as set people up for long term success. 4. Acceptance and Job Description. If both International Teams and Youth World accept the application, an invitation to join the team is extended along with a job description. 5. Fundraising. At this point an account can be opened with IT, well help you put together a budget for approval, and then the fundraising process can begin. 6. Training. There are 3 training components that must be completed before coming to Ecuador. The first is a fundraising training, recommended as early on in the process as possible. The other 2 trainings happen at IT headquarters in Elgin, IL. One is an IT orientation (which also can happen earlier) and the other is ITs main pre-field training, a 4-week session at the headquarters. 7. Language Acquisition. Language is such a huge part of a successful transition to overseas ministry. Youth Worlds language requirement is that the new team members achieve an Advanced Low proficiency before beginning their role on the field. We highly recommend at least two trimesters of language training at the language institute in San Jose, Costa Rica or something comparable. 8. Onboarding. The Youth World onboarding process includes pre-field tasks like acquiring a visa to enter Ecuador, as well as in country paper-work, Youth World orientations, cultural orientations, drivers licenses, housing setup, purchasing a vehicle, etc. The Tree House at Hacienda El Refugio. This is a special space, built in 2006. The intention was to create an enchanting, purely relational space, built solely for the purpose of reflection, prayer and spiritual formation in a spectacular natural setting.

Sunset from basecamp of Cayambe Volcano hours before attempting to summit. (18889 ft.)

Wed love to answer any questions you may have. If you are interested in exploring this with us please contact Paul Reichert:

Email: Skype:

Paul has served at Hacienda El Refugio since 2003 and as the Director since 2010. He is married to Beth and they have 3 kids, Jack, Carleigh and Tilghman.

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