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Concept & Category


Highest Level of Performance

High amount of creativity in design and includes all requirements: At least two species are represented At least two abiotic factors are present Construction of terrarium is clearly based on chosen biome

Criteria Middle Level of Performance

Some amount of creativity and includes some of the requirements: Only one species is represented Only one abiotic factor is present Construction of terrarium is loosely based on chosen biome

Lowest Level of Performance

No creativity and does not have either one of the requirements: No species represented No abiotic factors are present Construction of terrarium is not related to chosen biome

Log Book

Construction: Construction: One entry per school Missing up to 2 entries day Observations are only partially Observations are detailed or general and entries are detailed and pictures missing pictures are included General parameters are given to Specific parameters measure success of terrarium are given in first Description or amount of each entry to measure abiotic and biotic factor are missing success of terrarium for the creation and for every Description and modification of the terrarium amount of each abiotic and biotic factor are included for the creation and for every modification of the terrarium.

Construction: Missing more than 2 entries There are vague, general, or no observations given and no or few pictures included No parameters are given to measure success of terrarium Description and amount of each abiotic and biotic factor are missing from entries for the creation and for every modification of the terrarium

Concepts: Rationales for any modifications to the terrarium demonstrate mastery of concepts meaning: Students summarize how the knowledge of the water cycle has affected the amount of water they needed to add to their terrariums Students identify how their terrariums provide the reactants for their plants to photosynthesize and explain how the amounts of each can affect the health of their plants. Students summarize how the carbon cycle affects the abiotic and biotic factors of their terrariums. Students relate photosynthesis and cellular respiration to the carbon cycle Students explain how energy moves through their terrariums Students model the

Concepts: Rationales for any modifications to the terrarium demonstrate partial mastery of concepts meaning: Explanations of concepts are general rather than specific. One to four of the seven concepts described to the left are missing from rationales Rationales for why student did not make certain changes may be included, but are not detailed. Some rationales may be missing.

Concepts: Rationales for any modifications to the terrarium have not been included or are incomplete. Only one to three of the seven concepts in the left column are present and these concepts are explained generally rather than in detail. Rationales are not given for why student did not make certain changes to the terrarium.


flow of energy with a food chain/web using the organisms within their terrarium Students provide the importance of decomposers and producers to the health of their terrarium Rationales for why students did not make certain changes as well. These rationales must be based upon concepts above. Poster format is clear and easy to follow. Quality of work is good and shows students insight and hard work. Biome and recommendations for SafeHaven are included on poster. Recommendations are based upon observations in terrariums and concepts learned.

Final visual aid format is cluttered. Quality of work is fair and shows some insight. May not have biome or recommendation included on poster. Recommendations are not fully supported by observations in terrarium and concepts learned.

Final visual aid format is impossible to follow. Quality of work is unsatisfactory and does not show insight. Neither biome nor abstract are included on poster. Recommendations are not supported by observations of terrarium and concepts learned.

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