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Battle of the Elves

It was a summer evening in Barkwood when Pedro, the dark necromancer, wanted vengeance for the death of his master, whom the wood elves slayed. So the necromancer summoned his own army of 15 giant trolls, 42 orcs, and 221 goblins to attack the elves. Pedro sent his army to destroy every elf and burn every house inside the kingdom. While Pedros army marched towards the elves an army of dwarves noticed the army.

The army of dwarves where headed on a quest to the west of Barkwood, to regain their old territory of Bargia. To the east of Barkwwod was the elven kingdom. After the dwarves noticed the army of Pedro they secretly followed them. Then the dwarves hid behind some trees on the top of a mountain near where they could see the elven kingdom and Pedros army and later attack at the right time.
Suddenly one of the main gate keepers saw far away a huge amount of goblins. Then he saw the orcs and giant trolls. The gate keeper trembling went running to the kings palace and warned the king that an army of trolls, goblins, and orcs were headed to his kingdom. Then Thran the elven king ordered 50 archers and 150 soldiers to defend the kingdom, which wasnt enough to fight the necromancer.

Every archer was ready with their bow and arrows on top of the wall, and every soldier with their swords and shields inside the kingdom. When the necromancers army arrived at thein front of the elven kingdom the trolls marched with their battering rams to the gate while the goblins shot their arrows. While the trolls and goblins fought, the orcs waited in front of the gate waiting for the trolls to destroy the gate.

Then the entrance of the kingdom was brokenbroke when a loud crack boomed below the archers. The gate was broken into two large pieces. Then the trolls, orcs, and goblins rushed inside the kingdom and slayed every elf and burned every house until they got to the kings palace. Suddenly there was a roar of an unknown creature no one ever heard, which was the necromancer on his fearful dragon. The dragon was dark grey, the size of two giant trolls, and it spat fire. The army of the elves was starting to weaken, and fewer soldiers were left to fight the necromancer. The whole kingdom was in fire including the kings palace.

When the last elves left their barracks, the king knew they had lost hope, but he was wrong. An army of dwarves were heading to the elven kingdom when they saw the fire. Mostly every dwarf, elf, or man hated the goblins, orcs, or trolls for joining the necromancer. Then came down an army of about 70 dwarves from the mountain with their axes and shields slicing goblin heads. Soon victory was near but the necromancer could not be defeated easily. The necromancer noticed the dwarves, so with his dragon he flew over to the army and the dragon spat fire at the dwarves.

Then the elven king took his old bow and arrows he used for his first war. He first shot the dragon on its chest and the dragon fell and hit the floor dead. Later the necromancer, who also fell on the floor, got up, and picked up his staff. The necromancer with his staff murmured something to the king. Seconds later the elven king was paralyzed. One of the best archers saw his king about to get killed so he pointed his bow and arrow at the necromancer and released the arrow. Then the necromancer fell on the floor once again with an arrow on his head and turned into dark dust in a spark. The battle was over. Weeks later after rebuilding every house and the kings palace, the elven king went over to the dwarfs kingdom and rewarded the dwarves who helped. At that moment when the elven king and the dwarfs king talked both kings decided an alliance with both races. Days later after the arrival of the elven king at the dwarfs kingdom, the dwarves went again to regain their old homeland of Bargia, whom Pedros master conquered.

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