Unit Plan #3: Our Everyday Lives: Submitted By: Martha Rendon

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Unit Plan #3: Our Everyday Lives

Submitted By: Martha Rendon

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

UNIT PLANNER#3: Our Everyday Lives

Summary of Lesson Plan NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 1 of 2

MONDAY week #1

Students will be able to describe the neighborhood/area that surrounds their school using picture aids. H.3.1.1 Describe the neighborhood Students will be able to look at the around their school. pictures, describe what they see and locate where the object/place in the picture is found around their school.

Take pictures of places around the school. Make sure to pick up butcher paper.

TUESDAY week #1

Students will be able to give examples of routines. Students will also be able to outline their parent/guardians routines and compare/contrast those routines to their own (student) routines.

H.3.1.2 Compare and/or contrast their daily lives with those of their parents or guardians. H.3.1.2A Discuss the daily routines and occupations of parents or guardians.
Make sure to pick up chart paper.


Students will be able to give examples of jobs that help people. Students will also be able to talk about the importance of those jobs in the community.

H.3.1.3 Identify and describe occupations in the community that help people, i.e., police officers, fire fighters, and nurses.

Take in pictures of professions that help people. Make sure ELMO is working.

THURSDAY week #1 FRIDAY week #1

Students will be able to define respect. Students will be able to give H.3.1.4 Demonstrate respect for each Pick up chart paper packet other and people in the examples of showing respect and neighborhood. Pick up different colored markers for explain why respect is important. chart

This will be an extension lesson to continue day four. Students will be able to give examples of people in the community showing respect to one another.

H.3.1.4 Demonstrate respect for each other and people in the Make sure to refer back to chart paper where the class definition of neighborhood.
respect is listed.

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #3

Submitted By: Martha Rendon

UNIT PLANNER#3: Our Everyday Lives

Summary of Lesson Plan NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 2 of 2

MONDAY week #2

Students will be able understand the concept of events. Students H.3.1.5 Discuss events that are will also be able to look at a school happening at the school. calendar and discuss events that will be taking place in their school.

Make 32 copies of school calendar Make 32 copies of School Events handout

H.3.1.2 Compare and/or contrast their daily lives with those of their parents or guardians. H.3.1.2A Discuss the daily routines and occupations of parents or guardians.
TUESDAY week #2

This lesson will be the wrap up to the unit plan. Students will be able to practice being respectful to one another.

H.3.1.3 Identify and describe occupations in the community that help people, i.e., police officers, fire fighters, and nurses. H.3.1.4 Demonstrate respect for each other and people in the neighborhood H.3.1.5 Discuss events that are happening at the school.

Order pizzas in the morning for midday delivery Pick up napkins and paper plates

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

THURSDAY week #2


Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #3

Submitted By: Martha Rendon

UNIT PLANNER#3: Our Everyday Lives

Summary of Lesson Plan NV State Social Studies Objectives

Week 2 of 2

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

FRIDAY week #2

Karen Powell- Instructor

Making a Plan #3

Submitted By: Martha Rendon

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